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1177/0022034519845674Journal de Investigación Dental La Era del Genoma y la Medicina Dental

artículo de investigación 2019

JDR Centennial Series

Revista de Investigación Dental
2019, Vol. 98(9) 949-955
La era del genoma y
© International & American Associations
for Dental Research 2019

Dental Medicine
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0022034519845674

K. Divaris

Understanding the “code of life” and mapping the human genome have been monumental and era-defining scientific landmarks—
analogous to setting foot on the moon. The last century has been characterized by exponential advances in our understanding of
the biological and specifically molecular basis of health and disease. The early part of the 20th century was marked by
fundamental theoretical and scientific advances in understanding heredity, the identification of the DNA molecule and genes, and
the elucidation of the central dogma of biology. The second half was characterized by experimental and increasingly molecular
investigations, including clinical and population applications. The completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 and the
continuous technological advances have democratized access to this information and the ability to generate health and disease
association data; however, the realization of genomic and precision medicine, to practically improve people’s health, has lagged.
The oral health domain has made great strides and substantially benefited from the last century of advances in genetics and
genomics. Observations regarding a hereditary component of dental caries were reported as early as the 1920s. Subsequent
breakthroughs were made in the discovery of genetic causes of rare diseases, such as ectodermal dysplasias, orofacial clefts, and
other craniofacial and dental anomalies. More recently, genome-wide investigations have been conducted and reported for several
diseases and traits, including periodontal disease, dental caries, tooth agenesis, cancers of the head and neck, orofacial pain,
temporomandibular disorders, and craniofacial morphometrics. Gene therapies and gene editing with CRISPR/Cas represent the
latest frontier surpassed in the era of genomic medicine. Amid rapid genomics progress, several challenges and opportunities lie
ahead. Importantly, systematic efforts supported by implementation science are needed to realize the full potential of genomics,
including the improvement of public and practitioner genomics literacy, the promotion of individual and population oral health, and
the reduction of disparities.

Keywords: genomics, genetics, dental caries, periodontal diseases, dentistry, precision medicine
achieve-ments and key contributions in the
domain of oral and cranio-facial health
A Brief History of the Human Genome
Discovery and Exploration
Exploring the origins and boundaries of the observable uni-
verse, discovering the elementary particles that make up our
world, deciphering the human genome—there have been few
human achievements of such magnitude and ambition.
Understanding the “code of life” and mapping the human
genome have been 2 of these monumental and era-defining
sci-entific landmarks, analogous to setting foot on the moon.
While the origins of theories on heredity can be referenced to
ancient philosophers, including Hippocrates and Aristotle,
Mendel’s (1865) work on pea plants, conducted >2,000 years
later, is considered the foundation of most contemporary
work on biology and genetics. The last century has been
character-ized by unprecedented and exponential advances in
our under-standing of the biological, hereditary, and
specifically molecular basis of health and disease. This article
reviews the progress and landmark events in the study of the
human genome during the last century and summarizes the
First Part of the 21st Century: Heritability,
Chromosomes, and Genes
By the beginning of the 21st century, it was already understood that cells are the
fundamental units of life, largely owing to Schwann’s “cell theory” in the mid-
19th century. In the early 20th century, Wilhelm Johannsen (2014) defined and
pio-neered the use of the terms genotype, phenotype, and gene, and independent
work by Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri sup-ported the notion that
chromosomes carry the genetic material. Around the same time, research done
by European scientists, including Hugo De Vries, Erich von Tschermak and Carl

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of North
Carolina–Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Department of Epidemiology, Gillings School of Global Health, University of North
Carolina–Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA

Corresponding Author:
K. Divaris, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of
North Carolina–Chapel Hill, Koury Oral Health Sciences Building, Chapel Hill,
NC 27599-7450, USA. Email:
950 Journal of Dental Research 98(9)

Figure 1. X-ray diffraction images of fibrous DNA used to theorize and support the double-helix structure by Watson and Crick in 1953
(reprinted with permission).

Correns affirmed and repopularized Mendel’s work on genet- and Nirenberg 1965)—an achievement for which he was awarded
ics and inheritance, although most of its mechanistic aspects the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1968. Further
remained elusive. advances were catalyzed by the rapid development of techniques
Building on this momentum, Thomas Hunt Morgan’s (1919, and technologies for DNA sequencing pioneered by Frederick
1926) experimental work, in collaboration with Alfred Henry Sanger in 1977 (Sanger et al. 1977) and subsequently the
Sturtevant, Calvin Blackman Bridges, and Herman Joseph Muller, development of polymerase chain reaction by Kary Mullis (Saiki
provided the much-needed first scientific evidence for hereditary et al. 1988). In the 1960s, a pioneer in the field, Victor
transmission mechanisms explaining Mendel’s theory, including the McKusick, developed a catalog of Mendelian traits and disor-
fact that chromosomes carry genes. Importantly, Sturtevant’s (1913) ders, entitled Mendelian Inheritance in Man (McKusick 2016).
graduate work under the supervision of Morgan demon-strated that Today, the online evolution of the catalogue (OMIM) is the ref-
genes can be arranged onto a linear map on a chromo-some. In sum, erence, authoritative compendium of human genes and genetic
Morgan’s scientific and conceptual contributions set the stage for phenotypes. Meanwhile, genetic discoveries with immediate
subsequent genetics research and initiated a new wave in clinical relevance began to emerge. Trisomy 21 was linked to
experimental and evolutionary biology. Down syndrome (Lejeune et al. 1959), while Huntington’s dis-
For the next 2 decades, the building blocks for the discovery ease was mapped to chromosome 4 (Gusella et al. 1983) and
of structure and function of the genome were incrementally set. attributed to a specific trinucleotide repeat (Andrew et al. 1993).
In 1933, Jean Brachet suggested that DNA is found in the cell
nucleus. Seven years later, setting the stage for the central dogma
of biology, Beadle and Tatum (1941) proposed the “one gene– The New Era: Three Decades of Genomics
one enzyme” hypothesis, and in 1944, Oswald Avery (Avery et The term genomics made a bold debut in an editorial by
al. 1944) suggested that DNA is a “transforming principle.” In Victor McKusick and Frank Ruddle (1987), published in the
1950, Erwin Chargaff reported that adenine: thymine and first issue of the eponymous journal Genomics. Shortly after,
cytosine:guanine ratios are equal while the balance of A-T and C- one of the most ambitious undertakings ever was launched:
G ratios varies among species, and he went on to suggest that the Human Genome Project—a $2.7 billion, 15-y project
DNA “could very well serve as one of the agents, or possibly the carried out by an unprecedented collaboration of several US-
agent, concerned with the transmission of inherited properties.” based and international public and private institutions (Collins
et al. 2003). The first draft of the human genome was
Second Part of the 21st Century: announced in 2001, and a finished sequence was achieved in
2003 (International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium
DNA and the “Code of Life” 2004). The completion of this milestone was quickly followed
In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick, aided by observations by intense discourse by multiple stakeholders regarding its
made by Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins, publish their rele-vance to health care and the ways that it was expected to
seminal work on the double-helix structure of the DNA mole- change the practice of medicine (i.e., “genomic medicine”;
cule (Fig. 1). Less than a decade later, Nirenberg and Matthaei Strasser 2003; Green et al. 2011).
(1961) started to unravel the genetic code by reporting that a The completion of the Human Genome Project has given
synthetic triplet of DNA polynucleotide letters (a UUU codon) birth to several other large projects that extend or build on it,
could direct protein synthesis and encode a polyphenylalanine including the HapMap (International HapMap Consortium
protein. Subsequently, Nirenberg went on to report the “code of 2003), ENCODE (ENCODE Project Consortium 2012), 1000
life,” the nucleotide sequences encoding amino acids (Bernfield Genomes Project Consortium (2015), and the Haplotype
The Era of the Genome and Dental Medicine 951

Reference Consortium (McCarthy et al. 2016).

Although most of the genome’s function
genetic material 1900
remains unknown, epigenetics is now under-
Studies of heritability 1910
stood as a key mechanism of DNA regulation Understanding that 1920 Hereditary component of dental caries suggested
chromosomes carry genes

(Felsenfeld and Groudine 2003). In parallel, the

DNA is found in cell nucleus

Human Microbiome Project (Turnbaugh et al.

“one gene-one enzyme” 1940
2007) has spearheaded the study of microbial DNA suggested as the agent Hereditary component of dentinogenesis imperfecta,

dentin dysplasia, enamel hypoplasia, tooth agenesis,

concerned with transmission

genomics and its role in human health and of inherited properties Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and ankyloglossia suggested

disease. Trisomy 21 linked to Down Syndrome 1960 Genetic basis of 3rd molar agenesis

Discovery of double-helix DNA structure

At present, technological advances have Hereditary component of periodontal

Genetic code identi ed 1970 diseases suggested

made it possible to sequence an entire human
DNA (Sanger) sequencing

genome (i.e., whole genome sequencing) in a 1980 Genetic analyses of orofacial clefts
Huntington's disease mapped to chromosome 4

matter of days and at a cost of ~$1,000. AMELX identi ed as cause of

Development of polymerase chain reaction X-linked amelogenesis imperfecta

Consequently, several investigations have been 1990

Genomics term emerges

CFTR linked with enamel defects

undertaken during the last 10 y seeking to iden- Human genome project launches

PAX9 linked to palatogenesis

tify genomic markers (i.e., single markers, First draft of the human genome 2000 and tooth organ development

often referred to as single-nucleotide polymor- Human genome project completed

phisms) associated with rare and common dis- HapMap project First GWAS of periodontal disease
eases or traits. Currently, an impressive number 1000 genomes project First GWAS of dental caries

of associations between genomic regions and Report of in utero EDA replacement

Haplotype Reference Consortium

TOPMed Consortium therapy for X-linked anhidrotic

health traits have been reported (MacArthur et ectodermal dysplasia including

>24,000 unique variant-trait associations in GWAS catalogue 2020 tooth development e–ects
al. 2017)—as of September 1, 2016, there were

>24,000 unique single-nucleotide polymor-

phism–trait associations reported from genome- Figure 2. Timeline of genome research (left side) and oral health–specific landmark
wide association studies. In contrast, only 59 evolvements and illustrative reports (right side) since 1900.
genetic polymorphisms are considered report-
able (to research participants) according to the American
College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (Kalia et al. 2017).
It is uncommon for genome-wide association studies or whole
genome sequencing results to be immediately actionable, espe-
cially in the context of common complex diseases with sub-
stantial environmental or behavioral components; however,
these studies continue to generate valuable insights and novel
discoveries in the etiology of several important human diseases
(Manolio et al. 2009). At the same time, ethical, legal, social,
and diversity issues have been long recognized in genomics
research, and the US National Institutes of Health has embarked
on a bold strategy and research program to tackle some of these
challenges (Sankar and Parker 2017). Ultimately, the advent of
precision medicine (Collins and Varmus 2015) is expected to
improve health via a more precise accounting for individual
variability via (but not limited to) genomics.

Advances in Genomics and

Dental Medicine
Genetics Insights for Dental and
Craniofacial Health Traits and Conditions Figure 3. Proportion of discordant (in terms of dental caries) pairs of
first permanent molar teeth among monozygotic and dizygotic twins,
There have been great strides and early reports on the heritable used by Mansbridge in 1959 to support the joint environmental and
nature of oral and craniofacial traits, parallel to other systemic genetic contributions to dental caries (reprinted with permission).
conditions and traits (Fig. 2). Observations regarding a heredi-
tary component of dental caries were reported as early as in the hereditary diseases, including dentinogenesis imperfecta, den-
1920s (Kappes 1928; Bunting 1934; Klein and Palmer 1940; tin dysplasia, enamel hypoplasia, tooth agenesis, Ehlers-
Hunt et al. 1944). In a key paper while at the National Institute of Danlos, ankyloglossia, and dental caries (Witkop 1958).
Dental Research, Carl Witkop, who later edited the book Mansbridge (1959) reported on the joint contribution of
Genetics and Dental Health, presented an overview of dental environment and genetics to dental caries among a group of
952 Journal of Dental Research 98(9)

224 Scottish twins. Similar to previous investigators, he found The Genomics Era
that discordance in dental caries experience (e.g., as measured in
first permanent molars; Fig. 3) was less in monozygous than More recently, genome-wide association studies have enabled
dizygous twins. On the basis of these observations, he went on to interrogation of large proportions of the variation in the human
suggest that environmental and genetic factors are both important genome (as opposed to candidate-gene studies)—they have been
for caries development. A few years later, Garn et al. (1963) conducted and reported for several oral and craniofacial diseases
reported on the genetic basis of third molar agenesis and the and traits, including periodontal disease (Schaefer et al. 2010;
associated size reduction of remaining teeth, while Goodman Divaris et al. 2013; Teumer et al. 2013), adult (Wang et al. 2012;
(1965) discussed the genetic contribution of dento-facial Zeng et al. 2014; Morrison et al. 2016) and child-hood
development in general. Gorlin et al. (1967) conducted a (Ballantine et al. 2018; Haworth et al. 2018) dental caries, tooth
literature review and concluded that although a genetic contri- agenesis (Jonsson et al. 2018), orofacial clefts (Marazita et al.
bution to periodontal disease is plausible and likely, it was not 2009; Dixon et al. 2011), cancers of the head and neck (Lesseur
possible to be confirmed from the available data and the inher-ent et al. 2016), orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders
complexity and multifactorial etiology of the disease. Some of (Sanders et al. 2017; Smith et al. 2018), and facial shape (Claes
these issues, relevant to and affecting the outcomes of genomic et al. 2018). Above and beyond the discovery of novel genomic
studies of caries and periodontal disease, remain today. In 1984, contributions to these conditions, information that has been
Marazita and colleagues reported on genetic findings for generated from this line of research and its aggre-gation in the
orofacial clefting from an analysis of a large sam-ple of Danish context of large-scale collaborative consortia has enabled the
kindreds. application of novel methodological approaches for the
investigation of causal effects (e.g., Mendelian randomiza-tion;
In more recent contributions, Lagerström et al. (1991)
Shungin et al. 2015) and the study of oral systemic disease
iden-tified a deletion in the amelogenin gene as causative for
connections via derivation of genetic correlations between oral
X-linked amelogenesis imperfecta. Wright et al. (1996)
and systemic traits (Shungin 2018).
reported that the CFTR cystic fibrosis–causing mutation also
caused enamel defects. In 1997, Kornman and colleagues
reported on an association between an interleukin 1 beta The Future: Translation of Genomics Knowledge to
genotype and periodontal disease.
The discovery of the role of PAX9 in tooth organ develop- Genome Editing and Molecular Therapies
ment (Stockton et al. 2000) and palatogenesis (Lan et al. 2004) in The available information on phenotype-genotype associations
the early 21st century, aside from providing novel mechanistic will continue to increase, likely at an accelerated pace. There is
insights into signaling pathways at play, set the stage for the sub- an opportunity for the oral health community and dentistry to
sequent development of effective, molecularly based therapies. accelerate their pace on both the discovery and education fronts.
This was accomplished in the context of X-linked hypohidrotic With saliva being an accessible, easy-to-collect medium enabling
ectodermal dysplasia, which is known to result in oligodontia. genomic studies and with routine dental visits occur-ring at
Schneider et al. (2018) recently reported the successful in utero regular intervals, oral health professionals are in an advantageous
protein replacement therapy with recombinant ectodysplasin in 3 position. Importantly, the realization that the human microbiome
embryos: at ages 14 to 22 mo, the 3 infants had shown clinical is key player for health (Cho and Blaser 2012), essentially
improvements and demonstrated more-than-expected tooth buds. functioning as an organ that is influenced by factors both
In parallel, Jia et al. (2017) demonstrated that anti-ecto-dysplasin environmental and innate, further increases the value of
receptor agonist antibody therapy was effective in resolving potentially sampling or monitoring the oral microbi-ome via
palate defects in PAX9-deficient mice. Enzyme-replacement meta- (i.e., microbial) genomics. For these and more reasons, the
therapy has also been recently used for the treat-ment of dental and allied health education communities should be on the
hypophosphatasia, showing improved clinical outcomes in forefront of genomics education. Meanwhile, direct-to-consumer
human trials (Whyte et al. 2012) and reduction of associated genetic and genomics testing services are a reality, exerting
dental, specifically enamel, defects in mice (Yadav et al. 2012). positive pressure to both the professional and educational aspects
Numerous other investigations undertaken during the last of dentistry.
century have led to discoveries of the genetic causes of rare Importantly, gene therapies and gene editing with clustered
diseases, such as ectodermal dysplasias, orofacial clefts, and regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) /
other craniofacial and dental anomalies. A detailed and CRISPR-associated nucleases (CRISPR/Cas) systems repre-sent
insight-ful overview of genetics and genomics developments the latest frontier surpassed in the era of genomic medicine
as they relate to oral and craniofacial health research was (Cong et al. 2013; Allen et al. 2019). Personalized (or, rather,
published by Slavkin (2012). Along the same lines, Vieira et precision) cancer treatment, targeted pharmacotherapies, and
al. (2014) offered an excellent review of human genomics prenatal testing and interventions are currently some of the most
research spe-cifically in dental caries, and Schaefer (2018) active areas for genomics applications. The opportunity for the
and Morelli et al. (2019) recently reported comprehensive oral and craniofacial domain is enormous and extends beyond the
reviews on the genet-ics of periodontal disease and tooth acceleration of mechanistic, biological research (Fig. 4). Potential
morbidity (i.e., dental car-ies and tooth loss). applications include the development of
The Era of the Genome and Dental Medicine 953

Figure 4. Illustration of applications of the clustered, regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) / CRISPR-associated
nucleases (CRISPR/Cas) system in oral and craniofacial biology, as reported by Yu et al. 2019 (reprinted with permission). iPSCs,
induced pluripotent stem cell; MSCs, mesenchymal stem cells.

precise molecular therapies, tissue engineering and The improvement of individual and population health via the
craniofacial defect restoration, and microbiome- and emerging genomics discoveries and knowledge base is a major
pharmacotherapy-related interventions (Yu et al. 2018). opportunity, but it is also faced with numerous chal-lenges—
arguably, an implementation science approach is needed to
realize the full potential of genomics and precision health care
Our Responsibility: Improving Individual and (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
2016; Roberts et al. 2017). Improving the genomics literacy of
Population Oral Health via Advances in Genomics
current and future oral health professionals should be a priority,
In this era of rapid genomics developments and expanding and efforts in this direction can be made while discoveries are
applications, several challenges and opportunities lie ahead. being made, in all levels of oral health educa-tion. Community
First, and based on the experience of the Human Genome engagement is another major direction of necessary action—in
Project, maintaining a truly collaborative spirit is key for the terms of increasing the diversity and rep-resentativeness of
acceleration and translation of scientific discovery. genomics results but also for illuminating gaps and opportunities
International cross-disciplinary collaborations and intentional in our translational program. There is a growing ethical
team science approaches, as embodied by Trans-Omics for responsibility for the dissemination of genom-ics knowledge and
Precision Medicine (Brody et al. 2017) and Gene-Lifestyle the increase in genomics research diversity. Genomics
Interactions in Dental Endpoints (Shungin et al. 2019), are information can and will be used to keep people healthier and
ideal vehicles for advancing the field. At the same time, oral improve their lives—and with it, there remain the responsibilities
health endpoints and clinical data collection have yet to be to do no harm and reduce health inequalities.
included in the pro-tocol of bold large-scale genomics efforts
such as the All of Us research program (Sankar and Parker Author Contributions
2017). The oral health community and its stakeholders must K. Divaris, contributed to conception, design, data acquisition,
remain at the discussion table and advocate for the inclusion analysis, and interpretation, drafted and critically revised the
of oral health as a funda-mental element of precision health man-uscript. The author gave final approval and agrees to be
and care (versus strictly precision medicine). account-able for all aspects of the work.
954 Journal of Dental Research 98(9)

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