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Activity 5.

(Pinagtagpo Pero di tinadhana)

Leonor Valenzuela

How they met:

After Segunda came Leonor Valenzuela who came

from Pagsanjan. Rizal would send her love letters
written with invisible ink, which could only be
read by way of a lamp or candlelight.

How ot ended:

Unfortunately, he had to say goodbye to her on

the night before he left for Spain.
Leonor Rivera

How they met:

They met in Manila when Leonor was 13 years old,

and even as Rizal left for Europe two years later,
the two kept up their correspondence, which
supposedly kept Rizal inspired during his studies.

How ot ended:

Rizal’s letters to Leonor went unacknowledged for

a whole year, as Leonor married Henry Charles
Kipping, an English railway engineer-but not
because she wanted to. Her mother preferred Kipping
over Rizal, and to convince Leonor to marry
Kipping, she said Rizal was engaged to Ferdinand
Blumentritt's daughter.
Consuelo Ortiga Y Rey

How they met:

Consuelo wrote in her diary that she first met

Rizal in Madrid on September 16, 1882, and
apparently they talked the whole night (always a
promising start to any relationship). Sources say
she had a penchant for asking Rizal to write her
poems and verses, and he would happily comply. The
most well- known of these is entitled A La Señorita
C.O. y R.

How ot ended:

Circumstances happened. One of Rizal's

compatriots, Eduardo de Lete, apparently had his
eye on Consuelo, which forced Rizal to back out of
whatever budding relationship he had with her.
Also, he was still engaged to Leonor Rivera, which
he probably should have thought of before even
considering starting something with another woman.
O Sei-San

How they met:

Rizal started working at the Spanish Legation in

February 1888. Seiko caught his eye one afternoon
while she was walking in the garden, and Rizal
found out from a gardener who she was. Given that
Seiko spoke both English and French, she and Rizal
managed to strike up a friendship and eventually a
relationship, and she taught him Japanese as well.
Dates were spent exploring parks, shrines, and
museums such as the Imperial Art Gallery.

How ot ended:

After a month-long relationship, Rizal had to

leave for San Francisco in April 1888.
Gertrude Beckett

How they met:

After Rizal's stay in the US, Rizal headed to

London and stayed in the boarding house run by
Charles Beckett. Gettie was keen on Rizal, helping
him with his artwork. Supposedly, her assistance
helped Rizal finish his works, namely, 'Prometheus
Bound', 'The Triumph of Death over Life,' and 'The
Triumph of Science over Death.'

How ot ended:

It's pretty safe to say that nothing really

happened between them in the first place, save for
the crush Gettie had on "Pettie" (this was her
nickname for Rizal). Some sources say that it was
only Gettie who wanted more out of their
friendship, while others say that Rizal got cold
feet, which made him decide to leave London for
Paris in March 1889, possibly in an effort to let
Gettie down easy.
Suzanne Jacoby

How they met:

Someone keep Rizal away from boarding houses.

His six-month stay in the city saw him spending a
lot of time with Suzanne, and they attended the
city's summertime festival together.

How it ended:

It seems that he just wasn’t into her. Rizal

left her a box of chocolates, which she didn't even
open, possibly to keep as a memento. She wrote him
two months later, telling him about the unopened
box of chocolates and urging him to hurry back. In
another letter she sent him, Suzanne wondered if
Rizal even thought about her, and resigned herself
to the fact that she might not see him again. He
ended up returning to Brussels in April 1891, but
only so he could keep working on El Filibusterismo.
Nellie Boustead

How they met:

Rizal had been friends with her family, and he

used to fence with Nellie and her sister Adelina at
Juan Luna's studio. In February 1891, Rizal stayed
at the Villa Eliada, the Bousteads' winter
residence in Biarritz on the French Riviera.
Apparently, it got to the point where Rizal
actually considered proposing to Nellie, although
it might have been the rebound blues talking; at
the time, he had just learned that Leonor Rivera
got married to someone else, which probably
prompted him to think, "Hey, you know what? I'm
gonna get married too! That'll show her!"

How it ended:

Nellie wanted Rizal to convert to Protestantism,

and her mother didn't approve of a man who couldn't
give her daughter a good life. But it didn't end in
tears, as the two had a pretty amicable breakup and
she even wished him well in a letter as he was
about to leave Europe.
Josephine Bracken

How they met:

Josephine, together with her adoptive father

George Taufer, sailed to the Philippines and then
to Dapitan to see Rizal, as Taufer's eyes required
medical attention and Rizal had already developed
an impressive reputation as an eye specialist.
Josephine and Rizal eventually fell in love,
although Rizal's sisters thought she was a spy for
the Spanish, and they lived together in Barangay
Talisay in Dapitan. Their son Francisco was

How it ended:
After Rizal's death, Josephine returned to Hong
Kong and lived with her father. In 1900, she
married Vicente Abad and they had a daughter named
Dolores. Josephine died of tuberculosis at the age
of 25. Others say she returned to the Philippines
and lived in Cebu with her husband and taught
English at various institutions.
Activity 6
Using any meme generator app or website, create
your meme that is related to Rizal’s love life.

be like on Rizal's Love Life:


peopleparties/58058/the-women-of-jose-rizal /rizals-

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