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pedagogical \ped-uh-GAH-jih-kul\ adjective.

: of, relating to, or befitting a teacher or


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➔ Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs and Integration Mattias Tesfaye commented: ‘We
are facing one of the biggest refugee crises on the European continent since World
War II. When there is war in Denmark's immediate area, we obviously have a great
responsibility to help. That is why, together with the social partners, we have
discussed how we can help the Ukrainians into the working community as soon as
possible. In recent years, many companies and Syrian refugees have used the IGU
scheme, which ensures 2 years of work and education. Now we have also agreed to
open education up to the Ukrainians who can receive a residence permit under the
special law. I think that is good.’

On the stance of ukrainian refugees we have passed 4 laws

A special law on the reception of Ukrainian refugees in Denmark was adopted in March

The coordination of support initiatives for Ukrainian refugees in Denmark is a joint

responsibility of several ministries. With the approval of the law on temporary residence
permits for persons displaced from Ukraine (and three related laws), Denmark's
municipalities are assigned with an important and demanding task, namely the reception of
displaced children and young people. The law makes it possible for displaced persons from
Ukraine to obtain a temporary residence permit within a short time after arriving in Denmark.
Another crucial aspect is that young Ukrainian refugees entering the country be admitted to
school and leisure activities as soon as possible to become part of Danish society.

Ukrainian young people offered language support in Denmark

According to the special law, young Ukrainians are entitled to school admission in the district
where they live. As newly arrived young refugees are often presumed to need language
support , the municipalities may at the time of admission allocate these young people to a
school other than the district school for pedagogical reasons. This is assessed based on a
thorough individual evaluation of each student's linguistic needs.

The humanitarian situation in Ukraine is extremely grave . The human costs are high and
humanitarian needs extensive. one third of the total population are displaced internally or
fled to other countries. The crisis has placed extreme humanitarian pressures on Ukraine
and neighbouring countries. We are doing as much as we can to support them with our
resources and as a friend.
Extra please don’t try to use ………………

The humanitarian situation in Ukraine is extremely critical. The human costs are high and
humanitarian needs extensive. The UN estimates that one third of the total population are
displaced internally or fled to other countries. The crisis has placed extreme humanitarian
pressures on Ukraine and neighbouring countries. Denmark supports through several

In addition to previous support, Denmark has allocated DKK 155 million (approx. EUR 20.6
million) for humanitarian activities in Ukraine and neighbouring countries. The activities
include humanitarian mine action, shelter of displaced persons, food security and protection
of women and girls against gender based violence. The aid package also includes financing
of mobile housing units deployed to UNHCR shelter operations delivered by the Danish
Emergency Management Agency

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