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Read the following text about immigration and fill in the blanks with the

appropriate word from the list provided.

Intercept, trafficking, sovereignty, disembark, perilous, asylum seeker,

Immigration is the process of people moving from one country to another for a
variety of reasons. Some people migrate to find better job opportunities, while
others may be escaping political persecution or war. Unfortunately, immigration
can also involve (1)________, where people are smuggled across borders for the
purposes of exploitation. This can be a (2)_______ journey for those involved,
and can even result in death.
When people arrive in a new country, they may seek asylum or refugee status. An
(3)_______ is someone who is seeking protection from persecution in their home
country, while a (4)_______ is someone who has been forced to leave their home
country due to war or other forms of violence. It is the responsibility of the
host country to determine whether the applicant meets the criteria for asylum or
refugee status, while also respecting their own (5)_______.
Once an applicant has been granted asylum or refugee status, they are allowed to
(6)_______ in the host country. This can be a difficult process, as they may
face language barriers, discrimination, and difficulty finding work. However,
many countries have programs to help newcomers integrate into society and become
productive members of their new communities.

Read the following text and fill in the gaps with the correct word from the word
Word Bank: flashpoint, extradite, detention, liability, debt, accuse, aid, plead
guilty, outbreak, fraudulent

In recent months, tensions between the two neighboring countries have reached a
____________. The dispute began when one country accused the other of providing
____________ to a group of rebels. The government of the accused country denies
the allegations and has refused to ____________ the rebels' leaders to the other
As a result, the government of the accusing country has imposed sanctions on the
accused country and has frozen their assets in an attempt to force them to
comply with their demands. The accused country is now facing a severe economic
crisis and is unable to pay its ____________ to foreign creditors.
In addition, several officials from the accused country have been arrested and
are currently in ____________ in the accusing country. They are ____________ of
participating in the rebel group and of committing ____________ activities. Some
of them have already ____________ and have been sentenced to lengthy prison
The situation has escalated further with the recent ____________ of a deadly
virus in the accusing country. The authorities of the accusing country have
blamed the outbreak on the accused country and have demanded that they take
responsibility for it.
Despite the mounting pressure, the accused country continues to deny any
wrongdoing and has refused to admit ____________ to the charges. The
international community is closely monitoring the situation and is urging both
countries to resolve their differences peacefully.

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