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The Relationship between and among the Self, Society, and Culture

Self is defined as an individually existing, acting human being, as are all

other human beings. The actions of individual human beings create the
interaction of relationships, which is always individual personal interaction.
While a society, or a human society, is a group of people involved with each
other through persistent relations. Culture is the way of life of a group of
people--the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols.

Self, society, and culture are all parts of the human experience. The self is
shaped by the influence of society and culture while the society and culture
are shaped by the behavior and attitudes of the people, the self. Self is a
reflection of the behaviors values and beliefs; of our cultures and individuals
that lives in society. Society and culture provide individuals with a set of values
and beliefs, a shared language, social norms and expectations, and a sense of
belonging and identity. In turn, individuals contribute to society and culture
by participating in it and shaping its values, beliefs, and behaviors. Therefore
self, society, and culture are interconnected, with each influencing and being
influenced by the others.

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