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Based on your amended conceptual framework, your research questions, research objectives and

research hypotheses should be as follows:

Research questions:

1. Does production quality has a positive and significant influence on box office success of
Malaysian films?
2. Does movie genre has a positive and significant influence on box office success of
Malaysian films?
3. Does number of cinema has a positive and significant influence on box office success of
Malaysian films?
4. Does audience motivation moderate the relationship between production quality and box office
success of Malaysian films?
5. Does audience motivation moderate the relationship between movie genre and box office
success of Malaysian films?
6. Does audience motivation moderate the relationship between number of cinema and box
office success of Malaysian films?

Research questions:

1. To determine whether production quality has a positive and significant influence on box office
success of Malaysian films.
2. To determine whether movie genre has a positive and significant influence on box office success
of Malaysian films.
3. To determine whether number of cinema has a positive and significant influence on box office
success of Malaysian films.
4. To determine whether audience motivation moderate the relationship between production
quality and box office success of Malaysian films.
5. To determine whether audience motivation moderate the relationship between movie genre
and box office success of Malaysian films.
6. To determine whether audience motivation moderate the relationship between number of
cinema and box office success of Malaysian films.

Research hypotheses:

1. There is a relationship between production quality and box office success of Malaysian films.
2. There is a relationship between movie genre and box office success of Malaysian films.
3. There is a relationship between number of cinema and box office success of Malaysian films.
4. There is a moderating effect of audience motivation on the relationship between production
quality and box office success of Malaysian films.
5. There is a moderating effect of audience motivation on the relationship between movie genre
and box office success of Malaysian films.
6. There is a moderating effect of audience motivation on the relationship between number of
cinema and box office success of Malaysian films.
Components of Chp 1:
1. Introduction
2. Problem statement
3. Research questions
4. Research objectives
5. Significant of the study
6. Scope of the study
7. Definition of key terms
8. Organization of the thesis
9. Summary

Components of Chp 2:
1. Introduction
2. Underpinning theory
3. Definition of variables
4. Hypotheses Development (Conceptual Development
5. Display your research framework
6. Research hypotheses
7. Summary

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