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1 Food Chains & Food Webs

Quick check questions

1 13% [1]

2 a) Write your own answer

3 the mass of the organisms at each tropic level [1]

4 a) leaves → moth larvae/greenfly → blue tit →tawny owl [2]

b) i) tawny owl [1]

ii) greenfly [1]

iii) greenfly, blue tit or tawny owl [1]

iv) leaves [1]

v) blue tit [1]

5 primary consumers [1]

6 blue tit [1]

7 Any two from: shows omnivores, shows that animals eat more than one thing, shows a more
complete picture of how organisms depend on each other in a habitat. [2]

8 organisms that have died [1]

9 There is less and less biomass as you progress up the trophic levels and so less energy to support large
numbers of animals. [2]

8.1 Food chains and food webs – Notebook Questions

Objectives: To study about food chains, food webs, decomposers and the carbon cycle.

1 producer/first, light, energy, respiration, numbers, sizes

2 a) producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer

b) producer: plant; primary consumer: herbivore; secondary consumer: carnivore; tertiary

consumer: carnivore

3 heat production, movement, respiration, growth, digestion and excretion

4 a) the mass of organisms at each trophic level

b) The shape of a pyramid of numbers depends on the sizes of the organisms; a pyramid of
biomass is usually regular and shows how much material/energy is at each level.

5 a)

b) quaternary consumer

c) sycamore tree is very big compared to greenfly [1]

6 Only a small amount of energy taken in by an organism is passed on to the next level so not
enough energy is passed along a food chain to sustain many levels. [2]

7 a) leaves → greenfly/moth larva → blue tit → owl [1]

b) acorn, leaves, bark [2]

c) blue tit [1]

8 bacteria, fungi [2]

9 recycle minerals; return nutrients to the soil [2]

10 a) oryx, baboon, scrub hare [1]

b) shrike and oryx [1]

c) bushes → locust → savannah monitor lizard → shrike →lenner falcon/caracel [2]

d) bushes – producer; locust – consumer, herbivore; savannah monitor lizard – consumer,

carnivore; shrike – consumer, carnivore; lenner falcon/caracal – consumer, carnivore, top predator

11 They produce their own food from raw materials [1]

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