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1. Anorexia and bulimia:

2. Physical illness: Heart disease, diabetes, stroke.
3. Alcohol or drugs: For this people is a way to not think about their problems or
frustrations, is a way to scape from their reality.
4. Anxiety: They constantly are intense and have uncontrollable feelings of anxiety,
fear, worry, or panic. These feelings can interfere in their daily activities.
5. Family conflicts: difficulties in their relationships and problems at school or work.
6. Social isolation: they feel uncomfortable in the society, they cannot be
surrounded by many people)
7. Death: They finally decide to end their lives because this is the way they end their


1. Be aware that depression is a disease: people do not exaggerate when they look
and act very sad.
2. be patient and empathic: listening and understanding them will always be a way
to give them a hand and help them not to die.
3. Go to a doctor: A doctor is the right person who can help with treatments and
medications to be able to live normally.

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