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Gal Gabay

“Life After Google: George Gilder’s New Book…”


9. From Paragraphs F and G, summarize in a paragraph of at least four sentences,

what the author of this article means by the term “Free Model”.

The "Free Model" is a way of Google to make its money and achieve a
lot of users. They offer a ‘free’ product to consumers and then they
provide information and advertising services to other companies. The
products that Google offer are a part of our daily routine using.

10. In paragraph H, the author of the article states that, “For Gilder, one of the
troubling aspects of the centralization in the case of Google is the lack of a focus
on security.” Explain what Gilder means by this statement. Also, as much as
possible, explain it in your own words.

Gilder means that there is a problem the centralization in the case of

Google, they almost don’t focus on security. According to Gilder, the
focus on security is the base and first step in applications developing.

11. Explain the statement on line 93 that “Google has changed the relationship
between customers and companies.” Who made this statement and what does he
mean by it?

Gilder stated it. He means that Google puts their consumers in a

position much more akin to a commodity. According to him, it's a
great mistake of google.

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