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MLKism (Inferiorism) 2nd Edition

1. Barack in office, no voting rights

2. Community to individuals (materialism)
3. What happened to black business?
Other nationalities have benefitted from our pre-civil rights economic model . . . in our
4. The Untouchables (Ridgeview High School 1965 Undefeated Unscored-on Football Team)
5. Accepted/willful inferiority
Inferiority complex (self-rejection)
MLK was appointed to facilitate and market the inferiority complex to his own people . . .
6. christians hanging from noose?
7. Who introduced the aboriginal to christianity?
8. Why "civil" instead of "human" rights? Black people were not being treated “uncivilly”, they were
being treated inhumanely! The “civil” designation insured that the situation would be
considered a domestic issue and under the jurisdiction of the US instead of being exposed to
the world court.
9. Integration vs Assimilation



- to bring together or incorporate (parts) into a whole.
- to make up, combine, or complete to produce a whole or a larger unit, as parts do.
- to unite or combine.

The process of making whole or combining into one.

- Black's Law Dictionary 9th Ed.

- to take in and incorporate as one's own; absorb.
- to bring into conformity with the customs, attitudes, etc., of a dominant social group,
nation, or the like; adapt or adjust.


Which one does it feel like (hint: integration sounds better and is more marketable)?

We rejected that which defined us in favor of that which defined them. We did not realize that
we were the crux of the new world order that the europeans were instituting. Our economic
power was assimilated into their strategy (what happened to our thriving communities,
businesses, sports teams, etc? They were assimilated into the new world order infrastructure).
Integration was akin to an intentional "tear/rupture" in the black community that
"siphoned/drained" our energy into the white community, leaving black communities barren
(Jackie Robinson didn’t “integrate” baseball, white folks allowed him to play with them to lure
black energy/economics out of the black community, which was the intent: what happened to
“negro league” anything when we assimilated? What percentage of professional afrerican
athletes are married to europeans?)

What was so "wrong" with us that we felt inadequate? If we are integrated, shouldn’t we all just
be ‘americans’”? Did you know that “integration” was optional?
10. Segregation vs Desegregation
Segregation would not be a prudent economical strategy today, that's why mlk was utilized to
promote desegregation. So, up until 1870, when black "men" were given the right to vote
(temporarily), black people had no representation and therefore were not under the jurisdiction
of this "company". How coincidental that the us was undemocratically designated as a "federal
corporation" in 1871 . . . They had already decided the “country’s” direction and the role that
slavery was going to play; we didn’t understand that we were to become the foundation of their
economic concept . . . the new world order (corporatocracy).
11. You can't legislate emotion (laws don’t change how people feel, they just learn to disguise their
behavior: i.e., “loopholes”, discrimination law: whatever is not cited in the law, is legal
discrimination). Changing or creating laws does not equate to respect.
12. The 13th Amendment
Section 1.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the
party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place
subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
- Passed by Congress January 31, 1865. Ratified (by Abraham Lincoln) December 6, 1865.

MLK was used to convey slavery into the 20th century and capitalize on the european
slave breeding strategy. The afrerican professional athlete is indicative of this tactic: e.g.
LeBron James, Cam Newton, etc. would be today’s better “cotton-pickers”. The goal was to
facilitate the economic intent of enslavement, what is its directive in the first place. The 20th
century slave is paid a wage, but they have to pay those wages into the system to live. Some
live better than others because their skillset is more valuable, but their "living" is more
expensive; then you die and your accumulated "wealth" remains . . .
13. Slavery vs Enslavement
Slavery - willing participation in one's own exploitation (self-exploitation). The afrerican is a
14. Which is easier: taking, or convincing to give?
15. The False Doctrine of Forgiveness
Which party is to benefit from “forgiveness”, the forgiver or the forgiven? How is the lesson to
be taught?
16. Freedom vs Respect vs Equality

freedom. (bef. 12c) 1. The state of being free or liberated 2. A political right.

liberation. (15c) 1. The act or an instance of freeing someone or something.

- Black’s Law Dictionary 9th Ed.

You will never be free when freedom is defined by your enslavers! How can you
justify transporting Africans to labor in bondage in a so-called “country” that was
founded on principles of “freedom”!?


- esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or
ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability: I
have great respect for her judgment.
- deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something
considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or
courtesy; acknowledgment: respect for a suspect's right to counsel; to show respect for
the flag; respect for the elderly.

verb (used with object)

- to hold in esteem or honor: I cannot respect a cheat.
- to show regard or consideration for: to respect someone's rights.
- to refrain from intruding upon or interfering with: to respect a person's privacy.

Respect (El Hajj’s philosophy) – honor my humanity/aboriginality

But how can one demand respect when they don’t have any self-respect (i.e. the


equality. (l5c) The quality or state of being equal; esp., likeness in power or political

"We need not repeat the burning irony of Anatole France:

'The law in its majesty draws no distinction but forbids rich
and poor alike from begging in the streets or from sleeping
in the public parks.' Equality is meaningless under unequal
conditions." Morris R. Cohen, Reason and Law 101 (1961).

political equality. The sharing of governmental decisions in such a way that, in the
setting of governmental policies, the preference of each citizen is assigned an equal
- Black’s Law Dictionary 9th Ed.

This “equality” will never be allowed under the current regime.

Equality (MLK’s philosophy) – you will never be equal when equality is defined by your
enslavers (rejecting the essence of Self and accepting the essence of disorder).
Equality does not presume respect.
African = African
American = American
African American ≠ American

How about this for “equality”: white students getting scholarships to attend HBCUs (So,
whom does “equality” truly benefit?).

El Hajj addressed Cause . . . MLK addressed Effect

17. Equality: The Inferiority Complex

Equality = materialistic cues, not spiritual, or character. Equality includes the undesirable as
well as the desirable qualities . . . They used king to condition black people to focus on
what they had that we didn't, instead of what we had that they didn't. The lowest white
man feels superior to any black man of higher status . . . no respect . . . They are not
our template. We are conditioned to desire to have their superficial material
advantages as the mark of equality, but they desire to possess our genetic
“advantages” (tanning, melanin, cosmetic surgery, etc) . . . imitation is the
sincerest form of flattery . . .

So, ultimately, the slave should desire to be equal to its master? It is a perversion of divinity
to advocate for equality to a hollow, soulless concept.

The major fault in equality is that the regime in charge defines what and who everyone wants
to be equal to: “equality” is a materialistically defined endeavor, where equal means
having the same things and the same opportunities. Equality to them entails converting
to their template and rejecting what defines oneself in favor of what defines them,
character traits and history included . . .

Racism, prejudice, discrimination, the white superiority complex, and bigotry are all still extant
in "equality" . . . Respect, intra-racial and inter-racial, eradicates them all . . .
18. Politicians take oaths to uphold the disorder (public office is ineffective)
19. Legacy of european validation (e.g. waiting for city of hickory to recognize Untouchables instead
of the community). He facilitated our desire to be validated by white folks, but the Constitution
has yet to even define black people as human beings ("ALL men are created equal"?).

Article I  Legislative Branch

Section 2 House of Representatives
o Clause 3 Seats
o Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which
may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall
be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound
to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all
other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first
Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten
Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives
shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least
one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New
Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and
Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four,
Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South
Carolina five, and Georgia three. . . .

So how can we seek “equality” to white-skinned folk when we aren’t even considered as
human beings since we are defined as “three fifths of all other Persons” (even though this
statement was precluded by a later amendment, it is still “constitutional” since it remains in the
document, legitimizing the intent of the document).

constitutional, adj. (18c) 1. Of or relating to a constitution <constitutional rights>. 2. Proper and

valid under a constitution <constitutional actions>.
- Black’s Law Dictionary 9th Ed.

20. How can a law "free" a slave when there was no law to enslave them? If something other than
themselves has to free a slave, then they will always be one. They will always be under the
authority of that which enslaved them in the first place . . .

MLK was “the path of least resistance”, this is why the regime backed him instead of El Hajj. (Overall,
which avenue precipitates more control: conditioning another to willingly do what you want,
or forcing them against their will?)

MLK was rewarded for being a christian (he got a holiday, as opposed to El Hajj) to further entrench
christian concepts (i.e., “forgiveness”) into the aboriginal psyche. MLK made white folks
comfortable . . . El Hajj didn't (europeans judge black folk by how comfortable they make them feel).
The civil rights strategy was religious endorsement/marketing as well . . . christianity won . . .

It is shameful to succumb to conditioning that is harmful to you . . .

Facilitated ego issues by eliminating our intra-dependence and championing our extrinsic
dependence on others (we have other options besides each other now, forsaked/rejected the
aboriginal community infrastructure).

The collective health of the afrerican community has diminished since the civil movement.

How can you successfully oppose an adversary when their intent rules your existence?

Fear and jealousy manifest as hate (love/hate, smooth/wrinkle, ensouled/hollow, live/die) . . .

Afrenia – the paradoxical afrerican mental state characterized by a disconnect with reality: e.g.
1. Lynched by, yet worshipping, the european “god”, 2. Striving for equality to the same thing
that you seek to overcome, and 3. Black cosmetic surgery.

black inferiority complex vs. black superiority complex (How did the Aboriginal Human arrive
at this state of Inferiority?)

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