Business Law

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Chopter- 2 : Introduction Law fs defined oc a tule which regulates the hysran act'ons Infact, law ts 0 sule or got a principles developed in a coctely and wecagnized by the gale in the administTation of justice which Is jacked ky some sort op punishment : love iS an tretmment or society played o vital wole to mointain justoe is disknet feotures. 1 Res law consists of o wile _ TH isa sule d the extemal rational human berygs Tt te developed, issued ox cnacted by state . 9} is enforced ky state in the administratipn of Just'ce, cOpr tt is backed oy. punishment. Dt treats all persone in the same ituation ¢qual it is pensive in nature i The function. of lors ic to keep peace ly maintatying lava and order gituation. The aim laws is jush'ce & eHo~ . , = is “this law ts opernted ond regulates the various _ Schivittes of people’ within the cite teesitoy. Eg. Chil leno, criminal loss. administvative low ee. a © Thivinational tous By Combract wits the national laid, the international loro operates ond vequlates the volatons af the elale Themselves: C4 concisis” of bilaleral, regional treaties Qgresd oy Yhe Stores: E,9. The Charter of UNO, 1949 Tntemds Hrealy on Diplomatre Relovons loee ok. & Dp te tosis op Nadure op laa a O) Substantive _\¢ : The law uchich creates ce ond oe lepot ae and duties thot las ic known as _ CUhctantive law. Eg. evory poxcon has the mghts _ +e wroke prepit from Busines, Nowe tp be given before making On orrest eke Hee b) Procedural _lais s By contrast 4p the substantive Jaw, the Procedural law choles dnd detine a mechanism ox Loy bi which the ae ond dues ave enborced ie x logal incttuttims. + deals vith the 'procex of achieviy oreo line Wipe gone © lt eb ome : ais are put at chy &: Bn the “basic of Subject. Maier of lou. 9) Byplie lao Toke The Taro ines v0) ee 4he elation of the stele jans oie. the. cit ig known as public Kees : Aefines the eis immunities, -poues Qdutes x Goverment, and dubves of indjviduals.&.g Const: r ie dministrative lava ete. fag love, ‘by contract with public lors, xequlates fe aelatronsh: the Individuals. Such sules any to valance the oe, Teneo +p make 3 Gotiety PoacePul ond ‘able. 9 aia ceo law oh property, par Pas jase, fa lave u ts Dd td vals q) Criminal loo aa } Criminal las te a wrench of public lars and o type - nottonal law P+ trea}s undesirable acts jainct the society as a whole and fixes the § michment 9) Civil_ lato Civil lov creates depines and segulates 9 individuals sights and dutves Becip + anothes individualis rights and dutres. nd ah and dutes pee property , rahe dignity ave Hie cotkern of Civil lave. & Coad Act 2856, Companies Ack 2062 ete. ¥ uy Ce i = indi _ Sources lous. 2 oar nt 0: Takin i + ors maki a a tc the law trode by pasliame Sa ge MM is cn emer decieion of Ye Supreme ox Supenor Court tohich 1s taken OS 4 ule of Jaro: and followed while deciding tho. loter Cases of similor ee = ua he ul ortioulay way of behaw! ours as moo ie cociety ce ee ‘been e cys lover Seater number op pepple continuonly. ‘om_ot " ported ay me Et Mis 0 Contract between too oy moe person todo ox not to do something in a specipre maanney.—_— Decision of foreign courts é 4 Me ainda o of rolgn avo E fine of experts |Surrst ary ae vooks , journals, ue eeics ees 4 a: bo & d: e Rules of morality and’ 20 pehigious books. 3. 7 w Spas eeencoertoance = r Business lao is a branch ap civil low br private Sw which t@ wakes Certain vules for business ransat Thue, the law which deals with business acttyities pene and provides vartouc provisions for Commerciad worl! is known as business lao = m mn USiNe: 201% provides “Tegitimacy, Peace and. secur: 2. t¥ ‘regulates the business Aronsactions dirsctlylindiredy 3. Pt te Tnvolved_ in making shaping £ enhancing the a Dusingss activites uw. Tt establishes tne business ethics of o business a, StHty ond ibe social responcibi Vides > Tt grotects the Industral interes’: and the » nattonal interes*s: &.T guarantees the justice ov semedies toa)! iMvolving tn the ‘buainees. dealings 9. delle Os what kinds of busiviecs Yn vohot monnex Can ke carted aut ina given country. eT Creales the vorious. iistdons +0 Provide Ancentives and faci be to the lavestony. 9. 13 Hrovides Such a ground In which the Tov breakers axe tbe. punished ‘ond lao obiders are to be awarded. re ae Chotter-2 Lav a) Contracts Gi 7 Contract ic an agreement rede more parties todo oy not to do some belied hee or ina TE portrculor way. Th every commact, the pe es _ make Meee bout something which ig:-to be iota isd future - Dawed Walker E DMiract 1s on qgreement.bolooan’ hev_om a commm Beal ao Valid. Contract p By 1.Nop Parties z There must be two pores in an.agrement:% form On agreement there aie be one party making the oer and ether party sree it S 2 a ond Acceptance : ie ut of the twe partes, one haa to 07 ae ‘nts willingness to another to do vs net + 9 Oha oa hos to give his acetal be 1s Of 0. 3. Tnrertion to Croke Tegal Relationship. oe The partes when Hey agreed, yoy must be | Sincere about theix promise and chem irfention mush he to create a legal ‘relatvon a| u Negting op Minds si ¥ “On ‘AOreoment the minds op the parties Thust bo met upon ame thing in the same onset there Is nO Qgreement, No Corbet ariges between them and for on dgneement the minds op *he eee must meek _ upon sare thing in the same sense 1a 5. Consideration | Dt 1S a price of promise tho pa come. erst | profits and rights, to the ye and imposes some Sort of detviment, loss vr ae 4s the promrse, Toman Something -in return ox comething for someting: & Exec 2 | Se ae the Sepik ‘and accept ot ‘intl ; preement hetseen of the parties and. Crear them: 2 ae socess the jee Consent must be free, Bp reo noes popes he ue ae ee eat aan fa ge ‘one or bo e Parha of o contrac} have not aca sas the geecrer except Income eS hs a Ty ar Sijeck ond Gnicideration Gch troller oe agreement ac well aa. Ihe object ferotion rue We legal ox Jowful- She partie the and conet Ccanre? enter into 0 contract fn unlowful purposes activites! clejectives oe 8. Not Exyncecly declare void The trangacione which ove prohibited by lave oY agoins® the public polic ond morality are declared. ag void hy ca na In such cage he Forties can enter into an Qgreemen* 4D Doecinitity ty Pesta Tho gqresmont must be such vshich can be perform iy neostubure in reall pscctoa) Inge, So, the parties ushe are ready +o perform thor 9, reement a Na. future are only valid tomyact L we ond Cloris ; “The feims corditeng and the longuags used in an yeemeat muct be corain_and clear- the agreement Thust give come Meaning Tt must be certain on Cleor- ae opp fosmalitiee spi income cases, Ihe contract ist be clamped, rejistore! ments , —_inen guthen ped Government qyice , vortiten dock —corbrad mode by words op mouth, wl 1S of Enforcenhity Contra eis. 4 yack having the entire elomenk” ave Jou O8 volid conyact in Hie eye op law: b Noid Conroct f A comract when ori inolly entered into , Moy be vated and bi on Lhe pariier but HXecus Jo he enforceable by law levome youd uahen 1 ceayes to be enferceable under cortain ground &: Moideble Contract. a} \oidoble contracts ove hose whose valid depends = | | upon the option op tho Portes. ‘he contract beesmes | void from the date op auch aelion taken $4 1g made vaitrou free songent d- Unenforcoable roe? Some centyact are wolid, but cant be e: creed ly lave at ‘noion as unenforceable contract. The contrac? vehiels cannct be enforced ina court af lor because op technica Tdeprects f : e Ljgal Contract WY illegal contract is one which violates some rule + baste public policy ey is cr'mnal in notre Or which ic Immoral: 2 eo on_Cornigton Comisncls mea i if tins of a conor are exhessly ggrecd upon, whethe by ee loa ithen._ ov eS 2 Hime of The formation of the contract is Said 4 be on express Om = \ Sanplked Contrack TE is one Shot Js, infesved prom the acts oF conducts OP.The parties oy Course of izle belween them: Tt is 0 wesull of Preis partulay ack or conducts thereby Joo treats them as contracting parties c- Quasi Contract Under corlain ciscumstance o person may receive O benef ee othor for which the love considers he should) poy to @ other person even Yhoush there is no Contac} betosen {ne forties Such aelatrons ore terme) as quasi contract: 200 a3 1 nt ab o) Ania shoe Unilateral Contracts are those where only one party ig under obligation tp fulgill his promise at ities of format on the contract, the other party having - + ‘Ned his ot eta at the time of the contrat efove the combact comes into an existente, — b Silsicial Coos hich re, OU f\ bilateral ee ts one in ¥ coors 8 by + of both jhe partes 4 the ae —s at the Ne of pormaten the 3 contract ag ce op Contvocis — 6 of Poxformor A Covhroct OF both the parties, agter the eb fe thets prom'sa, It hocemes an exean gy ee Contrort ts). Tp both s the parties are under Hae ann pe gat Yet due Eyer {ne contra’ ‘mS executory contract 5. On the bossa Lure Contingency ot Contracts: * oy Mace ae combract, the promicox_binde himeale to Performance In an Guent Waithout condivons. More is mos obligation 4 perform the contract + Copinger Contrack. : i. 0. Comyact iiss ee arte, ening oF Non- ens some - ae ta a) 4c such ee mmm [The Oe —— a = Offer ¥ Acceptance 13 Chapter -3, ness to entey iT An offer is a oxpression of vill into Aue Rae in Ge terms Tanifested ally ind ley the otter a} a accoptance of the ofperee. on_2{h) Offer means an opased by one Poxson to one e person_ to oe een a from doing somelee with the intention of cbtaining WN E assem op that offer Pules Regarding Optex | 1An a taust be one capable of creating legal sxelah ‘ons: he terms af an offer tet be define, and cestain . Bn inviatton to make an offer Js not an offer oe iding ing perenne not an yr rae mar Nene or OC}. Es ery cle ae be ahaa bye mvigt be mode with a view to obtaing the Ascent on tan be made vith terms \imiting or excludig Ability of The offer WIS ore Wx» os ! When ie pexcon whom the ‘peepocal ; “Gipnities the agsent there to, tre proposes | ra rss A propedal wht ae Decor = ron 2 2 2 ae Acceptance: is an assent gen a the Same sense os. the offeror Nas nie “obsclute 2 Communtcatron op Offey 5 ection 312) The Communreatron on offer is com] ib comes to tre knowledge of the parser Jo whom it te made ch 208% ~ plete when Gormuniostron of Accoptance sc tton (3) Contract Beh 21 The Communreetton of. an acceptance ts completo an ogainst the offesox hen he secelves it and, ‘Os Saoinst the Geceptoy when it comes to te Po op the dfexox The communication of an acceptance complete 4 tohen ‘ho offercs recelves occeplance from 2 a Ton Vt iM Za ates The revocation of offer is one when it comes ts tre knowledge the offence, here roust lee actual commun! cat'on yevorotion OF Offer tp be legal: ochre Offer moy be seveked at ony Hime before acepianse Revocation of Occeptance max be made by ane notice fo the Oferoy at any te “bepore $+ comer ty the knowledge op the otter 4 ‘needn't each Ane offeror Hot the posting is SupPician a 2 2 0) Offer wg Cali i se atfey em ie se voked at omy Hme before 3 AC COp (i) By offer ts ate Inrevmable by acceptance 5 nce offer is pevaked bepore ite acceptance, Be comes 48 an end er it haminates 01 lopse Smeven._ * By lapse or Hime for acceptance it | The “accebton must accept the ehfex poithin: the {red time Tf iis not accepted idithin the poi me, it comes to ane ond oy terminates: 2 Byppleath—or Insanity of tye offeror aes The cffer comes ty an end after the offe: # we 3 and before the accepkince ae the 01 er or an os becomes an insane. TM 1s not neces. fe terminate tho oper the Ofteses's death ox Insanity ig 49 be in | Ay the ofperee. = x» - oe dy ne sf the Orgere Even Y ACCEPTANCE given before th ine offore ys, Tones Be: Wace oceepence io peer dies ox becomes an Insane , the offer mes to the en, | 1% et, Wiig nee oe When onaffex is accepted by the ofperee with some modification’ in tevms of the offer cy with some olier condstron, the offer Coma te an end oy Jerminates & on. Pulsill condi wr ceptan Where precedent to acceptance, Yhe opferce is to perform come act of fulgil) Some condition Contained in the offer, He! offer cones to an end wf Such ack are "Rexgormed s conditions are not fulgitied te ot being ac h oscat ‘“Mhen He prescsibed mode is nob Polloveed, the offer becomes lapsed ox terminated. An Oxo” acceptance js of nO value Where 1% hos to be mn vorlting 2 By Operation of las An ty comes 42 an ond if the lars is cha agter th er, 80 as tv make the contract ‘legal ov impossible to perform. st Consideration ts a: technical — Yhe gonse o Y Pa aaa 3 | Chapter 6 Ce devotion | Congidoraiion oe Consideration ie a echnical ener He Sense of ' quid pro quo’ me: cometh Poor font cheat Cen pee io i. : % yefers dnich Ts op come value in the qe | 0f low. Tt moy be Some benefit to one party 4 1. = io detriment to the another. "3. = ata) op the entract Reh 2use 25 __. Consideration moans: 0 Preniise to do or Ohetein from do a he act mentioned in the ih fa tea ee pee i 4 Bccarding to Pollack MATa! Consideyaiten ts the price for uchich the Promise of the other ts bro s 1s Chovartorish'cs on: Concideve | 1. Consideration tonsists of som eee +_Consi i When The Considenatvon for a present promise was abeady given in the post time +2 before the date of promise is knoven Qs The past consideretion, i Tn Englieh law. the past consideration ts 1p effeck, Yo considératron at ali, that ts ty say, it Confers no benepits on the Promisor, 2 involves no detriment the promise In weturn for the promise. Roceneid_v- Mai y z Past Consrderatton = ne. consydevalron oe We don’t hove guch a principle & even the case law which Negative he past considerotton. ConsMom¥on must be present or Future & not pact 2. Present ox Executed Conctderation es Inken the Ceneideration foro pesent promise ts given Simultoneously with promise (eat tho Hime w promise, is goid to Le present ov executoc|, congidesation: The Coneideration becomes an executec! when anack or forboqrance is given ee Q promise. gle oe Wher a coniderstvon for a prom'ce ic given other ot the me of ce oy acceptance simultaneously lotr promige fe known as the procent ox erecuted | considerction. f generally Vrappens in cash dealing Fe o > Hature | E xe Considernion irenaths sansteeraion fo a present a oe cM near frre, H is called ac future considerctvon Mote mise given a © promige Tt Is a futuce ee ie © condidercttion from ene forly to the other is to Pass — Subsequently to the making of contract - ze | Sules Regarding” Consideration a a Cons idéiation must move a} the decive. of He Pomisor 2 TH moy move fiom the promises OY ony other iene Bak. | &. Dt need not be adequate a ‘v Consideration rust be real 5 Pexfermance ef an existing duby ts not © real consideration ¢. TH must not bo illegal, immoral oy eines Ao eee polrey. cs L ee Jove and rio : 2 Compensation for pas! cane Gonvites + 2. Promise to pay me 4 os 40 Se ret pleted Get e oe on of coe Bes siher. onirast nna Chapter-g Treapacity to Contract C 7 es actual “Capacity means an. ability of. persee ae ‘0 veagonable’ Calculation of the ofpects spate terms of 9 Contract en his best interest: Under section 3 nf the Contract Ac}, 2058 re {hot all the porsore ene contractual Capacity excep Inmers, Person of ungound mind and other pexson disqualified ley “low- in-force. aie ore the person ae a¥aining Hoe age ©. = Tag jovity os fixed My are lava, 0 iat Shey tne ee Wwe chal gco Hai ‘The desise 4p protect. mminors_on the one Vand & the wish to gapggquard the intoresk of traders on ‘he other ues \ed to a complicated body a lees 3 A povson who Vosn't attained the on 16 yous ool) if ie os minor and be \g ened ae 8 0 a legally binding centwact » Dn a comvact enter into with or by O minox, the contract is vo gv-inito. No hg) nis oF shee can ae receiv pes tne wins as. wel no dubia or Vobilties ve senpose against rim. Ny i rotected ‘vy law from. theb ele agreements. 3 4 1 Goptvacds fa Nocessasies 2 O}hex d The only valid combact ts comract for necessi Lthere the fecossaries are cupplied te atomor, We te legally bound 40 poy out of his property a: 2e0u0n Sum cf money. Minors are lable for Necessax ial ard not merely “necessities. Iohere money vies lent te a Minor hee not Noble fer such \oan- But where. loan lent to o misyer or necessaries, (Ete wecoverable on tho basis of equity. voln ior ir = ff roiney if he ‘enters into 0 Contract loyment oO ee r+ the puxpose of Obtaining ee ccd education this making him oquolifies & Capable for a= Suiteble trade ond profession, uchorohy he may propel himgele opteryards ond binds hhimeele. Cextain contrack ushich may not strrcHy fall inte the class of necessaries as we digcusse’, are chil) considered valid’ and bindiy pen the mimey ff they axe made for hie eonepit iW 3h Some contnack made toith or by a minoy are treated ( valid Zindigg on ho info unt) he avoids Shem ether ‘ere om hin o- veasonable bre , y ea Yhese Corbrack cre no) mad! Sy boneticrol contracts 4» the iS 23 Se - Rules Regarding Minors coment 2. Agueements a ov with a ts void & unenforceable om the very beginning: oc Hea haute sponearteoed, gor euppla ‘able upon hose contracts. which as pe cessaries a whole bbenehicel w He can be O promisee 5. Miner's sean cot be vabipiod by hire on ataintgy the age of Bae He con be Gm dent bul vot a partner in 2 parinecchipfirm 4. No order of ate Ne performance of the ggseement can be issued as qgainsi the tiny fr _Unso My Parole Bn idiot is a pesson iho as lect his mental capa city and had no. undesstanding from his bivth be a naturel ool His mind {¢ absolutely out order. An greemen: trade by ox wrth an idiot, Is yord, But Meir estate is liable for necessaries v¥ Benepreva) contracks - 2 lunatics A lunatic 1§ a percon whe had ound tind yy his bid but ‘oy {mental disease chocks Stree. grief vf other Cauga...roa lost Mhe use of hig weasen. O a person enters into a cortrach with o pexson oF unsound mind in faith Haliering Hat he woos not a normal person % ment | —Amsoundo} the time seetrert, the confrack ie ee a free Concent, Chopter-6 ree Consent Lica When the concent as been given knowingly ond velymani)sy to the terms of. conrad it Is known as Sree at: pte Congen} is said to be fee when 12 is ; Coercion, undue influence, tmsrepresemation, Mistake. ‘i thout free Congent the ogseement Is net o contrac, San ogcentval clement of 0 valid combats === ®, . <—s The lov cont bind 9 person for some ach If ; : peemrse to oct ic not made by his free. till. Wherefore, lo eld o pers lioble, the censent must bo free oo STE os 0. it e o j {eo it is GT loro wecegnizes on qgacement made wither co concent os oval contract, 11 leads bea naxchy and injustice in SOO Ys ua | 3 14 assures tho Enmwlodge op the par t 3 : 2 | tr censen?, there must be meeting of my Same thing in the same sense and tr ve L_upon some: ae in the same sense, the | knowle Sl - sand. dge cf the = fac ] 4 Oy : “=k provides 9 proge_of del intention ; rae ns the Subject mater of the contrac} 2 acteblic ¥ ond manner or shndard of performance OS well as © Lontingenci@ and risk imolie in it Wess 1 1- Sercion | Du lohere the consent of a person is token by commis On offence or Throaisatnn to commit an offence again tie ip ond Ee property of other par Wes aa Pesson_ br theis Propertes px lite and pro’ of others Amoun- 0 geeclon”, f H Pesky f ame Tt is used op physical Power ag against the hpe Ond_property fe ton ot “4 a 0H doesnd require a special reladonship behacen the Contracting parties: 2 Lndue at onto al When thé consent 0: xson has taken by 0 pexst a who is In a positon i fominate the vaill of pther o hos Obtained unfair advantages “ty him Omouns to Undue Influence sa | OE ts use of mental precsure , no physical pores is us A speria) wolahonship is essential for und Inghwences hel al ; nlislaaknabe Aisha | Diggevence botwoon Coercion and Undue Influence Coesciom i. eg is use of _ Physical poroer qgainst the \ife ond a 2. Tt doesn't require sperial telatronchip ‘oehocen the Comrachiey patio 2% Romie Undue Sno luence a 3. Undue Dnpluence Is use op me pressure , 00 physical power is used [oo ee 2. A special yelavionship is esserboh for’ undue influence == 3.Mhe transaction tay not be disadvomiageus 1» the vichm u Coercion is a criminal en 3. The trongachen is + be disadvarh~ cous to the victim je. unconse' Ne. ee oct 5.The Party who uses see may be punished - o Fee 9 Tory vopresents coretning pei te jo |. th ne subject ri of 9 tonhad "ie s Toisteri eration, —— x Z uses | Len 9 cordsoct ts mode ov concent te toteen by. connpnitt fraud “he Poly wheee concent Ye cn Cousedl hod” ca ng ougid Fhe ‘cont¥acd = —Misiepreseriation Froud : ; | 2 Tits 0 false ctotement op 1) te mode with indertton to © materitl fect ty. the contort deceive the other parky without deceive the ether pos aa ic mode soit! lerslege. “9.04 is ynode voi9h knovaled of He tue tacks the tue Packs. 9B ig tmmocen oe fh is mode wh by a. passe [5 Mho Percon doant Gelioving to betes | Se Be. Qs _tnistake negatives Hie consent of the pa — tontrocd Th whe case, aan bce aa i Con Gilence be fraud / Misseprentation Ag _a.generol xule. o pesson before entering. 4) ae contract neadn’) diaclase yo the other porly the moterial cacks which ve knows. “This means mere Cilence Is nod ial bud he must egnain from making, sctive co On come cages, gilence ond inaction also amounts to graudulen’ ‘representaWon. in os: muchas positive lorguage. of conduct: A persen can be held loble for fraud on Ther boas of his gilence provided there. is an obligation or him to Speak holds this togue in breach of Yaak oe Skipton. Es oe ae i ps TY may be depined as an esroneous belief obout— Something: Misteke ie mode by the a _vothout misleading by othe lout hey beleive Somethy the - Ss Seren hut itunes 4c be onots ay 30 of hoo kinds: mistake of lors ox rnigiake of 1 . a e legality = here There is mnvgtoke of law, the legality of tontrac Unchanged. DP is not 0 oulen ee oy Sanit be avoided Ea are a , } Jo nig Be ee “Where there ic miciake of fact, contract 2 r a ee Bilateral Mistake a - Where both of dhe porties mmistnck oy misuncerstocd the facts: op the Subject matte op contract, "i? ts. knovan 08 bilateral misiake. "he enact’ caused by bilateral mystake is vod. ‘NH may be vord by: x + Mi S YM existence ji Where bots the parties enter Indo an agreenent be lievin the cubject matter of o contact 40 be in existence which tna ca at the Hime of qgreement , wos not tn exiclente at al) cause of Some TeAgON uNknoion fo the partes. ten the controck mg oe void for mutual mistake + 2 Mistoke os tp tHe oP the subject-matter ~ Where there 1s a contract of gale ap goes or Property - which. unlnoion 49 the erther party tre contract m 2 void, Here. the buyer vs already the ovoney op Yat ishith the Seller purports ts soll him. 3 identi ject-ma Gn such o case, Hae partes are not cygreed upon Ene aiidetinat ales senke, and one ‘party om for one thing and the other party agreed! for anvther Sato gee nome for the some Boat 4 , eb : x ! Such a cose may arise where the o. fades the price of the subject tater that is eee to ctate by mistake: for-eg, Algo in place op eps. aq 4 w * is 0 e e - ok Gy auch a case, mistoke vail! not afrect decent unless “te the ie of both porties ard 1s as te. the evictence: of some qual Ny scr diferent from the e-Hang os i was beliew “Uhre there ts a mubial ate oo quanhty Yel Subject prater: of @ contract os ke mi'steke as to price. the contract san't be enforced vostnout wectrification: ley he perdies. fe Unslaberal Mrstake: ‘ When , in a contract. only one ie mistake megording Lhe subject ee ae a yn Ce or he agreone | ee terms or the 1 ore. reement , The ae ‘tg a unilateral @ yoo on Beer Cdl oe ee Berson keceuge of hie illetera: agreemerl «te he dhidn’?: ae ve E ‘Tn some casos + “migtake 0s to identily on with may avoid the Contra tchom’one ic contracting @ contract te te

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