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Scientific Edition


No. 2

Steroidal Sapogenins*
VII. Survey of Plants for Steroidal Sapogenins and Other

The results of the chemical examination of the raw material for the production of this and other
first 1,000 Iant samples received in a survey therapeutic agents would obviously be of inesti-
of plants &r steroidal sapogenins are re-
ported. Data are given on 925 .samples, mable value. Since 1948, academic, industrial,
representing 292 identified s 335 and governmental research agencies have en-
unidentified lots, 104 genera, and%%ilies. deavored to find new and improved starting ma-
Quantitative data are given for the occurrence
of 14 steroidal sapo enins. Qualitative re- terials for cortisone.
sults were obtained fTor flavonols, dkaloids, In 1929, an African species of the genus
tannins, and unsaturated sterols. Strophunthus, presumably S. sarmentosus, was
reported as containing sarmentogenin (1). Since

c ORTISONE was originally isolated from the sarmentogenin has an 11-hydroxyl group, it is
adrenal cortex. At present commercial potentially a much better cortisone precursor
cortisone is synthesized from certain bile acids of than bile acids (2). The National Institutes of
cattle. Since the supply of these is limited by Health (NIH), in following up this potential
the number of cattle slaughtered, a cheaper and plant source for cortisone, requested the co-
potentially unlimited plant source of a suitable operation of the Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils,
and Agricultural Engineering in obtaining raw
materials of this genus and, in July, 1949, trans-
*Received March 16, 1953, from the Eastern Regional ferred sufficient funds to its Division of Plant
Research Laboratory of the Bureau of A ricultural and
Industrial Chemistry Agricultural Research Idministration, Exploration and Introduction (PEI) t o support
U. S. Department of 'Agriculture, Philadelphia. Pa.
t Monroe E. Wall, Merle M. Krider,,C. F. Krewson, C. an expedition in West Africa t o search for ma-
Roland Eddy, and J. J. Willaman are with the Eastern Re-
gional Research Laboratory Philadelphia Pa., while D. S. terials of Stroptanthus species for chemical anal-
Correll and H. S. Gentry 'are with the'Bureau of Plant
Industry,Soils, and Agricultural Engineering. U. S. Depart- ysis and propagation. John T. Baldwin, Jr.,
ment of Agriculture, Beltsville, Md.
I n order to expedite the examination of such a large num- of the College of William and Mary, was em-
her of plant materials, groups of laboratory workers were ployed to do this exploratory work.
orranized each group handling certain phases of the whole
procedur;. We gratefully acknowledge the work of J. W. From July, 1949, to June, 1950, Dr. Baldwin
Garvin Walter Rumph R. A. Pierce H.M. Neilson, G. H.
Epple; Theodore Perldtein H. E Kinney Arthur Finchler, made collections of Strophanthus and other
H. W.' Jones, M. L. Mcklennan, Samiel Serota, R. F.
Mininger, H. I. Sinnamon, A. E. Jones, C. S. Penske. M. K. plants, including Diqscorea, in Liberia, Belgian
Scott, M. A. Morris, L. P. Witnauer, A. Turner, Jr., and
J. R. Necho. Congo, Gold Coast, Nigeria, British and French

Cameroons, and French Guinea. In the mean- ical analysis and to t r y t o develop promising
time, additional collections were obtained from species as crops; BAIC to isolate and chemically
study potential cortisone precursors in the plant
various sources. To date, about 75 samples of materials procured; NIH t o synthesize cortisone
Strophanthus and related genera have been ob- from suitable plant steroids isolated by BAIC. Also,
tained for chemical analysis by NIH, and over NIH was to continue research on Strophanthus as
100 collections, including about 25 species, are originally begun in July, 1949.
under propagation. A cooperative agricultural In the plant procurement phase, one of us (H. S.
Gentry), in September, 1950, started exploration in
research program on Strophanthus with the Mexico and the southwestern United States for
Federal Experiment Station, Mayaguez, P. R., is Agave species, since this region is the center of con-
now under way t o determine t h e feasibility of centration for this genus. He also collected Dio-
growing Struphanthus as a n agricultural crop. morea species in central Mexico, as well as a great
deal of miscellaneous material. He still continues
T h e highest yielding Strophanthus material dis- these North American explorations.
covered thus far is included in this program. Other collectors who worked with him in Mexico
From the pioneering researches of R. F. are E. C. Ogden, University. of Maine, from Septem-
Marker and his associates (3) i t was known t h a t ber, 1950 t o June, 1951, and C. L. Gilly, Michigan
steroidal sapogenins are readily converted to State College, from January, 1951 to August, 1951.
In addition to this work, Oliver W. Norvell, Carne-
pregnane compounds with the desirable hor- gie Institution of Washington, explored in Guate-
monal side chain. At first only steroids in mala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. In
which the 1 1-oxygen could be introduced chemi- the meantime, several collaborators obtained ma-
cally were useful. These included hecogenin terials from various regions in the United States.
with a 12-carbonyl group and diosgenin with un- The principal ones were Robert R. Cruse, who ob-
tained desert plants in the Tucson, Ariz., area; R. K.
saturation between carbons 5 and 6 (4, 5). Godfrey, who obtained yuccas and miscellaneous
More recently i t has been shown that progester- materials in North and South Carolina; W. H.
one can be converted microbiologically t o ll-a- Duncan, who collected materials in Georgia and
hydroxy progesterone (6). Hence all progester- Florida; Barton H. Warnock, who obtained valu-
able materials from the Trans-Pecos region in
one precursors are potentially valuable. Among
the steroidal sapogenins, diosgenia is outstanding Since South Africa has one of the greatest con-
b u t sarsasapogenin, smilagenin, and tigogenin centrations of genera and species in the family
c a n all be used for progesterone synthesis. Amaryllidaceae, Walter H. Hodge, now with PEI,
Sapogenins with hydroxyl groups in positions was sent to this region from January to June, 1951.
He collected materials from Cape Province. Natal,
other than carbon 3 and with 12-carbonyl groups
the Transvaal, and Southern and Northern Rhodc-
are less satisfactory for this purpose sia.
Marker, et al. showed t h a t these sapogenins Because of their increasing importance, concen-
occur most frequently in plant families in the tration on collecting Agave and Dioscorea continues
order Liliales. The several families of greatest in the hope that the highest-yielding species or
strains may be obtained with the idea of getting
interest are Amaryllidaceae, which includes
them into agricultural production as soon as pos-
Agave, the source of hecogenin; Dioscoriaceae, sible. I n order to avoid overlooking some other
including primarily the genus Dioscorea, the part of the plant kingdom which might give rich
source of diosgenin ; and Liliaceae, including yields of sapogenins. plant materials from diverse
(among mady other genera) Yucca, the source of families outside the Liliales are being chemically
tested. These plant samples are not only acquired
other sapogenins. It was thus fortunate t h a t from nature but are being taken from a rich reservoir
Marker’s fundamental research served a s a pre- of plant materials maintained a t the various plant
liminary guide as t o what t o look for and where to introduction gardens of PEI.
look for it. Besides the cooperative agricultural program on
Strophanthus and, lately, Dioscorea with the Federal
Experiment Station, Mayaguez, P. R., P E I has a
PROCUREMENT cooperative arraniement with the Firestone Planta-
tions in Liberia to plant, maintain, and test Stro-
Following conferences of representatives of the phanlhus in their plantations. Also, an arrange-
National Institutes of Health, the Bureau of Plant ment has been made with the Huntington Botanic
Industry, Soils, arid Agricultural Engineering, and Garden, &an Marino, Calif., to accept and maintain
the Bureau of Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry as a germ plasm center the various species and
(BAIC), (the two latter of the Agricultural Research strains of Agave which Dr. Gentry and others are
Administration, U. S. Department of Agriculture), obtaining in the wild. Additional work is being
i t was decided that the combined forces of the three planned at the Experiment Station, Sacaton, Ariz.,
agencies could make an important contribution t o t o learn something of the agricultural possibilities of
the problem of increasing the cortisone supplv. certain agaves. Besides the above, various tests
With authorization and funds from Congress, in the and preliminary evaluations on Dioscorea and other
fall of 1950, the three agencies initiated their pro- gcnera are being madc at thc several plant intro-
grain: PEI to procure raw plant materials for chem- duction gardcris maintained by PEI.
January, 1951 SCIENTIFIC

PROCEDURE Isolation of Crude Sapogenh-An aliquot of the

extract equivalent t o 5.0 Gm. dry sample was con-
It was first necessary t o devise a screening proce- centrated and defatted with benzene. The saponins
dure which could be used on large numbers of sam- were hydrolyzed with 4 N hydrochloric acid a t
ples. This procedure had to be as simple as possible, 75-80' for two hours and the resultant sapogenins
yet yielding correct identification of the sapogenins extracted with benzene. After acetylation and
and, to a certain degree, quantitative information. alkali purification, the cnide sapogenin acetate was
The method adopted is given below. It was real- dried and weighed. A yield of crude acetate less
ized early that most of the plants t o be submitted than 10-20 mg. meant less than 0.1% pure sapo-
would be wild and that hence their chemistry would genin, and the sample was classified as negative
be either little known or unknown. I n order to for our purposes and listed thus in this paper.
take advantage of this opportunity, a second proce- Infrared Estimation of Sapogenins.-Crude sapo-
dure was established whereby the samples would be genin acetates were dissolved in carbon disulfide
qualitatively examined for six other groups of con- or chloroform and their infrared spectra determined.
stituents-flavonols, alkaloids, tannins, sterols, The following information was thus obtained:
organic acids, and phenols. (a) Whether steroidal sapogenins were present
The present report covers the first 1,000 acces- in the sample from stage 2.
sions. For one reason or another some of these were (b) If present, whether the content was low
discarded. Data are given on 925 samples, repre- (less than 0.1%). moderate (0.14).5), or high
senting 292 identified and 335 unidentified species,' (greater than 0.5).
104 genera, and 29 families. A search through ( c ) In favorable cases a n indication of the kind
Wehmer (71, Henry (S), Manske and Holmes (9), and chemical configuration of the sapogenins pres-
Chemical Abstracts, Biological Abstracts, and ent (usually when the content was greater than
Marker's list (3) disclosed that there is no published 0.5% and the sample relatively pure).
chemical information on about half of the species All samples showing less than 0.1 yo sapogenin by
listed. It is hoped, therefore, that the present com- infrared were classified as negative for our purposes
pilation will prove t o be a starting point for plant and are thus listed in this paper.
chemists looking for new constituents and new
sources. Macro Procedure
Positive samples from stage G above were carried
DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF through the macro procedure (10). This is essen-
STEROIDS tially a larger-scale and more quantitative isolation,
similar in principle t o stage b above. The crude
Full details of the methods used for the detection sapogenins were further purified with solvents, and
and estimation of saponins and their derived sapo- mixtures were separated by chromatography.
genins have been presented previously (10. 11). The content was determined from the total weight of
Hence this section will present only the broad out- purified sapogenin. The genins were identified by
lines of the methods used and the interpretation of means of adsorption behavior, melting point, optical
the results thus obtained. rotation, infrared and X-ray diffraction spectra, and
Since complete and large-scale macro isolation (11) if need be by characteristic chemical reactions.
of steroidal sapogenins is time-consuming, and Occasionally a sample was found which contained
since many species are negative, all samples received no crystallizable material; such .products were also
were first put through the much more rapid micro classified as negative.
screening procedure (10). Hence a sample classified as 0% sapogenin in
This has three distinct phases: (a) detection of Table I may have received this rating in the four
saponins, (b) isolation of crude sapogenins. and ( c ) ways described above.
estimation of sapogenin content by infrared. A
negative finding a t any one of these three stages SCREENING- TESTS FOR PLANT
eliminated the sample and only samples positive in CONSTITUENTS OTHER T H A N
all three steps received the macro isolation. STEROIDS
Micro Procedure Preparation of Extracts.-Alcoholic extracts re-
Detection of Saponins.-This test and the other maining from the hemolytic tests were made ready
subsequent stages of the micro procedure could be for qualitative testing for other plant constituents
carried out with as little as 5 Gm. dry or 20 Gm. as follows.
wet sample. Where enough sample was available Aliquots, in sufficient amounts t o give equivalents
50 Gm. dry or 200 Gm. wet were extracted with hot of 5-10 Gm. dry weight of original plant material,
95% alcohol, and made t o 1 L. were evaporated t o dryness. The residues were
Practically all saponins, whether steroidal or tri- each dissolved in 25-1111. portions of hot water and
terpenoid, have the property of hemolyzing red filtered through serological filter pads. This pro-
blood cells. If a 1-ml. aliquot of the above extract cedure gave solutions representing about 300 mg. of
did not hemolyze 10 ml. of a saline red blood cell plant per ml. Qualitative tests for alkaloids, tan-
suspension, no significant quantity of steroidal nins, organic acids, and phenols were made upon
sapogenin could be found by either micro or macro portions of these water extracts. Tests for sterols
methods. Hence a negative hemolysis test auto- were made on chloroform extracts, prepared by dis-
matically meant that the sample had no steroidal solving residues from the alcoholic extracts in suffi-
sapogenin but a positive test was not so clean cut. cient chloroform to give concentrations of plant
material equivalent to the water extracts. Tests for
1 Subsequent papers in the series will list identifications
flavonols were made upon the original alcoholic
as they are obtained. extracts of the plants.
An arbitrary system of scoring has been used to TABLE
give a rough estimate of the amounts of the various SAPOCENINS
constituents present, 0 indicating none found; one
plus (+) a slight amount present; two plus ( +),+ No. of
Genin Content,
M. F. B.,%

a moderate amount present; and three plus (+ +),+ Species Samples Mia. Max.
a substantial amount.
Flavonols.-The test applied is rssentially that Chlorogenin
used by Willstatter (12) in his early studies on the Agave lechepillu 1 ... 0.1
reduction of quercetin. Beginning with the work Agave schottii 1 ... 0.4
of Stein (13) it was found that certain plant constit- Agave sp. 2 tr 0.1
uents gave distinctive color reactions when reduced
Chlorogalum pomeridianum 2 ... 0.3
Yucca sp. 2 0.1 0.2
in alcoholic solution with hydrochloric acid in the
presence of metals such as sodium amalgam and 9-Dehydrohecogenin
magnesium. It has been established t h a t this
Agave deserti 1 ... tr
color reaction is due t o the presence of the 7-benzo- Agave huachucensis 1 ... 0.1
pyrone nucleus. The details as used here have been Agave scabra 2 ... tr
set forth recently by Bryant (14). One milliliter of Agave shawii I ... 0.1
the alcoholic extract (representing 25-50 mg. of plant Agave sp. 1 . .. 0.2
dry matter) was treated with 0.5 ml. hydrochloric
acid (10%) and magnesium turnings. The color 9-Dehydromanogenin
varied from pale to deep red depending upon the Agave goldmaniana 1 ... 0.1
quantity of flavonoids. A score of one plus as used Agave nelsonii 1 ... tr
in this screening procedure indicated approximately Agave shuwii 2 tr 0.1
0.1% flavonoid present in the plant. This sensitiv-
ity was estimated by the addition of varying quan- Diosgenin
tities of rutin to a known plant extract which ini- Agave sp. 1 . .. 0.2
tially gave a negative response to the test. Dioscorea composita 6 1.2 3.0
Alkaloids.-One milliliter of the water extract, Dioscorea macrostachya 4 0.1 1.5
prepared as described above, was acidified with 0.5 Dioscorea quaternata 2 0.3 0.4
Dioscorea sp. 7 0.1 2.0
ml. of 1% hydrochloric acid and divided into two Yucca dlamentosa 1 ... 0.3
portions. To one was added 2 drops of Mayer’s Yucca sp. 1 ... 0.1
reagent (15, 16) [a potassium mercuric iodide solu-
tion described in (17)], and t o the other was added Gitogenin
2 drops of silicotungstic acid (18)--12.0 Gm. of Agave aurea 1 ... 0.1
4H20.Si02.12WOa.22H~Oin water sufficient t o Agave jilifera 1 ... 0.2
make 100 ml. If a precipitate was obtained either Agave goldrnaniana 1 .(. tr
upon acidification or after addition of the reagents, a Agave nelsonii 1 ... 0.1
confirmatory test was performed in order t o rule out Agave “pelon” 1 ... 0.1
interfering substances such as proteins. Agave schottii 1 ... 0.8
About 1 ml. of water extract was made alkaline Agave serrulata 1 ... 0.1
Agave toumeyana 2 0.1 0.2
with 1% sodium hydroxide solution and extracted Agave sp. 8 0.1 0.3
with an equal volume of chloroform. The chloro- Albuca sp. 2 tr 0.4
form extract was then extracted with an equal quan- Chlorogalum porneridiana 1 . .. 0.1
tity of 1% hydrochloric acid and the latter extract Yucca aloifololia 1 . .. 0.1
divided into equal portions; one tested with Yucca filamentosa 4 0.3 0.4
Mayer’s reagent, the other with silicotungstic acid Yucca jtacida 1 ..* 0.1
solution. Scoring depended upon the quantity of Yucca gloriosa 12 tr 0.2
precipitate obtained. On the basis of the silico-
Yucca thompsoniann 1 . .. 0.3
Yucca sp. 2 tr 0.1
tungstic acid test (using nicotine) a score of one plus
indicated the presence of at least 0.01 t o O.l%, Hecogenin
two plus indicated about 0.1 t o 0.3%, and three plus Agave aurea 1 . .. 0.8
over o.3y0alkaloids in the plant dry matter. Agave chrysantha 1 . .. 0.5
Tannins.-These were estimated by the response Agave deserti 2 tr 0.1
of the water extracts (prepared as described above) Agave expansa 2 0.1 0.3
t o gelatin-salt reagent (19) and confirmed b y the Agave goldmaniana 3 tr 0.2
black color produced with ferric chloride test solu- Agave huachucensis 1 . .. 0.1
tion (20, p. 939). Since precipitation with basic Agave nelsonii 2 ... 0.1
lead acetate occurred in every plant extract ex- Agave palmeri 1 ... 0.5
amined, whether or not tannin was found by other
tests, this reagent was abandoned.
Agave cf. r
Agave parryi
Agave sca ra
In the use of gelatin reagents a test was made with Agave sebastiana 1 ... 0.1
salt alone t o guard against misinterpretation of re- Agave serrulata 1 ... 0.4
sults due to salting out effect which might be pro- Agave shuwii 2 0.1 0.2
duced by nontannin constituents. Also, a separate Agave sobria 1 ... 0.1
test was made with 1% gelatin t o aid in the evalua- Agave toumeyann 4 0.1 0.3
Agave vexam 1 . .. 0.4
tion of tannins since gelatin is less sensitive to them Agave sp. 14 tr 0.4
than gelatin-salt mixture and a positive test with Yucca elata ... 0.1
gelatin alone indicates a larger amount of tannin
Yucca gloriosa
Yucca sp.
. 1
Jnniiary, 1954 SCIENTIFIC
Genin Content, Since this Laboratory is interested in possible
No. of M. F. B., %
Species Samples Min. Max. sources of tannins, c.W. Beebe made quantitative
analyses (21) of some of the materials. Results ob-
Kammogenin tained on several extracts are as follows:
Yuccafilamentosa 3 ... 0.1
Yucca gloriosa 1 ... 0.1
Manogenin Accession Tannin, Screen Test
No. % Score
Agave aurea 1 ... 0.2 312 5.13 +
Agave deserti
Agave goldmuniana
Agave mayoensis
Agave nelsonii
Agave cf. patonii
Agave serrulata
86 I
Agave shawii
Agave toumeyana
n i
n2 928 9.88“ ++
Agave vexam 1 ... 0.2 Analysis only approximate. Sample impossible t o ex-
Agave sp. 1 ... 0.2 tract thoroughly. The scoring used in the screening pro-
Yucca filamentosa 1 ... 0.1 cedure is in satisfactory agreement with the analytical
values obtained.
Yucca gloriosa 5 tr 0.1
Sarsasapogenin Unsaturated Sterols.-Of the various color re-
Agave aff.attenuata 1 ... 1.0 actions for sterols (22) when they are treated with
Yucca angustissima 1 ... 0.3 strong acids under dehydrating conditions, the
Yucca baccata 3 0.2 0.5
Yucca elute 6 tr 0.7 Liebermann-Burchard and Salkowski tests were
Yucca gloriosa 1 ... 0.2 selected for this screening (23). Chloroform ex-
Yucca intermedia 1 ... 0.1 tracts prepared as described above were used and
Yucca schidigera 2 0.4 0.5 the scoring was made upon the basis of color inten-
Yucca standleyi
Yucca cf. thornberi
sities obtained. A score of one plus ( ) indicated
about 0.2y0 sterol content in the plant. This evalu-
Yucca torrevi 1 ... 0.5 ation is based on the use of varying amounts of
Yucca valid; 1 ... 0.3 stigmasterol added to a plant extract which failed t o
Yucca sp. 6 0.2 1.0
Yucca (leaf powder) 1 ... 0.4 produce the Liebermann-Burchard reaction. It
should be pointed out, however, that the Lieber-
Samogenin mann-Burchard reaction is positive only in the pres-
Yucca carnerosana 1 ... 0.3 ence of unsaturated sterols (24). Also, since the
extracts tested had received no preliminary purifica-
Smilagenin tion there is the possibility that other nonsteroidal
Agave lecheguillu 5 0.1 1.0 unsaturated compounds (such as carotene and xan-
Agave mayoensis 1 ... 0.6 thophylls) may have interfered with this reaction
Agave aff.vilmoriniana 1 ... 1.2 (25). Where interference occurred, the color den-
Agave sp. 8 0.2 0.9 sity appeared t o be attained immediately. With
Yucca aloifolia 1 ... 0.1
spinasterol and similar sterols it did appear in this
Yucca carnerosana 1 ... . 0.1
Yucca sp. 1 ... 0.1 fashion. However, with most sterols and where in-
terfering substances were not present, the color
Tigogenin density was minimal immediately after the reaction
Agave aurea 1 ... 0.2 began, then slowly increased, approaching a maxi-
Agave goldmuniana 2 tr 0.1 mum in about fifteen t o twenty minutes. I n prac-
Agave murphyi 1 ... tr tically all of the samples tested in this screening
Agave schottii 1 ... 0.1 work the color density was slow t o develop and slow
Agave serrulata 1 ... 0.4
t o reach a maximum.
Agave shawii 1 ... tr
Organic Acids and Phenols.-The term “organic
Agave sp. 6 tr 0.4
Albuca sp. 2 0.4 0.7 acids” is used collectively in this work t o apply
Chlorogalum pomeridiana 1 ... 0.4 only t o water-soluble constituents of acid character.
Yucca aloifolia 4 tr 0.2 Five-milliliter portions of water extracts prepared
Yucca elata 1 . .. 0.3 as described under Preparation of Extracts were
Yucca jpacida 1 ... 0.2 acidified with 2 ml. of 1% hydrochloric acid and
Yucca gloriosa 5 tr 0.2 extracted with 12 ml. of ether, the ether evaporated
Yucca sp. 4 tr 1.0
off spontaneously from a tared container, and the
Y ammogenin weight of air;dried residue recorded. The product
Dioscorea macrostachya 2 . tr has been termed “organic acids,” but of course it
would also contain nonvolatile phenols. Scoring of
Yuccagenin one-plus indicates less than 1% residue, two, l-lO%,
Agapanthus africanus 1 . ... tr and three, greater than 10%.
A gapanthus urnbellatus 2 0.1 0.2 The qualitative scoring of phenols has been
Agave sp. 2 0.1 0.3 speculative. It has arbitrarily depended upoii the
Nolina greenii 1 ... 0.1 tint and relative intensity of color produced with
Yucca jilamentosa 5 0.1 0.3 ferric chloride test reagent (20, p. 938). This test is
Yucca gloriosa 1 ... 0.1
of little value in the presence of tannins which
Yucca sp. .. ... 0.4
produce a black color with ferric chloride. Absence
of organic acids above is indicative of the absence Flavonols were rarely found. A double-plus
of nonvolatile phenols. The estimated value for reaction was obtained only in four species of Lilia-
phenols has therefore not been assigned higher than ceae. A triple-plus was not obtained, although a
the figure given t o organic acids. sample of buckwheat leaves, Fagopyrum esculentum
of about 4% rutin content, gave a triple-plus.
No alkaloids were found in Agave, but a triple-plus
test was obtained in 14 other species of Amarylli-
daceae, most of them from South Africa. A triple-
A table has been prepared giving the data for each plus was obtained in one species of Apocynaceae, in
sample-its origin and identification, the results of three of Dioscoreaceae, in two of Liliaceae, but not
the hemolysis tests, the kinds and amounts of steroi- a t all in Yucca. There is evidence that alkaloids do
dal sapogenins found, and the qualitative findings not occur in Dioscoreas native to the Western Hernis-
for flavonols, alkaloids, tannins, sterols, organic phere, but only in some Old World species (27).
acids, and phenols. Because of space limitations Table I1 lists the species in which alkaloids have
this table cannot be given here. It has, however, been found for the first time.
heen prepared in processed form as AIC- 363and may
he obtained on request from the U. S. Department of TABLE
Agriculture, Eastern Regional Research Laboratory,
Bureau of Agricultural & Industrial Chemistry, Amaryllidaceae
Philadelphia 18,Pa. Ammocharis coranica (bulbs)
Table I as included here is a rearrangement of the Ammocharis falcata (bulbs)
steroid data t o show their occurrence by species. Brunserigia rosea (whole)
A positive hemolysis test for saponin occurred in Crinum buphnoides (bulbs)
60% of all species, but only one-fourth of these Crinum cf. moorei (bulbs)
species contained steroidal saponins. There was a Haemanthus albiflos (bulbs)
high incidence of steroidal sapogenins in certain Haemanthus coccineus (bulbs)
Haemanthus nelsonii (bulbs)
genera: 4?% in Yucca, 24% in Agave but, contrary Leucojum aestioum (whole)
t o expectations, only 10% in Dioscorea. These Narcissus cf. lazatta (bulbs, leaves)
steroids were found only in families of the Liliales- Nerine angustifolia (bulbs)
in the present list, Liliaceae, Amaryllidaceae, and Periphanes zeyheri (bulbs)
Dioscoreaceae; two genera of Iridaceae had none. Vallota speciosa (bulbs)
Of the 14 sapogenins found, diosgenin, gitogenin, Apocynaceae
hecogenin, sarsasapogenin, smilagenin, and tigo- A msonia ciliata (whole)
genin were in the greatest number of species.
Kammogenin, samogenin, and yammogenin were Dioscoreaccae
rare and in small concentrations. Hecogenin was Dioscorea dregeana (rhizome)
the predominant steroid in half the agaves; dios- Liliaceae
genin in all of the yams; sarsasapogenin in 70% of Brodiaea unijlora (whole)
the yuccas (26). Y. filamentosa was extremely
varied, three different genins predominating in dif- Polygonaceae
ferent samples. Rumex crispus (rhizomes)
The configuration at the ring A/B juncture a t Rumex hymenosepalus (rhizomes)
carbon 5 is with few exceptions a species characteris-
tic. For example, many given Agave species form
tigogenin, hecogenin, gitogenin, rnanogenin, and Tannin was absent from most families. In the
chlorogenin, singly or in a variety of combinations, [ridaceae it was found in four species of Watsonin.
all of which have the trans configuration a t carbon 5. In the Liliaceae it was found in Albuca, Nolina, and
The corresponding cis form is never found in these Smilax (eight species). It was abundant in roots of
species. Agave lecheguilla and a few other Agave Rumex (Polygonaceae), which is being considered as
species produce smilagenin with a cis structure a t a commercial source.
carbon 5, and the corresponding trans types are Unsaturated sterols were generally frequent and
never found. abundant, mostly in leaves, but sometimes occurred
A similar situation is found in Yucca. Although a in Dioscorea tubers.
variety of sapogenins are produced by the various A slight test for organic acids was obtained in
species, those which make the cis compounds never practically all samples, as was t o be expected. A
produce the trans and vice versa. In the Dioscorea two-plus test was obtained in only 32 samples, and
the A/B juncture is a generic characteristic; only these were mostly Agave and Yucca. One triple-
sapogenins unsaturated between carbons 5 and 6 plus was obtained in Y.gloriosa.
are formed. Even a slight test for phenols was obtained in only
Regional specificity is particularly ma1ked in about 10% of the samples, and just one two-plus
Yucca. In agreement with Marker, el al. (3), we test, in Y . gloriosa.
find that southwesterly yuccas growing in arid areas Since these results for acids and for phenols seemed
produce only sarsasapogenin. Those growing in the to lack significance or were fruitless, the tests for
moist southeastern areas make a variety of sapo- them were abandoned after the first 1,000 samples.
genins. In contrast t o Marker, et al., we find that
smilagenin was not the predominant genin formed REFERENCES
in the southeast. In most cases the sapogenins were
C-5 trans compounds, tigogenin, and gitogenin being (1) Jacohs. W. A., and Heidelberger, M., J . BioL Chetn.
81. 785(1929).
particularly comnion. (2) Katz, A , . Helw. Ckim. Acla, 31, 993(1948).
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Wittbecker E ’ L Goidsmith 6. P. J., and Ruoi, C. H.: (17) “Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis,” Vol. VII,
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(4) Djerassi. C., Ringold, H. J., and Rosenkranz, G., 29-34.
ibid., 73, 6513(1951). (18) Bertrand, G., Bull. SOC. chim., 21 (3). 434(1899).
(5) Chamberlio, E. M.. Ruyle, W. V., Erickson, A. E., (19) Wilson, J. A., and Merrill, H. B , “Analysis of Leather
Chemerda J. M. Aliminosa L M Erickson, R. L., Sita, and Materials Used in Making It,” 1st ed., T h e McGraw-
G. E., and Tishlk, M.. ibid.,’73,‘2396(1951). Hill Book Co Inc. New York 1931, pp. 290 293.
(6) Peterson, D. H., and Murray, H. C., ibid., 74, 1871 (20) The United States PAarmacopeia, i l t h Revision,
(1952). Mack Publishing Co., Easton. Pa.. 1950.
(7) Wehmer. C., “Die Pflanzenstoffe,” G. Fischer Verlag, (21) “Methods of Sampling and Analysis of the American
Jena. 1929 and 1935. Leather Chemists Association. Vegetable Materials Con-
( 8 ) Henry, T. A., “Plant Alkaloids,” 4th ed., The Blakis- taining Tannin. Proposed Methods,” 1946, pp. A-1-A-14.
ton Co., Inc., New York, 1949. (22) Gortner, R. A,, “Outlines of Biochemistry,” 2nd
(9) M y s k e , R . . H . F.. and Holmes. H. L., “The Alka- ed. John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York 1938 p. 799.
loids. I. Academic Press Inc. New York 1950. (23) “Allen’s Commkrcial’ Organic Analysis,” Vol. 11,
(10) Wall M. E. Kride; M. M. Roth, $. R., and Eddy, 5th ed., The Blakiston Co., Inc., New York, 1924, p. 768.
C. R.,, J. Bibf. Cheh., 198, ’533(1953). (24) Fieser, L. F., “ S v m i s t r y of Natural Products
(11) Wall, M. E., Edd , C R , McClennan. M. L., and Related t o Phenanthrene, 2nd ed., Reinhold Publishing
Klumpp, M. E., Anal. C L m . ; 24; 1337(1952). Corp.. New York. 1937.
(12) Willstktter R. Bcr 47 2831(1914) (25) Wall. M. E., and Kelley, B. G., Anal. Chcnr., 19, 677
(13) Stein, W . , ’ J . ’praki.’ C L m . 85 (l), ’351(1862); 88. \-_-.,_
280(1863); 89, 491(1863). (26) Anon., Chcm. 6’ Eng. NEWS,30,2822 (1952).
(14) Bryant E. F. THIS JOURNAL 39 480(1950). (27) Willaman, J. J., Fenske, C. S., and Correll, D. S.,
(15) Mayer,’F. F.,’Chcm. News, 7,’ 1 5 h 8 6 3 ) . Scrcncc, 118. 329(1953).

The in Vitro Evaluation of the Antibacterial

Activity of Sulfonamides*
The necessity for using bacteriological cul- mixtures which have been incompletely char-
ture media containing a minimum of sulfon- acterized. The individual substances of known
amide-inhibitors and capable of supporting
satisfactory growth of the organism is empha- composition which inhibit the in vitro action of
sized. The other parameters significant in sulfonamides include p-aminobenzoic acid and
such bacteriostatic tests are reviewed. Thirty
per cent sodium sulfatxtamide solutions and related compounds, methionine, arginine, lysine,
ointments are shown to inhibit the growth glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, serine, allo-
of M. pyogenes var. aweas in a synthetic fluid threonine, guanine, xanthine, glucose, mercuric
chloride, calcium chloride, and urethane (3).
Incompletely characterized complex mixtures
HE STANDARD in vitro antibacterial tests can-
which have been found to be inhibitory to sul-
Tnot be casually applied to the evaluation of
fonamide action include .among others meat ex-
sulfocamides or sulfonamide-containingpharma-
tracts and infusions, blood, plasma, serum, many
ceuticals because the commonly used bacterio-
proteins, peptones (protein hydrolysis products),
logical culture media frequently contain sulfa-
necrotic tissue, and bacterial products (3).
inhibitors which tend to mask the in Oitro effects
In addition to the problem of sulfa-inhibitors,
of these compounds. MacLeod and Mirick (1,2)
other parameters which significantly effect the
stated that the most important source of mor in
results of any bacteriostatic test method include
such bacteriostatic tests is the presence of sul-
the following (4) : (a) species and strain of test
fonamide-inhibitors in the usual bacteriological
organism, ( b ) composition and PH of medium,
culture media and that unless inhibitor-free
media are used, tests for the susceptibility of (c) inoculum age, size, and diluting fluid, (d)
concentrations and stability of drug solutions,
bacteria of any species to the sulfonamide drugs
(e) temperature and duration of incubation, and
are unreliable and may be wholly misleading.
(f) criteria used to determine activity.
Known sulfonamide-inhibitors fall into two
The importance of some of these variables is
main classificatiohs: substances of known com-
illustrated below. White indicated (5) that
position (usually single compounds), and complex
temperatures are critical accessory factors in the
bacterial action of sulfonamides in vitro by show-
* Received from Strong Cobb & Co., Inc., Cleveland 4,
Ohio. ing that 100 times as much sulfanilamide was re-
Presented t o the Scientific Section, A. Pn. A., Salt Lake
City meeting, August, 1963. quired for sterilization at 37’ as was required at

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