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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Good day. This is a 25-item test which will gauge your prior knowledge on Creative Writing. Choose the correct
answer by writing the letter of your choice. You may now proceed.

1. This genre of literature is broadly defined as any story told in dialogue form that is performed by actors for an
audience. points: 2
A. short story C. drama
B. novel D. novellete
2. It is a literary device used by the writer to create mental pictures. points: 2
A. symbolism C. figures of speech
B. imagery D. diction
3. This literary device may be dichotomized into two categories: the first are devices used to create sound or
melody; the second are devices that are used to evoke imagination and emotions. points: 2
A. figures of speech C. idiom
B. diction D. metaphor
4. It is a figure of speech that makes uses of words that mean the opposite of what the speaker or writer wants to
say especially in order to insult someone, to show irritation or to be funny. points: 2
A. metaphor C. hyperbole
B. oxymoron D. sarcasm
5. It refers to the writer’s choice of words and his selection of graphic words not only affect the reader’s attitude
but also convey the writer’s feelings toward the literary work. points: 2
A. idiom C. denotation
B. diction D. euphony
6. It is a group of lines that form a unit of poetry. points: 2
A. paragraph C. stanza
B. line D. sentence
7. It is a type of Filipino poem consisting of four lines with seven syllables each with the same rhyme at the end of
each line points: 2
A. Tanaga C. Diona
B. Haiku D. Sonnet
8. It is a type of poem in which the first letter, syllable or word of each line, paragraph or other recurring feature in
the text spells out a word or a message. points: 2
A. free verse C. acrostic
B. flip top D. concrete
9. In poetry, this refers to the pattern of beat of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry.
points: 2
A. rhyme C. sound
B. beat D. rhythm
10. In writing a poem, it consists of two successive lines. The last two lines of the sonnets of Shakespeare usually
end with this. points: 2
A. terza rima C. couplet
B. cinquain D. ottava rima
11. It is a genre of prose which is usually known as a class of literature comprising works of imaginative narration.
points: 2
A. nonfiction C. creative writing
B. fiction D. creative nonfiction
12. It is an element of a story which refers to the time and place of the story. It actually gives the sense of reality in
the story and it provides background of the action. It can be stated or implied. points: 2
A. Theme C. setting
B. characters D. theme
13. It is one of the literary devices of story writing which pertains to a word or phrase, or a sentence that can
contain an important clue that the author may insert to prepare the reader for a later event. points: 2
A. foreshadowing C. flashback
B. hint D. soliloquy
14. It refers to the relationship between a narrator and the events he or she narrates. It is also the angle of
narration of the author or it is the angle from which the story is told. points: 2
A. theme C. point of view
B. mood D. atmosphere
15. It is a part of a plot which means the turning point of the story. Readers wonder what will happen next; will the
conflict be resolved or not? points: 2
A. rising action C. falling action
B. climax D. denouement
16. It is technique in drama which is the shaping of a text’s meaning by another text. It is a literary device that
creates an interrelationship between text’s related understanding in separate works. points: 2
A. Interplay C. intermission
B. intertwined D. intertextuality
17. It is literary work which imitates or mocks another serious work or type of literature. points: 2
A. parody C. burlesque
B. skit D. mockery
18. This refers to the words written by the playwright and spoken by the characters in the play which can be found
in a script. points: 2
A. monologue C. epilogue
B. dialogue D. analog
19. This is short for properties; any article, except costume or scenery, used as part of a dramatic production; any
moveable object that appears on stage during a performance, from a telephone to a train points: 2
A. light C. sound
B. props D. scenery
20. It is the position of the acting area in relation to the audience. points: 2
A. Upstage C. staging
B. acting area D. downstage
21. It is major type of stage which is said to be the oldest known fixed type of staging in the world, and it is
thousands of years old. This type situates the audience in three sides of the stage (front, left and right wings).
Hence, it gives a closer and all-around view of the action points: 2
A. Proscenium Stage C. Traverse Stage
B. Thrust Stage D. Round/In-the-Round Stage
22. It is one of the common critical approaches in analyzing literary pieces which is a multi-disciplinary approach
that includes the perspectives of humanistic disciplines such as literature and art and the social and behavioral
sciences such as anthropology, economics, and psychology. points: 2
A. New Historical Perspectives C. Cultural Studies
B. Marxist Perspective D. Feminist Perspective
23. It is a form of essay that deals with the process of writing. It is a work that is personal to the writer. Its subjects
are what are referred to as writerly topics. points: 2
A. craft essay C. narrative essay
B. reflective essay D. expository essay
24. It is the available space occupied by the set and used by the actors when acting. points: 2
A. staging C. back stage
B. acting area D. upstage
25. This is an important element in staging which pertains to the precise staging of actors in order to facilitate the
performance of a play. points: 2
A. stage directions C. scenic background
B. script D. blocking

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OIC, Office of the ASP2


Principal IV

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