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Name: Marjorie Jade G.

Aleria Date: September 13, 2022

Course and Year Level: BSN-2-BLOCK B



Activity 1: Public Health Nursing

• Discuss the historical events that have influenced the development of public Health
nursing and community health nursing, What improvement regarding health care in your area
that the client is utilizing the different programs given to your place and how effective it is. Write
your answer in the box provided below.

The history of public health nursing and community health nursing may be traced
back thousands of years. People battled for existence in the beginning by creating
techniques to deal with life occurrences. Public health evolved via trial and error and
developing scientific medical knowledge, which was sometimes contentious and was
sometimes prompted by natural calamities. The necessity for organized health protection
emerged as a result of communal life's growth, particularly urbanization, social reforms,
and the historical development of nursing and midwifery, as well as the connected function
of feldshers. Despite these distinctions, by the end of the nineteenth century, the causes
for the establishment of the public health nursing function were crushing poverty,
unfairness, a lack of fundamental health services, environmental pollution, and contagious
illnesses. People were concerned about illnesses and had some understanding on how to
treat them. Many health care companies track community benefit programs and assess
results for internal quality improvement goals.

Activity 1: Public Health Nursing

• Understand the definition and focus of public health and community health nursing.
Cite an instance wherein you can see that clients are applying what is given or
desiminated during the health teachings. Write your answer
in the box provided below.

Youth have been exposed to a greater range of tobacco products in recent years,
including smokeless tobacco and e-cigarettes. Thousands of youngsters become addicted
to tobacco products each year, despite strong local, provincial/territorial, and national
preventive initiatives and legislative regulations. Current and accessible smoking cessation
therapies for kids have the potential to assist teens in quitting smoking and, as a result,
significantly minimize future health burden. Health care providers can play an important
role in assisting youth in making educated decisions about tobacco usage and quitting. The
following are some examples of how clients implement what they learn or are taught during
health classes; they comprehend the addiction of smoking and are aware that smoking
causes foul breath. It stinks up their clothes and hair, and it turns their fingers and teeth
yellow. This practice point covers the evidence and rationales for smoking cessation
therapies that have been evaluated in adolescents, such as individual counseling,
psychological support, nicotine replacement therapy, bupropion, and varenicline.
Interventions with inadequate or contradictory data are also considered.

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