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Data Types:

A type of value that a variable can hold is called datatype. C++ supports
three types of datatypes, they are as follows :

1. User-defined datatypes
2. Built-in datatypes
3. Derived Datatypes

(i)User-defined datatypes : They are of 4 types

a) Structure

b) Union

c) Class

d) Enumeration

Structure: A Structure is a collection of data items of different data types

under a single name.


struct tagname

Datatype member1;

Datatype member2;


Datatypes member n;


Union : A union is a collection of data item of different data types. It is

similar to that of a structure.


union tagname

Datatype member1;

Datatype member2;

Datatypes member n;

} variable1, variable2….variable n;

Class: It is collection of objects.

It consists of Data members and Member Functions

Enumeration : It is a user defined data type which allows the user to

create its own data and define the values that the variables of this
datatype can take. The syntax is as follows:

enum datatype_name

Value1,Value2…value n


Built in Data Types

Integer Data type :

(i) byte : It has 8 bit integer value.

• It’s minimum value is -127
• It’s maximum value is +128
• Its default value is 0
• 1 byte= 8 bits
• It is used in arrays to reduce the space
• It is 4 times smaller than integer value.

Example : byte a=100;

(ii) short: It is a 16 bit integer value.

• It’s minimum value is -32767

• It’s maximum value is +32768
• It’s default value is 0
• It is two times smaller than integer value.
• It is used in arrays to reduce the space.

Example : short s=10000;

(iii) int: It is a 32 bit integer value

• It’s minimum value is -2^31

• It’s maximum value is 2^31-1
• It’s default value is 0
• It is used a default datatype for integer values

Example : int a=10000000;

(iv) long: It is a 64 bit integer value

• It’s minimum value is -2^63

• It’s maximum value is 2^63-1
• It’s default value is 0L
• This type is used when a wider range than int is used.

Example : long a=100000L

Floating Data types:

(i) Float: It is a 32 bit floating point value.

• The default value is 0.0f

• It is used to save memory in large arrays of floating-point numbers.
• It is never used for precise values such as : currency.

Example: float a=63.05f

(ii) double: It is a 64 bit floating point value

• Default value is 0.0d

• This datatype is used as default data type for decimal values.
• It should never be used for precise values such as currency.

Example : double a=63.05d

char: It is a 16 bit value
• Its minimum value is ‘\u000’ - > 0
• Its maximum values is ‘\ffff - > 35000
• It is used to store any character

Example : char name=’siddhartha’;

Boolean: It represents 1 bit of information.

• There are only two possible values i.e. True or False
• It is used for simple flags.
• Its default value is false.

Derived datatypes They are of 4 types

a) Array :It is a variable which is capable of holding fixed values in

contagious memory location. The general format of an array is

Syntax: Datatype arrayname[arraysize];

b) Function: A function is a block of code that performs a specific task

. They can be defined once and executed for desired number of
times by calling it from any part of the program.

Syntax: functiontype functionname(parameter list);

c) Pointer: A variable that stores address of another variable is called


Syntax: datatype *ptr;

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