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Week & Hour #1


Teacher: Angel Arturo Del Valle Almance

Student: Diego Steven Moran Pineda

Source: I read an article about hypertrophy which is “Total Number of Sets as a Training
Volume Quantification Method for Muscle Hypertrophy”

This article is introducing the topic by exposing two of the most important factors to
increase our muscle gains which are “resistance training” and “controlling training
First, an interesting thing about introduction is that the author mentioned that intensity is
something less important to consider because we would get similar gains using a 1RM or
more repetitions with low percent of RM.
According to this article we need to focus on training volume even more than our rests,
velocity, or exercise order. This is called as a Total Work (TW), and this is considered as the
best quantification method for hypertrophy.
This article was created by Oxford and The Physiotherapy Evidence Database, which did
research related to 2,585 studies about a similar investigation, and according to the
Oxford’s level evidence 6 of the 14 studies included on this article were of high quality
randomized controlled trials.
This article will help me a lot because I’ve read so much information about these ways of
training and, at least in Spanish, I haven’t found anything as clear as this research.
Week & Hour #2

Teacher: Angel Arturo Del Valle Almance

Student: Diego Steven Moran Pineda

Date: 2022

Source: Listening 1, 2, 3 & 4

Week & Hour #3

Teacher: Angel Arturo Del Valle Almance

Student: Diego Steven Moran Pineda

Date: 2022

Source: I read an article about calisthenics which is “Effect of Progressive Calisthenic

Push-up Training on Muscle Strength and Thickness”

First, this research says that “studies on calisthenics are limited, and the few that have
tested the effectiveness of these exercises to improve muscle strength have not reported
any increases”, so this is an important information to talk about since this is not the most
reliable article because there is not enough information.
Twenty-seven subjects were recruited to participate in this study and all of them
completed a warm-up consisting of jogging in place (1 minute), jumping jacks (1 minute),
jogging in place (1 minute), shoulders rolls (20 repetitions), arm circles (20 repetitions),
and chest openers (20 repetitions).
The training variables applied to these progressive push-up variations were selected based
on current RT guidelines for increasing muscle strength, so it means that every subject did
a lot of push-up alternatives, but all these variations were initiated at the elbows, with the
upper arms pressing against the sides of the body.
The main finding of this study was that the utilization of progressive push-up variations
increased upper-body strength, even as much as the famous “bench” press.
Week & Hour #4

Teacher: Angel Arturo Del Valle Almance

Student: Diego Steven Moran Pineda

Date: 2022

Source: Exercise 1 & 2

Week & Hour #5

Teacher: Angel Arturo Del Valle Almance

Student: Diego Steven Moran Pineda

Date: 2022


 What is an essay?

Essays are a short piece of writing representing one’s side of the argument or one’s
experiences, stories, even points of view, and they are very personalized.

 How to do an essay?

1. Develop a topic by understanding the assignment requirements, exploring

background information, and forming a working thesis
2. Conduct research using scholarly sources, taking critical notes, and reading
3. Create a thesis statement and outline of arguments that will form the essay
4. Integrate research evidence with properly formatted citations and
5. Correct and revise your thesis, outline, and writing for grammatical errors
and common structural and stylistic mistakes

 Structure of an essay

 An introduction that gives the reader an idea of what they are about to learn
and presents an argument in the form of a thesis statement
 A body, or middle section, that provides evidence used to prove and
persuade the reader to accept the writer's particular point of view
 A conclusion that summarizes the content and findings of the essay
 Example of an essay

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