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Here's your Friday night plan

sorted by watching a title that
your VF Fam recommends!

Let your inner movie critic out &

review the movie while bingeing it

Start Date: 15th July (Friday) 11.00AM
End Date: 22nd July (Friday) 11.00PM
Points: 50 VF points
Activity type: Team movie night
Steps for Ambassadors:

While watching the movie, take a

team picture/ screenshot of you
and your team members.

Upload the picture of you attending

the movie night with your team
members on the dashboard
Steps for TL:

Team Leader has to discuss with

the team members and select a
movie of their preference

While watching the movie, take a

team picture/ screenshot of you
and your team members.

Upload the picture of you attending

the movie night with your team
members on the dashboard

Submit the title and genre of the

film you watched with your team on
the dashboard (to complete the
task successfully)

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