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Sales Info

SL Order Date Book ID Book Name Buying Price Selling Price Discount (%)
1 1/1/2022 9876 Alice in Wondarland 500 800 20%
2 1/2/2022 41564 War and peace 560 870 10%
3 1/3/2022 43648 The graps of wrath 740 1050 15%
4 1/4/2022 67103 Invisible man 540 790 25%
5 1/5/2022 44378 To kill a Mocking bird 600 900 20%
6 1/6/2022 88448 The Trail 640 930 10%
7 1/7/2022 31456 The Red And The Black 570 780 15%
8 1/8/2022 82780 Mrs. Dalloway 540 690 20%
9 1/9/2022 68371 Beloved 470 685 15%
10 1/10/2022 17090 Archer 460 800 25%

Total Price
Total Price Profit
640 140
783 223
892.5 152.5
592.5 52.5
720 120
837 197
663 93
552 12
582.25 112.25
600 140


Total Profit 1242.25

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