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Regenerative Endodontics

Clinical, Radiographic, and Histologic Outcome of

Regenerative Endodontic Treatment in Human
Teeth Using a Novel Collagen-hydroxyapatite
Ali Nosrat, DDS, MS, MDS,*† Alireza Kolahdouzan, DDS, MS,‡§ Amir Hossein Khatibi, DDS, MS,¶
Prashant Verma, DDS, MS, FAGD,† Davoud Jamshidi, DDS, MS,‡ Alan J. Nevins, DDS,k
and Mahmoud Torabinejad, DDS, MSD, PhD**

Introduction: Histologic examination of teeth after mineralization when used as a scaffold for RET in human immature noninfected teeth.
regenerative endodontic treatment (RET) shows that The newly formed mineralized tissue solidifies with newly formed cementum on the
the type, quality, and quantity of tissues formed in the dentinal walls. (J Endod 2019;45:136–143)
root canal space are not predictable. The aim of this
study was to examine clinically, radiographically, and Key Words
histologically the outcome of RET in immature nonin- Immature tooth, regenerative endodontic treatment, revascularization, revitalization,
fected human teeth using SynOss Putty (Collagen Matrix scaffold, SynOss Putty
Inc, Oakland, NJ) as a scaffold. Methods: Three pairs of
maxillary/mandibular first premolars in 3 patients sched-
uled for extraction were included. Sensibility tests
confirmed the presence of vital pulps. After informed
P ulp necrosis in imma-
ture teeth creates a
complicated situation for
Using SynOss Putty with blood as a scaffold can
consent, anesthesia, and rubber dam isolation, the pulps make the outcome of regenerative endodontic
clinicians. The immature
were removed. RET was performed using the following treatments more predictable. The formation of an
root/canal is difficult to
scaffolds: SynOss Putty + blood in both teeth in patient intracanal mineralized tissue that solidifies with
disinfect, difficult to seal,
#1, SynOss Putty with or without blood in patient #2, the dentin-associated mineralized tissue might
and prone to fracture
and SynOss Putty + blood or blood only in patient #3. improve the structural integrity of immature teeth.
because of its thin root
After a follow-up period of 2.5–7.5 months, the teeth structure. Apexification
were clinically and radiographically evaluated, ex- using mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) has shown promising results regarding the res-
tracted, and examined histologically. Results: Patients olution of endodontic disease and the survival of treated teeth (1, 2). Although
remained asymptomatic after treatment. Radiographic traditional apexification methods promote healing of the periapical lesion, they do
examination of the teeth showed signs of root develop- not promote root development. Regenerative endodontic treatment (RET) is a
ment after treatment. In teeth treated with SynOss biologically based treatment aiming to regenerate the pulp-dentin complex (3, 4)
Putty + blood, histologic examination showed formation and promote continued root development (5). Root development might increase the
of intracanal mineralized tissue around the scaffold par- overall structural strength of the tooth (6) and, possibly, the survival.
ticles solidifying with newly formed cementumlike tissue The outcome of RET can be assessed from 2 perspectives:
on the dentinal walls. The tooth treated with SynOss
Putty without blood showed the formation of a periap- 1. healing of the endodontic disease (ie, successful infection control) and
ical lesion. The tooth treated with a blood clot only 2. root development (ie, successful tissue regeneration) (7).
showed tissues of periodontal origin growing into the As shown in many clinical studies, infection control and healing of the periapical
root canal space. Conclusions: SynOss Putty + blood lesion are predictable and reliable outcomes with this treatment (2, 8, 9). However, the
showed a predictable pattern of tissue formation and rate for root development varies from 20% (8) to 100% (10). This means that 1 of the

From the *Iranian Center for Endodontic Research, Dental Research Center, School of Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran;

Division of Endodontics, Department of Advanced Oral sciences and Therapeutics, School of Dentistry, University of Maryland Baltimore, Maryland; ‡Department of
Endodontics, School of Dentistry, Ghazvin University of Medical Sciences, Ghazvin, Iran; §Department of Endodontics, School of Dentistry, Shahed University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran; ¶Private Practice, Tehran, Iran; kPrivate Practice, Southampton, New York; and **Torabinejad Institute of Surgical Education and Research
Venues, Irvine, California.
Address requests for reprints to Dr Ali Nosrat, Division of Endodontics, Department of Advanced Oral sciences and Therapeutics, School of Dentistry, University of
Maryland Baltimore, 650 West Baltimore Street, 4th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21201. E-mail address:
0099-2399/$ - see front matter
Copyright ª 2018 American Association of Endodontists.

136 Nosrat et al. JOE — Volume 45, Number 2, February 2019

Regenerative Endodontics
major outcomes of RET is still unpredictable. There are several case re- extraction (Table 1). Preoperative radiographs were taken to confirm
ports on “no tissue regeneration” and “empty root canal space” (11, the presence of open apices and the absence of caries and restorations.
12) in which teeth treated with RET showed healing of periapical In patient #1, teeth #20 and 29 were planned for treatment with SynOss
lesions but no or poor root development. In these cases, the Putty + blood. The treatments on patient #1 were performed before pa-
outcome can be considered a “success” because of infection control tients #2 and 3. After observation of the clinical, radiographic, and his-
and healing of the periapical lesion or a “failure” because of a lack tologic outcomes in patient #1, the treatments in patients #2 and 3 were
of tissue regeneration, evidenced by no root development or an planned. In patient #2, tooth #5 was planned for treatment with SynOss
empty root canal space. Studies have shown that intracanal residual Putty + blood, and tooth #12 was planned for treatment with SynOss
bacteria play a crucial role in the lack of tissue regeneration in Putty only. In patient #3, tooth #5 was planned for treatment with SynOss
previously infected immature teeth (13). Other studies hypothesized Putty + blood, and tooth #12 was planned for treatment with a blood
that the blood clot might not be stable enough as a scaffold to support clot only (Table 1).
the tissue regeneration process at its initial phases (14). The lack of a
reliable and easy-to-access scaffold is a limitation for the existing pulp
regeneration protocol (15).
Recently, a new scaffold was introduced for RET. SynOss Putty is a Clinical Procedures
Food and Drug Administration–approved material (https://www. After pulp testing using Endo-Ice (Hygenic, Akron, OH) and an comprising cal- electric pulp tester (Analytic Technology, Redmond, WA), local anes-
cium phosphate–based mineral particles with a carbonate apatite struc- thesia was administered using 1.7 mL 3% Carbocaine without epineph-
ture combined with bovine type 1 collagen. The mineral particles are rine (Novocol Pharmaceutical, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada). Each
dispersed within collagen fibers forming a 3-dimensional matrix. It is tooth was isolated with a rubber dam, and an access cavity was prepared
supplied dry and forms a moldable putty upon hydration. The moldable using a high-speed bur and water spray. After establishing the working
putty is durable enough to condense the coronal barrier against it. A length radiographically 1 mm short of the open apex, the coronal thirds
recent case series showed successful results using SynOss Putty as a of the canals were enlarged using Gates Glidden drills (Dentsply Mail-
scaffold in RET of immature teeth with pulp necrosis and immature teeth lefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland). All canals were instrumented using hand
with previous root canal treatment (16). The follow-up radiographs of files (Dentsply Maillefer) to completely remove the pulp tissue. Between
those cases showed possible deposition of intracanal mineralized tis- each instrument, the canals were gently irrigated with 1.25% sodium
sues even in previously obturated canals. The findings showed that using hypochlorite at 1 mm short of the working length. After completion
SynOss as a scaffold can lead to a predictable revitalization of the teeth of instrumentation, all canals were irrigated with 5 mL 17% EDTA
and production of the intracanal mineralized tissues. There are no his- and dried with sterile paper points. Bleeding was induced by overexten-
tologic data on human immature teeth treated with SynOss Putty. The sion of a size 30 hand file 2–3 mm beyond the working length. In teeth
aim of this study was to report, for the first time, on the clinical, radio- receiving SynOss Putty + blood as a scaffold, the material was cut into
graphic, and histologic outcomes of RET in noninfected immature hu- several pieces, soaked in normal saline, placed in the root canal orifice,
man teeth using SynOss Putty as a scaffold. and packed apically to the working length using a 5/7 plugger (1 piece
at the time). The procedure was performed immediately after bleeding
was induced. A blood clot was then allowed to form for 10 minutes. MTA
Materials and Methods powder and liquid (ProRoot; Dentsply Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK) were
Case Selection mixed to putty consistency, gently placed over the blood clot/SynOss
The study protocol was peer reviewed and approved by the Insti- Putty + blood, and gently adapted to the dentinal walls. Because SynOss
tutional Review Board at the Ghazvin University of Medical Sciences, Putty creates a firm surface in the root canal space, MTA could be easily
Ghazvin, Iran (IR.QUMS.REC.1397.014). The inclusion criteria were packed against it. The access cavity of each tooth was restored with
as follows: resin-modified glass ionomer cement. A postoperative periapical radio-
graph was taken. There was insufficient bleeding induced in tooth #5 in
1. Bilateral maxillary and mandibular immature premolars planned for
patient #2. The blood only filled the apical third of the canal. The rest of
extraction for orthodontic reasons
the procedures were performed as planned.
2. No history of caries or dental procedures
The length of the recall period before extraction was determined
3. A positive response to vitality tests
by the orthodontic treatment plan. Before extraction, a periapical radio-
4. The patient is cooperative enough to conduct the experimental pro-
graph was taken to evaluate the continuation of root development. Pulp
sensibility tests were performed, and the results were recorded. The
5. Parents/guardians are willing to participate
teeth were extracted under local anesthesia. Immediately after extrac-
Written informed consent was obtained from the parents. Three tion, 2 radiographs were taken of each tooth (the mesiodistal view
patients were enrolled. Each had a pair of premolars scheduled for and the buccolingual view).

TABLE 1. Demographic Data, Type of Scaffold, and Results of Clinical Examinations at the Recall Sessions
Patient no. Age/sex Tooth no. Scaffold Recall (months) Percussion Palpation EPT Cold test
#1 12/M 20 SynOss + blood 7.5 — — + +
29 SynOss + blood 2.5 — — — —
#2 12/M 5 SynOss + blood 3 — — — —
12 SynOss only 3 — — — —
#3 10/F 5 SynOss + blood 4 — — — —
12 Blood clot only 4 — — — —
EPT, electric pulp test; F, female; M, male.

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Regenerative Endodontics
Tissue Processing Clinical Findings
The teeth were placed in 10% formaldehyde for fixation. All treated teeth were asymptomatic and functional at recall ses-
Teeth extracted from patient #2 had a narrower apical opening, sions, with normal mobility, normal probing depths, and no signs or
so small round holes were prepared on the roots to ensure com- symptoms of endodontic disease. The teeth responded negatively to sen-
plete diffusion of formaldehyde into the canal spaces. All teeth sibility tests at the recall session, except for tooth #20 in patient #1 (Syn-
were decalcified in 7% formic acid. Complete decalcification was Oss Putty + blood), which responded positively to both the cold test and
confirmed radiographically. After decalcification, specimens were electric pulp testing at the 7.5-month recall. Details of the clinical find-
rinsed with running tap water for 2 hours and dehydrated with ings at the recall sessions are shown in Table 1.
ascending concentrations of alcohol (70%, 90%, and 100%).
The glass ionomer restorations were gently removed, and speci-
mens were embedded in paraffin. Five-micrometer-thick labiolin- Radiographic Findings
gual serial sections were prepared and stained with hematoxylin- In the radiographs taken before extraction, both mandibular pre-
eosin. Masson trichrome staining was performed on sections molars in patient #1 (SynOss Putty + blood) showed variable degrees of
from tooth #20 in patient #1. Samples were evaluated microscop- root development with apical closure and increased opacity in canal
ically (Zeiss, G€ottingen, Germany) by an independent oral pathol- spaces (Fig. 1A–J). The maxillary premolars in patient #2 (SynOss
ogist to determine the histologic features of tissues formed within Putty + minimal blood in tooth #5 and SynOss Putty only in tooth
the root canal spaces. #12) showed no changes in root dimensions or opacity in canal spaces
(Fig. 2A–J), except apical closure in tooth #5 (Fig. 2H). Both maxillary
premolars in patient #3 (SynOss Putty + blood in tooth #5 and blood
Results only in tooth #12) showed root development (Fig. 3A–J), with increased
All enrolled teeth responded positively to sensibility tests before opacity in the coronal and middle thirds only observed in tooth #5 (Syn-
the procedures. None of the patients reported postoperative pain or Oss Putty + blood) (Fig. 3H).
discomfort. The demographic data and recall periods are presented The radiographs after extraction showed that SynOss Putty was
in Table 1. The longest recall period was 7.5 months for tooth #20 in successfully placed into the entire root canal system in both teeth in pa-
patient #1 (SynOss Putty + blood). The shortest recall period was tient #1 (SynOss Putty + blood) (Fig. 1D, E, I, and J) and in both roots of
2.5 months for tooth #29 in patient #1 (SynOss Putty + blood) tooth #5 (SynOss Putty + minimal blood) (Fig. 2I and J) and the palatal
(Table 1). The results of the clinical, radiographic, and histologic ex- root of tooth #12 (SynOss Putty only) (Fig. 2D and E) in patient #2.
aminations are as follows. Tooth #5 in patient #3 (SynOss Putty + blood) showed an opaque canal,

Figure 1. Radiographic images of patient #1. (A) The preoperative radiograph of tooth #20 treated with SynOss Putty + blood. (B) The postoperative radiograph of
tooth #20. The increased opacity is because the canal was filled with SynOss Putty. (C) The 7.5-month follow-up radiograph shows increased opacity in the root
canal space and formation of the apex. Postextraction (D) buccolingual and (E) mesiodistal views, respectively. Note the increased opacity from apical to coronal.
(F) The preoperative radiograph of tooth #29 treated with SynOss Putty + blood. (G) The postoperative radiograph of tooth #29. The increased opacity is because
the canal was filled with SynOss Putty. (H) The 2.5-month follow up radiograph. Postextraction (I) buccolingual and (J) mesiodistal views. Note the increased
opacity from apical to coronal.

138 Nosrat et al. JOE — Volume 45, Number 2, February 2019

Regenerative Endodontics

Figure 2. Radiographic images of patient #2. (A) The preoperative view of tooth #12 treated with SynOss Putty only. (B) The postoperative radiograph of tooth
#12. The increased opacity is because the canal was filled with SynOss Putty. (C) The 3-month follow-up. Postextraction (D) buccolingual and (E) mesiodistal
views. Note the apices are still open, and SynOss Putty did not reach the apical third in the buccal canal. (F) The preoperative radiograph of tooth #5 treated with
SynOss Putty + blood. Bleeding was insufficient and only filled the apical third. (G) The postoperative radiograph of tooth #5. The increased opacity is because the
canal was filled with SynOss Putty. (H) The 3-month follow-up shows the formation of apices. Postextraction (I) buccolingual and (J) mesiodistal views.

except in the apical 2 mm (Fig. 3I and J). Tooth #12 in patient #3 (blood cementumlike tissue (Fig. 4F and G). There were few bony ingrowths
clot only) showed intracanal opacity limited to a narrow zone below into the root canal spaces (Fig. 4E).
MTA (Fig. 3D and E). All extracted teeth had immature apices with var- The newly formed intracanal mineralized tissue was denser and
iable openings as shown in the buccolingual views. Comparison of the occupied most of the space with less connective tissue in the coronal
MTA level between these teeth showed well-controlled placement in all third (below the MTA) and the middle third compared with the apical
SynOss Putty cases versus poor control (ie, apical displacement) in the third (Figs. 4A and 5G and H). Tooth #29 in patient #2 had the shortest
blood clot case. follow-up time (2.5 months) and showed early phases of remodeling of
the scaffold and minimal mineralized tissue formation compared with
tooth #20 in the same patient (Figs. 5A–C compared with Fig. 4). No
pulp tissue (characterized by the presence of odontoblastlike cells
Histologic Evaluations aligning root canal walls) was observed in any of the sections in these
Hematoxylin-eosin Staining teeth. There was no intracanal or periapical inflammation in any of the
Teeth #20 (Fig. 4A–G) and #29 (Fig. 5A–C) in patient #1 and tooth samples.
#5 in patient #3 (in the coronal and midroot areas) (Fig. 5G and H) The sections from the tooth treated with SynOss Putty without
showed a similar pattern of new tissue formation. Normal root anatomy blood (patient #2, tooth #12) showed no tissue formation in the root
was noted with no resorption in the dentin and no inflammation in the canal spaces of both roots (Fig. 5F). There was periapical inflammation
newly formed intracanal tissues. The newly formed tissue contained extending slightly into the root canal lumen through the apical foramen.
normal connective tissue, fibroblasts, and blood vessels. There were Several resorptive lacunae were observed in the dentinal walls (Fig. 5F).
2 types of newly formed mineralized tissue: a cellular intracanal miner- No predentin was found in these sections. The midroot and coronal sec-
alized tissue that was associated with the scaffold particles and a cellular tions of the root canal spaces were filled with what appeared to be dis-
cementumlike tissue associated (ie, fused) with dentinal walls, which integrating SynOss Putty particles (Fig. 5F).
showed scaffold particles entrapped in some areas (Fig. 4B–D). The The sections from the tooth treated with SynOss Putty and minimal
cells were entrapped in small lacunae within the matrix in both miner- bleeding (limited to the apical third) showed newly formed tissues
alized tissues. In some areas, the newly formed intracanal mineralized similar to other teeth treated with SynOss Putty + blood only in the apical
tissue showed no cell entrapment within the structure. Several areas of area (Fig. 5E). The rest of the root canal spaces were filled with disinte-
fusion and calciotraumatic lines between these mineralized tissues were grating SynOss Putty particles (Fig. 5E). No inflammation or resorption
observed. This newly formed tissue was continuous with the periodontal was found in this tooth.
ligament at the apex, where the scaffold particles were absent. The nar- The sections from the tooth treated with a blood clot (patient #3,
rowing at the apex was caused by formation of the newly formed cellular tooth #12) revealed portions of roots showing well-developed dentin. A

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Figure 3. Radiographic images of patient #3. (A) The preoperative radiograph of tooth #12 treated with a blood clot only. (B) The postoperative radiograph of
tooth #12. (C) The 4-month follow up shows continued root development. Postextraction (D) buccolingual and (E) mesiodistal views, respectively. Note the for-
mation of a radiopaque barrier underneath MTA. (F) The preoperative radiograph of tooth #5 treated with SynOss Putty + blood. (G) The postoperative radiograph
of tooth #5. The increased opacity is because the canal was filled with SynOss Putty. (H) The 4-month follow-up of tooth #5 shows increased opacity in the coronal to
middle third and continued root development. Postextraction (I) buccolingual and (J) mesiodistal views. Note the increased opacity from apical to coronal.

Figure 4. Hematoxylin-eosin staining of the apical third of tooth #20 in patient #1 (SynOss Putty + blood). (A) Lower magnification (40) shows the newly
formed connective/mineralized tissues in the root canal space. (B) Higher magnification (100) of the area showing integration among the newly formed miner-
alized tissues on the dentinal walls, the newly formed mineralized tissue in the root canal space, and the scaffold particles. (C and D) Higher magnification (200)
of the cellular dentin–associated mineralized tissue (DAMT) and particles of scaffold within or in close contact (arrows) with DAMT, showing remodeling of the
scaffold. (E) A view of a bony island (BI) formed close to the apical foramen (100). (F and G) A view of DAMT at the apex (200). d, dentin; c, cementum; S,
scaffold particle.

140 Nosrat et al. JOE — Volume 45, Number 2, February 2019

Regenerative Endodontics

Figure 5. (A) Hematoxylin-eosin staining of tooth #29 in patient #1 (SynOss Putty + blood) showing the loose connective tissue mixed with a scaffold (40). (B)
The left area outlined in A. A scaffold particle integrated with connective tissue showing early phases of remodeling. (C) The right area outlined in A. Newly formed
mineralized tissue intermixed with scaffold particles and connective tissue (100). (D) Masson trichrome staining of tooth #20 in patient #1 (SynOss
Putty + blood) (40). The blue color represents collagen fibers with a high concentration in intracanal tissues and scaffold particles. (E) Tooth #5 in patient
#2 (SynOss Putty + minimal blood) showing tissue formation only in the apical few millimeters (20). (F) Tooth #12 in patient #2 (SynOss Putty only) showing no
tissue formation, intracanal and periapical inflammation, resorptive lacunae (arrows), and disintegrating SynOss in the root canal space. (G) The coronal third in
tooth #5 of patient #3 (SynOss Putty + blood) (100). The newly formed intracanal mineralized tissue is intermixed with scaffold particles and connective tissue.
This is an area of well-condensed SynOss Putty mixed with blood that is transitioning toward full calcification. (H) The midroot of tooth #5 (SynOss Putty + blood) in
patient #3 (200) shows areas of solidification between dentinal walls, DAMT, and the newly formed intracanal mineralized tissue with calciotraumatic lines in
between. (I) The coronal third of tooth #12 of patient #3 (blood only) showing the formation of intracanal osteoidlike tissue (OSLT) and a cementumlike tissue on
the dentinal walls (100). (J) The midroot of tooth #12 of patient #3 (blood only) showing formation of the cementumlike tissue (DAMT) on the dentinal walls and
loose connective tissue (CT) in the root canal space (200). d, dentin; S, scaffold particle; pd, predentin.

well-preserved primary dentin layer was identified surrounding the ca- model is favored over animal models because of differences in the bio-
nal spaces (Fig. 5I and J). Foreign body material (MTA) was also logical dynamics (21).
observed in the coronal portions of this tooth (Fig. 5I). A thick layer The histologic outcomes of RETs using different tissue engineering
of hard tissue was formed underneath the MTA in this specimen. There approaches have been extensively studied. The effects of different com-
is a fibrotic connective tissue within the canal spaces (Fig. 5J) and oc- binations of dental pulp stem cells, collagen scaffolds, platelet-rich
casional globular and malformed cementum and dystrophic calcifica- plasma, platelet-rich fibrin, and growth factors have been examined
tion (Fig. 5I and J). The root canal walls are covered with a well- in animal models (22–24). None of these tissue engineering
formed symmetric layer of reparative cementum admixed with osteoid strategies resulted in true pulp-dentin complex regeneration. The
tissue (Fig. 5J). No pulp tissue (characterized by the presence of odon- main histologic findings in these studies were the formation of bone/
toblastlike cells aligning root canal walls) was noted in any of the sec- bonelike islands in the root canal space and deposition of a mineralized
tions in this tooth. There was no intracanal or periapical inflammation. cementumlike tissue on the dentinal walls. Some studies described
these findings as “ingrowth” of the periodontium into the root canal
Masson Trichrome Staining space (25). Furthermore, many of these animal studies showed that
the quantity of newly formed tissues in the root canal space is unpredict-
The blue color highlighting collagen was observed in dentin,
able. The newly formed tissues were limited to the apical third of the
dentin-associated newly formed mineralized tissue, intracanal newly
canal as shown in several animal studies (13, 26).
formed mineralized tissue, newly formed connective tissue, and the
The unpredictable histologic outcome in animal studies explains
periodontal ligament. Also, scaffold particles are stained blue, indi-
the findings of “poor or no root development” (11, 14, 27, 28) or
cating the presence of collagen (Fig. 5D).
“empty root canal” (11, 12, 14) in several clinical studies. No root
development can be an indication of poor or no tissue regeneration
Discussion after treatment. The histologic findings in animal studies are
To determine the potential outcome of a tissue engineering strat- consistent with findings in human teeth when a blood clot (20) or
egy in RET, it is logical to first test it in a noninfected model. The reason platelet-rich plasma (29) was used as a scaffold. This unpredictability
is that the known negative effects of disinfection processes on the root of tissue formation after RET can be partly because of suboptimal scaf-
canal microenvironment (17) and stem cells (18, 19) and the negative folds used in current protocols.
effects of residual bacteria on newly formed tissues (13) will be Overall, it seems that “true pulp regeneration” is out of reach at
excluded from the experiment. In our previous study, we used imma- this point and that existing protocols result in an unpredictable outcome
ture human premolars planned for orthodontic extractions to test the regarding the type, quality, and quantity of the newly formed tissues. The
outcome of RET in noninfected root canal systems (20). The study es- present study showed that using SynOss Putty as a scaffold can change
tablished a reliable noninfected model to examine the histologic out- this dynamic. The teeth treated with SynOss Putty + blood showed a
comes of tissue engineering strategies for RET. Also, using a human consistent pattern in the formation of new tissues. This scaffold provides

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a matrix for the formation of a mineralized tissue that solidifies with the In conclusion, SynOss Putty + blood showed a predictable pattern
newly formed cementumlike tissue on the dentinal walls. Perhaps it of tissue formation and mineralization when used as a scaffold for RET
makes the entire root canal space calcified over time, as documented in human noninfected teeth. The newly formed mineralized tissue solid-
radiographically in the previous clinical study (16). This outcome is ifies with the newly formed cementum on the dentinal walls. Further
very similar to pulp canal obliteration in immature teeth after dental clinical studies on previously infected teeth with larger sample sizes
trauma. The origin of the newly formed intracanal mineralized tissue and longer recall periods are recommended to determine the efficacy
is not determined in this study. This subject deserves further investiga- of this novel scaffold on the success and survival rates of RET.
A recent study on the biomechanical properties of immature teeth
that had undergone RET showed that these teeth have a higher fracture Acknowledgments
resistance compared with immature teeth with pulp necrosis and no The authors deny any conflicts of interest related to this study.
treatment (6). This indicates that root thickening caused by cementum
formation on dentinal walls does strengthen the root structure. Several
histologic studies in animal and human teeth have shown that this
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tient #2), the tissue formation was also limited to the apical third. Blood ment of immature permanent teeth by revascularization or apexification: a pilot
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