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This week 8, I present your feedback from week 7, and build upon it:

Week 7's Feedback: You have some good measures here but I am a little unclear about your plan.

A case study means that you use only one participant and so by definition you cannot use a

correlation. I thought that you were going to use a group of participants to see if there was a

significant correlation between Facebook usage and marriage quality. You should also consider

a simple regression analysis rather than a correlation as it would provide you more information.

My Response This Week 8

You are 100% right, and the truth is that I am unclear myself. For example that first point you raised “A

correlation cannot be used in a case study”. My desire I to use a group of people as you pointed out,

however did not know this would mean, by mutual exclusivity, that the working “case study” was out of


This makes me think about my lack of fluency in statistical concepts and this is something I must address

moving forward. One of the classes I will be taking this Summer is Statistics, and I hope to address this

issue then.

Your last point goes along the line the first one, the difference between “regression analysis” and my use of

“correlation”. I am open to which ever tool/system that would help me prove/disprove the null hypothesis.

I am just lacking the clarity of those basic concepts at the moment.

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