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Scene 1:

A: hi guys, how are you?

B: hi, I miss you all!

C: yeah, I miss everyone!

D: I’m fine, how are you?

A: we’re good, what is the weather outside?

C: it is windy outside, how about there B?

B: it is raining outside, D bought me an umbrella.

D: Yes, because I already have a raincoat.

A: Are you guys busy?

D: Yes, I am preparing for my birthday.

B: Me too, my mother and I are going to watch a movie tomorrow.

C: A, we can play basketball tomorrow, if you are not busy.

A: Yes! I would like to go too.

Scene 2:

Papa: is it raining outside son?

Son1: Yes, father, it is rainy and windy outside.

Mama: bring this raincoat with you honey.

Daughter: And bring this umbrella too.

Papa: Thank you guys, love you.


*Display yung picture ng raincoat at payong*

Buy one raincoat and get an umbrella for free! Only at 299 pesos!

//mabilis na salita dito: perfect for rainy season, grab yours now!

End of commercial//

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