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Wood and Wood Products

Chapter · January 2007

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-27843-8_28


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1 author:

R.A. Young
University of Wisconsin–Madison


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Wood and Wood Products
Raymond A. Voung*

INTRODUCTION woods such as black walnut and cherry

became primaril y cabinet woods. Hickory
Wood has been utilized by humans since
was manufa ctured into tough, hard, resilient
antiquity. Trees provided a source of many
tool handles . Black locust was used for barn
products required by early humans such as
timbers and treenails. What the early artisan
food, medicine, fuel, and tools. For example,
learned by trial and error became the basis
the bark of the willow tree, when chewed, was
for intelligent decisions concerning which
used as a painkiller in early Greece and was
species was best suited to a given purpose, as
the precursor of the present-day aspirin. Wood
well as what characteristics should be looked
served as the primary fuel in the United States
for in selecting trees for different applica-
until about the turn of the 19th century, and
tions. It was known that wood from trees
even today over one-half of the wood now
grown in certain locations was stronger, more
harvested in the world is used for heating fuel.
durable, and more easily worked with tools
Throughout history different types of wood
than wood from the same specie s grown in
have ser ved many purposes . The tough,
other locations . Modern wood qual ity
strong, and durable white oak, for example ,
research has substantiated that location and
w~s a well-proven raw material for ships,
growth conditions significantly affect wood
bndges , cooperage, barn timbers, farm
properties. I
implements, railroad ties, fence posts, floor-
In the United States more than 100 kinds of
ing, paneling , and other products. In contrast,
wood are available to the prospective user, but
it is very unlikely that all are available in any
* D ~ p a rt ~ e nt
of Forest Ecology and Management. one locality. About 60 native woods are of
Unive rsity of Wisconsin, Madison. Wisconsin. The major commercial importance . Another 30
author wishes to acknowledge the use of material
from an earlier edition prepared by Dr. E. C. Jahn and wood types are commonly imported in the
Dr. R. W. Strauss. form of logs, cants, lumber, and veneer for


Cellulose IloocI extraction

deriYative5 and tree exudate.

Plastics, Alcohols, Ethanol, Tannins,

coatings, charcoal, Yanillin, rosin,
additiy8S phenols, turpentine, turpentine
furfural fatty acids

Fig. 28.1. Summary of useds for wood . (From Introduction to Forest Ecosystem Science and
Management, 3rd ed, R. A. Young and R. L. Giese (Eds.) Copyright © 2004, John Wiley & Sons, New York;
with permission of John Wiley & Sons Publisher.)

industrial uses, the building trades, and trees as seed plants. The hardwoods are derived
crafts.i' from the angiosperms (encased seeds), which
The importance of wood as a raw material are generally the deciduous broad-leaved trees;
supplying fiber, energy, and chemicals is sim- the softwoods are from the gymnosperms
ilar in magnitude to its use as a solid material. (naked seeds), generally characterized as cone-
Lumber, plywood, and reconstituted boards bearing trees with persistent needlelike foliage.
consume about one-half of the timber harvest; The majority of the trees in the latter classifi-
usage for fiber, chemicals, and fuels accounts cation fall into the division Coniferophyta and
for the remaining half. Fiber production con- thus are often referred to as conifers. It is
sumes about 25 percent of the total timber important to note that the terms "hardwood"
use. Although the relative value of wood as a and "softwood" have no direct relation to the
source of energy and chemicals has varied hardness or softness of the wood. In fact, hard-
considerably through the decades, wood con- wood trees such as cottonwood, aspen, and
tinues to be an important source of specialty balsa have softer wood than the western white
chemicals and renewable energy, and may be pines and true firs; and certain softwoods, such
even more important in the future. The many as longleaf pine and Douglas fir, produce wood
uses for wood are summarized in Fig. 28.1. In that is much harder than that of basswood or
this chapter we discuss the chemical nature of yellow poplar.
wood and provide a description of the tech- Wood can be considered as a biological com-
nology for conversion of wood to pulp fibers posite of hollow tubes of cellulose fibers held
for paper-making, to fuels for energy, and to together by a lignin matrix gluing material.
chemicals for industry and consumers. Liquids are transported up and down the trees
through the tubular plumbing system. About
90 percent of the wood tissue of softwood trees
consists of fiber tracheid cells for liquid con-
The wood from the many different species of duction and support. The hardwood trees
trees is divided into two major categories evolved after the softwoods and have special-
according to the botanical classification of the ized water conduction cells called vessels.

Each vessel consists of numerous drum- trees, particularly those with relatively wide
shaped vessel members with open ends, pores. Coniferous wood has growth rings
stacked one above the other to form a contin- because the earlywood tracheids have wider
uous vessel pipeline from root tips to the cavities and thinner cells than do the latewood
leaves. The vessels in oaks and some other tracheids; the earlywood-latewood contrast is
broad-leaved trees are large enough to be seen especially sharp in southern pines.
with the unaided eye, that is, as round pores at On tree cross-sections, rays of parenchyma
the end surface and as needlelike grooves cells resemble spokes of a wheel as they extend
at the lateral surface (Fig. 28.2).4 from the bark into the wood, in the radial
In some woods such as oak, the vessels in direction of the circular growth rings and
the earlywood (produced early in the growing perpendicular to the tangent of the rings or to
season) are much wider than those in late- the tangential direction (Fig. 28.2). Radial and
wood and form the distinct growth rings of tangential are both transverse directions, that
these ring-porous woods (Fig. 28.3a). In the is, horizontal to the trunk of the standing tree.
diffuse-porous maple, birch, and many other Fibers and vessels die at an age of a few
genera, the vessels are of the same size weeks, after attaining their final shape and
throughout the growth ring, the boundary of chemical composition. Parenchyma cells live
which is marked only by extremely thin cells much longer, some remaining alive until sap-
(Fig. 28.3b). Because coniferous woods lack wood becomes heartwood. One of the tasks
vessels, they sometimes are designated non of parenchyma cells is to convert sugars into
porous, in contrast to the porous broad-leaved storage starch to serve as food reserves for the

Annual or growth ring


Fig. 28.2. Diagrammatic wedge section of a five-year-old trunk. The term "transverse section" is
synonymous with end surface and cross-section. Both the radial section and tangential section are lateral
surfaces. (Courtesy U.S.D.A Forest Products Laboratory.)



Fig. 28.3. Photomicrograph of hardwood cross-sections depicting (a) ring-porous and (b) diffuse
porous wood. (Courtesy U.S.D.A Forest Products Laboratory.)

tree, and to reconvert starch to sugars when they Virtually all cavities of wood cells are inter-
are needed for growth. The starch and sugar connected, as mentioned above for the vessel
content of sapwood is one reason why most members of hardwoods. Tiny openings in the
wood-damaging organisms prefer dead sap- cell walls of overlapping ends of tracheids pro-
wood over heartwood, and why sapwood is vide vertical passageways for water rising
never quite as durable as heart-wood, except in from cell to cell in conifers. Thin walls of ray
living trees whose sapwood cells fight attacking cells are perforated for the radial transport of
orgamsms. sugars, and tangential connections provide for

growing cells. Hence, wood is permeable in all However, most of its negative properties can
three of its cardinal directions. The longitudi- be corrected by proper treatment and modifi-
nal orientation of most cells, however, causes cation, as described later in this chapter.
liquids and gases to flow and diffuse many
times faster in the longitudinal or fiber direc-
tion than in the two transverse directions. This CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND
explains why stacked firewood dries predomi-
nantly at the exposed ends. The radial orienta- Wood is composed of three major polymeric
tion of rays allows liquids and gases to move materials: cellulose, hemicelluloses, and
radially up to twice as rapidly as tangentially." lignin. Cellulose is the common name used
As a porous material, wood contains air- for the glucan present in wood, which consti-
filled or water-filled cell cavities surrounded tutes about 42 percent of wood's dry weight.
by cell walls (Fig. 28.3). The cell wall sub- Cellulose is the primary component of the
stance is remarkably uniform; it differs very walls of cells making up wood fibers and is
little even between conifers and broad-leaves the main structural material of wood and other
trees and has a constant density of around plants. Paper, paperboard, and other wood
1.5 g/crrr'. The density of wood thus depends fiber products thus also are composed mostly
on the proportion of the cell wall volume to of cellulose. The chemical structure of the
the volume of the bulk wood. cellulose macromolecule is shown in Fig. 28.4.
Wood density is the indicator of nearly In the plant the degree of polymerization (DP)
all wood properties and of wood quality. of cellulose is approximately 14,000.5
Relatively dense species are strong, as one Closely associated with cellulose in the
might expect from their large cell wall mass. wood structure and paper products are other
Wood species also vary in features not related polysaccharides called hemicelluloses, which
to density, such as color, percentage and often have been labeled as the matrix material
arrangement of cell types, and minor chemi- of wood. In hardwoods the primary hemi-
cal constituents. Therefore, even woods of cellulose is a xylan (polymer of xylose),
the same density are likely to differ, with the whereas in softwoods the primary hemi-
properties varying more than the densities. cellulose is a glucomannan, although both of
The widespread use of wood is due to its these polysaccharides occur to some extent in
many advantages, including its very high both types of wood. The DP of the hemi-
strength-to-mass ratio, good toughness, low celluloses is much less than that of cellulose,
cost and availability, workability, attractive in the range of 100-200.
appearance, and good thermal and electrical Table 28.1 compares the chemical composi-
insulating properties. However, there also are a tion of extractive-free hardwoods and soft-
number of disadvantages of wood, which have woods. As cellulose and the hemicelluloses
limited its usage for many applications; these are both polysaccharides, it is obvious that
include its lack of plasticity and fusibility, the polysaccharide of wood is by far the dom-
shrinkage and swelling properties, deteriora- inant component, making up approximately
tion due to fungi and insects, and variability. 70 percent of both hardwoods and softwoods.


H 0' OH H
Hoi H

Fig. 28.4. The chemical structure of cellulose; the cellulose repeat unit is shown in brackets.

TABLE 28.1 Chemical Composition and

Fiber Length of Extractive-Free Wood pt'lmary WJllI

Hardwood Softwood ,h'ft'"Yo,od

secondary waU
(Red Maple) (Balsam Fir) HO 0
Component (%) (%)
Cellulose 44 42 HO~
Hemicelluloses O~OH
Xylan 25 9
Glucomannan 4 18 macroflbr,1
Lignin 25 29
Pectin, starch 2 2
Average fiber length 0.8-1.5 2.5-6.0

Additional polysaccharides may occur as

extraneous components of wood, which are
not part of the cell wall; for example, the
heartwood of species of larch can contain up
to 25 percent (dry weight) of arabinogalactan,
a water-soluble polysaccharide that occurs
only in trace quantities in other wood species."
The third major component of wood shown
in Table 28.1 is lignin. Although lignin also
is a polymer, it has a different chemical struc- Fig. 28.5. Detailed structure of cell walls. A. strand
of fiber cells. B, cross sections of fiber cells showing
ture from that of the polysaccharides. The gross layering: a layer of primary wall and three
monomeric units in lignin are phenolic- layers of secondary wall. C,fragment from the mid-
type compounds. The spaces between fibers in dle layer of secondary wall showing macrofibrils
wood are almost pure lignin and are termed (white) of cellulose and interfibrillar spaces (black)
the middle lamella. Lignin is considered the which are filled with noncellulosic materials. 0,
fragment of macrofibril showing microfibrils
gluing or encrusting substance of wood and (white), which may be seen in the electron micro-
adds mechanical strength or stiffness to the graphs. The space among microfibrils (black) are
tree and to wood. Higher plants commonly are filled with noncellulosic materials. E, structure of
referred to as lignocellulosic because of the microfibrils: Chainlike molecules of cellulose,
typical joint occurrence in them of lignin and which in some parts of microfibrils are orderly
arranged. These parts are the micelles. F, fragment
cellulose. of a micelle showing parts of chainlike cellulose
In the tree the cellulose polymers are laid molecules arranged in a space lattice. G, two glu-
down uniformly, the chains paralleling one cose residues connected by an oxygen atom-a
another, and the long-chain molecules asso- fragment of a cellulose molecule. (From Anatomy
ciate strongly through hydrogen bonds that of Seed Plants, 2"d edition,1977, K. Esau (Ed.)
Courtesy of John Wiley & Sons, Copyright © John
develop between hydroxyl groups. These Wiley & Sons, New York; with permission of the
bonds create very strong associations copyright owner.)
between the cellulose macromolecules, pro-
ducing very uniform crystalline structures
known as micelles or microcrystallites (see of the microfibrils is not completely uniform in
Fig. 28.5). terms of the alignment of the cellulose macro-
The micelles also are associated in the tree molecules, and the regions of nonuniformity
to give long threadlike structures termed between the micelles in the microfibrils are
microfibrils (Fig. 28.5). However, the structure called amorphous regions. Thus the cellulose

can be formed from the separated cellulose

.--/ Secondary wall
.--/ Inner layer (S3) fibers by depositing them from a water slurry
Secondary wall
onto a wire screen. The water drains away and
1\\i"'~.,....,....,~\1/ Middle layer (S2) the fibers collapse, leaving a fiber mat that
/ ' Secondary wall
derives its main strength from reassociation of
/' Outer layer (SI) the fibers through many hydrogen bonds-the
same type of bond that gives mechanical
integrity to the fibers.'
The long fibers from softwoods (Table 28.1)
usually are preferred in papermaking for prod-
ucts that must resist tearing, such as grocery
bags, whereas the shorter hardwood fibers give
improved opacity, or covering power, and
printability to the final paper sheet. The type of
pulping process also affects the pulp proper-
ties, as described in a later section.


The concept of making paper from the fibers
from lignocellulosic materials-an inte-
grated system of fiber separation (pulping)
Fig. 28.6. A section of wood made up of fibers
and middle lamella. The structure of a fiber is and re-forming of the fibers into a mat
given, showing the micro-fibrillar orientations in (papermaking)-is attributed to T'sai Lun, a
the different layers of the fiber cell wall. (From court official in southeast China in A.D. 105.
Introduction to Science, 2"ded. R. A. Young and R. L. The first fibers were obtained from old
Giese (Eds.) Copyright © 1990, John Wiley & Sons,
hemp rags and ramie fishnets, but shortly
New York; with permission of John Wiley & Sons
Publisher.) thereafter, the inner bark fibers from paper
mulbery trees also were utilized for paper-
making. Bamboo was used as a source of
microfibril has a crystalline-amorphous char- fiber several centuries later. The rags were
acter. Water molecules enter the amorphous macerated into a pulp in water with a mortar
regions and swell the microfibrils; ultimately and pestle; then, after dilution in a vat, the
this is the mechanism by which fibers and pulp was formed into a wet mat on a bamboo
wood swell in moist or wet environments. frame equipped with a cloth screen to drain
The final fiber cell wall structure is essen- the free water. The mat was dried in the sun.
tially layers of the microfibrils or macrofibrils The invention was based on the need for a
aligned in several different directions, as writing material to replace the expensive silk
shown in Fig. 28.6. The microfibrils that make and inconvenient bamboo strips. The inven-
up the wood fiber are visible under the scan- tion was a closely guarded secret for many
ning electron microscope, which has a greater centuries but eventually filtered west, reach-
magnification than the light microscope. ing Europe in 1151 and the United States
The entity holding the fibers together, the (Pennsylvania) in 1690.5
middle lamella, is almost pure lignin (90%), The importance of the pulp and paper
as mentioned earlier. For the cellulose fibers industry to the American economy is exem-
to be separated, the middle lamella lignin plified by the growth rate in the use of paper
must be chemically removed, a process that and paper products. New uses continually are
also removes most of the hemicelluloses, or being found for paper, and these develop-
must be mechanically degraded to free the ments together with a rising standard of liv-
fibers for papermaking. A paper sheet then ing have resulted in a constant increase in the


700 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

600 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

irJ 500 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

t 400 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

~ 300 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
200 + - - - - - - - - - - - - -

100 +-------


1870 1900 1920 1930 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Fig. 28.7. Consumption of paper in the United States since the year 1860.

per capita consumption of paper. The indus- country that are heavily forested. With the
try has shown constant growth since about exception of Maine and Wisconsin, pulp pro-
the middle of the nineteenth century, when duction is concentrated in the southern and
processes were invented for the production of northwestern sections of the United States.
fiber from wood, replacing reliance on cotton Georgia and Washington are the top pulp-
rags as a source of fiber (Fig. 28.7). The rela- producing states. Although a high percentage
tive paper consumption by grade is shown in of pulp is converted into paper or board at the
Fig. 28.8, and differences in the economies of same plant site, a significant portion (classi-
developed and less developed countries are fied as "market pulp") is sold in bales to mills
demonstrated in Fig. 28.9 by the wide dispar- in other sections of the country for subsequent
ity in per capita consumption of paper and manufacture into paper. Thus, New York and
paperboard. Michigan are relatively important in paper-
In 2003, a total of 328 million metric tons making, but they rank quite low as pulp
of paper and paperboard was produced in producers. However, both New York and
hundreds of separate mills. This paper and Michigan are large users of waste paper that is
board was made from 170 million metric tons reprocessed into usable fiber.
of pulp, produced primarily from wood in Raw materials for the pulp and paper
over 200 pulp mills, supplemented by recy- industry can be classified as fibrous and non-
cled paper," fibrous. Wood accounts for over 95 percent of
The five leading states for final paper pro- the fibrous raw material (other than waste
duction are Wisconsin, Maine, Washington, paper) in the United States. Cotton and linen
Alabama, and Louisiana. Only a small rags, cotton linters, cereal straws, esparto,
amount of paper is made from rags or other hemp, jute, flax, bagasse, and bamboo also
fiber sources (agricultural residues); so most are used and in some countries are the major
wood pulp is produced from those areas of the source of papermaking fiber.








o 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 28.8. Relative consumption of paper by grade.










o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400


Fig. 28.9. Comparision of paper consumption in developed and developing countries.


Wood is converted into pulp by mechanical, and Fig. 28.10 shows the relative production
chemical, or semichemical processes. Sulfite of pulp by the major processes.'
and kraft (sulfate) are the common chemical Nonfibrous raw materials include the chemi-
processes, and neutral sulfite is the principal cals used for the preparation of pulping liquors
semichemical process (NSSC). Coniferous and bleaching solutions and the various addi-
wood species (softwoods) are the most desir- tions to the fiber during the papermaking
able, but the deciduous, broad-leaved species process. For pulping and bleaching, these raw
(hardwoods) have gained rapidly in their materials include sulfur, lime, limestone, caus-
usage and constitute about 25 percent of pulp- tic soda, salt cake, soda ash, hydrogen perox-
wood. Table 28.2 summarizes the conditions ide, chlorine, sodium chlorate, and magnesium
utilized with the various pulping processes, hydroxide. For papermaking, they include

TABLE 28.2 Wood Pulping by Process and Yield

Pulp Yield
Process Acronym Chemical Mechanical (%)

Mechanical Processes
Stone groundwood SGW None Grinder 93-95
Pressure groundwood PGW None Grinder 93-95
Refiner mechanical RMP None Disk refiner 93-95
Thermomechanical TMP Steam Disk refiner 80-90
Chemithermomechanical CTMP Sodium sulfite or Disk refiner 80-90
sodium hydroxide" (pressure)
Chemimechanical'' CMP Sodium sulfite or Disk refiner 80-90
sodium hydroxide
Semichemical Processes
Neutral sulfite NSSC Sodium sulfite + Disk refiner 70--85
sodium carbonate
Green liquor GLSC Sodium hydroxide + Disk refiner 70-85
sodium carbonate
Nonsulfur Sodium carbonate + Disk refiner 70-85
sodium hydroxide
Chemical Processes
Kraft Sodium hydroxide + None 45-55
sodium sulfide
Sulfite Calcium bisulfite in None 40--50
sulfurous acid':"
Magnetite Magnesium bisulfite None 45-55
in sulfurous acid"
Soda Sodium hydroxide None 40-50
Soda-oxygen Sodium hydroxide + oxygen None 45-55
Soda-anthraquinone SAq Sodium hydroxide + None 45-55
Dissolving Processes
Prehydrolysis kraft Steaming and kraft None 35
(two-step process)
Acid sulfite Acid sulfite (Ca, Na) None 35
"Sodium sulfite or sodium hydroxide, 2-7% of wood; "also chemical treatment after fiberizing; "also sodium,
magnesium, ammonia; ~H 2; epH 5.
Source: Data taken from references I through 5.

SULFITE (3.5%)


BL. KRAFT (40%)

UNBL. KRAFT (37.8%)

Fig. 28.10. Relative wood pulp production by grade.

rosin, starch, alum, kaolin clay, titanium diox- The standard log length used in the
ide, dyestuffs, and numerous other specialty Northeast is 48 in., whereas 63 in. is common
chemicals. in the South. Wood generally is measured by
log volume, a standard cord being considered
to contain 128 fr'. Large timber on the West
Wood Preparation
Coast generally is measured in board feet of
The bark of trees contains relatively little fiber solid volume. Measurement and purchase of
and much strongly colored nonfibrous mate- wood on a weight basis are practiced, and are
rial; what fiber there is, is of poor quality. The desirable because weight is directly related to
nonfibrous material usually will appear as fiber content. 1
dark-colored dirt specks in the finished paper. The growth in the use of wood residues has
Therefore, for all but low-grade pulps, bark been substantial. By barking the sawlogs, the
should be removed as thoroughly as possible, slabs, edgings, and other trimmings that
and this removal must be very thorough in the formerly were burned now can be used to
case of groundwood and sulfite pulps if make pulp. Almost 28 percent of the wood
the finished paper is to appear clean. used by the pulp industry is classified as waste
Debarking usually is done in a drum wood. Several mills have been built that use
barker, where the bark is removed by the rub- no logs whatsoever but depend on residuals
bing action of logs against each other in a from satellite sawmill operations. Special
large rotating drum. Hydraulic barkers using sawmilling equipment has been developed to
high-pressure water jets are excellent for produce sawdust of a proper size so that it too
large logs and are common on the West can be used.
Coast. Mechanical knife barkers are becom- Wood used in producing groundwood
ing more common and are used extensively in or mechanical pulp requires no further
smaller operations because of their relatively preparation after debarking, but that used in
low capital cost. Also they have found wide- the other chemical processes must first be
spread use in sawmills to debark logs prior to chipped into small pieces averaging ~-l in.
sawing so that the wood wastes can be used in length and about k-~ in. in thickness.
to produce pulp. Chipping is accomplished with a machine
Wood cut in the spring of the year during consisting of a rotating disc with knives
the active growing season is very easy to peel. mounted radially in slots in the face of the
Much of the spruce and fir cut in the North is disc. Modern chippers have up to 12 knives;
still hand-peeled during this season and usu- the ends of the logs are fed against the disc at
ally represents the optimum in bark removal. about a 45° angle.

Mechanical Pulping Sulfite solutions commonly are used to pro-

Mechanical pulping, as the name implies, duce CTMP, but there are many variations
involves mainly a grinding and abrading of these proce sses. These treatments are
action on wood to produce a mechanical employed to improve pulp quality. The steam
pulp-the primary component of newsprint. and chemicals aid fiberizing by giving a less-
Modern mechanical pulping includes stone damaged fiber, which makes the final paper
ground-wood pulping (SGW) , in which bolts stronger. The pulps are sufficiently improved
of wood are pressed against a revolving grind- over stone groundwood that they can be used
stone, and refiner mechanical pulping (RMP) , to partially substitute for chemical pulps .
in which chips are passed between single- or Newsprint consisting of 100 percent TMP or
double-rotating plates of a vertical-disc attri- CTMP is produced commercially.
tion mill. Developments in stone grinding Groundwood or mechanical pulp is low in
include application of pressure to the grinder strength compared with the chemical pulps.
(PGW) and control of temperature. It is composed of a mixture of individual
At one time, natural sandstone was used for fibers, broken fibers, fines, and bundles of
the grindstone, but modern stones are either fibers. Papers made from groundwood also
silicon carbide or aluminum oxide grits in a lose strength and turn yellow with time.
vitrified clay binder. Thus the characteristics Thus, groundwood pulps are used only in
of the stone can be varied to produce pulps relatively impermanent papers such as for
"tailor-made" to fit their desired end use. newsprint , catalogs , magazines, and paper-
Groundwood pulps for roofing or flooring felts board . Groundwood papers have excellent
must be extremely coarse and free-draining, so printing qualities because of high bulk ,
they require a stone with large grits, whereas smoothness, resiliency, and good ink absorp-
newsprint pulps are very fine and require the tion. Newsprint contains about 80 percent
use of small grits. groundwood, and the other publication paper
Pulp characteristics also can be varied by grades contain about 30-70 percent, with the
changing the stone surface pattern, the stone remainder a chemical pulp to provide greater
speed, the pressure of the logs against the strength . Groundwood is the cheapest pulp
stone, and the temperature of the ground-pulp made and also utilizes the entire wood, giving
slurry. Generally a coarser and more freely close to a 100 percent yield.
draining pulp is obtained with a coarse sur-
Chemical Pulping
face pattern and high speed, pressure, and
temperature. The type and the condition of the The objective of chemical pulping is to solubi-
wood also are factors, but groundwood pulps lize and remove the lignin portion of wood so
usually are made from the coniferous or long- that very little mechanical treatment is neces-
fibered species because the deciduous or sary to fiberize the wood. Many variations are
short-fibered species give very weak pulps. used throughout the world, the simplest classi-
Basic changes in mechanical pulping tech- fication of pulping methods depending on
nology include pretreating chips with chemi- whether they are acidic or alkaline . Each has
cals, steam , or both. These developments its own specific advantages and disadvantages,
started many years ago when chips were pre- but the kraft (alkaline) process accounts for
treated with caustic soda, in a process called over 90 percent of all chemical pulp produced
chemimechanical pulping (CMP). Presteaming in the United States. All present commercial
and pressure refining of chips gives a thermo- processes use aqueous systems under heat and
mechanical pulp (TMP). The chips are steamed pressure although several organosolv systems
at 40 psi for 2-4 min and sent to a refiner mod- have reached the demonstration-plant stage.
ified to operate under pressurized conditions. The lignin-removal and fiber-separation
When chemical pretreatment and pressure mechanisms involved in chemical pulping are
steaming are combined, the pulp is referred to alkaline hydrolysis (lignin bond cleavage) and
as chemithermomechanical pulp (CTMP) . the formation of soluble sulfur-containing

lignin (thiolignins) in kraft pulping. The TABLE 28.3 Typical Kraft Pulping
chemical mechanisms in sulfite pulping also Conditions
involve lignin bond hydrolysis and the forma-
Pressure 100-1 10 psig
tion of soluble sulfur-containing lignin deriva- Temperatur e 17D-175°C
tives, termed lignosulfonates.' Polysaccharide Time 2-3 hr
reactions are secondary to fiber separation in Alkali charge 15-25% of weight of wood
chemical pulping although polysaccharide (calculated as Nap but
consisting of
retention, solution, or modification profoundly
affect pulp yield and properties. Neutral 5NaOH + 2Na2S)
sodium sulfite reactions in neutral sulfite semi- Liquor to wood ratio is
chemical (NSSC) pulping also are based on 4 : I (by weight ).
sulfonation for partial dissolution oflignin and
a partial modification of the fiber bond to per-
mit a clean separation of the fibers by mechan- large blow tank. During the cook the liquor is
ical action in disk refiner mills. The pulping heated by circulation through a steam heat
chemicals are applied in water solutions exchanger, which also avoids the dilution of
(white liquor) at various concentrations and the cooling liquor that would occur from heat-
ratios of liquids to solids under different con- ing by direct injection of steam.
ditions of temperature and pressure to achieve The development of the continuous digester
the desired degree of delignification. significantly facilitated the use of kraft pulp-
ing. Chips are admitted continuously at the top
Kraft Process. The kraft (sulfate) process through a special high-pressure feeder, and
uses a mixture ofsodium hydroxide and sodium the cooked pulp is withdrawn continuously
sulfide as the active chemical. Although the from the bottom through a special blow unit.
designation sulfate process is misleading, it Recent installations range in size up to 150 ft
sometimes is used because sodium sulfate is the high and are capable of producing about
makeup chemical in the process. The word 1,000 tons of pulp per day in one unit.
"kraft" now is mainly used to describe this Cooking liquors and conditions are approxi-
process, derived from the Swedish or German mately the same as for the batch digesters.
word for strength, as this process produces the These units offer both good economics in the
strongest pulp. Historically, sodium hydroxide production of pulp and a quality advantage
alone (soda process) first was used as the compared to the batch digester. However,
alkaline pulping agent, but all these mills have because the capital investment for these units
converted to the kraft process because the other is somewhat higher, both systems are installed
pulp is weak and inferior to kraft pulp. for new mills .
The pulping (cooking) process traditionally Because of the high alkali charge, the
was performed on a batch basis in a large chemicals must be recovered and reused. This
pressure vessel called a digester. Conditions process also alleviates pollution problems
vary depending upon the type of wood being because the yield of pulp is only about
pulped and the quality of end product desired. 45 percent of the original wood weight , and
Typical conditions for kraft cooking are listed the organic residues must be eliminated. After
in Table 28.3. being cooked in the digester, the pulp is
Digesters are cylindrical in shape with a washed in a countercurrent rotary vacuum
dome at the top and a cone at the bottom. washer system using three or four stages. The
Ranging in size up to 40 ft high and 20 ft in pulp then is ready for bleaching or for use in
diameter, the largest will hold about 7000 tt3 papers such as grocery bags where the brown
of wood chips (about 35 tons) for each charge. color is not objectionable.
The chips are admitted through a large valve The separated liquor, which is very dark, is
at the top, and at the end of the cook they are known as "black liquor." It is concentrated in
blown from the bottom through a valve to a multi-effect evaporators to 60-65 percent


mua tll,ckelle' LIME
washer ) STONE
wMe "quo. ( /
slo,0ge --........
'" Ii""killl

CHiPS...... 9'ffll-hqUO'
..... s10,0ge
di9fS1e, , ~
I 9'ffll.IIClUOt .~:::,
blO\Pii cl0t',er)

WATER --+ pilIp woslle. dissohl11l9

'\ 10llk weok..lIqUOf
/ ~ slo,0ge
weok-block- / ~
PULP hquo, s10,0ge mollell
'" chemicol
evopo.olo, /
"-... recove,y
hqllo, SIO'0g e - - t


Fig. 28.11. Diagram showing cyclic nature of kraft recovery process. (From pulp and Paper,3'd ed., J.P.
Casey (Ed.) Wiley-Interscience, New York. Copyright © 1980John Wiley & Sons, New York; with permission

solids. At this concentration the quantity of system is a closed one, as shown in Fig. 28.11,
dissolved organic compounds from the wood and this minimizes costs and pollution.
(lignin and carbohydrate degradation prod- The kraft process has had a serious problem
ucts) is sufficient to allow the liquor to be with air pollution due to the production of
burned in the recovery furnace. hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, and other vile-
By controlling the amount of excess air smelling sulfur compounds. The use of vari-
admitted to the furnace and the temperatures, ous techniques such as black-liquor oxidation,
the organics in the liquor can be burned. The improved evaporators and furnaces, and con-
inorganics collect on the bottom of the fur- trol of emissions has greatly improved this sit-
nace as a molten smelt of Na ZC03 and Na.S. uation. Older mills were forced to expend
Sodium sulfate is added to the liquor as large amounts of money to bring their opera-
makeup and is reduced to Na.S by carbon. tions up to the environmental standards.
After dissolving in water, this mixture (called Virtually any kind of wood can be pulped
"green liquor") is reacted with slaked lime: by the kraft process; and because it produces
the strongest pulps with good economies, it
Na ZC03 + Ca(OH)z ~ 2NaOH + CaC0 3 has grown to be the dominant process in the
The Na.S does not react with the lime, so the world. Although the odor problem is very
resultant mixture of NaOH and Na-S (called severe, it does not appear that this process
"white liquor") can be reused to pulp more will be supplanted in the near future; instead,
wood. The CaC03 sludge is filtered off, burned it will be improved and modified. When pulp-
in a lime kiln, and reused. Thus, the chemical ing resin-rich woods such as southern pine,

the kraft process yields turpentine and tall oil Regardless of the base used, the initial step is
as valuable by-produ cts. The steam generated the burning of sulfur to produce sulfur dioxide
in the recovery furnace is almost enough to (S02)' The air supply to the burner must be
make the pulp mill energy self-sufficient. carefully controlled, as too much air will
The discover y that small amounts of enhance the formation of sulfur trioxide (SO))
anthraquinone (0.05-0.25% on wood) added and subsequent production of sulfuric acid
to alkali liquors can enhance delignification (H2S0 4) , which is very undesirable. The gas
and produ ce kraft quality pulp has been of also must be cooled quickly from 1000°C, leav-
gr eat interest. Although the price of ing the burner at below 400°C, to minimize for-
anthraquinone (AQ) is high and the chemical mation of SO). After cooling to 20-30°C, the
is not recovered, only small quantities are S02gas must be absorbed in water and reacted
required, and the benefits outweigh the costs with the proper base to form the cooking liquor.
sufficiently that a number of mills around the For calcium-base liquor, the gas is passed
world now routinely add AQ to the kraft pulp- through towers packed with limestone with
wood digester. water flowing down through the tower. Because
of the limited solubility of calcium bisulfite
Sulfite Process. The sulfite process uses a [Ca(HSO))2l, the pH of the liquor is very low
cooking liquor of sulfurous acid and a salt of (about 2), and free sulfurous acid is present.
the acid. Although calcium was the most widely This usually is called the acid sulfite process.
used base at one time, it has been supplanted by As mentioned before, calcium-base mills have
sodium, magnesium, and ammonia. Lignin will essentially disappeared in the United States.
react with the bisulfite ion (HS0 3) under acidic The so-called soluble bases now are used,
conditions to form lignosulfonates that are sol- with each having certain advantages. Because
uble in water. For many years this was the pre- solutions of sodium, magnesium, and ammo-
ferred process because it produced pulps of nium bisulfite are all soluble at pH 4.5, the
light color that could easily be bleached, it used current practice is to pulp at the higher pH,
cheap chemicals in fairly limited amounts so which is usually called bisulfite pulping.
that no recovery was necessary, and it was Extremely long cooking times (7-10 hr) are
a relatively simple process to operate. necessary with acid sulfite, whereas 4-5 hr is
Although the production of sulfite pulp has sufficient with bisulfite.
remained relati vely constant for the last Sodium base is the easiest to prepare
30 years, the rapid growth of kraft pulping has (Na2CO) or NaOH usually is used as the
reduced sulfite's share to less than 10 percent makeup chemical) and gives the highest-
of the chemical pulp produced. There are quality pulp; however, recovery processes,
several reasons for this, but the primary ones though available, are complicated and expen-
are the inability to cook resinous woods such sive. Magnesium base [from Mg(OHhl is
as pine, problems in producing strong pulps somewhat more difficult to handle, but recov-
from hardwoods, and of the greatest impor- ery systems are available, and the majority of
tance, the lack of a cheap and simple recovery the sulfite pulp now is produced from this base.
system to reduce water pollution problems . Ammonium base (from NH40H ) was used in
However, this process produces pulps with the past; the ammonia cannot be recovered, but
special qualities such as high alpha-cellulose the liquor can be evaporated and burned with-
grades for rayon, so it will continue to be used. out leaving any solid residue, thus reducing
Initially calcium was the preferred base water pollution. As long as aqueous ammonia
becau se it was cheap and convenient to use. remains low in price, this process will be
However, no recovery system is available for attractive because the S02 can be recovered
this base, so most calcium-base mills either from the waste gases by passing them through
have ceased operation or have converted to a wet scrubber flooded with fresh ammonium
sodium, magnesium, or ammonia, for which hydroxide. The various sulfite-based processes
recovery systems are available. are summarized in Fig. 28.12.

Acid Neutral Sulfite

Sulphite Bisulfite Semichemical
pH 1.5 4 - 5 8 - 9

Chemicals H NaHS0 NaHS0 Na Na

2S03, 3 3 2S03, 2C03

Base Ca, Na, "g, NH 4 Na, "g, NH 4 Na, NH


Rate of Cooking
(Given temp.)
Decreasing ..
Temperature 140°C 170°C 170 - 180°C

Brightness - Slight increase _ - - Decrease - - - - I...

Characteristics - - - - - - - - Increasing - - - - - - - - - -
(Given yield)

Species NonresinoUB Hardwood 8. Hardwood


Equipment - - - - - - - - - Decreasing
Fig. 28.12. Summary of sulfite pulping processes.

Batch digesters usually are used in the sul- majority of waste liquor is burned to recover
fite process. Cooking temperatures are lower the cooking chemicals and the heat values.
(140-1 50°C), and times are longer than in
the kraft process, with pulp yields about the Semichemical Pulping. Various combina-
same as in the kraft process. Spruce and fir tions of chemical and mechanical treatments
are the preferred species for cooking by the have been used to produce pulps with specific
sulfite process because they produce rela- properties. Mild chemical treatments to give
tively strong, light-colored pulps. About 20 partial delignification and softening are fol-
percent of newsprint consists of this type of lowed by mechanical means to complete fiber
pulp that has not been bleached. Thus, the separation.
sulfite industry is concentrated in Canada, The NSSC process is one in which wood
the northern United States, and the Pacific chips, usually from hardwoods, are cooked with
Coast, where the supplies of spruce and fir Na2S03 liquor buffered with either NaHC0 3,
are greatest and the largest quantities of Na2C03, or NaOH to maintain a slightly
newsprint are produced. alkaline pH during the cook. Unbleached
A large amount of research has been done pulp from hardwoods cooked to a yield of
on developing products from the waste sulfite about 75 percent is widely used for the corru-
liquor, and some success has been achieved. gating medium. Although bleachable pulps can
Vanillin, alcohol, and torula yeast can be pro- be produced by this process, they require large
duced as by-products, and the lignosulfonates quantities of bleaching chemicals, and the
are used as viscosity modifiers in drilling waste liquors are difficult to recover. Currently
muds and for similar purposes. However, the many NSSC mills are located adjacent to kraft

mills, and the liquors can be treated in the same Two processes that reached the demonstra-
furnace. Thus, the waste liquor from the NSSC tion-plant scale are the Alcell and the MD-
mill becomes the makeup chemical for the kraft Organosolv processes, both of which are basic
mill, solving the waste problem. NSSC hard- modifications on the original process patented
wood pulp is the premier pulp for the corrugat- by Kleinert.' In the Alcell process preheated
ing medium and cannot be matched by any chips (80°C) are packed in the digester using
other process. steam, and the steaming is continued to dis-
Chemimechanical pulps usually are pro- place air from the chips. Preheated solvent that
duced by soaking the chips in solutions of has been previously used as a wash liquor for
NaOH or Na2S03, and then refining in disc two earlier batches is pumped in and rapidly
refiners to produce a groundwood-type pulp. brought up to the pulping temperatures of
Chemical consumption is very low, and yields 19O-200°C, corresponding to an operational
are usually 85-95 percent. pressure of 500 psi. The liquor is continuously
circulated in the digester during the pulping
Solvent Pulping. The concept of using period. At the end of this period the liquor in
solvents to dissolve lignin was first explored the digester is displaced by wash liquor that
by Peter Klason in 1893. In the 1930s, was used in the second washing stage of the
Kleinert developed and patented the first sol- previous batch. The displaced liquor from the
vent (organosolv) pulping process based on digester flows to the lignin and sugar recovery
50 percent aqueous ethanol.' Until recently system. The third-stage wash liquor is dis-
there was little incentive to pursue alterna- placed by fresh liquor and flows into an inter-
tives to the kraft process because energy and mediate storage tank for use in the second
chemicals were reasonably cheap, there were stage. The second-stage wash liquor is drained
few environmental regulations, and there was into another storage tank for use in the digester.
little interest in by-products. However, new, At this point, the digester contains soaked,
strict environmental regulations, rising energy delignified chips and alcohol-water vapor at
and chemical costs, and the very large capital pulping temperature and pressure. It is now
investments needed to construct new kraft depressurized, and the departing vapor is
mills have stimulated research and investment condensed for reuse as fresh pulping liquor.
in alternate solvent pulping processes." Finally, the alcohol remaining in the digester
With organosolv pulping, wood chips are is driven off by steaming. The pulp is diluted
contacted with an aqueous solvent mixture and with water and pumped out of the digester for
cooked (digested) for a period of time at ele- cleaning and bleaching treatments. The first-
vated temperatures. Digestion pressures range stage spent liquor entering the by-product
from atmospheric to 500 psig. Cooking initially recovery area is first flashed and then diluted
releases acetic and formic acids from ester with process water to precipitate the dis-
functionalities in the wood, and these acids fur- solved lignin. After settling, the solid lignin
ther promote hydrolysis of lignin and hemicel- is separated by centrifugation, washed, and
luloses to low molecular weight species. dried. The filtrate enters a distillation tower,
Catalysts such as mineral acids (HCI), organic where alcohols and some acetic acid and fur-
acids (acetic, formic), sulfonic acids, and Lewis fural are recovered. Finally, the remaining
acids and bases (AICI3, FeiSi04)3, Mg(S04), aqueous liquor is further evaporated to a
CaCI2) can be employed to promote delignifica- sugar syrup."
tion. Cellulose pulp is filtered from the liquor, A demonstration plant, producing 15 metric
and the solvent is recovered, usually by distilla- tons of organosolv pulp a day, was con-
tion. Lignin becomes insoluble at this point and structed in New Brunswick, Ontario. A com-
precipitates from the liquor, leaving an aqueous parison of the strength properties of Alcell
solution of primarily hemicellulosic sugars. and kraft pulps is given in Table 28.5. The
Conditions for a variety oforganosolv processes process as described above is only suitable for
are compared in Table 28.4.9 hard-woods.Vi

TABLE 28.4 Solvent Pulping Process Characteristics

Process Name Additional Digestion Digestion
Developer Solvent Used Reactants Temperature Time Refer ence

Acetic acid (Herdle, Young) 90% acetic acid" 0.2% H2SO4 150°C 4 hr (10)
Acetosolv (Nimz) 95% acetic acid 0.1% HCI 110°C 3-5 hr
Ester (Young) 50- 75% acetic acid" Ethyl ace tate" 170°C I hr ( I I)
Formic acid (Jordan) 80% formic acid Unspecified 105°C 45 min (12)
organic catalyst
Peroxoic acid (Poppins, 80-100 % formic acid None 70- 80°C 60 min
Sundquist) and hydrogen
Hydrotropic pulping 2.0 M xylene-sulfonic None 100°C 60 min ( 13)
(Springer) acid"
Battelle-Geneva process Aqueous phenol" Acid catalyst 100°C 30-60 min (14)
Sulfolane (Clemont) 50% sulfolane None 175°C 2 hr ( 15)
Acetone (DeHaas and Lang) Aqueous acetone" NH/Na2S 160-190°C 1-2 hr ( 16)
Glycol (Burkart, Quigley) 20- 100% glycol Mineral, salicylic, 100-205°C 1-3 hr
sulfonic acids
Phenol (Sweers) 20-50% phenol HC!. sulfonic acids 80- 205°C 1-4 hr
Cresol (Sakakibara) 20-80% cresol Cuprous oxide, 160- 190°C 1-4 hr
acetic acid, AQ
Amine (Wallis) 25- 90% mono- or None,AQ I 65-200°C 1- 2 hr
triethanol amine
Kleinert process 20-75 % ethanol'" Uncatalyzed or 160-19 5°C 30-60 min (7, 17, 18)
usually 50% metal salt
Aleell (Pye) 50% aq. ethanol Uncatalyzed 195°C 1- 2 hr
AEM (Paszner) Aqueous methanol" Alkali earth salt 195-2 10°C 25-45 min (19)
MD-Organosolv (Edel) Aqueous methanol NaOH 170- 195°C 45 min (20)
ASAM (Patt) 30-50 % aq. methanol NaOH, Na2S03, 180°C 2-3 hr
and AQ (all)

"The other compound is water; bConcentration not reported; <n-Butanol also has been employed; dAthree-component
(ethyl acetate/acetic acid/water) pulping process.

The principles of the MD-Organosolv stage continuous reactor. The first pulping
process, developed in Germany, are illustrated stage is operated under 40-bar pressure at
in Fig. 28.13. The process consists of first 195°C and removes approximately 20 percent
impregnating softwood chips with 50 percent of the lignin and a major part of the hemicel-
aqueous methanol before they enter the first- luloses from the chips. The chips then, are
transported hydraulically to the second-stage
TABLE 28.5 Comparison of Properties digester where alkali is charged at 15- 20 per-
of Alleell and Kraft Hardwood Pulps ' cent based on wood, and the methanol con-
Commercial centration is reduced to about 30 percent. The
Property Alcell Pulp Kraft Pulp second stage is operated at 170°C, and the
Tensile (km) 7.47 7.40
combined residence time in both reactors is
Tear(mN . m2/g) 7.20 6.75 only 45 min. The strength properties of the
Burst (kPa . m2/g) 5.08 5.18 pulps produced are only slightly lower than
Brightness (ISO) 88.7 89.6 those of corre sponding kraft pulps. The recov-
"Pulps 50% maple, 35% birch, 15% poplar; beaten to ery of organics and NaOH from the second-
400 Canadian Standard Freeness. stage liquor is performed in a novel manner.
Source: McCready, M. (Ed.), Paper Age (Mar. 1991). After methanol evaporation, the liquor enters


• - - - - - MeOH·H20

1st stage 2nd stage Pulp
195·C. 40 bar 170·C washing

MeOH·H20 NaOH in

Evaporallon Evaporation



Evaporallon Evaporalion

Fig. 28.13. Flowsheet of MD·Organosolv pulping system. (From A Aziz and K. V. Sarkanen, Tappi,
72(3),169-175 (1989); with permission of Tappi, Atlanta, GA.)

an electrolytic cell that not only separates white rot fungi to first breakdown the wood
NaOH but also precipitates lignin in a filter- structure, and apparently modify the lignin,
able form." with the result that the wood chips can then be
mechanically disintegrated with much less
energy input. After screening of hundreds of
Biomechanical Pulping
different species of white rot fungi at the U.S.
Another pulping method that has reached the Forest Products Laboratory, it was found that
pilot plant stage, and will probably be com- Ceriporiopsis subvermispora produced the
mercialized in the near future, is biomechani- greatest reduction in energy consumption
cal pulping. This approach involves the use of and also substantially improved the strength

properties of the pulp in comparison with con- acceptable level, they in tum are processed
ventional refiner mechanical pulp. The through a second, a third, or even a fourth stage
approach is also suitable for the production of of cleaners, thus holding the final loss of pulp
pulp from agro-based materials as well. 8,23 to about 0.25-1 percent of the feed, depending
upon quality demands and the dirt level of the
incoming pulp.
Screening and Cleaning of Wood Pulp
The desired pulp fibers are usually between
Bleaching of Wood Pulp
1 and 3 mm in length with a diameter about
one-hundredth as large. Any bundles of fibers The color of unbleached pulp ranges from
or other impurities would show up as defects cream or tan for the sulfite process to dark
in the finished paper and must be screened brown for the kraft process. Although about
out. Wood knots usually are difficult to pulp 75-90 percent of the lignin has been removed
and must be removed. by the pulping process, the remainder, along
Screening is usually a two-stage process with other colored degradation products, must
with the coarse material being removed be removed by bleaching.
by screens with relatively large perforations Although it is possible to improve the bright-
(~-~ in.). Additional fine screening is done with ness (whiteness) of the pulp in one stage, the
screens using very small (0.008--0.014 in.) slots economical achievement of high brightness
to ensure the removal of oversized impurities. requires the use of several stages. Current prac-
Screen size openings will depend on the tice uses combinations of chlorination with
species of wood being processed and the elemental chlorine (C), alkaline extraction with
desired quality of the end product. Because of sodium hydroxide (E), and various oxidative
the tendency of the fibers to agglomerate when stages using sodium or calcium hypochlorite
suspended in water, it is customary to screen at (H), chlorine dioxide (D), or hydrogen perox-
very low solids (consistencies) of about 0,5 ide (P). The pulp is washed between each stage
percent fiber and 99.5 percent water. to remove solubilized impurities. Many combi-
To meet the ever-increasing demands for nations are possible, and each mill selects the
cleaner pulps, centrifugal cyclone cleaners sequence that fits its requirements the best. The
have come into almost universal use. The sequences most commonly utilized are:
screened pulp is pumped through these units at
low consistencies and high velocities. The fiber
slurry enters the cone tangentially at the top,
and a free vortex is formed with the velocity of
the flow greatly increased as the diameter of The greater the number of stages, the higher
the conical section is reduced. Heavier parti- the quality of the final pulp but at increased
cles of sand, scale, or other dirt are forced to cost. Sulfite pulps are much easier to bleach
the outside of the cleaner and are discharged and usually use only the three- or four-stage
from the bottom tip through a small orifice. sequences, whereas kraft pulps require addi-
Because of the velocity gradients existing in tional stages. Typical conditions for bleaching
the cone, the longer fibers (75-95%) are car- a kraft pulp are given in Table 28.6.
ried into the ascending center column and are Chlorine and caustic are purchased, but chlo-
discharged through the larger accept nozzle at rine dioxide must be generated at the site by
the top. In a properly designed and operated using sodium chlorate as the basic chemical.
unit, a shape separation also is made so that Effluents from bleach plants are a source of
round particles, even though of the same great concern in regard to pollution. Large
specific gravity as the good fibers, will be quantities of water are discharged (typically
discharged as rejects through the bottom ori- 10,000-20,000 gal/ton of pulp) that are high in
fice. In this way, small pieces of bark also are color, especially the water coming from the
removed. To reduce the quantity of rejects to an chlorination and extraction stages.

TABLE 28.6 Typical Conditions for saccharides that protect the lignin. Another
Bleaching Kraft Pulp exciting application would be to use these and
other enzymes for removal of lignin pollutants
% Chemical Time Temperature
Stage on Pulp (min) tF)
from waste effluents. Biotechnology should
lead to safer and cleaner methods for pulping
Chlorination 5-6 30 70 and bleaching.8
Extraction 2~-3 60 140
Hypochlorite 1-2 90 105 These bleaching sequences are designed to
Chlorine dioxide ~-I 240 160 remove lignin, yielding a highly purified fiber
consisting only of carbohydrate material. For
producing high-yield pulps such as ground-
wood, where all of the lignin is retained in the
New developments involve the replace- pulp, it is not possible to use these systems.
ment of the chlorination and extraction However, extremely high brightness is not
stages with a single stage involving gaseous required in this case; thus, some improvement
oxygen and sodium hydroxide. The pulp is is attained by using one stage with either per-
dewatered to about 15-25 percent solids, oxide or hydrosulfite (dithionite). No yield
treated with about 4-6 percent NaOH, and loss is encountered as the action of both of
passed through a reactor in a fluffed condi- these is merely to decolorize the pulp rather
tion using oxygen gas at about 150 psi. The than to remove any impurities. Usually about
pulp consumes about 1-2 percent oxygen in 0.5 percent of either of these chemicals will
about 15 min and leaves in a semibleached give a noticeable increase in brightness, and
condition. After washing, the use of conven- they are widely used to upgrade the quality of
tional chlorine dioxide stages will produce groundwood.
the desired level of whiteness. The advantage
of this process is that the effluent contains no
chlorides and can be used as process water in Biotechnology-Biopulping and
the pulp mill. Any sodium and organics in
the effluent then will enter the kraft recovery The pulping of wood is at present based on
cycle and serve as makeup, thus reducing the either mechanical or chemical methods or
pollution load. combinations thereof, as previously described
With the removal ofchlorine from the bleach- in this chapter. The interfiber lignin bond is
ing sequence, the process is termed Elemental broken down by the mechanical and chemical
Chlorine Free (ECF) bleaching and usually an treatments to free the cellulose fibers for
Oxygen (0) stage is now substituted for the papermaking. In the forest, white rot fungi
Chlorine (C) stage. Regulatory agencies in perform a similar task on wood left behind.
Europe, and particularly in Scandinavia, have The enzymes of the fungi do the work of
imposed even greater restrictions on emissions lignin degradation as referred to in the section
from pulp mill bleach plants and another new on "Biomechanical Pulping."
approach has been developed, namely Totally It should be possible to isolate these specific
Chlorine Free (TCF) bleaching of pulps. For enzymes from the fungus for use in biological
TCF more radical changes are necessary with pulping or biopulping. Indeed, researchers at
substitution of both (C) and (D) stages with several laboratories are attempting to isolate
ozone (0), peroxide (P), and enzyme (X) stages lignin-degrading enzymes (lignases) from the
in a sequence such as OXZp'8 white rot fungi. They are quick to point out,
The use of enzymes is the newest develop- however, that there probably is a lignase com-
ment in bleaching technology. At least one plex in which several enzymes work together
enzyme-based process developed in Finland to degrade lignin. Once specific enzymes are
has been applied commercially. The process isolated, work can commence on producing
uses xylanase to make lignin more vulnerable the enzymes in greater quantities through
to oxidation by attacking the surrounding poly- genetic engineering. Another drawback is the

slow rate of reaction as already discussed in used primarily as filler stock in paperboard.
the section on "Bleaching of Wood Pulp." The bulk grades are the largest-volume
The initial applications oflignases would be wastepaper source.
to degrade the lignin partially before mechan- Deinked grades of wastepaper require spe-
ical treatment so that the process would cial techniques and equipment to remove inks,
require less energy, and the pulp would have coatings, adhesives, and so on. The deinking
more strength after this biomechanical pulp- process is complicated and time-consuming;
ing. Biobleaching also would be possible for depending on the quality of deinked pulp
brightening or whitening pulp fibers, in lieu of required, the process may involve a number of
the toxic chlorine compounds utilized at pres- combinations of washing, flotation, disper-
ent by the industry. A particularly exciting sion , screening, and the use of cyclone
application would be to use these types of cleaners. The newer noncontact inks present
enzymes for removal oflignin pollutants from special removal problems, as do wet-strength
waste effluents. Biotechnology should lead to agents, adhesives, and the so-called stickies.
safer and cleaner methods for pulping and Stickies are made from hot-melt adhesives
bleaching. (vinyl acetate polymers and copolymers), pres-
sure-sensitive adhesives (styrene-butadiene) ,
and lattices (natural and synthetic rubber).
Tackifiers and waxes also are usually included
Worldwide, approximately 38 percent of in these adhesive formulations . A variety of
wastepaper is recycled ; however, the rate of additives are used to help remove stickies and
recycling varies between countries with the other contaminants from wastepaper, includ-
United States at a 45 percent recycle rate. The ing solvents, nonionic and cationic surfac-
United States is a major exporter of wastepa- tants , zirconium compounds (to reduce
per, with the majority going to "fiber-poor" tackiness), and talc. Of course, all of the addi-
countries such as Korea and Japan that have tional steps and additives add to the expense of
much less virgin fiber. recycling. There is also the problem of waste
A variety of problems are associated with disposal from the deinking process, which
paper recycling, such as collection , distribu- must be properly handled.
tion, and wild cyclic swings in the market.
However, with landfill sites at a premium and
Stock Preparation
paper representing 30-40 percent of the
municipal solid waste, it makes good sense in Stock preparation in a paper mill includes all
the long run to promote paper recycling, intermediate operations between preparation
which reduces landfill needs and the con- of the pulp and the final papermaking process.
sumption of virgin timber. The paper industry It can be subdivided into (1) preparation of
in the United States has now set a goal of the "furnish" and (2) "beating" or "refining ."
50 percent paper recycling rate. Furnish is the name for the water slurry of
There are a wide range of different grades fiber and other chemicals that goes to the
of wastepaper available, depending on the paper machine. Beating or refining refers to
source and the extent of separation. As the the mechanical treatment given to the furnish
name implies, wastepaper designated as to develop the strength propertie s of the pulp
"direct pulp substitute s" is utilized with little and impart the proper characteri stics to the
treatment before reslushing in a hydrapulper. finished paper.
The direct pulp substitutes are the highest Cellulosic fibers are unique in that, when sus-
grade of wastepaper. pended in water, they will bond to each other
The majority of recycled paper (about 75%) very strongly as the water is removed by filtra-
is used with no attempt to remove inks, dyes, tion and drying, with no need for an additional
or pigments from the paper. The resultant adhesive. This is so because of the large num-
pulp is of rather poor color and quality, and is ber of hydrogen bonds that form between the

surfaces of fibers that are in close contact as by water or ink. Pigments such as kaolin clay,
the water is removed. This bonding is reversible calcium carbonate, and titanium dioxide are
and accounts for the well-known fact that added in amounts up to 15 percent to increase
paper loses most of its strength when wet. If opacity and give a better printing surface.
paper is suspended in water and agitated, it will Organic dyes and colored pigments are added
separate into the individual fibers, a behavior to produce the highly colored papers used for
that allows the easy reuse of wastepaper or the business and printing papers. Other additives
processing waste from the paper mill. such as wet-strength resins , retention aids ,
In order to enhance the bonding capability and starch can be used to give particular
of the fibers, it is necessary to mechanically properties that are needed. Thus, in order to
beat or refine them in equipment such as beat- produce the wide variety of grades of paper
ers, jordans, or disc refiners. This treatment of now available, the papennaker selects the
the pulp slurry at about 3-6 percent consis- proper pulps, refining conditions, and addi-
tency is done by passing the pulp between the tives, and then combines the pulp and additives
two rotating surfaces of the refiner. These sur- before sending them on to the paper machine
faces contain metal bars and operate at very for the final step in the process.
close clearances. As the fibers pass between
the bars, they are made more flexible, and a
Papermaking Process
larger surface for bonding is developed by the
mechanical action. Some paper mills are not integrated with pulp
This refining brings about fundamental mills, and it is necessary for these mills to use
changes in the pulp fibers and increases the dried, baled pulp manufactured at a separate
degree of interfiber bonding in the final sheet location. Many mills making limited quantities
of paper. Thus, the final properties of the of highly specialized papers fall into this cate-
paper can be significantly changed by varying gory, as it allows maximum flexibility in select-
the degree and type of refining. As additional ing the optimum pulps for a particular paper
refining is performed, properties such as ten- grade. However, the papennaking process is the
sile strength, fold, and density are increased same regardless of the source of pulp.
while tear resistance, opacity, thickness, and After the furnish has been prepared with the
dimensional stability are decreased. Thus, the proper refining treatment and additi ves, it is
proper refining conditions must be selected to stored in the machine chest and then fed con-
bring out the desired properties without tinuously into the paper machine system.
detracting too much from other properties. A refiner or jordan is placed in this line to
The furnish of a paper machine varies give the paper machine operators the opportu-
widely, depending on the grade of paper being nity to make small adjustments in the quality
made. Newsprint usually consists of about of the furnish as needed to give the desired
80 percent groundwood and 20 percent chem- paper properties. Screens and centrifugal
ical fiber (sulfite or semibleached kraft). Bag cleaners also are included to ensure a high-
papers and linerboard are usually 100 percent quality paper.
unbleached softwood kraft . Printing papers are The papennaking process is essentially a
made from bleached pulps and contain both system whereby the pulp is diluted to a very
hardwoods and softwoods. By selecting the low consistency (about 0.5%) and continu-
proper pulps and refining conditions, a wide ously formed into a sheet of paper at high
variety of paper qualities can be achieved. speeds, and then the water is removed by filtra-
The paper industry is a large user of chem- tion, pressing, and drying . The basic units of
icals because relatively small quantities of the fourdrinier paper machine are diagrammed
additi ves can materially change the properties in Fig. 28.14; a picture is shown in Fig. 28.15.
of paper. The use of 1-2 percent rosin size and The section of the paper machine where the
2-3 percent alum [AI2(S04)3] will greatly paper is formed is referred to as the "wet end."
increase the resistance of paper to penetration The fourdrinier machine is characterized by a






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Fig. 28.15. Modern high-speed paper machine. (Courtesy Beloit Corp.)

headbox that allows the diluted stock to flow Modern fourdrinier machines are available
through an orifice (slice) onto the flat moving up to a width of 360 in. and can operate at
wire. This is actually an endless wire belt that speeds up to 3000 ft/min. Newsprint machines
returns on the underside of the machine, thus are usually the widest and fastest, whereas
allowing the process to proceed continuously. those making heavier grades such as liner-
Because a low headbox consistency (about board run somewhat more slowly. In the
0.5%) is necessary for good formation, the United States, there are several machines
volumes of water handled are very large capable of producing over 1000 tons/day of
(about 10,000 gal/min for a machine produc- linerboard. More specialized grades such as
ing 300 tons/day). Much of the water is bond and printing papers are usually produced
removed through the wire by the action of the at a lower speed on narrower machines, and
table rolls and foils that support the wires in 150-250 tons/day would be considered a high
the forming area immediately following the output. Many specialized grades such as filter
headbox. At this point the stock consistency paper and tracing paper are produced on very
has been raised to about 2 percent, and the small, slow machines producing only a few
stock no longer drains freely. By passing it tons per day. Machines making tissue paper
over suction boxes operating at fairly high for sanitary purposes use modifications of
vacuum (6-8 in. Hg), the consistency is the standard fourdrinier to produce tissue at
raised to about 15-20 percent. A dandy roll speeds of up to 5000 ft/min. Because of the
(covered with woven wire) rotating on top of light weight of this paper, it is necessary to
the wet paper is used to improve the forma- make many modifications in the equipment
tion and can impact a watermark if it contains shown in Fig. 28.14.
the proper pattern. The suction roll after the Many new methods of forming a sheet of
suction boxes has several functions: it removes paper are being developed. The most common
additional water; it serves as the driving roll concept is to introduce the pulp slurry between
for the wire; and it serves as the point at two converging wires and remove the water
which the paper separates from the wire and from both sides. This is termed "twin-wire"
passes into the press section while the wire forming, and many variations are now in oper-
returns to pick up additional pulp at the ation. This technique has many advantages
headbox. and may eventually replace the fourdrinier.

A second method of forming paper uses the 150 in. However, because of the heavyweight
cylinder machine. Actually these machines are board produced and the widespread use of
used primarily to form the multi-ply board cheap waste paper for most of the furnish, the
used in packaging such as cereal boxes. The cylinder machine is widely used. New forming
cylinder wet end consists of one or more (up to units looking like miniature fourdrinier units
eight) cylinder vats, each of which forms a (Ultra-former, Inverformer) have been devel-
separate wet web of fibers. Each vat contains a oped and are rapidly replacing the old-
woven wire-covered cylinder rotating in the fashioned cylinder vat because their speed is
diluted pulp slurry. The liquid head on the out- not so limited.
side of the cylinder is greater than that on the From the wet end of the machine, the wet
inside, resulting in a flow of water through sheet is conveyed by woolen felts through a
the wire and out of the vat. The pulp mat that series of roll-type presses for further water
is formed on the face of the cylinder is removal, increasing the consistency to about
removed by an endless woolen felt that moves 35 percent. The sheet then is threaded through
in contact with the cylinder by means of a the dryer section, consisting of a long series
rubber roll riding on top of the felt. With of steam-heated cast iron cylinders that
machines having more than one cylinder, the reduce the moisture content to approximately
same felt moves from one cylinder to the next, 5 percent, which is about the equilibrium
and the wet sheets from each cylinder are lam- moisture content for cellulosic fibers at
inated to each other on the bottom side of the 40-50 percent relative humidity. Tissue
felt. Thus, very heavy papers or boards can machines use one large dryer (called a Yankee
be fabricated by multi-vat machines. Because dryer), ranging from 8 to 18 ft in diameter.
each vat can be supplied with a different type Because of the light weight of the tissue paper,
of pulp, it is possible to make boards with a it can be dried at high speeds on a single dryer.
white surface of high-quality pulp and a center After drying , the paper is compacted and
of low-cost pulp from waste newspaper or smoothed by passing through a calender stack
other cheap grades. Because of hydrodynamic consisting of a vertical row of highly polished
problems, cylinder-machine speeds are limited cast iron rolls. Then the paper is wound into
to about 250 ftlmin and widths of about rolls on the reel, as shown in Fig. 28.16.

Fig. 28.16. Dry end of a large Fourdrinier paper machine. (Courtesy of Regis Paper Co.)

Finishing and Converting finish by passage through the calenders

The objectives in the final stage of the total referred to above or through supercalenders.
paperrnaking system are to improve the paper Supercalenders are stacks of alternate steel
surface, to reduce rolls and sheets in size, to and dens ified fiber rolls that create a rubbing
modify paper for special properties, such as action on the sheet, imparting an extra-high
coat or emboss , to convert to finished prod- gloss to the sheet surface.
ucts, such as bags and corrugated boxes, and
to package for shipping.
Environmental Protection
Corrugated boxboard is made by gluing
sheets of linerboard to each side of a fluted The manufacture of pulp and paper is a
sheet of the corrugating med ium. Papers for chemical-process industry and produces air
pack ing may be laminated to polyethylene emissions, effluents, and solid and toxic wastes
film or aluminum foil , or coated with waxes that are potential hazards. The paper industry
and hot-melt resins. The printing and bag- and uses large volumes of water as a fiber carrier
box-making industries depend on the pro- and as a solvent. An increasing volume of water
duction of many mills that produce the sev- is being recycled, but makeup water still is
eral hundred grades of paper used in the required to cover losses. A bleached-pulp and
United States , and each user may require paper mill may use 100 rrr' (26,400 gal) of fresh
special paper characteristics to match its water per metric ton of product and 50,000 m'
proce ss. (13.2 million gal) daily for a plant producing
The quality of many papers is improved by 500 metric tons of products. In addition to this
a surface treatment. A size press about two- aqueous effluent that the mill must clean up, it
third s of the way alon g the dryer section can must contend with polluted air and solid and
appl y a solution of starch to improve surface toxic wastes. The nature of these emanations,
bonding. Al so, paper generally is coated to their sources, and their treatments are summa-
improve printing properties. A surface coat- rized in Table 28.7. In this connection the paper
ing of a pigment (usually kaolin or china industry generally has been in good compliance
clay, calcium carbonate, or titanium diox- with government environmental regulations
ide) and an adhes ive (such as starch, casein, although at considerable nonreimbursed capital
and others) is applied to the partially dried expense, which amounts to about 10 percent of
web by brush, blade , spray, or other method, the cost of the mill.
and dried during the papermaking (on- Using a revolving cylinder or other equipment
machine) operation or in a separate opera- (save-ails), in the 1930s mills recovered for
tion. The paper surface is brought to a high reuse fibers and clay from the paper machine

TABLE 28.7 Summary of Pollution from Pulp and Paper Mill Operations
Type ofPollutant Mill Operation Treatment
Suspended solids (SS) : Paperrnakin g Primary-elarification
fiber fragments , inerts, clay
Pulping residual s Pulping Secondary-biological treatment and
Air emissions
Total reduced sulfur (TR S) Kraft liquor recovery Oxidation, precipitation, scrubb ing,
Sulfur dioxide Sulfite pulping
Particulates Steam generation Precipitation, scrubbing
Solid wastes Effluent treatm ent Landfill , utilization, incineration
Toxic wastes: chlorinated compounds Bleaching Lime pretreatment, oxidation, biological

water (white water) system. In the I970s, pro- BOARD AND STRUCTURAL MATERIALS
cedures for removal of the fibers and clay Lumber, boards, sheets, panels , and other
from the paper mill effluent were incorpo- structural materials are manufactured from
rated through settling or clarification or pri- solid wood and wood veneers, fibers, and par-
mary effluent treatment. About the same time, ticles. The industries producing these prod-
secondary effluent treatment (biochemical ucts are not generally classified as chemical
treatment) of the pulp mill effluent was neces- industries, nevertheless, they are closely
sary to remove pulping residuals . The purpose related to the chemical industry.
of this treatment is to reduce the biological
oxygen demand (BOD) of the effluent, which,
if untreated, reduces the oxygen content of the
stream to a level incapable of supporting There are two different types of mills for
aquatic life. The most common method uses manufacturing lumber: hardwood and soft-
microorganisms that react with the wood sug- wood. A hardwood sawmill typically pro-
ars and other oxygen-consuming compounds duces I to IS million board feet annually. Most
in the spent liquors; this is called the acti- of the lumber produced is 4/4 thick (4/4, pro-
vated-sludge method. The products of pri- nounced "four quarter," is the number of
mary and secondary treatments are sludges, quarter inches of thickness; 8/4 would be 2
the handling of which is discussed later under inches thick). Lengths run from 4 feet to 16
solid wastes. feet; width is random . The primary quality
Two objectionable air emissions have factor is the amount of large clear areas. The
characterized pulp mills for years : the sulfur lumber is dried and then sawn into smaller
dioxide of the sulfite pulping mill and the pieces for furniture, millwork, and cabinets. A
[malodorous reduced sulfur compounds softwood sawmill typically produces in
(TRS) (mercaptans and hydrogen sulfide) of excess of 200 million board feet annually.
the kraft mill. Still another less noxious air Most of the lumber is 8/4 nominal thickness
emission is the particulate matter from (would be sold as 2 in. by a specified width),
steam boilers. Coal-burning boilers also although the actual thickness is 1.5 in.
emit sulfur dioxide, as is well known. The Lengths are usually 8 to 20 feet; widths would
treatments for the particulate emissions are typically be 4, 6, 8, or lOin. nominal size, or
shown in Table 28.7 . 3-1/2,5-1/2,7- 1/2, and 9-1/4 in. actual size.
Solid wastes represent the ultimate in mill Most softwood lumber will be dried, planed,
residues and include the accumulated refuse and graded, and then used "as is" without
of the mill and the sludges from primary and additional manufacturing, except cutting to
secondary effluent treatment. There is diffi- length at times.
culty in removing water from the secondary A modern softwood sawmill producing
sludge; the primary and secondary sludges lumber for construction is highly automated,
often are mixed to aid in water removal, with high manufacturing efficiency and high
which is important if the sludge is to be incin- production, thereby assuring good profitabil-
erated for disposal. The sludges from pulp ity and good stewardship of the natural
and paper mills are handled mostly as landfill, resource . In a typical mill logs are debarked,
and sometimes, if not toxic, they are spread scanned for metal, scanned for size to deter-
for agricultural purposes. mine the best sawing pattern, and sawn into
Most mill solids are slightly toxic, predom- lumber and cants at the headrig. Then cants
inantly from chlorination compounds in the are resawn into lumber. Any pieces with wane
wash waters from bleaching . This toxicity can (wane is the absence of wood) are edged.
be reduced with lime pretreatment and bio- Lumber is then trimmed and sorted by size.
logical treatment. Toxicity has been the main Most of these processing procedures are com-
concern of governmental regulating bodies in puter controlled with manual override possi-
recent years. ble. Volume conversion efficiencies can

exceed 65 percent ; the 35 percent of the log other vegetable fibers. The board is formed by
not converted into lumber is used for pulp and the felting of the fibers from a water slurry or
for fuel. After the green lumber is produced, an air suspension to produce a mat. Bonding
the lumber is kiln dried, planed, and graded agents may be incorporated to increase the
according to the rules of the American strength, and other materials may be added to
Lumber Standard. give special properties, such as resistance to
moisture, fire, or decay.
Fiberboards are manufactured primarily for
panels, insulation, and cover materials in build-
Plywood panels consist of several large thin ings and other structures where flat sheets of
wood veneer-type layers joined with adhesive. moderate strength and/or insulating capacity
Some or all of the layers are sheets of veneer. are required. They also are used as components
Other layers, particularly in the core, may be in doors, cupboards, cabinets, furniture, and
particleboard, hardboard, lumber strips, and spe- millwork.
cial materials. The fiber direction of each layer The classification of fiberboards is best done
is at right angles to that of the adjoining layer. on the basis of density, as there is a great deal
This cross-banding makes plywood more uni- of overlap when classifying by use only. Table
form and less anisotropic than lumber; its prop- 28.8 shows the density classification of fiber-
erties in the direction of panel length resemble boards as well as some of their major uses.
those in the direction of panel width. Fiberboard factories equalize the mat of loose
Cross-banding affects strength in a logical fibers between screens and rollers, whereas
way in both directions of the plane, the panel hardboard is press-bonded between hot plates
is as strong as the combined layers. Because in to make it dense and strong. The dividing line
anyone of the two directions transverse layers between the two types of panels lies at a den-
contribute practically no strength , plywood is sity of 0.5 g/crrr'. Both are manufactured for
roughly one-half as strong as lumber is length- many specific uses, and they vary accordingly.
wise. But by the same principle plywood is
stronger than lumber in the direction of width
and can therefore be thinner. Moreover, it does Particleboard and Oriented
not split like solid-wood products . Plywood Strandboard (OSB)
and lumber properties naturally are the same Although wood particleboard was patented in
in the thickness direction, provided that the the United States as early as 1905, commer-
layers are adequately bonded together. Cross- cial development of the product usually is
banding also imparts dimensional stability to credited to either Germany or Czechoslovakia
the plywood. in 1941. Production was restricted by a short-
Many plywood panels are 6 millimeters (1/4 age of gluing resins during most of World War
inch) thick; the thinnest measure about 1 mil- II, but in 1945 the first U.S. plant began
limeter, and the thickest several centimeters. In operation . Particleboard did not really begin
addition to house sheathing and siding, much to gain market acceptance until the 1960s.
plywood is used in cabinets, billboards, furni- From 1964 to 1979 consumption increased
ture, bookshelves , concrete forms, skins of at an average annual rate of 9.5 percent.
flush doors, paneling, boxes, in mobile homes, Total consumption of particleboard was about
and for trailers. In 2001, 305 X 103 rrr' of ply- 2.5 million rrr' in 2000.
wood were produced in the United States. Particleboards are composed of discrete par-
ticles of wood bonded together by a synthetic
resin adhesive, most commonly urea-formalde-
hyde or phenol-formaldehyde. The material is
Fiberboard is the name for rigid or semi-rigid consolidated and the resin cured under heat
sheet materials of widely varying densities and pressure.The strengthof the productdepends
and thicknesses manufactured from wood or mainly upon the adhesive and not upon fiber

TABLE 28.8 Classification and Uses of Fiberboards"

Density Classification

Fiberboards (g/cm') (lb/ftJ) Major Uses

Noncompressed (insulation board) 0.02--0.15 1.25-9.5 Heat insulation as blankets and batts;
semi-rigid insulation industrial cushioning
Rigid insulation board (includes 0.15--0.40 9.5-25.0 Heat and sound insulation as sheathing, interior
wallboard and softboard) paneling, base for plaster or siding, thick
laminated sheets for structural decking, cores
for doors and partitions, acoustical ceilings
Compressed 0.40-0.80 25-50 Structural use and heat insulation as sheathing
Intermediate or medium density base for plaster and siding, interior paneling,
fiberboard (includes laminated containers, underflooring
paperboards and homogeneous
Hardboard 0.80-1.20 50-75 Paneling, counter tops, components in doors,
cabinets, cupboards, furniture, containers,
and millwork, concrete forms, flooring
Densified hardboard 1.20-1.45 75-90 Electrical instrument panels, templets, jigs,
(superhardboard) die stock

"From information in Fiberboard and Particleboard, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
Rome, 1958.

felting as in the case of fiberboards, although tion of panel length. This oriented-strandboard
the size and shape of the particles influence (OSB) and waferboard replaced a great deal of
strength properties. They may be fine slivers, plywood sheathing in the early 1980s.
coarse slivers, planar shavings, shreds, or Particleboards may be made in a wide range
flakes, and they are divided into two main of densities. Low-density or insulating types are
groups: (1) hammer-mill-produced particles a comparatively recent development in Central
(slivers and splinters from solid wood residues, Europe, whereas the high-density-hardboard
feather-like wisps to block-shaped pieces from types are a U.S. development. Most particle-
planar shavings) and (2) cutter-type particles, board production is in the middle-density
sometimes termed "engineered" particles range.
(flakes and shreds). Particleboards most commonly are used as
Hammer-milled particles usually vary core stock for veneer in furniture and in
appreciably in size. Dry raw material pro- doors, as interior panels for walls and ceil-
duces greater amounts of fines than green ings, as subflooring, as sheathing and siding,
wood. Cutting machines (either cylinder-type and as components in interior millwork. The
or rotating-disc-type) give more uniform dense types are used in the same way as
particles, with the length dimension in the fiberboard hardboard, described above. Both
direction of the grain of the wood. The thick- dense particleboards and hardboards, after
ness, size, and shape of particles influence the receiving a surface coating, may be printed
strength of the board. Boards made from with decorative designs.
sawdust have the lowest strength properties, Particleboard production has increased rap-
hammer-milled particles give boards of inter- idly, both in the United States and worldwide.
mediate strength, and solid wood, cut to flakes, Until recently the most significant limitation on
gives boards of highest strength. The latter the market for particleboard was the availabil-
often are referred to as waferboards. ity of inexpensive plywood. Now plywood is
In another relatively new type ofparticleboard, no longer inexpensive relative to particleboard,
the manufacturers align long strands of wood at and the cost factor would seem to favor contin-
the surface for increased strength in the direc- ued growth of the particleboard industry.

OSB is a newer product, bein g less than erties for both solid wood and reconstituted
25 years old . However, because small trees wood products.
and crooked stems can be effectively uti- A wood product of improved dimensional
lized the raw material cost, compared to stability can be produced through heat treat-
product cost , is about 38 percent. Plywood ment of wood at temperatures varying from
requires more than double the raw material ISO to 320°C. For good temperature control
cost. Lumber requires even more. As a and to avoid strength loss the heat treatment
result, OSB has rapidl y gained acceptance preferably is performed under the surface of
in the constru ction market. OSB plant capac- molten metal or a fused salt for exclusion
ities exceed 20 million cubic meters annuall y; of oxygen . The modified wood product is
more new plants are being constructed each referred to as staybwood.
year. I Treatment of wood with polyethylene gly-
The typical material flow in an OSB plant col (PEG) is the most commonly used
provides very high conversion efficiencies. method to impart dimensional stability to
Any "waste" is used for fuel for the manufac- wood. PEG in a water solution can be used
turing process. Logs are debarked, heated in to permeate the lumens and penetrate the
hot water, cut into short lengths , flaked into cell wall. A 30-50 percent solution of PEG
wafers or strands using knives . The strands in water generally is used on green wood ; no
are dried in large drum driers, coated with pressure is requi red . Treatment times are
adhesive , and assembled into a thick mat. The adjusted so that a uniform uptake of 25-30
strands in the mat are oriented to provide percent of PEG is achieved, based on the dry
parallel strands in the various layer s in weight of the wood ; temperatures range
the mat. The mat is compressed and heated, from 21 to 60°C. The wood may requ ire
and cut to size . By controlling the panel den- week s of soaking, depending on species,
sity, the amount of adhesive, and the strand density, and thickness. After treatment, the
orientation, a panel can be designed and pro- wood is dried in a well- ventilated space,
duced with properties that meet the engineer- preferably heated.
ing needs of the building designer and The PEG is not "fixed" or cured in the
engineer.' wood, and it leaches out if the wood contacts
Iflumber were used to do to the same job as water. For this reason, PEG-treated wood
OSB, an excess of 8 billion more board feet of usually is finished with a penetrating oil or
lumber would be needed annually, and this polyurethane varnish . PEG is used primar ily
lumber would have to come from larger, to treat cross- sections of trees for plaques,
higher quality, more expensive trees. It is easy clock faces, and tabletops. It also is used to
to understand why OSB is considered as the stabilize bowls and other turnings, carvings,
wood product of future in the construction and rifle stocks , and to treat archaeological
business. Veneer lumber, parallel strand lum- water-logged wood.
ber, and laminated strand lumber are also rap- Resin impregnation can be used to add bulk-
idly moving into the market as engineered ing agents to the cell wall. These resins have a
wood products.P:" low degree of polymerization, or the
monomers are polymerized after impregna-
tion. The best fiber-penetrating thermosetting
Modified Wood and Wood Composites
resin s are highly water-soluble, phenol-
Wood has a number of disadvantageous prop- formaldeh yde, resin-forming systems with
erties , as described earlier in this chapter. It low initial molecular weights. Green or dry
is biodegradable, flammable , dimen sionally veneers usually are treated by soaking or pres-
unstable to water, and degradable by ultravio- sure treatment with a water-soluble resin in a
let light, acids, and bases. There has been a 30 percent aqueous solution. Following
considerable amount of research expended impregnation , the wood is dried slowly and
over the years to correct these defective prop- then heated at about 150°C for 20 min to set

the resin. Laminates of treated wood are con- pickup is so slow that complete swelling equi-
structed by gluing the individual sheets librium of a 13-mm specimen is not reached
together. This product, called Impreg, contains after one year at room temperature. The prod-
25-35 percent resin and has a density about 20 uct is brown and can be buffed to a high polish.
percent higher than the original wood and an Compreg is produced commercially in small
anti-shrink efficiency (ASE) of about 65 per- quantities and is used for knife handles, gears,
cent. As with PEG, the water-soluble resin certain musical instruments, and decorative
penetrates the cell wall and keeps the wood in articles.
a swollen state. Unlike PEG, the phenol- Composites of wood with vinyl polymers
formaldehyde resin is cured by heating to have been developed. Because the vinyl
form a high-molecular-weight, water-insolu- polymers are clear, colorless, thermoplastic
ble resin in the cell wall. Thus, Impreg can be materials, they do not significantly discolor the
used in contact with water. Its compressive wood; thus its natural beauty is retained,
strength is higher than that of untreated wood, whereas the phenolic resins darken the wood.
but it has much less toughness. It shows con- However, the hygroscopic characteristics of the
siderable resistance to decay and termite and wood substance are unaffected because little, if
marine-borer attack. Treating with phenolic any, resin penetrates the cell walls; the ASE is
resins imparts high acid resistance, greatly only about 10-15 percent. The high resin con-
increases the temperature to which wood can tent (70-100%) greatly reduces the normally
be heated without appreciable change in high void volume of wood, however. Thus, the
properties, and increases electrical resistance. elimination of this important pathway for
The largest industrial application of Impreg is vapor diffusion slows down the response of the
in die molds for automobile body parts and wood substance to changes in relative humidity,
other uses. Despite its high cost, the dimen- and its moisture resistance is greatly improved
sional stability and plasticity of Impreg make compared with the original wood. The hard-
it commercially viable. ness of the wood-plastic composite also is
Compreg is a highly dense product obtained greatly improved.
by applying pressure to dry, resin-treated A variety of vinyl monomers, such as
veneers during heat cure. It offers most of the methyl methacrylate and styrene, may be
advantages of Impreg. Its mechanical proper- used. Complete filling of the cell lumens
ties are appreciably better than those of the and other voids (the "full-cell process") is
original uncompressed wood because of a easily accomplished by first subjecting the
two- to three-fold increase in density wood to a partial vacuum (about 0.3 in. of
(1350 kg/rrr'). The strength properties of Hg) and then covering it with the monomer
Compreg are increased in proportion to the and soaking it for 2-6 hr, depending upon
degree of compression. Only its toughness is the species of wood and its dimensions.
lower than that of untreated wood, although Some penetration of the monomer into the
greater than that of Impreg. Because of the cell walls also may be obtained by using a
plasticizing action of the resin-forming mate- diffusion process, such as a solvent-exchange
rials, treated wood can be compressed under method.
considerably lower pressures than dry, Polymerization of the vinyl monomer in
untreated wood. For example, when subjected the wood may be done with either radiation
to a pressure of only 1.7 MPa (244 psi) at or free radical catalysts. The polymerization
149°C, treated spruce, cottonwood, and aspen of the vinyl monomers in both processes
wood, dried to a moisture content of about depends upon the same mechanism, that is,
6 percent but not cured, are compressed to initiation by free radicals. In the radiation
about half the original thickness and a specific process, the gamma rays passing through the
gravity of about 1.0. monomer and the woody tissue create a
In a 24-hr water-soaking test, Compreg has large number of excited and ionized mole-
an ASE value of 95 percent. The rate of water cules, many of which break into fragments,

namely organic free radicals (R·). These act Epoxides:

as the initiator for the polymerization of an
unsaturated monomer. Alternatively, the free /0",
radical s may be formed by thermal decom- R-CH-CH 2 + HO-WOOD_
position of compounds involving a weak Cat .

bond. Commercially, the catalyst 2,2' -azobi- R-CH-CH 2 0 -WOOD

sisobutyronitrile now is most widely used,
as it forms free radicals at a lower tempera-
ture than benzoyl peroxide." Isocyanates :
If the end use of the wood-polymer
composite requires an abrasive (sanding) or R-N=C=O + HO-WOOD_
cutting process that brings about high tem- Cat.
peratures, the thermoplastic polymer will o
melt, causing machining difficulties. To pre- II
vent such melting, a crosslinking substance R-N-C-O-WOOD
such as diethylene glycol dimethacrylate is Anhydrides:
added to the monomer before impregnation
into the wood (about 5% of the volume of the o 0
monomer) . Wood-plastic materials are used
in parquet flooring, certain sporting equip-
ment, musical instruments, and decorative o 0
articles . /I II
Wood also can be modified by chemical R-C-O-WOOD + R-C-OH
reaction directly with the hydroxyl groups
present in the polymer constituents in the cell
wall of the wood. This treatment confers
bulk to the cell wall with the help of a perma- and from this new hydroxyl, a polymer can
nently bonded chemical. Many reacti ve begin to form. Given the ionic nature of the
chemicals have been used to modify wood reaction and the availability of alkoxyl ions in
chemically. For best results, the chemicals the wood components, the chain length prob-
should be capable of reacting with the wood ably is short because of chain transfer.
hydroxyl groups under neutral or mildly alka- The optimum reaction conditions for reac-
line conditions at temperatures below 120°C. tion with epoxides are a 95/5 (v/v) mix of
The chemical system should be simple and epoxide with triethylamine at 120°C and
must be capable of swelling the wood struc- 150 psi nitrogen. Depending on the isocyanate
ture to facilitate penetration. The complete used, reaction conditions of 120°C and 150 psi
molecule must react quickly with wood with no catalyst and 5 percent triethylamine
components, yielding stable chemical bonds; or 5-35 percent dimethylformamide are
the treated wood still must possess the optimum .
desirable properties of untreated wood. Of several anhydrides studied, acetic anhy-
Anhydrides, epoxides, and isocyanates best dride reacted the most readily. Reactions were
conform to these conditions, conferring ASE carried out by refluxing the wood in a
values of 60-75 percent at chemical weight xylene/acetic anhydride solution or with
gains of 20-30 percent. Reactions of the acetic anhydride vapors alone at 120°C. With
chemicals with wood, as shown below, are fast this system, for each mole of acetate bonded
and complete, and stable chemical bonds are onto the wood a mole of acetic acid is gener-
formed. The systems swell the wood and ated as a byproduct. Although this byproduct
penetrate well.28 generation is a disadvantage of the process,
In the epoxide reaction, a new hydroxyl the chemical system does penetrate and react
group originating from the epoxide is formed; quickly with wood, without a catalyst. It is not

so sensitive to moisture as are the epoxide and also The Japanese emphasized chemical mod-
isocyanate systems. ification approaches and made considerable
A very facile dip acetylation procedure was progress towards the development of a ther-
developed for wood chips and fibers. The wood moplastic wood-based materia1.30 ,3 1 Their
is dried at 105°C and then dipped in acetic approach was mainly based on esterification
anhydride for 1 min and drained. Then the of wood meals with subsequent thermomold-
sample is placed in a preheated (120°C) reactor ing. As the size of the aliphatic group was
for different lengths of time, depending on the increased, the melting temperature of the
degree of substitution of acetyl groups desired modified wood under pressure was decreased.
in the sample." The swelling of aspen flake- It also was found that a very small degree of
board made from such chemically modified additional grafting of polystyrene to the ester-
flakes is dramatically reduced. For example, ified wood resulted in a dramatic improve-
while unmodified flakeboard swelled by over ment in the thermoplasticity of the product.
60 percent after immersion in water for 5 days, Matsuda" developed a very facile method for
the modified material swelled by only about the production of moldable wood by simply
8-22 percent, depending on the extent of heating the wood meal with an acid anhydride
chemical modification. for 3 hr to temperatures greater than 60°C.
The wood meal was readily moldable at high
Molded and Formed Wood. Historically temperatures (180°C) under pressure
wood has been bent and shaped first by steam- (570 kg/cur') for 10 min. The moldability of
ing, which plasticizes the wood polymers. The the esterified wood decreased in the following
new shape then is set in place by cooling and order: succinic anhydride> maleic anhy-
drying in the desired conformation. However, dride > phthalic anhydride.
the curvature possible by this method is lim- Although it is possible to make wood ther-
ited, and the process is time-consuming. moplastic through chemical modification, the
Some chair backs and solid hickory and ash handling of the finely divided wood (wood
skis still are steam-bent. meal) becomes a problem when more com-
Anhydrous ammonia also is known to plex shapes or deep draws are desired.
cause temporary platicization of wood. The Therefore, a totally new approach for the
ammonia swells and plasticizes both the creation of molded products based on wood
lignin and the cellulose, and the crystalline was developed by Hunter Brooks, formerly of
structure of the cellulose is converted to a the Triad Corp., Detroit, Michigan. The raw
different form in the process. To shape the material is a dry attrition-milled wood fiber
wood, it is immersed in liquid ammonia or (80%), a polyester staple fiber 1-2 in. long
treated with gaseous ammonia under pres- (10%), and a phenolic resin (10%). The mate-
sure until the cell walls have been penetrated rials are formed into a nonwoven web on a
and the wood becomes pliable and flexible. Randowebber machine. The longer polyester
In this condition it is easily shaped and fibers are incorporated so that the web can be
formed by hand or mechanically. The ammo- needle-punched to form a nonwoven fabric
nia readily vaporizes and evaporates from with good mechanical integrity. The phenolic
the wood, so that the wood regains its normal resin is applied to the web either as a dry pow-
stiffness but retains the new form into which der or as an aqueous solution. This fiber com-
it has been shaped. With this process the posite then is easily compression-molded into
wood can be distorted into quite complex any of a variety of shapes. For deep-draw
shapes without springing back to its original compression molding, patterns may be cut
form. Treating plants have been developed into the nonwoven web to allow the fiber mat
on a pilot-plant scale, but the process has not to drop deep into the mold. Any type of fibrous
been widely adopted. material, synthetic or natural lignocellulosic,
There has been a concerted effort over the can be utilized in the web; so the process
years to develop molded wood-based materi- offers considerable flexibility for production


Fig. 28.17. Relative distribution of products treated with preservatives.

of a wide variety of products engineered to PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT OF WOOD

specific applications.F Wood, as a natural plant tissue, is subject to
Major advances have been made in recent attack by fungi, insects, and marine borers.
years in the development of wood-thermo- Some species of wood are more resistant to
plastic composites formed by injection mold- decay than others (e.g., the heartwood of
ing. In this approach attrition-milled wood cedars, cypress, and redwood) because of the
fibers are mixed with, typically, polypropy- presence of natural toxic substances among
lene in a thermoplastic mixing device such as the extractable components. Most woods,
a Brabender mixer. The material is then injec- however, are rapidly attacked when used in
tion molded to produce a variety of useful contact with soil or water, or when exposed
products. Often times, compatibilizers are to high relative humidities without adequate
included in the blend to improve the interac- air circulation. Wood for such service condi-
tion of the inert polypropylene with the more tions requires chemical treatment with toxic
hydrophilic lignocellulosic materials. The chemicals, collectively termed wood preser-
advantage offered by these composites are vatives. The service life of wood may be
lower cost and weight and improved strength increased 5- to 15-fold, depending upon the
properties, although impact strength is usually conditions of preservative treatment and the
reduced. Many new companies have started up nature of the service.
in recent years to produce these useful compos- The preservative treatment of wood is the
ite materials.P second largest chemical wood-processing
A major application of these types of industry; pulp and paper manufacture is the
molded products would be for interior uses in most important. The more important types of
automobiles, such as head liners, door panels, wood products treated are shown in Fig. 28.17.
and dashboards. Although this is a low-cost,
low-performance application, it represents a
Preservative Chemicals
very large-volume market. Indeed, wood is
already utilized in applications of this type, Owing to their toxic nature, all the commercial
but as a finely ground flour that serves as wood preservatives presently used in the
a filler (up to 40%) in extrusion-molded United States are effective in preventing attack
polyolefin products. The use of recycled fiber by microorganisms. However, because of con-
in this process and the one described above cern that these chemicals will have a deleteri-
offers the potential of even greater cost reduc- ous effect on the environment, alternative
tions, combined with alleviation of solid methods based on nontoxic procedures also
waste disposable problems. are being investigated. These nonconventional

approaches are based on chemical modifica- Often coal tar or petroleum oil is mixed
tion, and are described briefly at the end of this with coal-tar creosote, in amounts up to
section. 50 percent, as a means oflowering preservative
Toxic chemicals used for the preservation costs. Because coal tar and petroleum have a
of wood may be classified as follows: low toxicity, their mixtures with creosote are
less toxic than is creosote alone.
1. Organic liquids of low volatility and
A number of phenols, especially chlorinated
limited water solubility:
phenols and certain metal-organic compounds,
coal-tar creosote
such as copper naphthenate and phenyl
creosote--eoal tar solutions
mercury oleate, are effective preservatives.
creosote-petroleum solutions
Pentachlorophenol and copper naphthenate are
other creosotes
most commonly used, and are carried into the
2. Chemicals dissolved in organic solvents,
wood in 1-5 percent solutions in petroleum oil.
usually hydrocarbons:
Pentachlorophenol is colorless, and can be
chlorinated phenols (principally pen-
applied in clear volatile mineral oils to mill-
work and window sash requiring a clean, non-
copper naphthenate
swelling, and paintable treatment.
solubilized copper 8-quinolinolate
Inorganic salts are employed in preservative
3. Water-soluble inorganic salts:
treatment where the wood will not be in con-
acid copper chromate
tact with the ground or water, such as for
ammoniacal copper arsenite
indoor use or where the treated wood requires
chromated copper arsenate
painting. They are also satisfactory for out-
chromated zinc chloride
door use in relatively dry regions.
fluor chrome arsenate phenol
Creosote from coal tar is the most widely Preservation Process
used wood preservative for several reasons: The methods for applying preservatives to
(l) it is highly toxic to wood-destroying wood are classified as follows.
organisms; (2) it has a high degree of perma-
nence due to its relative insolubility in water 1. Nonpressure processes:
and its low volatility; (3) it is easily applied, surface (superficial) applications by
with deep penetration easily obtained; and brushing, spraying, or dipping
(4) it is relatively cheap and widely available. soaking, steeping, and diffusion processes
For general outdoor service in structural thermal process
timbers, poles, posts, piling, and mine props, vacuum processes
and for marine uses, coal-tar creosote is the miscellaneous processes
best and most important preservative. 2. Pressure processes:
Because of its odor, dark color, and the fact full-cell process (Bethell)
that creosote-treated wood usually cannot be empty-cell processes (Rueping and
painted, creosote is unsuitable for finished Lowry)
lumber and for interior use.
Coal-tar creosote is a mixture of aromatic Brush and spray treatments usually give only
hydrocarbons containing appreciable amounts limited protection because the penetration or
of tar acids and bases (up to about 5% of depth of capillary absorption is slight. Dip
each), and has a boiling range between treatments give slightly better protection.
200 and 355°C. The important hydrocarbons Organic chemicals dissolved in clear petroleum
present include fluorene, anthracene, phenan- solvents often are applied to window sash and
threne, and some naphthalene. The tar acids similar products by a dip treatment of 1-3 min.
are mainly phenols, creosols, xylenols, and Cold soaking of seasoned wood in low-
naphthols; the tar bases consist of pyridines, viscosity preservative oil for several hours or
quinolines, and acridines. days and the steeping of green or seasoned

wood in waterborne preservatives for several There are two types of pressure treatment,
days are methods sometimes employed for the full-cell and the empty-cell. The full-cell
posts, lumber, and timbers on a limited basis. process seeks to fill the cell lumens of the
The diffusion process employs water-borne wood with the preservative liquid, giving
preservatives that will diffuse out of the treating retention of a maximum quantity of preserva-
solution into the water in green or wet wood. tive. The empty-cell process seeks deep pene-
The most effective of the nonpressure tration with a relatively low net retention of
processes is the thermal method of applying preservative by forcing out the bulk liquid in
coal-tar creosote or other oil-soluble preserva- the wood cells, leaving the internal capillary
tives, such as pentachlorophenol solution. The structure coated with preservative.
wood is heated in the preservative liquid in an In the full-cell process, the wood in the
open tank for several hours, after which it is cylinder first is subjected to a vacuum of not
quickly submerged in cold preservative in less than 22 in. Hg for 15-60 min, to remove
which it is allowed to remain for several hours. as much air as possible from the wood. The
This is accomplished either by transferring the cylinder then is filled with hot treating liquid
wood at the proper time from the hot tank to the without admitting air. The maximum tempera-
cold tank, or by draining the hot preservative ture for creosote and its solutions is 210°F, and
and quickly refilling the tank with cooler pre- for water-borne preservatives it is l20-l50°F,
servative. During the hot treatment, the air in depending upon the preservative. Then the liq-
the wood expands, and some is expelled. uid is placed under a pressure of 125-200 psi,
Heating also lowers the viscosity of the preser- and the temperature and pressure are main-
vative so that there is better penetration. When tained for the desired length of time, usually
the cooling takes place, the remaining air in the several hours. After the liquid is drawn from
wood contracts, creating a partial vacuum that the cylinder, a short vacuum is applied to free
draws the preservative into the wood. For coal- the charge of surface-dripping preservative.
tar creosote, the hot bath is at 210-235°F, and In the empty-cell process, the preservative
the cold bath at about 1000E This temperature liquid is forced under pressure into the wood,
is required to keep the preservative fluid. containing either its normal air content (Lowry
The hot- and cold-bath process is widely process) or an excess of air, by first subjecting
used for treating poles and, to a lesser extent, the wood to air pressure before applying the
for fence posts, lumber, and timbers. This preservative under pressure (Rueping process).
process gives the most effective results of the Inthe former case, the preservative is put in the
common nonpressure processes, which most cylinder containing the wood at atmospheric
nearly approach those obtained by the pres- pressure, and, in the latter case, under air pres-
sure processes. sure of 25-100 psi. After the wood has been
The vacuum processes involve putting the subjected to the hot preservative (about
wood under a vacuum to draw out part of the 190-200°F) under pressure (l00-200 psi in the
air. The wood may be subjected to a vacuum Lowry process and 150-200 psi in the Rueping
alone or to steaming and a vacuum before process) and the pressure has been released, the
being submerged in a cold preservative. These back pressure of the compressed air in the
methods are used to a limited extent in the wood forces out the free liquid from the wood.
treatment of lumber, timber, and millwork. As much as 20-60 percent of the injected pre-
The commercial treatment of wood is most servative may be recovered, yet good depth of
commonly done by one of the pressure penetration of the preservative is achieved.
processes, as they give deeper penetrations and
more positive results than any of the nonpres-
Preservative Retention
sure methods. The wood, on steel cars, is run
into a long horizontal cylinder, which is closed Retention of preservative generally is speci-
and filled with preservative. Pressure is fied in terms of the weight of preservative per
applied, forcing the preservative into the wood. cubic foot of wood, based on the total weight

of preservative retained and the total volume the substrate (cellulose), and this substrate
of wood treated in a charge. Penetration and must have a specific configuration. If the cel-
retention vary widely between different lulosic substrate is chemically changed, this
species of wood, as well as with woods of the highly selective reaction cannot take place.
same species grown in different areas. In most Chemical modification also can change the
species, heartwood is much more difficult to hydrophilic nature of wood. In some cases
penetrate than sapwood. Also, within each water, a necessity for decay organisms, is
annual growth ring there is variability in pen- excluded from biological sites. The chemicals
etration, the latewood generally being more used for modification need not be toxic to the
easily treated than the earlywood. organism because their action renders the
The American Wood-Preservers' Association substrate unrecognizable as a food source to
Standards specify methods of analysis to deter- support microbial growth. For wood preserva-
mine penetration and retention. They also spec- tion, this means that it is possible to treat
ify minimum retention amounts for different wood in such a manner that attack by wood-
preservatives according to the commodity, the destroying fungi will be prevented, and the
species, the pretreatment of the wood, such as material will be safe for humans to handle.
kiln drying, and the end use of the commodity. For applications of wood in which human
Heavier retention is required for products in contact is essential, nontoxic preservatives
contact with the ground (poles, timbers, etc.) may well be specified or required in the
or with marine waters (piles, timbers, etc.). future. An added benefit to wood of most
Unprotected wood in contact with the ground chemical modification treatments is that the
is subject to severe attack by fungi and insects, resulting bulking action gives the treated
and, in contact with seawater, it is quickly wood very good dimensional stability. The
destroyed by marine borers. For wood products chemical modification of wood involves a
to be used in contact with the ground or marine chemical reaction between the hydroxyl
waters, creosote is the major preservative groups in wood and a simple single chemical
employed because it can be readily impreg- reagent, with or without a catalyst, to form a
nated to give high retention and good protec- covalent bond between the two, as previously
tion, and it is not leached out by water. described for dimensional stability treat-
Increasing environmental regulations are ments." The wood component may be cellu-
causing greater restrictions on the use of lose, hemicellulose, or lignin.
traditional wood preservatives and alternate, The treated wood must continue to possess
nonpolluting methods are urgently needed. The the desirable properties of untreated wood: the
use of chromated copper arsenate (CCA) to strength must remain high, there must be little
treat wood for residential structures was or no color change (unless a color change is
phased out by the end of2003. Currently wood desirable), and it must be a good electrical
pressure-treated with CCA is the most com- insulator, safe to handle, gluable, paintable,
mon material used to build decks, play equip- and so on. These chemicals, once reacted, are
ment, picnic tables and residential fences. effective in preventing attack by microorgan-
Arsenic, a carcinogen, imparts resistance to rot isms, but they are not toxic to the decay organ-
and termite damage, but there are concerns that isms. The important factor in preventing attack
it leaches from wood and exposes children. is to attain a treatment level that inhibits the
Substitutes for CCA include a copper boron growth of the organisms. A recent review on
azole compound and ammoniacal copper quat. this subject shows that treatments with acetic
anhydride, dimethyl sulfate, acrylonitrile,
butylene oxide, phenyl isocyanate, and {3-
Nonconventional Wood Preservation
propiolactone all give good rot resistance
Chemical modification as a possible preserva- at a 17-25 weight percent gain (WPG).33
tive treatment for wood is based on the theory The decay resistance of acetylated wood is
that enzymes (cellulose) must directly contact proportional to the WPG, and the degree of

dimensional stability also is proportional to Also the use of FR-treated plywood was man-
the WPG; so the exclusion of cell wall or dated at other specific sites such as prisons.
biological water may be a very important Fire-retardant treatments for wood can be
factor in the decay resistance mechanism." grouped into two general classes: (1) those
In preliminary tests, alkylene oxide-treated impregnated into the wood or incorporated
southern pine was found to be resistant to ter- into wood composite product s and (2) those
mite attack and attack from the marine borers applied as paint or surface coatings. Chemical
Teredo (shipworm) and Limnoria. impregnation has the greater use, primarily
In conclusion, chemical modification of for new materials, whereas coatings have
wood results in a treatment that is nontoxic, been limited primarily to materials in existing
effective, and nonleachable. The high chemi- constructions. There are advantages and dis-
cal treatment level required for effectiveness, advantages to each class. Coatings are applied
however, results in a rather expensive treat- easily, and they are economical. Chemical
ment. Dimensional stability also is obtained impregnation usually involves full-cell pres-
at these high (17-25 WPG) substitution sure treatment and can be costly. A coating is
levels; so, for those products where both subject to abrasion or wear that can destroy
Rot resistance and dimensional stability are the effectiveness of the fire retardant.
important, the present state of the technology Chemical impregnations deposit the fire retar-
is close to a viable industrial process. The use dant within the wood, so that if the surface is
of toxic chemicals that are permanently abraded, chemicals are still present. On-site
bound to the wood components by this treat- application of surface coatings requires strict
ment may be an environmentally acceptable control of the amount applied to ensure cor-
preservation method. rect loading levels for a particular flame-
spread rating. Both coating and impregnation
systems are based on the same chemical com-
pounds although the formulation s for each
The Romans first treated wood for fire retar- vary. Among the most commonly used chem-
dancy in the first century A.D. They used solu- icals for impregnation treatments are
tions of alum and vinegar to protect their diammonium phosphate, ammonium sulfate,
boats against fire. In 1820, Gay-Lussac advo- borax, boric acid, zinc chloride , and most
cated the use of ammonium phosphates and recently the leach-resistant amino-resin sys-
borax for treating cellulosic material. Many of tems. These compounds have different char-
the promising inorganic chemicals used today acteri stics with respect to fire resistance.
were identified between 1800 and 1870. Since Ammonium phosphate, for example , is effec-
then, the development of fire retardants for tive in checking both flaming and glowing;
wood has accelerated. Commercially treated borax is good in checking flaming but is not a
wood became available after the U.S. Navy satisfactory glow retardant. Boric acid is
(1895) specified its use in ship construction, excellent in stopping glow but not so effective
and New York City (1899) required its use in in retarding flaming. Because of these differ-
buildings over 12 stories tall. Production ent characteristics , mixtures of chemicals
reached over 65 million board feet in 1943, usually are employed in treating formulat ions.
but by 1964 only 32 million board feet was
treated annually.35
Fire-Retardant Formulations
However, starting in 1979 changes were
made in some building codes that allowed Many chemic als have been evaluated for their
structural changes if fire-retardant (FR) treated effectiveness as FRs. Today most FRs for
wood was used in place of untreated plywood wood are based on phosphorus, nitrogen,
for roof sheathing. The structural changes boron, aluminum trihydrate , and a few other
resulted in sufficient savings such that FR- compounds. Phosphoru s and nitrogen fre-
treated wood was utilized more extensively. quently are used together because they behave

synergistically; amino-resins are an example tion Types A, B, and D, and must not be above
of such a combination. 160°F for Type C. After treatment, the wood
Most FR formulations are not resistant must be dried to remove the water solvent
to leaching by water.Therefore, there have beento a moisture content of 19 percent or less.
increased efforts to develop leach-resistant For most uses, the wood is kiln-dried to a
chemicals that can be impregnated into wood moisture content of below 10 percent.
products for use in exterior or high-humidity For effective fire protection larger amounts
applications. Some of the proposed leach- of chemicals must be deposited in the wood
resistant systems include chemical combi- than the amounts necessary when water-borne
nations that form insoluble complexes, chemicals are used for decay prevention.
amino-resin systems, and monomers that Whereas for the water-soluble toxic salts
polymerize in the wood. A common amino- retentions from 0.22 to 1.00 lb/ft' of wood are
resin system for exterior use is dicyandiamide specified according to commodity standards in
phosphoric acid formaldehyde. Guanylurea order to give good protection against decay
phosphate-boric acid also is a commonly used and insects, as much as 5-6 lb of some fire
organic phosphate salt for modern commer- retardants may be required for a high degree of
cial FR wood. effectiveness against fire. Usually, however,
The American Wood-Preservers' Association smaller amounts will give a good degree of
Standards specified the four types of FR for- protection. For example, formulation Type B
mulations given below (A, B, C, D). Many when impregnated in amounts of 1.5-3 lb/ff
newer formulations have been developed by of wood provides combined protection against
commercial enterprises and are proprietary. fire, decay, and insects. Because the amino-
resin systems are leach-resistant, high applica-
Type A
tion levels are not necessary in practice.
Chromated zinc chloride-a mixture of
Fire retardancy of wood involves a complex
sodium dichromate and zinc chloride hav-
series of simultaneous chemical reactions, the
ing the composition: hexavalent chromium
products of which take part in subsequent reac-
as Cr03, 20% and zinc as ZnO, 80%.
tions. Most FRs used for wood increase the
dehydration reactions that occur during thermal
Chromated zinc chloride (as above) 80%
degradation so that more char and fewer com-
Ammonium sulfate 10%
bustible volatiles are produced. The mechanism
Boric acid 10%
by which this happens depends on the particu-
Type C
lar FR and the thermal-physical environment.
Diammonium phosphate 10%
The effectiveness of a FR treatment depends
Ammonium sulfate 60%
upon the performance rating of the treated
Sodium tetraborate, anhydrous 10%
material when tested in accordance with ASTM
Boric acid 20%
E84 (no greater flame spread than 25).
Type D
Zinc chloride 35%
Ammonium sulfate 35% CONVERSION OF WOOD TO ENERGY,
Sodium dichromate 5%
Wood has been a source of energy and chem-
Minimum and maximum limits of variation in icals for hundreds of years and continues to be
the percentage of each component in the above an important raw material for specific chemi-
formulations are specified in the standards. cals. The use of wood as a primary source of
The impregnation methods are similar to industrial chemicals decreased dramatically
those employed for the preservative treatment in the 1940s when oil became the preferred
of wood by water-borne salts using pressure raw material. The term "silvi-chemicals"
processes. The maximum temperature of the sometimes is used to refer to wood-derived
solution must not exceed 140°F for formula- chemicals analogous to petrochemicals.

The use of wood for energy, fuels, and coal, so that a greater volume of material must
chemicals can be conveniently divided into be gathered and transported to provide the
four major categories: direct combustion, same heating value as that of coal. Wood has a
saccharification-fermentation (SF) , thermal negligible sulfur content, less than 0.1 percent
decomposition, and thermochemicalliquefac- compared with much larger amounts in coal
tion. These methods are discussed in more (avg. 2%) and petroleum. Sulfur from coal
detail in the following sections.' and petroleum creates serious environmental
problems by causing acid rain . Also, ash
from coal presents a disposal problem and
Direct Combustion
creates unhealthy fly ash, whereas the ash
The concept of using wood as a source of content of wood is less than 0.5 percent. The
energy through direct combustion dates back only environmental hazard produced from
to the very beginning of human existence. As burning wood as a fuel is the production of
soon as early people learned to use fire, wood particulates.
became the major source of energy. It is Most wood and wood-derived materials
important to note that fuel is still the major (spent pulping liquors) that are used for energy
use of wood on a worldwide basis, amounting are consumed by the forest products industry
to an estimated 1.2 X 109 m3/year compared itself. The source of this fuel is almost entirely
with 0.8 X 109 m'zyear for lumber and other in the wood-processing and manufacturing
solid wood products , 0.34 X 109 m3/year for operations, termed "manufacturing residuals"
pulp, and 0.2 X 109 m3/year for other uses. or "mill residues." Forest residues from log-
Thus, on a global basis, nearly 50 percent ging operations and the noncommercial trees
of the wood harvest is used directly for fuel. in the forest also are utilized for fuels.
In many nonindustrialized countries, fuel Wood wastes supply the forest products
amounts to 80-90 percent of total wood con- industry with roughly 40-50 percent of the
sumption, compared with an average of energy requirements in the form of spent
7 percent for industrialized regions. liquors and wood and bark residues. The spent
The average stored energy content of wood is pulping liquor contains 40-50 percent of the
8600 BTUllb. Variations in heat values for wood wood as dissolved lignin and a large variety of
as a function ofspecies occur within a relatively other organic compounds. The spent liquor is
narrow range of 8000-10,000 BTUIlb. Bark used almost totally, after evaporation to about
values are slightly higher than wood values, 65 percent solids, to produce steam and to
about 10,000 BTUllb. recover the inorganic chemicals used in the
The greater the oxygen content of a carbon pulping operation. The Tomlinson furnace
compound or carbonaceous substance, the is used almost universally and is the most
lower the heat of combustion. Lignin, with an efficient system for combined energy and
elemental analysis ofC lOH ll02 compared with chemical recovery yet devised.
C6H 100S for cellulose, has a lower degree of The mixed wood and bark residues burned
oxidation and a higher heat of combustion than directly are collectively termed "hog fueL"
cellulose. The fossil fuels that have very low or Over the past decade, there has been a trend to
no oxygen content have much higher energy channel more and more of the cleaner, drier,
contents, for example 12,000-13,500 BTU/lb and larger-sized mill residues into raw materi-
for coal, 18,000-19,900 BTUllb for oil, and als for products. The coarse wood residues
18,550 BTUllb for natural gas. (slabs, trim, edgings, etc.) are chipped and
Wood and other biomass materials are sent to pulp mills. Also, considerable sawdust
hygroscopic and retain substantial amounts now is being pulped instead of being burned
of moisture (15-60%). Hence, some of the for fuel. Some of the residues, including
thermal energy of the wood is lost in vapor- shavings, also are used for particleboard. This
izing this water to steam during combustion. means that hog fuel contains the less desir-
In addition, wood has a lower density than able, dirtier, and wetter forms of waste.

Combustion Technology. The hog fuel thermal efficiencies of burning wood com-
boiler represents the conventional technology pared with oil (68% vs. 82%), the success of
of using wood for energy to produce process the wood-fired systems depends on the low
steam. Modern wood-fuel boilers have travel- cost of the wood fuel supplies.
ing grates and use mechanical draft fans. The North American forest products indus-
Many are of gigantic size, handling as much try has been successful in developing useful
as 500,000 lb of wood per hour. Spreader technologies for recovering energy from
stokes distribute the fuel evenly over the large wood residues as process heat or steam, which
grate areas to ensure efficient combustion. are cost-effective. New technologies promise
The ash can be removed continuously with even greater economic benefits.
traveling grates. Modern instrumentation
meters air flow, controls fuel-to-air ratios, and Cogeneration Technology. Cogeneration is
meters combustion efficiency and stack emis- the concurrent generation of electricity and the
sions. With these developments, the energy use of exhaust heat, usually in the form of
recovery and environmental acceptability of process steam, for manufacturing operations.
wood-burning systems have been improved in This is done by burning fuel (in this case, wood)
the forest products industry. to make high-pressure steam, 600-1200 lb/in,",
The deterioration of hog fuel quality passing this steam through a back-pressure or
referred to above makes it more difficult to extraction turbine to drive a generator, and then
obtain efficient combustion, high reliability, using the steam exhausted from the turbine at
and low stack emissions simultaneously. To lower pressures, 50-300Ib/in. 2, for process
overcome this difficulty, the fuel can be heat. This technology gets full use of the energy
processed before combustion to remove dirt contained in the fuel. Wood at 55 percent mois-
and moisture and produce clean-burning, effi- ture will generate power at about 60 percent
cient fuel. This can be done by drying, screen- efficiency.
ing, grinding, washing, and pelletizing or The forest products industry is a major user
densification of the hog fuel in order to remove of cogeneration technology, as it requires
noncombustible dirt and moisture, reduce the large quantities of process steam as well
size of large and slow-burning material, and as electricity. It produces about 50 percent of
agglomerate small and fine material. Size uni- its electricity needs in this way. The pulp and
formity is important for ease in transportation, paper industry alone is the largest producer of
storage, and fuel feeding. Dirt and moisture energy by cogeneration of any U.S. industry.
reduction reduces transportation costs, pro- Electricity self-sufficiency is likely to increase
motes efficient combustion, and minimizes air to 80-90 percent for forest industries in the
emissions. Another approach for using low- future through cogeneration. However, there
quality hog fuel is the development ofimproved is a minimum plant size for economical power
combustors. Examples are: (1) the fluidized- generation. Steam usage should be more than
bed combustors, which obtain excellent wood 70,000-120,000Ib/hr, equivalent to 3-5 MW
combustion at relatively high efficiencies with of back pressure, for a plant economically to
low-quality, nonuniform fuels; and (2) the pyro- employ cogeneration systems.
lytic burner, which has very low stack emis-
sions with relatively high thermal efficiencies
and wood combustion rates.
Present-day wood-fired boiler systems are The saccharification-fermentation (SF) method
complicated and cost considerably more than for the derivation of fuels and chemicals from
a comparable petroleum-fired installation. As wood is based on the breakdown or hydrolysis
much as 25 percent of the capital cost is in the of the polysaccharides in wood to the con-
fuel-handling equipment, and another 20 per- stituent monomeric sugars. The six carbon or
cent is in the air pollution control system. hexose sugars (glucose, galactose, and man-
Because of the high capital costs and the lower nose) then are fermentable to ethyl alcohol

(ethanol or grain alcohol, C2HsOH) by yeast sugars-xylose, arabinose, mannose , galac-

fermentation in the same way that ethanol is tose, and glucose . Glucose, galactose, and
produced from grains or fruits. Obviously the mannose are yeast-fermentable sugars,
concept is not a new one; the polysaccharide whereas the pentose s (xylose and arabinose )
character of wood has been known for over are non yeast-fermentable. The potential total
100 years. The limitations on the use of wood reducing sugar yield from wood averages
for ethanol production primarily have been the 65-70 percent, whereas the fermentable sugar
difficulties in separating and hydrolyzing the yield is about 50 percent for hardwoods and
crystalline cellulose component in wood. Both 58 percent for softwoods. The lower quantity
acids and enzymes can be used to hydrolyze of fermentable sugar from hardwoods is
the cellulose to glucose, but only acids have due to their higher content of pentosans ,
been utilized commercially for wood hydroly- compared with the coniferous woods.
sis to sugars, and only in foreign countries." Hemicelluloses hydrolyze much more easily
In contrast to the Western economy, the and rapidly than cellulose. Temperatures and
Russia continued expansion of wood hydroly- acid concentrations that hydrolyze the cellu-
sis facilities, and about 40 such plants are lose to glucose in a matter of a few hours read-
presently in operation. All the Russian plants ily convert much of the hemicellulose into
are based on dilute sulfuric acid in percolation simple sugars in minutes or even seconds.
towers. In the West interest in producing alco- Under industrial conditions of hydrolysis, the
hols from wood was revitalized by the dra- sugars formed undergo decomposition , with
matic increase in the price of petroleum in the the pentoses decomposing more rapidly than
1970s and the push to decrease oil imports by the hexoses. Thus, the conditions of hydrolysis
substituting gasohol, which is one part alcohol cause variations in the ratio and yields of the
in nine parts gasoline, for 100 percent gasoline various sugars due to ( I) their different rates of
at gas pumps. Both ethanol and methanol can formation by hydrolysis and (2) their different
be used in gasohol blends. rates of decomposition.
Because of high oil prices, Brazil (most of The polysaccharides of wood (holocellulose)
whose sugars are produced from sugarcane) may be hydrolyzed by two general methods:
took the dramatic step of shifting to a much (I ) by strong acids, such as 70-72 percent sul-
greater use of fuel alcohol. One wood hydro- furic acid or 40-45 percent hydrochloric acid;
lysis plant was constructed, but it was uneco- or (2) by dilute acids, such as 0.5-2.0 percent
nomical to operate and was shut down. sulfuric acid. The hydrolysis by strong acids is
However, Brazilian experience has demon- constant, proceeds as a first-order reaction, and
strated that fermentation ethanol (95 percent is independent of the degree of polymerization.
ethanol and 5 percent water) is a perfectly The reaction may be represented as follows:
satisfactory motor fuel. At least 500,000
Brazilian automobiles operate on undried alco-
hol continuously, and most of the rest of their Holocellulose strong Swollen cellulose }
fleet operates on this fuel on weekends when
only alcohol is available at the gas stations." A

Soluble pentosans l
number of methods can be used for the produc- Soluble polysaccharides
tion of ethanol from wood, as described below.
Cellulose , the major component of wood,
gives about a 90 percent yield of pure glucose
j dilute

under laboratory condition s of hydrolysis, Simple sugars

according to the following equation:
(C 6H IOO S)n + nH 20 ~ nC6H 1Z06
In dilute-acid hydrolysis, the reactions are
where n is in the range 10,000-15,000. The heterogeneous and more complex than this
hemicellulose fraction gives a mixture of because no swelling and solubilizing of the

cellulose occurs. Cleavage of the insoluble fine particles, and upon maintaining a pressure
cellulose results directly in low-molecular- differential of not more than 5-6 lb/in.?
weight oligosaccharides (intermediate prod- between the top and the bottom of the digester.
ucts), which are rapidly converted to simple The digesters or percolators are pressure
sugars, as indicated below: hydrolyzing vessels, commonly employing a
pressure of 150 lb/in. 2, and having a capacity
of 2000 fr' each. In the original Scholler
Holocellulose - d ']
1 ute
plants in Germany, the digesters were lined
acid with lead and acid-proof brick; in the
Madison process a lining of "Everdur" metal
Insoluble "stable" cellulose
was found to give sufficient protection.
Soluble hemicellulose intermediates
The wood, about 15 tons, is pressed down
Pentose sugars
with steam and then is heated by direct steam,
after which the acid is introduced. The prac-
tice in Germany was to bring the dilute acid
into the digester in several batches, with rest
Oligo saccharides (cellulose intermediates) ~ periods of about 30 min, heating the wood to
Hexose sugars temperatures of 130°C (266°F) at first, then to
180°C (356°P), while keeping the temperature
Pentose sugars
of the entering acid 10-20°C lower. A total of
about 14 hr was required to exhaust the wood,
Reaction (1) is rapid and occurs under mild con- yielding about 50 lb of carbohydrates for
ditions, hydrolyzing mainly the hemi-celluloses. 100 lb of dry wood substance. In the Madison
Reaction (2) is slow, proceeds as a first-order process, continuous flow of the acid, and,corre-
reaction, and is the limiting reaction in this spondingly, of the sugar solution, is provided-
process. Reaction (3) is rapid. in other words, continuous percolation. The
On the basis of the above methods, two cycle is thereby reduced to 6 hr, and the yields
classes ofindustrial processes have been devel- are increased somewhat. The lignin is blown out
oped, namely the Bergius-Rheinau process, of the digester by opening the specially con-
based on the use of concentrated hydrochloric structed bottom valves while the vessel is still
acid at ordinary temperatures, and the under pressure.
Scholler-Tornesch process, in which very The sugar solutions usually contain about 5
dilute sulfuric acid is used at temperatures of percent sulfuric acid. The solutions, still under
17D-180°C (338-356°F). The latter method in pressure (1501b/in.2) , are flash-evaporated to
an improved form is known as the Madison 35Ib/in. 2, neutralized with lime at that pressure,
process, based on work done at the U.S. Forest and filtered. Calcium sulfate is much less solu-
Products Laboratory in Madison, Wisconsin. ble at the elevated temperature corresponding
A number of modifications have been devel- to the pressure than it is at 100°C.This is a for-
oped, including four in Japan. tunate circumstance, for it must be removed to
an extent sufficient to avoid difficulties caused
Madison Process. In the Madison process, by the formation of incrustations in the subse-
dilute sulfuric acid with an average concentra- quent alcohol distillation. The filtered solution
tion of 0.5 percent is pressed through wood in is cooled by further flash evaporation and
the form of sawdust and shavings. Regular flow heat-exchanged with water to the fermentation
of the acid and of the resulting sugar solution is temperature.
one of the two principal requirements; the other Sugar yields from coniferous woods (soft-
is a lignin residue that can be discharged from woods) are about 50 percent at an average
the pressure vessels without manual labor. concentration of 5 percent. When fermented,
Both depend upon careful charging of the the average ethyl alcohol yield per ton of
wood, which should not contain too many very drywoods is 50-60 gal and sometimes higher.

The dilute sulfuric acid employed in the selectively removes the hemicellulosic sugars
Madison process gives lower yield (49-55%) with dilute sulfuric acid at about 170°C prior
of sugars than the Bergius-Rheinau process , to hydrolysis of the lignocellulosic residue
and only very dilute solutions are obtained to glucose in the higher-temperature (230°C)
directly. Recovery of heat is easier in the second stage. The two-stage dilute acid process
Madison process, and the acid need not be has a number of important advantages: (1) the
recovered. carbohydrates are fractionated into hemicellu-
The dilute-acid hydrolysis method presently losic sugars and glucose, so that the separate
is preferred for production on a commercial utilization of each fraction is facilitated;
scale although the yield of glucose is only (2) glucose is isolated in moderately good
about 50 percent based on the cellulose. Nearly yield (-50%); (3) the glucose solution from
quantitative yields can be obtained by strong- the second stage is moderately concentrated
acid hydrolysis, but are offset by higher capital (-10-12%); and (4) the consumption of acid
costs for corrosion-resistant equipment and and steam is relatively low.
higher operating costs for acid recovery plus Despite recent efforts such as those to
acid losses. More recent efforts to hydrolyze produce glucose from agricultural residues
cellulosics with dilute acid have involved inno- and wood, little attention has been given to
vative reactor schemes. Rugg and Brenner des- improving the kinetic modeling of cellulose
cribed equipment for a screw-fed, continuous, saccharification with dilute acid. Kinetic
single-stage hydrolyzer, and Thompson and modeling plays an important role in the
Grethlein investigated a plug-flow reactor." design, development, and operation of
Both processes take advantage of the improved processes to hydrolyze cellulosics to fer-
kinetics of cellulose hydrolysis relative to glu- mentable sugar.
cose decomposition at higher temperatures and A new model for the dilute acid hydrolysis of
shorter retention times to improve sugar yields. cellulose was developed at FPL in connection
Both also have the advantage of being simple with studies of the two-stage dilute sulfuric
one-stage processes. acid hydrolysis process (Fig. 28.18).37 The
The u.s. Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) model incorporates the effect of the neutraliz-
in cooperation with the Tennessee Valley ing capacity of the substrate, the presence of
Authority (TVA) has been studying a two- readily hydrolyzable cellulose, and the rever-
stage dilute acid hydrolysis process based in sion reactions of glucose in acid solution.
part on studies of Cederquist in Sweden dur- Although general in nature , the model
ing the 1950s. The first stage (pre-hydrolysis) was developed specifically for application to

Easily hydrolyzoble

""0"" (Yil ~ Levoolucosan (Y6)


Fig . 28.18. Model for dilute acid hydrolysis of cellulosics. (From A. H. Conner et et., in Cellulose: Structure,
Modification and Hydrolysis, R. A. Young and R. M. Rowell (Eds.), Copyright © 7986, John Wiley & Sons,
New York; with permission of John Wiley & Sons Publisher.)

the dilute, sulfuric acid hydrolysis of prehy- most of them are decomposed during the long
drolyzed wood. A computer program simulat- pulping procedure so that only one-fourth to
ing the new model can be used to predict yields one-third of the sugars, including the more
of free glucose, reducing sugars, reversion resistant hexoses, remain in the waste sulfite
material, remaining cellulose, and glucose loss liquor. If these sugars are fermented by yeast,
due to dehydration as a function of acid con- about 12.5 gal of95 percent alcohol per ton of
centration, temperature, and reaction time. wood may be produced.
A large number of plants in Europe and a
Enzymatic Hydrolysis. Saccharification of few in North America have been constructed
wood polysaccharides to sugars can be accom- to utilize the sugar hydrolyzate in sulfite waste
plished by enzymatic techniques instead of liquors. The procedure as carried out in one
acid hydrolysis. The U.S. Army Natick American operation is as follows.
Laboratories developed a method for conver- The liquor is recovered from the digester by
sion of cellulose to glucose with a cellulose discharging it in such a manner that as much
enzyme from an active strain of the fungus sugar as possible is removed with a minimum
Trichoderma viride. However, extensive pre- of dilution by washing. Free sulfur dioxide is
treatment of wood is necessary before suffi- removed and recovered by blowing steam
cient enzymatic hydrolysis will take place. through the solution, which decreases the
Enzymatic methods show the biggest acidity from a pH of 2.2 to a pH of about 3.9.
promise for conversion of waste paper from The liquors are cooled by a vacuum flash and
municipal waste into glucose for ethanol pro- neutralized by lime to a pH of about 4.2. A
duction. Because paper is composed primarily small amount of inorganic nitrogen is added
of wood cellulose fibers, the enzyme inhibi- for yeast growth, and about 1 percent by
tion due to lack of accessibility with whole volume of yeast is added continuously.
wood is partially alleviated. As mentioned Fermentation is carried out in a series of
previously, waste paper can represent up to tanks, the solution flowing from one to the
50 percent of typical municipal waste. other with agitation to keep the yeast in sus-
Currently the separated paper from the waste pension. The yeast is recovered by cen-
is burned for its fuel value. trifuging and mixed with the new sugar
The Gulf Oil Company developed a method solution entering the fermenter. About 30 hr
called simultaneous saccharification and fer- is required for fermentation. The alcohol con-
mentation (SSF) for the enzymatic conversion tent of the fermented liquor is about I percent
of waste paper to ethanol." In this process by volume. The ethyl alcohol is recovered in
the cellulose is enzymatically hydrolyzed stainless steel stills. Methanol and other
and the glucose yeast-fermented in one alcohols are obtained in small amounts as
operation. This modification, along with byproducts.
improved enzyme production and perform-
ance, has made the enzymatic technique
Thermal Decomposition
more economically viable for the conversion
of waste paper to ethanol. The process was When wood is heated in the absence of air or
donated to the University of Arkansas for with only limited amounts of air, thermal
further development. degradation takes place. This begins at about
100°C and increases with rising temperature.
Fermentation ofSulfite Waste Liquor. The At about 270°C exothermic reactions set in,
sulfurous acid used in the sulfite pulping causing a rise in temperature (usually held
liquor causes hydrolysis of the more easily at 400-500°C) bringing about complete
hydrolyzable components of wood, especially carbonization. The products are charcoal,
the pentosans in the hemicellulose. About condensable liquids, and noncondensable
35 percent of the potentially fermentable sug- gases." The condensable liquids separate into
ars in the wood are hydrolyzed. However, aqueous (pyroligneous acid) and oil and tar


Wood distillation
Destructive distillation


Fireworks C07 50%
Catalyst CO 30%
Brake linings CH, 10%
Absorbent H7 3%
Pigment Others 3%
Acetic acid 5%
Methanol 2%
Acetone 1%

Boiling point Waterproofing Boiling point

less than 200·C greater than 200·C
Specific gravity Specif ic gravity
less than 1.0 greaterthan 1.0
Aldehydes Phenolic compounds especially
Ketones creosol. and wood-tar creosote.
Acids a preservative

Fig. 28.19. Products obtained from the thermal decomposition of wood. (From Introduction to Forest
Ecosystem Science and Management, 3'd ed. R. A. Young and R. L. Giese (Eds.) Copyright © 2004, John
Wiley & Sons, New York; with permission of John Wiley & Sons Publisher.)

fractions (Fig. 28.19). The charcoal, the gases the relative proportions of the gas, liquid,
(low BTU gas), and the oil fractions all may and char produced. For example, the oil and
be used as fuels. tar yields can be varied between 1 and 40
A number of terms are used for the ther- percent and the char between 40 and 10 per-
mal decomposition of wood and generally cent or less. Low temperatures favor liquids
refer to similar processing methods: car- and char, low heating rates favor gas and
bonization, pyrolysis, gasification, wood char, and short gas residence favors liquids.
distillation, destructive distillation, and dry Conversely, high temperatures favor gas,
distillation. All result in the thermal break- high heating rates favor liquids, and long gas
down of the wood polymers to smaller mol- residence times favor gas. Thus, the various
ecules in quantities dependent on reaction product fractions can be preferentially
conditions. The hydrogen content of the gas manipulated by proper combinations of these
increases with increasing temperature of variables.
pyrolysis. The wood gas has a fuel value of During World War II in Germany, automo-
300 BTU/ft 3 . biles were fueled by the gases produced from
The yields of the different materials thermal decomposition of wood; and research
obtained by pyrolysis vary with the species is ongoing today on the more efficient gasifi-
of woods used and the type of equipment and cation of wood. Destructive distillation has
system employed. Manipulation of three been used throughout most recorded history
variables, mainly the temperature, heating to obtain turpentine from pinewood, as dis-
rate, and gas residence time, can greatly alter cussed later in the chapter.

Low BTU Gas and Oil. There has been pyrolytic oil, which removes particulates and
considerable research activity to produce low cools the gas stream to 180-200°F, causing
BTU gas and oil from wood for energy. The condensation of the condensable organic sub-
Georgia Institute of Technology and the Tech- stances into an oil mixture. The oil is filtered,
Air Corporation have intensively studied pyrol- the filter cake returned to the reactor, and the
ysis of biomass materials and have built several filtered oil pumped to a tank, cooled, and then
pilot plants. Their pyrolytic process (GT/T-A) recirculated through the scrubber. Excess oil
has been applied to forestry residues. Their is pumped to a storage tank.
plant differs from the older wood-distillation The gases from the scrubber-eondenser
plants, such as the Badger-Stafford retorts used contain the noncondensable gases, low-boiling
in the 1930s, in several respects, namely the use organic vapors, and water vapor. A portion of
of smaller-sized equipment to process 7 dry the gases is used to heat the wood dryer, and
tons/hr compared with 3--4tons/hr, the use of the remainder is available as a fuel for other
wood dried to 7 percent moisture instead of to purposes, but it is desirable that it be used near
less than 0.5 percent, and the use of a small the pyrolysis plant.
quantity of air inside this retort (approx. Operating conditions can be controlled to
0.25 lb/lb feed) to sustain the reaction instead vary the distribution of the energy among the
of using gases in order to heat it to 1000°F. products: gas, oil, and charcoal. Thus, high
The on-line time of the rated capacity for the yields of charcoal can be obtained with corre-
GT/T-A system is claimed to be better than spondingly reduced yields of oil and gas and
90 percent, as compared with 67 percent for the vice versa, or the unit may be operated as a
Badger-Stafford units. gasifier with only a 3.8 percent yield of char-
For the GT/T-A system the wood material is coal. The off-gases in the latter case can be
hogged so that the maximum size is not more burned directly in a gas-fired boiler, or the
than about I in. in any dimension. Sawdust condensable oils can be removed first and
may be used directly. The relatively uniform used separately as fuel. The total energy
material is conveyed to a dryer where it is recovery in the form of wood gas, oil, and
dried to about 7 percent water content. The charcoal is about 95 percent of the energy in
dryer is heated by a portion of the wood gas the dry wood used in the process.
from the reactor, and should this not be suffi-
cient, the oil produced during pyrolysis can be Gasification. Gasification is the thermal
used as a backup fuel. degradation of wood or other carbonaceous
The dried wood is fed into the top of the material in the presence of controlled amounts
reactor though an air-lock and moves down- of oxidizing agents, such as air or pure oxygen.
ward by gravity. A sensing device measures It is carried out at higher temperatures than
the bed height and controls the input of the those used in the pyrolysisprocess, up to around
wood. The temperature increases from 350 to 1000°C. Hence, the reaction rates are very fast,
500°F at the top of the bed to 1000-1700°F making equipment design critical. The thermal
in the pyrolysis zone. The gases move upward efficiency for conversion of wood to gases is
through the bed of descending wood and leave 60-80 percent, which compares favorably with
the top at 350-500°F. The reactor is operated that of coal. Wood gasification offers several
at slightly below atmospheric pressure by an advantages over coal: (l) much lower oxygen
induced draft fan. The charcoal passes through requirements, (2) virtually no steam require-
an outfeed device at the bottom of the reactor ments, (3) lower costs for changing H2/CO
into a sealed chamber, where it is cooled by a ratios, which are already higher in wood gas,
water spray and then conveyed to a storage and (4) no or very little desulfurization costs.
bin. The rate of charcoal discharge controls the Coal has an advantage in that larger plants can
rate of passage of material though the unit. be built for coal gasification than is normally
The gases from the reactor pass into a the case for wood, because of its procurement
scrubber where they are sprayed with cooled advantages.

As noted above, the GTrr-A pyrolysis system value of about 1700 kcal/m' (180 BTU/ft3) . If
also can be used as a gasifier by increasing the pure oxygen is supplied to the process, the gas
amount of air to the reactor and screening might contain 24-26 percent H2, 40 percent
the charcoal and recycling the coarser particles CO, 10 percent hydrocarbons, and 23-25 per-
to the incoming feed material. In this way, most cent CO 2 and have a heating value of
of the wood is converted to gas and oil. If all 2900 kcal/rrr' (350 BTU/W). The gas may be
the off-gases from the converter are conducted used directly as a fuel in a variety of ways; for
directly into a boiler as a hot gaseous fuel, then example, supplying boiler energy in an indus-
the GTrr-A process is essentially a gasifier. trial plant at the rate of 2.5 X 108 kcal/hr from
This requires that the gases be utilized as a fuel about 136 kg/day of dry wood.
close to the pyrolysis plant. The use of air in The technology of gasification is under
the reactor results in the presence of nitrogen active development in both equipment and
in the gas, causing a reduction in fuel value process design to reduce capital costs, and in
from 360 to 420 BTU /ft 3 (without air) to the chemistry of the process to improve yields
140-200 BTU/ft 3 (with air). and obtain more favorable gas ratios . The lat-
Several gasifiers have been designed to han- ter includes the use of catalysts to enhance the
dle municipal refuse, wood wastes, and other process and to promote the formation of spe-
biomass materials. Basically, gasifiers fall into cific products, such as methane or ethylene
two types: (1) those that use air and (2) those for increased thermal efficiency or for feed-
using oxygen. An example of the air system is stocks for chemical synthesis.
the Moore-Canada gasifier. The wood residues
are carried on a moving bed through stages Methanol. As is the case with ethanol , the
of drying, reduction, and char oxidation, and concept of producing methanol from wood is
the ash is discharged in granular form. The not new. Methanol obtained from the destruc-
maximum temperature in the reaction zone is tive distillation of wood represented the only
about I222°C. The hydrogen content of the commercial source until the 1920s. The yield
crude gas is increased from 8-10 percent up to of methanol from wood by this method is low,
18-22 percent by adding steam to the air intake. only about 1-2 percent or 20 L/metric ton
The Union Carbide Company Purox (6 gal/ton) for hardwoods and about one-half
gasifier is an example of the oxygen system. that for softwoods . With the introduction of
This unit also uses a moving-bed reactor. Pure natural gas technology, the industry gradually
oxygen is the oxidizing agent used to convert switched to a synthetic methanol formed from
the char into CO and CO 2. Molten ash leaves a synthesis gas (syngas) produced from
the bottom at about 1670°C. reformed natural gas. Two volumes of H2 and
If air is used, the crude gases contain about one volume of CO are reacted in a catalytic
46 percent nitrogen, which must be removed by converter at pressures of 1500-4000 psi to
cryogenic means; but if oxygen is used, it first produce methanol. Presently, 99 percent of
must be separated from air, with oxygen and the methanol produced in the United States is
nitrogen separated by a cryogenic system (see derived from natural gas or petroleum.
Chapter 27). The crude gases also contain an Methanol also may be produced from wood
oil and tar fraction, about 2 percent of the wood gas; so wood could be a future raw material for
(dry basis). Gasifiers designed for wood oper- making methanol, especially for use as
ate at atmospheric pressure, in contrast to coal an additive to gasoline for internal combustion
gasifiers that operate at pressures up to 400 psi. engines. Thus, reforming the gasification prod-
The composition of the wood gas varies ucts obtained at high temperatures is a second
according to the technology used. If the limited method for the production of methanol from
oxygen required is supplied by air, a typical gas wood. This is in contrast to the older method
might contain 10-18 percent H2, 22-30 percent (destructive distillation), which directly yields
CO, 6-9 percent CO2, 45-50 percent N2, and small quantities of methanol at lower tempera-
3-5 percent hydrocarbons and have a heating tures as mentioned above.

If wood gas is produced in a gasifier using heat and little smoke and flame. For centuries,
air as the oxidizing agent, the nitrogen (about charcoal has been used in braziers for heating
40%), as well as the CO2 must be removed. purposes. Destructive distillation of hard-
The CO2 is removed by passing the gas woods has been carried out with charcoal the
through hot potassium carbonate followed by product sought and volatiles as by-products;
scrubbing with monoethanolamine. The nitro- with softwoods (pines), volatiles were the
gen, hydrocarbons, residual COb and water principal products (naval stores), with char-
are removed by freezing them out in a cryo- coal considered a byproduct.
genic system. By means of an iron catalyst, a In the United States, charcoal production
"shift conversion" of a portion of the CO is began in early colonial days. During this
carried out with steam in order to reach the period, principal uses of charcoal were as
required two parts of H2 to one part of CO, as a fuel in blast furnaces for the production of
follows: pig iron and as an ingredient of gunpowder.
Charcoal needed by the iron industry had to
CO + H20 ~ H2 + CO2 have a high crushing strength, and thus was
W = - 590 BTU/lb CO made from dense hardwoods such as maple,
birch, oak, and hickory. A softer charcoal was
The pressurized gas then is led to the
preferred for making gunpowder and was pro-
methanol reactor. Two different catalyst sys-
duced from willow and basswood. The first
tems may be used: (1) a zinc-ehromium
successful blast furnace was built in Saugus,
catalyst requiring gas pressures of 2000-
Massachusetts, in 1645. Other furnaces were
4000 psi or (2) a copper catalyst system at
started in close proximity to iron ore deposits.
1000--2000psi. About 95 percent of the gas
These early furnaces were small, usually pro-
is converted to methanol by this exothermic
ducing only 1-3 metric tons of pig iron per
day. In the late 1880s, wood charcoal lost its
2H2+ CO ~ CH30H metallurgical market to coke, which was bet-
ter suited to the demands of the larger fur-
W = -1200 BTU/lb CO
naces than being built.
The yield of methanol with present technol- In 1812, the additional collection, by con-
ogy is about 390 Lton of oven dry wood. densation, of the volatile substances from
Conversion of wood to methanol is less effi- hardwood carbonization began; the products
cient than producing methanol from natural then were charcoal, crude pyroligneous acid,
gas or coal-about 38 percent compared with and noncondensable gases. The pyroligneous
about 60 percent, based on the heat value of acid was refined to produce methanol, acetate
methanol as a percent of the total energy input of lime, which in tum was used to make either
into the plant. acetic acid or acetone and tar. The noncon-
The raw materials cost is the most significant densable gases in a normal wood distillation
operating cost. The production cost for consisted of about 50 percent carbon dioxide,
methanol from wood is estimated to be almost 30 percent carbon monoxide, 10 percent
twice that produced from natural gas. methane, 3 percent heavier hydrocarbons, and
Improving the efficiency of the gasifier reactor 3 percent hydrogen.5 Table 28.9 gives the
to increase the quantities of CO and H2 pro- yields of products from an industrial opera-
duced from wood would enhance the process. tion. The tars and noncondensable gases usu-
ally were used as fuel. From the late 1800s
Charcoal and Other Chemicals. Produc- until the 1920s, destructive distillation of hard-
tion of charcoal and tars by destructive distil- woods was an important source of industrial
lation is the oldest of all chemical wood- acetic acid, methanol, and acetone. This market
processing methods. Charcoal probably was was lost when these materials were made syn-
first discovered when the black material left thetically from petroleum. In 1920, there were
over from a previous fire burned with intense approximately 100 plants recovering these

TABLE 28.9 Yield of Products from 1--4 percent. Charcoal with a volatile content
Destructive Distillation of One Ton of over 24 percent will cause smoking and is
Dry Hardwood undesirable for recreational uses.
Earthen "pit kilns" originally were used to
Product Quantity
produce charcoal. A circular mound-shaped
Charcoal 270 kg (600 Ib) pile of wood (15--45 cords) was built up with
Noncondensable gas" 150 m' (5000 fr')
an open core 30--60 em (1-2 £1) in diameter to
Soluble tar 83.6 L (22 gal)
Pitch 29.7 kg (66Ib) serve as a flue. The entire surface of the pile,
Creosote oil 12.5 L (3.3 gal) except for the top flue opening and several
Methanol 11.8 L (3.I gal) small openings around the bottom periphery,
Acetone 2.7 L (0.7 gal) then was covered with dirt or sod sufficiently
Allyl alcohol 0.2 L (0.5 gal)
thick to exclude air. The mound was allowed to
Ketones 0.8 L (0.2 gal)
Methyl acetate 3.8 L (1.0 gal) "coal" for 20-30 days to give the final product.
Acetic acid 45.5 kg (101 lb) In the second half of the nineteenth century,
brick or masonry "beehive" kilns came into
"Composition in order of highest to lowest: COb CO, CH 4 ,
widespread use. The capacity of many of
H2, others.
Source: U.S.D.A. Forest Service Data. these kilns was from 50 to 90 cords, and oper-
ation was essentially the same as for the pit
kilns. Many other types of kilns have been
products from hardwood distillation; the last of used from time to time. Small portable sheet-
these plants ceased operation in 1969. The metal kilns of 1-2 cords have been widely
reader interested in details of the wood distilla- used, as have rectangular masonry block kilns
tion processes is referred to the 1962 edition of of various designs. These were predominantly
Riegel's Industrial Chemistry, Chapter 15. used by farmers and small woodlot owners.
In the early 1900s, charcoal from byproduct Large-scale production of charcoal was done
recovery plants usually was used for cooking by distilling the wood in steel buggies in long
and heating in low-income areas and was horizontal ovens. The buggies rode in steel
known as a "poor man's fuel." Beginning in rails that carried the cars in line from predryers
about 1950, there was an upturn in demand for to the ovens and then to coolers. Charcoal was
charcoal for recreation use. In this era of sub- produced by this method in a matter of 24 hr.
urban living, the use of charcoal briquettes for The latest types of charcoal-producing equip-
cookouts represents a significant market. The ment are designed for continuous operation
charcoal briquette now can be considered a and make use of residues instead of round-
luxury fuel, as it is too expensive for heating. wood. An example is the Herreshoff multiple
Basic techniques for producing charcoal hearth furnace, in which several hearths or
have not changed over the years although burning chambers are stacked on top of one
the equipment has. Charcoal is produced another, the number depending on capacity.
when wood is burned under conditions Production in this type of furnace is from 1 to
in which the supply of oxygen is severely 2.5 metric tons of charcoal per hour.
limited. "Carbonization" is a term that aptly
describes the thermal decomposition of wood
Thermochemical Liquefaction
for this application. Decomposition of carbon
compounds takes place as the temperature Although a reasonable amount of research
rises, leading to a solid residue that is richer in effort has been expended on thermochemical
carbon than the original material. Wood has liquefaction of wood, extensive commercial-
a carbon content of about 50 percent, whereas ization of this process is not anticipated in the
charcoal of a quality suitable for general near future. The basis of the method is a high-
market acceptance will be analyzed as pressure and high-temperature treatment of
follows: fixed carbon 74-81 percent, volatiles wood chips in the presence of hydrogen gas or
18-23 percent, moisture 2--4 percent, and ash syngas to produce an oil instead of a gas. The

low-grade oil produced potentially could be stores by solvent extraction. The latter process
substituted for some present petroleum uses. now has replaced steam distillation as a
An oil of a heating value of about means of recovering turpentine. In the United
35,200 BTU/kg can be obtained by reaction States, the latest and now the most important
of wood waste for 1 hr with syngas , a catalyst, route is kraft (sulphate) pulping of pine, dur-
a temperature of 750°F, and a pressure of ing which turpentine and tall oil are recovered
5000 psi. The feasibility of the process has as by-products of kraft pulp manufacture. A
been tested in a pilot plant in Albany, Oregon , fourth process , no longer used in the United
based on laboratory work conducted at the States, is recovery of turpentine and pine oils
U.S. Bureau of Mines . So far, it has been by the destructive distillation of pine wood."
determined that a barrel of oil equivalent to Worldwide, about 60 percent of naval stores
No.6 bunker fuel can be produced from about are produced by tapping living trees, whereas
405 kg of wood chips." gum naval stores account for only 4 percent of
A similar process was developed in Japan in U.S. production. The sulfate process is now
the 1950s specifically to degrade lignin. the major U.S. process.
Called the Noguchi process, it was thought to Turpentine is a volatile oil consisting primarily
hold promise for the product ion of phenols of terpene hydrocarbons, having the empirical
from lignin. By 1955, the Japanese investiga- formula C IOH I6• These 26 atoms can have many
tors had discovered superior catalysts that con- different arrangements, only six of which are
verted a substantial portion of the lignin into apresent in appreciable amounts in commercial
relatively few phenols. The Crown-Zellerbach turpentines: a-pinene (b.p. 156°C), f3-pinene
Corporation (now defunct) sub sequently (b.p. 164°C), camphene (b.p. 159°C), Ll3-carene
obtained an option on the process and initiated (b.p. 170°C), dipentene (b.p. 176°C), and ter-
its own trials. Despite several improvements pinoline (b.p. 188°C). The molecular configura-
researchers were able to make, the process did tions of some of these are shown in Fig. 28.20.
not prove profitable at the time . However, the Gum and sulfate turpentines have similar
company was routinely able to obtain a yield compositions. Gum turpentine contains 60-65
of 55 percent (and up to 65%) of distillable percent a-pinene, 25-35 percent f3-pinene,
products. The major drawback was the inabil- and 5-8 percent other terpenes, compared
ity to separate cleanly even the few different with 60-70 percent a-pinene, 20-25 percent
phenols remaining after the reactions . f3-pinene, and 6-12 percent other terpenes for
sulfate turpentine. Wood turpentine, which
has 75-80 percent a-pinene, has no or very
little f3-pinene (0-2%), and also contains
The U.S. naval stores industry began in the 4-8 percent camphene and 15-20 percent
very early colonial days, when wooden ves- other terpenes.
sels used tar and pitch from the crude gum or Rosin, the other major naval stores product,
oleoresin collected from the wounds of living is a brittle solid that softens at 80°C.
pine trees . The demand for tar and pitch from Chemically it is composed of about 90 percent
crude gum is now of minor importance. resin acids and 10 percent neutral matter. The
The industry is centered in the southeastern resin acids are mainly I-abietic acid and its
United States and is confined to the longleaf isomers, C2oH3002' These are tricyclic mono-
and slash pine areas. There is also a small, but carboxylic acids and are diterpene s.
locally important, naval-stores-producing Rosin is graded and sold on the basis of
area in the Landes region of southwestern color, the color grade s ranging from pale yel-
France, based on the maritime pine. low to dark red (almost black). The color is
There are three routes by which naval stores due almost entirely to iron contamination and
are produced. The oldest method is the tap- oxidation products. Fresh oleore sin, as it
ping of living trees to cause a flow of oleo- exudes from the tree, will yield a rosin that is
resin. The second method is removal of naval nearly colorless. Color-bodies are removed by


I I 3..._ -- k/..1JH31
TERPIN HTDRATE_ C/ " ........C.......... CH·P _ NOI'Ol
a: -TEIIpINEOl-- HzC'C.rCHz HzC'C.r CHz t.··p-MENTHENE

/C,I'!. CH 3 /
HZC "C::::
1 3
HZC ~ "C,c,H
I I I - - -••• ISOPIIEN£
. . . cH' z



Fig. 28.20. Some reactions of alpha-pinene and beta-pinene. (From L. A. Goldblatt Yearbook of
Agriculture, U.s.DA, 1950-51.)

selective solvents and selective absorption conduct the gum to a container that can
from a 10-15 percent gasoline solution hold 1-2 quarts of gum. At the top of the
passed through beds of diatomaceous earth. exposed face, a new V-shaped strip of bark is
About 70 percent of the world's rosin is pro- removed about every two weeks.
duced in the United States. Naval stores also The operations of inserting gutters, hanging
include important fatty acids, as well as cups, and cutting the first bark preferably are
steroids and other products. done in December or January, as early facing
stimulates early season gum flow. The gum
continues to flow until November, with the
Gum Naval Stores
height of the season being from March to
The crude gum or oleoresin is obtained from September. The collected gum is distilled
healthy trees by exposing the sapwood. The from a copper still; turpentine and water pass
lower part of the tree is faced; that is, a section over, and the rosin is left in the still. The
of bark is removed, giving a flat wood surface remaining molten rosin, plus impurities, is
for the gutters, which are inserted into a slant- passed through a series of strainers and cotton
ing cut made by a special ax. The gutters batting to remove dirt particles. Then the

liquid rosin is run into tank cars, drums, or layer is separated and purified by fractional
multiwall paper bags for shipment. distillation and treatment with chemicals to
Increases in yield of naval stores are brought remove traces of sulfur compounds. Sulfate
about by chemical treatment of the exposed turpentine is very similar to gum turpentine
wood, especially with paraquat herbicides obtained from the oleoresin of the tree and con-
(dipyridyl compounds). This treatment stimu- tains 60-70 percent a-pinene, 20-25 percent f3-
lates extensive oleoresin formation and diffu- pinene, and 6-12 percent other pinenes. Sulfate
sion into the wood, extending to the pith of the turpentine from western North America woods
tree and several feet above the treatment level. a
contains appreciable amounts of 3-carene,
As much as 40 percent oleoresin content in the which is used as a solvent. In the United States,
wood has been produced. Such treatment about 80 percent of the annual production of
could double naval stores production, for both turpentine is from the kraft pulping of southern
gum and sulfate processes. It also has the pines (approximately 125 million liters).
potential of providing a new type of wood The spent black liquor from the kraft pulp-
naval stores by solvent extraction prior to kraft ing of pines contains the less volatile products
pulping, or a combination of both methods. of the wood resin in the form of sodium salts
or soaps. The liquor first is concentrated in
multiple-effect evaporators, and then the con-
Wood Naval Stores
centrate is sent to settling tanks. The soaps
"Wood" naval stores are produced by solvent rise to the surface, are skimmed off, and then
extraction of resin-rich wood from old south- are acidified with sulfurous or sulfuric acid.
ern pine stumps and roots. The depletion of The crude tall oil rises to the top and is mechan-
these stumps from the large trees of virgin ically separated. Crude tall oil from southern
forests, combined with high labor costs, has pines contains 40-60 percent resin acids and
brought about a major decline in the produc- 40-55 percent fatty acids with 5-10 percent
tion of wood naval stores by this process. neutral substances. These components are sep-
In modem practice, all the resin products are arated by fractional distillation under vacuum.
removed from the shredded wood by solvent One metric ton of crude tall oil yields about
extraction; the solvent retained by the extracted 350 kg of rosin, 300 kg of fatty acids, and
wood chips is recovered by steaming. 300 kg of head and pitch fractions. For each
Extraction is carried out with naphtha metric ton of pulp produced, northern pines
(b.p. 90-1 15°Cfraction). Multiple extraction is yield about 50 kg of tall oil, and the southern
carried out in a series of vertical extractors in a pines yield about 125 kg. The U.S. capacity
countercurrent manner, whereby fresh solvent for fractional distillation of tall oil is nearly
is used for the final extraction of a charge. one million metric tons per year.
The solution from the extractors is vacuum- The rosin component of tall oil is mostly
distilled and the solvent recovered.The remain- made up of resin acids, which are diterpene
ing terpene oils are fractionally re-distilled derivatives. The major compounds (figures
under vacuum and recovered as turpentine, indicate averages) are as follow:
dipentene, and pine oil. The nonvolatile rosin is
1. Abietic type-abietic (32%), neoabietic
of dark color and is upgraded by clarification
(4%), palustric (10%), and dehydro-
methods, such as selective absorption of its
abietic(30%) acids.
solution (bed-filtering).
2. Pimaric type-s-pimaric (4%), isopimaric
(10%), and sandara copimaric acids
Sulfate Naval Stores (small amounts).
Sulfate turpentine is obtained as a byproduct The fatty acids from tall oil have the follow-
during the kraft pulping of pine woods. Vapors ing components: oleic (50%), linoleic (35%),
periodically released from the top of the conjugated linoleic (8%), stearic (2%),
digesters are condensed, and the oily turpentine palmitic (1%), and others (4%). From tall oil

heads, a fraction is produced that is composed Dipentene. Dipentene is present in the

predominantly of saturated acids, containing higher-boiling fractions of wood turpentine. It is
55 percent palmitic acid. Oleic acid is distilled used in paints and varnishes and as a penetrat-
in grades that are 99.5 percent pure. ing and softening agent in rubber reclamation.
The neutral or "unsaponifiable" materials
present in tall oil include anhydrides, pheno- PineOil. Pine oil obtained from wood naval
lics, diterpene aldehydes and alcohols, stil- stores has similar uses to those of the synthetic
benes, and steroids. In the neutral fraction of pine oil made from turpentine, given above.
southern pine tall oil soap, 80 compounds have
been identified. They include 25.1 percent Rosin. Rosin is used mainly in some modi-
sistosterol and a total of 32.4 percent steroids. fied form. Because the abietic-type acids in
The sistosterol content of crude tall oil is rosin each contain a carboxyl group and double
2-3 percent and is the main component of the bonds, they are reactive and can be used to pro-
neutral fraction. duce salts, soaps, esters, amines, amides,
nitriles, and Diels-Alder adducts; and they can
be isomerized, disproportionated, hydrogenated,
Uses of Naval Stores Products dimerized, and polymerized. When destruc-
Naval stores products have a wide range of uses tively distilled, rosin produces a viscous liquid,
from ordinary household commodities to com- termed rosin oil, used in lubricating greases.
plex industrial applications, as outlined be1ow.42 The paper industry uses large amounts of the
sodium salt of rosin as paper size, which
Turpentine. Turpentine is used directly as a accounts for the greatest single use of rosin. The
solvent, thinner, or additive for paints, varnishes, synthetic rubber industry is the second most
enamels, waxes, polishes, disinfectants, soaps, important user of rosin. In making styrene-buta-
pharmaceuticals, wood stains, sealing wax, inks, diene rubber, disproportionated rosin soaps are
and crayons, and as a general solvent. The chem- used alone or in combination with fatty acid
istry of its mono-terpenes offers many possibil- soaps as emulsifiers in the polymerization
ities for conversion to other substances, as process. Disproportionation decreases the num-
illustrated in Fig. 28.20. There is increasing use ber of double bonds in the abietic acid of the
of turpentine to produce fine chemicals for fla- rosin, making a more stable material.
vors and fragrances. An important use of The adhesives industry is the third most im-
turpentine is in conversion by mineral acids to portant market for rosin. Rosin, modified
synthetic pine oil. It also is a raw material for rosins, and rosin derivatives are used in several
making terpin hydrate, resins, camphene, insec- types of adhesives, including the pressure-
ticides, and other useful commodities. These sensitive, hot-melt, and elastomer-based latices,
uses are included in the following summary of and solvent rubber cements.
its applications. Protective coatings are the fourth major
user of rosin, either directly or in a modified
• Solvents for paints, etc. (11 %) or derivative form. Varnishes and alkyds are
• Synthetic pine oil (48%), used for mineral the most common types of protective coatings
flotation, textile processing, solvents, using rosin. Rosin is combined with a heat-
odorants, bactericides, and conversion to reactive phenol-formaldehyde resin to pro-
their chemicals such as terpin hydrate, etc. duce a widely used varnish. Printing inks also
• Polyterpene resins (600-1500 mol. wt.) use substantial amounts of rosin.
(16%), used for adhesives, pressure- The above rosin uses are summarized as
sensitive sizes (dry cleaning, paper, follows.
chewing gum)
• Camphene -7 toxophene insecticides • Paper size (33%)
(16%) • Chemical intermediates and rubber (42%)
• Flavor and fragrance essential oils (9%) • Resins and ester gums (18%)

• Coatings (3.9%) TABLE 28.10 Tannin Content of Some

• Other uses (3.1 %) Plant Material
Plant Material Percent Tannin
Fatty Acids. Of the total fatty acids pro-
duced annually in the United States, amount- Domestic sources
ing to more than 450,000 tons, 35 percent Eastern hemlock bark 9-13
come from tall oil. The solvent extraction of Western hemlock bark 10-20
Tanbark oak 15-16
pine wood yields only 1 percent fatty acids Chestnut oak 10-14
and their esters. The yield is not increased, Black oak 8-12
however, by paraquat (dipyridyl herbicides) Chestnut wood 4-15
treatment. Hence, the kraft-pulping industry Sumac leaves 25-32
will continue to be the major source of fatty Foreign sources
acids from wood. The approximate distribu- Quebracho heartwood 20-30
tion of uses of the fatty acids are: Mangrove bark 15--42
Wattle (acacia bark) 15-50
• Intermediate chemicals (43%) Myrobalan nuts 30-40
• Protective coatings (28%) Sicilian suma leaves 25-30
• Soaps and detergents (11%)
• Flotation (3%)
• Other uses (15%) For many years, most of the leather in the
A future product from the neutral fraction United States was tanned with domestic tan-
of tall oil may be sistosterol. This chemical nins from hemlock and oak bark and from
has potential use in the synthesis of cortisones chestnut wood. Today only a small amount of
and other steroids and hormones by fermenta- tannin comes from these and other domestic
tion processes. sources. The most important source of
vegetable tannin today is the wood of the que-
bracho tree, which grows mainly in Paraguay
ADDITIONAL CHEMICALS FROM WOOD and Argentina. The tannin content of this tree
and a few other sources of vegetable tannin
A variety of additional chemicals are derived
are shown in Table 28.10.
directly from wood or as bypro ducts from the
The wood or bark for tannin production is
pulp and paper industry.
reduced to chips and shreds by passing the
material through hoggers or hammer mills.
Tannins and Other Extractives Then it is extracted with warm water in
The tissues of wood, bark, and the leaves diffusion batteries. The dilute solutions are
of trees contain a great variety of chemical evaporated to the desired concentration. Loss
substances of considerable scientific interest of solubility of the tannin can be counteracted
and some of practical value. Turpentine, pine by treatment of the concentrate with sodium
oil, and rosin from the resins of pines are the sulfite.
most important commercial extractives from
American woods.
Tannin is a commercially important sub-
stance that can be extracted from the wood, An additional, potentially important chemi-
bark, or leaves of certain trees and other plants. cal derivable from wood as a result of
Tannins are complex dark-colored polyhydroxy hydrolytic (acid) treatment is furfural.
phenolic compounds, related to catechol or Furfural is derived, from the hemicellulose
pyrogallol, and vary in composition from fraction of wood-specifically from the five-
species to species. They have the important carbon or pentose sugars (primarily xylose).
property of combining with the proteins of ani- The pentose sugars are not yeast-fermentable
mal skins to produce leather. by standard methods to ethanol but can be

treated with acid, which causes dehydration OMS is an odorant for natural gas and a solvent.
and yields furfural. OMS is oxidized to give dimethylsulfoxide
(DMSO), an important solvent and a medicinal
Hemicellulose Acid .. Pentosans Acid .. of interest in the treatment of arthritis.

Furfural Reduce.. Furfuryl alcohol


Most furfural is produced from corncobs and The bark of the cascara tree of the northwest-
oat and rice hulls, primarily by the Quaker Oats ern region of the United States yields cascara,
Company. The product is used in the chemical a laxative used in medicine. Several hundred
industry as a solvent and in wood rosin refining. tons of bark are harvested annually. One of the
A large amount of furfural is treated further to most promising anti-carcinogenic compounds
give furfuryl alcohol. The furfuryl alcohol is to be discovered in the last 25 years was found
added to urea-formaldehyde resins in applica- in the bark and wood of the Pacific Yew tree
tions for adhesives and foundry core binders. from the Pacific Northwest of the United
States. This compound, taxol, was found to be
quite effective by the National Cancer Institute
Vanillin for the treatment of breast and ovarian cancers .
Vanillin is not a product of hydrolysis or of The compound is now produced by partial
fermentation; in fact, it does not originate synthetic routes and is available commercially
from the holocellulose, but rather than the under the generic name, paclitaxei.
lignin portion of the wood. The major organic The red gum tree of the southern United
material in sulfite waste liquor (spent liquor, States exudes a yellowish balsamic liquid or
after pulping wood by the sulfite process) gum from wounds, which is known as storax.
is the lignin dissolved from the wood as It is produced by removing a section of bark
lignosulfonic acid. Alkaline degradation of and incising the wood in much the same man-
this lignin product produces vanillin, the ner as that used for the production of naval
same substance that occurs naturally in the stores gum described above. Storax is used in
vanilla bean : medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations,
such as adhesives and salves, and as an
incense , in perfuming powders and soaps, and
for flavoring tobacco.
Biotechnology Chemicals
As with pulping and bleaching, biotechnology
too could have a considerable impact on the
production of chemicals from wood and other
With the Howard process, 5- 10 percent forms of plant biomass. The effects of
vanillin is produced, based on the lignin in the biotechnology probably will be noticed first in
waste sulfite liquor. Some vanillin is produced areas of enzymatic hydrolysis of polysaccha-
from sulfite waste liquor in both the United rides and fermentation technology.
States and Canada. It should be possible to improve the effi-
ciency of the cellulose enzyme complex for
hydrolyzing cellulose to glucose. The enzyme
Dimethyl Sulfide and DMSO
complex apparently contains decrystaIIizing
Dimethyl sulfide (OMS) is recovered from the and hydrolysis enzymes that work together to
waste black liquor in the kraft pulping process convert cellulose to glucose. Isolation of the
by flash drying of the liquor after the OMS con- specific enzymes and genetic engineering
tent has been increased by additions of sulfur. could provide a more efficient complex .

As discussed earlier in this chapter, enzymes Forest Products Laboratory have discovered a
are the basis for yeast conversion of hexose xylose-fermenting yeast (Candida tropicalis).
(six-carbon) sugars, such as glucose and Thus it now is possible to convert all wood
mannose, to ethanol. These enzymes also could sugars to ethyl alcohol with a combination of
be genetically engineered to improve the effi- yeasts. Isolation of the specific enzymes and
ciency of alcohol production; several biotech- genetic engineering of the enzymes could
nology firms are exploring this possibility. dramatically improve the efficiency of this
The yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) conversion.
enzymes are specific to six-carbon sugars, but Many other chemicals can be obtained from
wood and other forms of biomass also contain both yeast and bacteria fermentation of sugars
large quantities of pentose sugars, especially and pulp mill effluents. Potential fermentation
xylose in hardwoods. The pentoses are not fer- products from wood hydrolysates include ace-
mentable to ethyl alcohol with conventional tone, organic acids (acetic, butyric, lactic),
yeasts. However, researchers at the u.S.D.A. glycerol, butanediol, and others.V

I. Young, R. A., and Giese, R. L. (Eds.), Introduction to Forest Science, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York,
1990; see also 3rd ed., Introduction to Forest Ecosystem Science and Management, 2004.
2. Anon., Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material, Gen. Tech. Rept., FPL-GTR-113, U.S.D.A. For.
Serv., Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI, 1999.
3. Anon., Wood Colors and Kinds, U.S.D.A. For. Serv., Forest Products Laboratory, U.S. Govt. Printing Office,
Washington, DC, 1956.
4. Kubler, H., "Properties and Utilization of Wood," in Introduction to Forest Science, 2nd ed., R. A. Young and
G. L. Giese (Eds.), pp. 451-477, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1990.
5. Young, R. A., McGovern, 1. N., and Rowell, R. M., "Wood for Fiber, Energy and Chemicals," in Introduction to
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