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4 . In a certain code, ‘SOBER’ is written as 8.

lf SICAL’ is written as ’KWQKACJ’, then

’RNADQ’. How ‘LOTUS’ can be written in how can ‘SPRINKLE’ be written?
that code? sSC (Multitasking} EOS3 SSC (CGL) 2O13

2. If TVATER’ is written as WCVGF, then what is 9. In a code language, if ’BUTTER’ is coded as

written as ' I TG ? ssc tcsL eo3a ‘EXWWHU’ and ‘MILK’ is coded as ‘PLON’,
(alRFE I)MRE then in tire same code language, how will
()RfR (d)ERIP ’EARTH’ be spelled? UP Police (Constobiei 2oie
3. In a certain code, ‘TERMINAL’ is written as (a) HDWUK (b) HDUW K
’NSFUMBOJ’ and ‘TOWERS’ is nmtten as
’XPUTSF’. How is ‘MATE’ written in the 4 0. If ’DEAR’ is coded as ’FGCT’, then how will
same code? iBPS (Oerx) zoin ’READ’ be coded as? oesc rois
(a) FUBN (b) UFNB (a) TGCF (h) FGCF (c) TSFC (d) TCGF
(c) BNFU (d) BNDS
1 4 . lf ’BARLEY’ is written iis ’CBTMGZ’
(e) Noneofthi
SOUND will the written as oSSSB 8017
4. In a certain code, ’CERTAIN’ is coded as («) URWOF (h) TI’WOF
'XVIGZRM’ ’SEQUENCE’ is coded as (c) UrWPF (‹1) None t1f ttlo c
’HVJPVMXV’. Hoax' would ‘REQUIRED’ be
12. If ’PORTEk’ in written as 'QN1SFQ’, them
codud? ssc ‹cstJ zozz'
t rjtvwVlR (b) vynwxV
(c) WVJ ‹lFVl (d) IvlFitl vw
13. In a cert.tin ct«lc lnngtiabc ‘MOCKS’ is
5. In a certain cède, ’BUILDF.R’ is isrilicn .i.s
written as ’NNDJT'. Htiw is ‘FLAME’ written
’J VCKSFE’. I lois' is ’SEALINCi' is'ritieii iti Hm
same ct›de? Riæ frcfco zone
(a) Blu‘Kl IOJ it'i ltr11 h DI•l
(c) Ti'oKi ioj (d) itiu‘kl‹ii i i i i.iii it :E ( i) i.iit.i ie

6. In a certain ct›de 1.angiingc, ’CUItz\Tl VI ’ is i 4. 11 ‘3’lll:N’ is w rillen as ’RL8S’, then lit›w

ni•›\' ‘MASl/’ be written in that c‹ clc?
SSC (CGL) 2016
(‹1) Al/I’J (b) A l’f'l’ (c) PPAN' (d) PAEj
15. If CAitlNC is c‹›dccl as ’EDVCiKC‘ , and
(c) N‹inv of the.m• ‘Sl IARFJ‘ is ctidcd as ’UKEPnO’, then how
will ’CASKET’ be ctidcd as in the same code?

7. In a cert.min ctxle, “ MOUSE’ is svrittc•n as ssc tc»oi 2oia

‘PRUQC’. How is “SHIFT’ is-ritten in the (c) ñ DWI’AI (d) EDWIDI*
V oyg Both (Lñ'erK} 16. In a certain code language, ’ftULE’ is coded
as ’GNWT’ and ‘BAND’ is coded as 'FrCo’.
zOlO In the same code language, ’SOFA’ will be
(b) VKlDf't coded as Sel (Oerk) 2016
(a) BIPT (b) CHQU (c) 8tLV (d) DHMV
(c) VJIDR (e) CHDU
(e) None of the above
17. In a certain code language ’ROUTE’ is 27. If each of the letters in the English alphabet
written as ’URTWH’ and ‘LOWER’ is written
is assigned an even nu merical value by
US ’ORVHU’. How Will ’PRINT’ be written in
giving A = 2, B = 4 ãnd so on, then what
that code language?
Cooperative Bank (Clerk) 2O16 would be the total value of the letters for the
(b) SVGPV word ‘LADY’ when similarly coded?
(°) (d) STIQV (a) 74 (b) 72 (c) g4 (d) 82
28. In a certain code language, ‘FRONT’ İS
18. In a certain code language, ’JUGS’ is coded written as ‘618151420’ and ‘ßORNE' İS
as ’KTFT’ and ‘WHEN’ is coded as ‘XGDO’. written as ’21518145’. How is ’MORNS’
In the same code language, ‘ONCE’ will be written in that code language? SSC OO•2) 2017
coded as SBIClerk(Pre) 2016 (a) 131ã18î 419 (b) 1314161718
(a) PIvtDF (b) PMBD (c) 81291114 (d) 141154321
(c) NODD (d) PMBF
(e) NODF 29. If ‘REASON’ is coded as 5 and ‘BELIEVED’
as 7, then what is the code number for
19. In a certain code, DURABLE is written as ‘GOVEIWMENT‘? SSC (Multitasking) 2OIZ
QTCBDKA. How is COUNTRY written in (a) 10 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 8
that code? NiACL tAO í•loins) 2016
(a) VPDOZSU (b) TNBOXQS 30. U ‘LAMP’ is coded as 30-52-28-22, then ‘TOY’
(c) VPDMZSU (d) TNßOZSU will be coded as NPPSC 2OU
(e) None of these (a) 14-24-4 (b) 20-15-25
(c) 14-4-24 (d) 20-25-15
20. In a code language, ’FRIEND’ is coded as
’HUMJTK’. In the same language, ’BHOPAL‘ 31. If ‘MACHINE’ is coded as 19-7-9- 14-15-20-11,
will be coded as MPPSC 2Ol8 then how will you code ‘DANGER’ in the
(a)DJQRCN (b) CJRTEQ same code?
(c) DKSUGS (d) DLSVHT (a) 11-7-20-16-11-24 (b) 13-7-20-9-11-25
(c) 10-7-20-13-11-24 (d) 13-7-10-11-25
24 . In a code language, ‘TINY’ is coded as
’RGLW’. In the same language, ’ZEBRA’ 32. U ‘JUICE’ is coded as ‘19-41-17-5-9’, then
will be coded as MPPSC 2OU ‘TOY' will becoded as MPPSC 2014
(a) XCZYP (b) XCZPY (c) XZCPY (d) XZCYP (a) 39-29-49 (b) 41-31-51 (c) 13-23-3 (d) 15-M-5

22. If DEMOCRATIC is writłen as

If in a code language, ’PARENT’ is written as
EDMORCATCI, then how CONTINUOUS ‘BDFGJK’ and ‘CHILDREN’ is written as
will be written in the same code? CGPSC 2013 ’MOXQUFGJ’, then how is ‘REPRINT’
(a) OCTNNIOUSU (b) OTCNINUOUS written in the same code?
23. 165135 is to ‘PEACE as 1215225 is to 34. In a language, FIFTY is written as CACTY,
IB (AClO) 2Ol3 CAR as POL, TAR as TOL. How can TARIFF
(a) LEAD (b) LOVE (c) LOOP (d) AURA be written in that language? ssc tcøoi rois
24. If A =1 , ACE = 9, then ART = ? SEC OO•Z) 2013 (a) TOEFDD (b) TOEFEL
(a) 10 (b) 39 (c) 29 (d) 38 (c) TOLADD (d) TOLACC

25. If CAT — 12, then MAN =? 35. In a code language, ‘ORGANISATION’ is

(a) 14 (b) 24 written as ‘CBDWLQJWYQCL’ and
(c) 16 (d) t5 ’OPERATION’ is written as ‘CXFBWYQCL’.
(e) None of these How would ‘SEPARATION’ be coded?
26. If ASHA equals 79, then VINAY (b) JFQYWßCXQL
BHUSHAN = ? BSSC (CGI-) 2015
(a ) 211 (b) 200
(c) J 44 (d) t80

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