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Social Studies/Social Science Specialization Reviewer

Set 1
1. In connection with government transactions involving public interest, which policy is adopted in the
constitution to assure the public of accountability and transparency?
A. Rural development and agrarian reform.
B. Public enterprise and incentives to needed investments.
C. Balanced and healthy ecology.
D. Full public disclosure

2. The important factors which have contributed to the weaknesses in the internalization of
desirable social values are the:
A. Lack of models among the very people expected to exemplify these values.
B. Use of approaches which are mainly cognitive rather than effective.
C. Lack of follow up systems from one grade level to another.
D. Minimum recognition and appreciation given to teachers.

3. To govern is to rule and government rules by laws. Whose main duty is the enforcement of
A. Police department C. Legislative department
B. Judiciary department D. Executive department

4. In teaching the democratic beliefs in the classroom, which of the following is MOST consistent with current
educational thought?
A. Democracy as the smoothest form of government is emphasized.
B. The teacher should effectively lead the discussion on current affairs.
C. Democratic belief can be taught based on respect for individual worth and faith
in ability of people to govern them.
D. Democratic beliefs can be taught by assuring that celebrations are observed to honor
national heroes,

5. Without limiting the rights of parents to rear their children, the Constitution provides a
compulsory elementary education for:
A. All children of school age C. All children of pre-school age
B. All physically able individuals D. Adult citizens & out of school youth

6. The term that refers to the class of Filipinos who were free and independent:
A. Timawa C. Aliping namamahay
B. Maharlika D. Aliping saguiguilid

7. The gallant champion of Filipino rights during the Spanish regime was:
A. Father Diego de Herrera C. Saint Francis Xavier
B. Father Martin de Rada D. Bishop Domingo de Salazar

8. The Spanish expedition responsible for naming the archipelago Filipinas:

A. Magellan’s expedition C. Legaspi expedition
B. Loarca expedition D. Villalobos expedition

9. Who said that Rizal is the greatest son of the Malay race?
A. Antonio Ma. Regidor C. Don Pedro Paterno
B. Ferdinand Blumentritt D. Dr. Maximo Viola

10. The third and last military Governor of the Philippines was?
A. General Wesley Merritt C. Major General Arthur MacArthur
B. General Elwell E. Otis D. Douglas MacArthur

11. At the bottom of the judicial system during the Spanish time were the:

Social Studies/Social Science Specialization Reviewer

A. Regional Trial Court C. Justice of the Peace Court

B. Municipal Trial Court D. Barangay Court

12. The law which has its applications where the military arm does not supersede civil authority
but is called upon to aid in the execution of its vital functions.
A. Martial Law C. Civil Law
B. Educational Act D. National Defense Act

13. It is an act of forgetfulness putting to oblivion the offense of which one is charged.
A. Pardon C. Commutation
B. Amnesty D. Reprieve

14. The cornerstone of all systems of effective administration of justice:

A. Rules of procedure C. Tenure of office
B. Social justice D. Executive clemency

15. Among early Greek philosophers, ________ introduced empirical knowledge by the use of
observation to explain universal truths.
A. Plato B. Socrates C. Aristotle D. Thales

16. What method of thinking-and-learning draws from the general qualities of knowledge to
particular knowledge?
A. Induction B. Deduction C. Discovery D. Problem-solving

17. The earliest people showed their scientific ability when they:
A. Discovered the use of iron C. Discovered the use of copper
B. Began to use bronze D. Started using polished stone tools

18. In which situation do we insist on belonging to a group thus resisting the risk of being
A. Conformity B. Radicalism C. Anarchism D. Pessimism

19. The social change that leads to the development of towns and cities in Europe was:
A. The slaves were able to buy their freedom
B. The traders and business become rich
C. The use of money as payment for service rendered
D. The downfall of the monarchy

20. The worst effect of capitalism due to the Industrial Revolution was:
A. The low salaries of the worker
B. The decrease in the employed workers
C. The high price of commodities
D. The capitalists were getting richer & the workers poorer

21. Which of the following inventions started the fast weaving process of cloth?
A. Flying shuttle C. Power loom
B. Cotton gin D. Spinning jenny
22. This invention produced electricity that greatly improved works of the machineries:
A. Air breaks B. Dynamo C. Petroleum D. Internal Combustion engine

23. The fundamental focus of ritual activities in a native culture is the:

A. Belief that the human body is ugly and must be healed
B. Belief that the place or shine for ritual gives a special protection for the family
C. Belief that it can be drive away bad spirits
D. Belief the more tools and charms the family possessed, more family protected

Social Studies/Social Science Specialization Reviewer

24. In the archeological record, these have only very indirect traces or often leave no traces atall.
A. The world of the mine C. Formation of the land
B. Size of the community D. Technological knowledge

25. Asians established different organizations in order to show the world that:
A. They culturally bound to one another
B. They are capable of developing their own resources
C. They are interested to help each other
D. Asia is for the Asians

26. The Philippines can be found in the region of:

A. Southwest Asia C. South Asia
B. Southeast Asia D. Eastern Asia

27. The ruler who ordered the burning of the Confucian classic was:
A. Shih Huang Ti C. Pan Chao
B. Tai Tsung D. Kublai Khan

28. What aspect of inquiry is NOT related to ethical conduct in research?

A. Security of participants
B. Respect of confidentiality
C. Voluntary participation by respondents
D. Limitation in research scope

29. Most scientists now believe the theory of continental drift which means:
A. That were was only one supercontinent
B. That continents are still moving slowly
C. That continent have moved in the distant past
D. That were was once a time the continent cracked

30. A delta is being built of deposits of sand and soil as a:

A. River dumps its soil and rock pieces along its lower path
B. River flows into the quiet waters and it slows down
C. River moves slower and spreads out a wide area
D. River flows rapidly through the land

31. The biggest river in the world:

A. Yellow River in China C. Mississippi River in the US
B. Rio Grande in Mexico D. Amazon River in South America

32. It is called the biggest river in the world because:

A. Melting snow and ice add greatly to the supply of water in the area.
B. This area receives more rainfall than it can store in the ground
C. The ground is filled with moisture and cannot absorb any added deposits
D. Water flows out of a huge area.

33. The systematic explanation of observed phenomena drawn from social manifestation or
patterns in social life is _______.
A. hypothesis B. theory C. assumption D. truth

34. Scientific inquiries conducted on social change over a period of time are ________.
A. trend studies B. cohort studies C. panel studies D. case studies

Social Studies/Social Science Specialization Reviewer

35. Which area of the world is generally known as the Fertile Crescent?
A. Plains of the Nile, Egypt C. Plains around Syria
B. Plains of Mississippi D. Low lands of Holland

36. The two essential dimensions in teaching Social Science are _______ and _______.
A. observing and inferring C. searching and imparting
B. seeing and listening D. knowing and thinking

37. Known as the Land of the Aztecs was the _______.

A. Valley of Mexico C. California
B. Yucatan Peninsula D. South America

38. Social stratification is the system or process of signing men their respective ranks in a society based on:
A. The acquired social and cultural heritage of the society
B. The individual learning about his social position in the society
C. The income, wealth, education, occupation and lifestyle
D. One social stratum to another horizontally, vertically or laterally

39. Eligibility for membership in a kin based social unit is determined by:
A. Biological relationship C. Mutual interest
B. Sociological rules D. Political and jurally arrangement

40. Which island was the scene of the first landing of US troops when they recaptured the
Philippines from the Japanese?
A. Samar B. Leyte C. Cebu D. Mindanao

41. Greetings behavior in a variety of social contexts could be observed through:

A. The way the greeting behavior serves as an indicator of social standings
B. Inferring and abstracting a set of cultural traits relating to greetings
C. Through the manner of shaking hands, how touching and vigorous the handshake was
D. Two persons merely shaking hands

42. The internet is cutting many people in, but increasingly cutting many people out because:
A. It balances the user into 50-50% basis for the rich and the poor
B. It creates a broader outlook for all the people
C. It gives a clear presentation as to what people stands for
D. 88% of the world’s internet users are wealthy industrial nations

43. In what countries are half of the populations the poorest in the world?
A. Bangladesh and India C. Cambodia and Laos
B. Maldives island D. Sri Lanka and Vietnam

44. This is an animal or plant species or some other object or class of objects, with which the
group believes it has a mystical relationship.
A. Sorocate B. Totem C. Kaingang D. Mesmer

45. Concentration in thinking which leads to a constant, unbroken line of thought is _________.
A. infusion B. focus C. intention D. direction

46. The choice of the nation’s economic system is important because it determines:
A. The quantities of each good that will be produced.
B. The distribution of goods and services
C. The manner in which goods will be produced
D. All of the above

Social Studies/Social Science Specialization Reviewer

47. Which of the following instances shifts the supply curve to the left?
A. Better technology C. Decrease in the number of sellers
B. Decrease in cost of production D. Increase in number of sellers

48. The law of supply and demand is important in the Philippines economy because it is:
A. A mix of economies C. A dominantly market oriented economy
B. A command economy D. A traditional economy

49. In every society, certain positions are assigned to individuals on the basis of age, sex, maritalstatus and
similar other criteria. These patterns are:
A. Culturally defined C. Learned from parents
B. taught in school D. Universally accepted and practices

50. An aspect of Philippines culture that does much to promote interpersonal communication
beyond the community boundary is:
A. Fiesta celebration C. Election
B. Tagalog movies D. zarzuela

Set 2

1. A society that adopts the democratic view of education places great emphasis on:
A. Choice of leaders in charge of education
B. The essential dignity of all individuals
C. Compulsory schooling for all citizens
D. The selection of textbook to be used in school

2. An increase in gasoline affects the demand for cars:

A. Income elasticity of demand C. Cross elasticity of demand
B. Price elasticity of demand D. None of the above

3. An ownership in business vested in a separate legal entity:

A. Cooperative association C. Partnership
B. Corporation D. Sole proprietorship

4. In contrast with technological development which makes mass production possible,

automation is likely to lead to:
A. A change in the geographical location of important
B. An emphasis on skilled rather than the semi skilled labor.

Social Studies/Social Science Specialization Reviewer

C. An increase in productivity of workers

D. A substitute of capital labor

5. The difference between a monopolistic competition and pure competition is:

A. The number of sellers C. the product homogeneity
B. The number of buyers D. None of the above

6. As the composition of older people in the population increases, per capital real income tends to decrease
A. Less production supports the population
B. Less money income is earned.
C. Money income lags behind population
D. The proportion of the productive group to total population decreases

7. Measure of payments of wages, interest, rent and dividends:

A. Earning of Cost Approach C. Expenditure Approach
B. Value added Approach D. Flow of product Approach

8. The level of employment is to be increased; if the real wages must fall the demand for labor is:
A. A decreasing function of real wages C. Maintaining Function of real wages
B. An increasing function of real wages D. Either A or B

9. The province in the Philippines noted for the highest incidence of underemployment:
A. Cebu B. Bicol C. Quezon D. Cagayan

10. The government tends to borrow foreign loans due to:

A. The necessity to pay the interest of previous foreign debts.
B. Its deliberate use of the budget to stimulate the economy
C. Its reluctance to raise taxes
D. None of the above

11. Filipinos should be wary about the government foreign loans because of the:
A. Bigger interest payments that the government has to shoulder
B. Imposition of new and higher taxes in the next fiscal year.
C. Burden of the loan payments that will fall on the next generation
D. All of the above

12. The main item product during the early galleon trade was:
A. Rugs from Persia
B. Precious metals from India
C. Chinese silk
D. Philippine products

13. Manufacturing is superior to agriculture in terms of trade because:

A. It could be easily transported for trade to other countries
B. It is not subjected to adverse weather conditions
C. It brings higher income
D. All of the above

14. Which of the following exercising proprietary function is not exempted from tax?
A. Education institution C. Government owned or conglomeration
B. Religious institution D. Charitable institution

15. The government can control overall spending by:

A. Tax rates C. Tax exemption

Social Studies/Social Science Specialization Reviewer

B. Extra tax collection D. None of the above

16. The only official vested with the power and discretion to enter into a compromise tax cases:
A. President C. Senate and Congress
B. Courts D. BIR Commissioner

17. The most important contribution of the industry sector to the economy:
A. Produce new products C. Use of raw materials
B. Modernization D. Provides of employment

18. Which of the following does not consist money supply?

A. Use of check C. Savings and time deposit
B. Coins and bills in circulation D. None of the above

19. The comprehensive agrarian reform program is otherwise known as:

A. R.A 6657 C. P.D. 27
B. Agricultural LAND Reform Code D. None of the above

20. Which of the following program is covered by agrarian reform?

A. Education and Teaching of farmers C. Reorganization of land reform agencies
B. Family planning D. All of the above

21. Most important effect of increased efficiency in the agricultural sector:

A. Larger amount of foreign exchange for development
B. More and better food for the rapidly growing population
C. Increased income of rural families
D. Greater supply of indigenous raw materials for the expanded manufacturing

22. The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) is achieved by:

A. An authoritarian regime C. Evolutionary means
B. Revolution D. None of the above

23. The financial intermediately of CARP:

A. Land Bank of the Philippines C. Development Bank of the Philippines
B. Rural Bank D. None of the above

24. The successful implementation of CARP depends on:

A. Less opposition from the elites who continue to dominate the Congress
B. The political will and commitment of the government & other people involved.
C. The cooperation of the church with the state
D. The government will convince the landlords to get involved w/ the program

25. What major change creates a trend?

A. Innovation B. Stagnation C. Revolution D. Involution

26. To process the distribution commodities to members & non-members is the primary purpose of:
A. Consumer’s Cooperatives C. Marketing Cooperatives
B. Producers cooperatives D. Credit Cooperatives

27. The prevailing objective of the Cooperative Development Program:

A. To serve as means of community development
B. To facilitate redistribution of income and wealth
C. To be systematic and system oriented
D. None of the above

Social Studies/Social Science Specialization Reviewer

28. In the Philippines, pearl oysters are abundant around_______.

A. Samar island C. Babuyan channel
B. Mactan Island D. Sulu Archipelago

29. Among social trends, which is very difficult to psychologically overcome?

A. Tendency B. Learning C. Bias D. Inclination

30. Change becomes an issue when it creates a _______.

A. Disagreement B. Discomfort C. Drawback D. Duplication

31. Most important material gains I Manila before and after Legaspi:
A. Diamond C. Copper
B. Pearl D. Gold

32. The first painted book, Christian Doctrine had two translations. These are:
A. Nipongo and Filipino C. Chinese and Filipino
B. Sanskrit and Filipino D. Chinese and Sanskrit

33. The university was known as Escuela Pia during the Spanish regime was the:
A. Dela Salle University C. Ateneo de Manila University
B. University of Sto. Tomas D. San Juan de Letran

34. The instrument used by Spaniards to make the Filipinos read and write was:
A. The promulgation of laws on education
B. The strict, with punishment, way of teaching
C. The use of books with pictures
D. The teaching of Catechisms

35. The treaty that divided the world into two parts running from the North Pole to the South Pole at a distance
of 370 leagues west of Cape Verde Islands:
A. Treaty of Paris C. Treaty of Versailles
B. Treaty of Demarcation D. Treaty of Tordesillas

36. It is a wine as clear as water but strong and dry and if used in moderation, can be a good
medicine for rheumatism:
A. Bubod B. Tapuy C. Tuba D. Basi

37. The place where the first mass in the Philippines was held:
A. Mactan B. Butuan C. Limasawa D. Homonhon

38. In 1952, the organization of the _________ marked a milestone in the development of
Philippine Sociology.
A. Philippine Social Science Council C. Research Foundation of the Philippines
B. Philippine Sociological Society D. Institute of Philippine Culture

39. The one who officiated the first mass in the Philippines:
A. Juan dela Concepcion C. Diego de Herrera
B. Domingo Salazar D. Pedro de Valderama

40. When Rizal was in Rome, his favorite places were:

A. St. Peter Basilica and the Sistine Madonna chapel
B. The Appian Way and the Arch of Constantine
C. The Amphitheatre and the Forum
D. Different temple of Veste

Social Studies/Social Science Specialization Reviewer

41. As a science of humanity and its society, Anthropology seeks to present an integrated
picture of ______.
A. Man B. Early man c. Hominid D. Human fossils

42. The Batangueno priest who baptized Rizal and predicted that he will become a great man someday is:
A. Father Rufino Collantes C. Father Jose Escudero
B. Father Jose Mateo D. Father Romualdo de Jesus

43. Who was the Lieutenant of the civil guards assigned to protect Rizal from molestation by his enemy was?
A. Lieutenant Pedro V. Valdez C. Lieutenant Maximo de Santos Cruz
B. Lieutenant Jose Taviel de Andrade D. Lieutenant Mariano de San Miguel

44. The Sikatuna-Legaspi blood compact was significant in our history because:
A. Filipino people embraced Christianity by mass baptism
B. Spaniards completed the conquest of the entire country
C. It is the start of the very profitable galleon trade
D. It is the first treaty of friendship & alliance between the Philippines and Spain

45. Which events in the Philippine history prove/s that the Filipinos could hardly unite?
I. Rivalries between Aguinaldo’s and Bonifacio’s men.
II. Split between Jose Rizal and Marcelo H. Del Pilar in Madrid
III. The disagreement between Jose Rizal and Bonifacio on the manner of achieving
reforms in the Philippines.
A. I, II, III B. I only C. I, II D. III only

46. Why was President Magsaysay dubbed as lover of the “Little People”?
A. He observed a policy of attraction to win over the small group of dissidents.
B. He showed special concern for pre-school children
C. He established school buildings in the barrios
D. He was endeared to the masses.

47. In which wars did the United States and the Philippines fight side by side?
I. Seven years War between Spain and Great Britain
II. World War II
III. Vietnam War
A. I, II and III B. II and III C. I and III D. I and II

48. Among the fields of anthropology, which studies the evolution of man and biological
diversity within the species?
A. Linguistics C. cultural anthropology
B. Archaeology D. biological anthropology

49. Among patterns of behavior required in Sociology which is obtained through direct
experience, observation, and testing?
A. Empiricism B. Critical spirit C. Objectivity D. Ethical neutrality

50. Which research methods does an anthropologist employ to enable him to study people’s
culture from inside out?
A. Qualitative research C. Ethnographic method
B. Focus group discussion D. Participant observation

Social Studies/Social Science Specialization Reviewer

Set 3

1. Children learn culture from parents and teachers. What is this process called?
A. Accommodation C. Assimilation
B. Acculturation D. Enculturation

2. Which form of government shall we have if we are ruled by a minority in the interest of the
A. Oligarchy C. Democracy
B. Monarchy D. Tyranny of the minority

3. The Philippine constitution is the law to which all other law must conform. Thus it is said to be_______.
A. Conventional C. The fundamental law of the land
B. Constitutional D. Permanent framework of the government

4. The Philippine Archipelago is located between_________ and _______.

A. Vietnam-Thailand C. South Korea-Japan
B. Taiwan-Borneo D. Japan-Korea

5. In whose presidency was the communist party outlawed in the Philippines?

A. Elpidio Quirino C. Manuel Roxas
B. Fidel Ramos D. Carlos P. Garcia

6. Which of the following was the La Liga Filipina aimed to carry out?
A. To assassinate abusive and tyrannical friars and governors
B. To unite the whole archipelago into one homogenous body
C. To work for the separation of the archipelago from Spain
D. To spread revolutionary ideas and masonry

7. In which chronological order did the following events occur in history?

I. The Philippine Commonwealth
II. Spanish-American war
III. Philippine as a province of Spain
IV. Philippine as a Spanish colony

8. Which statement on “El Filibusterismo” is true?

A. It is a socio-historical novel.
B. Everything contained in it was factual

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C. It was dedicated to Rizal’s mother, sister, and to the Filipino

D. It is a political novel in which Rizal predicted the coming of the revolution

9. The landed class enjoyed huge incomes from share tenancy and rents from inherited estates, while the
tenants remained poor. Because of this, the wealthy landowners_______.
A. Abolished share tenancy and reverted the land back to the peasants.
B. Expelled tenants and actually worked on the farmland themselves.
C. Acquired tremendous economic, social and political advantage
D. Disposed on their landholdings voluntarily in response to social obligations.

10. Who was the Filipino native who wanted to be a pries but was refused because he was a
native, and so formed a religious brotherhood for which he sought recognition but was
A. Pedro Almazan C. Juan Sumuroy
B. Andres malong D. Apolinario dela Cruz

11. Who was the first woman in Panay to fight in the Philippines revolution?
A. Agueda Esteban C. Teodora Alonzo
B. Trinidad Tecson D. Teresa Magbanua

12. The agricultural lands to be distributed to landless tenants under the Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform (CARP) include__________.
A. Rice, corn and sugar lands C. Sugar, coconut, rice and corn lands
B. Coconut lands D. Sugar lands

13. Which refers to a brief decline in business activity?

A. Depreciation B. Inflation C. Depression D. Recession

14. What resulted from the “Encomienda” system during the Spanish colonial times?
A. Concentration of land ownership in the hands of a few
B. Emancipation of tenant farmers from bondage of the soil
C. Distribution of land titles to peasant
D. Eradication of tenancy

15. Hazing rights in school persist despite their being outlawed. Which is the purpose of such
A. To minimize culture shock C. To preserve tradition
B. To foster patriotism D. To mark changes in an individual’s status

16. Which trait/mentally goes with the Filipino sakop orientation?

A. Kanya-kanya mentally C. Extreme personalism
B. Pakikisama D. Pagmamalasakit

17. Which of the following correctly describes the practice of polyandry?

A. A woman has two or more husbands
B. Two cousins are married to each other
C. A family has two or more sons
D. A household is composed of a group of unmarried persons

18. In which country do the pastoral industries play an important role in the economy?
A. Canada B. France C. Germany D. New Zealand

19. Which is issue caused the estrangement of the relations between the Philippines and
Malaysia in the past?
A. The founding of MAPHILINDO C. the shaping of the Federation of Malaysia
B. The Philippine claim of Sabah D. Terrorist issue

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20. Why did Shi Huangi build the Great Walls of China?
A. To prevent Chinese emigration to the north
B. To prevent the influx of foreign cultures to china
C. To protect the Chinese people from the barbarians
D. To keep out invaders from the north

21. The lighter, unpigmented skin most likely evolved in the temperature climate for what
A. To protect skin against skin against sunlight
B. To protect skin against sunburn
C. To absorb more light
D. To protect skin against sunlight & sunburn

22. A community oriented education goes with our government philosophy of ________.
A. Modernization C. Centralization
B. Improvision D. Decentralizaion

23. Which is a proof that the Philippines were inhabited as early as 21,000 years ago?
A. Chinaware unearthed in Catalagan, Batangas
B. Boat fragments excavated in Butuan river banks
C. Skull cap discovered in Tabon Cave, Palawan
D. Mummies found in Timbac Cave in Benguet

24. Which is/are true of the Philippine participation in the United Nations Organization?
I. Participated in the drafting of the UN Charter
II. Joined the United Nations forces in the Korean War
III. Participated in the drafting of the Universal Declaration of the human rights.

25. Is Christianity a leading religion in Asia?

A. Yes, in fact it is also the world’s leading religion
B. No, there are more Asians who practice Hinduism than Christianity
C. Yes, it is practiced in the Philippines, Lebanon, and Cyprus
D. No, there are more Asians who practice Buddhism than Christianity

26. With the promotion of social justice in mind, which does NOT belong to the group?
A. Profit sharing C. Absolute right over property
B. Diffusion of wealth D. Equitable access to education

27. It is the privilege of the president to address and appear before the Congress at the openingof its regular
session. What do you call this address?
A. Inaugural address C. Presidential address
B. Privilege speech D. State of the Nation address

28. The Philippines consists of islands and landlocked provinces. Which is a landlocked province?
A. Isabela B. Romblon C. Masbate D. Mindoro Oriental

29. The Philippine lies within the seismic belt. As a consequence, it has experienced severe:
A. Floods B. Famine C. Drought D. Earthquakes

30. Which part/s of the Visayas has/have comparatively more excessively moist climate and
limited arable lands?
A. Eastern C. Central and Western
B. Western D. Eastern and Central

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31. What was a consequence of Spain’s defeat to the British?

A. Increased credibility on the part of Spain
B. Spain’s indifference to the Filipino’s cry for reforms
C. Spain’s loss of face before the Filipinos
D. Spain’s more intense arrogance

32. Who among the Presidents was known for his nationalistic moves particularly in the field of
A. Disdado Macapagal C. Carlos P. Garcia
B. Ferdinand Marcos D. Corazon Aquino

33. Who among the presidents change the date of our celebration of Independence day fromJuly 4 to June 12?
A. Ferdinand Marcos C. Diosdado Macapagal
B. Carlos P. Garcia D. Ramon Magsaysay

34. In Philippine history, who resisted the conversion to the Catholic faith?
A. The tribal groups in the highlands
B. The Muslim separatists in the south
C. The indigenous communities in northern Luzon
D. The tribal groups in the highlands and the Muslim separatists

35. Which was the lawmaker, chief executive, and judge of the pre-Hispanic barangays?
A. Datu B. Bathala C. Maharlika D. Teniente del barrio

36. Which was well accepted by the Filipinos under Spanish rule?
A. Representation in the CORTES C. Payment of BUWIS
B. Employment of REDUCCION D. The practice of POLO

37. Why wasn’t Gen. Mac Arthur not in favor of Sergio Osmeña as a president then?
A. He was obviously anti-America in sentiment
B. He harassed Manuel Roxas, a friend of Gen. Mac Arthur
C. He was sickly
D. He was perceived to be quite slow in the face of national crisis

38. Which whom Rizal differ in personality and opinions? Their difference led to the end of
propaganda movement in Spain.
A. Marcelo H. del Pilar C. Graciano Lopez Jaena
B. Gregorio del Pilar D. Andres Bonifacio

39. What Rizal predict in his El Filibusterismo?

A. The coming of the revolution C. the Filipino’s defeat in the revolution
B. His parents’ execution D. His execution at Bagong Bayan

40. Which Katipunan member commuted from Cavite to Manila to buy materials used to makeammunitions?
A. Agueda Esteban C. Trinidad Tecson
B. Teresa Magbanua D. Teodora Alonso

41. Which economic condition/s in the country may have helped shape the “Filipino First”
I. The Filipinos had complete control of fisheries and had better control offorestry and

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II. The foreign businessman controlled mining, electricity, commerce andmanufacturing
III. The central bank discriminated against Filipino businessmen in the allocationof dollars
for import

42. What is the charge imposed under the policy power of the state to promote the general
A. Internal revenue C. License fee
B. Toll fee D. Tax

43. Which economic system is based on free enterprise?

A. Communism C. Mixed economies
B. Globalism D. Capitalism

44. In a changing dynamic society, the trend is to which type of society?

A. Gemeinschaft C. Gesselschaft
B. Sometimes Gemeinschaf D. Sometimes Gesselschaft

45. Why is every government employee required to submit an annual of assets and liabilities?
A. To safeguard the people against corruption
B. To determine who deserves promotion
C. To be adjective in performance evaluation
D. To determine who is fit for the job

46. The Filipinos ningas cogon attitude points to his _____.

A. Colonial mentality C. Lack of discipline
B. Passivity D. lack of reflection

47. To which Filipino trait does the German gemeinschaft correspond?

A. Bayanihan spirit C. Hospitality
B. Utang-na-loob D. Pakikisama

48. What does the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River prove? A change in the earth’s surfacecan take place by
way of ________.
A. Changes in the earth’s crust C. Mater erosion
B. Chemical weathering D. Mass movement of rock and soil

49. From which country does the world buy its Havana cigar?
A. Philippines C. Mexico
B. Cuba D. Colombia

50. Which of the following contribute/s to the thinning down of the ozone layer?
A. Exhausts from automobiles
B. Thermal heat from waste of factories
C. Climatic change
D. Mercury form mine tailings

Set 4

1. What is the teacher’s accountability in the achievement of quality education?

A. Be accountable for the grading performance of learners
B. Be accountable for reporting the performance of learners to parents

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C. Be accountable for the effective attainment of specified learning objectives and

D. Be accountable for reporting the performance of learners to the school head and

2. In connection with government transaction involving public interest, which policy is adopted in the
Constitution to assure the public accountability and transparency?
A. Private enterprise and incentive to needed investments
B. Rural development and agrarian reform
C. Balanced and healthful ecology
D. Full public disclosure

3. What does “presumption of innocence” mean in so far as human right is concerned?

A. A suspect has the right to remain silent
B. A suspect has the right to a legal counsel
C. A suspect remains innocent until proven guilty
D. A suspect is considered guilty until proven otherwise

4. Which department has the authority to make laws and alter them when needed?
A. Judicial C. Legislative
B. Executive D. Administrative

5. All Filipino citizens have the right to vote and to be voted upon as government official. What is the
constitutional right called?
A. Political franchise C. Electoral right
B. Suffrage D. Passive right to vote

6. Which problem is common from the presidency of Marcos, Aquino, Ramos, Estrada
Macapagal-Arroyo and Benigno Aquino III?
A. Peace and security C. Moral degeneration
B. Social injustice D. Poor governance

7. You will be in good hands when your host is a Filipino because one outstanding trait of Filipinos is:
A. Cleanliness C. Thrift
B. Industry D. Hospitality

8. Which of the four pillars of education for the 21 stcentury is crucial in the light of conflicts
between Israel and Palestine?
A. Learning to know C. Learning to do
B. Learning to be D. Learning to live together

9. The Philippine objected to the advisory on travels to Mindanao, by the Australian government. What should
the government do?
A. Arrest their nationals C. File the diplomatic protest
B. Recall all nationals D. Declare war against the country

10. Foreign influences are evident on most aspects of Filipino culture including Philippine
languages. From which Asian language do these words come: alam, hukom, salamat?
A. Sanskrit C. Malayo-Polynesian
B. Arabic D. Mandarin

11. Which refers to the act of the President to stay the execution of a convict?
A. Pardon C. Amnesty
B. Reprieve D. Commutation

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12. During the Spanish Era, who was the revolutionary leader who waged a long war against the government
because it did not allow proper burial for his brother?
A. Diego Silang C. Francisco Dagohoy
B. Andres Bonifacio D. Macario Sacay

13. What was the first book published in the Philippines?

A. Pasiong Matal C. Doctrina Christiana
B. Bariaame Josaphat D. Del Superior Govierno

14. Which is the overriding aim of the constitutional mandate on social justice?
A. To work for social equality
B. To bridge the gap between the rich and the poor
C. To protect the squatter in the possession of the premises occupied by him
because he is poor
D. To authorize the taking of what is in excess of one’s personal needs and giving
it to another

15. Filipino citizens have the power to participate in the establishment or administration of
government such as right to vote and be voted upon as an exercise of:
A. Civil rights C. Economic rights
B. Social rights D. Political rights

16. Who does the canvassing of votes for President and Vice President in every election?
A. Senate and Congress C. Comelec and Chief Justice
B. Supreme court and Congress D. Joint committee of Congress

17. Trade offs are required because wants are unlimited and resource is:
A. Marginal C. Unlimited
B. Scarce D. Economical

18. Gross Domestic Product is the sum of the mark value of the:
A. Manufactured goods C. Inferior goods and services
B. Intermediate goods D. Final goods and services

19. The Japanese successful invasion was climaxed by the surrender of the joint Filipino American forces on
May 6, 1942. Where did this happen?
A. Manila C. Corregidor
B. Capas D. Bataan

20. Foreign investors are discouraged in doing business in our country. To what condition/s can this be
I. Deteriorating peace and order
II. Poor technology
III. High tariffs
IV. Poor standards
A. II only B. I and II C. I, II, and III D. IV only

21. What is considered the earliest form of writing in the Philippines?

A. Roman alphabet C. Balitaw
B. Alibata D. Abakada

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22. Who was among the last Filipino generals who fought the Americans and established the so called “Tagalog
A. Manuel Tinio C. Miguel Malvar
B. Macario Sacay D. Gregorio del Pilar

23. What building was the only one left intact after the destruction of Intramuros during the Battle of Manila?
A. San Agustin Church C. Quiapo Church
B. Manila Cathedral D. Manila Post Office

24. What characteristic/s of government is established by the 1987 constitution?

I. Parliamentary system of government
II. Presidential system of government with three branches
III. The three branches of government have a check and balance over one another
IV. The three branches of government are separate and independent of one another
A. I only C. II, III and IV
B. II only D. I,II and IV

25. With the Batasang Pambansa performing legislative and executive powers in the Marcos
regime, which form of government was implemented?
A. Presidential C. Parliamentary
B. Monarchical D. Dictatorial

26. The Philippine legislature is divided into two major bodies, the Senate and the House of
Representatives. Which among the following best describes this division of the legislative body of the
A. Bicameralism C. Co-legislative
B. Bipartisanism D. Unicameralism

27. In which form of government are all citizens treated as equals on certain dimensions such as religion,
politics, economics, social status and culture?
A. Socialism C. Democracy
B. Egalitarianism D. Totalitarianism

28. In which forms of government does power or authority reside in a few persons who govern for their own
A. Monarchy C. Parliamentary
B. Democracy D. Oligarchy

29. When an individual is imprisoned without proper investigation, what right is violated?
A. Right to protection C. Right to secure persons
B. Right to process paper D. Right to due process of law

30. What is the writ of habeas data?

A. Right to transmit data C. Right to search for private information
B. Right to accumulate data D. Right to information privacy

31. An individual who can find minute differences between small objects possesses which of the following?
A. A high difference threshold C. A good long-term memory
B. A low difference threshold D. A goof short-term memory

32. Which idea contradicts the concept of free will?

A. Creationism C. Biological Determinism
B. Memetics D. Evolutionary Theory

33. What a student can do differs from what he will do. What does this prove?

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A. Motivation differs from ability

B. Ability is the opposite of motivation
C. Students of today are hardly motivated
D. Motivation and ability always go together

34. I pretend not to be able to play several music instruments. I may get tied as an instrumentalist of the church
choir. Which type of ignorance do I have?
A. Visible Ignorance C. Invisible Ignorance
B. Supine Ignorance D. Affected Ignorance

35. Which one goes with this principle: “The end does not justify the means”.
A. Both are equally morally responsible; they are both professional teachers.
B. An objective evil act can never become good in spite of the good motive
C. An objectively good act may become morally evil because of a bad motive
D. An indifferent act may become morally good or evil depending on the motive

36. Art &music are necessary ingredients to a child’s education. Which statement supports the
idea of this sentence?
I. Music and art intensity a child’s imagination
II. Music teaches Discipline, team work, math and poetry through rhythm
III. Painting helps a kinesthetic learner express abstract concepts in concrete forms
A. I only B. III only C. I and II D. I, II, and III

37. On which Filipino traits does Gawad Kalinga build on?

A. Adaptability c. Extreme Personalism
B. Bayanihan Spirit d. Joy and Humor

38. Who has the greater moral responsibility and why? The lazy master teacher who does not
teach well or the beginning teachers who is groping while she teaches and so does not teach well either.
A. The master teacher, who is older and more experienced
B. Both are equally morally responsible; they are both professional teachers
C. The master teacher, who is expected to have more knowledge and freedom
D. Cannot be determined; age and experience do not necessarily make one
more knowledgeable and free.
39. Let’s assume that universities will be required to offer education programs at the graduate
rather than at the undergraduate level. Based on this information, how should you respond?
A. Agree C. Improbable
B. Neutral D. Disagree

40. Which among the following is the main theme if the El Filibusterismo?
A. Curing the social cancer C. Abuses and indecency of friars
B. Rizal’s hope for a revolution D. Ideal means of achieving social reform

41. Out of used illustration boards, students came up with cute and functional bags for school
children. Which Filipino trait is exhibited?
A. Adaptability C. Family orientedness
B. Pagkabayani D. Creativity

42. In his “La Indolencia del Filipino”, Rizal’s thinking was the rich natural resources of the
Philippines and the favorable climates were not a blessing after all for the Filipino. Which explains this? The
rich natural resources &the favorable climate of the country:
A. Led to disunity
B. Encourage the “get-by “mentality
C. Enabled Filipinos to earn college degrees
D. Enabled the Filipinos compete against one another

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43. How did Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere contribute to the development of his countrymen?
A. It pictured for them the ideal Filipino
B. It taught them to love their local language
C. It exposed to them the scandals of the affairs
D. It awakened them the oppressive rule of Spain

44. What committee was founded in 1978 to promote effective cooperation and enhance
solidarity among the people of ASEAN?
A. Committee on Culture and Arts C. Committee on Regional Cooperation
B. Committee on Culture Heritage D. Committee on Culture & Information

45. Which of the following types of societies came first during societal evolution?
A. Industrial C. Horticultural
B. Mass D. Agricultural

46. Material culture refers to the tangible and concrete objects produce by man. Which are
examples of material culture?
A. Moriones Festival C. Ceremonies of Ivatans
B. Sinulog Festival D. Stone tools of Tasadays

47. What does professional Code of Ethics prescribe for all?

A. Rules and regulations in practicing the profession
B. Civic mindedness and social consciousness
C. Strict implementation of laws of the land
D. Moral standards and ethical behavior

48. A society cannot exist without a government. Which word is synonymous with government?
A. Authority C. check and balance
B. Restraint D. Domination
49. Which of the following statements accurately reflects a strong “School Culture”?
A. Has informal rules of behavior C. Has high standards of performance
B. Has a network communication D. Has a definite organizational cove values

50. Which is required of cooperative members for the operation of their cooperative?
A. Patronage fund C. Interest on share capital
B. Share capital D. Net surplus

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Set 5

1. Tomatoes are off season and so price of tomatoes is up. Which law/principle in economics
explains it?
A. Law of cause and effect C. Law of supply and demand
B. Substitution effect D. Principle of marginal utility

2. A behavioral psychologist would probably say that:

A. The unconscious stimulates our behavior
B. We act based on rewards and punishments received
C. The mind is most important when analyzing behavior
D. Introspection is a useful way to study mental processes

3. Stimulation is good for the brain. Which action is a logical application for this?
A. Avoid giving challenging tasks to teenagers for they get easily discouraged
B. Retire early so you will be spared of the challenge o work
C. Give to children toys that they can manipulate
D. Train your child to obey orders blindly

4. What is a glaze?
A. A color diluted with white C. Paint diluted with linseed oil
B. Paint diluted with water D. Paint diluted with olive oil

5. When can we say that a person has value?

A. Enjoys life of leisure and pleasure
B. works towards self aggrandizement
C. Lives a life of merriment in the company
D. Lives a life of integrity, sincerity and commitment

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6. In times of war, soldiers must be ready to give up their lives in defense of the nation. Which
normative relationship applies in this case?
A. Higher Law-Inalienable rights vs. alienable
B. Wide a social order-the family before the individual
C. More common good- public safety before private gain
D. Greater urgency-saving the living before burying the dead

7. The expressionist painters at the turn of the century tried to depict a state of mind rather than to make a
realistic copy of some object. In other words, expressionist paintings:
A. Are all done in oil C. Give the feeling rather than the appearance
B. Are all about people D. Resemble camera snapshots

8. Which philosophical premise does NOT support scientifically inquiry?

A. Rational explanations exist for real world phenomena
B. Human perceptual system correctly perceive reality
C. Group awareness is an integral part of knowledge
D. Reality is objective

9. If one agrees with Rizal on the best way to redeem our country, what would he do?
A. Work for quality education for all
B. Campaign for more foreign investors
C. Attract tourist to come to the country
D. Do advocacy for health programs to get the biggest share in the national budget

10. What do we call the sum of money collected for our use of a road, bridge and highway?
A. Penalty C. Assessment
B. Toll D. Tax

11. Which of the following best describes the concept of society?

A. Organized interaction of people sharing land and culture
B. Limited by geographical boundaries
C. The same as culture or nation
D. A political entity

12. Which is at the base of a triangle that shapes us into what we are?
A. Heredity C. School attended
B. Training D. Environment

13. You have to take extra care when you critique the work of a Filipino. Your negative comment may have
mistaken to be an attack against his/her person. Upon which Filipino trait is this advice based?
A. Adaptability C. Bayanihan Spirit
B. Sakop Mentality D. Extreme Personalism

14. What are considered major goals of multicultural education?

I. Catering to diversity of learners
II. Considering social class and ethnic program
III. Providing equal opportunities to education
IV Helping individuals and groups survive despite the differences in culture and beliefs.
A. II and IV B. III and IV C. I, II, and IV D. I, II, III, and IV

15. What is the principal means through which culture is transmitted from generation to
A. Church C. Language
B. Family D. Community action

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16. To be a moral person is to:

A. Know and act upon the ought to be and the ought to do
B. Be integrated in speech, feeling, thinking and action
C. Be able to follow the dictates of one’s conscience
D. Be acceptable by society

17. What is the social scientist’s explanation of the relationship of a leader to history?
A. Leaders are product of their times
B. History is a reflection of great leaders
C. Every great movement is the lengthened shadow of a great man
D. Had any great leader been different than he was, the course has been different

18. The Katipunan in Cavite was divided into two factions – the Magdiwang and the Magdalo
while the Magdiwang in Cavite was led by Mariano Alvarez, who led the Magdalo faction?
A. Daniel Tirona C. Artemio Ricarte
B. Baldomero Aguinaldo D. Ciriaco Bonifacio

19. Inclusion is a basic right of every Filipino child with special needs to education, rehabilitation, support
services, work training and employment opportunities, community participation and independent living. To
prepare teachers to handle inclusive education, what specialization is offered in teacher education
A. Special course C. Pre-school education
B. Special education D. Kindergarten course

20. Through the process of socialization, the individual is able to:

A. Function as a contributing member of the group
B. Learn to dialogue with peers and adults
C. Satisfy his personal needs and drives
D. Become an adult member of society

21. The principal legal forms of business organization are:

A. Single proprietorship, partnership, corporation
B. Partnership, charter, single proprietorship
C. Corporation, charter, stock company
D. Open shop, union shop, closed shop

22. All appropriations, revenue or tariff bills shall originate exclusively from the:
A. Senate
B. House of representative
C. Sangguniang Panlalawigan
D. Senate Department of budget

23. With whom is the Strong Republic associated?

A. Joseph Estrada C. Corazon Aquino
B. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo D. Fidel V. Ramos

24. Pre-colonial trade in the Philippines was prosperous. What system did they use for their
business transactions?
A. Banking C. Money
B. Credit D. Barter

25. Who first introduced the Islamic religion to the Philippines?

A. Idl Amin C. Bajah Baguinda
B. Abu Bakar D. Mukdum

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26. Who was the American president who proclaimed the Benevolent Assimilation policy during the American
colonial years of the Philippines?
A. Theodore Roosevelt C. Franklin Roosevelt
B. Woodrow Wilson D. William Mckinley

27. When one company controls the supply of sugar, which term applies?
A. Equilibrium C. Economic stability
B. Monopoly D. Inflation

28. As a result of EDSA 1, the Philippines:

A. Change its form of government to parliamentary
B. Intensified its participation in international affairs
C. Saw the impeachment of Joseph Estrada as president
D. Became known worldwide for its People Power Revolution

29. You are a member of a cooperative which operates taxis, tricycles and buses. Of which type of a cooperative
are you a member?
A. Producers C. Multipurpose cooperative
B. Service cooperative D. Marketing cooperative

30. Which terms to the social aspects of sec or to socially defined roles and expectations that
are associated with sex?
A. Social sex C. Cultural context
B. Gender D. Social differentiation

31. The Philippines has many harbors and has one of the finest harbors in the world because of
A. Seas and ocean C. Rugged land mass
B. Rivers D. Irregular coastline

32. If Bukidnon-Lanao area is a plateau Zamboanga is more of a/an:

A. Islands C. Archipelago
B. Valley D. Peninsula

33. Among the great teachers and philosophers of the Chou dynasty, ______ wrote the Tao Te
A. Mencius B. Confucius C. Lao Tzu D. Chou En Lao

34. Among our forefathers, why were the Bisayans referred as Pintados? Because they:
A. Were the most tattooed with various design
B. Had homes which were colorfully painted
C. Loved to wear brightly printed clothes
D. Were fond of facial make-up

35. Under which type does the Philippine economy fall?

A. Communist C. Socialist
B. Mixed D. Capitalist

36. What is referred to as the Parliament of the Streets?

A. Election campaigns C. Edsa Revolution
B. Student demonstration D. Public opinion

37. Which principle is violated when one department of the government encroaches upon thepowers confided to
other departments?
A. Separation of powers C. Supremacy of civilians authority over the military
B. Guarantee of local autonomy D. Government of laws and not of men

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38. Unlike other primates, which do human beings have in common?

A. Depth perception C. Beliefs about supernatural
B. Acute vision D. Grasping hands

39. Why did Gorbachev introduce Perestrolka?

A. To dismantle totalitarian rule?
B. To open the doors of the Soviet Union to the world
C. To support the highly centralized Soviet Union economy
D. To transform the Soviet Union economy into a decentralized marketoriented economy

40. The maximum price that can be legally charged for a good or service is called:
A. Price ceiling C. Price floor
B. Legal wage D. Minimum wage

41. The theory that population increases by geometrical ratio while means of subsistence
increases by arithmetical ratio is attributed to:
A. Aristotle C. Malthus
B. Marx D. Durkheim

42. The mummies of Kabayan, Benguet must be an influence of the ancient called:
A. Egyptians C. Chinese
B. Indus D. Sumerians

43. Which is the Independence Law of the Philippines?

A. Cooper Act C. Jones Law
B. Tydings Mcduffie Law D. Hare Hawes Cutting Law

44. Which is an executive check on a hasty and ill considered legislation?

A. Partial Veto C. Veto Power
B. Veto Message D. Pocket Veto Power

45. If anyone can be said to profit from a depression, the group favored would likely to be:
A. People with secure sources of fixed income, such as government bonds
B. Assembly line workers in automobile plants
C. Industrial owners producing goods
D. Low level government

46. In which continent can we find stormy Cape Horn which is known as the graveyard of the ships and sailors?
A. Asia C. Australia
B. Africa D. South America

47. Which describes the Battle of Manila Bay correctly?

A. The Americans won the battle with great difficulty
B. The Spaniards readily won the battle over the Americans
C. The American ship outnumbered those of the Spaniards
D. The mock naval battle between the Spaniards and the Americans

48. Whose legal system was considered excellent that it became the basis of civil law in Europe and Latin
A. The Romans C. The Hebrews
B. The Greeks D. The Hindus

49. Which biome is found in the northern hemisphere close to the polar region?
A. Taiga C. Savannah
B. Deciduous Forest D. Tundra

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50. The Sudra is to the castle system as _______ is to pre-hispanic Philippines.

A. Maharlika C. Timawa
B. Alipin D. Serf

Set 6

1. Rice, the staple food of the Filipinos, come mainly from the:
A. Bukidnon C. Central Plain of Luzon
B. CALABARZON D. Cagayan Valley

2. Which order of presidents correctly applies to the Philippine history?

I. Ramon Magsaysay
II. Ferdinand Marcos
III. Carlos Garcia
IV. Diosdado Macapagal
A. I,II, III, and IV C. I, III, IV, and II
B. II, I, IV and III D. II,I, III and IV

3. When one appeals to the opinions or passions of the multitude to establish a conclusion, i, e. let us vote for
him who belongs to us, our townmate, barkada the fallacy is:
A. Appeal to pity C. Appeal to authority
B. Appeal to people D. Appeal to person

4. The following are issues relevant to global education EXCEPT:

A. Kidnapping C. Water
B. Volunteerism D. Rural development

5. The mandatory teaching of human rights in the school curriculum is included in the following legal
documents EXCEPT:
A. DECS Order 61 C. 1987 Constitution
B. UDHR D. Executive Order 27

6. Which of the following is a fundamental moral principle?

A. Health is wealth C. Do good, avoid evil
B. Cheating is immoral D. Stealing is wrong

7. Which major social institution is entrusted with enforcing rules of society?

A. Religion C. Government
B. Family D. Education

8. What is the focus of multi cultural education?

A. Context C. Curriculum
B. Perspective D. Achievement

9. A Unesco World heritage site in Ilocos Norte.

A. Paoay Church c. Currimao Rock Formation
B. Pagudpud d. Bangul Windmills

10. In whose presidency was the famous Miracle Rice produced?

A. Sergio Osmena C. Fidel Ramos
B. Erap Estrada D. Ferdinand Marcos

11. The first appointed head of the Department of Education during Commonwealth period.

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A. Jose P. Laurel C. Claro M. Recto

B. Sergio Osmena D. Rafael Palma

12. Which acts destroy another person’s good name?

I. Libel III. Treason
II. Oral defamation IV. Stander by deed

A. II, III and IV B. I, II and III C. I, III and IV D. I, II and IV

13. The following are the primary purpose of professional fees EXCEPT:
A. To reap return of investment
B. To attract the right person to the profession
C. To gain advancement in professional knowledge and skill
D. To provide a reasonable income for professionals and their families

14. Which is true about peace?

A. Way of force and violence C. Way of brotherhood and solidarity
B. Radical revolution D. Absence of war

15. The fundamental aim of the ASEAN as an organization of Southeast Asian Nations to:
A. Foster economic, social and culture cooperation
B. Safeguard the peace and prosperity of the region
C. Develop the natural resources of the member countries
D. Provide facilities for professional and technical training

16. During the American Civil War, the battle of Gettysburg was fought in:
A. South Carolina C. Georgia
B. Virginia D. Pennsylvania

17. One of the stages in moral development approach which is instrumental relationship is best
illustrated by:
A. I will do what I think is right no matter what happens
B. Good work is rewarded and bad work is punished
C. You scratch my back and I will scratch yours
D. Everyone is an instrument for good deeds

18. Emilio Jacinto’s literacy works were written in Tagalog and small part in Spanish. The best in
all of his works was written on October 8, 1897. It was visibly an animation of Rizal’s Mi ultimo
Adios. What was the title of this poem?
A. Mi padre C. Ala Juventud Filipina
B. Ala Patria D. Amor Patrio

19. The breakdown of feudalism started first in:

A. England C. Hungary
B. France D. Russia

20. After the revolution, Macario Sacay went underground and established a republic based on
the ideology of the Bonifacio, Jacinto and the katipunan. What do you call the republic
established by Macario Sacay at his headquarters on top of Mount San Cristobal?
A. Republika ng San Cristobal c. Republika ng Katipunan
B. Republika ng mga Pilipino d. Republika ng katagalugan

21. What does Capital in economics refer to:

A. Money/machines invested to transact business
B. Profit and labor spent for the business
C. Outcome of a business transaction

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D. Investment and loss computed

22. The late president Ferdinand Marcos placed the Philippines under Martial Law through which of the following laws?
A. R.A. 274 C. Kautusang Tagapagpaganap blg. 25 S. 1974
B. Proclamation 1081 D. Article 6 Section 14 of the 1973 Constitution

23. In Philippine history who was as The Great Dissenter?

A. Eulogio Rodriguez C. Manuel Roxas
B. Camilo Osias D. Claro M. Recto

24. The Comprehensive Agrarian and Cooperatives are meant to:

A. To make all citizens are equal
B. Eradicate poverty in the country
C. To improve on the country’s literacy rate
D. Bridge the gap between the rich and the poor

25. The world of nations is suffering from recession and so nations are experiencing the following
A. Production is slowing down C. Business are raking bigger profits
B. People are losing their jobs D. There is a drop in total spending

26. What form of government is characterized by the separation of powers?

A. Presidential C. Monarchial
B. Aristocracy D. Parliamentary

27. In president Quezon’s time, the country had the Philippine commonwealth. What is TRUE
about the Philippine Commonwealth? The Filipino people are:
A. The people were fully independent
B. The people were partially independent
C. The people were citizens of the United States
D. They granted total freedom to course their destiny only in matters of education.

28. Which type of governance is characterized by a union of partially self governing states or
regions united by a central government?
A. Socialism C. Totalitarianism
B. Democracy D. Federalism

29. Can religious instruction be taught public schools?

I. Yes if given free
II. Yes, if given outside class hours
III. Yes, only to those children whose parents give their consent in writing.
A. II and III C. I,II and III
B. III only D. I and III

30. Every has a built-in duty. Which of the following illustrates this CORRECTLY?
A. My right to privacy requires my neighbor to respect it
B. I have right to sell you may cell phone but it is your duty to pay for it
C. I have right to drive car but I must see to it that I obey traffic rules
D. I have the right to vote, and it is the duty of the Comelec to allow me to vote

31. A losing senatorial candidate may file a protest against the winter. What body will assume
jurisdiction over the case?
A. Electoral Tribunal C. Supreme Court
B. COMELEC D. Regional Trial Court

32. What is TRUE of a progressive system of taxation?

A. The tax is equal regardless of class and place
B. The rate of tax decreases as the income tax base increases

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C. The rate of tax increases as the income tax base decreases

D. The rate of tax increases as the income tax base or income bracketincreases

33. The Consumer Price Index measures changes in prices of goods and commodities as these affect the standards of living
of ______ family.
A. Typical B. Rural C. Urban D. Peasant

34. Raising taxes and increasing welfare payment is to:

A. To prove that there is such a thing as a free lunch
B. To improve efficiency at the expense of equity
C. To improve equity at the expense of efficiency
D. Reduce market power

35. Which terms refers to the measure undertaken by the government which would remove anything that hinders the entry
of foreign products, services and capital between countries?
A. Globalization C. Internationalization
B. Privatization D. Liberalization

36. Which is/are TRUE of cooperatives and the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform?
I. Intended to eliminate poverty in Philippine society
II. Meant to alleviate poverty
III. Are programs for people empowerment
A. III only C. I and II
B. II only D. II and III

37. A burden of a tax falls more heavily on the sellers in a market when:
A. Demand is elastic and supply is inelastic
B. Demand is inelastic and supply is elastic
C. Both supply and demand are inelastic
D. Both supply and demand are elastic

38. The expression promdi connotes:

A. Favoritism C. Xenocentrism
B. Ethnocentrism D. Racial Discrimination

39. Man is being called as a social being. What does this line mean?
A. He must introduce himself in social gatherings
B. He necessarily attends social events
C. He does not live only for himself
D. He does not need other people

40. What is the underlying theory of the belief that the DepEd and other stakeholders should exert deliberate efforts to
construct a satisfying culture for education?
A. Utopian theory C. Revival theory
B. Anarchistic theory D. Cultural Revitalization Theory

41. Private sector groups for national advocacies are commonly referred to as ________.
A. Public Sector B. Civil Society C. Cooperatives D. Party-list

42. Whish statement on human rights is correct?

A. Human rights are unlimited.
B. Human right is right.
C. Human right is a moral power, not a physical power.
D. All rights are inalienable.

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43. Royalty rights acquired through the authorship of a book are examples of ______.
A. Inalienable rights C. Alienable rights
B. Acquired rights D. Imperfect rights

44. Freedom of thought is opposed to _____.

A. Violence B. Slavery C. Compulsion D. Oppression

45. The basic human activity in research is ______.

A. Inquiring B. Thinking C. Calculating D. Measuring

46. It is a plebiscite that provided for free trade relation between the USA and the Philippines.
A. Bell Trade Act C. Spooner Amendment
B. Jones Law D. Tydings-McDuffie Act

47. What issue surrounded parity rights?

A. It gave the US the right to import products to the Philippines without restrictions.
B. It gave Americans equal rights with Filipinos to develop and exploit natural resources
of the Philippines and to operate public utilities in the country.
C. It gave Americans the right to travel without restrictions to the Philippines
D. It allowed the US the right to establish military bases in the Philippines and conduct
“war games” without restrictions.

48. Which of the following is NOT a qualification of a natural born Filipino citizen?
A. Being born in the Philippines of Filipino parents
B. Having resided in the Philippines throughout his life
C. One whose mother is a foreigner who is married to a Filipino
D. One whose father is a foreigner who is married to a Filipina

49. One challenge in peace education is teaching students, how to think critically, not what to
think. What strategy may help develop this skill?
A. Debating the pros and cons of globalization.
B. Simulating the experiences of disadvantage people
C. Discussing the UN universal declaration of human rights.
D. Writing a reflection paper after watching a documentary film on human trafficking.

50. What are the developments brought about by the discovery of agriculture?
I. Farming enabled people to stay in one place which grew into villages.
II. The surplus of food and village-living enabled the people to focus on specializing on other things
III. The different products of farmers and artisans encouraged barter and trade.
A. I only C. III only
B. II only D. I, II, and III

Set 7

1. The process that encourages students to manipulate or to experiment with objects (artifacts, relics) or with
events they might gain new insights into the nature or objects, events and relationship is referred to as:
A. Problem Solving C. Values clarification
B. Discovery D. Concept mapping

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2. The social Studies is a learning component of Makabayan in basic education that

uses________ approach to instruction.
A. Multidisciplinary C. Un-disciplinary
B. Interdisciplinary D. All of the above

3. All test instruments are assessed according three important criteria or standards: Validity, Reliability and
usability. Validity refers to an instrument’s truthfulness reliability to its consistency; and usability to its:
A. Practicality C. Effectively
B. Specificity D. Generality

4. The way of presenting and clarifying content by means of oral interactions between teachers by means
students refers to:
A. Debate C. Socio-drama
B. Discussion D. Role playing

5. The valuable process for planning the content appropriate for the fulfillment of educational objectives is
A. Concept map C. Venn diagram
B. Fact storming D. Semantic web

6. Refers generally to grouping techniques in which students work towards some common
learning goals in small heterogeneous group of usually form five students.
A. Cognitive learning C. Know-want-learn-technique
B. Inquiry learning D. Cooperative learning group technique

7. What approach to instruction involves creating a setting within which students feel compelled to pursue
solutions to problems that are meaningful to them?
A. Concept mapping C. Inquiry-oriented teaching
B. Valuing D. Moral reasoning

8. The general rule in playing instruction is teaching strategies should be consistent with:
A. Activities C. Sources
B. Objectives D. Techniques

9. The discipline that provides an understanding of the social relationships and political systems those are
essential in regulating individual and group behavior within a society.
A. History C. Sociology
B. Economic D. Political Science

10. The discipline that provides an understanding of the physical or natural environment of the
earth surface including the various landscapes, climates and natural systems that brings about changes in the
human condition.
A. History C. Anthropology
B. Geography D. Political Science

11. The standard or criteria used in making judgment about whether something is positive or
negative, good or bad, pleasing or displeasing.
A. Skills C. Values
B. Beliefs D. Attitudes

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12. The knowledge situations that guide perception, categorizes information, interpret
experience, draw influences, and evaluate information refers to:
A. Schemata C. Assessment
B. Procedure D. Subject matter

13. The form of government in which political control is exercised by all the people either directly or through
their elected representatives is_____.
A. Communism C. Socialism
B. Autocracy D. Democracy

14. The shared interests of all citizens, according to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, which I the basis of the social
contract and the notion of the common good.
A. Will of all C. Particular will
B. Majority will D. General will

15. Plato’s vision as the ultimate end of the political community or the polis which is more
commonly understood today as the state.
A. The wealth of nation C. The freedom of the polis
B. The power of the polis D. The good life

16. A model of democracy which views democracy as a mechanism for citizen participation in political life and
the structure which insulates him/her from government abuses.
A. Protective Democracy C. Classical Democracy
B. Developmental Democracy D. People’s Democracy

17. A form of feminism emphasizing the enhancement of the legal and political status of women and improving
their educational and career prospects.
A. Socialist Feminism C. Radical Feminism
B. Liberal Feminism D. All of the above

18. An element of conservative thought which accepts leadership from above guiding and
supporting those who lack the knowledge, experience or education to protect their own
A. Tradition C. Hierarchy
B. Pragmatism D. Human imperfection

19. The core principle of liberal ideology which reflects a belief in the supreme importance of the human being
as opposed to any social group or collective body.
A. Reason C. Consent
B. Freedom D. Individualism

20. The strategic foreign policy emphasizing the necessity of preventing hegemony from
merging in order to ensure both regional/global peace & stability.
A. Balance of terror C. Balance of power
B. Collective security D. Comprehensive security

21. The criticism against international organizations whose executive bodies lack accountability to popular
assemblies or inadequate opportunities for popular participation.
A. Democratic peace C. Democratic transformation
B. Democratic deficit D. Democratic oversight

22. The description of the post-Cold War period where there is one preeminent states the
existence of a single great power.
A. Unipolarity C. Bipolarity
B. Tripolarity D. Multipolarity

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23. The most basic unit of analysis in the field of international relations
A. Nation-State C. International Organization
B. Local Government Unit D. Multinational Corporation

24. A model of civil-military relations w/c clearly delineates the authority between political &
military agencies of government & seeks the military out of politics.
A. Subjective model of civil-military relations
B. Transformation model of civil-military relations
C. Penetration model of civil-military relations
D. Liberal model of civil-military relations

25. A form of government that is principally characterized by a fusion of executive and

legislative powers within the assembly of legislature.
A. Fusion of powers C. Unitary form of government
B. Separation of powers D. Federal form of government

26. A form of government that is principally characterized by a fusion of executive and

legislative powers within the assembly or legislature.
A. Military government C. Parliamentary government
B. Aristocratic government D. Presidential government

27. An electoral system which considers the candidate who gathered the highest number of
votes, even if these votes are less than the majority of the electorate, as the winning candidate.
A. Second Ballot system C. Single-member plurality system
B. Alternative vote system D. Additional member system

28. When parents decide to send their children to a private school and pay their tuition fee
instead of sending them to public school. They don’t get their share I the benefit derived from the taxes they
pay. This is a case of:
A. Social injustice C. Social inequity
B. Double taxation D. Double jeopardy

29. Elections in democratic politics are deemed to be performing number of functions. One of its functions
relates to the turn-over of politics leadership, either wholly or partially, from incumbents to a set of newly-
elected officials.
A. Educating voters C. Recruiting politicians
B. Influencing policy D. Making governments

30. It is a type of political culture where citizens view their active involvement in politics as both desirable and
effective. Citizens see their active involvement in politics as crucial to the life of the community.
A. Subject culture C. Participant culture
B. Civic culture D. Parochial culture

31. A model of representation which views the representative of the people as their spokesperson whose
principal function is to articulate and advance the interests of his
A. Trustee model C. Resemblance model
B. Delegate model D. Mandate model

32. This is a type of political party composed of trained and professional members who are
expected to be committed to their platform based on the party ideology.
A. Constitutional party C. Representative party
B. Mass Party D. Cadre party

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33. It is a group of people organized for the purpose of controlling the government through
election or other means.
A. Political party C. Political community
B. Pressure group D. Interest group

34. What is the principal means through which culture is transmitted from generation to
A. Community action C. Family
B. Church D. Language

35. Which refers to the act of the president to stay the execution of a convict?
A. Commutation C. Pardon
B. Reprieve D. Amnesty

36. These are networks of groups which share attitudes and beliefs in their activist advocacies of certain issues
involving the environment, human rights, welfare of labor, or the status of women.
A. Political coalition C. Nationalist movements
B. Global coalition D. Social movements

37. It is a type of group where membership is based on birth rather than recruitment. Families,
tribes, clans and ethnic groups are examples of this type of group.
A. Political group C. Institutional group
B. Associational group D. Communal group

38. What form of immunity is enjoyed by legislators while the congress in session?
A. Presidential immunity C. Parliamentary immunity
B. Diplomatic immunity D. All of the above

39. What was the term office of the president under the 1935 Constitution of the Philippines?
A. Six years without re-election
B. Four years without re-election
C. Six years with one immediate re-election
D. Four years with one immediate re-election

40. What is the procedural and substantive right of citizens to fair trial which requires in general, among others
jurisdiction, notice and hearing?
A. Equal protection of law C. Due process of law
B. Bill of attainder D. Double jeopardy

41. What law provided for the granting of independence of the Philippines upon fulfillment of
certain conditions?
A. Jones Law C. Hare-Hawes-Cutting Law
B. Tydings McDuffie Law D. Spooner Amendment

42. Who was the famous sculptor who made the Oblation in the University of the Philippines and the Bonifacio
monument in Caloocan.
A. Edgar Doctor C. Elizaide Navarro
B. Napoleon Abueva D. Guillermo Tolentino

43. All Filipino citizens have the right to vote and to be voted upon as government officials. What is the
constitutional right called?
A. Suffrage C. Passive right to vote
B. Electoral right D. Political franchise

44. Who surrendered Corregidor including the whole Philippines to the Japanese?

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A. Elwell Otis C. Jonathan Wainwright

B. Douglas MacArthur D. Edward King

45. Who was the president who launched Philippines 2000 to uplift the economy of the
Philippines so as to attain the stats of Newly Industrialized country (NIC)?
A. Fidel V. Ramos C. Diosdado Macapagal
B. Elpidio Quirino D. Ferdinand Marcos

46. What is the right of the state to take private property for the benefit of the people but with
just compensation to the owner?
A. Sovereign power C. Police power
B. Power to tax D. Power of eminent domain

47. Who were referred to as the people who had the opportunity of acquiring a good education during the
Spanish period?
A. Penisulares C. Ilustrados
B. Creoles D. Insulares

48. What do you call the policy of extending a nation’s dominance over other nations for
economic and political advantages?
A. Nationalism C. Liberalism
B. Imperialism D. Militarization

49. Which of the following is a coastal center of trade where the Chinese government allowed Westerners to
carry on business?
A. Treaty port C. Sphere of influence
B. Concession D. Entrepot

50. What method was used by the Spaniards Portuguese to fight Napoleon’s forces where small band of soldiers
made sudden surprise attacks?
A. Propaganda Warfare C. Blitzkrieg
B. Guerilla Warfare D. Divide and Rule

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Set 8
1. What is the religious and political head of a Muslim state?
A. Sultan C. Datu
B. Caliph D. Khanate Sultan

2. What system of writing uses pictures to symbolize words and sounds?

A. Papyrus C. Alibata
B. Hieroglyphics D. Calligraphy

3. What building was the only one left intact after the destruction of intramuros during the Battle of Manila?
A. Manila Cathedral C. San Agustin Church
B. Quiapo Church D. Manila Post Office

4. What do you call the trade in which people exchange goods without using money
A. Mercantilism C. Capitalism
B. Barter D. Marxism

5. What do you call the policy of the Tokugawa Shogunate to close the Japanese ports to the westerners to
prevent the entry of Christianity?
A. Sakoku C. Daimyo
B. Harakiri D. Bakufu

6. What was the most famous empire in Southeast Asia that had adapted Indian Influences?
A. Pagan C. Ayutthaya
B. Funan D. Angkor

7. What was the basis for the founding of pueblos or towns in the Philippines?
A. Situado C. Plaza complex
B. Reduccion D. Cedula

8. What caliphate ruled the Islamic community for 500 years and was dubbed as the “Golden Age of Islam”
because Islamic science, literature and philosophy flourished?
A. Ummayad C. Orthodox
B. Safavid D. Abbasid

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9. Which of the following is a reason why less developed countries find it difficult to raise
standards of living?
A. Lack of foreign aid
B. High rates of population growth
C. Plentiful savings but limited financial infrastructure
D. Shortage of labor resources

10. Which of the following statements accurately reflects a strong School Culture?
A. Has definite organizational core values
B. Has high standards of performance
C. Has a network communication
D. Has informal rules behavior

11. Which economic system is characterized by private ownership of capital and considerable state intervention
in the allocation of resources?
A. Capitalism C. Socialism
B. Welfare state capitalism D. Market socialism
12. If the prices of goods and services were set in terms of bags of cacao beans, then the bag of cacao beans is:
A. Quasi-money C. Unit of account
B. Store of value D. A standard of deferred payment

13. Capital flight, divestment of foreign capital and debt service payments:
A. Has no effect on the economy
B. Decrease the domestic supply of money
C. Affects the economy
D. Increases the domestic supply of money

14. What fixes the permanent position of a place on the surface of the globe?
A. Location C. Destination
B. Direction D. Elevation

15. What are the lines running around the earth I an east-west direction maintaining the same
distance from each other?
A. Meridians C. Antarctic circle
B. Parallels D. Arctic circle

16. What region of the world is located between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of the
Capricorn with a generally hot climate?
A. Polar C. Mid latitude
B. Tropics D. none of the above

17. The 180th Meridian lying opposite the prime Meridian (0 0) and where one either loses or gains a day when
crossing it is called the:
A. Special meridian C. International Date Line
B. Antemeridian D. none of the above

18. Which is the best definition of inclusive education endorsed by the DepEd?
A. It is a system to support children & youth in exclusive schools.
B. It is a special support for children & youth who cannot attend school.
C. It is a mandate to include all children &youth in community activities.
D. It is a flexible and individualized support system for children and youth with
special education needs.

19. Can the accused waive his right to remain silent and to have competent and independent counsel?
A. No, it cannot be waived

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B. Yes, if he voluntarily does so.

C. Yes, if there is no counsel offering his service.
D. No, except in writing and in the presence of counsel

20. The oceans of the world cover almost _________ of the earth’s total surface.
A. Two-fifths C. Four-fifths
B. One-fourth D. Three-fourths

21. A flat landform where the surface is raised above the surrounding land, with a steep cliff on one side is a:
A. Valley C. Hill
B. Plateau D. plain

22. What element on the map explains the different symbols/signs used on the map?
A. Scale C. Direction
B. Title D. Legend

23. The process of deformation of the earth’s crust due to tectonic force which produces
mountains, plateaus, folded, and faulted strata is called:
A. Erosion C. Diastrophism
B. Volcanism D. Deposition

24. The location of places in relation to surrounding bodies of water is referred to it relative ______location.
A. Exact C. Geographic
B. Maritime D. Continental

25. The Philippines is located on the track of the typhoons that originate on the region of the
Marianas and Caroline Islands of the:
A. Indian Ocean C. Antarctic Ocean
B. Pacific Ocean D. Atlantic Ocean

26. What is the teacher’s accountability in the achievement of quality education?

A. Be accountable for the grading performance of learners.
B. Be accountable for reporting the performance of learners to parents
C. Be accountable for the effective attainment of specified learning objectivesand outcomes.
D. Be accountable for reporting the performance of learners to the school headand stakeholders.

27. The primary purpose of taxation is to:

A. Make the country a leading industrialized country in the world
B. Raise revenue for the support of government
C. Reduce inequalities in wealth and incomes
D. Fortify the government against invaders.

28. The Philippine is composed of _______Island and Islets.

A. 7,107 C. 7,000
B. 8,000 D. 8,107

29. Which of the following illustrates the concept of opportunity costs?

A. Cost of regret from not using a product of service
B. Foregone alternative of getting a product or service
C. Cost of satisfaction from acquiring a product or service
D. How fast a product wears and tears.

30. Which of the following is an example of capital as a factor of production?

A. The factory plant of general manufacturing company
B. Money held by general manufacturing company
C. A general manufacturing bond

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D. All of the above

31. Which of the following is not one of the other things held constant along a demand curve?
A. Tastes C. Price of the good itself
B. Income D. Price of other goods
32. The reality that a decline in the price of a product causes producers to lessen the quantity of the good they
plan to produce illustrates:
A. A change in supply C. The nature of an inferior good
B. The law of supply D. The law of demand

33. Which is an example of a capital good?

A. A factory plant C. A businessman profit his investment
B. A parcel of rice fields D. A residential subdivision

34. Why do economists set quantitative values on the costs &benefits of everything?
A. To make things readily available
B. Market prices reflect people’s values and how they ascribe value.
C. As a rational discipline, economics has no interest in morals & ethics.
D. To estimate the relative value of choices for sound decision-making.

35. Which is the largest component of aggregate expenditures?

A. Next exports C. government spending on goods & services
B. Investment spending D. Consumption spending

36. Which of the following might be considered to be cost an associated with economic
A. An increases in unemployment as a result of structural changes in economy.
B. The creation of more taxes for the government
C. A rise in the standard of living of the population
D. More savings by households

37. Which is unlikely to be consequence of increased unemployment?

A. Wide disparity in the distribution of income in the economy
B. Decreased tax in revenue for the government
C. A rise in the death rates due to illness
D. A fall in trade union influence

38. The measure of the economic activity of all the people and business within a country is
A. National income C. Gross domestic product
B. Disposable income D. Gross national product

39. Which of the following is an example of a real flow from household to firms?
A. Factors of production C. Income from factors of production
B. Goods and services D. Payment for factors or production

40. The overall instructional goals of the social studies are often related:
A. Encourage students to participate in the affairs of society & to work toward
establishing a good society.
B. Broaden students’ perspective and understanding of the community, state, nation and world.
C. Prepare students for a changing world
D. All of the above

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41. The Social Sciences share many commonalities like the:

A. Faces on understanding and explaining human behavior
B. Systematic collection and application of data.
C. Use of scientific methods
D. All of the above

42. The dominant discipline that contributes greatly to the social studies curriculum is:
A. History C. Sociology
B. Geography D. Anthropology

43. The major source of content of instruction for Civic Education is:
A. History C. Economics
B. Geography D. Political Science

44. The policy sciences that study processes and decision-making are:
A. History and geography C. Economics & Anthropology
B. Sociology & Anthropology D. Political science & Economics

45. The use of behavioral objectives helps the teacher to:

A. Measure students learning regarding the fulfillment of their goals
B. Identify and select important learning goals for students
C. Teach more efficiency toward their goals
D. All of the above

46. The institutions and procedures through which a territory and its people are ruled refers to:
A. Government C. Community
B. Family D. Church

47. Analysis in Bloom’s hierarchy of cognitive objectives refers to the:

A. Recall level of thinking C. Disassembling level of thinking
B. Utilizing level of thinking D. Judgmental level of thinking

48. The statement of applicability that contain two or more concepts and show relationship
between them are called:
A. Facts C. Generalizations
B. Themes D. Main ideas

49. The process that is best applied to questions that can be narrowed to choices between
alternative possibilities is:
A. Creative thinking C. Problem solving
B. Moral discussion D. Critical thinking

50. The following are learning components of Makabayan except:

A. Science C. Technology and Livelihood Education
B. Social Studies D. Values Education

Set 9

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1. The Japanese rebuild their communities to show their good character after an earthquake. One thing that does
NOT describe the Japanese people is this kind of character.
A. Unity C. Superiority over nature
B. Solidarity D. Fortitude

2. This replaced the tribute as a form of taxation in the Hispanic Philippine colony in 1884.
A. Donavito C. Diezmosprediales
B. Santotum D. Cedula Personal

3. One of the following is more of a political realist (“might is right”) than a political idealist.
A. Martin Luther King C. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Julius Cesar D. Benigno Aquino

4. It is a kind of mentality that makes Filipinos think that imported products are superior to
Filipino products which does not help the country’s economy at all.
A. Spendthrift Habits C. Passivity Attitude
B. Colonial Mentality D. Luxurious Living

5. It is an autonomy granted to Filipinos during the Philippine Commonwealth.

A. Full Independence C. American Citizenship
B. Freedom in education D. Partial Independence

6. It is a religious monarchy and state observer in the United Nations.

A. Kingdom C. Caliphate
B. Holy See D. Holy Faith

7. When Christopher Columbus arrived in this place in 1492, he thought he had reached India. He therefore
called the people he found there Indians.
A. The America C. Cape of Good Hope
B. “New World” D. India

8. Data less numerical and better adapted for qualitative analysis.

A. Annulments C. Single mothers
B. Love feeling D. Divorces

9. On what year did Haiyan or Yolanda, one of the strongest tropical cyclones recorded,
devastated Southeast Asia, particularly Philippines.
A. 2000 C. 1999
B. 2013 D. 2014

10. A teacher shows she knows young learners well by avoiding this.
A. Step-by-step- directions C. Hands-on experience
B. Active learning D. Complex directions

11. It is the fundamental basis for data gathered in the science of Sociology, Biology and
A. Belief C. Wisdom
B. Logic D. Observation
12. Teacher Jill stressed the whole picture of the Philippine Social System and the application of knowledge
from different fields, (history, environment, organization, etc.) to understand
various aspects of Filipino behavior. What is the point of stressed by teacher Jill?
A. Universalism C. Adaptation
B. Holism D. Integration

13. To effectively combine objective and precise assessment of learning, this technique can be employed.
A. Oral Recitation C. Subjective Evaluation

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B. Observational Performance-Based D. Generalized Assignment

14. What characterizes logical reasoning in the thought process?

A. Clarity C. Speed
B. Morality D. Reasonable

15. What do we call those people who are for the revival of the classics in social trends?
A. Reformists C. Existentialists
B. Humanists D. Rationalists

16. What characterizes good thinkers who desire to understand and search for answers and
A. Traditionalists C. Crowd followers
B. Mythmakers D. Innovators

17. It is a fallacy or direct deception made by a politician who puts an ugly, unfair and
defamatory label on people, e.g. “Activists are all terrorists.”
A. Distraction C. Name-Calling
B. Rationalizing D. Loaded Words

18. These are basic needs, and not simply related items or complimentary goods that
compliment man’s basic needs in society.
A. Bags and shoes C. electricity
B. Clothing D. food and shelter

19. What shows the kind of thinking which likes to identify an idea or dilemma, wherein thinkers
may engage in such mental activities such as careful observation, recalling, imaging, inquiring, interpreting,
evaluating, classifying and judging?
A. Doing without knowing C. Reflecting
B. Following orders D. Act on impulse

20. According to Sociologists, conflicts in society need not be violent and could be resolved
through this method.
A. Revolution C. Coup d’ etat
B. Negotiation D. Putsch

21. Which of the following is NOT one of the three major aspects of scientific social research?
A. Data Collection C. Data Analysis
B. Theory D. Philosophy

22. It is a principle that no one is above the law and the laws must be obeyed by all the
A. Social Justice C. Egalitarian rule
B. Rule of majority D. Rule of law
23. Errors that creep into news reporting and is shown by a newspaper space.
A. News stories C. News photos
B. Erratum D. Commentary

24. It is the basis of scientific theory that can be empirical and not merely speculative
A. Authority C. Evidence-based
B. Tradition D. Logical reason

25. The role played by assessment that determines the extent that objectives of learning are
A. Formative C. Diagnostic

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B. Placement D. Summative

26. Thinking is purposeful activity and the unconscious mind can join this thought process which will result with
good ideas.
A. Feelings C. Dreams
B. Instincts D. Insights

27. What is the systemic process of collecting and analyzing information to increase
understanding of the phenomena under study?
A. Discover C. Data collection
B. Research D. Experiment

28. What is the branch of philosophy that studies the origin, evolution, and structure of universe, especially such
characteristics as space, time, casualty, and freedom?
A. Cynicism C. Cosmology
B. Consciencism D. Conceptualism

29. What type of material is used to transfer information from one person to another?
A. Constructional C. Formal
B. Informal D. Instructional

30. It is the name for the estimated measurement of the ground motion that occurs during an
A. Crichter Scale C. Richter Scale
B. Reachter Scale D. Homerian Scale

31. He was the Greek scholar and librarian of Alexandria who introduces the word geography
from the Greek word which means “earth” and graphos which means “to write”.
A. Aristotle C. Erastosthenes
B. Plato D. Socrates

32. The world’s tallest mountain which was formed by the tremendous pressure from the tectonic activity on the
earth’s inner crust.
A. Jaja Peak C. Kilimanjaro
B. Fuji D. Everest

33. Maps have several advantages over the globe but his is NOT one of them.
A. They can be folded, carried and stored
B. They give a true picture of one or two features of the earth
C. They are round with true scales
D. They can show details of the earth’s surface
34. Among the Ancient Greeks this poet is the founder of geography due to his works (Iliad and Odyssey) which
contained much geographical information.
A. Thales C. Socrates
B. Aristotle D. Homer

35. A sea is a great body of salty water smaller than an ocean, more or less landlocked. Which is a large part of
the ocean or sea partly enclosed by land?
A. Canal C. Lake
B. Strait D. Gulf

36. It demonstrates interconnectedness between social and environmental injustices.

A. Desertification of verdant regions
B. Highly industrialized countries’ toxic waste disposed to poorer countries
C. Temperature warming and rise of sea level
D. Extinction of rare animal species

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37. He wrote seventeen volumes of books with a wealth of information on classical geography
A. Aristotle C. Homer
B. Strado D. Ptolemy

38. The most violent yet the smallest storm typically only 30 meters in diameter.
A. Typhoon C. Cyclone
B. Tornado D. Tsunamis

39. An environmental law which requires industries to install anti-pollution devices and bans the use of
A. Greenpeace Act C. Environmental Security Act
B. Anti-pollution Act D. Clean Air Act

40. The term for volcanoes that have not shown any volcanic action or eruption for hundreds of years.
A. Active C. Intermittent
B. Extinct D. Dormant

41. Least-likely used for critical thinking.

A. Relating events and people C. Rote recall
B. Lecture D. Problem-solving

42. What natural disaster can bring havoc to the country’s long coastline twice as long as that
of continental United States?
A. Earthquake C. Flooding
B. Mudslides D. Tidal waves

43. The physical phenomenon which raises the temperature of the earth’s surface through
emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, especially from industries centers.
A. Atmospheric winds C. Global warming
B. Ocean heat D. Hurricane

44. How did the Hispanic conquest affect the physical features of the conquered native
Filipinos, especially in lowland regions?
A. Indian Mestizos C. Light-skinned, high-nosed mestizos
B. Slit-eyed Chinitos D. Fil-Am half-breeds
45. The greatest Chinese scholar who used mythical figures in his geographical treatises to
describe what was known as the earth.
A. Lao Tzu C. Confucius B. Chan the Great D. Yu the Great

46. Scientists theorize that man evolved from an ancestral hominid which split from the
chimpanzee 8 million years ago. What type of specie gave rise to the more human appearing species, Homo
A. Homo erectus C. Neanderthal
B. Homo Habilis D. Peking Man

47. The ancient Greeks divided the world into three continents, namely Europe, Asia, and
A. Athens C. Troy
B. Africa D. Sparta

48. The world population is growing larger everyday, while the fertile soil of the earth is getting
smaller caused by human practices which do not include_________.
A. Overuse of soil through planting C. Cutting of trees
B. Over gazing D. Sustainable agriculture

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49. Ocean waves move up and down, but the only thing that moves forward in a wave is
A. Air C. Surf
B. Energy D. Wind

50. Which is the major cause of the death of women in childbirth which was estimated at
500,000 each year as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO)?
A. Lack of good obstetrician C. Poor reproductive health system
B. Poor Nursing Education D. Lack of facilities

Set 10

1. This Filipino trait would have been a beautiful one if it hadn’t been denuded of nobility by
joining the bandwagon of corrupt officials and politicians.
A. Masinop C. Pakikisama
B. Masunurin D. Magalang

2. What is considered as Indian’s hindrance to becoming a unified political culture and

preventing the nation’s solid traditions and institutions like those of Greece and Rome?
A. Hinduism C. Unified Political Form
B. Regionalism D. Central Rule

3. Of the following, which is NOT among the major good traits of culture communities in highland regions?
A. Patience C. Extravagance
B. Frugality D. Industry

4. What is the sociological foundation of the Philippine life under the 1987 Constitution?
A. Cultural Heritage C. Folklore
B. Arts & Sciences D. Family

5. In whose painting/s was slavery in the Philippines during the Spanish period clearly depicted?
A. Antonio Luna C. Juan Luna
B. Felix Hedalgo D. Jose Rizal

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6. One instance which shows that culture is cumulative (the new addition to the old for novelties)is the
A. OPM (Original Pilipino Music) C. Pinoy Jeepney
B. Barong Tagalog and Saya D. Folk Dancing

7. What kind of prejudice has been overcome in the Philippines in the inclusion of the Muslim
holidays that has gained national respect aside from the Catholic holidays like Christmas, Lenten Season,
A. Heterosexualism C. Sexism
B. Religious intolerance D. Lookism

8. The most basic right to form a family is ___________.

A. Civil Right C. Religious Right
B. Human Right D. Legal Right

9. It characterized democracy in Greece.

A. Military rule C. Aristocracy
B. Citizen assemblies’ D. Mob rule

10. The first Mauryan dynasty ruler who unified India’s sub-continent was __________.
A. Gautama C. Chandragupta
B. Ashoka D. Alexander

11. What type of anthropologists examine social patterns and practices across cultures, with a
special interest in how people live in particular places and how they organize, govern, and create meaning?
A. Linguistic C. Chemical
B. Socio-cultural D. Biological

12. Who is a well-known Chinese thinker whose socio-political philosophy spread into parts of
East Asia.
A. Marco Polo C. Genghis Khan
B. Lao Tzu D. Confucius

13. What Filipino trait is directly opposite the American openness and transparency?
A. Crab mentality C. Fraudulence
B. Hiya D. Radical pride

14. What is manifested by the practice of a group of people of different lifestyles, ways of living together, value
system, traditions and beliefs.
A. Confusions in mores C. Condition of culture shock
B. Cultural diversity D. Problems in cultural experience

15. The world’s oldest cat dies at 15 yrs. in 2014. And made it into the Guinness World Records in2012 for the
world’s oldest Janus cat. Where was the name Janus derived from?
A. A Greek God with three faces C. A Greek God with two faces
B. A Roman God with three faces D. A Roman God with two faces

16. A power given to the President t pardon any aged seriously ill inmates as provided under
Article VII Section 19 of the Constitution which pertains to reprieve, absolute or conditional
pardon with or without parole conditions and commutation of sentence.
A. Social Rights C. Executive Pardon
B. Executive Clemency D. Emergency Powers

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17. Under the law that expands the government’s science and technology scholarships to
encourage more college students to pursue careers in this field, students are entitled to an
annual award for full-time study equal to the complete financial assistance package offered under this
Republic Act.
A. Republic Act 1237 C. Republic Act 10612
B. Republic Act 7687 D. Republic Act 2019

18. The law that established the National Assembly or lower house of Congress in 1907.
A. Commonwealth Law C. Jones Law
B. Cooper Act D. Tydings-Mcduffie Law

19. Who was dubbed as the “Grand Old Man of Philippine Politics,” being a senator of the
country for 24 years-the longest in Philippine history?
A. Benigno Aquino, Jr. C. Ferdinand Marcos
B. Jose P. Laurel D. Lorenzo Tañada

20. The “writ of amparo” grants the fundamental right to _____.

A. Self-defense C. Right to life, liberty and security
B. To be defended by a public attorney D. To gather information

21. After 18 years of the Ozone disco blaze 9 persons were sentenced for violating of his cat or
the anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act because they failed to detect structural deficiencies and electrical as
well as fire safety issues that caused the blaze.
A. RA1013 C. RA 2015
B. RA 3019 D. RA 2143

22. The UN recognizes “right to have a family” but a social program modifies this, departing from the traditional
religious belief to “go and multiply.”
A. Gay Rights C. Planned Parenthood
B. Same Gender Marriage D. Law against Female Circumcision

23. According to the Department of Foreign Affairs, what is needed by the Philippines against
the reclamation activities of China in the Philippines Seas which threaten our freedom of
navigation, cause irreparable damage to the marine environment and infringe on the rights ofother states?
A. Emergency power C. Judicial Power
B. Military power D. Police Power

24. What makes am automatic government different from a genuinely benevolent authoritarian government?
A. It decides automatically C. It controls media
B. It uses technology D. It is a ‘one-man rule’

25. Mr. Wang Bo is Korean national. He wants to help the Filipino people by joining the
congressional race. He was naturalized at the age of 21. Can he run for a congressional seat in the
A. Yes, because he is citizen.
B. No, because naturalized citizens are disqualified to run for public office.
C. No, because he is underage and a naturalized citizen.
D. Yes, because he was a naturalized citizen.

26. A law that set a full free trade policy abolishing the quota limitations on Philippine exports to the United
A. Bell Trade Act C. Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act
B. Underwood-Simmons Act D. Payne-Aldrich Act

27. What civilization took pride in the famous penthouse Hanging Gardens which was identified as one of the
“wonders of the world”?

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A. Assyria C. Babylonia
B. Persia D. Sumeria

28. The religious institution which is the only living remnant of the Philippines Revolution of 1896
A. Unitarian Church of the Philippines C. Philippine Independent Church
B. Roman Catholic Church D. United Church of the Philippines

29. Which is the fundamental law of the land?

A. The Ten Commandments C. The Civil and Criminal Code
B. The Philippine Constitution D. The Bill of rights

30. A law passed by the U.S Congress in 1946 granting $800M financial aid to Filipinos for property losses and
$620M government rehabilitation after WWII.
A. McArthur Rehabilitation Act C. Cooper Rehabilitation Act
B. Tydings Rehabilitation Act D. Bell Rehabilitation Act

31. Which best describes the Division of the Legislature into the Senate and the House of
A. Unicameralism C. Bicameralism
B. Bipartisanship D. Co-Legislative powers

32. The second editor of La Solidaridad with the penname Dolores Manapat.
A. Graciano Lopez-Jaena C. Marcelo H. del Pilar
B. Jose Rizal D. Mariano Ponce

33. He was appointed Field Marshal of the Philippine Army responsible for the defense of the
country prior to the Japanese invasion.
A. Gen. Dwight Eisenhower C. Gen. Williams Howard Taft
B. Gen Douglas McArthur D. Gen. Carlos Pp. Romulo

34. A bill becomes a law even if it is not signed by the president after________ days.
A. 90 days C. 45 days
B. 60 days D. 30 days

35. The number of ships that arrived yearly in the Philippines from Mexico during the Galleon
A. Two C. One
B. Three D. Five

36. Non-debatable evidence left by Rizal proving his faith in God despite his being estranged
from his religion.
A. El Filibusterismo C. Retraction paper from strange beliefs
B. MI Ultimo Adios D. Noli Me Tangere

37. It provides educator, teachers and curriculum makers with framework planning
implementing and evaluating curriculum in school.
A. Archeology C. Philosophy
B. History D. Anthropology

38. A natural disaster which cannot be caused by shifts in the tectonic plates
A. Avalanche C. Hurricane
B. Volcanic activity D. Earthquakes

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39. It was news about the discovery of the katipunan that spread to Manila and nearby suburbs, and Andres
Bonifacio immediately called for a general meeting. Various wings of the Katipunan gathered at the house of
Juan Ramos August 23, 1896. This signaled the Philippine Rebellion against Spain which was called.
A. Pact of Biak-na-Bato C. La liga Filipina
B. Battle of San Juan del Monte D. Cry of Pugadlawin

40. To help global climate change, and live a more eco-friendly life which is the best practice
which uses less water in washing plates?
A. Recycling water C. Using a dishwasher
B. Washing by hand C. Using a pail
41. Whose assassination provided the excuses for Austria-Hungary to ask for Germany’s support in declaring
war against Serbia during World War I?
A. Leo Tolstoy C. Nicole Lenin
B. Francis Ferdinand of Austria D. Gavrillo Princap

42. A ruler who follows the axiom “The will of the King is the law of the land”
A. Socialist C. Reformist
B. Populist D. Despot

43. They are the rich landowners during the Spain era.
A. Cabezas de Barangay C. Hacienderos
B. Gobernadorcillos D. Encomienderos

44. What is the biggest reason why the Philippines’ political system is so flawed from the time of the Datus to
the Spanish encomienda system that has always been a system of patronage, with political vested in the
hands of a few families?
A. Sibling Rivalry C. Tribe
B. Indigenous Group D. Dynasty

45. It is one of the causes of poverty in the Philippines which is rooted in the human emotion.
A. Corruption C. Lack of education
B. Greed D. Power politics

46. It was the transition to the new manufacturing processes in the period from about 1760 to
sometime between 1820 and 1840.
A. Green Revolution C. Machineries Revolution
B. Industrial Revolution D. Human Revolution

47. A law that sets the minimum age of candidates for mayors and councilors.
A. Local Government Code C. Civil Service Law
B. Labor Code D. Election Code

48. It is the method of providing buyers with information about specific goods, services, and
opportunities with the goal of increasing sales.
A. Journals C. Advertising
B. Propaganda D. Bulletins
49. Among the Greeks state, Athens was the most progressive and famous for its statesmen of
which ONE was considered the most famous because he drew up a constitution all citizens a voice in the
A. Xerxes C. Solon
B. Zoroaster D. Cicero

50. It was the goal of the Propaganda Movement for the Philippines colony as a province of
A. Reformation C. Assimilation

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B. Autonomy D. Independence

Set 11

1. Which of the following statement regarding the Law of Supply is true?

A. The quantity is determined by price and other factor.
B. The quantity supplied increases as prices decrease
C. The quantity supplied increases as prices increases
D. All of the above

2. A table that shows how consumers behave in terms of quantity demanded in relation to price is called a
demand________, while the graph is called:
A. Slope; curve C. Schedule; curve
B. Curve; slope D. schedule; slope

3. As the population grows and there will be no economic regulations, we will end up having a/an _____of
A. Surplus C. Excess
B. Scarcity D. Shortage

4. What alliance was formed whose primary aim was to prevent the further expansion of communist influence
in Southeast Asia?
A. Warsaw Pact
B. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
C. Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
D. Association of Southeast Asian Nation

5. Which discipline is not usually associated with the humanities?

A. Literature C. Visual arts
B. Theatre D. History

6. The students in a PEMH class were tasked to note down the Spanish influences in our arts and culture.
Which process explains the presence of Spanish influence?
A. Inheritance C. Cultural diffusion
B. Evolution D. interbreeding

7. The family into which one is born is called the:

A. Nuclear family C. Extended family
B. Blood family D. Family of procreation

8. What topic could not possibly fall under the United Nations’ core value of democracy?
A. Respect for minority groups C. The role of the people in governance
B. Practical law D. The constitution and its implication

9. What are the developments brought about by the discovery of agriculture?

I. Farming enabled people to stay in one place which grew into villages.
II. The surplus of food and village-living enabled the people to focus on specializing on
other things
III. The different products of farmers and artisans encouraged barter and trade.

A. I only C. III only

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B. II only D. I, II, and III

10. The central idea of this curriculum design is that each social science discipline carries a basic structure of
concepts that can be organized to make learning more meaningful.
A. Holistic C. Widening horizon
B. Spiral D. Fused

11. The British scientist who wrote ‘On the Origin of species” which contributed largely to the concept of
evolution was:
A. Louis Leakey C. Richard leakey
B. Raymond Dart D. Charles Darwin

12. Which statement proves that the Homo Erectus was the first to migrate out of Africa?
A. Fire enabled the Homo Erectus to drive away fierce animals and provide him with heat.
B. The remains of Java Man and Peking Man were found in Indonesia and China.
C. Figurines with female anatomy were discovered all over Europe.
D. Cave arts were found in Spain and France.

13. One challenge in peace education is teaching students, how to think critically, not what to think. What
strategy may help develop this skill?
A. Debating the pros and cons of globalization.
B. Simulating the experiences of disadvantage people
C. Discussing the UN universal declaration of human rights.
D. Writing a reflection paper after watching a documentary film on human

14. The development of agriculture was one of the greatest achievements during this period.
A. Metal age C. Paleolithic age
B. Neolithic age D. Industrial age

15. Which could be a possible explanation why the Cro-Magnons created cave arts and artifacts?
I. It may have something to do with early religion
II. It may be a hobby that they have taken up
III. It may be for aesthetic purposes
A. I only C. I and II only
B. I and III D. I, II and III

16. Why was the formation of governments necessary in the early civilization?
A. Law and order was needed in a large population
B. There is a need to organize the people to protect themselves from attacks
C. Large projects to control flood waters and for irrigation needed the cooperation of many people of
each leadership was necessary.
D. All of the above

17. Which of the following is NOT a qualification of a natural born Filipino citizen?
A. Being born in the Philippines of Filipino parents
B. Having resided in the Philippines throughout his life
C. One whose mother is a foreigner who is married to a Filipino
D. One whose father is a foreigner who is married to a Filipina

18. What proves that many early civilizations were theocratic?

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A. The leaders were usually the high priest or seen as representatives of the gods.
B. The people worshipped many gods and goddesses
C. The people usually had a patron god or goddesses
D. The people created temples for their deities

19. What issue surrounded parity rights?

A. It gave the US the right to import products to the Philippines without restrictions.
B. It gave Americans equal rights with Filipinos to develop and exploit natural
resources of the Philippines and to operate public utilities in the country.
C. It gave Americans the right to travel without restrictions to the Philippines
D. It allowed the US the right to establish military bases in the Philippines and
conduct “war games” without restrictions.

20. What is the study of the earth’s surface and physical features?
A. Geology C. Cartography
B. Geography D. Topography

21. The first civilization was made possible because it was situated between two rivers that made the land fertile.
What are these rivers?
A. Irrawady, Mekong C. Yangtze, Huang Ho
B. Amazon, Nile D. Tigris, Euphrates

22. What body of water was very important for the development of the Ancient Greek civilization?
A. Aegean Sea C. Mediterranean Sea
B. Tibet River D. Atlantic Ocean

23. What mountains are used to divide Asia and Europe?

A. Himalayas C. Ural Mountains
B. Pyrenees D. Andes

24. If the seven continents were arranged from largest to smallest, in which orders does
Australia fall?
A. Fourth C. Seventh
B. Fifth D. Sixth

25. If they were to come back to life, who among the following would be the most vocal to speak against the
country’s foreign policy of close association with the United States?
A. Jose P. Laurel & Elpidio Quirino
B. Leon Ma. Guererro, Jr. & Jose p. Laurel
C. Claro M. Recto & Leon Ma. Guererro, Jr.
D. Claro M. Recto & Jose P. Laurel

26. While studying the violence in the Middle East for their contemporary issues class, the teacher reminded the
class that the first civilization is located in Iraq. Which civilization is this?
A. Sumerian C. Babylonian
B. Akkadian D. Chaldean

27. These wedge-shape characters were instrumental for recording the achievements of the Sumerians and later
A. Stylus C. Hieratic script
B. Cuneiform D. Hieroglyphics

28. Which term refers to all zones-plants, animals, other organisms and the physical environment in particular

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A. Savanna C. Ecosystems
B. Rainforest D. Tundra

29. What artificial watery allows water transportation from Europe to enter Asia without
going around Africa?
A. Canal Grande C. Suez Canal
B. Erie Canal D. Panama Canal

30. While discussing the dynamism of the Filipino language, the teacher ask why, despite more than 300 years of
Spanish rule, majority of Filipinos could not speak Spanish. What could be a possible reason for this?
A. Spanish as an official language was opposed by Filipinos
B. The Filipinos in general were not interested to learn Spanish
C. Spain outlawed the teaching and learning of Spanish by Filipinos
D. The Spaniards did not propagate the Spanish language and the
friars learned the native languages in order to proselytize the Filipinos

31. During their discussion of the Noli Me Tangere, the students debated on the identity of the Filipino. During
much of the Spanish occupation, how were the natives of the Philippines called?
A. Principalia C. Insulares
B. Indios D. Peninsulares

32. Rizal focused the “La Liga Filipina” to:

I. Unite the whole country
II. Revolt against the Spaniards
III. Fight violence and injustice
A. II only C. II and III only
B. I and II only D. I and III only

33. The Filipino students are taught to emulate the young Jose Rizal who was everything listed below except:
A. Motivated C. Very observant
B. Loner D. Reflective

34. Who was known for the parody of “Our father” and the “Ten commandments” in his attempt to campaign
against the abuses of the friars?
A. Antonio Luna C. Graciano Lopez Jaena
B. Pedro Paterno D. Marcelo H. Del Pilar

35. Which is the independence Law of the Philippines?

A. Jones Law C. Tydings Mcduffie Law
B. Cooper Act D. Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act

36. In the hostility between the Filipinos and Americans, who is recorded to have fired the first shot?
A. An American soldier C. A Filipino merchant
B. A Chinese trader D. A Filipino soldier

37. Which work of Rizal was said to be an angry man’s personal debate on whether or not a violent revolution
would solve the Philippine crisis during the Spanish times?
A. Junto Al Pasig C. A la Javentud Filipina
B. Noli Me Tangere D. El Felibusterismo

38. Which correctly describes the topography of the Philippines?

A. Rugged physical features C. No plain, all mountains and hills
B. Short coastline D. Smooth physical features

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39. Which province in the western coast of Luzon is virtually surrounded by sea waters and has become the
center for bug businesses and development processing zones?
A. Mindoro C. Zambales
B. Bataan D. Pampanga

40. Which region is said to offer limited economic opportunities because it is a narrow strip of land surrounded
by mountain ranges and sea?
A. Ilocos Region C. Cagayan Valley
B. Bicol Region D. National Capital Region

41. Being situated on the pacific Plate, the Philippines is prone to:
A. Typhoons C. Earthquakes
B. Floods D. Drought

42. The Philippines consists of islands and landlocked provinces. Which is landlocked province?
A. Romblon C. Masbate
B. Isabela D. Mindoro Oriental

43. Which province in the north is landlocked, mountains and frequently exposed to extensive landslide?
A. Benguet C. Batanes
B. Isabela D. Cagayan

44. “Con ass” and “Cha cha” are associated with the:
A. Division between Senate and House of Representative
B. Return to a dictatorial form of government
C. Amendment of the present constitution
D. Imposition of martial

45. The officers in an NSTP course volunteered to become poll watchers. What is the voting age of Filipinos for
national elections?
A. 14 and above C. 15 and above
B. 18 and above D. 21 and above

46. Discussing that writing can be used as propaganda, Sir Elmer in his communication class let his students
remember the great Filipino reformist know his work, Fray Botod, which exposed the ignorance, abuses, and
immorality of a certain friar. Who was he?
A. Apolinario Mabini C. Graciano Lopez Jaena
B. Emilio Jacinto D. Marcelo H. Del pilar

47. In the 1973 constitution, “the defense of the state is the prime duty of government “But in the 1987
Constitution, it was to:
A. Provide the basic services C. Protect the rights of the people
B. Preserve democracy D. Serve and protect the people

48. During the transition period after the EDSA revolution, the constitution that served as the framework of the
government was the:
A. 1973 constitution C. Freedom constitution
B. 1987 constitution D. 1935 constitution

49. What do you call the right of a teacher in higher learning to conduct research and discuss and publish his/her
conclusions without interference?
A. Free Education C. Press Freedom
B. Free Enterprise D. Academic Freedom

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50. While comparing and contrasting the upper and lower house, the student learned
that the congress:
A. Can enact any law even those contrary to the constitution
B. Has powers which are non-legislative in character
C. Makes laws but does not alter or repeat them
D. Is a unicameral

Set 12

1. In what political set-up do governments control major industries such as media, transportation and
A. Socialist C. Laissez faire
B. Capitalist D. Feudalist

2. What is the effect of increase in available money stock?

A. It will discourage the purchase of goods.
B. It will cause people to tighten belts in spending
C. It will increase the supply of credit thus decrease interest rates
D. It will decrease the supply of credit thus increase interest rates

3. When recession gets prolonged resulting to a slump in business activity, we are in a period of:
A. Inflation C. Depression
B. Deflation D. Economic boom

4. How was the Philippines affected by the 2008 world financial crisis?
A. Less exports especially in the semiconductors and electronics.
B. Less direct foreign investments
C. Less remittance abroad
D. All of the above

5. Which term applies when company controls the supply of sugar?

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A. Oligopoly C. Monopsony
B. Monopoly D. Perfect competition

6. Which is the ultimate objective of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program?

A. Cultivation of all idle lands
B. Establishments of owner-cultivated farm
C. Distribution of arable lands in the country
D. None of the above

7. Which statement illustrates liberalization?

A. Oil firms can freely dictate their prices.
B. There is an unrestricted flow of imported fruits and vegetables
C. A telecommunication company agrees on similar services & prices
D. A Chinese tycoon becomes the major stakeholder of a formerly government-owned bank

8. Which sector involves all types of livelihood not registered with the government?
A. Private sector C. Community sector
B. Informal sector D. International sector

9. Which economics condition in the country may have helped shape the “Filipino First” policy?
I. The foreign businessman controlled mining, electricity, commerce and manufacturing.
II. The central bank discriminated Filipino businessman in the allocated of dollars for import
III. The Filipinos had complete control of fisheries and had better control of forestry and
A. I and II only C. II and III only
B. I and III only D. I, II and III
10. “Enrolment in primary education in developing regions reached 89% in 2008 up from 83% in 2000” Under
what UN millennium development goal does this concern fall?
A. Universal Education C. Global Partnership
B. Child Health D. Maternal Health

11. Which article in the UN declaration of human rights assures students can choose their preferred college
course? Everyone has the right to:
A. Freely participate in the cultural life of a community
B. Work and free choice of employment
C. Freedom of opinion and expression
D. Adequate standards of living

12. Which could not be a target to achieve universal access to maternal and reproductive health?
A. For girls in some regions, education remains elusive
B. There is a wide rural urban gap in skilled care during childbirth
C. Poverty and lack of education perpetuate high adolescent birth rates.
D. Use of contraception is lowest among the poorest women and those with no education

13. Which could not possibly be an important concept in the knowledge domain of Peace Education?
A. Globalization C. Responsible Leadership
B. Conflict and War D. Peace and Non-violence

14. How can a teacher make her homeroom more gender sensitive?
A. Structure the room that would cater to the specific needs of boys and girls
B. Make all students, whether boys or girls, participate in all activities.
C. Plan the seating arrangement in a girl-boy-girl pattern
D. All of the above

15. What could not be an example of derogatory and discriminatory portrayal of women in media?
A. Female characters are portrayed as sex object.

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B. Female characters are physically and verbally abused.

C. Female characters are given the lead roles with male characters
D. Female characters are given stereotypical roles like the “dumb” blonde.

16. For world peace, the UN approved a non-proliferation treaty, what was the immediate purpose of this treaty?
A. To stop the manufacture of guns
B. To limit the use of and sale guns.
C. To stop the spread of nuclear weapons
D. To reject the membership of China as a member of the UN

17. Which statement regarding the nature of the Filipino is correct? The Filipino is:
A. Basically a Spaniards C. The blending of the East and West
B. A pure Filipino D. Totally westernize

18. The Tasadays used caves for shelter while the Negritos constructed dwellings made of sticks and leaves. To
which of these can you attribute the difference shelter?
A. Intellectual ability C. Availability of materials
B. Gender difference D. Exposure to society
19. It is the scientific study of physical, social, and cultural development of human behaviour.
A. History B. Sociology C. Anthropology D. Psychology

20. Teacher coach credits his basketball team’s success to their “never say die” attitude. He is showing the
Filipinos indomitable spirit in their:
A. Friendliness C. Utang na loob
B. Self-reliance D. Ability to survive

21. Sir Chief formed an organization that will serve as a watchdog in the affairs of the city hall where they have
heard of a lot of corrupt hiring practices. Which is an indicator of the patronage system in the Philippine
society that contributes to poverty?
A. Most people patronize imported goods
B. Parents have many Kumpares in the baptism of their child
C. The pilosopo type of worker does not get promoted to his job
D. A less deserving applicant gets appointed because he has a Padrino

22. Why every government employee required submitting an annual statement of assets and liabilities?
A. To determine who is fit for the job
B. To be objective in performance evaluation
C. To determine who deserves the promotion
D. To safeguard the people against corruption

23. A student pointed out of a teacher’s error during a discussion. The teacher, however, snapped at the student
and threatened him that he’ll be sent out of class if he does not stop arguing with him. This is an example.
A. Argumentum Ad Baculum C. Argumentum Ad Misericodiam
B. Argumentum Ad Hominen D. Argumentum Ad Verecundiam

24. A professional organization slogan says Be honest even if others are not, Be honest even if others cannot.
What does slogan imply about vales?
I. Values are changing
II. Values are dependent on person, place and time
III. Values remain to be values even if nobody possesses them.
A. I only C. II only
B. III only D. II and III only

25. Whose major achievement was the congressional enactment of the Agricultural Land Reform Code signed by
him into Law?
A. Ramon Magsaysay C. Disodado Macapagal

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B. Carlos P. Garcia D. Ferdinand Marcos

26. What law was passed by the Philippine Congress which affirms the total integration of persons with
disabilities into mainstream society?
A. R.A. 7722 C. R.A. 9163
B. R.A. 7796 D. R.A. 7277

27. Carlos P. Garcia ordered the wealthy to stop spending lavishly in his policy of:
A. Economy C. Austerity
B. Thrift D. Retrenchment

28. In their discussion of gender equality, teacher reminded students that women members of the Katipunan
played a significant role during the revolution. Who was known as the Lakambini of the Katipunan?
A. Trinidad Rizal C. Gregoria de Jesus
B. Melchora Aquino D. Delfina Herbosa

29. Following a sociological insight, if a person is surrounded by lazy and dishonest people, will he also be like
A. That depends on the strength of the influence of the group of lazy and dishonest around him
B. Yes, because environment influence the development of man
C. No, he can choose to be different since man has free will.
D. It depends on his personality type.

30. During the age of Exploration, which among the following was not received by the colonies from the
A. Foodstuff B. Culture C. Diseases D. None of these

31. Which among the following is not a civilization in the ancient America?
A. Olmec C. Harappa
B. Incan D. Aztec

32. What is oftentimes erroneously referred to as holy war, when it actually translates to struggle in the way of
A. Jihad C. Zakat
B. Hajj D. Salat

33. Many of the Arab contributions to education happened during the Golden Age of Islam. In which caliphate
did it happen?
A. Fatimid C. Umayyad
B. Abbasid D. Rashidun

34. What was the term for the traditional Chinese concept that the powers of the authority of the emperors should
then be regarded as Sons of heaven?
A. Taoism C. Confucianism
B. Chung Kuo D. Mandate of Heaven

35. Who was the Chinese emperor who founded the Chin Dynasty which became the basis for the name China?
A. Emperor Yu C. Shih Huang Ti
B. Lao Tze D. Kung Fu Tze

36. Aside from the western classics, Teacher included Asian classic in his literature class such as ______ about
the Japanese medieval court.
A. Bunraku C. A thousand and One Nights
B. Kabuki D. The Tale Genji

37. What is the Buddhist term when one has perfected the Eightfold Path?

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A. Karma C. Nirvana
B. Moksha D. Dharma

38. What is the longest epic in the world that originated in India?
A. Ramayana C. Epic of Gilgamesh
B. Mahabharata D. Bhagavad Gita

39. The Chinese praying for their dead relatives, the Japanese reverence for their departed loved ones, and the
Indian’s Sraddha are evidences of:
A. Filial piety C. Ancestor worship
B. Respectfulness D. Close family ties

40. Islam’s central doctrine is the ______, which says that there is no God except Allah and Muhammad is his
A. Saum B. Zakat C. Salat D. Shahadah

41. Many Japanese are more than willing to offer their lives for the sake of regaining honor. What do you call
this practice?
A. Zaibatsu C. Kamikazee
B. Bushido D. Seppuku

42. We give credit to the oriental philosophers for their contributions to their ideas in education. Who does not
belong to the group?
A. Lao Tze C. Confucius
B. Mencius D. Buddha

43. What were the secrets of the Hittites for their success in warfare?
A. Plunder & intimidation C. Consulting the stars before going to war
B. War ships D. Iron implements and war chariots

44. Though not a political power, they made lasting contribution for their belief that would become the three
major faith in the world right now.
A. Persians C. Phoenicians
B. Hebrews D. Chaldeans

45. The flight of the Jews led by Moses from Egypt to the Sinai Peninsula is called:
A. Hegira C. Exodus
B. Diaspora D. Migration

46. Some schools patterned their school’s mission and vision after the Greek ideals like excellence, courage and
honor in Homer’s epic poems, namely the:
A. works and Days C. Iliad and Odyssey
B. Aeneid and Eclogues D. Dialogue and Republic

47. Which statement does not describe the Spartans?

A. They valued the Golden Mean
B. They led the Peloponnesian League
C. The people had a militaristic orientation
D. They trained their warriors not to fear death

48. Which statement does not describe the Athenians?

A. They cherished freedom of thoughts and speech
B. They granted equal rights to the women
C. They value the Golden Mean

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D. They value moderation

49. Which does not pertain to the Byzantine Empire?

A. Halted the Muslim advance into Christian Europe
B. Also known as the Western Roman Empire
C. Preserved the Greek and Roman ideas
D. Blended Western and Eastern art

50. It can be defined as the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence
A. Political science C. Social studies
B. Civics D. Social science

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ANSWER SET 2 3. C 6. A 9. A 12. D

KEY 1. C 4. B 7. D 10. B 13. A
2. C 5. D 8. D 11. A 14. C
SET 1 3. B 6. B 9. C 12. A 15. A
1. D 4. D 7. B 10. B 13. D 16. D
2. A 5. A 8. D 11. B 14. D 17. C
3. D 6. D 9. C 12. C 15. C 18. D
4. C 7. C 10. D 13. C 16. A 19. A
5. A 8. A 11. D 14. B 17. A 20. D
6. A 9. B 12. C 15. D 18. B 21. A
7. D 10. B 13. D 16. D 19. B 22. B
8. D 11. D 14. A 17. B 20. A 23. D
9. B 12. C 15. C 18. D 21. A 24. D
10. C 13. D 16. B 19. C 22. B 25. C
11. B 14. C 17. A 20. B 23. B 26. A
12. D 15. D 18. D 21. B 24. D 27. B
13. B 16. D 19. B 22. B 25. D 28. D
14. A 17. D 20. D 23. A 26. D 29. D
15. C 18. D 21. C 24. C 27. B 30. C
16. B 19. A 22. D 25. C 28. D 31. A
17. D 20. C 23. C 26. A 29. B 32. D
18. A 21. B 24. D 27. B 30. B 33. A
19. B 22. D 25. B 28. D 31. D 34. B
20. B 23. A 26. C 29. D 32. D 35. D
21. C 24. B 27. D 30. D 33. C 36. D
22. B 25. A 28. A 31. A 34. A 37. A
23. C 26. A 29. D 32. C 35. B 38. B
24. D 27. A 30. A 33. D 36. B 39. C
25. C 28. A 31. C 34. D 37. A 40. D
26. B 29. C 32. C 35. B 38. C 41. B
27. A 30. A 33. C 36. D 39. D 42. D
28. D 31. D 34. D 37. B 40. A 43. A
29. C 32. C 35. A 38. B 41. C 44. C
30. A 33. C 36. A 39. D 42. A 45. A
31. D 34. D 37. D 40. D 43. B 46. A
32. B 35. D 38. A 41. D 44. C 47. B
33. B 36. B 39. C 42. B 45. A 48. B
34. A 37. C 40. A 43. D 46. D 49. A
35. A 38. B 41. A 44. D 47. D 50. D
36. A 39. D 42. D 45. C 48. A ANSWER
37. A 40. C 43. D 46. D 49. A KEY
38. C 41. A 44. C 47. D 50. B
39. A 42. A 45. A 48. A SET 7
40. B 43. B 46. B 49. D 1. B
41. C 44. D 47. A 50. B SET 6 2. B
42. D 45. A 48. A 1. C 3. A
43. A 46. D 49. B 2. C 4. B
44. B 47. B 50. A SET 5 3. B 5. A
45. B 48. D 1. C 4. A 6. D
46. D 49. A 2. B 5. C 7. C
47. D 50. C SET 4 3. C 6. C 8. B
48. A 1. C 4. C 7. C 9. D
49. A 2. D 5. D 8. B 10. B
50. A SET 3 3. C 6. C 9. A 11. C
1. D 4. C 7. C 10. D 12. A
2. A 5. B 8. C 11. B 13. D

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14. D 17. B 20. B 23. C 26. A 29. A

15. D 18. D 21. D 24. D 27. B 30. D
16. A 19. D 22. D 25. C 28. C 31. C
17. B 20. D 23. B 26. B 29. D 32. A
18. C 21. B 24. C 27. C 30. D 33. B
19. D 22. D 25. D 28. C 31. B 34. D
20. C 23. C 26. D 29. B 32. D 35. C
21. B 24. B 27. B 30. B 33. B 36. D
22. A 25. B 28. C 31. C 34. D 37. C
23. A 26. C 29. D 32. C 35. C 38. B
24. D 27. B 30. C 33. B 36. A 39. C
25. A 28. A 31. C 34. D 37. D 40. D
26. C 29. B 32. D 35. C 38. A 41. D
27. C 30. A 33. C 36. B 39. C 42. D
28. C 31. C 34. D 37. C 40. A 43. D
29. C 32. B 35. D 38. C 41. C 44. B
30. C 33. A&B 36. B 39. D 42. B 45. C
31. B 34. D 37. B 40. D 43. A 46. C
32. D 35. D 38. B 41. B 44. C 47. A
33. A 36. B 39. D 42. D 45. B 48. B
34. D 37. D 40. B 43. C 46. C 49. B
35. B 38. C 41. C 44. D 47. D 50. B
36. D 39. B 42. D 45. B 48. C
37. D 40. D 43. C 46. B 49. D
38. C 41. D 44. C 47. A 50. B
39. A 42. A 45. D 48. C
40. C 43. D 46. B 49. C
41. B 44. D 47. B 50. A SET 12
42. D 45. D 48. D 1. A
43. A 46. A 49. B 2. D
44. C 47. D 50. C SET 11 3. C
45. A 48. B 1. C 4. D
46. D 49. D 2. C 5. B
47. C 50. A SET 10 3. B 6. C
48. B 1. C 4. C 7. B
49. A 2. B 5. D 8. B
50. B SET 9 3. C 6. C 9. A
1. C 4. D 7. B 10. A
2. D 5. C 8. B 11. B
SET 8 3. B 6. C 9. D 12. A
1. B 4. B 7. B 10. B 13. B
2. B 5. D 8. B 11. D 14. D
3. C 6. B 9. B 12. B 15. C
4. B 7. B 10. C 13. A 16. C
5. A 8. B 11. B 14. B 17. C
6. D 9. B 12. D 15. D 18. C
7. B 10. D 13. B 16. D 19. C
8. D 11. D 14. B 17. B 20. D
9. B 12. D 15. D 18. A 21. D
10. A 13. B 16. B 19. B 22. D
11. A 14. D 17. B 20. D 23. A
12. C 15. B 18. B 21. D 24. B
13. B 16. D 19. D 22. C 25. C
14. A 17. C 20. C 23. C 26. D
15. B 18. D 21. B 24. C 27. C
16. C 19. C 22. C 25. C 28. C

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