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4º Grado en Criminología

Facultad de Derecho
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

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examen 1
1- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct use of “ linking words”
There may, however, be a number of factors that mitigate or enhance the relationships
between media violence and attitudes toward crime and justice.

2- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct options: “ Only judges can dispense
justice, i.e. only they can judgments and have them enforcer”
Hand down

3- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct options: “Member States shall take
necessary measures to ensure that the referred to in Articles 3 to 8 are punishable by
effective, and dissuasive criminal penalties:

4-According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose an example of Plain Legal English:
Large part.

5- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct options:”Finding that a person charger with
a crime is not guilty”

6- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct options:” Intentionally and maliciously
setting fire to property with the intent to cause damage”.

7- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct options: “Actus non facit reum nisi mens
sit rea´- an act does not make a man guilty of a crime unless his mind is also guilty. It
can be seen therefore that there are two fundamental elements to a crime- a physical
element known as the and a mental element known as´___________”
Actus reus, mens rea.

8- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears,choose the plain legal English equivalent for “fr iure”
By the law

9- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears,choose the correct adjective for “to rebel”

10- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct options:” Supreme Court judges

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are_____-by the General Council of the Judiciary ( Consejo General del Poder
Judicial) from senior judges with at least 15 years”______, including 10 years as
senior judge , while one fifth of Supreme Court judges are_____form lawyers of
recognised ability with at least 15 years experience”
Appointed, experience, appointed.

Examen 2
1- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct options for the expressions in square
brackets; “Numerous ______(juzgados y tribunales) exist, among which the work is
distributed according to criteria for determining jurisdiction_____ (materia) . amount,
person, function or region”
Couts, subject matter (tribunales, Notaria)

2- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct example of Anglo-saxon root vocabulary”

3- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct options: “ Member States shall take the
necessary measures to ensure that, when committed intentionally, the access without
right, to the whole or to any part and information system, is_______a criminal offence
where committed by infringing a security measure”:
Punishable as

4- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct options: “A lawyer who is working/ in active
service is called a(n)______lawyer”

5-According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the incorrect use of “ linking words”
However many people claim that there is a strong link between media violence and fear of
crime , there is no body of evidence to support this claim.

6-According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct use of the subjunctive in English :
I demanded that he apologise.

7- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct options “ They campaigned____ the
dangers of one-sided reporting”.

8- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct options “________ is a procedural defence,
incorporated in the US Constitution Fifth Amendment, which states that you cannot
be tried for the same crime twice”

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Double jeopardy.

9- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct options “ Before beginning an in-custody
interrogation, the suspect has to be advised of his or her constitutional rights. This is
called the_________”
Miranda warning.

10- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct options : “ They thought the
defendant was responsible for the damage, but no one could_____ anything against

1- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct options for the expression in square
brackets: “ Title VI of the Constitution is given over to the_____ (Poder Judicial) , whit
Article 117, stating that the principle of the unity of the judicial power is the basic for
the organization and operation of the courts”.

2- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct options “ Crime is some action or omission
that causes and______in a situation that the person or group responsible ´ought´ to
be held_____and____. irrespective of what law books of a state say”.
Problems, blamed, disciplined.

3- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct meaning of the term “sequestration” in
Legal English ;
Freezing of assets.

4- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct options “_________means ´you shall have
the body´, It is a legal action (AKA writ) that prevents unlawful detention”:
Actus reus.

5- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct options: “ A person who illegally enters
buildings and steals things”:
Burglar (ladrón)

6- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct options:” An order to confiscate something
is a ____order”

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7- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct option “In Britain today all
policemen_____as ´Bobbies´. Originally though , they____(to know) as ´Peelers´a they
were the creation of one Sir Robert Peel. The Peelers were the Metropolitan Police
Force, which Sir Robert_______(to found) in the early 1800 when he was Secretary in
Lord Liverpool´s Tory Cabinet”
Are referred to, were known, founded.

8- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct passive form (tense and structure) for
“They will demonstrate the program to the student”.
The program will be demostrated to the students.

9- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct option “ The Directive also aims to facilitate
the prevention of such offences and to improve cooperation between _______-and
other competent authorities”

1- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct option for the expressions in square
brackets: Numerous………(juzgados y tribunales) exit, among which the work is
distributed according to criteria for determining jurisdictions……….(materia) ,
amount, person, function or region:
Corut , subject matter.

2- The judge will hand down the_____tomorrow


3- Murder as defined in common law countries is the______ killing of another human

being whit interesting_____aforethought - and generally this state of minds
distiguishes from other form of injustificable homicide as:
Unlawful, malice, manslaughter.

4- Anglo saxon root vocabulary (todas son correctas)


5- Linking words (uniendo palabras)

However many people claim that there is a strong link between media violence and fear of
crime, there is no body of evidence to support this claim.

6- Subject (subjuntivo)
What do you sueggest we should do? ¿Qué es lo que sugieres que debemos hacer?

7- Causing, for sexual purposes, a child who has not reached the age___sexual
consent to witness sexual activities, even without having to participate, shall be
punishable by a maximum term of imprisoment of at least 1 year. (hacer que con fines
sexuales un niño que no ha alcanzado la edad de consentimiento sexual sea testigo de

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actividades sexuales, incluso sin tener que participar, será castigado con una pena máxima
de prisión de un año.

8- Inversion:
Were in your place, I wound´t do it ( Si yo estuviera en tu lugar , no lo haría)

9- There are five divisions: civil, penal, administrativo, social, militar.

Civil, criminal, administrative, employement, military.

10- Member states shall take the necessary measure to ensure that, when committed
intentionally, the access without right, to the whole or to any part of an information
system, is______A criminal where committed by infringing a security measure.
Punishable as.


1- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the correct option: “Member States shall ensure that
the incitement or______, to commit an offence referred to in Articles 3 to 7 is
punishable as a criminal offence”.
Aiding and abetting (ayudar e incitar)

2- According to the materials studied in this subject and the specific context in which
the following appears, choose the option that is not a “complex prepositional phrase”
in Legal English.
According to. (de acuerdo)

4- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the incorrect use of “linking words”.
However many people claim that is a strong link between media violence and fear of crime,
there is no body of evidence to support this claim

5- According to the materials studied and in the specific context in which the
following appears choose the correct option “ a(n) _____unipersonal judge sits in all
the courts with the exception of the Supreme Court, the National Criminal
Employment Juvenile and Administrative Court the autonomous communities high
courts and the provincial courts”
La misma pregunta sale con la respuesta sole

6- According to the materials studied and in the specific context in which the
following appears choose the structure frequently found in legal English to express
future obligation or to replace “must/have to”
There is to be no right of appear against the rejection of the application.

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7- According to the materials studied and in the specific context in which the
following appears choose the correct option “damaging the reputation of a person or
group by writing bad thing about them are not true”
Libel (difamación)

8- According to the materials studied and in the specific context in which the
following appears choose the Greco-Latin root term:
Adjacent (adyacente)

9- According to the materials studied and in the specific context in which the
following appears choose the correct option for the expressions in square brackets “
A distinction must be made between three fundamental aspects: the territorial aspect,
whether it is o_____(unipersonal) or a_________(colegiado) of judges who sit in the
Single judge, panel (un solo juez, (panel (varios jueces)).

10- According to the materials studied and in the specific context in which the
following appears, choose the correct option. “A lawyer who is working/in active
service is called a(n?)_______ lawyer”.
Practising. (practicando)

1- According to the materials studied and in the specific context in which the
following appears, choose the correct option “ The defendant was
Convicted for (condenado)

2- According to the materials studied and in the specific context in which the
following appears, choose the correct option “ a refusal by group of people to obey
laws, as a peaceful way of expressing their disapproval of those laws and in order to
persuade the government to change them”
Civil disobedience. (desobediencia civil)

3- According to the materials studied and in the specific context in which the
following appears, choose the correct antonym (opposite) of “lawful”.
Unlawful (illegal)

1-According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option: “After this, the suspect is
transported to the police station for questioning or to the county jail for __________”.
B booking

2- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the noun form of the verb “to deprive”.
A deprivation

3- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct meaning for the underlined word:

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“He regarded suppression of these as counter-productive, so he urged the
government to sponsor rival groups of wholesome ballad singers”.
with good morals

4-According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option: “Due process is the principle
that the government must respect all of the legal rights that are owed to a person
according to the law of the _________”.
B land

5- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option: “Before a person can be
convicted ________ a crime it is necessary for the prosecution to prove both
elements, i.e.: that a certain event or state of a airs which is forbidden by the criminal
law has been caused by the defendant’s conduct; and that the defendant’s conduct
was accompanied by the necessary ________ to establish the o ence.”
of, mens rea

6- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option: “you are ________________ a
appearing on behalf of

7- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option: “The ordinary courts are
those regulated by the ____________________ [Ley Orgánica del Poder Judicial]
provided for in Article 122 of the 1978 Constitution”.
Organic Law/Act on the Judiciary

8- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the feature that is not characteristic of Legal
Another formal feature is that it lacks euphemisms, they are never used.

9- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option: “Civil courts deal with
disputes not explicitly assigned to another class of court. They can therefore be
described as _______________ courts”.

10- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option: “This Directive establishes
minimum rules concerning the de nition of _______________ ______________ and
____________ in the area of attacks against information systems”.
criminal offenses, sanctions


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1- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option “ When there´s more than one
judge sitting together they sit_______
a- in chairs
b- in bench
c- on the dock
d- in the seat

1-According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option: “Member States shall take
the necessary measures to ensure that, when committed intentionally, the access
without right, to the whole or to any part of an information system, is_______a
criminal offence where committed by infringing a security measure.
a- punishable as
b-actionable as
c- condemnable as
d- sentenced

2- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct example of Anglo-saxon root
a- Superfluous

1- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option: “he denied ever_____ the

2- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct meaning for the underlined word:
“He regorded suppression of these as counter-productive, so he urged the
government to sponsor rival groups wholesome ballad singers' '.
With good morals

3- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option: “A_______is a political
position, while a medical examiner is a physician, usually a pathologist”

4- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option: The following terms belong
to Criminal law”
Crown Court, to prosecute, guilty.

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5- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option: “After this, the suspects is
transported to the police station for questioning or to the county jail for______”

6- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option: “What is the meaning of the
lasinism ultra vires?
Beyond one's legal power or authority

7- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option: “The ordinary courts are
those regulated by the______ ( Ley Orgánica del Poder judicial) provided for in Article
122 of the 1978 Constitution”
Organic Law/Act on the Judiciary

8- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option:” Civil courts deal with
disputes not explicitly assigned to another class of court. They can therefore be
described as______ courts”.

9- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option: “ you are_____a party”
appearing on behalf of.

10- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option: Which of the following terms
is a synonym of indemnity?

1- According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option: “ I suggest______(perform)
an autopsy _____(determine ) the cause of death”
Performing, to determine

2- - According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in
which the following appears, choose the correct option: “ Crime is an act or
______that is de need by the validly passed laws of the community in occurred so that
punishment should follow from behaviour”

3-According to the materiaIs studied in this subject and in the spett context in which
the following appear,choose the correct option:"Nowadays,in homicide
investigations, a of the surrounding reais often conducted to identify eyewitnesses".
a- campaign

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4- Accordin to the materiaIs studied in this sub the s le context in which the followiig
appears, choose the correct option: "The accused cou/d a/so be charged the murder
of person ".
a-with, solemn
b- of , sought
c-with, attempted
d-of, sound

5- According to the materiaIs studied in this su ct and in the eci !econtext in which the
following appears, choose the correct passive form tense and structurE for: "No one
had conducted any research for overa yed/-. (no soy capaz de entender que ponía)
a -No research has been conducted for over a year .
b- No research had been conducted for over a year.
c- No research was being conducted for over a year .D
d-No research has had been conducted for over a year

6- According to the materiaIs studied in this subject and in the spett context in which
the following appear,choose the correct option:"Member States sha/1 take the
necessary measures to ensure that the "ences referred to in Artic/es 3 to 8 are
punishab/e by e"ective, ond dissuasive/ crimino/ penoltie!f.

7- According to the materiaIs studied in this subjEct and in the eci !econtext in which
the following appears, choose the correct option:''in Spanish law,however,
civil_______ orising out of a criminal/ "encecon be________ ot the sorne time as the
criminal proceedings'.
a-processes, ! led
b-demands, interput
c-actions, brought
d-deeds, interposed

8- According to the materiaIs studied in this su ct and the eci !context in which the
following appears, choose the subjunctive structure:
a- lt ' s essential that you are here on time.
b- It's essential that you were here on time
c- It's essential that you could be here on time.
d- It's essential that you be here on time.

9- According to the materiaIs studied in this subject and in the spett context in which
the following appear, what would be an equivalent expression or paraphrasis o o
a- Attached, accompanying this document or text
b- of this document or text.

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c- so far, up to this moment.
d- on this, immediately after this

10- According to the materiaIs studied in this subject and in the spett context in
which the following appear, choose the correct option. Which of the following is a
synonym to investigate?
a- Put o´´
b- look into
c- get away
d- make up for

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