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1. Question and answers.

a) Ibrahim (AS) saw in his dream that he was slaughtering his son.
b) Prophet Ibrahim (AS) related the dream to his son Isma’il (AS).
Ibrahim (AS) found his son was ready to offer himself for sacrifice.
Isma’il (AS) said to his father: “In-sha’Allah, you will find me among
the steadfast.”
c) Satan tried to prevent the sacrifice.
d) Allah (SWT) sent the angel Jibril (AS) with a ram to slaughter in
place of Isma’il (AS). This ram had been pasturing for forty years in
Paradise. It had been created by Allah (SWT) for this event. Ibrahim
(AS) slaughtered the ram in place of Isma’il (AS).
e) In memory of this remarkable event, the pilgrims in Hajj stone three
pillars in Mina and sacrifice animals, and Muslims all over the world
celebrate Eid al- Adh-ha (Eid of Sacrifice) every year.
2. Select the right answer.
a) Hajar (AS)
b) Isma’il (AS)
c) The sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

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