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Kim Ramse S.


1.) Pre-Colonial Period

The Pre-colonial period begins between 900 - 1565. folk songs featured simple rhythms ,
narrative songs were used to tell historical stories. Philippine epics from the pre-colonial era told
about mythological stories.

2. Spanish colonization

This time, spanish explorers attemted to teach their language to native people in form of
religious songs and peotryand found their place in society

3. Nationalistic and Revolunatinary period

Start from 1864-1896. planted seeds of nationalism to the Filipinos and the language shifted
to Spansih to Tagalog

4. American Colonial Period

Started from 1910 to 1945. english was introduce to mainstream schools throught the
country.Short story telling became popular and as romantic movie traditions intersected with the
Philippine culture so did the romantic novel.

5. Japanese occupation
Started from 1942 to 1960, Philippine literature in english was stopped and writers turn to
writing in Filipino , Japaneses authorities, with extreme hatred for the americans, did their best top
turn filipino sympathy away from them

6. Modern period
Poetry prose and short stories remain popular but writing has become more competitive and
professional throught the country. Writers are encourage to attend workshop and literary awars
ceremonies are held each year

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