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Business Strategy and the Environment

Bus. Strat. Env. 11, 269–284 (2002)

Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/bse.339

Frank Figge, Tobias Hahn,* Stefan Schaltegger and Marcus Wagner

Centre for Sustainability Management, University of Lüneburg, Germany

The Balanced Scorecard of Kaplan and to environmental and social management

Norton is a management tool that systems by integrating the three pillars of
supports the successful implementation of sustainability into a single and
corporate strategies. It has been discussed overarching strategic management tool.
and considered widely in both practice After a brief discussion of the different
and research. By linking operational and possible forms of a Sustainability Balanced
non-financial corporate activities with Scorecard the article takes a closer look at
causal chains to the firm’s long-term the process and steps of formulating a
strategy, the Balanced Scorecard supports Sustainability Balanced Scorecard for a
the alignment and management of all business unit. Before doing so, the basic
corporate activities according to their conventional approach of the Balanced
strategic relevance. The Balanced Scorecard and its suitability for
Scorecard makes it possible to take into sustainability management will be
account non-monetary strategic success outlined in brief. Copyright  2002 John
factors that significantly impact the Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.
economic success of a business. The
Balanced Scorecard is thus a promising
starting-point to also incorporate Received 16 August 2001
environmental and social aspects into the Revised 27 February 2002
main management system of a firm. Accepted 14 March 2002
Sustainability management with the
Balanced Scorecard helps to overcome the INTRODUCTION
shortcomings of conventional approaches

n the market system economic scarcities
* Correspondence to: Tobias Hahn, University of Lüneburg, are reflected by market prices. Environ-
Centre for Sustainability Management, Chair of Corporate
Environmental Management, Scharnhorststrasse 1, 21335 mental and social scarcities are, however,
Lüneburg, Germany. E-mail: only partially reflected in economic transac-
tions, although they have become increasingly
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. important for business. Management reacts to

perceived scarcities with the use of manage- to use the Balanced Scorecard methodology
ment instruments. To the degree that environ- to integrate environmental and social manage-
mental and social issues are reflected in mar- ment with the general management of a firm
ket transactions and with the growing impor- (Figge et al., 2001a, 2001b). After a brief dis-
tance of environmental and social issues many cussion of the different possible forms of a
companies have implemented specific environ- Sustainability Balanced Scorecard (SBSC), the
mental or social management systems during article concentrates on the process and steps
the last decade. These systems have, however, of formulating a Sustainability Balanced Score-
rarely been integrated with the general man- card for a business unit. Before doing so, the
agement system of a firm. As a consequence, Balanced Scorecard approach and its suitability
environmental and social management is often for sustainability management will be outlined
not linked to the economic success of the firm in brief in the following section.
and the economic contribution of environmen-
tal and social management therefore remains
unclear. The decisive role of companies in THE BALANCED SCORECARD AS AN
achieving sustainability has been stressed and INSTRUMENT FOR SUSTAINABILITY
discussed both on the strategic (see, e.g., Hart, MANAGEMENT
1995, 1997; Roome, 1998) as well as on the
instrumental level (see, e.g., Schaltegger and The balanced scorecard approach
Burritt, 2000; Bennett and James, 1999). If firms The concept of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
are to achieve simultaneous improvements of was developed in the early 1990s as a new
the economic, environmental and social per- approach to performance measurement due
formance of businesses (strong contributions to problems of short-termism and past ori-
to sustainability; Figge et al., 2001b), this lack entation in management accounting (Kaplan
of integration turns out to be a major obstacle. and Norton, 1992). The concept of the BSC
Concerning the relation between the environ- is based on the assumption that the efficient
mental and social performance of the firm use of investment capital is no longer the
and its economic performance, the literature is sole determinant for competitive advantages,
mainly based on empirical studies that refer to but increasingly soft factors such as intellec-
the correlation but not to the causality between tual capital, knowledge creation or excellent
environmental and social measures and the customer orientation become more important.
economic success of firms (see, e.g., Pava As a reaction Kaplan and Norton suggested a
and Krausz, 1996; Griffin and Mahon, 1997; new performance measurement approach that
Wagner, 2001; Schaltegger and Synnestvedt, focuses on corporate strategy in four perspec-
2002). To date there is rather little literature tives (Kaplan and Norton, 1992, 1997, 2001).
on the relation between environmental and This BSC aims to make the contribution and the
social measures and the achievement of long- transformation of soft factors and intangible
term economic goals (for some exceptions see assets into long-term financial success explicit
Burke and Logsdon, 1996; Figge, 2001; Figge and thus controllable. The BSC’s four perspec-
and Schaltegger, 2000; Schaltegger and Figge, tives can be characterized briefly as follows
1997). The Balanced Scorecard as a strategic (Weber and Schäffer, 2000, p. 3; Kaplan and
management tool claims to identify the major Norton, 1997, p. 24, 2001, pp. 23, 76).
strategically relevant issues of a business and
to describe and depict the causal contribution (i) The financial perspective indicates whether
of those issues that contribute to a success- the transformation of a strategy leads to
ful achievement of a firm’s strategy (Kaplan improved economic success. Thus, the
and Norton, 1997). Thus, it appears promising financial measures assume a double role.

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 11, 269–284 (2002)


On one hand, they define the financial how the results – reflected by the lagging
performance a strategy is expected to indicators – should be achieved. Based on
achieve. On the other hand, they are the the specific strategy of the business unit,
endpoint of cause and effect relationships the key performance drivers that have the
referring to the other BSC perspectives. greatest influence on the achievement of the
(ii) The customer perspective defines the cus- core strategic objectives (measured by lagging
tomer/market segments in which the indicators) are identified for every perspective.
business competes. By means of appropri- The integration of the indicators in the four
ate strategic objectives, measure, targets perspectives is achieved by defining goals
and initiatives the customer value propo- and appropriate lagging and leading indica-
sition is represented in the customer per- tors (Kaplan and Norton, 1997, pp. 28, 142)
spective through which the firm/business for a specific business strategy. By doing so,
unit wants to achieve a competitive advan- a BSC translates strategy in terms of objec-
tage in the envisaged market segments. tives, measures and targets in the four per-
(iii) The internal process perspective identifies spectives. Rather than representing strategy
those internal business processes that as a loose collection of indicators and mea-
enable the firm to meet the expectations of sures, these are linked by cause and effect
customers in the target markets and those relationships. By formulating and defining the
of the shareholders. goals and measures based on the strategy top
(iv) Finally, the learning and growth perspec-
down from the financial perspective through
tive describes the infrastructure necessary
the other perspectives, it becomes clear which
for the achievement of the objectives of
influence factors impact most the lagging indi-
the other three perspectives. In this case,
cators and thus ultimately the achievement
the most important areas are qualifica-
of the objectives. These strategy-specific influ-
tion, motivation and goal orientation of
ence patterns are reflected through cause-and-
employees, and information systems.
effect chains, which directly or indirectly link
all the goals, indicators and measures of the
The purpose of a BSC is to formulate a
hierarchic system of strategic objectives in the BSC perspectives hierarchically towards the
four perspectives, derived from the business financial perspective with its long-term finan-
strategy and aligned towards the financial cial goals. It is noteworthy that the causal
perspective. Based on such a causal system linking of leading and lagging indicators not
of objectives, corresponding measures are only occurs within the individual perspec-
formulated in all four perspectives. Kaplan and tives, but also by constructing effect chains
Norton basically distinguish between lagging through the four perspectives of the BSC.
and leading indicators (Kaplan and Norton, This means that lagging indicators of a lower-
1997, p. 28). level BSC perspective are acting as leading
Lagging indicators and long-term strategic indicators/performance drivers for an indi-
objectives are formulated for the strategic cator in a higher-level perspective. Proceed-
core issues of each perspective derived from ing in this way results in a situation where
the strategy of the business unit. Lagging the lagging (financial) indicators are com-
indicators thus indicate whether the strategic bined with the leading indicators/performance
objectives in each perspective were achieved. drivers through the four perspectives, leading
In contrast to the lagging indicators, the to a hierarchical cause–effect network, which
leading indicators are very firm specific. reflects the fundamental assumptions for suc-
They express the specific competitive cessful translation of the strategy (Kaplan and
advantages of the firm and represent Norton, 1997, pp. 8, 28). This strategy-focused

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 11, 269–284 (2002)


hierarchical approach ensures the identifica- an integrative way. It posits that for com-
tion of the major strategic issues of a busi- panies to contribute to sustainable devel-
ness and assigns them their particular strategic opment, it is desirable that corporate per-
relevance – as strategic core issues or perfor- formance improves in all three dimensions
mance drivers. This enables an orientation of of sustainability – economic, environmental and
all business resources and activities towards social – simultaneously (see Figge et al., 2001a).
the conversion of the strategy and a better In contrast to approaches that try to measure
communication of the strategy. corporate sustainable performance (see, e.g.,
The BSC as an instrument for performance Huizing and Decker, 1992; Atkinson, 2000),
measurement was further developed beyond in this article we propose a more procedu-
its original conception into a strategic manage- ral approach to sustainability management:
ment concept. Here, the BSC is used to com- While conflicts between the three performance
municate and coordinate the translation of the categories of sustainability (social, ecologi-
business strategy (Kaplan and Norton, 1997, cal and economic goals) may occur, from a
24, p. 34): the gap between strategic and oper- pragmatic business viewpoint corporate sus-
ative planning can be bridged and the long- tainability management should first identify
term achievement of the strategic objectives and realize opportunities for simultaneous
guaranteed by means of a consistent applica- improvements in all three dimensions in order
tion and formulation of a previously defined to achieve strong corporate contributions to
business strategy in the four perspectives of sustainability.
the BSC (Kaplan and Norton, 2001, p. 65). In In a BSC all aspects relevant for achieving
particular, Kaplan and Norton subdivide the a permanent competitive advantage should be
strategic management system of the BSC into included. In the four perspectives of the BSC,
four partial processes. The central question for therefore, the company’s activities critical for
the theme of this article about the structure of a long-term business success are included and
BSC is mainly related to the first of the four crit- causes are linked to effects. In the formulation
ical management processes to be described by of a BSC the objectives and measures in
Kaplan and Norton (Radcliffe, 1999, p. 8): clar- all perspectives are deduced from the long-
ification and translation of vision and strategy. term strategic financial goals in a top-down
The BSC is directed top down, both in its process. This hierarchical structure of the
contents and in its development as a manage- BSC guarantees that all business activities are
ment system. Therefore, to be able to clarify linked to the successful implementation of the
and translate the strategy top management business strategy.
must agree on the strategy. The goal is to create This characteristic of the BSC can also be
a common and comprehensible strategic basis used for the management of environmen-
in the form of a formulated BSC (Kaplan and tal and social aspects. Against the backdrop
Norton, 1997, pp. 11, 186). Because of this, the of the fundamental deficits of most current
verbally formulated strategy should be trans- approaches for environmental and social man-
lated and causally linked in terms of objectives agement described above the ability of the
and measures as described above. BSC to integrate the three dimensions of sus-
tainability offers the possibility to integrate
Suitability of the balanced scorecard as a tool for the management of environmental and social
sustainability management aspects into mainstream business activities.
Such an approach to sustainability manage-
Conceptually, sustainability management with ment aims at a simultaneous achievement of
the BSC seeks to address the problem of ecological, social and economic goals (Figge
corporate contributions to sustainability in et al., 2001a, 2001b; Schaltegger and Burritt,

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 11, 269–284 (2002)


2000). Therefore, the relation between all The BSC assists the identification and the
three performance dimensions of sustainabil- management of simultaneous improvements
ity – environmental, social and economic per- of environmental, social and financial busi-
formance of the firm – has to be explicitly taken ness goals. Therefore, an SBSC fulfils the cen-
into account. Integrating the three pillars of tral requirement of the sustainability concept
sustainability into general business manage- for a permanent improvement of the busi-
ment by a pragmatic approach offers three ness’ performance in economic, ecological and
major advantages (Figge, 2001; Figge et al., social terms. A particular suitability of the
2001a, 2001b). BSC for the integration of all three sustain-
ability dimensions results from the possibil-
ity to also consider soft factors, which can-
(i) Sustainability management that is eco- not be monetarized. Environmental and social
nomically sound is not endangered by eco- aspects often show precisely these character-
nomic crisis because it is not only carried istics (Senn, 1986). Thus, an SBSC helps to
out as long as the company is successful. implement soft factors such as environmen-
Usually, if firms find themselves under tal or social objectives within the core man-
financial distress, those costs that are per- agement of businesses instead of just adding
ceived as not contributing to the economic satellite systems. In the following section the
success are cut down first. Sustainability fundamental possibilities of an integration of
management that is economically sound, environmental and social aspects into the BSC
however, will also be practiced in times are briefly described.
of crises and not only as long as firms
are successful.
(ii) Firms that want to promote or rein- DIFFERENT POSSIBLE APPROACHES
force their environmental and social OF INTEGRATING ENVIRONMENTAL
management often orientate themselves AND SOCIAL ASPECTS
towards competitors. Therefore, sustain-
ability management that also contributes There are basically three possibilities to inte-
to economic objectives helps to dissemi- grate environmental and social aspects in the
nate the idea of sustainable development BSC. First, environmental and social aspects
in business, as it serves as an appropriate can be integrated in the existing four standard
role model for other businesses. perspectives. Second, an additional perspec-
(iii) An integration of environmental and tive can be added to take environmental and
social aspects into general business man- social aspects into account. Third, a specific
agement ensures that corporate sus- environmental and/or social scorecard can be
tainability management covers all three formulated (Deegen, 2001, p. 50; Epstein, 1996,
dimensions of sustainability. According p. 73; Figge et al., 2001a, 2001b; Sturm, 2000,
to the three-pillar concept sustainabil- p. 374).
ity involves economic, ecological and
social aspects. Usually, it is implic-
Integration of environmental and social aspects in
itly assumed that these aspects bear a
the four balanced scorecard perspectives
complementary relation to each other.
Thus, from the viewpoint of sustainabil- Environmental and social aspects can be sub-
ity, it is most favourable if a business sumed under the four existing BSC perspec-
improves performance with regard to tives like all other potential strategically rel-
all the three dimensions of sustainability evant aspects (Deegen, 2001; Epstein, 1996,
simultaneously. p. 73; Figge et al., 2001a, 2001b). This means

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 11, 269–284 (2002)


that environmental and social aspects are inte- mechanism and often represent externalities.
grated in the four perspectives through respec- However, the model of the socio-economic
tive strategic core elements or performance rationality according to Hill shows that firms
drivers for which lagging and leading indi- do not operate exclusively in the commer-
cators as well as targets and measures are cial–economic sphere. As quasi-public institu-
formulated (Kaplan and Norton, 2001, p. 90). tions, they rather interact with other spheres,
Through this top-down derivation those envi- too, for instance the socio-cultural or the legal
ronmental and social aspects that are strate- sphere (Hill, 1985). Environmental and social
gically relevant within the framework of the aspects as social constructs can emerge in all
four standard perspectives of the BSC are spheres and can become strategically relevant
identified. Environmental/social aspects con- for firms through other mechanisms than the
sequently become an integral part of the con- market exchange process.
ventional Scorecard and are automatically inte- Given these particular characteristics of envi-
grated in its cause–effect links and hierarchi- ronmental and social aspects, it becomes clear
cally orientated towards the financial perspec- that for the integration of strategically rele-
tive and a successful conversion of a busi- vant environmental and social aspects from
ness’ strategy. outside the market system the standard BSC
Within all its four standard perspectives the structure – which reflects the market system
logic of the BSC remains almost exclusively only – might have to be extended by an addi-
in the economic sphere. Exchange processes tional perspective. Figge et al. (2001a, 2001b)
outside the market mechanism are hardly con- propose the introduction of an additional, so
sidered. Therefore, the approach of the inte- called non-market perspective in order to inte-
gration of environmental and social aspects by
grate strategically relevant but not market-
subsuming them under the four standard per-
integrated environmental and social aspects.
spectives is particularly relevant for strategi-
Kaplan and Norton also point out that the
cally relevant environmental and social aspects
firm-specific formulation of a BSC may involve
that are already integrated in the market sys-
a renaming or adding of perspectives (Kaplan
tem. For instance, for a firm that aims at
and Norton, 1997, p. 33). In order to justify
an environmental customer segment the core
an introduction of an additional non-market
measure ‘market share’ in the customer per-
perspective, environmental and social aspects
spective would have an environmentally ori-
ented dimension. Also, the leading indicator from outside the market system must explic-
‘product features’ would have an environmen- itly represent strategic core aspects for the
tal dimension. successful execution of the strategy of the com-
pany considered. Thus, the necessity for an
additional non-market perspective arises when
Introduction of an additional non-market environmental or social aspects that cannot be
perspective into the balanced scorecard reflected according to their strategic relevance
As already noted above, environmental and within the four standard BSC perspectives at
social aspects and scarcities are not (yet) fully the same time significantly influence the firm’s
integrated in the market exchange processes success from outside the market system.
through assigned market prices. The reason Strategically relevant environmental/social
for this is that, fundamentally, environmen- aspects from outside the market system can
tal and social aspects originate from non- impact a firm’s performance in all four per-
market systems as social constructs. Thus, spectives of the conventional Scorecard. This
many environmental and social aspects are still means that they can be relevant both directly
not integrated into the market coordination (with regard to the financial perspective) and

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 11, 269–284 (2002)


indirectly (with regard to the other perspec- an internal service unit with the strategic busi-
tives). Thus, an additional non-market per- ness units and their scorecards (Kaplan and
spective can affect all four conventional per- Norton, 2001, p. 48). Thus, this additional vari-
spectives. Analogously to the process of for- ant of a derived environmental/social scorecard
mulating a conventional scorecard, the strate- allows coordinated control of all strategically
gic core aspects and leading indicators of the relevant environmental/social aspects, which
non-market perspective must also be identi- are spread and integrated in the whole overar-
fied and reproduced through respective mea- ching BSC system.
sures. These measures are then linked towards
the financial perspective by means of hierar- Relationship of the three approaches to building a
chical cause-and-effect chains. Consequently, sustainability balanced scorecard
strategy-linked management is guaranteed for
the strategically relevant non-market aspects, As already pointed out in the previous para-
too. As will be shown later on, the decision of graph, a fundamental difference exists between
whether an additional non-market perspective the three approaches to building an SBSC. On
is necessary to formulate an SBSC for a specific the one hand, the first two variants (subsump-
business strategy cannot be taken beforehand tion and addition) refer to the structure of the
but only within the process of formulation. core scorecard for a business unit. On the other
hand, the derived environmental/social score-
card is deduced from the core scorecard. In
Deduction of a derived environmental and social other words, a derived environmental or social
scorecard scorecard can only be formulated after at least
one of the two first variants has been realized
The third approach to integrating environmen- for the core scorecard system. The contents of a
tal and social aspects into the BSC lies in the derived scorecard result from the higher-level
deduction of an environmental and/or social BSC of the strategic business unit. Concerning
scorecard. At this point, it is very impor- the process of building up an SBSC, formulat-
tant to note that a derived environmental ing a derived environmental/social scorecard
or social scorecard cannot be developed par- represents thus only a possible second step.
allel to the conventional scorecard. Instead, The first step always needs to be an integration
in order to integrate sustainability manage- of the strategically relevant environmental and
ment into mainstream business management social aspects into the core BSC with the help
this is only possible in conjunction with one of the two variants discussed above.
of the two alternatives of integration dis- After having delineated the first two
cussed above. Therefore, a derived environ- approaches from the subsequent possibility of
mental/social scorecard is not an independent a derived environmental or social scorecard,
alternative for integration, but only an extension it is important to take a look at the relation
of the two variants discussed in the previous between the two variants concerning the
sections. A derived scorecard as discussed in structure of a business unit’s core scorecard. It
this section draws its contents from an existing is important to note that certain environmental
BSC system and is thus predominantly used in or social aspects can be subsumed under the
order to coordinate, organize and further dif- four conventional BSC perspectives parallel to
ferentiate the environmental and social aspects, the introduction of a specific perspective for
once their strategic relevance and position in the other strategically relevant environmental or
cause-and-effect chains have been identified by the social aspects. In other words, the first two
two approaches presented above. Deriving such a alternatives of structuring an SBSC are not
scorecard can serve to clarify the relationship of mutually exclusive. Given the characteristics

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 11, 269–284 (2002)


of the two alternatives as outlined above it that the decision on which structure is appro-
becomes clear that the difference lies mainly in priate for a specific business unit cannot be
the characteristics of the strategically relevant taken without further consideration. Rather, it
environmental and social aspects. For those depends on the nature of the strategically rele-
strategically relevant environmental or social vant environmental and social aspects that are
aspects that are already integrated in the identified during the process of formulating an
market system (e.g. environmental costs), it SBSC. The choice of how environmental and
is fairly straightforward to integrate them social aspects are integrated is therefore taken
by means of appropriate leading or lagging during this process, rather than at its begin-
indicators into one of the four conventional ning. The process of constructing an SBSC is
perspectives. In contrast, if environmental and described in the following section.
social aspects exert their strategically relevant
influence via mechanisms acting in the firm’s
non-market environment (e.g. complaints of THE PROCESS OF FORMULATING A
neighbour groups), then an additional, non- SUSTAINABILITY BALANCED
market perspective is necessary. Because SCORECARD
there might well exist situations where
strategically relevant environmental or social Based on our reasoning in the previous sections
aspects already incorporated in the market the process of formulating an SBSC has to meet
system occur alongside those influencing the a number of basic requirements.
business unit via non-market mechanisms, it
is neither necessary, nor desirable, to make a (i) First, the process must lead to an integra-
final decision for or against one of the two tion of environmental and social manage-
variants of integration. Most of the authors ment into business management.
who have dealt with different approaches (ii) An SBSC that exactly meets the specific
to integrate environmental and social aspects characteristics and requirements of the
in the BSC so far neither considered strategy and the environmental and social
explicitly the relationship between the different aspects of a business unit must not be
approaches nor discussed the preconditions generic. The process therefore has to
of their respective appropriateness (Epstein, ensure, second, that the SBSC formulated
1996, p. 73; Radcliffe, 1999; Sturm, 2000, is business unit specific.
p. 374; Fahrbach et al., 2000; Czymmeck and (iii) Third, environmental and social aspects
Faßbender-Wynands, 2001). We propose two of a business unit must be integrated
fundamental conditions for the introduction according to their strategic relevance.
of an additional non-market perspective. In This includes the question whether the
order to justify the addition of a non- introduction of an additional non-market
market perspective (i) environmental and perspective is necessary.
social aspects have to be strategically relevant,
i.e. they are either strategic core aspects or On the basis of these requirements the process
performance drivers and (ii) it is not possible of formulating an SBSC can be divided into
to include these aspects appropriately, i.e. three major steps. First, the strategic business
according to their strategic relevance, into unit has to be chosen. This step presupposes
the four conventional perspectives of the BSC that a strategy of the business unit exists. Sec-
(Figge et al., 2001a, 2001b). ond, the environmental and social aspects of
Regarding the process of formulating an concern have to be identified. Third, the rele-
SBSC these findings lead to the conclusion vance of these aspects for the specific business

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 11, 269–284 (2002)


Choose strategic business unit Identification of the environmental and social

Identify environmental and social exposure exposure of the business unit
Determine strategic relevance of environmental and social aspects In order to ensure that the SBSC is tailored to
the specific needs of the business unit chosen,
the environmental and social aspects that affect
Perspective Internal the business unit must be identified in a second
Process Learning step. The result is a profile of the environmental
Perspective and Growth
Perspective Non-Market and social exposure of the business unit. The
Perspective purpose of this step is to identify all the
pertinent environmental and social aspects in
Figure 1. Process of formulating an SBSC order to obtain a comprehensive list of all
possibly strategically relevant environmental
unit’s strategy has to be determined. Figure 1 and social aspects. For the identification of
gives an overview of the whole process. the environmental and social exposure of a
business unit two generic frameworks can
be used.
Choice of strategic business unit The first framework (see Figure 2) serves to
The BSC as developed by Kaplan and Norton identify the environmental exposure of a busi-
was originally designed for strategic manage- ness unit. The idea behind this framework is
ment at the business unit level (Kaplan and to identify all the environmental interventions
Norton, 1997, p. 161). Thus, as a first step, that originate from a business unit’s opera-
the business unit for which an SBSC will be tions and products. These interventions are
formulated has to be chosen. For small and
medium sized enterprises the business unit
level may be identical with the corporate level, Environmental exposure of a business unit
while in large companies or groups there are
Type of environmental Business unit specific
often several business units that aim at dif- intervention occurrence
ferent customer segments, often organized as
independent profit centres. The choice of the Emissions (to air, water, and soil) …
business unit presupposes that a strategy exists
Waste …
for this business unit. It is important to note
that the BSC is not a tool for the formulation of
Material input/material intensity …
strategies. Rather, the BSC serves to describe
and translate an existing strategy consistently …
Energy intensity
in order to enhance the successful execution of
the strategy (Kaplan and Norton, 1997, p. 36, Noise and vibrations …
2001, p. 104). The formulation of a BSC is thus
not an independent process but is part of a Waste heat …
wider framework of competitive positioning
and strategy formulation (Kaplan and Norton, Radiation …
2001, p. 40). This is also the case for the for-
Direct interventions on nature
mulation of an SBSC: before an SBSC can be and landscape

formulated top management has to arrive at a
common agreement on what the strategy is, no Figure 2. Framework for the identification of the envi-
matter whether it explicitly mentions sustain- ronmental exposure of a business unit (Figge et al., 2001a,
ability issues or not. p. 36)

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 11, 269–284 (2002)


eventually responsible for the environmental concerning a business unit can thus be identi-
impacts a business unit causes, because all fied by systematically following a comprehen-
environmental problems can finally be traced sive framework of potentially relevant stake-
back to physical and/or chemical interventions holder groups (Liebl, 1996). Figure 3 provides
(Heijungs et al., 1992). In order to obtain the such a framework. Potentially relevant stake-
holder groups for a business unit can be distin-
business-unit-specific environmental exposure
guished into internal stakeholders, stakehold-
all activities and products of the business unit
ers along the value chain, stakeholders in the
must be checked against the categories of the local community and societal stakeholders. As
framework as shown in Figure 2. It is impor- a further, cross-sectional, classification, direct
tant to consider all pertinent environmental stakeholders can be distinguished from indi-
interventions in order to come up with a com- rect stakeholders (Rowley, 1997). Direct stake-
prehensive and business-unit-specific profile of holders are those groups that are related to
the environmental exposure. the firm by direct material resource exchange
Social aspects that are strategically relevant flows, while with indirect stakeholders no such
can be identified, analogous to the environ- direct material exchange flows are established.
mental aspects. However, due to the great In a first step, all pertinent stakeholder groups
for a business unit have to be identified. In a
variety and diversity of social aspects and the
second step the social claims and issues brought
lack of a common foundation in natural sci-
up by these groups have to be identified. By
ences as found for environmental aspects it specifying the framework shown in Figure 3
is very difficult to achieve a comprehensive a specific profile of the social exposure of the
classification of social aspects (Clarkson, 1995, business unit can be obtained.
p. 102). Rather, social aspects heavily depend
on the preferences and values of the differ-
ent actors involved (Zadek, 1999, p. 7). It is Determination of the strategic relevance of
therefore advisable to classify social aspects environmental and social aspects
not according to their contents but according to For both the conventional BSC and the SBSC
the actors involved. The stakeholder approach the identification and alignment of the strate-
(Freeman, 1984) provides a useful framework gically relevant aspects is the core step. The
to classify the actors concerned with different purpose of this step is to translate the verbally
social claims (Clarkson, 1995). The social issues formulated strategy of a business unit into

Social exposure of a business unit

Direct stakeholders Indirect stakeholders

Internal Along the In the local Societal Internal Along the In the local Societal
value chain community value chain community

particular particular particular particular particular particular particular particular

stakeholder stakeholder stakeholder stakeholder stakeholder stakeholder stakeholder stakeholder
group group group group group group group group
… … … … … … … …

claim/issue claim/issue claim/issue claim/issue claim/issue claim/issue claim/issue claim/issue

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Figure 3. Framework for the identification of the social exposure of a business unit (Figge et al., 2001a, p. 38)

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 11, 269–284 (2002)

causally linked objectives and indicators. As strategic core requirements in the perspec-
already mentioned above the BSC is a tool tive have been achieved. Kaplan and Nor-
to identify the 15–25 strategically most rele- ton (1997, p. 4) have proposed generic cat-
vant aspects and to link them causally and egories for the formulation of lagging indi-
hierarchically towards the long-term success cators in each perspective (see Table 1).
measured by the financial perspective. For (ii) Performance drivers as represented by
the formulation of a BSC Kaplan and Norton leading indicators show how the results
(1997) propose a top-down process to iden- in each perspective, reflected by the lag-
tify the strategically relevant aspects in all ging indicators, are to be achieved. Perfor-
the perspectives. In principle, this approach mance drivers are highly business specific
can also be used for the formulation of an but there are once again categories to sup-
SBSC. The only difference is that in addition port identification (see Table 2). Leading
to ‘conventional’ aspects environmental and indicators will reflect environmental or
social aspects have to be considered, too. By social issues whenever environmental and
going through the perspectives in a cascade- social aspects act as performance drivers.
(iii) Finally, environmental or social issues can
like process starting from the financial per-
also represent hygienic factors, reflected
spective as indicated in Figure 1, the hierar-
by diagnostic indicators. Hygienic factors
chical and causal linkage of the strategically
(Herzberg et al., 1999) are issues that have
relevant aspects is guaranteed. This serves to
to be managed sufficiently in order to
align all strategically relevant aspects of a busi-
guarantee successful business operations;
ness unit towards the successful conversion of however, addressing these factors does
the strategy and thus towards long-term eco- not lead to any competitive advantage
nomic success. (Kaplan and Norton, 1997, p. 156). In
Like all other business issues, we can other words, hygienic factors represent
distinguish between three stages of strategic necessary but not sufficient conditions for
relevance of environmental and social aspects. a successful execution of a firm’s strategy.
Therefore, these factors are not part of
the BSC.
(i) Environmental or social aspects can rep-
resent strategic core issues, for which lag- Environmental and social aspects have to be
ging indicators have to be defined. These classified and integrated into the scorecard
lagging indicators measure whether the system according to their strategic relevance

Table 1. Generic categories for the formulation of lagging indicators (Figge et al., 2001a; see also Kaplan and Norton,

Financial Customer Process Learning and Non-market

perspective perspective perspective growth perspective perspective

° Revenue ° Market share ° Innovation ° Employee retention ° Freedom of

growth process action
° Productivity ° Customer acquisition ° Operations ° Employee productivity ° Legitimacy
growth process
° Asset ° Customer retention ° Postsale service ° Employee satisfaction ° Legality
utilization process
° Customer satisfaction
° Customer

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 11, 269–284 (2002)


Table 2. Generic categories for the formulation of leading indicators (Figge et al., 2001a; see also Kaplan and Norton,

Financial Customer Process Learning and growth Non-market

perspective perspective perspective perspective perspective

– ° Product attributes ° Cost indicators ° Employee potentials leading or lagging

° Customer relationship ° Quality indicators ° Technical indicators from all
infrastructure other perspectives
° Image and reputation ° Time indicators ° Climate for action

just like all potentially strategically relevant (ii) Does the environmental or social aspect
aspects. In order to determine the strategic rel- contribute significantly to a strategic core
evance of environmental and social aspects for issue and therefore represent a perfor-
each perspective a matrix as shown in Figure 4 mance driver for the business strategy of
can be used. To determine whether environ- our business unit (→ environmental or
mental and social aspects represent strate- social leading indicator)?
gic core issues, performance drivers or sim- (iii) What is the substantial contribution of the
ply hygienic factors, environmental and social performance driver to the achievement of
exposure are cross checked against the cate- a strategic core issue?
gories of lagging and leading indicators (see (iv) Is the environmental or social aspect sim-
Tables 1 and 2) in a cascade-like top-down pro- ply a hygienic factor, which necessar-
cess as shown in Figure 1 for every perspective. ily has to be well managed but leads
It is useful to check systematically all pertinent to no particular strategic or competi-
environmental and social aspects by answering tive advantage?
the following questions when going through
the four conventional perspectives. As already mentioned above, the decision
whether adoption of an additional non-market
perspective is necessary can only be taken
(i) Does the environmental or social during rather than before the process of formu-
aspect represent a strategic core issue lating an SBSC. Therefore, after having gone
for the business strategy of our through the four conventional scorecard per-
business unit (→ environmental or social spectives, it finally has to be checked whether
lagging indicator)? strategically relevant environmental or social

Social exposure
Environmental exposure
Direct Stakeholders Indirect Stakeholders

value chain

value chain

In the local

In the local
Waste heat

Noise and

Along the

Along the

Land use



Perfor- Strategic

drivers issues




Figure 4. Matrix to determine the strategic relevance of environmental and social aspects (according to Figge et al.,
2001, p. 42)

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 11, 269–284 (2002)

aspects exist that significantly influence the of the non-market perspective can in principle
success of the business unit’s strategy via influence objectives in any other perspective.
mechanisms other than the market system. Consequently, as indicated in the last column
This can be done by answering the follow- of Table 2, the performance drivers for the non-
ing questions. market perspective can also be found in any
other perspective.
(i) Are there any environmental or social As the result of the process described above,
aspects that influence the business unit’s all strategically relevant aspects reflected by
success via non-market mechanisms? appropriate lagging or leading indicators are
(ii) Do these environmental or social aspects part of a cause-and-effect network, which visu-
represent strategic core elements at which alizes and translates the strategy of the busi-
the business unit has to excel in order to ness unit. By systematically going through
successfully execute its strategy? the perspectives in a top-down direction, the
(iii) What is the substantial contribution of the strategic relevance of the pertinent environ-
performance driver to the achievement of mental and social aspects is determined, as for
the business unit’s strategy? all other, ‘conventional’, aspects. This ensures
the full integration of environmental and social
When going through the perspectives in the aspects in the general management system.
described cascade-like manner it is impor- The result of the process of formulating an
tant to remember that the causal relationships SBSC can be shown graphically by using
between the strategically relevant aspects iden- a strategy map (Kaplan and Norton, 2001).
tified stretch beyond the lagging and leading In such a strategy map, all economic, envi-
indicators within one perspective. Rather, all ronmental and social aspects that have been
aspects and indicators have to be directly or identified as strategically relevant are repre-
indirectly linked towards the financial per- sented in the hierarchical network of cause-
spective. The strategic core aspects and value and-effect chains. Figure 5 shows an SBSC
drivers of the lower level perspectives in the for a sample company as such a strategy
cascade shown in Figure 1 serve to achieve the map. Once the identification and alignment
objectives set by the indicators in the upper of the strategically relevant aspects has been
level perspectives. Therefore, every time one performed, the next step is to define indica-
moves from an upper level perspective to tors, targets and measures in order to control
the next lower level perspective in the cas- and steer corporate performance towards the
cade it has to be ensured that and shown achievement of strong corporate contributions
explicitly how the lower level strategic core to sustainability.
aspects and performance drivers contribute to
the achievement of the objectives in the higher
level perspective(s). This serves to establish the
hierarchic cause-and-effect chains that link all DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
strategically relevant aspects to the successful
execution of the strategy. As discussed above, The process of formulating an SBSC described
in contrast to the other scorecard perspectives in this article shows how environmental and
the non-market perspective acts as a frame that social issues can be integrated with the general
embeds the other perspectives. However, the management of a business unit. The process is
strategic aspects of the non-market perspective designed in such a way that it can be applied
have to be linked directly or indirectly to the no matter whether a conventional scorecard
financial perspective as well. It is important already existed prior to integrating environ-
to note in this context that the core aspects mental and social aspects or not. As a further

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 11, 269–284 (2002)


Non-Market Perspective

Financial Perspective ROCE

(6% 8%)

Turnover growth Return on sales

(+20%) (4% 4.5%)

Customer Perspective Increase market share

(15% 20%)

Customer satisfaction
Strategic core issues
Performance drivers
Product attributes Customer Image and Reputation
Toxin-free products Environmentally friendly and
Durable products socially responsible image

Internal Process Perspective

Production Process
Innovation Process Service Process
Toxic residues in Production
Child labour the products cost
Strategic core issues
Performance drivers

Quality control Use of harmful substances in Energy-, water-, and

purchasing production material-efficiency

Learning and Growth Perspective

Strategic core issues
Performance drivers
Employee potentials Technical infrastructure Climate for action
Employee health and safety

Figure 5. SBSC as a strategy map for a sample company

advantage, the SBSC concept is an open con- players to the far wider range of mainstream
cept. This means that it can be applied to companies and helps them to move towards
integrating environmental and social aspects a more sustainable performance. It is obvious
into the successful implementation of both that the SBSC makes no statement on what
‘conventional’ corporate strategies and explicit kind of strategy should be chosen. Here again,
corporate sustainability strategies. It is obvious it becomes clear that an SBSC is embedded in
that in the case of companies that have adopted the wider context of strategic management.
explicit sustainability strategies (see, e.g., Hart, This embeddedness also holds true when
1997) environmental and social aspects will it comes to the relation of the SBSC with
play a more prominent role in the SBSC. How- other tools of sustainability and environ-
ever, the openness of the approach to also mental management. As the SBSC is used
include conventional firms widens the appli- to translate a verbally formulated strategy
cability of the SBSC from sustainable niche into operational terms, it can be seen as

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 11, 269–284 (2002)


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