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-WORKOUT - His real workout routine involved plenty of circuit training and steady state

cardio, which while isn’t a bad thing, it also isn’t the best approach to getting a lean and
muscular physique.


Incline dumbbell/barbell press (if dumbbell, set incline to no more than 30 degrees)- 3 sets x 5

Pull ups (weighted if possible) – 3 sets x 6-8 reps

Chest isolation exercise (cable crossover, dumbbell flyes, etc…) – 3 sets x 10-13 reps

Row variation (cable row, t-bar, dumbbell ,barbell, etc…) – 3 sets x 10-13 reps

Alternating hammer dumbbell curls – 4 sets x 10-13 reps

Tricep rope extension – 4 sets x 10-13 reps


Deadlifts – 5 sets x 5 reps

Dumbbell lunges – 4 sets x 8-10 reps per leg

Standing calf raise – 5 sets x 12-20 reps


Set treadmill to slight incline (10%)

Warm up for 3-5 minutes (moderate-fast walking speed)

Increase speed and begin to alternate between all out sprints for 30 seconds and rest (back to
walking speed) for 60 seconds.

Repeat step 3. 8-10 times.


Seated dumbbell press – 3 sets x 5-6 reps

Row variation (cable row, t-bar, dumbbell ,barbell) – 3 sets x 6-8 reps

Pull ups – 3 sets x 10-13 reps

Side lateral raises – 4 sets x 10-15 reps done in drop set fashion

Alternating dumbbell curls – 4 sets x 10-13 reps

Triceps extension – 4 sets x 10-13 reps


Barbell squat – 5 sets x 10-15 reps

Reverse lunges – 4 sets x 8-10 reps

Calf raise – 5 sets x 12-20 reps


Set treadmill to slight incline (10%)

Warm up for 3-5 minutes (moderate-fast walking speed)

Increase speed and begin to alternate between all out sprints for 30 seconds and rest (back to
walking speed) for 60 seconds.

Abs can optionally be done 2x per week, just add in 3 sets x 10-20 reps on hanging leg raises
after each workout.

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