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3, JULY 2022 8283

Robust Stabilization of Elastic Joint Robots by ESP

and PID Control: Theory and Experiments
Manuel Keppler , Clara Raschel , David Wandinger , Andreas Stemmer , and Christian Ott

Abstract—This work addresses the problem of global set-point

control of elastic joint robots by combining elastic structure pre-
serving (ESP) control with non-collocated integral action. Despite
the popularity and extensive research on PID control for rigid joint
robots, such schemes largely evaded adoption to elastic joint robots.
This is mainly due to the underactuation inherent to these systems,
which impedes the direct implementation of PID schemes with
non-collocated (link position) feedback. We remedy this issue by
using the recently developed concept of “quasi-full actuation,” to
achieve a link-side PID control structure with “delayed” integral
action. The design follows the structure preserving design philos-
ophy of ESP control and ensures global asymptotic stability and
local passivity of the closed loop. A key feature of the proposed
controller is the switching logic for the integral action that enables
the combination of excellent positioning accuracy in free motion
with compliant manipulation in contact with the environment. Its Fig. 1. DLR David: A soft robot with variable stiffness actuators. [15].
performance is evaluated on an elastic joint testbed and a compliant
robot arm. The results demonstrate that elastic robots may achieve
positioning accuracy comparable to rigid joint robots. impedes a direct implementation of PID-like controllers with
Index Terms—Elastic joint robot, PID control, underactuation.
link position feedback.
However, for such systems to be commercially attractive,
combining safe and compliant behavior in contact with high
I. INTRODUCTION positioning accuracy in free motion is paramount. The former
has been subject to extensive research in the past and present
HE introduction of lightweight robot arms enabled compli-
T ant manipulation in contact with unknown environments
and safe interaction with humans [1]–[3]. A major challenge
years [2], [3], [5]–[9]. Additionally, several works [10]–[14]
proposed robust controllers using integral action to address
the latter. A review of the literature reveals that most of the
inherent to the control design for such lightweight robots is experimental evaluations are concerned with robot arms, where
the flexibility introduced into the robot joints, which is usually parasitic effects cause the joint flexibility [10], [11], [14]; thus,
due to gear elasticity or the compliance of torque sensors. The the joint stiffness is usually relatively high, and the rigid body
control design became further challenging with the advent of part gives a good approximation of the dominating dynamics.
robots with series elastic actuators (SEA) or variable impedance A lack of experimental analysis of integrator-based schemes on
actuators [4]. In these articulated soft robots (ASRs), one de- highly compliant robot arms exists, which raises the question of
liberately incorporates highly compliant elements into the drive whether such systems, as shown in Fig. 1, can achieve a position
train with a stiffness that is low enough that these elements can accuracy comparable to that of rigid joint robots. This letter aims
be exploited as energy storage. All systems mentioned above are at to closing this gap.
underactuated since the number of degrees of freedom is greater Recently, we recently proposed the concept of elastic structure
than the number of actuators. The implied loss of the matching preserving (ESP) control for ASRs, which is based on the idea
property between control actions and outputs (non-collocation) of preserving the structure of the open loop dynamics [16] but
unlike [17], implements damping directly on the link side rather
Manuscript received 24 February 2022; accepted 8 June 2022. Date of
on the motor side, while also achieving motion tracking. In [8],
publication 30 June 2022; date of current version 8 July 2022. This letter was we extended this approach to full Cartesian impedance control
recommended for publication by Associate Editor R. J. Caverly and Editor C. by achieving a link-side PD behavior.
Gosselin upon evaluation of the reviewers’ comments. (Corresponding author: The non-collocated PD feedback in [8] globally asymptoti-
Manuel Keppler.) cally stabilizes a desired set-point if the gravity force is balanced
Manuel Keppler, Clara Raschel, David Wandinger, and Andreas Stemmer
are with the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, German Aerospace Cen- or compensated. Such an approach requires accurate knowledge
ter (DLR), 82234 Wessling, Germany (e-mail:; clara. of the gravitational forces. Using the best estimate usually results;; in (small) steady-state errors necessitating robust control. If a
Christian Ott is with the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, Ger- constant bounded disturbance occurs on a rigid joint robot, it is
man Aerospace Center (DLR), 82234 Wessling, Germany, and also with the
Automation and Control Institute, TU Wien, 1040 Vienna, Austria (e-mail:
well known that adding an integral action to PD feedback can eliminate the resulting steady-state error [13], [18], [19]. Further,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LRA.2022.3187277 it allows for dealing with (non-perfectly compensated) gravity

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forces, which to some extent, can be considered a constant so that Q = (Qu , Qa ). Then, the associated Euler–Lagrange
disturbance (from the local point of view) [20]. Motivated by equations are
this observation, we exploit the concept of quasi-full actua-
tion [21] to extend the ESP controller [8] to a link-side PID M (q u )q̈ u + C(q u , q̇ u )q̇ u + g(q u ) − Kϕ = Qu ,
control structure. Specifically, we adopt the “delayed” linear PID Bq̈ a + Kϕ = u + Qa , (1)
controller proposed by Loria [18] and combine it with gravity
compensation [22]. Our approach is motivated by the following where C(q u , q̇ u ) is the Coriolis and centrifugal matrix con-
observations. nected with the rigid body dynamics, and u is the generalized
Gravity in some manipulators, can range from zero up to input force exerted by the n/2 actuators. Introducing
30% or more of the maximum permissible torque [20]. For a  
PID controller with constant gains, this implies that transients in K −K
Ke = , (2)
point-to-point control can exhibit substantial differences accord- −K K
ing to the type of motion required (going up or down) or the oper-
ational configurations [20]. The proposed controller achieves a allows writing the elastic potential energy compactly as Ve =
1 T
uniform transient throughout the entire manipulator workspace 2 q Ke q. For notational simplicity, we shall refrain from writing
by combing PID feedback with gravity compensation (up to the the explicit dependency on q, q̇ of any coefficient. In this work,
aforementioned model uncertainty). It is customary to activate we assume the following:
the integral action only when the manipulator is near its desired Assumption 1: For all q u ∈ Rn/2 , the matrix M is positive
configuration to avoid overshooting and to deactivate it when the definite, and there exist some positive constants dm and dM such
error is too large [20]. The delayed PID controller [18] allows that dm I < M < dM I.1
for a theoretical treatment of this heuristic idea. In summary, this Property 1: For a suitable choice of C in (1), we have
work contributes: that Ṁ = C + C T [25], where C = diag(C, 0). Moreover, the
r A “delayed” PID controller [18] for elastic joint robots, matrix C(x, y) is bounded in x and linear in y such that
with non-collocated feedback, which ensures global C(x, y) ≤ kC x y [24].
asymptotic stabilization. By combining integral action with
gravity [22] compensation, this works aims at improving III. PROBLEM FORMULATION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS
positioning accuracy with minimal overshooting.
r A closed-loop that is locally passive with respect to external We consider the link positions q u as outputs with constant
forces and a linear sum of link velocity and position errors desired values q ∗u ∈ Rn/2 . The associated equilibrium motor
in PID mode, and satisfying standard passivity in PD mode. positions, q ∗a , are dictated by the equilibrium condition of (1),
r A controller that combines high positioning accuracy in and for Q = 0, we get q ∗a = q ∗u + K −1 g(q ∗u ). The output
free motion with compliant manipulation in contact. Exper- q u is non-collocated with the input u, which impedes direct
imental evaluations demonstrate that an elastic manipulator the implementation of PID output-feedback control. We can
may achieve positioning accuracy comparable to that of a remedy this issue by employing the concept of quasi-full ac-
rigid one. tuation [21]. That is, we introduce the virtual motor coordinates
This letter is organized as follows. Section II states the con- q̄ a and inputs ū = (ūu , ūa ) and apply the coordinate and input
sidered model, and Section III recalls some fundamentals for transformation
our main contribution. Sections IV and V present locally stable q a = q̄ a + K −1 ūu , (3)
PID controller for systems with linear and nonlinear elasticities,
−1 ¨
respectively. Our main result, a delayed PID controller, is pre- u = BK ūu + ūu + ūa , (4)
sented in Section VI. Section VII introduces the experimental
as reported in [21] to (1) and obtain
setup, Section VIII reports extensive experimental results, and
Section IX concludes the letter. Σ̄u : M q̈ u + C q̇ u + g (q u ) − K (q̄ a − q u ) = ūu + Qu ,
Throughout and this letter, we denote by λm (A) and λM (A)
the smallest and largest eigenvalues of a symmetric positive- Σ̄a : B ¨q̄ a + K (q̄ a − q u ) = ūa + Qa , (5)
definite bounded matrix A(x) for any x ∈ Rn . with the generalized coordinates q̄ = (q u , q̄ a ). In this text, we
shall exploit ūu for implementing non-collocated PID feedback.
II. MODEL Remark 1: If ūu feeds back only the unactuated states, and
possibly contains the time explicitly, then the coordinate trans-
We consider an elastic joint robot satisfying Spong’s formation (3) establishes a one-to-one correspondence between
model [23] with kinetic energy T (q, q̇) = 12 q̇ T M(q u )q̇, where the solutions q(t) and q̄(t) of (1) and (5), respectively. Thus,
q represents the n generalized coordinates, which can be instead of studying and controlling the behavior of (1), one can
partitioned into unactuated and actuated degrees of freedom equivalently study and control the behavior of (5).
q u , q a ∈ Rn/2 such that q = (q u , q a ). Matrix M = MT = In summary, we are interested in designing a control law (dy-
diag(M (q u ), B)  0 denotes the generalized inertia matrix, namic state feedback) u = u(q, q̇, v), v̇ = f (q, v), such that
where M (q u ) and B are the inertia matrices associated with the closed loop (1) with u is globally asymptotically stable at any
the rigid robot dynamics and the reflected motor inertias. The setpoint (q, q̇, v) = (q ∗ , 0, 0). In particular, we are interested in
gravitational, g(q u ), and elastic forces are derived from the po- using the transformed dynamics (5) to implement a delay PID
tential energies Vg (q u ) and Ve (ϕ) = 12 ϕT Kϕ, ϕ = q a − q u , controller that achieves this objective.
where K is the diagonal matrix of the joint stiffness values. Let
Q ∈ Rn represent the generalized external forces, with forces
acting on the unactuated and actuated subsystems partitioned 1 This is always the case for manipulators with only revolute joints [24].

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K = Kp + Ke , (10)
where  > 0 is a (small) constant to be determined. First, we ob-
serve that q̄ a − q u = q̃ a − q̃ u which implies that Ke q̄ = Ke q̃,
such that making the substitution (7) and (5) gives
M¨q̄ + (C + Kv ) q̄˙ + (Ke + Kp )q̃ = v + Q . (11)
Then, considering (9) and (10), we can write the error dynamics
(5), (7) and (8) as (see also Fig. 2)
Σ̄pd : M¨q̄ + (C + Kv ) q̄˙ + K q̃ = z + Q, (12)
Σ̄i : ż u = −K i q̃ u + 1 q̇ u . (13)
To show the postulated stability and passivity properties of
the closed loop, we consider the following Lyapunov function
candidate, which shall also serve as storage function:3
V (x) = Hpd + Hi , (14)
1 −1
Fig. 2. (top) Passivity of Σ̄pd with respect to the output q̇ or (q̇ + q̃) Hi (z u ) = 2 z u K i z u ,
[27], where Σ̄pd is the transformed robot dynamics (5) under PD plus gravity  T 
compensation control (7). (bottom) Feedback interconnection of the passive Hpd (q̃, q̄)
˙ = 1
2 q̄˙ Mq̄˙ + q̃ T K q̃ + q̃ T Mq̄,
˙ (16)
robot dynamics (under PD+ control) with a linear PI controller.
where  is a sufficiently small constant satisfying:

Using the virtual input ū, we can easily achieve local asymp- 
2λm (K )/λM (Kv ) ≥  > 0, (18)
totic stabilization of (5) with PID control. Since we aim at com-
2 λm (Kv )/ [(kC q̃ + λM (M)] ≥  > 0,
pensating for output steady-state errors, the following controller (19)
only feeds the link position error into the integrator. We extend
the results of [26] to elastic joint robots. where the existence of a constant kC > 0 is ensured by Prop-
Remark 2: It is convenient to introduce the following defini- erty 1. Condition (17) ensures that Hpd is a positive definite
tions. Let K pu , K i ∈ Rn/2 and Kv ∈ Rn be symmetric positive function; see Appendix for details. Positive definiteness of V fol-
definite matrices, Kp = diag(K pu , 0), and lows trivially. After some simplifications and using Property 1,
we get for the time derivative of Hpd along the solutions of the
q̃ = (q̃ u , q̃ a ) = (q u − q ∗u , q̄ a − q ∗u ), closed-loop dynamics (12)
v = (v u , 0) ∈ Rn ,
Ḣpd = q̄˙ T z  − q̄˙ T Kv q̄+
˙ q̄˙ T Mq̄˙ + q̃ T Ṁq̄˙ + q̃ T M¨q̄ ,
z = (z u , 0) , z  = z + Q ∈ Rn ,  T

= ζ T z  − q̄˙ T Kv q̄+
˙ q̄˙ Mq̄˙ + q̃ T C T q̄˙ − Kv q̄˙ − K q̃ .
ζ = (ζ u , ζ a ) ∈ Rn . (6) (20)
Proposition 1: Consider the transformed system (5) in closed Let us establish upper bounds on the following terms
loop with the PID control law
˙ 2,
q̄˙ T Mq̄˙ ≤ λM (M)q̄ (21)
ū = − Kp q̃ − Kv q̄˙ + + v, (7) 2
∂q̄ q̄ Cq̃ ≤ kC q̃ q̄
˙T ˙ , (22)
v̇ u = − K i q̃ u , v u (0) = v u0 ∈ Rn/2 , (8) ˙ 2 ,
−q̄˙ T Kv q̄˙ ≤ − 1 q̃˙ T Kv q̃˙ + λm (Kv )q̄ (23)
with the definitions in Remark 2. Consider the signals −q̃ T Kv q̄˙ ≤ λM (Kv )q̃ q̄.
˙ (24)
2ζ = q̃ + q̄,
˙ zu = vu −  K i q̃ u , (9)
The inequalities (21) and (22) follow immediately from
1 Property 1 and the results in [24, p. 256]. Knowing that
with K pu −  Ki
> 0, then there exists some constant  > 0
such that the resulting closed loop can be represented as the Kv is positive
 definite, we get for the spectral norm
feedback interconnection of Σ̄pd and Σ̄I , as in Fig. 2, with: Kv  = λM (KvT Kv ) = λM (Kv ), which implies (24). Next,
r Σ̄pd defines a locally OSP2 mapping z + Q → ζ. from (20)–(24), we conclude that
r Σ̄i defines an OSP mapping −ζ u → z u .  T  
q̃ q̃
The closed loop is locally asymptotically stable at the origin Ḣpd ≤ −  Q + δ + ζ Tz;
˙ z u ) = 0 for Q = 0.
x  (q̃, q̄, q̄
˙ q̄
Proof of Proposition 1: It is convenient to introduce
˙ 2;
δ = − 12 λm (Kv ) −  [kC q̃ + λM (M)] q̄
Kp = Kp + 1 diag(K i , 0),
3 Note that we can always substitute q = q̃ + q ∗ to write storage and
u u u
2 OSP: output strictly passive. Lyapunov functions in terms of only the error coordinates.

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λm (K ) − 12 λM (Kv ) Comparing (33) with (5), it is evident that we are now in a posi-
Q= . (25) tion to proceed analogously to the linear spring case. Applying
− 12 λM (Kv ) 1
2 λm (Kv ) the PID controller (7) to (33) yields the error dynamics
Inequality (18) implies that Q is positive definite and (19) that ∂Ve
δ ≤ 0. As the existence of δ ≤ 0 is connected to (19), we can Σ̄pd : M¨q̄ + (C + Kv ) q̄˙ + + Kp q̃ = z + Q (34)
conclude only local OSP for Σ̄pd . Next, let us establish passivity ∂q̄
for the subsystem Σ̄i with the storage function Hi in (15). Its time Σ̄i : ż u = −K i (q̃ u + 1 q̇ u ) (35)
derivative along the solutions of Σ̄i is
Proposition 2: The conclusion of Proposition 1 remains valid
Ḣi = −z Tu ζ u . (26) if the PID control law (7)–(8) is applied to the transformed
system (33), which results in the closed loop (34)–(35).
We established the passivity properties of Σ̄pid and Σ̄i . Sketch of Proof of Proposition 2: In the following, we sketch a
Let Q = 0. Consider the set proof by highlighting the modifications required compared to the
Bα = {x ∈ R3n : V (x) ≤ α}, (27) proof of Proposition 1. Observing that the error dynamics (11)
and (34) only differ in the potential forces suggests modifying
where α is the largest positive constant such that (19) holds, the storage function (16) to
and thus V̇ (x) ≤ 0 for all x ∈ Bα . Knowing that V is pos-  
˙ = 12 q̄˙ T Mq̄˙ + q̃ T Kp q̃ + Ve (ϕ̄) + q̃ T Mq̄.
Hpd (q̃, q̄) ˙ (36)
itive definite and radially unbounded, and that V̇ ≤ 0 for all
x ∈ Bα , we conclude that the set is positively invariant (in Considering Assumption 2 and proceeding analogously to Ap-
words, if x(0) ∈ Bα then x(t) ∈ Bα for all t ≥ 0) and qualifies pendix, we conclude that Hpd is a positive definite function.
as a domain of attraction for x(t). Local asymptotic stability Considering that q̃ T (∂Ve /∂ ϕ̄) = ϕ̄T ψ(ϕ̄), we get
of the origin x = 0 can be shown by invoking Krasovskii–
La’Salle’s invariance principle [28, p. 129].  Ḣpd = ζ T z  − q̄˙ T Kv q̄+
V. PID CONTROL FOR NONLINEAR ELASTICITIES  q̄˙ T Mq̄˙ + q̃ T C T q̄˙ − Kv q̄˙ − − Kp q̃ . (37)
In this section, we sketch an extension of Proposition 1 to a
robot arm modeled by4 with z  as in (6), and a positive lower bound on the terms:
M q̈ u + C q̇ u + g(q u ) − ψ(q a − q u ) = Qu , q̃ T
+ Kp q̃ ≥ βϕ̄2 + λm (K pu − 1 K i )q̃ u 2 =
B ¨q̄ a + ψ(q a − q u ) = u, (28)  
(β + λm (K pu − 1 K i ))I −βI
where the generalized elastic forces ψ satisfy: q̃ T q̃ ≥ λm (Kβ )q̃2 ,
Assumption 2: The C k , k ≥ 3, positive definite elastic poten- −βI βI
tial Ve : Rn → R is associated with the joint deflections ϕ such Kβ
that the ith generalized elastic force ψi (ϕi ) = ∂Ve (ϕ)/∂ϕi and
local stiffness κi (ϕi ) = ∂ 2 Ve (ϕ)/∂ϕ2i satisfy: where λm (Kβ ) > 0 follows from of K pu − 1 K i > 0 and
β > 0. Using (17)–(19), (21)–(24) and the inequalities above:
cM ≥ sup κi (ϕi ) ≥ cm ∀ϕi ∈ R, (29)
 q̃ q̃
Ḣpd ≤ − Qnl + δ + ζ Tu z u ;
ϕi ψi (ϕi ) ≥ βϕi 2 ∀ϕi ∈ R, (30) 2 q̄
˙ q̄
for some cm , cM , β > 0, and ψi (0) = 0. 2λm (Kβ ) −λM (Kv )
Then, we can apply the coordinate and input transformation Qnl = . (38)
−λM (Kv ) 1 λm (Kv )
from [21]; that is, we apply the transformation
with δ as in (25). Using the storage and Lyapunov functions Hpd
ψ(ϕ) = ψ(ϕ̄) + ūu , (31) and V2 = Hpd + Hi , with the definitions in (15) and (36), we
where ϕ̄ = q̄ a − q u = q̃ a − q̃ u , and the intermediary input can complete the proof following the steps in Proposition 1. 


u = B(Ȧ + ȧ) + ūu + Aūa + (I − A)ψ(ϕ̄), (32) From Proposition 1, it is evident that only local asymptotic
5 stability is assured (analogous to the rigid robot case, c.f. [29]).
to (1) which gives ˙ 2 in (25) and (38)
The presence of the cross term kc ||q̃|| ||q̄||
M q̈ u + C q̇ u + g(q u ) − ψ(q̄ a − q u ) = ūu + Qu , impedes us from claiming OSP and asymptotic stable setpoint
control in the global sense. To deal with this problematic term,
B ¨q̄ a + ψ(q̄ a − q u ) = ūa . (33) we can adopt nonlinear PID controllers [26], [27] and normalize
the cross term by modifying  to a non-constant term, as in [30].
4 For
However, motivated by the observation that it is customary to
simplicity, we neglect externals forces on the motor inertias. activate the integral term only when the output is “close” to its
5 Note that equations (31), (32) and (33) correspond to (39), (A7) and (A10)
in [21], with A = κ−1 (ϕ)κ(ϕ̄) and a = (I − A)q̇ u + κ−1 (ϕ)ū ˙ u . A phys- desired value to avoid overshooting, we adopted the delayed
ical interpretation of the transformation (31) and a detailed derivation of (33) is PID controller from Loria [18]. The idea is to patch together a
provided in [21]. globally and locally asymptotically stable controller, where the

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former drives the solution into an arbitrarily small domain of TABLE I

attraction of the latter one; see [31]. For the former, we choose SYSTEM AND CONTROL PARAMETERS
the global ESP controller in [8].
Proposition 3 (ESP-PD control [8]): Consider the trans-
formed system (5) or (33) in closed loop with the PD feedback
ū = − Kp q̃ − Kv q̄˙ + , (39)
with the definitions in Remark 2. Then the closed loop is a
passive map q̇ u → Qu and, for Q = 0, globally asymptotically
stable at the origin y = (q̃, q̄)
˙ = 0.
Proof of Proposition 3: First, we notice that the closed loop
(5) and (39) is a special case of the error dynamics (33) and (39);
thus, this proof is concerned with the latter one. Using
V3 (y) = 12 q̄˙ T Mq̄˙ + q̃ T Kp q̃ + Ve (ϕ̄), (40) hold true it should be that α ≤ 12 λλm (Km )d2 . Finally, to ensure
global asymptotic stability of the origin x = 0, it is sufficient
as storage and Lyapunov candidate function, we get
to choose the time ts as the first time instant when x(ts ) ∈ Bα ,
V̇3 = −q̄˙ T Kv q̄˙ + q̄˙ Tu Qu (41) that is,
and conclude the desired passivity property. Moreover, setting ts : V2 (x(ts )) ≤ α.
Qu = 0, then global asymptotic stability of the origin y = 0
immediately follows invoking Krasovskii–La’Salle’s invariance 
principle [28].  Remark 3: In practice, we can also employ a state-dependent
Following [18], we can use Proposition 3 to formulate a switching, that is, activate the second case in (43) as soon as q̃
globally asymptotically stable delayed PID controller. satisfies (19).
Proposition 4 (Delayed ESP-PID Control): Consider, in ab- Remark 4: The link acceleration and jerk signals can be
sence of external force, i.e., Q = 0, the transformed system (5) expressed in terms of the robot states (q, q̇) using the model (1);
or (33) in closed loop with the PID feedback see appendix of [33] for details. Exploiting this property allows
writing the final control law u, constituted by (4), (42)–(43), in
∂Vg the desired (dynamic state feedback) form u = f (q, q̇, v u ).
ū = − Kp q̃ − Kv q̄˙ + + v, (42)
0, v u (0) = 0 ∈ Rn for 0 ≤ t ≤ ts
v̇ u = (43)
K i q̃ u , v u (ts ) = 0 ∈ Rn/2 for t ≥ ts This section introduces the experimental setups, the employed
integrator logic and reports experimental validation of the pro-
with the definitions in Remark 2. Then, there always exists a posed controller. We offer an experimental comparison with
finite time constant ts ≥ 0, a sufficiently large proportional gain the state of the art controllers reported in [6], [13], see (26),
K pu and/or a sufficiently small integral gain K i , independent of and [34]; referred to as C1, C2 and C3. C1 is a joint impedance
the initial conditions, such that the closed-loop system is globally controller developed for lightweight robots with inherent joint
asymptotically stable at the origin x = (q̃, q̇, v u ) = 0. elasticity such as LWR III. C2 is a robust PID controller with
Proof of Proposition 4: From Proposition 3, we know that non-collocated integral action; a critical feature shared by our
during the first phase (0 ≤ t ≤ ts ) of the delayed ESP-PID controller (ESP-PID). ESP-PID and C2 share the same PID gain
controller, (q̃(t), q̇(t)) → 0 as t → ∞. Thus, for any strictly layout as in Table I, but with a damping ratio of 2 for C2. The
positive α, in the first phase the solution is driven into the gains for C1 were obtained by manual tuning; following the
domain of attraction Bα of the PID controllers in Proposi- notation in [6]: Kqd = kpu , Dθ = 52.9 Nm/rads, Bθ = 0.65B,
tion 1 and 2 in finite time. Next, let us lower bound V2 . By D = 1.72 Nm/rads. C3 has the same structure as C1, but with
Taylor’s Theorem [32], Ve (ϕ̄) = 12 ϕ̄T ∂ V∂eϕ̄(r2 ϕ̄) ϕ̄ for some r, integral feedback.
1 ≥ r ≥ 0, which implies that Ve (ϕ̄) ≥ c2m ϕ̄2 , and hence
V2 ≥ 2λ {cm ϕ̄2 + λm (K pu )q̃ u 2 } = 2λ q̃ T Km q̃, where A. Hardware
  We will study the performance of the proposed controllers
{λm (K pu ) + cm }I −cm I
1 > λ > 0, Km = . on two different robots. The first is a dedicated SEA testbed,
−cm I cm I and the second, DLR David, is a soft robot. Table I summa-
Continuing similarly to [18], let us derive an up- rizes critical system and control parameters. We employed a
per bound for α using V2m = 2λ λm (Km )q̃2 and the set fourth-order derivative filter with a cut-off frequency of 80 Hz for
either system to obtain velocity signals. We used the momentum
Bαm = {x ∈ R3n : V2m (x) ≤ α}. It immediately follows from
observer [5] to compensate motor friction and estimate Qu .
the definitions that V2m ≤ V2 and Bα ⊂ Bαm ; thus, V̇2 (Bαm ) ≤ 0 The SEA testbed is constituted by an LWR III motor unit
implies that V̇2 (Bα ) ≤ 0. We know that condition (19), i.e., and elastic elements from DLR C-Runner, and moves in the
q̃ ≤ d, with d = [λm (Kv )/(2) − λM (M)]/kc , is sufficient to horizontal plane, as depicted in Fig. 3. See [33] for details. This
ensure that V̇2 (x) ≤ 0. Thus, for q̃ ≤ d and V̇2 (Bαm ) ≤ 0 to basic setup is intended to demonstrate the achievable control

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Algorithm 1: Integrator Logic Applies to Each Joint

Inputs: q̃ui , q̇ui , Q̂ ui
Outputs: vui , v̇ui , v̈ui
1: INIT: vui = 0, v̇ui = 0, v̈ui = 0
2: while System running do
3: if |Q̂ ui | > δc then
4: HOLD: vui holds present value, v̇ui = 0, v̈ui = 0
5: else if |q̃ui | > δq then
6: OFF: vui , v̇ui = 0, v̈ui = 0
7: else
8: ON: integrator
t initializes with the last value of vui
Fig. 3. A series elastic actuator testbed with impactor. vui = 0 ki q̃ui (τ )dτ, v̇ui = ki q̃ui , v̈ui = ki q̃˙ui
9: end if
performance in a scenario where the dynamics of the actual 10: end while
hardware matches the considered model (1) closely.
DLR David [15], as shown in Fig. 1, is implemented with
variable stiffness actuators. For the experiments, we considered
the first four main axes. The applied stiffness setting corresponds
to the stiffness profile shown in blue in Fig. 1. We followed the
damping design reported in [16] and ξu and ξa refer to the link-
and motor-side modal damping factors.

B. Integrator Logic
Practical experience suggests activating integral action only
when q̃ u is close to zero to reduce overshooting, and deacti-
vating it when q̃ u becomes large to avoid undesirable transient
behavior. A common difficulty in using integral action is the
presence of stick-slip effects, which can cause oscillations due
to the interplay of integral gains and friction nonlinearities [20].
Fig. 4. Link-side positioning accuracy: elastic versus rigid joint. The arith-
To alleviate this issue, deactivating the integral action is cus- metic means (black bars) and root-mean-square errors (RMSE) are shown.
tomary when q̃ u is very small. It is worth mentioning that we
did not encounter such oscillations with the reported integral
gains on David or the SEA testbed. The integrator logic in selected, and each approached from both directions from three
Algorithm VII-B applies to each joint individually and evolves different distances. This procedure was executed twice for a
around two critical events: 1) the estimated external torque Q̂ ui total number of 120 data points. The distances were selected
surpasses some threshold δc , with δc = 1 Nm for the SEA and to exhibit both “slow” friction-dominated behavior (static and
δc = 6 Nm for David, 2) the position error grows too large, i.e., Stribek friction) and “fast” inertial force-dominated behavior.
q̃ui ≥ δq with δq = 2◦ for both systems. For each system, the In summary, the integrator-based schemes (bottom) reduce the
noise level of the corresponding momentum observer dictates steady-state errors by two orders of magnitudes compared to
a lower bound on δc . Remark 3 provides justification for a C2. ESP-PID approaches the link sensor resolution of 0.75 μrad,
position-error-based switching event; theoretically, δq should while C3 is limited in its accuracy by the link sensor resolution
be linked to (19). For practical purposes, however, δq should of 16.9 μrad.
be treated as a joint-specific tuning parameter. Clamping is used b) Testbed: Step response and disturbance rejection: Fig. 5
to avoid integrator windup. Regarding Algorithm VII-B, line 6 shows exemplary the disturbance rejection and set-point control
corresponds to the global PD controller in Proposition 3 and performance of the compared controllers. Note that ESP-PID
line 8 to the local PID controller in Proposition 1 and 2. The achieves a satisfactory disturbance rejection behavior despite
case Qu = 0 in line 4 does not allow for a “standard” stability input saturation during a collision with the impactor, as shown
analysis, but the passivity conclusions of Proposition 1 and 2 in Fig. 3. Comparing the performance of the different controllers,
hold. In this case, v u is constant and thus can be treated as a we conclude that 1) non-collocated integral action successfully
constant external force on the unactuated subsystem of Σ̄pd . reduces the steady state error, 2) “direct” damping through
non-collocated velocity feedback improves the transient and
disturbance rejection behavior, 3) the robustness of a control
VIII. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS design does not necessarily suffer from relying on link and ac-
a) Testbed: Elastic vs. rigid actuators: Fig. 4 best summarizes celeration signals. Latter observation can possibly be explained
the overall conclusion drawn from the following experiments, by the technique noted in Remark 4.
which presents the positioning accuracy achieved by: 1) C3 on c) David. Set-point and motion tracking control: In practice,
a testbed constituted by a single “rigid” actuator of the space the tracking problem is often solved by regulating the link
robot CAESAR [34], 2) C1, C2 and ESP-PID on a dedicated positions about a time-varying trajectory. Fig. 6 shows the
SEA testbed. In total, ten different reference link positions were performance of the ESP-PID on David. As expected from a

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Fig. 7. Delayed PID controller “patched” with a motion tracking con-

troller [16] on David.
Fig. 5. (Left): the impactor exerts a peak force of approximately
Q̂u = 330 Nm at around t = 0.5 s. (Right): A step is commanded.

Fig. 6. Delayed PID controller on David.

Fig. 8. (Top) Time variations of the external torques. (Bottom) External torque
versus joint deflections for the first four joints.
regulation controller, the tracking error approaches zero only in
phases where the desired velocity is zero. Gravity compensation
combined with a state-dependent damping design may enable
overshoot-free transients [16]. By replacing the regulation con-
troller with a globally asymptotically stable tracking controller
in phases where integral terms are deactivated, we can expect to
improve the transient performance. Fig. 7 considers such case by
combining the tracking controller from [16] with the proposed
delayed PID controller; resulting in an improved transient per-
formance. However, the presented stability results would require
some extension to cover such a case.
d) David. Disturbance rejection & impedance behavior: A
human user applies forces on the end-effector by pushing and
pulling on the robot’s hand. The exerted torques are reported
in Fig. 8 (top), and Fig. 8 (bottom) reports the associated
torque-deflection relations. We can observe that the results
closely approximate the desired steady-state behavior (dashed
line). Fig. 9 shows the disturbance rejection performance due to
external forces imposed by a human. For comparison, using a Fig. 9. (Top) Disturbance rejection behavior of the delayed PID controller.
stiff motor controller reveals the intrinsic oscillatory dynamics (Bottom) Disturbance rejection of a “stiff” PD controller with motor position
of the system, as shown in Fig. 9 (bottom). We conclude that the and velocity feedback highlighting David’s intrinsic oscillatory dynamics.

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