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Guo-Ben Yang and Max Donatli

Department of Xlech;inical Engineering and The Productivity Center

University of Minnesota, 11 1 Church St. S.E., Minneapolis, XlN 55355

Abstract Thompson 181 treated the mechanism as continuous systems

We have developed the equations which describe the motion with the links considered only as elastic elements. Dubowsky,
of a robot maniptil:itor which incorporates both structural and Gardner [Y] and Midha etc [ 101 treated the mechanism as a
joint flexibility . We have focused here on the dynamic model discrete system, where the elastic links are replaced by a finite
of ;I one-link ilexible nianipulator in order to show how critical number of masses and springs. A topological chain model for
it is to incorpor:ite joint flexibility and also to demonstrate the robot man i p u 1at or rep res en t ;I t io n M'a s in t r od u c e d by
significance of cross coupling among state variables for small Dubowsky and Gardner [9]. Sunada and Dubowsky [ l ]
deflection. A set of decoupled dynamic equations was obtained d e ~ e l o p e da Component hlode Synthesis procedure with a
based on the Assumed-Mode Method and on orthogonality finite element method applied to :I flexible, spatial kinematic
relations. By comparison to a detailed model which does system. None of the control schemes based on above dynamic
incorporate cross coupling, it was shown that it is sufficiently models have used end-point feedback control. The lack of a
;iccur;ite io iise the decoupled dynamic equations for small joint reasonable sensor of the world position of the end-effector
and structural deflections. Simulation of varying joint stiffness makes it even more different to come u p with a design for a
characteristics indicates that there is no rigid mode for the high performance controller for flexible manipulators. An end-
flexible joint system. As such, both structural and joint point control method was first introduced by Cannon and
flexibility iiiiist he considered in the analysis and control of Schmitz [ l l ] . Their experiment results indicate that good
such s)'stems. closed-loop performance was achieved. However due to there
sensor design, they were limited to motion in the plane. W e
are developing a new system for full 6 DOF tracking of end
effector motion [ 121. However, key issues must still be
addressed in order to establish an appropriate model for a
Introduction flexible ni:inipulator.
Rohot iii:iiiipiilators have for some time been widely used The limitation for all the methods nientioned above is that
both i n hostile environments and for industrial applications. they were based on the assunlption of a rigid joint. It has been
I Iowever, experience has shown that for many tasks, de tzrmi ned experiment ally th ;I t cert iiin el ;I b t ic i t y ex ist s in the
presently av'iiliible robots are neither sufficiently accurate to driven system. Sweet and Good [13] reported on the torsional
be effective nor fast enough to be economical. The elasticity found in the driven system of a GE P-50 robot. Our
requirements for higher speeds and better system performance results further show that the joint flexibility can cause
make i t ;i necessity to consider the dynamic effects of both significant effects on the deflection of flexible arms.
structtir;il flexibility and joint flexibility in the design of A few researchers have investigated the dynamic behavior
manipulators [ 1-21, of robotic manipulators considering rigid links and an elastic
hluch attention has been paid to the structural flexibility of joint. Marino, Nicosia 12,141 have used a singulx perturbation
robots. ?'he dymriiic behavior of flexible nimipulators has formulation [lS] to derive a dynnmic model for a robot
been investigated by a number of researchers. Their studies mnnipulator with a weakly elastic joint. Khorasaui and Spong
c x i he categorized into two groups: ( I ) those that consider [16] utilized the concept of the invuiant manifold to represent
tlexible muciures nith rigid joints; and (2) those that consider the dynamics of the slow subsystem. The premise behind this
rigid strtictiires with flexible joints. work is to model the flexible links as a chitin of rigid sublinks
The interc~tin this area has been further stimulated by the interconnected by elastic joints. To get good results, one has to
work on 1;irge space structures (LSS) for NASA. This use a large number of sublinks with elastic joints to represent a
prograin has been a source of new challenges i n modeling and niulti-link system. This leads to a high order system model,
control of large flexible structures with very low natural which further complicates its control design.
dampirig operating under zero gravity force [ 31. Several This paper will describe two approaches to dynamic
different approaches have been considered in modeling and niodeling of a single degree robot manipulator which includes
control of the clastic link manipulators. Early work on the both structural flexibility and joint flexibility. The simplified
modeling and control of a single flexible link device was model leads to a set of decoupled dynamic equations. A more
reported by LIirro [4]. Book, Whitney [5-61 extended this detailed model leads to a set of cross-coupled dynamic
work to ;I twwlink planar elastic ami using a transfer matrix equations. W e will show that these two models are very close
niethod. The analysis of the elastic-dynamic behavior of a for small deflection and small angular rotation. The results
plan:ir mrchvnical linkage system was considered in great from our simulations further denionstrate the importance of
detail using ;I variety of dynamic equation formulation incorporating both structural and joint flexibility in the
techniques stiiiimarized by Lowen and Jandrasits [7]. dynamic model. The conclusions that we will present is that a

CH2555-1/88/0000/0476$01.000 1988 IEEE
simplified model is sufficient but that both structural and joint
flexibility must be included.

Dvnamic Model based on decouuling

The system studied here includes a uniform distributed (7)
pinned-free beam of length L in the horizontal plane as shown
in Fig.1. Where E, I, p. and Mp are Young's modulus, the
moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area, the density (mass
per unit length) and payload. IH is the hub inertia. The flexible
joint is modeled as shown by a torsional spring with stiffness
For y(x,t) = u(x,t) + x 8(t), Eqs. (6) and (7) become
Kt. The angular rotation, 8, is the sum of the angular
displacement due to the hub rotation, OH, and the angular
displacement due to the flexibility of the joint, eK.XOY is the
original coordinate system, while XlOY 1 is the coordinate
system after an angular rotation 8.x and X I are the distance
between a point on the beam and the origin, before and after
the angular rotation 8.

(a) Schematic


(b) Terminology Using the Assumed-Mode method [18], the solution of the
flexible motion can be represented as the linear combination of
Fig.1 A single degree flexible manipulator
admissible functions Qi(x) multiplied by time-dependent
generalized coordinates q,(t), where the admissible function
For small angular rotation 8, and deflection U ( u c e x l ), @i(X) should satisfy all the essential boundary conditions, that
we can assume is

Y = Z1@lql (10)
Then the kinetic energy T and potential energy V for such a
system with a payload Mp can be witten as In order to study the orthogonality of natural modes, the
external torque Tln is set to zero. The orthogonality
relationship of the second derivatives, which is true for a
system with only structural flexibility, will not hold here.
Instead, we have
JoLp@,Oldx + 1 ~ ~ , ( 0 ) ? ( 0 +
) M p O , ( ~ P l ( ~ ) =1. (constant) for I =I
The nonconservative work for input torque Tj,, is {O for I +I
W - T,,B (4) and
By using Hamilton's Principle [18], we have for
- k, [q(0)l2 I =j
, =
JoLEl O , @ dx

I q I,

- ki q ( 0 ) Q&O) for I ti
(1 2)

Substituting Eq. (IO) into Eqs. (2), (3) and using the
orthogonality relations Eqs. (1 1) and (12); the expressions for
kinetic and potential energy become
The rotatory inertia and shear deformation are more 1 n n
pronounced at the high frequencies and more influencial on the T = 2 l: zlq,ql [JoLPQ,@ldx + IH4(0)
@j(o) + M p W P , ( ~ ) ]
higher modes [ 171. Since the later results show that we can use
the first two modes in the dynamic modeling, we ignoring the
rotatory inertia and shear deformation effects. After
mathematical manipulation of Eq. 5 , we have the beam equation

with the four boundary conditions:

n .
W = Tino = Tin ,Z, q ( 0 ) q, (15)

Since the Lagrangian formulation of robot manipulator

dynamics is desirable from a control point of view [ 191, the
final dynamic equations based on the Lagrange's method can
be obtained in the state space form :

-%I- A i i + h Ai1 A l3 A14

OK All All A13

x= ql &= A13 A 13 0 IL + Mp$(L) 0

0 IoL pO:dx + M,$W

0 0 0 0 TH
0 Kl 0 0 TK
The selected system outputs are the tip position, the angu!ar JoLEl&ldx+K,b:(0) 0
displacement and the strain, to be measured respectively by an 0
end point sensor, an angle sensor, and strain gauges mounted Lo 0 0 JoLEl&zdx + Klb$O)
immediately adjacent to the joint on the side of beam.The -0-
output vector, Z, can be expressed by state variables as


Dvnamic Model Incorporatine Cross-Coupling:

A more detailed model of this single degree system can be
shown in Fig. 2, where the angular displacement due to the
hub rotation, OH, and the angular displacement due to the
flexibility of the joint, OK, are separated out. Q here is the
deflection of the beam in this detailed model.
coupled model. If one further restricts oneself to small
structural and joint deflections, then the decoupled equations
are equivalent to the cross-coupled equations.

In order to illustrate the significance of the dynamic models .m
developed in this paper, simulation of a single degree of 91
freedom manipulator, including both a flexible structure and a . lyx)
flexible joint, are shown below. A comparison among . loo0
different joint flexibilities is made in order to demonstrate the
importance of incorporating joint flexibility into the dynamic .o500
model. The examples in this paper are based on the decoupled n
dynamic model incorporating only the first two flexible 0 .loo0 .zoo0 .3om .4wo .sow .m
modes. To simplify the computation, the following parameters Ti" (Smcond)

are used : Fig. 3. First mode for three flexible arms

(case 1 : )io; case 2,3: X1.)
1 I M L2 K
~'=&o2, x = ~ L ,I ~ = - - ~ L ' .e = & . &=A-.
q = - ~ , (29)
El 3 318 31, (EI/L)
We assume that the beam is made of aluminum. These
parameters would be representative of a 5 cm x 0.2 cm .0 120
uniform cross section beam : E = 7E10 N/m2, p = 0.277 .OlW
kglm, I = 0.33E-10 m4, L = 1 m, IT = 0.5 kg-m2 (for payload ,0080
Mp = 0) or IT = 0.8 kg-ma (for payload Mp = 0.277 kg). We q2
also introduce the viscous damping coefficient = 0.015 to
each mode of the system. From Eqs. (9). (10) and (29),we ,0040
have the characteristic equation
D(1) --
(-EX' + &) [ 1
X (sin5 chl
+ cosl chX + ob (cosk shX
- cosX s h l + 2qX sink shl) -- sinX chX)]
0 (30)

0 ,1000 ,2000 ,3000 ,4000 ,5000 .SO00
TIM (Second)
Table 1 gives the system mode parameters hi based on Eq. Fig. 4. Second mode for three flexible arms
(30). We find from Table 1 that there is no zero mode (i.e. (case 1: X,; case 2,3: X,.)
rigid mode) for a flexible joint system (&# 0).
Table 1. System Hode Parameters 1, to3


A package for computer aided design of control system,
MAControl [20], was used to simulate the QDen loop system 0
response for a unit step input in torque. The simulation results 0 . loo0 .2oo0 .3o00 .4oo0 .SO00 ,6000
are shown in Figures 3 through 14 . Figures 3 to 6 give the Ti.. (Second)

first four modes of the flexible arms for three different joint Fig. 5. Third mode for three flexible arms
stiffness coefficients. The first two mode shapes for these (case 1: X,: case 2, 3: X3.)
flexible arms are plotted in Fig. 7 and 8. Fig. 9 shows the
deflection of an entire flexible arm (Kc= 1) at t = 0.1,0.3,0.5
second, respectively. A comparison of the deflections for three 45 00 1 t
different flexible arms at t = 0.3 sec is given in Fig. 10. In 40.00
both cases, the deflection is computed based on the summation 35.00
over two modes U = Q1q1 + Q2q2. Figures 11 to 13 plot the 30.00
output variables; tip position, angular rotation, and strain vs. 2500
time. The tip deflection, the difference between the desired and q420 00
actual end-effector position due to flexilibities, is plotted in 15.00
Fig.14. The effect of the joint flexibility is shown in Fig.10
and 11. The deviation of curve 2 ( & = 1) from curve 1 (Kc = 10.00
0, rigid joint) in Fig.11 is approximately 50%. For curve 3 5.OOO
(& = 5 ) , the deviation from curve 1 increases to 80% at t = 0
0 .lo00 .2000 .)DO0 .4000 .SO00 ,6000
0.6 sec. Since a large amount of the input energy is stored in Ti- (Sec&>
the spring-like flexible joint, the deflection of the beam with Fig. 6. Fourth mode for three flexible arms
the flexible joint is much smaller than the one with the rigid (case 1: X,; case 2, 3: X4.)
joint, although it does have significantly more oscillatory

1 200

1 000





0 2000 4000 6000 BO00 1 000
X (m)
Fig 7 First mode shape for three flexible arms
(case 1 Lo, case 2, 3 A, ) Fig. 11. Tip position for three flexible arms
(measured from initial coordinate system)

6000 I
I i I


4(X) 0
- 200
- 400
- 600
- 800
-1 00
I i !
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 1 000
X (m)
Fig 8 Second mode shape for three flexible arms
(case 1 A,: case 2. 3 A, ) Fig. 12. Angle e for three flexible arms

0 100

- 010
- 020
- 030
-MO ,
I I I -1 575 0 .loo0 ,2000 ,3000 .4000 .Moo 6000
0 2000 4000 6000 BOO0 1 000 Tb-M (Srcnd)

Fig 9 Defleclion of the flexible arm ( K, - x (m)

Fig, 13. Strain for three flexible arms
(adjacent to joint)

i I ,0200

- ws 0

- 010 - ,020
.__ 3 Kc-5.
- ---
mn -.OS0
I I I I I 1-1 .%9

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 1000 0 .loo0 .2oo0 Thw

(s.Cond) .m .yxx) .cow

Fig 10 Deflection of three flexible arms at T - X (m)

0 3 second
Fig. 14. Tip deflection due to flexibility
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48 1

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