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The Cosmos Video Guide ep1 Name:

1. What is our cosmic address?

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2. What is Jupiter’s Great Red Spot?

3. How many planets are in our solar system?

4. What is Voyager 1?

5. How big is our galaxy?

6. What is the cosmic horizon?

7. Write a short paragraph, describing how the public thought of the universe before/during Bruno and
Copernicus time.

8. What did the government/church do to Bruno?

9. How old is the known universe?

10. Where are elements like oxygen, calcium and iron made?

11. How old is our sun?

12. 3.5 billion years ago – What happened?

13. What chance occurrence gave mammals (like us) an advantage over reptiles (like dinosaurs)?

14. According to the calendar, all of recorded human history took place in the last _________________.

B. Smith

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