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The day was hot and humid, and the sun was beating down relentlessly.

y. Mary had been

walking for hours, and her feet were starting to ache. She was relieved when she
finally spotted a small, abandoned house in the distance. She was exhausted and
decided to take a little rest in the shade of the house.

As she made her way to the house, she noticed a small, white figure in the corner.
It was an apostrophe, standing alone, its back to her. She felt a sudden wave of
sadness come over her. She couldn't help but think of the loneliness and isolation
it must feel, standing there in the middle of nowhere.

Mary slowly stepped closer and looked into its eyes. It seemed to be looking right
into her soul. She felt an immediate connection and knew that she had to do
something to help this lonely apostrophe.

She reached out her hand and gently touched it. She could feel its sadness, and she
knew that it was in need of a friend. She took it in her hands and hugged it,
letting it know that it wasn't alone.

The apostrophe seemed to respond and suddenly, it started to glow brightly. With a
jolt, Mary realized that it had been a magical creature, waiting to be found.

The apostrophe was grateful for the kindness and friendship that Mary had shown it.
As a reward, it gave her the power to read and write in any language, as well as
the ability to understand the feelings of others.

Mary was overwhelmed with joy, and she thanked the apostrophe for the amazing gift.
She went on her way, feeling much lighter and happier than before. She knew that
she had made a new friend that day, and that the apostrophe would always be with

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