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Once upon a time, there was a pig named Wilbur.

Wilbur was a happy pig who loved to

explore the world around him. He was living with his family on a farm in the

One day, Wilbur decided to take a stroll around the farm. He trotted through the
fields and enjoyed the smell of the fresh grass. He stopped by the pond and admired
the way the water sparkled in the sunlight.

As Wilbur explored, he noticed a small hole in the ground. He decided to

investigate and found a secret tunnel. Wilbur was excited and decided to follow the

The tunnel led Wilbur to a beautiful meadow. Wilbur was amazed by the beauty of the
meadow and decided to stay for a while. He ate the grass and flowers and played in
the sunshine. He met some of the other animals in the meadow and even made a few
new friends.

Wilbur was having the time of his life in the meadow. He was sad to leave when it
was time for him to go home. But Wilbur was sure to come back to the meadow
whenever he could.

Wilbur returned to the farm every day and spent his days exploring the countryside
and spending time with his family. He was always sure to take a detour to the
meadow to visit his friends.

Wilbur was a happy pig who enjoyed discovering the world around him. He was always
sure to make time for the meadow and the friends he had made there.

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