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The Adventure of Alfie

Alfie Small was an adventurous, nine year old boy who was a famous explorer. He ventured
on ample adventures and relished exploring new places. He was quick witted and possessed
qualities like a true explorer. On every adventure, Alfie carried a rucksack filled with
essential needs for every situation. The special place where Alfie ventured on was behind the
rickety shed where the grass was extensively grown and the weeds were towering and nobody
had any knowledge about it.

‘Ring!’ rang the alarm clock. Alfie woke up with a start. It was a regular Sunday for him. He
was in a mood to go on an adventure. Wearing his favorite t-shirt and strapping his rucksack
to his back, he went downstairs. He was ready for whatever life would throw at him. He
slipped out discreetly. Alfie pushed though the weeds and saw a small boat. Without sparing
a thought, he climbed in the boat and paddled away.

As Alfie paddled farther and farther, the stream became wider. Soon he discovered he was
floating on a choppy sea! The boat bobbed up and down on the little waves. Suddenly, the
weather changed without warning. Alfie wore a life jacket swiftly. The boat spun around in
circles, making Alfie feel dizzy. Later, the boat overturned and he fell in the vast sea.
Fortunately, Alfie was a brilliant swimmer and swam quite quickly. As he swam, in the
distance he saw a ravishing island with the sea surrounded looked like a silver outline. The
island had palm, coconut, mango and many more trees.

Alfie was famished and exhausted but in the storm, all his food supplies had gotten soggy.
Luckily, he was standing in an island! So he ate to his heart’s content. Suddenly, he heard a
growl behind him. It was a bear! Alfie quickly pretended to be dead by lying on the soft,
golden sand and controlled his breath. The bear sniffed Alfie. Thinking that Alfie was dead, it
walked away. Sensing that it was gone, Alfie got up slowly and carefully.

Having no boats, Alfie wondered how to get home. From the corner of his eye, he saw some
driftwood. Alfie recalled learning how to make a raft in the survival camp at school. He took
some rubber bands and tied the driftwood together. Then he took a strong stick which he
thought he could use as an oar. He hopped on the raft and used a map to go home. Using a
map, Alfie floated the correct way home. At home, his parents questioned him but he acted as
if nothing had happened!
Next day Alfie got up with an important lesson he had learnt on his trip “Staying calm helps
you find a way through difficult situation! ”

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