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Loving you is endless, no matter how hard i try to stop my mind and heart always

stand against me, i feel I’m lifted out of my body, i feel empty with no heart or
mind, you took them remember? I’m willing to stay my whole life fighting for you
even if i ended up alone, i will then know you were worth it. I’m so tired of you
punishing me for small shit for days i’m tired of you pushing me away, its been a
while now since our good days, i’m so afraid that they’ll never finish, what if
they never finish? What if good days have become just a memory to bond us together?
I have always believed in us, i’m not going to lose faith now, but please give me
something to hold on for. I wish you could hug me when you hear me crying my self
to sleep. Keep fighting with me all day long but the least you can do is hug me at
the end of the night, just so i can know that i matter to you. Things have been
missing from our lives, i keep repeating in my head our date nights, couch cuddles
while watching a movie, our 3am deep conversations and our songs that we used to
yell during car rides. I keep saying that your mind is busy at the moment but for
how long someone’s mind can be off? I know i will wait for no matter how long i
just know i will. There’s this voice in my head that is setting fire in my heart,
i’m so scared to lose you yet i’m never going to admit it. Just the thought of my
life where you are not a part of it takes my breath away. Tell me how can i ever
give up on you, we used to make up right after our fights since we were going to
make up anyways, now each fight is taking days maybe weeks, what if you are not
planing to end it? These thoughts never leave my head and they’re dragging me deep
down. Show me for a split second that you love me and i’ll give you the world, tell
me how much i mean to you because i’m starting to question it. You know how weak i
get when i’m next to you and you know how vulnerable i am when we fight, i hope
that you finally would see it and end our fights because i really hate being weak
and you know i fucking do. With everything that has been happening in my life, my
parents, my career, don’t make yourself one of the things that weaken me. I wanna
be stronger with you.

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