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Name: Rechiel Barcenas                          Course & Year: BSED Filipino 2-1

Title of the Issue: Privacy and Security

Title of the Article: Internet Privacy and Security: A Shared



Author/s: David Gorodyansky

Summary Narrative: 
        This article is all about on how we protect our own privacy in internet . Our
responsibility to protect ourselves from growing threats to our online privacy and
freedom . This article warned us on how to be wise in a particular situation that
causes harm or threats in our lives .

        The threat from hackers and cyber criminals has expanded in relation to our
dependence on the internet . As our reliance gross , opportunities for them to
prey on us increase . Online data breaches are not new . They have been around
since the creation of the first networks , but there is a risk that they could reach
epidemic proportions cyber fraud is currently the fastest growing category of
crime in the united states and eventually erode our freedom to use the internet
as we desire .
        Now the battle has shifted to the cloud , and we have to start walling off our
digital communications , much of which are now mobile . The more people that
inoculate themselves from malware , spear phishing attacks or hacker intrusions ,
the safer we all are.
What lesson have you learned? 
What i have learned in this article is we should limit to give our privacy such
as for example in social media or any other sites or applications that required or
personal information. I definitely agree if we ourselves should not give personal
informations or any information that can harm ourselves . We don't know what
the risk comes our way so one of the safeties ways is to protect ourselves from
any dangerous for suspicious site that can destroy our image.

What suggestions can you offer?

What i can suggest is we need to voice out our opinions about the safety of
our privacy and security . Equally important is for everyone to adjust their online
habits to help prevent privacy risk and security breaches . Choosing more careful
words , limiting where , when and with whom you share sensitive data , and
using a vpn to encrypt your data every time you go online are simple steps
which can everyone can take for the safety of individual . It is our responsibility
to protect ourselves from the internet community and for tomorrow's users.

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