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Rechiel Barcenas BSED FILIPINO 2-1


Educational Technology is boon when:

1. Technology has strengthened the teacher-student partnership.

For the success of teaching and learning, both teacher and the learners
should work collaboratively. Teachers can give research based activities where
the students have to collect information and present it to the class in the form of a
video or PowerPoint presentation.

2. It has made the students responsible and independent.

Technology has helped the teachers to maintain a cumulative record of the

students and guide them from time to time as per their requirements. It has
provided a huge platform for learners to explore their talents.

3. It Offers A Wider Choice Of Materials That Can Be Accessed Easily.

The vast array of educational technology that is available today offers

students a wide range of options from which they can choose the best ones for
their learning needs. This helps them develop the right kind of skills and
knowledge so that they can become good professionals in their chosen field.

4. It Helps Learners Learn New Skills And Acquire New Knowledge

Learning new skills and acquiring new knowledge are two very important
aspects of life that learners should be able to enjoy. Through the use of
educational technology, learners can acquire these skills and also develop their
knowledge through various programs that are available online. These programs
offer students the opportunity to learn about various topics that are interesting
and useful for their respective fields of work or studies.

5. It Provides A Fun And Engaging Learning Experience For Students

Today's learners are not only required to learn but they also need to have
fun while doing so. Educational technology offers students the opportunity to
have fun while learning, which will also help them stay motivated and excited
about their studies.

Educational Technology is bane when:

1. Technology becomes a problem when a pupil searches the internet for

objectionable topics.
2. The usage and abuse of the internet will have negative life-long impacts.
3. Computer-assisted training causes the student to get attached to his computer,
losing all sense of the outside world, and as a result, they are unable to build
interpersonal skills.
4. We frequently and excessively watch TV or movies to pass the time.
5. The student views pictures of modernity and development that are shown on
televisions and computers without any critical thought.

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