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Instructional Technology for

the 21st Century Teachers


Master Teacher I (SHS)
Sta Elena High School
SDO Marikina
Activity: #UmbreLagom

Instruction: As a 21st century teachers,

what particular instructional
tool/materials are you using in your
classroom teaching? Write it down in a
metacards and put it in the umbrella.
Make it a creative as possible.
In general, think of Educational
Technology as a larger, top down
approach that seeks to achieve long-term
goals, while Instructional Technology has
more specific applications for instruction.
Why Is Instructional Technology Important To Students & Teachers?

Instructional technology has the potential to

enhance student learning and transform their
classroom experience.
Three Key Ways that Instructional Technology is
Important to Both Students and Faculty
#1 It Encourages Tech Literacy In A Tech-Dependent World
Today’s kids might be digital natives but that doesn’t mean they know everything there is to
know about technology. Using instructional technology in the classroom encourages kids to get
comfortable with technology in its many forms.
Not only can the use of technology be fun, it also sets kids up for success in a world that has
become dependent on technology for almost everything we do. In other words, it makes them
more employable and more productive.
#2 It Facilitates Student Learning
When used properly, instructional technologies can help students learn. Kids who are
comfortable with technology already may simply be more responsive to learning when it’s
wrapped in a digital package.
Technology is also ideal for encouraging students to collaborate with one another and to deepen
their understanding of any topic being studied. There’s a world of information out there and
technology allows students to access it quickly and easily.
#3 It Makes Learning Easier
Finally, instructional technology can actually make learning easier. Kids who are comfortable
with technology may absorb information more easily when it’s delivered using electronic and
digital tools.
Since the goal of all classroom instruction is a good outcome for students, it stands to reason that
incorporating technology in the classroom would be useful because it makes learning more
dynamic and exciting for students.
9 Ways To Boost Classroom
Engagement With Instructional
#1: Interact With Classrooms & Students Across The Country (Or Around The World)
There’s no better way to learn about another culture or country than by interacting with people
who live there. Instructional technology can allow teachers from geographically remote areas to
connect their students with one another and enhance learning.
A student who might not be interested in learning about another country in the abstract may find
the topic irresistible and engaging when interacting with a classroom of students who live in that
country. A simple Skype or Zoom setup can be enough to introduce students to a whole new
#2: Create Digital Assignments
A traditional classroom assignment might be to write a book report or paper, but using
instructional technology can transform the tried-and-true project into something that’s far more
Teachers can assign students to read a book or research a topic and transform their research into
a blog post or a video. Kids will deepen their knowledge of a topic and be more likely to retain
what they learn if they are tasked with a digital assignment.
#3: Make Infographics To Help Students With Challenging Topics
We all need help sometimes when we’re learning a challenging or complex topic. Absorbing
information can be difficult and it may be easier to understand something new when it’s
presented in a dynamic, visual way.
That’s where infographics come in. Teachers can create visually appealing infographics to
illustrate new information and make it more appealing to their students. They can even give kids
access to the infographic online.
#4: Provide Students With Alternative Learning Opportunities Using Apps And Online Tools
Every teacher knows that it can be difficult to get kids interested in learning when all they want
to do is look at their phone or tablet. The use of instructional technology can help by providing
students with alternative ways to learn.
There’s no shortage of apps and online tools that can be used in education. Teachers who
understand the transformative power of classroom technology can choose the tools that are most
likely to get kids excited while helping them learn.
#5: Support Students With Different Learning Styles
Students learn in a variety of ways and traditional classroom instruction may be difficult for
some. A child who is an auditory learner may have difficulty focusing on the printed page but
retain information easily when using a text-to-speech service.
That’s only one example but it illustrates how useful educational technology can be for students
with different learning styles. Another example would be allowing students who are kinesthetic
learners to learn the alphabet or a multiplication table with a dance video.
#6: Create An Immersive Learning Experience
One of the things that technology does best is creating an immersive environment, something
that’s ideal for enhancing student learning both in and out of the classroom. Students who
interact with what they’re learning using a variety of media are far more likely to be engaged
than those who learn in only one way.
Students can do hands-on work using technology and get immediate feedback on what they do,
making it easier for teachers to identify mistakes and encourage kids to correct them. Things like
interactive videos and whiteboards are ideal for creating an immersive experience.
#7: Encourage In-Depth Research
It’s undeniable that technology has made research quicker and easier than ever before.
Instructional technology can be used to encourage students to conduct in-depth research using
academic journals and other information found online.
On a related note, it also presents an opportunity to teach kids how to evaluate the information
they find online and apply critical thinking to determine whether a source is credible or not.
#8: Encourage Student Collaboration Online
Student collaboration is essential for group projects but it also has real-world applications. There
are a lot of jobs that require collaboration and the earlier kids learn how to collaborate
effectively, the better off they’ll be in their lives beyond school.
Instructional technology can be used to encourage student collaboration because they can use
video conferencing to discuss a project. They can also use technology to take notes, share files,
and put presentations together.
#9: Use Assistive Technology For Students In Special Populations
Finally, assistive technology can be hugely helpful in the classroom for any student in a special
population. At-risk students, ESL students, and special education students may benefit greatly
from using assistive technology to facilitate learning.
Software and robotic tools can help kids with disabilities learn at the same pace as their peers.
Translation software can be useful for kids who are still learning English, and teachers can
connect with and encourage at-risk students.

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