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How do you develop simple instructional materials as shown in the video? (pg. 9)
Using low-tech instruction as shown in the video makes learning fun for it gives student new
experience as they went through the process of teaching and learning. Through the utilization of
available resources that some learning instructions are made as they introduce lessons or topic in the
class. By using given materials teachers could able to create and construct instructional materials and
present it to the class. As shown in the video, a simple 6x6 card board has became a cube and from
there taped the shapes, numbers, symbols and colors for the students to identify what specific
content is be discussed for that particular session. It could be done outside the class or by just sitting
on the floor. It is somewhat like a traditional learning, low-cost and low-tech however, it still enables
student to participate in the discussion and teachers as the one who is giving his/her instruction with
the use of such instructional materials. It is still applicable today but is done in a more creative and
unique way. This encourages students’ participation and be adoptive to with what is asked from them,
teachers flexibility is seen in this point of being in their pledged profession.
Thus, with the use of low-tech ideas, instructional materials could be done and introduced in life skills
classroom. Some simple instructional materials are developed depending on the creativity and skills
of the teachers themselves.

What do the information gathered tell about the gadgets? (pg. 10)
Gadgets are one of the most essential tools used in class as education enters the digital world. The
emergence of this gadgets gives the idea of being into a more developed teaching and learning
process. Well, as look and observe in the four-wall corner of our house, I have observed that
cellphone is commonly used at all aspect not just for communication but a lot more. We all know that
at this point in our live we depend ourselves in technology, we almost give our full commitment to it
cause from time to time we would always look for them for leisure times. We became slaves by our
own deeds using too much leads to procrastination, sad reality. However, on the bright side of it,
technology has brought an advantage as we cope with this ‘new normal’ education. It is truly
undeniable that without this we wouldn’t able to survive. It somehow gives hope and way to continue
what has been done. Giving instructions through digital tools and platform. Learn complex lesson
through surfing in the internet. Gadgets that are found at home are enjoyed and used it school as we
become flexible and open to change.
Thus, information gathered about gadgets have some sort of advantage and disadvantages
depending on how it is being used. Nevertheless, dealing with this time, such gadgets are much
needed in the students’ attainment of education.
How would gadgets affect teaching or learning content? (pg. 10)
Technology has improved looking back from previous millennium. Constant change is experienced
day by day as experts discovers and creates new things that are worth-while shared in the society.
People from across the globe experiences the beauty of technology regardless of status, level, age
and profession in life. In other words, technology has launched an invasion and have navigated the
world. At all aspects and field technology is known for having used in our every day living. Even in our
respective schools, technology affects the learning and teaching process. Gadgets were ideas of
technology converted into output or tangible thing that is mainly used by teacher and student.
Through gadgets, lessons in school are accomplished easier. In just a click everything gets done,
whenever they find words or problem that are complex students just have to search it on the internet
and from there ideas are gained and applied. Activities, projects and actual performances is/are done
through gadgets as medium of instruction. Teaching strategies are accompanied by the use of
gadgets that makes every discussion awake, alert and alive. The learner gets to enjoy and digest
lessons for they can able to engage themselves to authentic learning they use gadgets in creating a
more creative output. With the emergence of gadgets, class are flexible and attainable for it could be
done anywhere though virtual or online class of course with presence of digital tools.
Thus, gadgets are indeed helpful and affects the teaching and learning content in various forms as
mentioned above, it is truly undeniable that technology puts us into situation where everyone
benefited from its advent most importantly in the field of education.

What are alternative ways in incorporating the digital tools in a lesson? Give examples.
In the new era of learning, technology have played a fundamental role in process of teaching and
learning. Some new ideas have aroused as we explore through the digital world. It is evident that
technology has navigated into the field of education as educators and students gets to enjoy its
company. Digital tools are indeed a product of technology which is widely used in the classroom. It
makes every lesson fun and authentic for it brought new experience to both primary subjects.
Edmodo, Prezi and google classroom are only few digital tools used in the class today. We can have
an alternative way in incorporating the digital tools in a lesson through integrating of social media
given the fact that students already spend so much of their time on social media, integrating its use
into your classroom is among the most innovative ways to use digital tools in the classroom by
connecting students to curriculum, classroom resources, and one another. Create a Facebook group
specifically for your class where you post discussion topics or develop unique classroom Twitter
hashtags students can use to discuss lessons or ask questions. Create digital content with things as
learners express their creative talents as well as showcasing talent. Provide options for students to
express themselves through blogs, videos, podcasts, eBooks, flyers and other digital art, or any other
means they feel most comfortable. Respecting each student’s individuality and needs for creative
expression helps them flourish as learners. And as we face pandemic, these digital tools are essential
and have seen a greater importance as we access new normal education.
Hence, there are various ways to incorporate digital tools in the lesson depending on strategies to
find it more fun and interesting and applying flexibility in the new way of acquiring relevant

Assessment: (pg. 13)

On your own… Pick up challenge and start constructing your own e Portfolio
Assess your own e portfolio.
What score did you give yourself?
Making portfolio was a challenging part for a starter like me especially so that it wasn’t that taught
really in real, information’s regarding the steps or procedures were taken from the module and still
have to search the actual execution of it through watching videos on the internet. Well, it was quite
strange cause for the first time I’ll be making those all by myself didn’t even thought if I’m doing the
right thing. It was indeed a matter of trial and error. So, if I were to give myself ranging from 1-10 (1 is
the lowest and 10 is the highest) I think, I deserve a score of 6, for it wasn’t really that bad nor good
just neutral as the score itself suggests. Though it was a bit erratic, and internet connection
challenges me so hard at the end, it was still a satisfying and worth staving output.
Do you think you can still enhance your work?
Well, everything starts first with a piece of output just boasted through some trial and error. Practice
makes perfect so I every day is an opportunity to learn and acquire new information by doing with
perseverance and/or challenging and engaging ourselves to some actual making. With the resources
within us no doubt that things will be accomplished and gets better as they are exercised and
performed with interest. Therefore my/our work could still be enhanced as time keeps beating it just
need a lot of practice and discover more with certainty.
How will you improve your work? What plans do you have to enhance what you have created
so far?
As they say, ‘Practice makes Perfect’ and there would always be room for improvement only if we
chose to. On the output that I have made, there I saw potential within me. I know it can still be
improved through practice, various exercises and actual performance. I’ll be comparing my output to
that of someone to be able to identify things that are still needed to be improved, seeing differences
and testing myself if am I really doing the right thing. Making e portfolio was quite interesting and
fascinating, the plan of enhancing my output has been my priorities for I believe this would be helpful
in the future for having chosen this kind of field. With the knowledge gained from this lesson, it ‘ll soon
be applied the other way around.

What are the 4C’s of the 21st Century skills and how would they help in improving student’s
learning? (pg. 15)
Students nowadays are more likely to be involve in a more advanced and developed way of learning
and there are some things that are expected from them to accomplish in some given tasks and
acquisition knowledge. With this, the learner must have the skills to be able to get into the highest
attainment of education. As we enter 21 st century, there are skills to be enhanced to be able to meet
success and achieve greater in all the subject areas and future fields. 4C’s are the skills needed the
learner to prosper and these are the following: critical thinking, creativity, communication and
collaboration. When we talk about critical thinking this means that the students should think critically
and should not accept claims easily must delve with it and analyze every information being taught. It
was also highlighted to separate facts from opinion. And also, creativity as a skill mainly pertains to
how students think uniquely and go beyond what is given. Learners can able to solve problems by
themselves and make alternatives or options when something won’t work accordingly. This is the
skills the learner must have to be able to adapt with changing society. Third C is, Communication this
makes students express ideas towards a certain thing in a very clear manner. This could be done
with the use of technology as medium of instruction and through face-to-face learning.
Communication is important to be able create a well-grown and improved learner. Lastly,
collaboration this pertains to students working with a group to be able to solve a certain problem that
would come across the way. Working with the group makes every output and performances a
successful one more idea will come grow, unity is practiced by encouraging each other about their
strengths and improving weaknesses and be at their best, with that success is met. Citizenship and
character could also be included in the skills. Citizenship is the quality of the member to response in
the norms and rules in accordance to the society’s accepted behavior. Character is how you portray
and express yourself towards considering your real identity in the given scenario. Thus, the
aforementioned skills are important to be able to create a globally competitive learner and apply those
gained skills in their future profession.
How does digital skills support digital literacies?
As defined, digital skills are range of abilities to use digital devices or tools, communication
applications and networks to access and manage information. They enable people to create and
share digital content, communicate and collaborate and solve problems for effective and creative self-
fulfillment in life, learning, work and social activities at large. Meanwhile, digital literacies are having
the skills you need to live, learn and work in a society where communication and access to
information is increasingly through digital technologies like internet platforms, social media and
mobile devices. That requires communication, practical skills to manage or manipulate or create
information, and developing critical thinking skills to evaluate and produce information. Now, digital
skills support digital literacies through using and having access with the digital technology. As they
use such tools there comes the evaluation, identifying benefits, using critical thinking skills and
navigating social media platforms. With the digital skills person’s ability is being tested as they
engage themselves to various platforms and how would they able to take response and react to some
situation by the functions vested upon the digital literacies. For without digital skills, digital literacies is
nothing and wouldn’t be used and fully realized.
Thus, digital skills and digital literacies are two distinctive that varies on the idea and functions as
stated above. Those are helpful to the learners and teachers as they engage themselves to the digital

Create a sample of traditional and authentic assessment activities or strategies. (pg. 1)

Traditional assessment is most widely used, even now that authentic assessment came to existence.
Traditional assessment still played a vital role in the teaching and learning process. It’s the back-to-
basic education method also known as conventional education. It is more recitation, for example
students would sit in silence while one student after another would take it turns to recite the lesson,
until each one had been called upon. In this type of learning process, if I were about to create an
activity or strategy it would a task which involves memorization and critical-thinking. Quizzes or quiz
bee, chalk and talk, standardized test, paper and pencil test, teachers created task where the teacher
listen to each student’s recitation and they recitation and they were expected to study and memorize
the assignment. Strategies would be with the use of graph in presenting information and could also
be with use of flipcharts as traditional way of delivering lessons in the class. Inquiry-based
instructions, in which teacher asks some random questions to his/her student out of the topic being
discussed. Traditional methods were taught ensured that students were rewarded for their efforts
used class period efficiently and exercised clear rues to manage students’ behavior.
Authentic on the other is like the modern way of teaching and learning process. It more on with the
student’s application about the discussion into the real-life situation. Students are encouraged to
quickly switch through activities example providing 10 minutes of knowledge on a subject with a
PowerPoint presentation. Activities would include portfolios, performances, and exhibition, essays,
journals that allow students to show-case their talents and what they have learned in a course in
creative manner. Teaching strategies would be, cooperative learning in which students are formed
and group and work together to accomplish a certain task. Visualization, bringing all concepts to life
with visual and practical learning experiences, helping your students to understand how teri schooling
applies in the real world. And application of technology in the clasrrom sice athnetic is being refered
to us modern way of teaching technology would always be injected to thi matter.

Create a graphic organizer showing the concepts in authentic assessment. Include the
differences between traditional and authentic assessment. (pg. 3)

How will you maintain the integrity of learner assessments to ensure its validity and
reliability? (pg. 3)
Reliability and validity are distinctive words most commonly used and played huge importance in
making instructional and evaluation decision about student. Its purpose is to identify the obtained
score or rating for learner that accurately reflects the learner’s level of attainment of skill or knowledge
as measured by a particular assessments or tests. Instructors mostly used rubric scoring to measure
validity and reliability in some selected response test or constructed response such as essays or
performances. Assessment data collected will be influenced by the type and number of students
being tested. This variance in scores from group to group makes reliability and validity an important
consideration when developing and administering assessments and evaluating student learning. To
answer your question as to how to maintain integrity of learner assessments to ensure its validity and
reliability is the transparency of output may it be performance-based or product-based assessment.
It’s important to always have thee basis in giving grades to be able to avoid biases especially so that
school itself promotes fair and honesty towards various circumstances. There should always have a
concrete evidence that the students themselves are the who is behind every output or making
performance. And on the side of the instructors, they must also show or at least tell the students the
strength and weaknesses and how they were able to garner such score/s with the rubrics given.
As part of the transparency one way is to test or show students work by asking them to show their
work or explain their answer, particularly when using higher complexity questions, can help mitigate
cheating. Essay type and other narrative questions naturally lend themselves to this. Asking students
to infer, interpret, or summarize information presented or correlate, calculate, or estimate are
examples that require more than simply looking up or remembering information. While higher
complexity level questions can be designed in multiple choice format, utilizing other format types can
often be a more effective way to assess student knowledge.
Educators can increase validity and reliability by using multiple strategies to engage students to
employ higher thinking skills and/or to request students to explain their answer or process of making
such output as transparency in keeping the learner assessments valid and reliable.

Research on case studies or stories portraying use or misuse of authentic assessment *insert
other instructions (pg. 3)
Assessment is making inferences about the learning and development of the students. It is the
process of defining, selecting, collecting interpreting and using information to increase student’s
ability and capability of doings things. As we use apply assessment in school, we are challenge to
delve through and deeper distinguished traditional with that of authentic. We arrived at the era of
change, and so we are challenge to be at the level of competence and practice authenticity at all
subject areas. Authentic assessments refer to assessments wherein students are asked to perform
real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of what they have learned. Students
proficiency is measured by asking them to them to perform real-life tasks; to provide students many
avenues to learn and demonstrate best what they have learned; to guide instruction; to provide
feedback and help students manage their own learning and to evaluate student’s competency. Most
of the aforementioned aspects deals with the use of authentic according to some sources, some
misuse of authentic is when they are abused and overused. it cost too much and labor intensive,
sometimes time and effort spent exceed the benefits. Susceptible to unfairness, lacking of objectivity
and validity if given rubrics is not well-defined and misinterpreted.
As we know, Social Studies is the amalgamation of humanities and all the branches of Social
Sciences which indeed is congruent to authenticity itself. In social studies, we are challenge to
participate and share meaningful contribution towards our society. We stand for change and aims to
meet progress; the success of the state is our success too. We take responsibility and to make
actions towards various circumstances and leads social change. As I become a part of the growing
community of social scientists and acclimate authenticity, I happened to observe changes in
perspective and have drawn theoretical views within me. It is very important to always apply all the
learning gained into real-world situation, and function according to the needs of the world as a whole.
We are way to far from where we begin, continue what has been; contribute, synthesize and
evaluate. As time keeps beating, look for the better opportunities to meaningfully build the nation for
don’t know what future will bring.

What is your understanding of Web 2. Tools and Assessment Strategies (done)

Constructing A Task Scenario (GRASP) (pg. 10)
Your task is… promote gender equality
The goal is to… dime
The problem/challenge is…
The obstacle to overcome is/are…

You are… a mayor a particular city or province
You have been asked to…
Your job is…

Your client is/are…
The target audience is…
You need to convince…
The Context you find in is…
The challenge involves dealing with…

Product/Performance and purpose…

You will create a…
In order to…
You need to develop…
So that…

Standards and Criteria for success

Your performance needs to…
Your work will be judged by…
Your product must meet the following standards…
A successful result will…

Create a performance task (pg. 16)

Create a Song about Gender Equality (utok utok wer ‘r u) -_____-


What are the legislations that gives legal bases to special education in the country?
The government have passed state of legislation that would give legal base to special education in
the country. This could be essential for it may serve as an exercise of power to protect every right of
Filipino being indulged with such kind of educational aspect. Special education in the Philippines is
filed with fundamental legal documents that would present the process of the growth and
development of program. As stated in the COMMONWEALH ACT NO. 3203, it aims to protect the
right of every Filipino to live in an environment conclusive to his/her physical moral and Intellectual
development. And its main goal is to promote the full growth of the faculties of every child. And on
June 21, 1963 an act of promoting the Education of the blind in the Philippines and provide formal
training of special education teachers of blind children in the Philippines as stated in the REPUBLIC
ACT NO. 3562. In connection with this, there is also and act establishing a Ten-year teacher training
program for teacher of special and exceptional children as stated in the REPUBLIC ACT NO.5250
which was signed into law in 1968. Under PRESIDANTIAL DECREE NO. 603 (PD 603), all rights of
Child equally important which provides for the creation of special classes. There shall be at least one
special class in every province. EDUCATION ACT OF 1982 or BATAS PAMBANSA BILANG 232
aims to promote the right of every individual to relevant quality education to relevant quality education
regardless of sex, age, socioeconomic status physical and mental condition. Under the REPUBLIC
ACT NO. 7610 “An act Providing for Strong Deterrence and Special Protection Against Child Abuse,
Exploitation and Discrimination.”
Thus, the aforementioned bases of special education in the country aims to promote protection equal
rights and opportunities to individual who are in need. Give them the best access to education and
being able to feel sense of belonginess at all aspect. The government ensure that schools shall
provide safe spaces to students with special needs.

Write comparative essays on the various bases of special and inclusive Education.
There are various bases arises regarding special and inclusive education here in our country and
across the globe. It mainly pertains to: Psychological Bases, Philosophical Bases,
Historical/Sociological Bases and the legal bases pf Special Education. The aforementioned aspects
helped foster or cultivate every concern individual with regards to the implementation of special and
inclusive education where, it leads to deeper understanding on the disparity and uniqueness of every
child as they went through distinct conditions. As mentioned, one of which was the Psychological
bases which deals with some theories with respective proponent. Piaget’s Cognitive Development
explains how child constructs mental model of the world. Cognitive Development is the ability to think
and understand things and some things changes which mental process become more complex and
sophisticated. Here, Piaget expand his theory through sharing his insight on the three basic
components to Piaget’s Cognitive Theory (Schema, Assimilation, Accommodation, and Equilibrium)
including the stages of Cognitive Theory (The Sensorimotor Stage, Preoperational Stage, Concrete
Operational Stage and Formal Operational Stage) Aside from the Cognitive Theory, there was also a
theory about emphasizing the importance of observing and modeling the behaviors, attitudes and
emotional reactions of others which was proposed by Albert Bandura himself. It states that some
behavior was from influenced of the significant others or from the people in your environment. It is
called as the bridge between behaviorist and cognitive learning because t encompasses attention,
Retention, Reproduction and motivation. Some also includes the Theory of scaffolding by lev
Vygotsky and also Jean Lave’s Situated Learning, where learning environments place students in
authentic learning situations where they actively immersed in an activity while using problem-solving
Meanwhile, Philosophical Bases concerns with the inclusivity and equality of children living in a
particular society where it aims is to diminish unfair treatment regardless of condition and social strata
it ensures that everyone’s needs are met. Principles and fairness in distributing resources,
opportunities, treatment and success for every student. Another was the Historical/Sociological
Bases. Convention on the right of Child is a “universally agreed set of non-negotiable standards and
obligations.” And also, UNESCO, known for the invaluable support and nurturing organization that
“encourages the development and implementation of inclusive education policies, programmes and
practices to ensure equal education opportunities for persons with disabilities.” In addition,
EFA/Education for All ‘an expanded vision of learning and pledged to universalize primary education
and massively reduce illiteracy by the end of the decade.’ Moreover, the Department of Education is
mandated to protect and promote the right of every Filipino citizen to quality education that will enable
each learner to realize their full potential and take part in nation. Lastly, the Legal Bases of Special
Education in which special education in the Philippines was filed with fundamental legal documents
that present a chronology of events on the growth and development of the program.
Hence, concern individual has made contribution to be able to show some factors that brought to
causes and show solutions to some random scenarios. Laws and norms become the bases special
and inclusive education to protect and promote the right of every child especially those who are in

Explain the relevance of Principle Policies, and Dimension to special and inclusive education.
Principle talks about the origin of truth or the source of origin of something. All rules being conducted
should be followed or influences thought or actions. Policy/policies on the other hand, are guideline or
plan that directs the actions taken in a company. Policies can be very specific within a single
organization or can be global rules. Meanwhile, dimension is a measure of extent. Those are
important aspect that is seen and followed as special and inclusive education is implemented.
Inclusive education values diversity and the unique contribution each student brings to the classroom.
Every child feels safe and has the sense of belonging. Special education may be best described as a
purposeful intervention designed to overcome or eliminate the obstacles that keep children with
disabilities from learning. In other words, it is about providing children with disabilities with
individualized plans of instruction to help them succeed.
Principle, Policies and dimensions has a huge role in the implementation of special and inclusive
education. Its relevance primarily concerns with the protection and making sure that they well-
implemented of course with the proper service being provided by the schools and other institutions
respectively. On the early intervention, the said process is to provide services and education to
support young children who are in such kind of condition. Some therapy is made to address any
delays in the development of the children, it could be done at home or in office/s. on the process of
inclusion: Philippine Model, DECS Order No. 26, s. 1997, “Institutionalized of SPED Programs in All
Schools” provides the basic access to basic education in classrooms with the collaboration of regular
schools. It conducts assessment to children with special needs, provide training to schools on how
they can handle children with various needs, provide equipment and produce appropriate teaching
materials. On the transition program, students with learning disabilities get involve in actual training
activities and gets to work on the environment and opportunities to go for an internship to gain
experience. Full participation is described as they engage themselves into such activities there would
be full participation and gets along with their and professional in the workplace. And also, sustaining
program in which educators and parents agree that the initial work required to create inclusively,
maintain a clear and consistent definition the said implementation and parents are provided clear
information describing our school as an inclusive school. National IP Education Policy, aims to
provide adequate and culturally-appropriate learning resources and development of other learning
materials. The Department of Education adopts and implements mother tongue-based for Indigenous
People or IP learners. And released education policy framework that aims to make Philippines
educational system truly inclusive and respectful for the diversity of learner.
Thus, such principles, policies and dimensions are important in the implementation of Special and
inclusive education as mentioned above it has various aims that addresses the need of the students
with various needs. Giving equal treatment amidst diversity and making feel sense of belongingness.


Explain the barriers to HRP. Bring out requisites for effective planning.

Human Resources Planning pertains to achieve a greater outcome in the future. Plans that aims of
accomplish a particular goals and objectives. Predicting threats and problems for the upcoming years
to come and how are they being solved as far as the organization it concerned. Through planning,
and exerting skills in management HRP will be go on to a process of having the desired man power
position moved from the current position. HRP includes analyzation and data gathering through
manpower, establish policies and objectives. Also, it designs and implement particular plans of
course with the involvement of manpower as their main objectives. Lastly, to control and evaluate
manpower plans to facilitate. However, some HR Planner have encountered barriers as they
formulate an HRP.
It is said some HR Practitioners are experts in handling personnel matters rather than managing
business. In this given field, it is important to handle both to be able to formulate better strategic
plans. Another is, there are incompatibility when it comes to information used in strategic formulation.
Another barrier is conflict of time that exist to both short term and long term. Time pressure is always
in encountered in such particular field long time plans is not applicable in some instances short-term
planning is only needed that’s why more responsibility is assigned and workers are opted to work
amidst time pressure. In this case, conflict arises because greater responsibility is given to workers as
stated, “Managers are of the belief that HR needs can be met immediately because skills are
available on the market as long as wages and salaries are cooperative.” Another barrier is the conflict
between qualitative and quantitative approach as they say quality is better than quantity itself
however, it is applicable in some case-to-case basis. Quantity is the best option as what other say
because with such choice or having more workers in the field job is more manageable and easier to
handle. Quality on the other hand is considered as the best option for it focuses on individual
employee concerns such as promotion and career development.
Those are some barrier and conflicts encountered in HRP, to be able to avoid such, Human Resource
planners or managers must know how to manage things such as handling time pressure
distinguishing responsibilities that are done on short-term and long-term process. Also, settling things
not just on the personnel but also with managing business. Lastly, balancing quality and quantity. If
this conflict are met, such solutions should be applied to achieve goals in the future.
How did the social structure in Japan differ from structure in China?
Social Structure is defined as the arrangement of institution in which there is an interaction between
human and the society as they live together. It is often treated together with the concept of social
change which deals with the forces that change the social structure and the organization of a
particular society. In a simple manner, social structure is a patterned of social relations—those
regular and repetitive aspects of the interactions between the members of a given social entity.
Japan and China are both an East Asian country but differ with unique historic, political and social
features. Although both countries are strong in economic aspect, wealth is divided wealth is divided
in an equal manner in Japan, while major gaps between rich and poor remain in China. Their
engagement at the international level is very different, and their allies and foreign economic partners
do not always coincide. The social structure of China has an extensive history which begins from the
feudal society of Imperial China to contemporary. Looking back from the previous years, social
classes are dominant in China. Ancient China much like civilization at time, had a rigid hierarchy.
Confusion values supported this social pyramid because they supported norms and rules. At the top
of hierarchy was an emperor who ruled over entire country below the emperor were the bureaucrats
and politicians. Below the bureaucrats was the majority of the population, the working class. The
working class consisted of everyone from peasants to artisans. These people were more respected
than merchants and soldiers because Confucian values frowned upon lives spent on moneymaking
and violence. These lives were seen as lives of greed. And below entire hierarchy were the “mean
people” or those without meaning skills. Now, china has changed vastly as time passes, from
traditional agricultural planned economy t robust socialist market system. China develop new social
policies, strengthen the social structure and carry out social system reform. 
The Neo-Confucian theory that dominated Japan during the Tokugawa Period recognized
only four social classes–warriors (samurai ), artisans, farmers and merchants–and mobility
between the four classes was officially prohibited. With peace restored, many samurai
became bureaucrats or took up a trade. At the same time, they were expected to maintain
their warrior pride and military preparedness, which led to much frustration in their ranks.
Comparing ancient. Comparing ancient China to that Japan has quite differences when it
comes to how they handle people in their respective country. How such classes defined
themselves being a part of the society where they are in.
We all know China is the world’s most populated country for more than 60 million people during the
Han Dynasty, it doubled in the year 1749 and still during the Qing Dynasty. China’s population was
found to be at it’s peak, at 6 billion but decrease in the last decade. Today, it stands at about 1.25
billion and it was probably because of territory expansion that most widely affect the population
density. Japan have felt enough the civilizing effect of China yet were far enough to be safe from
invasion. When it comes to population density, Japan were too slowly over populating. Such
difference when it comes to the number of populations have highly affected the contemporary era.
China faces a hard time as to how they can lessen such continuous increase of population and can’t
able to manage them well that’s why one child policy has seen as one of the probable solutions to
this. Japan, on the other hand has lesser population that’s why they can able to manage themselves,
discipline is there and every citizen knows how to behave in a certain conducted norm. Both countries
were tested over the years some changes are observed and have prevailed differences as seen in
the modern world. What they have gone from the past have affected their way of living and social
interaction respectively.

Enumerate and discuss what the new social studies hopes to achieve
Social Studies covers Elementary as well as Secondary, each level has hopes and aims to achieve.
As we know Social Studies concerns with the study of people in relation to each other and their world
focusing on inquiry-based and issues-based interdisciplinary subjects that draws upon history,
economics, law, political science and other disciplines of Social Sciences. Social Studies concerns
with the idea of how people interact and applies all the knowledge gained from what is being learned
and make use of those for making the world a better place. Social studies do not just revolve around
the progress of its environment but to oneself as well. As stated upon the model Secondary level
aims to continue what as being started during the primary level, hopes to promote objectives and
aims to be able to achieve a certain thing for the student and environment as well. It prepares
themselves to be equip enough with the necessary skills and knowledge in order to be productive as
they go on through tertiary level education.
Some new social studies inculcate values or personal values and constitutional values as we all know
from the very start values integration has been the primary concern of the Department of Education
that’s why it is always observed at all aspect. It is important for the students to learn to be able to
promote a society where respect is dominant and tranquil environment is attained. Another is, to
make responsible citizenship, it more on with the execution of the accepted norms, culture and rules
of a particular place to be able to promote a peaceful mind and living. Social studies also hope to
develop awareness of national integration and international understanding same through with what
has been stated previously it focuses on the general aspect concerning disciplines of Social
Sciences. Lastly, cultural preservation, transmission and transformation. As we delve through social
studies all of those are expected from the students, to make actions for change to prevent worse
things from it occurrence especially to the environmental aspect for it is the home of the children and
dwelling place of all the living and non-living things on earth.
Thus, all knowledge gained must be applied to solve problems and do preventive actions towards the
environment and at all aspects or field. Continue what has been done and achieve greater for the
development and prosperity of humanity and community as a whole.

Describe the cognitive, affective and psychomotor taxonomies in a tabular form according to
its level, description and action verbs describing learning outcomes

Action Verbs
Level Description Describing Learning

Cognitive Creating
Affective Internalizes Values
Responds to
Receiving Phenomena
Psychomotor Naturalism
Articulation Precision

Write examples of different teaching strategies mentioned above. (done)

Discuss the innovations in and approaches to content, the salient features SEDP and the
Basic Education Curriculum
The Basic Education Curriculum focus on Makabayan as we know, it is a new learning that integrates
several subjects with the goal of helping Filipino in order to develop health and personal and national
identity. It is being part of the curriculum starting Elementary up until Tertiary level. It is very important
to develop and demonstrate practical knowledge and skills of empathy, vocational efficiency and
problem solving in daily life.
‘Makabayan is a ‘laboratory of life’ or a practice of environment for it integrates a lot of aspects for the
development and progress of oneself. It holistically aimed for a greater achievement and promotes
nationalism among the Filipinos and increase individual responsibility as a citizen.
Show empathy, develop social awareness and empowerment of Filipinos are its major objectives for
a greater innovation of healthy personal and national identity. Its us who will be the hope of our nation
that is why we are taught with this kind of field to be able to fully realized its function and contribution
towards the society. Application of knowledge are expected from us and so we must execute
intelligently and practically with what the society demands.

Categorize learning experiences into three modes;

We are in a classroom where diversity exists. Students learn in various ways and deals with the
lesson accordingly. It is truly undeniable that teachers are challenged to cater the needs of the
students. Techers are the one who is responsible for identifying the strength and weakness or even
the skills of the learner, including the modes of acquisition of knowledge. They learn through various
forms and spaces respectively. Learning styles are categorized into three, these are: visual, auditory
and kinesthetic. To learn, students depend on their senses more than others. Visual learners learn
best with use of graphic organizer, illustrations or other aids. Some prefer such instructional materials
and strategies because they absorb the lessons more than with the use of other teaching strategies.
This also include outline and handouts for the subject matter, showing diagrams and explain them,
use of multiple screens when showing multimedia and from illustrations or presentations that use
color. Another is the auditory learning in which learner learn through listening and speaking. To
integrate the said learning style, begin with material an explanation of what is coming concluding the
summary of what was taught, and also brainstorming discussion groups. Test learners through
verbalize question and knowledge is acquire by reading aloud. Third is, kinesthetic is more on with
the body movements it uses the activities that allow the learners to move, play music during activities
and enjoy field trips and tasks that involve.
Those the learning styles the learners possessed this may done through some various ways and
mode of learning experience it can either be in a group, individual and blended. When we talk about
group, the learners engage as a group interacting with each other. More on with the collaboration with
group, learning is acquired through roundtable discussions and traditional academic courses. Also
individual as the mode of learning experience, this pertains to the non-engagement or non-interaction
with the other learner. They learn by being with themselves. Self-study courses may include journals,
newsletters, and audio and video recordings. Lastly, blended as mode of learning experience. They
learn best if they are engaging in both group and individual formats. These courses may be provided
in online/distance or in-person settings.
Thus, educators should address learning style and modes of learning experience of the learner to be
able to handle and cater the needs of the students. Teachers should accommodate the students well
in class to be able give them the best and better equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills.

Name topics in Aralin Panlipunan Grades 7-10 which can be used of maps, globes, textbooks,
charts, graphs, etc.

As we enter the new curriculum of K12 Program students and teacher are challenge to go
beyond a deeper level of competency. Both learner and teachers are indulged and get involved with
the unforeseen change in the field of education. There are some sort of differences when it comes to
the lesson and level of execution when it comes to the tasks and activities as we compare it on the
previous curriculum. Aralin Panlipunan as part of subject content in high school was also engage into
a higher level a competency standard. As we all know, Aralin Panlipunan covers disciplines such as
geography, economics, history, political science, sociology etc. With this in mind, educators
themselves must use teaching strategies that make every discussion be deeply understood by the
students. Perhaps these strategies being referred to are: maps, globes, textbooks, charts and graphs,
In handling such topics is important to identify topics in which the aforementioned teaching
strategies can be applied respectively. In Grade 7, Araling Asyano is the main topic, sub topics that
such teaching strategies can be applied are: Konsepto ng Asya, Katangiang Pisikal, Mg likas na
yaman ng asya, Kolonyalismo at Emperyalismo. In Grade 8 Kasaysayan ng Daigdig is the main topic,
and the sub-topics includes: Heograpiya ng Daigdig, Paglakas ng Europa, Paglawak ng
Kapangyarihan ng Europa, and Ang Unang Digmaang Pandaigdig. Meanwhile, Grade 9 tackles
Ekonomik subtopics includes: Kahulugan ng Ekonomiks, Kakapusan, Pangangailangan at
kagustuhan, Alokasyon, Pagkonsumo, Produksyon, Demand, Supply, interaksyon ng demand at
supply, Pamilihan, Paikot na Daloy ng Ekonomiya, Ugnayan ng Kita, Pag iimpok at Pagkunsumo,
Patakarang Piskal, Sektor ng Agricultura, Sector ng Industriya, Sector ng Paglilingkod, at. Kalakalang
Panlabas. And Grade 10, tackles about Mga Kontemporaryong Isyu under which are: Mga Suliraning
Pangkapaligiran, Mga Isyung Pang-Ekonomiya, Mga Isyung Politikal, Mga Isyung Karapatang Pantao,
Mga Isyung Kaugnayan sa Kasarian, Isyung Pang-Edukasyona and Pansibiko at Pagkamamamayan.

Forenamed topics are well-understood as various teaching strategies are used, understand objectives
of a certain content and achieve a particular goal in such learning areas. Those were only few out
unnamed strategies used in teaching. Teachers are challenge to explore and be adoptive with the
changing courses in the field of Education. Indeed, teachers has a lot more to offer they just need
enough time and resources to reach a certain level standard.
4. What were Napoleon’s mistakes in maintaining his empire? Discuss each.
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was a French military leader who have conquered much of
Europe. But as he continuously expands his territory, he encountered failures that led to the
downfall of his empire. First mistake of Napoleon that leads to the downfall was the
continental system. It was Napoleon’s way of weakening the commerce of Great Britain. He
preventing the entry of trade between Great Britain and Continental Europe that strongly
damaged industries and overseas commerce of the said regions or countries. He wanted to
break down Britain by damaging its economy or indeed and economic war. Due to this,
offensive act and relationships with the leaders of Europe was deeply affected. And the result
was turned out to be much wore than what is expected, Great Britain have also forbidden the
entry of trade in England and nations obeying the continental system. Napoleon was blocked
back and as a result, it has also damaged their economy. Second was Peninsular War, which
has brought and impact to his empire as he continuously expands his power. It was a war
trying to took over Spain and countries in the Iberian Peninsula. It was an unfortunate war and
destroyed him due joined forces power of Great Britain and other countries have defeated
Napoleon in the end. And also, the third mistake that leads to the downfall was the invasion of
Russia that lost over 500,000 soldiers and kept much of Europe complacent. There were
huge number of mass loss ever recorded due to hunger, exhaustion and climate. He also lost
over 200,000 horses and thousands of weapon and battle wagons. And the fourth was a
mistake done to his men, he was trying to make his people more French and wanted them to
obey customs and laws as French people. But some people beg to disagree with such
thought. But as his men spread Enlightenment ideas specifically John Locke’s idea, people
got inspired of natural rights. And that made people realize practicing their rights and believe
government should hear their voices and aimed to form a new one and replaced the old one
or abolish existing government system. From that period of time and people he had
conquered began rebelling against him.

5. What caused the Enlightenment Period? Discuss how does this helped shape modern

There were a lot of struggles in Europe before they have come this far, the said continent was
one of the most economically and scientifically developed country of today. People of this new
era would probably be wondering how did they able reach such peak of success that most of
the countries are developed and known for its contribution of some fields all throughout the
world. But some question arises such as how did they boast and what are challenges they
have encountered as they went through process of maintaining respective power and what
are some causes that leads to such discoveries. The Age of Enlightenment was one of the
significant events drawn in Europe, it was a philosophical movement dominated world idea at
such given period. Yet what is the cause of the said movement, it was the Thirty Years War
from 1618-1648. Such event has left destructions and compelled German writers pen to
criticisms regarding nationalism and warfare. Due to this war some horrible things were
experienced, some of which are mass loss, society destruction and abuses or and abuses or
degradation of human rights. they raised up from dying experience with the influence of
philosophical ideas and legal perspectives that rebelled themselves against the government
and individuals in position. The movement advocated such ideals as liberty, progress,
tolerance, fraternity, constitutional government and separation of church and state.
Science have come to play the leading role in Enlightenment thought or marked as the
emphasis of Scientific Revolution. From such period of time, some developments were
discovered and overlapped with exploration and colonialization of Americas and presence of
European in Asia and Africa. Some famous scientist, mathematician, philosophers and
historian has left a contribution in the given era. Some religion and philosophic movement that
was led by Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Accommodation between reform and the
traditional systems of power and faith was supported by Rene Descartes, John Locke and,
Christian Wolff, Isaac Newton and others. Some writer and thinkers had backgrounds in
sciences and associated scientific advancement with the overflow of religion and traditional
authority in favor of the development of free speech and thought.
Thus, some developments form and created was because of the unified goals made by the
people behind their legacy. Some contributions in the field of science arts, philosophy and in
religion were made as they came to change current situation experienced during that time.
Some worse events have led to the discoveries that formed and shaped the world of today.
All the things they have done from the past just payed off looking at our present condition.

2. What is the Ninety-Five Theses? Give a summary

Martin Luther was a German monk, and father of Protestantism who was born on November 10,
1483. He was a reformer whose ideas influenced the Protestant Reformation and become known
for his piece about questions of indulgences titled the Ninety-five theses. The piece was open to
debate and Luther really has no intention of breaking from catholic church, nor be a program for
reform, an attack on Pope but simply questioning the indulgences. Theses to display his
unhappiness with the Church’s sale’s indulgence it was said to be the birth of Protestant
Reformation. The main purpose of 95 Theses is to let people know that their center focus should
be God himself and not men, and some shouldn’t be in the position that they were in. People
should have a direct connection or linked with God and make not make men in the middle to
approach and reach God. And also, Luther just want to let the Popes be awakened in the reality
that there are people a lot of people outside who are suffering and poor. Indeed, Luther was
concerned with the well-being of Catholic Church, 95 Theses gave the summary and expressed the
feelings of many of his peers already had about the corruption of Christ's teachings. Luther raised many
points and able to come with up the summary. Establishes true repentance and the limits of the Pope’s
Power. Salvation lies with men themselves and with God, no man is better than another and is above
God. Pope’s power was given to him by God an go on to the extent of remitting sins through God via
spiritual gifting. Praying should always be on top of priority of every individual instead of spending money
to build St. Peter’s. should help one another by praying people who are suffering, and the propriety of
churches should be the poor one and not those who are in the position, “the first shall be last, and the
last, first.”

Indeed, we all have thoughts and opinion about religion and it’s really a contentious topic. The 95 Theses
is addressed to all the people especially to the pope that these questions are serous and needs an
attention. With this piece people were left off hanging and have changed perspectives but as the end of
the day it is our Faith that stills matters.

3. Create a timeline of the Expansion of the Muslim world.

570- It was the time when Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca.

610- As Muhammad receives the first revelation, he began to form Islam as religion.

622- the Islamic calendar began after the migration or moving of Muhammad and his followers to medina
and tried to escape persecution on Mecca.

630- after which, Muhammad return to Mecca and the place was considered as the center of Islamic

632- this year marks as the beginning pf Rashidun Caliphate as Abu Bakr succeeded Muhammad and
became the leader of Islam world.

634- Islamic empire expands as it covers much of middle east including, Iraq, Egypt, Syria and North
Africa at this period in time Umar becomes the second Caliph.

644- Uthman created a standardized version of Quran as he became the third caliph.

656- Ali bin Talib becomes the fourth caliph

661 to 750- Umayyad Caliphate move to capital city of Damascus as it takes control after Ali was

711- they gain control of the Iberian Peninsula as Muslims enter Spain

732- the Islamic were defeated by Charles Martel at Battle of Tours as they push into France
750 to 1258- Golden Age of Islam was the name called as they experienced a period of Scientific and
artistic achievement. As Abbasid Caliphate takes control in the city of Baghdad.

1025- The Canon of Medicine become the standard medical textbook in Europe and Middle East

1258- Mongol Army invaded the City of Baghdad they killed the caliph and destroy the place.

1261 to 1517- in the city of Cairo where Abbasid Caliphate was established. This was one of the most
significant events in the expansion of the Muslim world.

1453- At this particular time it was the end of Byzantine Empire as Ottomans take the city of

1517 to 1924- Ottoman Empire conquers Egypt and claims the Caliphate

1526- The Mughal Empire is established

1653- a tomb for the wife of Mughal emperor was established and wa then called as the Taj Mahal

1924- the first President of of turkey which was Mustafa Ataturk abolished the caliphate.

Just add more Ejoyyyyyyy. s



1. How can you say that a particular assessment is authentic?

As we enter the new era, learning has change drastically as students themselves engage to a more
standardized and competent demand in the field of education. There is a huge difference of learning-
teaching process if we happened to compare present assessment and that of traditional way.
Authentic itself portray as a leading role in the classroom respectively as students are challenged and
to use their creativity in the learning experiences and tests their skills and knowledge in a realistic
situation. We are merely students that take part in changing the world and the school is the avenue of
students’ ability to form meaningful contribution. It starts with a simple lesson that students may draw
realization and apply those in a real-life situation through various type of assessments such as,
process-oriented, performance or product assessment. The aforementioned types of assessment are
identified as authentic if, the students are able to engage in activities or some hands-on activities
such as doing some random performance tasks that are would challenge themselves to bring out
innate skills and knowledge. Students are able to explain the process and execution of a particular
output and explore through trial and error. Go on a deeper content and improve themselves as
teachers tell the strong and weak points for transparency basis and discover more on the output that
they themselves have made. Performance assessments that requires students to demonstrate or
delve through the process and create a response through product.

Thus, Authentic is a real learning, it encourages learners create tangible useful product to be share in
the world. Our students are taking world’s issues and problems we work together to solve and make
developments applicable to the world and community as it primarily starts at school.

2. Choose one
Among the eight characteristics of 21st-century assessment I would choose, being Flexible for it is
always applicable as all aspect. According to some sources, flexibility is a method of learning where
student given the total freedom on what and how they can able to learn given with some various
circumstances. The new era let’s us unlock the door of revolution and let us enter the new way of
learning and teaching process and the interaction of technology as medium or strategies used in
giving instruction. Both student and teachers encountered adjustments and is challenged to acclimate
with the sudden change in educational curriculum. As an educator you must have to understand
diversity in the classroom and learn to apply new strategies that made them be at their best. There is
a huge difference between traditional and authentic learning, 21 st century approaches are more
versatile. Educator and learner are adopter, as they embraced dynamic teaching experience and be
adaptive with the settings.
Furthermore, this characteristic is seen at all aspect let’s say for example with the threat of
pandemic, the restriction of face to face classes leads to accommodation of online class and modular
learning as an alternative and be called as the ‘new normal’ in the Philippine Education. In order for
us to live with the present, we take and embrace necessary changes that would come along the way.
Thus, such characteristic is one requirement to teach curriculum in an imaginative way.
Change is constant indeed; we just have to go on with it and continue to apply learning with real-

Evaluation is method used to measure the understanding of the student and aims to know the
level of learning respectively. Evaluation is the feedback of the student in the things they have
learned from the lesson/s before during and after. As a matter of fact, teachers would always made
sure they his/her students would from him/her and cater some aspects they still need to improve. In
the diagnostic assessment data are collected from the students if the students already know the topic
or if they already had the idea about it. For instance, it has only been one week since opening of the
class, the teachers conduct evaluation to test if they already have a background about the topic.
Some example is pre-test, short written questions (multiple choice or short answer) and/or in a form
of survey. Meanwhile, formative assessments are used during the learning process, it provides
feedback during the process of learning. Formative is done for example, you are on the process of
learning or on the discussion period when your teacher asks you with some random questions, or lets
your present visual or kinesthetic presentation, Peer or self-assessments and impromptu explaining
about a certain topic. Those were to evaluate whether the students are learning during the actual
discussion. Another is the summative test; this is used at the end of discussion. For instance, the
examination is scheduled next week and your students takes the full responsibility to review all the
discussion being discussed. This is done periodically, often at the end of the year or term to measure
the overall performance and understanding example are mid or end exams, final essays, projects or
portfolios and dissertation.

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