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Courtney Torr

EDTE 4200

Dr. Duncan

May 10, 2023


Technology has changed throughout the years, and how it has impacted us on a daily
basis contributes to our growth as a society. With technology on the rise, it is our job as teachers
to continue to adapt and find new ways to teach our students through the unique resources we are
presented with that we may not have had before. For example, one of the resources that I enjoyed
learning and interacting with was “Class Dojo”. Class Dojo can be a great tool for teachers and
students to be more engaged and grow a strong bond online. The way I compare class dojo is
similar to when kids would go home make scrapbooks of pictures, or draw images that would
show their excitement of the class, or their fellow classmates. This is where I can see teachers
using a tool like Class Dojo to intergrade technology to interact with their students.

As I learned more and more about the different resources that I would integrade in the classroom
I realized that the growth of technology can be a negative just as much as it can be a positive. I
have a lot of resources that I will be using in the classroom however, one of the downsides I see
with technology is the lack of social interactions. Socially kids need to interact with more
physical items, rather than technological. Although, there are benefits to being more interactive
with technology, I truly believe that we should still integrade writing on physical paper, creating
projects physically, using our 5 senses to continue to teach these kids. However, with resources
like powerpoint, twitter and building portfolios these are all different ways our students can use
to learn more and more skills as they grow. These skills can be used outside the classroom, for
their careers in the future or other opportunities.

One of the most important resources I will start integrating in my classroom is teaching students
how to create a portfolio and the importance of having one. I learned through my own experience
that it is best to have a portfolio, as a way to be able to market yourself. While a portfolio is a
great to showcase your talent, it is also a great way to teach students structure, organization, and
creativity. These are all skills that can help students be successful in and outside of the
Overall, I learned that as teachers we need to find different ways to connect with our students
and because technology is constantly growing, we need to grow as well. When not being able to
provide help in person, there are many ways to help a student become successful with online
learning. From, khan academy, to social media all of these resources will not only help
our students grow but also us as teachers.

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