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ZTE BSC GAbisLink AneId

ZTE BSC GAbisLink CheckSumInd
ZTE BSC GAbisLink DeMuxUdpSwitch
ZTE BSC GAbisLink GAbisLinkSeq
ZTE BSC GAbisLink GBssFunction
ZTE BSC GAbisLink InnerOmcbCliIPv4
ZTE BSC GAbisLink InnerOmcbCliIPv6
ZTE BSC GAbisLink InOrderInd
ZTE BSC GAbisLink Kpriadjust
ZTE BSC GAbisLink MuxUdpPktMaxLen
ZTE BSC GAbisLink MuxUdpSwitch
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NodeBInIPv4
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NodeBInIPv6
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara1
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara10
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara11
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara12
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara13
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara14
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara15
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara16
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara17
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara18
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara19
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara2
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara20
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara1
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara10
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara11
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara12
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara13
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara14
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara15
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara16
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara17
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara3
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara18
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara19
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara2
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara20
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara21
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara22
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara4
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara5
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara6
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara7
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara8
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NResPara9
ZTE BSC GAbisLink SrvBrsType
ZTE BSC GAbisLink UdpMuxAMROverH
ZTE BSC GAbisLink UdpMuxCS64OverH
ZTE BSC GAbisLink UdpMuxPort
ZTE BSC GAbisTrPath DestIpAddr
ZTE BSC GAbisTrPath DestIpMaskLen
ZTE BSC GAbisTrPath DestIpVersion
ZTE BSC GAbisTrPath GAbisTrPath
ZTE BSC GAbisTrPath GAbisTrPathSeq
ZTE BSC GAbisTrPath IpBandAdjSwitch
ZTE BSC GAbisTrPath IpDomainNo
ZTE BSC GAbisTrPath NResPara
ZTE BSC GAbisTrPath NRtRxResRatio
ZTE BSC GAbisTrPath NRtTxResRatio
ZTE BSC GAbisTrPath RtRxResRatio
ZTE BSC GAbisTrPath RTSelFactor
ZTE BSC GAbisTrPath RtTxResRatio
ZTE BSC GAbisTrPath RxBitRate
ZTE BSC GAbisTrPath TxBitRate
ZTE BSC GAbisTrPathCir GAbisTrPathCir
ZTE BSC GAbisTrPathCir RatioTrPathGroup
ZTE BSC GALink CheckSumInd
ZTE BSC GALink DeMuxUdpSwitch
ZTE BSC GALink DynamicBwCACSwit
ZTE BSC GALink GBssFunction
ZTE BSC GALink InOrderInd
ZTE BSC GALink IPASupportType
ZTE BSC GALink Kpriadjust
ZTE BSC GALink MuxUdpPktMaxLen
ZTE BSC GALink MuxUdpSwitch
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara23
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara24
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara25
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara26
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara27
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara28
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara29
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara3
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara30
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara31
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara32
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara33
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara34
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara35
ZTE BSC GALink RtcpInterval
ZTE BSC GALink RtcpSwitch
ZTE BSC GALink RtpMuxCS64OverH
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFrHysteresis1
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFrHysteresis2
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFrHysteresis3
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFrHysteresis4
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFrHysteresis5
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFrHysteresis6
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFrHysteresis7

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFrIcm

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFrNscb

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFrStartMode

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFrThresholds1

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFrThresholds2
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFrThresholds3
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFrThresholds4
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFrThresholds5
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFrThresholds6
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFrThresholds7
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFullAcs1
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFullAcs2
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFullAcs3
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFullAcs4
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFullAcs5
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFullAcs6
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFullAcs7
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrFullAcs8
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrHalfAcs1
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrHalfAcs2
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrHalfAcs3
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrHalfAcs4
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrHalfAcs5
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrHrHysteresis1
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrHrHysteresis2
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrHrHysteresis3
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrHrHysteresis4
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrHrHysteresis5

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrHrIcm

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrHrNscb

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrHrStartMode

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrHrThresholds1

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrHrThresholds2
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrHrThresholds3
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrHrThresholds4
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrHrThresholds5

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrOwfsHysteresis1

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrOwfsHysteresis2

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrOwfsHysteresis3

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrOwfsHysteresis4

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrOwfsThresholds1

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrOwfsThresholds2

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrOwfsThresholds3

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrOwfsThresholds4

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrOwhsHysteresis1

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrOwhsHysteresis2

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrOwhsThresholds1

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrOwhsThresholds2

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrWfsHysteresis1

ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrWfsHysteresis2
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrWfsThresholds1
ZTE BSC GBssAmr amrWfsThresholds2
















ZTE BSC GBssAmr MismatchResolved

ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq AllowNeighbourfreq

ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq DlQualityThres

ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq DownNFreqReduce

ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq ForbidTrxDueQuality

ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq InterfThres

ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq MinQualitySample

ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq ObserveDownInterf

ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq ObserveNeighbourFreq

ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq ObserveOtherTrx

ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq ObserveTraffic

ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq ObserveUpInterf

ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq PeriodofTrxTraffic


ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq SupportDynamicFreq

ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq TrafficHeigth
ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq UlQualityThres

ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq UpNFreqReduce

ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq UpNFreqReduce2

ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq UseInterfThres

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp DChlP2PDataHPri

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp DChlP2PDataPPri
ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp DChlP2PSpeechHPri
ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp DChlP2PSpeechPPri
ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp DChlVBSTalkerHPri
ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp DChlVBSTalkerPPri
ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp DChlVGTalkerHPri
ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp DChlVGTalkerPPri
ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp emergServicelPrio

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp emlppThs

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp forcedHoIndAss

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp forcedHoIndHo

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp forceHoPenalty

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp forceHoWait

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp forceRelWait

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp longCallDuration

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp lowestPriority

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp PbgtHoPreemptInd

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp preemptionIndAss

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp preemptionIndHo

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp priThreshold

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp queueIndAss

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp queueIndHo

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp reservedByGEmlppUserPriority

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp rsvChanFirst

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp supportEmlpp

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp VBChlNOTalkerPPri

ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp VGChlNOTalkerPPri
ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp VGChlVGTalkerHPri
ZTE BSC GBssEmlpp VGChlVGTalkerPPri
ZTE BSC GBssFunction AbisAllocByCicQty
ZTE BSC GBssFunction AbisExclusiveSupp
ZTE BSC GBssFunction ACACSwitch

ZTE BSC GBssFunction accconfigselect

ZTE BSC GBssFunction accesscontrol

ZTE BSC GBssFunction AdjCellLoadLife

ZTE BSC GBssFunction AECCtrl
ZTE BSC GBssFunction ALCCtrl

ZTE BSC GBssFunction AskImeiWhenCipher

ZTE BSC GBssFunction AssUseFreqList

ZTE BSC GBssFunction barredclasswindows

ZTE BSC GBssFunction barredtimestep

ZTE BSC GBssFunction BasebandShare

ZTE BSC GBssFunction BBSharePri
ZTE BSC GBssFunction BcchDelay
ZTE BSC GBssFunction BHTEConfigTimer
ZTE BSC GBssFunction BHTEDelayTimer
ZTE BSC GBssFunction BHTEScanTimer

ZTE BSC GBssFunction BHTESupp

ZTE BSC GBssFunction BSCLclsSupport

ZTE BSC GBssFunction BscMaxResetNum
ZTE BSC GBssFunction BVCAlarmSwitch
ZTE BSC GBssFunction BWLowerLimit
ZTE BSC GBssFunction BWSurpassNum
ZTE BSC GBssFunction BWUpperLimit

ZTE BSC GBssFunction CallDelayCtrl

ZTE BSC GBssFunction CanBcchExch

ZTE BSC GBssFunction CanSdcchDyn

ZTE BSC GBssFunction CCCHToTchPrd

ZTE BSC GBssFunction CDTOn
ZTE BSC GBssFunction CdtOption0
ZTE BSC GBssFunction CdtOption1
ZTE BSC GBssFunction CdtOption10
ZTE BSC GBssFunction CdtOption11
ZTE BSC GBssFunction CdtOption12
ZTE BSC GBssFunction CdtOption2
ZTE BSC GBssFunction CdtOption3
ZTE BSC GBssFunction CdtOption4
ZTE BSC GBssFunction CdtOption7

ZTE BSC GBssFunction CdtOption8

ZTE BSC GBssFunction CdtOption9

ZTE BSC GBssFunction CellSeleBarADown

ZTE BSC GBssFunction CheckImsiWhenAccess

ZTE BSC GBssFunction ChlReqNum

ZTE BSC GBssFunction ChlReqRejBmp
ZTE BSC GBssFunction CICAlarmSwitch
ZTE BSC GBssFunction ClsMrk3ToMscMinLen
ZTE BSC GBssFunction CNIndepMocnSupp
ZTE BSC GBssFunction CoBcchAssByOneMr
ZTE BSC GBssFunction ComMeaDmdSwitch
ZTE BSC GBssFunction ComMeaPrdSwitch
ZTE BSC GBssFunction ConfusionMsg

ZTE BSC GBssFunction CpuFucCtlCpu

ZTE BSC GBssFunction CpuFucFlc

ZTE BSC GBssFunction CpuPagingCtlCpu

ZTE BSC GBssFunction cpupagingflc

ZTE BSC GBssFunction CpuSysInfoCtlCpu

ZTE BSC GBssFunction CpuSysInfoFlc

ZTE BSC GBssFunction CSAccWeight
ZTE BSC GBssFunction CSDATAHOControl
ZTE BSC GBssFunction CSTrafficWeight
ZTE BSC GBssFunction DbeChannel
ZTE BSC GBssFunction DelayForRLTReEstOn
ZTE BSC GBssFunction dropThsLevDl
ZTE BSC GBssFunction dropThsLevUl
ZTE BSC GBssFunction dropThsQualDl
ZTE BSC GBssFunction dropThsQualUl
ZTE BSC GBssFunction dropThsTa
ZTE BSC GBssFunction DynaHREnable

ZTE BSC GBssFunction dynEmgAddLcsPrd

ZTE BSC GBssFunction DynMccchCheckDelay

ZTE BSC GBssFunction DynSdCheckDelay
ZTE BSC GBssFunction EgsmPriEnable
ZTE BSC GBssFunction EMIReport

ZTE BSC GBssFunction EnhanAndPrepMrRpt

ZTE BSC GBssFunction ExDRSendAssFail

ZTE BSC GBssFunction firstbarredclass

ZTE BSC GBssFunction FlexASupport

ZTE BSC GBssFunction FlexGBSupport

ZTE BSC GBssFunction FOOption1
ZTE BSC GBssFunction FOOption2
ZTE BSC GBssFunction FOOption3
ZTE BSC GBssFunction ForbidAssInRel

ZTE BSC GBssFunction FuncExt

ZTE BSC GBssFunction GBssFunction

ZTE BSC GBssFunction GBssFunctionSeq
ZTE BSC GBssFunction GetMSID

ZTE BSC GBssFunction GetUtranClass

ZTE BSC GBssFunction HRDfragSupport

ZTE BSC GBssFunction ImeiFreezingNum

ZTE BSC GBssFunction ImeiFreezingTime

ZTE BSC GBssFunction ImmAssRep

ZTE BSC GBssFunction InfoTraDmdSwitch

ZTE BSC GBssFunction InfoTraModSwitch

ZTE BSC GBssFunction InterBscSdHoOut

ZTE BSC GBssFunction InterfChlMeasThs

ZTE BSC GBssFunction InterRATActInd
ZTE BSC GBssFunction InterRATEgSavingTime
ZTE BSC GBssFunction InterRATEnergySaving
ZTE BSC GBssFunction InterRATLoadThrs
ZTE BSC GBssFunction IPAAmrStartMode

ZTE BSC GBssFunction IPAbisFilter

ZTE BSC GBssFunction IPTOSIPGBInteract
ZTE BSC GBssFunction IsStatelliteGb
ZTE BSC GBssFunction IurgSupport
ZTE BSC GBssFunction Latitude
ZTE BSC GBssFunction LcsMaxTaRequestNum
ZTE BSC GBssFunction LcsRadioTimerExpand
ZTE BSC GBssFunction LoadClassScrPath
ZTE BSC GBssFunction LoadForbidHo

ZTE BSC GBssFunction LoadInd

ZTE BSC GBssFunction LoadIndPrd

ZTE BSC GBssFunction LoadIndThs

ZTE BSC GBssFunction LoadThsForbidHo

ZTE BSC GBssFunction LoadValidTime

ZTE BSC GBssFunction LocalSwitchSup

ZTE BSC GBssFunction Longitude
ZTE BSC GBssFunction LSMonitorSwitch
ZTE BSC GBssFunction MaxChangeProc

ZTE BSC GBssFunction MaxDelay

ZTE BSC GBssFunction MeaReportThr

ZTE BSC GBssFunction MinTch

ZTE BSC GBssFunction MITMRRecInt

ZTE BSC GBssFunction MITPrepMRRecInt

ZTE BSC GBssFunction MocnSupport

ZTE BSC GBssFunction MPLMNSupport

ZTE BSC GBssFunction MrCountForRlt

ZTE BSC GBssFunction MrIncludeBtsPwr

ZTE BSC GBssFunction MrRptEnable
ZTE BSC GBssFunction MscFlcMaxLevel

ZTE BSC GBssFunction MSPSupport

ZTE BSC GBssFunction MuteCallDetSupport

ZTE BSC GBssFunction MuteSaicDetNumN

ZTE BSC GBssFunction MuteSaicDetNumP

ZTE BSC GBssFunction NotifyOutCellLoad

ZTE BSC GBssFunction NRCtrl

ZTE BSC GBssFunction NS_T1
ZTE BSC GBssFunction NS_T2
ZTE BSC GBssFunction NS_T3
ZTE BSC GBssFunction NS_T4
ZTE BSC GBssFunction NS_T5
ZTE BSC GBssFunction NSAliveMax
ZTE BSC GBssFunction NSBlkMax
ZTE BSC GBssFunction NSUnblkMax

ZTE BSC GBssFunction PagIncludePriority

ZTE BSC GBssFunction PagingNum

ZTE BSC GBssFunction PagingNumHigh
ZTE BSC GBssFunction PairDropCallNum
ZTE BSC GBssFunction PairNumOneTime

ZTE BSC GBssFunction PCUDynAdjThs

ZTE BSC GBssFunction PCUExclusiveSupp
ZTE BSC GBssFunction preferSpeechVerFr

ZTE BSC GBssFunction preferSpeechVerHr

ZTE BSC GBssFunction ProhibitAbImeiPair
ZTE BSC GBssFunction PSAccWeight
ZTE BSC GBssFunction PSChgReqTimesOpt
ZTE BSC GBssFunction R99Ind

ZTE BSC GBssFunction RadioPreAccsFlag

ZTE BSC GBssFunction rangeHigh

ZTE BSC GBssFunction rangeLow

ZTE BSC GBssFunction rangeNum

ZTE BSC GBssFunction ReAssignEnable

ZTE BSC GBssFunction ReAssignLevThs

ZTE BSC GBssFunction ReAssignMax

ZTE BSC GBssFunction ReBcchEx

ZTE BSC GBssFunction resLimitMove

ZTE BSC GBssFunction ResourceIndThs

ZTE BSC GBssFunction RQavgUseBer

ZTE BSC GBssFunction SaicAfcDetNumN

ZTE BSC GBssFunction SaicAfcDetNumP

ZTE BSC GBssFunction ScanBcch

ZTE BSC GBssFunction ScanSdcch

ZTE BSC GBssFunction SendImmAss

ZTE BSC GBssFunction SendOverLoadToMSC

ZTE BSC GBssFunction SendPacchCcch

ZTE BSC GBssFunction SI2QuaterMIctrl

ZTE BSC GBssFunction SNS_T1

ZTE BSC GBssFunction SNSAddMax

ZTE BSC GBssFunction SNSChgWeightMax

ZTE BSC GBssFunction SNSConfigMax

ZTE BSC GBssFunction SNSDelMax

ZTE BSC GBssFunction SNSSizeMax

ZTE BSC GBssFunction SONTrans

ZTE BSC GBssFunction T1

ZTE BSC GBssFunction T13
ZTE BSC GBssFunction T19
ZTE BSC GBssFunction T20
ZTE BSC GBssFunction T3
ZTE BSC GBssFunction T4
ZTE BSC GBssFunction TchToCCCHPrd
ZTE BSC GBssFunction TCType
ZTE BSC GBssFunction TDelayForRLTReEstOn
ZTE BSC GBssFunction TFOControl

ZTE BSC GBssFunction TimeToTch


ZTE BSC GBssFunction TransPreAccsFlag

ZTE BSC GBssFunction trauFraSynSupp

ZTE BSC GBssFunction TrxRel
ZTE BSC GBssFunction TsBlockAlarmSwitch

ZTE BSC GBssFunction UseSC1Load

ZTE BSC GBssFunction V2TruSupportAmr

ZTE BSC GBssFunction VoiceQualityReport

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS buffMaxLLCFrameNum

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS BVCBlkMax

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS BvcBucketPara

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS BVCFlowCtrl

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS BVCFlowCtrlRMin

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS BVCRestMax

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS BVCUblkMax

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS bwRestore

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS CellFcPer

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS CellPSBarGbDown

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS DLDCSupport

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS DlEarlyEstAliveTime

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS DownloadBssPfcMax

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS DTMEnhanceCapa

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS DTMHandoverSupp

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS DTMHoCsHoCtrl


ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS EGPRSAllocPri


ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS enablePSHoIndi

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS enableRequestPSI
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS EnRadioStu

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS EnSlaveSelfRecover

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS EUtranCCN

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS ExUpDynSupport

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS FlowCtlMode1Para

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS FlowCtlMode2Para

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS FlowCtrlCBLSupp

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS FlowCtrlMode

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS FreqBandCheck

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS GBssFunctionPS

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS GetImsiByPs
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS HighTSinSB
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS InsertLLCOpt

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS IPGbThroughput

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS IPSegOpt

















ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS ModifyBssPfcMax

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS MSBucketPara

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS MsFcPer

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS MSFlowCtrl

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS MSFlowCtrlRMin

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS N3101

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS N3103

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS N3105

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS NACCSupport


ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS PagCoordination

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS PagImpltRejCsPs

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS PagingNSE

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS PcuResAlarmEnable

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS PFCFlowCtrl

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS PFCSupport

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS pocAttSeltE

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS pocAttSeltG

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS POCSupport

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS PSAbisThs

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS psCapaThsDl

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS psCapaThsUl

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS psHoReqMaxNum

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS psHoSupport

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS PSUlPwrCtlInEsta


ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS resumeMax

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS ResumeSetOpt

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS RIMRetryTimes

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS RIMSupport

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS RRBPAllocCtrl

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS RRMThreshold

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS RTTISupport



ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS SpecServiceIdentify

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS SuppPagImpltRej

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS SuppResOpByService

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS suspendMax


ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS TBFFanrSupport

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS TCPIPEnhance

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS tranMaxLLCFrameNum

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionPS UpdateMax

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv GBssFunctionRsv

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved1
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved10
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved11
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved12
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved13
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved14
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved15
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved16
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved17
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved18
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved19
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved2
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved20
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved3
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved4
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved5
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved6
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved7
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved8
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionRsv reserved9
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer BSCiCSPeriod
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer BssgpT1

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer BssgpT2

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer BssgpT3

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer BssgpT4

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer BssgpT5

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer BssgpT6

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer BssgpT8

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer CrrmSynTimer

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer CssStartDelay

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer DFAiCSBreakDelay
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer DFAiCSPrepareTime
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer GBssFunctionTimer
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer GLFShareIntev
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer iCSStatusDelay

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer LcsRadio

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer LcsSupervision

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer LcsWaitIntraHo

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer Load2gSynTimer

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer MT11

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer MT12

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer MuteCallDetTimer

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer pagingpeakcycle

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer PagWaitTime

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer PSRelDelay

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer ReAssignProtect

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer rmsT1

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer rmsT10

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer rmsT3

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer rmsT5

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer rmsT6

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer rmsT7

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer rmsT8

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer rmsT9

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer RtdDefault

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer ShareArfcnDelay

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer T12PSHO

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer T23

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer T24

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer T3101

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer T3103

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer T3107

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer T3109

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer T3111

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer T3121

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer T3169

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer T3191

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer T3195

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer T3197

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer T9101

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer T9103

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer T9104

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer T9105

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TAterMoniterHo

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TAterWaitConn

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TAterWaitRel

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TCobcchWaitMR

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer Tmicro

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TModeModify

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TModeModifyConn

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TRI

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TRIAE

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TRIR

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TscPingPang

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TSDDeactDelay

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TSDRelPeriod

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TuTrauSyn

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer twaitabis

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TWaitAHoReq

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TWaitAterRes

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TWaitAterResAck

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TwaitBtsDynamicFreq

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TwaitDbsSync

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TwaitHoPFMAck

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TWaitInternalHoCmd

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TWaitRanMigAck

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TWaitRelInPSHo

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TWaitRerouteCS

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TWaitReroutePS

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TWaitRncRelocComm

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TWaitSctpMigAck

ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer TWaitUmcAck
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer WaitCellMigEnd
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionTimer WaitiCSAck
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved1
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved10
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved11
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved12
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved13
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved14
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved15
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved16
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved17
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved18
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved19
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved2
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved20
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved3
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved4
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved5
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved6
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved7
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved8
ZTE BSC GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved9
ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl CellIdCfg

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl ForbidRelHo

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl ForbidRelHoMargin

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl GBssHandoverControl
ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl HandOutQueInd

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl HoACK

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl HoCmdLostOpt

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl HoIntraEnable
ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl HoIntraEnableDBE
ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl HoReqAckSupNewToOld

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl HoSyncInd

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl InDREnable

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl InterNetHO

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl ipabschotype

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl IPAHoCtrlOfIurg

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl IPAInterHo

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl IPAInterHoEnquiry

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlDlLev1

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlDlLev2

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlDlQ1

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlDlQ2

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlPbgt1

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlPbgt2

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlUlLev1

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlUlLev2

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlUlQ1

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlUlQ2

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl OldToNewCtrl

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl OldToNewCtrl1

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl OutDREnable

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl PingPongDura

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl SHoEnable

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl SmsFacchForbidHo

ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl SmsForbidHoIntrvl
ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl SMSHoOnSDForbid
ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl TDAplusBEnable
ZTE BSC GBssHandoverControl TDelayAftHoCmdOpt

ZTE BSC GBssIfta DlHrCirDiff1

ZTE BSC GBssIfta DlHrCirDiff2

ZTE BSC GBssIfta DLNoiseLevel

ZTE BSC GBssIfta DownCirRsv

ZTE BSC GBssIfta DownNFreqReduce

ZTE BSC GBssIfta DownPwrOpt

ZTE BSC GBssIfta DownPwrOptMethod

ZTE BSC GBssIfta DownTscDiffNonSaic

ZTE BSC GBssIfta DownTscDiffSaic

ZTE BSC GBssIfta GPSStateDelay

ZTE BSC GBssIfta HisConfprobability

ZTE BSC GBssIfta HisGuardPeriod

ZTE BSC GBssIfta HistoryRecThs

ZTE BSC GBssIfta HisUpdatefactor

ZTE BSC GBssIfta HisUpdatePeriod



ZTE BSC GBssIfta IftaMrProcessN


ZTE BSC GBssIfta IftaSendMrN

ZTE BSC GBssIfta IFTASupport

ZTE BSC GBssIfta IFTAWaitMrRetries

ZTE BSC GBssIfta OtherDnReduce

ZTE BSC GBssIfta OtherUpReduce

ZTE BSC GBssIfta OtherUserCtrl

ZTE BSC GBssIfta RptIftaChlInfo

ZTE BSC GBssIfta RptIftaImsiInfo

ZTE BSC GBssIfta SampleAttenuation

ZTE BSC GBssIfta SendInterfDnThres

ZTE BSC GBssIfta SendInterfUpThres

ZTE BSC GBssIfta TIftaCheck


ZTE BSC GBssIfta UlHrCirDiff1

ZTE BSC GBssIfta UlHrCirDiff2

ZTE BSC GBssIfta ULNoiseLevel

ZTE BSC GBssIfta UpCirRsv

ZTE BSC GBssIfta UpNFreqReduce

ZTE BSC GBssIfta UpPwrOpt

ZTE BSC GBssIfta UpPwrOptMethod

ZTE BSC GBssIfta UpTscDiff

ZTE BSC GBssIfta UseLastMr

ZTE BSC GBssIfta UseNcellLowLevel

ZTE BSC GBssIfta useweightedavg

ZTE BSC GBssPrecisePaging csOutAreaPag

ZTE BSC GBssPrecisePaging csPagingRepeatTime

ZTE BSC GBssPrecisePaging csRepagPrecise

ZTE BSC GBssPrecisePaging GBssPrecisePaging

ZTE BSC GBssPrecisePaging precisePagSupport

ZTE BSC GBssPrecisePaging precisepagUseHpc

ZTE BSC GBssPrecisePaging psOutAreaPag

ZTE BSC GBssPrecisePaging psPagingRepeatTime

ZTE BSC GBssPrecisePaging psRepagPrecise


ZTE BSC GBssR DetectRepeat
ZTE BSC GBssR FAPagingControl
ZTE BSC GBssR FAPagingResend
ZTE BSC GBssR FAPaingCause
ZTE BSC GBssR GroupCallControl
ZTE BSC GBssR InbandNotify
ZTE BSC GBssR InbandPaging
ZTE BSC GBssR PriThsForFANotify
ZTE BSC GBssR PriThsForFAPaging
ZTE BSC GBssR TCHPriorityInd
ZTE BSC GBssR Tdetect_period
ZTE BSC GBssR Tinterval_FAPaging
ZTE BSC GBssR TlkChlPara
ZTE BSC GBssR Twait_detect
ZTE BSC GBssR Twait_rsp

ZTE BSC GBtsEquipment AccessType

ZTE BSC GBtsEquipment AttributeModeInd

ZTE BSC GBtsEquipment EarthToSatelliteTime

ZTE BSC GBtsEquipment GBssFunction
ZTE BSC GBtsEquipment GBtsEquipment

ZTE BSC GBtsEquipment GBtsEquipmentSeq

ZTE BSC GBtsEquipment IsIPOE1Abis

ZTE BSC GBtsEquipment IsSatelliteAbis
ZTE BSC GBtsEquipment PwrOffSwt
ZTE BSC GBtsEquipment reservedByGBtsSiteManager

ZTE BSC GBtsEquipment SatelliteToEarthTime

ZTE BSC GBtsEquipment SiteLclsSupport

ZTE BSC GBtsEquipment SiteSwitchMode

ZTE BSC GBtsEquipment SiteType

ZTE BSC GBtsEquipment SuperSiteMode
ZTE BSC GBtsEquipment SynSource
ZTE BSC GBtsEquipment TopLayer
ZTE BSC GBtsLapd GBssFunction
ZTE BSC GBtsLapd GBtsEquipment
ZTE BSC GBtsLapd GBtsLapd
ZTE BSC GBtsLapd LinkDirect
ZTE BSC GCommMeas EveRepPeriod
ZTE BSC GCommMeas GCommMeas
ZTE BSC GCommMeas InfoReportType

ZTE BSC GCommMeas IurgOf2gReq

ZTE BSC GCommMeas MeasHys

ZTE BSC GCommMeas measThrLoad1

ZTE BSC GCommMeas measThrLoad2

ZTE BSC GCommMeas measThrNrtLoad1

ZTE BSC GCommMeas measThrNrtLoad2

ZTE BSC GCommMeas measThrRtLoad1

ZTE BSC GCommMeas measThrRtLoad2

ZTE BSC GCommMeas MeasType

ZTE BSC GCommMeas nrtHighThs

ZTE BSC GCommMeas nrtLowThs

ZTE BSC GCommMeas nrtOverflowThs

ZTE BSC GCommMeas ReportType

ZTE BSC GCommMeas RepPeriodUnit

ZTE BSC GCommMeas RepPeriodValue

ZTE BSC GDpiAppSrv AppSrvId

ZTE BSC GDpiAppSrv GBssFunction
ZTE BSC GDpiAppSrv GDpiAppSrv
ZTE BSC GDpiAppSrv reservedByGDpiAppSrvPri
ZTE BSC GDpiAppSrvPri AppSrvPri
ZTE BSC GDpiAppSrvPri GDpi
ZTE BSC GDpiAppSrvPri GDpiAppSrvPri
ZTE BSC GDpiAppSrvPri GDpiAppSrvProfile

ZTE BSC GDpiAppSrvPri RprtDataRtoThr

ZTE BSC GDpiAppSrvProfile APPCfgIndex

ZTE BSC GDpiAppSrvProfile GDpi
ZTE BSC GDpiAppSrvProfile GDpiAppSrvProfile
ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority assForcedHoTry

ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority assForcedRelTry

ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority assForceHoInterval

ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority assForceRelInterval

ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority assForceRelTimer

ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority assPreempTimer

ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority assPreemptstrategy

ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority GBssEmlpp

ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority GEmlppUserPriority

ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority hoForcedHoTry

ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority hoForcedRelTry

ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority hoForceHoInterval

ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority hoForceRelInterval

ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority hoForceRelTimer

ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority hoPreempTimer

ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority hoPreemptstrategy

ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority rmsT11

ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority rmsTqho

ZTE BSC GEmlppUserPriority userPriority

ZTE BSC GExternalEutranCellFDD ArfcnLTE
ZTE BSC GExternalEutranCellFDD GExternalEutranCellFDD
ZTE BSC GExternalEutranCellFDD measureBandwidth
ZTE BSC GExternalEutranCellFDD PCID
ZTE BSC GExternalEutranCellFDD TAC
ZTE BSC GFullSignalTrace GFullSignalTrace



ZTE BSC GGbLink GBssFunction
ZTE BSC GGbLink GGbLinkSeq
ZTE BSC GGbLink Kpriadjust
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara1
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara10
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara11
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara12
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara13
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara14
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara15
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara16
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara17
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara18
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara19
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara2
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara20
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara36
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara37
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara38
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara3
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara39
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara4
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara5
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara6
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara7
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara8
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara4
ZTE BSC GALink NResPara9
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara5
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara6
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara7
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara8
ZTE BSC GGbLink NResPara9


ZTE BSC GIpbm BandDecPer

ZTE BSC GIpbm BandIncPer

ZTE BSC GIpbm BandIncQuickPer


ZTE BSC GIpbm LostRefValue

ZTE BSC GIpbm MinRxBitRate

ZTE BSC GIpbm MinTxBitRate

ZTE BSC GIpGbLocalEP DataWeight

ZTE BSC GIpGbLocalEP GBssFunction


ZTE BSC GIpGbLocalEP SigWeight


ZTE BSC GIpGbNse GBssFunction


ZTE BSC GIpGbRemoteEP DataWeight

ZTE BSC GIpGbRemoteEP GBssFunction

ZTE BSC GIpGbRemoteEP IPAddress
ZTE BSC GIpGbRemoteEP SigWeight


ZTE BSC GIpSlaExTask DestIpAgetime

ZTE BSC GIpSlaExTask DstIp

ZTE BSC GIpSlaExTask DstIpVersion
ZTE BSC GIpSlaExTask DstPort
ZTE BSC GIpSlaExTask GIpSlaExTask
ZTE BSC GIpSlaExTask Interval
ZTE BSC GIpSlaExTask IpDscp
ZTE BSC GIpSlaExTask IpPktLen
ZTE BSC GIpSlaExTask IpSlaMonitorInd

ZTE BSC GIpSlaExTask MidFlag

ZTE BSC GIpSlaExTask PdDetectType

ZTE BSC GIpSlaExTask PktType
ZTE BSC GIpSlaExTask SLAResPara1
ZTE BSC GIpSlaExTask SLAResPara2

ZTE BSC GIpSlaExTask TimeOut

ZTE BSC GLocationArea GLocationArea

ZTE BSC GLocationArea imsiAdAllowed

ZTE BSC GLocationArea lac

ZTE BSC GLocationArea t3212

ZTE BSC GLogicalAbisLink GBssFunction

ZTE BSC GLogicalAbisLink GLogicalAbisLink
ZTE BSC GLogicalAbisLink GMPlmn
ZTE BSC GLogicalALink GBssFunction
ZTE BSC GLogicalALink GLogicalALink
ZTE BSC GLogicalALink GMPlmn
ZTE BSC GLogicalGbLink GBssFunction
ZTE BSC GLogicalGbLink GLogicalGbLink
ZTE BSC GLogicalGbLink GMPlmn

ZTE BSC GMocnArea DistributeRatio

ZTE BSC GMocnArea refGMPlmn

ZTE BSC GMocnArea refPlmnGroup
ZTE BSC GMocnArea GMocnAreaId

ZTE BSC GMocnArea MocnAreaAttr

ZTE BSC GMPlmn GBssFunction







ZTE BSC GMscLink AllocateRatio

ZTE BSC GMscLink FullIPASupportType

ZTE BSC GMscLink GBssFunction
ZTE BSC GMscLink GMscLink
ZTE BSC GMscLink GMscLinkSeq
ZTE BSC GMscLink PcmOIPASupportType
ZTE BSC GMscLink PcmOTDMASupportType
ZTE BSC GMscLink reservedByGMPlmn
ZTE BSC GMscLink Selectednum
ZTE BSC GNri GBssFunction
ZTE BSC GPcuInfo GBssFunction
ZTE BSC GPcuInfo GPcuInfo
ZTE BSC GRoutingArea GBssFunction
ZTE BSC GRoutingArea GRoutingArea
ZTE BSC GRoutingArea rac

ZTE BSC GSiteBaseBandShare BaseBandShare

ZTE BSC GSiteBaseBandShare bbLowerThs

ZTE BSC GSiteBaseBandShare bbOverThs

ZTE BSC GSiteBaseBandShare bbReleaseTraThs

ZTE BSC GSiteBaseBandShare bbRequestTraThs

ZTE BSC GSiteBaseBandShare GBtsSiteManager

ZTE BSC GSiteBaseBandShare GSiteBaseBandShare
ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasDur

ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasSTh

ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasSTm

ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasWeek0
ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasWeek1
ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasWeek2
ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasWeek3
ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasWeek4
ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasWeek5
ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasWeek6
ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasDur

ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasSTh

ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasSTm

ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasWeek0
ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasWeek1
ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasWeek2
ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasWeek3
ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasWeek4
ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasWeek5
ZTE BSC GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasWeek6

ZTE BSC GUmsyn DetrimentAdjust

ZTE BSC GUmsyn GUmsyn

ZTE BSC GUmsyn InterBSCSynMeasSupp
ZTE BSC GUmsyn IsAdjustFrameNo
ZTE BSC GUmsyn IsCycleAdjust

ZTE BSC GUmsyn LevelDiffThs

ZTE BSC GUmsyn SynFrameAdjuestSTh
ZTE BSC GUmsyn SynFrameAdjuestSTm
ZTE BSC GUmsyn SynFrameAdjustDur
ZTE BSC GUmsyn SynFrameAdjustWeek0
ZTE BSC GUmsyn SynFrameAdjustWeek1
ZTE BSC GUmsyn SynFrameAdjustWeek2
ZTE BSC GUmsyn SynFrameAdjustWeek3
ZTE BSC GUmsyn SynFrameAdjustWeek4
ZTE BSC GUmsyn SynFrameAdjustWeek5
ZTE BSC GUmsyn SynFrameAdjustWeek6
ZTE BSC GUmsyn SynMeasBaseAB

ZTE BSC GUmsyn SynMeasBaseMTD

ZTE BSC GUmsyn SynMeasHoStartThs

ZTE BSC GUmsyn SynMeasTrxMax
ZTE BSC GUmsyn UmSynSupport
ZTE BSC GAbisLink DynamicBwCACSwit
ZTE BSC GAbisLink FarEndBandAdjSwit
ZTE BSC GAbisLink NodeBBar
ZTE BSC GAbisLink reservedByGBtsEquipment
ZTE BSC GAbisLink reservedByGIpbm
ZTE BSC GAbisLink reservedByGIpSlaExTask
ZTE BSC GAbisLink reservedByGLogicalAbisLink
ZTE BSC GAbisTrPath SigRsvBandWidth
ZTE BSC GALink reservedByGIpbm
ZTE BSC GALink reservedByGLogicalALink
ZTE BSC GALink reservedByGMscLink
ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq AllowNfreqInSite
ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq AllowSamefreqInSite
ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq BorrowFreqPool
ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq DfaArfcnPenalty
ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq DfabyiCS
ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq DFALowLevel
ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq DfaTscDiff
ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq DownNFreqReduce2
ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq HighInterThs
ZTE BSC GBssDynFreq iCSConfigIntfCell
HQ Recommended Value Category
52 Critical
0 Prohibited
1 Prohibited
14 Critical
1123 Critical Critical
0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 Critical
1 Critical
100 Critical
1000 Critical
0 Prohibited Critical
0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 Critical
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Critical
1 Critical
12 Critical
28 Critical
4996 Critical Critical
32 Critical
4 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Prohibited
0 Critical
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
14 Critical
0 Prohibited
20000 Critical
20000 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
2001 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical
2001 Critical
1 Critical
1134 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
100 Critical
1000 Critical
0 Critical
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
5 Critical
1 Prohibited
12 Critical
19 Critical
0 Critical
3 Critical
3 Critical
3 Critical
3 Critical
3 Critical
4 Critical
4 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical

4 Critical

13 Critical
14 Critical
15 Critical
17 Critical
18 Critical
20 Critical
23 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical
3 Critical
3 Critical
3 Critical
4 Critical
4 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical
3 Critical

18 Critical
20 Critical
23 Critical
26 Critical
30 Critical

3 Critical
3 Critical

3 Critical

3 Critical

6 Critical
6 Critical

6 Critical

6 Critical

3 Critical
3 Critical

6 Critical
6 Critical

3 Critical
3 Critical
6 Critical
6 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical
1 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical
0 Critical

1 Critical

50 Critical

18 Critical

0 Critical

40 Critical

5000 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

3 Critical

34 Critical

0 Critical
0 Critical
50 Critical

18 Critical

18 Critical

0 Critical

4 Critical
5 Critical
5 Critical
6 Critical
2 Critical
1 Critical
3 Critical
3 Critical
1 Critical

0 Prohibited

0 Critical

0 Critical

60 Critical
25 Critical

25 Critical

50 Critical

14 Critical

0 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical
2 Critical

2 Critical

0 Critical

1 Prohibited

1 Critical

4 Critical
4 Critical
1 Critical
2 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Prohibited

0 Prohibited
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Critical

6 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

1;1;1;1 Critical

30;30;30;30 Critical

0 Prohibited
1 Critical
1200 Critical
1800 Critical
600 Critical
3000 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical
3 Critical
0 Prohibited
85 Critical
5 Critical
95 Critical

0 Prohibited

0 Prohibited

1 Prohibited

20 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical
1 Critical

200 Critical
0 Prohibited
0 Critical
0 Prohibited
1 Critical
1 Prohibited
1 Prohibited
0 Critical

80 Critical

1 Critical

80 Critical
0 Critical

65 Critical

0 Critical
100 Critical
1 Critical
2 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
12 Critical
6 Critical
59 Critical
59 Critical
20 Critical
1 Critical

600 Critical

30 Critical
30 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

0;0;0;0 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

1122 Critical
1122 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

3 Critical
20 Critical

1 Critical

1 Prohibited
1 Prohibited

0 Critical

3 Critical
0 Critical
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Critical
0 Critical
85 Critical
1 Critical

0 Critical
1 Critical
46 Critical
22 Critical
46 Critical
22 Critical
22 Critical
8 Critical
22 Critical
48 Critical
38 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
90.0 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical
1500 Critical

100 Critical

100 Critical

18 Critical

0 Prohibited
180.0 Critical
0 Prohibited
2 Critical

1800 Critical

20 Critical
4 Prohibited

60 Critical

15 Critical

1 Prohibited

1 Critical
3 Critical

0 Critical
0 Critical
6 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

1000 Critical
800 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical
100 Prohibited
100 Prohibited
300 Prohibited
30 Prohibited
1800 Prohibited
10 Critical
3 Critical
3 Critical

0 Critical

300 Critical
400 Critical
3 Critical
1 Critical

10 Critical
0 Critical
3 Critical

3 Critical
1 Critical
100 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical

0 Prohibited

0 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical
1 Critical

5 Critical

3 Critical

1200 Critical

80 Critical
30 Critical

0 Critical

1000 Critical
800 Critical

3000 Critical

100 Critical
0 Prohibited

0 Critical

1 Critical

1114130 Critical

30 Critical

3 Critical

3 Critical

3 Critical
3 Critical

3 Critical

0 Critical

80 Prohibited
40 Prohibited
80 Prohibited
80 Prohibited
100 Prohibited
100 Prohibited
80 Critical
80 Critical
100 Critical
80 Critical
100 Critical
100 Critical
10 Critical
0 Critical
200 Critical
1 Critical

0 Critical

40 Critical

0 Critical

0 Prohibited
60 Critical
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited

1 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical
254 Critical

3 Critical

1200 Critical

1 Critical

300 Critical

6 Critical
3 Critical

0 Critical

1000 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

550 Critical

3 Critical
0 Prohibited

0 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical

60 Critical

1 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Prohibited

1 Critical

700 Critical

0 Critical
3 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical

65535 Critical

0 Critical

0 Prohibited

0 Critical

0 Prohibited

1 Critical

0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited

0 Prohibited

0 Prohibited

0 Critical

1 Critical

0 Prohibited

1 Critical

0 Prohibited

0 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical
3 Critical

200 Critical

600 Critical

1 Critical

300 Critical

50 Prohibited
30 Critical

50 Prohibited

1 Critical
1 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

12 Critical

3 Critical

0 Critical

80 Critical

3 Critical

3 Critical

2 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

3 Critical

0 Critical

3 Critical
1 Critical

0 Critical
50 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Prohibited

3 Critical

0 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

120 Critical

3 Critical

1 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
180 Critical
30 Critical

300 Critical
30 Critical

30 Critical
30 Critical

30 Critical

30 Critical

30 Critical

90 Critical
1 Critical
100 Critical
1 Critical
15 Critical
100 Critical

50 Critical

250 Critical

60 Critical

3000 Critical

80 Critical
150 Critical

100 Critical
60 Critical

25 Critical

300 Critical

90 Critical
110 Critical

60 Critical

60 Critical

100 Critical

100 Critical
150 Critical

200 Critical

20 Critical
5 Critical

90 Critical

300 Critical

100 Critical
60 Critical

40 Critical

100 Critical

100 Critical
180 Critical

11 Critical

100 Critical

500 Prohibited
500 Prohibited

550 Critical

200 Critical
20 Prohibited

30 Prohibited

30 Prohibited

30 Prohibited

120 Critical
100 Critical

20 Critical

6 Critical

1 Critical

60 Critical

50 Critical
50 Critical

50 Critical

50 Critical

100 Critical

5 Critical
180 Critical

10 Critical

30 Critical

10 Critical
100 Critical

100 Critical

50 Critical

50 Critical

60 Critical

20 Critical
20 Critical

300 Critical
120 Critical

50 Critical

100 Critical

20 Critical
20 Critical
50 Critical
100 Critical
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
1 Critical

1 Critical

40 Prohibited
1 Critical
0 Critical

1 Prohibited

1 Prohibited
1 Prohibited
1 Critical
1 Critical

0 Prohibited

1 Prohibited

1 Critical

2 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

64 Prohibited

15 Critical

0 Prohibited

10 Critical

0 Prohibited

0 Critical
4 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
7 Prohibited

2 Critical
0 Critical

5 Critical

3 Critical

18 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical

3 Critical

9 Critical
10 Critical

85 Critical

144 Critical

400 Critical

50 Critical

12 Critical

0 Critical

20 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical
0 Critical

1 Critical

3 Critical

3 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical
4;8;12;16;20;24;28;32;36;40;44;48;52;56;60;64 Critical

3 Critical

3 Critical

20 Critical
20 Critical

2 Critical
0 Critical

5 Critical

3 Critical

18 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical

19 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical
0 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical

0 Prohibited

0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical
4 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
5 Critical
5 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
50 Critical
5 Critical
10 Critical
50 Critical
0 Critical
600 Critical
20 Critical
0 Critical
40 Critical
24 Critical
48 Critical
0 Critical
20 Critical
10 Critical
10 Critical
30 Critical
0 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

120 Critical
1123 Critical
14 Critical

14 Critical

0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical

360 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

18 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical
1123 Critical
14 Critical
1 Critical
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Critical
100 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical

0 Critical

100 Critical

50 Critical

40 Critical

2 Critical

1 Critical

50 Critical

40 Critical

2 Critical

60 Critical
20 Critical

90 Critical

2 Critical

1 Critical

100 Critical

1 Critical
1122 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical
10 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical

500 Critical

0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical

1 Critical

5 Critical

5 Critical

30 Critical
40 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical
1 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

5 Critical
5 Critical

13 Critical

20 Critical

0 Critical

100 Critical
50 Critical

1 Critical
1836 Critical
2 Critical
1 Critical
4 Critical
1 Critical
47111 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

3001 Critical
1122 Critical
3001 Critical
1 Critical
100 Critical
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited

0 Critical

5 Critical

5 Critical

5 Critical

1 Critical

200 Critical

720 Critical

720 Critical
50 Critical

1122 Critical
3001 Critical
1 Critical
1122 Critical

50 Critical

45000 Critical

1122 Critical
3001 Critical
1122 Critical
1122 Critical Critical
4 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical

50 Critical

1122 Critical
3001 Critical
1122 Critical
1 Critical Critical
4 Critical
50 Critical

14019 Critical

96 Critical Critical
4 Critical
1000 Critical
2 Critical
1000 Critical
48 Critical
100 Critical
1 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical
17 Critical
0 Critical
60 Critical

1000 Critical

1 Critical
1 Critical

875 Critical

60 Prohibited

1123 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1134 Critical
1 Critical
2 Critical
1122 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical

255;255;255;255 Prohibited

410,1;410,7 Prohibited
No_Value Prohibited

1 Prohibited

1 Prohibited

1122 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical

6 Critical

0 Critical
1 Critical
10 Critical

0 Critical
1 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical
1134 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
13 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Critical
1134 Critical
17 Critical
17 Critical
1122 Critical
0 Critical
1135 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical

0 Prohibited

60 Critical

80 Critical

0 Critical

70 Critical

999 Critical
1 Critical
30 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
30 Critical

2 Critical

0 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical

5 Critical
3 Critical
0 Critical
30 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

25 Critical
3 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical
000000000000 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical
20 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
18 Critical
50 Critical
0 Critical
Adjacent Net Element Identifier
udp checksum switch
UDP and RTP Demultiplexing Switch
Net Element ID
User Label
OMCB Inner Service Ip Address
OMCB Inner Service Ip Address
whether or not in order
Priority Adjust Coefficient
The parameter indicates maximum length of multiplexing UDP packet.
UDP and RTP multiplexing Switch
NodeB Inner IP
NodeB Inner IP
Net Element Reserved Parameter1
Net Element Reserved Parameter10
Net Element Reserved Parameter11
Net Element Reserved Parameter12
Net Element Reserved Parameter13
Net Element Reserved Parameter14
Net Element Reserved Parameter15
Net Element Reserved Parameter16
Net Element Reserved Parameter17
Net Element Reserved Parameter18
Net Element Reserved Parameter19
Net Element Reserved Parameter2
Net Element Reserved Parameter20
Net Element Reserved Parameter 1
Net Element Reserved Parameter 10
Net Element Reserved Parameter 11
Net Element Reserved Parameter 12
Net Element Reserved Parameter 13
Net Element Reserved Parameter 14
Net Element Reserved Parameter 15
Net Element Reserved Parameter 16
Net Element Reserved Parameter 17
Net Element Reserved Parameter3
Net Element Reserved Parameter 18
Net Element Reserved Parameter 19
Net Element Reserved Parameter 2
Net Element Reserved Parameter 20
Net Element Reserved Parameter 21
Net Element Reserved Parameter 22
Net Element Reserved Parameter4
Net Element Reserved Parameter5
Net Element Reserved Parameter6
Net Element Reserved Parameter7
Net Element Reserved Parameter8
Net Element Reserved Parameter9
Payload Type of Multiplexing UDP packet
CS12.2K call payload under the condition of UDP multiplexing
CS64K call payload under the condition of UDP multiplexing
Multiplexing UDP port
Destination IP address
net mask for Destination IP
Length of Destination IP address
Destination IP address
TrPath ID
Transport BandWidth Adjustment Switch based on IP SLA
IP Domain No
Reserved Field1
RX bandwidth Ratio of TrPath reserved for NRT Service
TX bandwidth Ratio of TrPath reserved for NRT Service
RX bandwidth Ratio of TrPath reserved for RT Service
Route Select Factor
TX bandwidth Ratio of TrPath reserved for RT Service
Rx bandwidth
Tx bandwidth
User Label
CIR Weight Of Rate Vibration Service
Adjacent Net Element Identifier
udp checksum switch
UDP and RTP Demultiplexing Switch
User Label
Net Element ID
A Office Object ID
whether or not in order
Transmission type at A interface
Priority Adjust Coefficient
The parameter indicates maximum length of multiplexing UDP packet.
UDP and RTP multiplexing Switch
Net Element Reserved Parameter 23
Net Element Reserved Parameter 24
Net Element Reserved Parameter 25
Net Element Reserved Parameter 26
Net Element Reserved Parameter 27
Net Element Reserved Parameter 28
Net Element Reserved Parameter 29
Net Element Reserved Parameter 3
Net Element Reserved Parameter 30
Net Element Reserved Parameter 31
Net Element Reserved Parameter 32
Net Element Reserved Parameter 33
Net Element Reserved Parameter 34
Net Element Reserved Parameter 35
This parameter indicates the time interval between sending RTCP (SR and SDES) packets.
This parameter indicates the RTCP packet switch. RTCP is an optional protocol in 3GPP. If this switch is
turned on, RTCP packets are sent periodically based on RTP sessions to the opposite end.
CS12.2K call payload under the condition of RTP multiplexing
CS64K call payload under the condition of RTP multiplexing
Payload Type of Multiplexing UDP packet
This parameter specifies C/I hysteresis for increasing the AMR HR codec mode from 4.75kbps.
This parameter specifies C/I hysteresis for increasing the AMR HR codec mode from 5.15kbps.
This parameter specifies C/I hysteresis for increasing the AMR HR codec mode from 5.9kbps.
This parameter specifies C/I hysteresis for increasing the AMR HR codec mode from 6.7kbps.
This parameter specifies C/I hysteresis for increasing the AMR HR codec mode from 7.4kbps.
This parameter specifies C/I hysteresis for increasing the AMR HR codec mode from 7.95kbps.
This parameter specifies C/I hysteresis for increasing the AMR HR codec mode from 10.2kbps.

This parameter indicates the initial speech codec mode of AMR FR employs the mode specified by
Startmode or the default initial codec mode specified in protocol 45.009. The initial codec mode specified in
the protocol is described as follows:

1. When there is one codec mode, this mode is employed as the initial mode.

2. When there are two or three codec modes, the lowest speed mode is employed as the initial mode.

3. When there are four modes, the mode with the second lowest speed is employed as the initial mode.

For the A interface using IP, this parameter is not used. Instead, the system control parameter
IpaAMRStartMode decides the initial codec mode.

This parameter specifies whether the AMR noise suppression on the MS is disabled for the AMRFR speech
version. The noise suppression function on the MS keeps the speech quality by controlling the background

No: Noise control can be enabled.

Yes: Noise control is disabled.

This parameter decides the initial codec mode for the AMR FR speech version. The value must not be larger
than the number of codec modes contained in the ACS. The parameter values are described as follows:

1: the initial codec mode employs the one with the lowest speed

2: the initial codec mode employs the one with the second lowest speed

3: the initial codec mode employs the one with the third lowest speed

4: the initial codec mode employs the one with the forth lowest speed

This parameter specifies the C/I threshold for reducing the AMR FR codec mode to 4.75kbps.
This parameter specifies the C/I threshold for reducing the AMR FR codec mode to 5.15 kbps.
This parameter specifies the C/I threshold for reducing the AMR FR codec mode to 5.9kbps.
This parameter specifies the C/I threshold for reducing the AMR FR codec mode to 6.7kbps.
This parameter specifies the C/I threshold for reducing the AMR FR codec mode to 7.4kbps.
This parameter specifies the C/I threshold for reducing the AMR FR codec mode to 7.95kbps.
This parameter specifies the C/I threshold for reducing the AMR FR codec mode to 10.2kbps.
This parameter specifies whether the ACS of AMR FR contains the 4.75kbps codec mode.
This parameter specifies whether the ACS of AMR FR contains the 5.15 kbps codec mode.
This parameter specifies whether the ACS of AMR FR contains the 5.9 kbps codec mode.
This parameter specifies whether the ACS of AMR FR contains the 6.7 kbps codec mode.
This parameter specifies whether the ACS of AMR FR contains the 7.4 kbps codec mode.
This parameter specifies whether the ACS of AMR FR contains the 7.95 kbps codec mode.
This parameter specifies whether the ACS of AMR FR contains the 10.2 kbps codec mode.
This parameter specifies whether the ACS of AMR FR contains the 12.2 kbps codec mode.
This parameter specifies whether the ACS of AMR HR contains the 4.75 kbps codec mode.
This parameter specifies whether the ACS of AMR HR contains the 5.15 kbps codec mode.
This parameter specifies whether the ACS of AMR HR contains the 5.9 kbps codec mode.
This parameter specifies whether the ACS of AMR HR contains the 6.7 kbps codec mode.
This parameter specifies whether the ACS of AMR HR contains the 7.4 kbps codec mode.
This parameter specifies C/I hysteresis for increasing the AMR FR codec mode from 4.75kbps.
This parameter specifies C/I hysteresis for increasing the AMR FR codec mode from 5.15kbps.
This parameter specifies C/I hysteresis for increasing the AMR FR codec mode from 5.9kbps.
This parameter specifies C/I hysteresis for increasing the AMR FR codec mode from 6.7kbps.
This parameter specifies C/I hysteresis for increasing the AMR FR codec mode from 7.4kbps.

This parameter indicates the initial speech codec mode of AMR HR employs the mode specified by
Startmode or the default initial codec mode specified in protocol 45.009. The initial codec mode specified in
the protocol is described as follows:

1. When there is one codec mode, this mode is employed as the initial mode.

2. When there are two or three codec modes, the lowest speed mode is employed as the initial mode.

3. When there are four modes, the mode with the second lowest speed is employed as the initial mode.

For the A interface using IP, this parameter is not used. Instead, the system control parameter
IpaAMRStartMode decides the initial codec mode.

This parameter specifies whether the AMR noise suppression on the MS is disabled for the AMRHR speech
version. The noise suppression function on the MS keeps the speech quality by controlling the background

No: Noise control can be enabled.

Yes: Noise control is disabled.

This parameter decides the initial codec mode for the AMR HR speech version. The value must not be larger
than the number of codec modes contained in the ACS. The parameter values are described as follows:

1: the initial codec mode employs the one with the lowest speed

2: the initial codec mode employs the one with the second lowest speed

3: the initial codec mode employs the one with the third lowest speed

4: the initial codec mode employs the one with the forth lowest speed

This parameter specifies the C/I threshold for reducing the AMR HR codec mode to 4.75kbps.
This parameter specifies the C/I threshold for reducing the AMR HR codec mode to 5.15kbps.
This parameter specifies the C/I threshold for reducing the AMR HR codec mode to 5.9kbps.
This parameter specifies the C/I threshold for reducing the AMR HR codec mode to 6.7kbps.
This parameter specifies the C/I threshold for reducing the AMR HR codec mode to 7.4kbps.

The hysteresis for changing AMROWFS mode includes two factors, which are represented by two
parameters: amrOwfsHysteresis1 and amrOwfsHysteresis2.

The two parameter values must meet the following condition:

The hysteresis for changing AMROWFS mode includes two factors, which are represented by two
parameters: amrOwfsHysteresis1 and amrOwfsHysteresis2.

The two parameter values must meet the following condition:


The four hysteresis properties changed in AMROWFS mode are

amrOwfsHysteresis1, amrOwfsHysteresis2, amrOwfsHysteresis3,
and amrOwfsHysteresis4.
The four hysteresis properties changed in AMROWFS mode are
amrOwfsHysteresis1, amrOwfsHysteresis2, amrOwfsHysteresis3,
and amrOwfsHysteresis4.

There are two thresholds for changing AMROWFS mode, which are represented by two parameters:
amrOwfsThresholds1 and amrOwfsThresholds2.

The two parameter values must meet the following two conditions:

(1) amrOwfsThresholds1≤amrOwfsThresholds2

(2) amrOwfsThresholds1+amrOwfsHysteresis1≤ amrOwfsThresholds2+amrOwfsHysteresis2

There are two thresholds for changing AMROWFS mode, which are represented by two parameters:
amrOwfsThresholds1 and amrOwfsThresholds2.

The two parameter values must meet the following two conditions:

(1) amrOwfsThresholds1≤amrOwfsThresholds2

(2) amrOwfsThresholds1+amrOwfsHysteresis1≤ amrOwfsThresholds2+amrOwfsHysteresis2

This parameter specifies a CIR threshold for reducing the

AMROWFS codec rate from 15.85kbps.The rate is reduced when
the CIR is lower than the threshold.
This parameter specifies a CIR threshold for reducing the
AMROWFS codec rate from 23.85kbps.The rate is reduced when
the CIR is lower than the threshold.

The hysteresis for changing AMROWHS mode includes two factors, which are represented by two
parameters: amrOwhsHysteresis1 and amrOwhsHysteresis2.

The two parameter values must meet the following condition:

The hysteresis for changing AMROWHS mode includes two factors, which are represented by two
parameters: amrOwhsHysteresis1 and amrOwhsHysteresis2.

The two parameter values must meet the following condition:


There are two thresholds for changing AMROWHS mode, which are represented by two parameters:
amrOwhsThresholds1 and amrOwhsThresholds2.

The two parameter values must meet the following two conditions:

(1) amrOwhsThresholds1≤amrOwhsThresholds2

(2) amrOwhsThresholds1+amrOwhsHysteresis1≤amrOwhsThresholds2+amrOwhsHysteresis2
There are two thresholds for changing AMROWHS mode, which are represented by two parameters:
amrOwhsThresholds1 and amrOwhsThresholds2.

The two parameter values must meet the following two conditions:

(1) amrOwhsThresholds1≤amrOwhsThresholds2

(2) amrOwhsThresholds1+amrOwhsHysteresis1≤amrOwhsThresholds2+amrOwhsHysteresis2

The hysteresis for changing AMRWFS mode includes four factors, which are represented by four
parameters: amrWfsHysteresis1, amrWfsHysteresis2, amrWfsHysteresis3, and amrWfsHysteresis4.

The four parameter values must meet the following condition:

The hysteresis for changing AMRWFS mode includes four factors, which are represented by four
parameters: amrWfsHysteresis1, amrWfsHysteresis2, amrWfsHysteresis3, and amrWfsHysteresis4.

The four parameter values must meet the following condition:

There are four threshold values during AMRWFS mode change: amrWfsThresholds1, amrWfsThresholds2,
amrWfsThresholds3, and amrWfsThresholds4. The following condition must be met:

There are four threshold values during AMRWFS mode change: amrWfsThresholds1, amrWfsThresholds2,
amrWfsThresholds3, amrWfsThresholds4. The following condition must be met:


This parameter indicates whether the Full Rate AMR (FR AMR)
supports 4.75k. If yes, the full-rate ACS can be configured with the
current rate. If not, the ACS cannot be configured with the current
rate, therefore, FR AMR speech cannot use the current rate.

This parameter indicates whether the Full Rate AMR (FR AMR)
supports 5.15k. If yes, the full-rate ACS can be configured with the
current rate. If not, the ACS cannot be configured with the current
rate, therefore, FR AMR speech cannot use the current rate.

This parameter indicates whether the Full Rate AMR (FR AMR)
supports 5.9k. If yes, the full-rate ACS can be configured with the
current rate. If not, the ACS cannot be configured with the current
rate, therefore, FR AMR speech cannot use the current rate.

This parameter indicates whether the Full Rate AMR (FR AMR)
supports 6.7k. If yes, the full-rate ACS can be configured with the
current rate. If not, the ACS cannot be configured with the current
rate, therefore, FR AMR speech cannot use the current rate.
This parameter indicates whether the Full Rate AMR (FR AMR)
supports 7.4k. If yes, the full-rate ACS can be configured with the
current rate. If not, the ACS cannot be configured with the current
rate, therefore, FR AMR speech cannot use the current rate.

This parameter indicates whether the Full Rate AMR (FR AMR)
supports 7.95k. If yes, the full-rate ACS can be configured with the
current rate. If not, the ACS cannot be configured with the current
rate, therefore, FR AMR speech cannot use the current rate.

This parameter indicates whether the Full Rate AMR (FR AMR)
supports 10.2k. If yes, the full-rate ACS can be configured with the
current rate. If not, the ACS cannot be configured with the current
rate, therefore, FR AMR speech cannot use the current rate.

This parameter indicates whether the Full Rate AMR (FR AMR)
supports 12.2k. If yes, the full-rate ACS can be configured with the
current rate. If not, the ACS cannot be configured with the current
rate, therefore, FR AMR speech cannot use the current rate.

This parameter indicates whether the Half Rate AMR (HR AMR)
supports 4.75k. If yes, the ACS can be configured with the current
rate. If not, the ACS cannot be configured with the current rate,
therefore, HR AMR speech cannot use the current rate.

This parameter indicates whether the Half Rate AMR (HR AMR)
supports 5.15k. If yes, the ACS can be configured with the current
rate. If not, the ACS cannot be configured with the current rate,
therefore, HR AMR speech cannot use the current rate.

This parameter indicates whether the Half Rate AMR (HR AMR)
supports 5.9k. If yes, the ACS can be configured with the current
rate. If not, the ACS cannot be configured with the current rate,
therefore, HR AMR speech cannot use the current rate.

This parameter indicates whether the Half Rate AMR (HR AMR)
supports 6.7k. If yes, the ACS can be configured with the current
rate. If not, the ACS cannot be configured with the current rate,
therefore, HR AMR speech cannot use the current rate.

This parameter indicates whether the Half Rate AMR (HR AMR)
supports 7.4k. If yes, the ACS can be configured with the current
rate. If not, the ACS cannot be configured with the current rate,
therefore, HR AMR speech cannot use the current rate.

This parameter indicates whether the Half Rate AMR (HR AMR)
supports 7.95k. If yes, the ACS can be configured with the current
rate. If not, the ACS cannot be configured with the current rate.
Therefore, HR AMR speech cannot use the current rate.

This parameter indicates the maximum number of rates that an ACS

of AMR supports with a range of 1 through 4. If the MACS value is
4, it means the ACS can support one, two, three or four rates. If the
MACS value is 1, it means only one rate can be supported.
When the TFO function is enabled, if a TFO cannot be established
due to mismatched voice versions, this parameter is enabled. This
function is used to search for a preferential voice version from the
voice algorithms supported by the MS by changing the MS mode or
changing the current voice version to the preferential one.

This parameter indicates whether the adjacent frequencies can be

allocated to the dynamic carrier to be started.
This parameter specifies the downlink quality threshold over which
poor-quality carriers are disabled if dynamic frequency allocation
is enabled.
This parameter specifies the attenuation used for calculating the
downlink adjacent-channel interference before dynamic frequency
allocation is started.
This parameter specifies whether the poor-quality carriers are
disabled if dynamic frequency allocation is enabled.
This parameter indicates the interference threshold used when
frequencies are allocated to the dynamic carrier to be started.
If UseInterfThres is set to 1, when the interference exceeds the
threshold InterfThres, frequencies cannot be allocated.

This parameter specifies the minimum quality samples required

to disable poor-quality carriers if dynamic frequency allocation is
This parameter indicates whether downlink interferences are
considered before dynamic frequency allocation is enabled.
This parameter indicates whether adjacent-channel interferences
are also considered besides co-channel interferences before
dynamic frequency allocation is enabled.
This parameter indicates whether interferences on other
corresponding carriers are also considered before dynamic
frequency allocation is enabled.
This parameter indicates whether both interferences and traffic load
on the carrier are considered before dynamic frequency allocation
is enabled.
This parameter indicates whether uplink interferences are
considered before dynamic frequency allocation is enabled.
This parameter indicates the traffic statistic period when both
interferences and traffic load on the carrier are considered for
dynamic frequency allocation.

This parameter indicates the power level difference between

sub-cells when interferences are estimated for dynamic frequency
allocation. With this power level difference, interferences can be
estimated more accurately in sub-cells.
This parameter is a BSC-level switch controlling dynamic frequency
This parameter specifies the uplink quality threshold over which
poor-quality carriers are disabled if dynamic frequency allocation
is enabled.
This parameter specifies the attenuation used for calculating the
uplink adjacent-channel interference before dynamic frequency
allocation is started.
This parameter indicates whether an interference threshold is used
when frequencies are allocated to the dynamic carrier to be started.
If an interference threshold is used, when the interference exceeds
the threshold InterfThres, frequencies cannot be allocated.
This parameter indicates the priority of emergency calls. Those calls with priorities higher than or equal to
the parameter value are emergency calls. The value "1" indicates the highest priority.
This parameter decides the proportion of channels reserved for high-priority subscribers when you enable
the eMLPP service function, which allows high-priority users to access channels first.
This parameter decides whether to allow forced handovers during an assignment or carry out the
assignment according to the cell settings when there are no available channels in the cell.
This parameter decides whether to allow forced handovers during a handover or carry out the handover
according to the cell settings when there are no available channels in the cell.

This parameter indicates the time period in which the target of forced handover cannot be a handover
target any more after the forced handover fails.

Start: The target fails to carry out the handover and release the channel.

Stop: None.

At expiry: The subscriber can be a target of forced handover again.

This parameter decides the time to wait for resources after a forced handover. If a resource is obtained
within this period, no more forced handovers or releases will be initiated and the assignment will stop
queuing. If not, more forced handovers or releases will be initiated or the assignment will still queue for
resources, depending on parameter settings. The parameter should be set according to the time required
for a complete handover.

Start: A forced handover is initiated and the assignment waits for channel releases.

Stop: The user that initiates the forced release accesses a channel.

Timeout action: More forced handovers or releases will be initiated or the assignment will still queue for
resources, depending on parameter settings.

This parameter decides the time to wait for resources after a forced release. If a resource is obtained within
this period, no more forced releases will be initiated and the assignment will stop queuing. If not, more
forced releases will be initiated or the assignment will still queue for resources, depending on specified
settings. The parameter should be set according to the time required for a complete forced release.

Start: A forced release is initiated and the assignment waits for channel releases.

Stop: The user that initiates the forced release accesses a channel.

Timeout action: More forced releases will be initiated or the assignment will still queue for resources,
depending on parameter settings.

During searches for the targets of forced handovers or releases, if the call duration of the targets is larger
than this parameter, these targets will be considered to have enough long calls and can be the targets of
forced handovers or releases. No more searches for the target with the longest call duration will be done. In
this way, the number of times of searches is reduced.

During searches for the targets of forced handovers or releases, if the priorities of the targets are not higher
than this priority, these targets will be considered to have the lowest priorities and can be the targets of
forced handovers or releases. No more searches will be done. In this way, the number of times of searches
is reduced. The value "1" indicates the highest priority.
This parameter decides whether to allow forced releases during an assignment or carry out the assignment
according to the cell settings when there are no available channels in the cell.
This parameter decides whether to allow forced releases during a handover or carry out the handover
according to the cell settings when there are no available channels in the cell.
This parameter (PriThreshold) uses the service of preferred access for high-priority subscriber, that is eMLPP
service, the system may set some reserved channels (currently, only full rate TCH channels are supported to
be the reserved channels).

When CS instance calls database to apply for channels, the subscriber's PriorityLevel information reaches to
database, and is compared with PriThreshold in the database and BSC table. When
PriorityLevel≤PriThreshold (the less the subscriber's priority level value, the higher the priority level, that is
the subscriber's priority level is not lower than PriThreshold priority), the reserved channel can be used.

During an assignment, this parameter decides whether to allow queuing or carry out the assignment
according to the cell settings when there are no available channels in the cell.
During a handover, this parameter decides whether to allow queuing or carry out the assignment according
to the cell settings when there are no available channels in the cell.

This parameter indicates the selection order of reserved channel and non-reserved channel. If this feature is
enabled, the reserved channel has the higher priority.

Yes: reserved channel is preferred.

No: non-reserved channel is preferred.

This parameter indicates whether the eMLPP function is enabled.

0 (NO): Disabled.

1 (YES): Enabled. The related functions include queuing, forced handover and release, and reserved

Abis allocation to consider the quality of the circuit
Abis exclusive support
Switch of CAC for A Interface of BSC

This parameter is a user access control switch based on the SIM card
This switch controls one cell.
This parameter specifies the access priority classes which are forbidden for access.

Each MS in GSM system has an access priority class (15 classes in all). Class 10 is not used for access control
as specifiedin the protocol.

Cn indicates users with class n (n= 0, 1, …, 9, 11, …, 15)

If Cn = 0, the MSs with class n are allowed to access the cell.

If Cn = 1, the MSs with class n are forbidden to access the cell.

This parameter is valid when UseCellAcc is set to 0. Otherwise, the AccessControl parameter at the cell level
is used foraccess control.

This parameter indicates the validity period of a neighbor cell's load information.
Acoustic Echo Canceller Function Control
Automatic Level Control Function Control
This parameter indicates a switch that controls whether to carry the
IMEI in encryption. If this parameter is set to 1, the BSC will inform
the MS to carry the IMEI for tracing, even if this is not required by

When constructing an assignment command, the system fills in "MobileAllocationAT" or "FreqListAT"

according the status of the AssUseFreqList switch if the channel type is frequency hopping system. If the
value of AssUseFreqList is 1, the system fills in "FreqListAT". Otherwise, the system fills in
This parameter specifies the number of SIM card levels which are forbidden for access. This parameter uses
ACC data for theuser access control based on the SIM card level.
This parameter specifies the period of time for forbidding the access of subscribers of a certain SIM card
level to avoidthe occurrence that the access of the same SIM card level is always forbidden when ACC
parameters are valid. This parameterensures that subscribers of different SIM card levels are forbidden in

Baseband resource share support

This parameter determines the carrier selection sequence for the sharing of baseband resources.
This parameter indicates the initial delay before a BCCH shift. The network will check the status of BCCH TRX
when the timer expires. If a BCCH shift is needed, the network initiates a shift process.
This parameter indicates whether the base band hopping switch-over is supported. This function is
supported only when the all switches at the BSC level and Cell level are all enabled. When a carrier of the
base band hopping group is in fault, the system will automatically move and keep the faulty frequency out
of the group until it resumes.
BSC maximum reset number
The parameter is the switch for raising the BVC manual blocking alarm.

This parameter specifies whether to allow simultaneous sending of connection and channel activation

At the Abis interface using E1 line for transport, the LAPD packet generating has a long delay, which leads to
long delay for message interaction. When the BSC sends the connection command and channel activation
command to the BTS at the same time, the message interaction delay can be reduced.

For IP mode, the delay reduction is not obvious.

This parameter indicates whether dynamic BCCH shift function is enabled

in the BSC. Another prerequisite of successful dynamic BCCH shift in a
cell is that this function is also enabled in the cell.

This parameter indicates whether dynamic SDCCH/TCH conversion is

enabled in the BSC. The network can dynamically perform conversions
between SDCCH and TCH when this function is enabled. Another prerequisite
of successful dynamic SDCCH/TCH conversion in a cell is that
this function is also enabled in the cell.

It indicates whether the Call Detail Trace (CDT) function is supported.
CDTOPTION_0: It indicates whether to report the intra-BSC handover success message. The default value is
CDTOPTION_1: It indicates whether to report the PS service information. The default value is 1.
CDTOPTION_10: It indicates whether to report the PS access failure message. The default value is 0.
Report recent seven MR before Ho when Ho succeed
CDTOPTION_2: It indicates whether to report the location update information. The default value is 1.
CDTOPTION_3: It indicates whether to report the short message information. The default value is 1.
CDTOPTION_4: It indicates whether to report the access failure message. The default value is 0.
CDTOPTION_7: It indicates whether to report the measurement report in location update. The default value
is 0.
CDTOPTION_8: It indicates whether to report the measurement report in short message. The default value
is 1.
CDTOPTION_9: It indicates whether to report the measurement report after a normal call is completed. The
default value is 1.
This parameter determines whether the affected cell notifies the related MS of cell selection unavailable
when the A interface is broken. The MS after receiving the notification will select the other networks of the
operator, for example, a 3G/4G network.
This parameter determines whether to check IMSI during access.

For some MSs, when accessing the network again after call drop, the BSC may detect the IMSI conflict from
the IMSI contained in the initial access information, and then sends CLEAR REQ to the MSC. In this case, a
call drop is recorded both at the A interface and inside the BSC.

If the IMSI conflict is not checked, the BSC does not send CLEAR REQ to the MSC, and the BSC does not
record a call drop. In this case, the MSC initiates the release procedure after detecting the IMSI conflict. This
will reduce the call drop records.

CIC Block Alarm Switch
This parameter determines whether to assign a channel to subcell 2 directly according to the first
measurement report when the Co-BCCH is used.
A group of switchs for Iur-g: "On Demand" mode switch of Common Measurement
A group of switchs for Iur-g: "Periodic" mode switch of Common Measurement
Send confusion message allowed
This parameter indicates the CMP's CPU usage threshold that triggers the FUC-based flow control when
being exceeded. That is to say, if the CPU usage exceeds the threshold and the parameter CpuFucFlc is set
to "Yes", the FUC-based flow control will be enabled.
This parameter decides whether to enable FUC-based flow control when the CPU usage of the CMP
increases to the threshold of the FUC-based flow control.
This parameter indicates the CPU usage threshold for initiating the paging flow control when the threshold
is exceeded.
This parameter decides whether to enable paging flow control when CPU usage is high.
This parameter indicates the CMP's CPU usage threshold that triggers the system messaging-based flow
control when being exceeded. That means if the CPU usage exceeds the threshold and the parameter
CpuSysInfoFlc is set to "Yes", the system messaging-based flow control will be enabled.
This parameter decides whether to enable system messaging-based flow control when the CPU usage of the
CMP increases to the threshold of the system messaging-based flow control.
This parameter determines whether a handover is enabled during circuit data service.
This parameter decides whether the BSC supports dynamic HR. The dy-
namic HR channel allocation function enables the network to allocate
full-rate or half-rate channels to MSs according to the traffic in the cell
when it allocate channels for the MSs. Allocating half-rate channels when
the channels in the cell are likely to be congested minimizes the duration
of possible congestions in peak hours.

When the cell load is larger than the emergency threshold,the the
system will add trx license for this cell.This paramter is the period
for this apply.
This parameter controls whether the MOS calculation result is
This parameter determines whether the enhanced and the pre-processed measurement reports are
reported. If this parameter is set to "Yes", the TRACEID and a value (unit: ms) are attached to various
measurement reports.

This parameter specifies whether the Assignment Failure message is allowed to be sent to the MSC if the
external directed retry procedure fails.

0: the Assignment Failure message is NOT allowed to be sent

1: the Assignment Failure message is allowed to be sent

This parameter specifies the first SIM card level which is forbidden for access. This parameter uses ACC data
for the useraccess control based on the SIM card level.
Flex A function switch. It determines whether the Flex A function is supported. If the Flex A function is
enabled, iBSC can be interconnected with multiple MSCs, and one iBSC can be connected with at most 16

Flex GB function switch. It determines whether the Flex GB function is supported. If the Flex GB function is
enabled, iBSC can be interconnected with multiple SGSNs, and one iBSC can be connected with 16 SGSNs at

The Flex GB function has the following advantages:

It expands the service area of an SGSN, reduces the number of inter-SGSN PS handovers and routing area
updates, and reduces the frequency and flow of HLR update.

SGSN POOLs have overlapping area, which are suitable for various mobile modes of MS.

It helps increase the network capacity. The traffic hot spot moves with the movement of users, but the
VLR/SGSN of MS is relatively fixed in an SGSN POOL. Thus, when the traffic in hot spot area suddenly
increases, the load of an SGSN will not increase.

It improves the overall disaster tolerance capability of the network. When an SGSN is faulty in the SGSN
POOL, its traffic can be taken over by another SGSN in the SGSN POOL.
This parameter specifies whether to report the CS service failure observation.
This parameter specifies whether to report the PS service failure observation.
This parameter specifies whether to report the DBS failure observation.
This parameter indicates the supported frequency band. If you select DCS1800, the DCS1800 frequency
band will be supported. If you select PCS1900, the PCS1900 frequency band will be supported. This
parameter cannot be modified after you select a frequency band.
GSM Logical Function Object ID
The BSC ID cannot be modified. By default, its value is the same as that of the Subnetwork ID parameter.
This parameter decides whether BSC initiates a classmark request, asking the UE to report its
UtranClassmark information after the UE performs handover from 3G network to 2G network. During a
handover from the 3G network to the 2G network, it is possible that the handover request does not contain
the UE’s UtranClassmark information, or contains improper information. This would cause failures when the
UE performs 2G->3G handover later.

This parameter is a switch to support the HR channel defragmentation function and can be configured on
both BSCs and cells. The HR channel defragmentation function is enabled only when both BSC- and cell-level
switches are enabled and the proportion of the idle TCH/Fs in these cells is not more than the threshold
proportion of the TCH/Fs to the total available service channels in the cell where the defragmentation is
This parameter specifies the maximum number of immediate assignment message retransmissions. It can
be set to 0 and 1. The value 0 indicates that the immediate assignment message is not retransmitted, while
1 indicates that the message is retransmitted up to one time.
A group of switchs for Iur-g: "On Demand" mode switch of information exchange
A group of switchs for Iur-g: "On Modification" mode switch of information exchange
This parameter indicates whether inter-BSC handover on the SDCCH is allowed. When the parameter value
is 1 (yes), the target cell of a handover on SDCCH can be an external cell. When the parameter value is 0, an
external cell cannot be the target cell of a handover on SDCCH.
This parameter indicates the initial AMR rate when IPA is applied. When IPA is applied, the ACS of AMR
speech coding modes is specified by the MSC, so the initial rate cannot be exactly decided. For this reason,
the default rate or the maximum rate is used as the initial rate, and this applies when ACS is a rate set.

When this parameter is set to Default, the initial rate is coded according to the default value specified in the
protocol 45.009.

When one mode is used, the corresponding rate is used as the initial coding mode.

When two or three modes are used, the lowest rate is used as the initial coding mode.

When four modes are used, the second lowest rate is used as the initial coding mode.

Pre-access control switch for IP Transmission at the Abis interface.

Changing over of IPGB by NSVC status
IPGb Background DSCP
IPGb Conversation DSCP
IPGb Interactive DSCP
IPGb Streaming DSCP
Satellite transmission at GB interface indication
Iur-g Support
This parameter specifies the maximum number of TA and measurement report requests when there is no
measurement report information available in a location service TA response.
This parameter indicates whether to use the Load information provided by CRRM for handover decision.
This parameter determines whether to prohibit handover to an external adjacent cell with the resource
usage higher than that of load indication.

The load indication process informs the adjacent BSCs about the load at the cell border, thus providing more
information as references in both normal handover and the intra-BSC traffic handover.

This parameter determines whether load indication is allowed, and the validity of parameter “Load
indication valid time” and “Load indication period”.

If this parameter is set to “0” (Not send load indication), the latter two parameters are invalid.
During load indication, the BSC sends the BSSAP LOAD INDICATION message to MSC periodically to inform
the MSC about the load status. The message includes the time indication information, which indicates the
valid time period of the service load information.

The MSC then sends the BSSAP LOAD INDICATION message to neighboring BSCs.

When the load indication message is sent periodically, this parameter

decides the period for the BSC to send the load indication message.

This parameter specifies the threshold for sending the load indication. If the load of a cell administered by
this BSC is higher than the value of this parameter, the system initiates a load indication process, which
informs adjacent BSCs about the load of the cells at the border so that more references can be provided in
normal handovers and intra-BSC handovers.
If the resource usage of an external adjacent cell is higher than the value of this parameter, the system does
not trigger handover to the cell.

During load indication, the BSC sends the BSSAP LOAD INDICATION message to MSC periodically to inform
the MSC about the load status. The message includes the time indication information, which indicates the
valid time period of the service load information.

MSC relays the information in the BSSAP LOAD INDICATION message to neighboring BSCs.

This parameter represents the valid time length of the load message.

The value 255 indicates permanent validity.

Local Switch Support

This parameter works as a delay protector. It specifies a response delay time when a cell waits for a BTS to
complete configuration if the dynamic BCCH or SDCCH switchover is enabled and the dynamic switchover
conditions are met. When the timer expires, the process restarts.
If dynamic SD conversion is enabled, the conversion TCH->SDCCH requires to check the number of idle TCHs
in the cell and No. 1 sub-cell. If the number is greater than MinTch, the switchover is allowed.
This parameter specifies the interval for sending the measurement report to the Abis interface when
tracing tasks are invoked. One record of measurement report is sent when the number of received
measurement report reaches the parameter value.
This parameter specifies the interval for sending the measurement report to the Abis interface when tracing
tasks are invoked. One record of measurement report is sent when the number of received measurement
report reaches the parameter value.
This parameter indicates the BCC level switch that controls whether
to support MOCN.
This parameter is the multi-network-code switch. It determines whether the multi-network-code function is
supported. One iBSC can support at most 16 operators at the same time.
Upon receiving the Handover Complete message from the MS, the BSC starts counting the MRs with L3
messages. If the count of MRs with L3 messages is not greater than the value of this parameter when the
BSC receives the Connection Failure message, a call drop occurs, and either of the following two counters is
incremented according to the source cell of the handover:

Counter 1: Number of few MS MR received before connection failure after handover from adjacent cell

Counter 2: Number of few MS MR received before connection failure after handover from adjacent 3G cell

This parameter specifies whether the BTS power field is contained in the MR.
MR Report Enable
This parameter indicates the highest flow control level when MSCs are overloaded or signalling points are

Multile Signaling Point (MSP) function switch. It determines whether the MSP function is supported.

One signaling point can be configured with at most 16 links. To make A interface have sufficient bandwidth
and implement the MSP function, configure more links at A interface.

This parameter enables or disables unidirectional call detection. If this function is enabled, the user plane
will detect unidirectional calls and report necessary information to the back-end to facilitate fault location.

Capability detection times N of MUTE SAIC MSs

Capability detection times P of MUTE SAIC MSs
This parameter decides whether to include the load information of the local cell into the information
element "Old BSS to New BSS Information" when the traffic of the cell under the current BSC is handed over
to a cell under another BSC.
Noise Reduction Function Control
Timer that monitors block/unblock procedure
Timer that monitors reset procedure of NSVC
NS-cycle of NS-VC test process
Timer that monitors alive process of NSVC
Max attempt period of reset
Max times of NS alive retry
Max times of NS block retry
Max times of NS unblock retry
This parameter indicates whether the paging message over the Um
interface contains priority information. When the paging message
delivered by the CN carries eMLPP priority information, you can
set whether the paging message over the Um interface contains
the eMLPP information.
Threshold for PCU resource dynamic balancing. Theoretically, the smaller the parameter value is, the more
balanced the PC resource is after being dynamically adjusted. However, it is recommended not to set this
parameter to a too small value. Normally, this parameter uses the default value 10.
PCU exclusive support
This parameter indicates the preferred full-rate speech version in the CS channel allocation. Full rate
version1 refers to FR. Full rate version2 refers to EFR and version3 refers to AMR.
When implementing the CS channel allocation policy, describe the preferred half-rate speech version. Half-
rate version 1 refers to HR, and version 3 for AMR.
It indicates R99 protocol version ID. BSS determines whether to encode/decode message fields added in
the R99 version for the protocol according to this parameter.

Radio pre-access process switch for the CRRM.

0: Not perform radio pre-access determination procedure

1: Perform radio pre-access procedure and determine whether to perform handover with the current
transmission resources

This parameter specifies the lower threshold of channel number within each BA range monitored by an idle
MS during re-selection.
This parameter specifies the upper threshold of channel number within each BA range monitored by an idle
MS during re-selection.
This parameter specifies the number of BA ranges that can be monitored with priority by an idle MS during
This parameter enables or disables wireless reassignment for the BSC.
This parameter specifies the level decision threshold for intra-cell directed retry during reassignment. When
the level of an adjacent cell is higher than that of the serving cell and reaches the threshold, the intra-cell
directed retry applies.
This parameter specifies the maximum retry number for terminal access by using a reassignment (normal
assignment) or handover (directed retry) command when the BSC receives a reassignment failure message
during a reassignment.
It indicates delay time before finishing BCCH handover, BTS block message is received after timer is timeout
(or BTS block is failed), select handover TRX to do handover.
Channel reformation and migration is implemented by intra-cell handover and temporarily occupies more
cell channels. Only when the cell channel use rate is lower than or equal to this parameter value, channle
reformation and migration can be performed.
This parameter specifies the threshold for the BSC to send a resource indication to the MSC. The value
indicates the ratio of the count of current available channels to the count of total channels. If the current
available resources are fewer than the specified threshold, the BSC sends a resource indication to the MSC,
indicating the resource situation.

The resource indication procedure has four modes:

1. Automatic sending mode: Upon receiving the BSSAP RESOURCE REQUEST message, the BSC returns a
BSSAP RESOURCE INDICATION message containing no resource information as response. Afterwards, when
the condition is met for automatic sending of resource information, the BSC sends a BSSAP RESUORCE
INDICATION message to the MSC. The parameter Periodicity IE in the BSSAP RESOURCE REQUEST message
specifies the message sending interval. If Periodicity IE is 0, the BSC neglects this value.

The condition for automatically sending resource information can be a traffic threshold or the interval
between two messages.

2. One-time mode: Upon receiving the BSSAP RESOURCE REQUEST message, the BSC returns a BSSAP
RESOURCE INDICATION message containing the resource information. If the BSSAP RESOURCE REQUEST
message does not contain Extended Resource Indication IE, the BSC stops sending return messages, and
waits for the next BSSAP RESOURCE REQUEST message. If the BSSAP RESOURCE REQUEST message contains
Extended Resource Indication IE, the BSC follows the rule set by Subsequent Mode in the message, as in
mode 4. If the previous mode is 1 or 3, the BSC uses the previous mode. Otherwise, mode 4 is used.

3. Periodicity mode: Upon receiving the BSSAP RESOURCE REQUEST message, the BSC returns a BSSAP
RESOURCE INDICATION message containing the resource information, and then sends the message

If Periodicity IE in the BSSAP RESOURCE REQUEST message is not 0, the sending period is the multiplication
of Periodicity IE and 100 ms. If the Periodicity IE is 0, the BSSAP RESOURCE REQUEST message is considered

4. Stop mode: Upon receiving the BSSAP RESOURCE REQUEST message, the BSC returns a BSSAP RESOURCE
INDICATION message containing no resource information as response. Afterwards, the BSC does not send
any information about the cell resources to the MSC.

This parameter determines whether to use BER to calculate the average quality.

If the parameter is set to 1 (Yes), it is required to convert the RQ degree to the BER before calculating the

If the parameter is set to 0 (No), use the RQ degree directly for calculating the average

Capability detection times N of SAIC AFC MSs

Capability detection times P of SAIC AFC MSs
This parameter specifies the period for scanning the availability of BCCH TRX when the dynamic BCCH shift
function is enabled in the cell. When the dynamic BCCH shift function is enabled, the network will scan the
status of BCCH TRXs at the specified period and check whether the shift criterion is fulfilled. This parameter
can reflect the response time of a BCCH TRX failure.

This parameter indicates the period of scanning idle SDCCHs when the dynamic SDCCH/TCH conversion
function is enabled in a cell. After the dynamic SDCCH/TCH conversion function is enabled in a network, the
network scans SDCCHs at the period specified by this parameter to find the number of idle SDCCHs for
determining whether to convert SDCCH back to TCH
This parameter is a switch to enable the simultaneous sending of the immediate assignment message and
the channel activation message.

According to a general immediate assignment flow, the immediate assignment message is sent after the
channel activation message and the channel activation acknowledgement message. When this procedure is
followed, the immediate assignment message may fail after the channel activation message is sent and the
channel activation acknowledgement message is received if MS times out due to a long transmission delay
at Abis interface (for example, when a satellite medium is used for transmission). Sending the immediate
assignment message and the channel activation message at the same time can ensure the timely sending of
the immediate assignment message, improving the success rate of immediate assignment when the
transmission delay at Abis interface is long.

Send OVERLOAD message to MSC

A CS paging is received in the PS service, if the paging coordination function is enabled, the system will send
a Paging CS message on the PACCH channel. This parameter specifies whether to send the Paging CS
message also on the CCCH channel. If the paging coordination function is disabled, this parameter specifies
whether to send the Paging CS message on the CCCH channel when a CS paging is received in the PS service.

0: Do not send the Paging CS message on the CCCH channel.

1: Send the Paging CS message on the CCCH channel.


This parameter describes the SNS process monitoring timer. The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout
action are described as follows:

Timer start: It starts after the SNS process begins.

Timer stop: It stops when the SNS response from SGSN is received.

Timeout action: retransmitting for N times (N is configurable).

This parameter describes the maximum number of retrying the SNS adding operation. When SNS_T1
expires, if the SNS Ack message is not received from SGSN, BSS retries the adding operation. If the SNS Ack
message is not received after the maximum number of retries are implemented, the flow is terminated and
a message is sent to O&M.

This parameter describes the maximum number of modifying the SNS weight. When SNS_T1 expires, if the
SNS Ack message is not received from SGSN, BSS retries the weight modification operation. If the SNS Ack
message is not received after the maximum number of retries are implemented, the flow is terminated and
a message is sent to O&M.

This parameter describes the maximum number of retrying the SNS configuration operation. When SNS_T1
expires, if the SNS Config Ack message is not received from SGSN, BSS retries the configuration operation. If
the SNS Config Ack message is not received after the maximum number of retries are implemented, the
flow is terminated and a message is sent to O&M.
This parameter describes the maximum number of retrying the SNS deleting operation. When SNS_T1
expires, if the SNS Ack message is not received from SGSN, BSS retries the deleting operation. If the SNS Ack
message is not received after the maximum number of retries are implemented, the flow is terminated and
a message is sent to O&M.

This parameter describes the maximum number of retrying the SNS SIZE operation. When SNS_T1 expires, if
the SNS Size Ack message is not received from SGSN, BSS retries the SNS Size operation. If the SNS Size Ack
message is not received after the maximum number of retries are implemented, the flow is terminated and
a message is sent to O&M.

This parameter determines whether the BSC supports a SON transfer application. The parameter is used
with the RIMSupport parameter. When the SONTrans function is enabled, the RIMSupport function must
also be enabled. In this case, the BSC can reply to a request of acquiring GSM cell loads from the external
UTRAN or E-UTRAN network through a Gb interface during the RAN Information Management (RIM)
process, and synchronizes the loads to the external network.
Blocking/Unblocking period
Protection period for global resetting
Circuit resetting period on BSS side
Circuit group blocking unblocking period
Protective time for No.7 signal instantaneous disconnection
Global resetting period
ATER block circuit group timer
ATER block circuit timer
ATER reset timer
ATER reset circuit timer
It indicates whether to use an external TC.
This parameter is one of TFO control parameters. It decides whether TFO is enabled.

0: disable

1: enable

When TFO is disabled, i.e., TFOControl_0 is set to 0, other related functions are also disabled, i.e. the values
of TFOControl_1, TFOControl_2 and TFOControl_3 are 0.

TFO is an inband protocol. The TC on both sides uses this protocol to negotiate the coding and decoding
after a call is set up. The sender decoder and receiver coder are bypassed.

The voice frame used over the air interface is directly sent to the receiver to improve voice quality.

If the speech version supported by the cell is not AMR, you can set up TF0 if the speech versions

supported by two cells are same. If speech version is AMR, TFO can be set up only if the supported speech
coding and decoding types are the same. Otherwise, TFO cannot be set up.

If IPA is configured, the speech coding negotiation is performed on the CN side.

This parameter is used to enable dynamic SDCCH configuration function in the cell. After TCH is dynamically
converted to SDCCH channel and SDCCH channel is idle, to prevent from frequent channel conversion, a
time limit will be added for the conversion from SDCCH channel to TCH channel. During this limit, SDCCH
channel cannot be converted to TCH channel.
ATER reset guard timer

Transport resource pre-access process switch for the CRRM.

0: Not perform transport pre-access determination procedure

1: Perform transport pre-access procedure and determine whether to perform handover with the current
transmission resources.

This parameter enable or disables notification reporting if the loss of TRAU frame synchronization lasts for a
certain time period.
This parameter is a switch for raising the air interface timeslot blocking alarm.
This parameter determines whether a TS-based reserved channel is effective. If it is set to 0, the parameter
IsRsv is not effective.

If this parameter is set to 1 (yes), the load of the first subcell is used as the whole cell load, and applied for
neighbor cell sorting, traffic handover decision.

If this parameter is set to 0 (No), the whole cell load is used, including the first and second subcell.

Whether the BTS 2.0 carrier on the BTSV2 site supports the AMR voice algorithm decides whether the
services on the carrier can use AMR voice coding.
This parameter decides whether the BTS adds the speech quality related parameters in the measurement
report, preprocessing of measurement report, and preprocessing of enhanced measurement report.
This parameter indicates the maximum number of Logic Link Control (LLC) frames bufferred in a BSSGP
instance. In packet-switched service, the parameter is used to prevent an instance from occupying extra
User Blocks (UBs).

If the PTP BVC must be blocked due to OAM intervention or equipment faults (disable blocking/unblocking
the signaling BVC), BSS will first set the BVC status as “Blocked” and discard the uplink service data.

To notify SGSN to stop sending downlink data, BSS initiates BVC blocking procedure. BSC repeats BVC
blocking procedure after sending BVC BLOCK message to SGSN. If BSC fails to receive BVC BLOCK
ACKNOWLEDGE message from SGSN in BSSGPT1, then BVC blocking repeats for a maximum of N times.

BSC stops BVC blocking and notifies OMS for N times if there is no answer. N depends on maximum retries

This parameter determines the leaky bucket size of a BSSGP Virtual Connection (BVC). The leaky bucket size
varies with the parameter value to meet a calibration for flow control deviation.

The parameter is available in V6.20.21 or later.

BVC flow control occurs at Gb interface between SGSN and BSS, and only in downlinks. BSS provides control
parameters and SGSN executes, in order to avoid one BVC on BSS to abandoning some LLC data because of
the overtime caused by grouping channel is too busy (too many LLC frame caches) and to avoid abandoning
new downlink LLC data because of limit of memory resource (overflow of LLC frame caches).

BSSGP process at BSS side counts current leaking rate of BVC periodically (including short statistics and long
statistics). If the long statistics timer overflows, this parameter unconditionally initiates the BVC flow control
process; if the discrepant range of adjacent leaking rates is over CellFcThs, acknowledgement by SGSN is
required. If the short statistics timer overflows and if discrepant range of adjacent leaking rates is over
CellFcThs, this parameter initiates the BVC flow control process, and acknowledgement by SGSN is required.

This is the minimum value of leaking rate R in reported BVC flow control parameters under all kinds of flow
control mode, that is, the reported parameter R must be equal or over the set value, in the unit of 100 bps.

To keep the initial status consistent between the two BVC sides, the “Reset BVC” process must be initiated
in the following cases:

For faults that affect NSE, BSC initiates Signaling BVC RESET procedure. For faults that affect a single BVC,
BSC initiates the PTP BVC RESET procedure. BSC initiates all PTP BVC RESET procedure for corresponding
NSE after a signaling BVC reset procedure.

BSC repeats the BVC RESET procedure after sending “BVC RESET” message to SGSN and if BSC fails to

message from SGSN in BSSGPT2. The BVC RESET process could be repeated for N times at most. If there is
no answer after the N times, BSC stops BVC RESET and notifies OMS. N depends on maximum retries of BVC
If the PTP BVC must be unblocked due to the OAM intervention or recovery of the equipment fault (disable
blocking/unblocking the signaling BVC), BSS will first set the BVC status as “Unblocked”.

To notify SGSN to start sending the downlink data, BSS will initiate the BVC unblocking procedure. BSC
repeats the BVC unblocking procedure after sending the BVC UNBLOCK message to SGSN. If BSC fails to
receive the BVC UNBLOCK ACKNOWLEDGE message from SGSN in BSSGPT1 then BVC unblocking repeats for
a maximum of N times.

BSC stops BVC unblocking and notifies OMS for N times if there is no answer. N depends on maximum
retries of BVC UNBLOCK.

This parameter indicates whether to support the compression and restoration of the user plane codec mode
according to bandwidth usage.

This parameter is the BVC leakage ratio measurement period in the “BVC Flow Control” process, that is, BVC
long measurement period.

To provide reference to the BVC flow control at SGSN side, the BSSGP process at BSS side periodically
measures the current BVC leakage ratio. BSC initiates the “BVC flow control” procedure unconditionally
when the long measurement timer overflows. SGSN confirms to BSC if the difference of leakage ratios
between the two times exceeds CellFcThs.

BSC also initiates “BVC flow control” procedure with SGSN confirmation if the short measurement timer
overflows, and the difference of the leakage ratio between the two timers exceed CellFcThs. The conditions
of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:

Timer start: Cell is being created.

Timer stop: The cell is blocked or deleted.

Timeout action: BVC flow control process is initiated unconditionally.

This parameter determines whether the affected cell notifies the related MS of PS inaccessiable when the
Gb interface is broken. The parameter is used to avoid an impact of invalid PS service requests on the

This parameter indicates whether the downlink dual-carrier function is supported.

This is one of the EDGE evolution functions. If this function is enabled, the GERAN carriers of two
independent frequency points (or different MAIO values in the case of frequency hopping) can be received
by the same terminal. This function is developed on the basis of multi-timeslot technology, and the
difference between them is that multi-timeslot allocation can span multiple carriers.

This parameter indicates the live time of downlink pre-established

TBF when there is no downlink data.

Max retry times to create PFC. If "Creat BSS PFC" is not received before timer BSSGPT6 is timeout, BSS sends
"Download BSS PFC" message according to max times of retrying to create PFC. If "Create BSS PFC" is not
received still after trying DownLoadBSSPRCMax+1, the process is completed and inform O&M.
This parameter indicates whether the cell supports DTM enhanced capability. If yes, then:1, The MS enters
the DTM transmission state without releasing PS when it receives a paging request from CS. 2, The MS
enters the Packet Transfer state without releasing PS resources when CS is released under DTM.

This parameter specifies whether DTM handover is supported. When this function is enabled, the BSC can
provide simultaneous CS and PS handover for DTM subscribers, improving the service continuity for DTM

This function can only be used when the DTM function is enabled.

This parameter indicates whether to continue CS handover when PS handover fails during DTM handover,
when DTM handover is enabled.

This parameter indicates whether EGPRS2-A is supported.

EGPRS2-A is the phase-I implementation of EGPRS2. In this phase, 16QAM, 32QAM, and Turbo code are
used, QPSK and 1.2-multiple symbol rate are not used. Also, DAS and UAS modulation coding scheme are

This parameter indicates whether to support EGPRS prior to GPRS. After this function is enabled, in case
EGPRS and GPRS share channel, the system adjusts the number of allocated blocks for EGPRS and GPRS
according to the allocating weight of EGPRS.

This parameter indicates the allocating weights of EGPRS. When the EGPRS prior to GPRS function is
supported, the system adjusts the number of blocks allocated to EGPRS and GPRS according to this
allocating weight.

If the value is 0, EGPRS service fails to get blocks. If the value is 100, GPRS service fails to get blocks.
This parameter specifies whether PS Handover Indications is contained in the PS handover message.
This parameter determines whether the PS Handover message contains the request for BSC to respond for
the SI/PSI information.
On the basis of Radio Status, enhanced Radio Status reports three more cause values:

x02: indicates the enhanced Radio Status process is used when the cell reselection occurs. Usually, it helps
satisfy the service requirement to the maximum extent.

x03: indicates the enhanced Radio Status process is used when the MS is required to perform cell
reselection and LLC frame transfer is not supported.

x04: indicates that SGSN is notified when BSC detects cell

reselection failure.

SGSN has the following responses:

When Radio Status with the cause value x02 is received, the

downlink LLC frame sending is resumed after cell reselection is completed.

When Radio Status with the cause value x03 is received, either

the downlink data sending is resumed after cell reselection is completed,

or Radio Status with other cause values are received.

When Radio Status with the cause value x04 is received, if

there are data to be sent to MS, then the downlink LLC frame sending is resumed.

With Radio Status that supports multiple cause values, SGSN

can better understand the status of MS, which avoids sending data

to the old cell blindly

This parameter indicates a switch that controls whether to allow the

automatic recovery when the Slave is abnormal.
This parameter determines whether to enable the CCN function between a GSM cell and an adjacent LTE
This parameter indicates whether the cell supports the extended uplink
dynamic allocation. With this function, the MS only needs to monitor the
USF allocation with the smallest-number timeslot, to decide whether to
send uplink block on all allocated uplink timeslots.

In flow control mode 1, BSC reports a flow control parameter in accordance with an actual flow of radio
ports. The actual statistical flow is lower due to radio port retransmission and TBF failure. Therefore, the
actual flow control parameter reported by BSC is the value of actual statistical flow multiplied by a value
determined by this parameter.

In flow control mode 2, BSC reports a flow control value in accordance with the maximum flow of a cell. The
maximum flow is determined by the configured channel quantity (channel quantity × max. flow per
channel). This parameter is used to set the maximum flow of a channel, and the unit is 100 bps.
This parameter indicates whether to report the Current Bucket Level (CBL) in a BVC/MC flow control
BSC has different flow control modes to report flow control parameters to SGSN. The modes are as follows:

1: Mode 1: Report flow control parameters according to actual traffic on radio interface counted at BSC;

2: Mode 2: Report flow control parameters according to max traffic that the cell can provide;

3: Mode 3: Reserved

"Flow control mode 1 parameter" is enabled if selecting "mode 1"; "Flow control mode 2 parameter" is
enabled if selecting "mode 2".

This parameter indicates a switch that checks whether the MS

supports the frequency band during the resource allocation based
on subcells. 0: not check, 1: check.
This parameter indicates the allowed total (uplink and downlink)
throughput on the Gb (Gb over IP) interface. If the actual throughput
is over the threshold, no new service is accessed.

This parameter indicates whether IP segment optimization is enabled. The function is described as follows:

During the segmentation of LLC at the air interface, if the NU is discontinuous, the current LLC will be
transmitted with a 20-ms delay.

This parameter specifies whether the BSC supports the LLC frame transfer function for SAPI0 (Reserved)
services. Generally, this function is not enabled for this type of data. The purpose of this function is to
transfer the LLC frames from the source cell cache to the target cell when an MS performs cell reselection.
This can ensure the continuity of downlink data after cell reselection.

This parameter specifies whether the BSC supports the LLC frame transfer function for SAPI1 (LLGMM)
services. Generally, this function is not enabled for the GMM signaling. The purpose of this function is to
transfer the LLC frames from the source cell cache to the target cell when an MS performs cell reselection.
This can ensure the continuity of downlink data after cell reselection.

This parameter specifies whether the BSC supports the LLC frame transfer function for SAPI10 (Reserved)
services. Generally, this function is disabled for this type of data. The purpose of this function is to transfer
the LLC frames from the source cell cache to the target cell when an MS performs cell reselection. This can
ensure the continuity of downlink data after cell reselection.

This parameter specifies whether the BSC supports the LLC frame transfer function for SAPI11 (User-Data)
services. Generally, this function is enabled for user data. The purpose of this function is to transfer the LLC
frames from the source cell cache to the target cell when an MS performs cell reselection. This can ensure
the continuity of downlink data after cell reselection.

This parameter specifies whether the BSC supports the LLC frame transfer function for SAPI12 (Reserved)
services. Generally, this function is disabled for this type of data. The purpose of this function is to transfer
the LLC frames from the source cell cache to the target cell when an MS performs cell reselection. This can
ensure the continuity of downlink data after cell reselection.
This parameter specifies whether the BSC supports the LLC frame transfer function for SAPI13 (Reserved)
services. Generally, this function is disabled for this type of data. The purpose of this function is to transfer
the LLC frames from the source cell cache to the target cell when an MS performs cell reselection. This can
ensure the continuity of downlink data after cell reselection.

This parameter specifies whether the BSC supports the LLC frame transfer function for SAPI14 (Reserved)
services. Generally, this function is disabled for this type of data. The purpose of this function is to transfer
the LLC frames from the source cell cache to the target cell when an MS performs cell reselection. This can
ensure the continuity of downlink data after cell reselection.

This parameter specifies whether the BSC supports the LLC frame transfer function for SAPI15 (Reserved)
services. Generally, this function is disabled for this type of data. The purpose of this function is to transfer
the LLC frames from the source cell cache to the target cell when an MS performs cell reselection. This can
ensure the continuity of downlink data after cell reselection.

This parameter specifies whether the BSC supports the LLC frame transfer function for SAPI2 (TOM2)
services. Generally, this function is not enabled for TOM2 services. The purpose of this function is to
transfer the LLC frames from the source cell cache to the target cell when an MS performs cell reselection.
This can ensure the continuity of downlink data after cell reselection.

This parameter specifies whether the BSC supports the LLC frame transfer function for SAPI3 (User-Data)
services. Generally, this function is enabled for user data. The purpose of this function is to transfer the LLC
frames from the source cell cache to the target cell when an MS performs cell reselection. This can ensure
the continuity of downlink data after cell reselection.

This parameter specifies whether the BSC supports the LLC frame transfer function for SAPI4 (Reserved)
services. Generally, this function is not enabled for this type of data. The purpose of this function is to
transfer the LLC frames from the source cell cache to the target cell when an MS performs cell reselection.
This can ensure the continuity of downlink data after cell reselection.

This parameter specifies whether the BSC supports the LLC frame transfer function for SAPI5 (User-Data)
services. Generally, this function is enabled for user data. The purpose of this function is to transfer the LLC
frames from the source cell cache to the target cell when an MS performs cell reselection. This can ensure
the continuity of downlink data after cell reselection.

This parameter specifies whether the BSC supports the LLC frame transfer function for SAPI6 (Reserve)
services. Generally, this function is not enabled for this type of data. The purpose of this function is to
transfer the LLC frames from the source cell cache to the target cell when an MS performs cell reselection.
This can ensure the continuity of downlink data after cell reselection.

This parameter specifies whether the BSC supports the LLC frame transfer function for SAPI7 (LLSMS)
services. Generally, this function is not enabled for LLSMS services. The purpose of this function is to
transfer the LLC frames from the source cell cache to the target cell when an MS performs cell reselection.
This can ensure the continuity of downlink data after cell reselection.

This parameter specifies whether the BSC supports the LLC frame transfer function for SAPI8(TOM8)
services. Generally, this function is not enabled for TOM8 services. The purpose of this function is to
transfer the LLC frames from the source cell cache to the target cell when an MS performs cell reselection.
This can ensure the continuity of downlink data after cell reselection.

This parameter specifies whether the BSC supports the LLC frame transfer function for SAPI9 (User-Data)
services. Generally, this function is enabled for user data. The purpose of this function is to transfer the LLC
frames from the source cell cache to the target cell when an MS performs cell reselection. This can ensure
the continuity of downlink data after cell reselection.
Max retry times to modify PFC. If "Modify BSS PFC Ack" is not received before timer BSSGPT8 is timeout, BSS
sends "Modify BSS PFC" message according to max times of retrying to modify PFC. If "Modify BSS PFC Ack"
is not received still after trying ModifyBssPFCMax +1, the process is completed and inform O&M.

This parameter determines the actual leaky bucket size of a Mobile Station (MS). The leaky bucket size
varies with the parameter value to meet a calibration for flow control deviation.

The parameter is available in V6.20.21 or later.

This parameter is the MS leakage ratio measurement period in the ‘MS Flow Control’ process.

For reference of flow control at the SGSN side, the BSSGP process at the BSS side periodically measures the
current leakage ratio of each MS. When the statistic timer overflows, the ‘MS Flow Control’ process is
initiated unconditionally.

The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:

Timer start: BSSGP receives the downlink LLC frame at idle status.

Timer stop: downlink LLC frame transmission is done.

Timeout action: MS flow control process is initiated unconditionally.

MS flow control occurs at Gb interface between SGSN and BSS, and only in downlinks. BSS provides control
parameters and SGSN executes, to avoid one MS on BSS to abandoning some LLC data because of the
overtime caused by grouping channel is too busy (too many LLC frame caches) and to avoid abandoning new
downlink LLC data because of limit of memory resource (overflow of LLC frame caches).

The BSSGP process at the BSS side periodically measures the current leakage ratio of MS. When the statistic
timer overflows, the ‘MS Flow Control’ process is initiated unconditionally.

This is the minimum value of leaking rate R in reported MS flow control parameters under all kinds of flow
control mode, that is, the reported parameter R must be equal or over the set value, in the unit of 100 bps.

When the network after setting USF, receives a valid data block from the mobile station in a block assigned
for this USF, it will reset counter N3101. The network will increment counter N3101 for each USF for which
no data is received. N3101max shall be greater than 8. If N3101 = N3101max, the network shall stop the
scheduling of RLC/MAC blocks from the mobile station for this USF and start timer T3169.
This parameter is the counter N3103, which is a RLC/MAC layer parameter in the Packet Control Unit (PCU).
The counter N3103 counts the number of Packet Uplink ACK/NACK retry attempts.

In the process of packet uplink transmission, if the network detects that the TBF is completed (CV=0, and
V(Q)=V(R)), and has received all RLC data blocks, the network should send a Packet Uplink ACK/NACK
message, set the Final ACK Indicator (FAI) to 1, adds a legal RRBP field in the header of the RLC/MAC control
block, and clears the counter N3103.

If the MS receives the PACKET UPLINK ACK/NACK message (FAI=1) from the network, the MS should send
the PACKET CONTROL ACK message on the block specified by the RRBP and releases the TBF.

If the network does not receive the PACKET CONTROL ACK message on the block specified by the RRBP, the
counter N3103 is increased by 1 and the PACKET UPLINK ACK/NACK message is retransmitted.

If the value of counter N3103 exceeds the limit specified by the parameter N3103max, the network starts
the timer T3169. Upon timeout of T3169, the network can use the TFI and USF resources again.

When the network after sending a RRBP field in the downlink RLC data block or in Iu mode also RLC/MAC
control block, receives a valid RLC/MAC control message from the mobile station, it will reset counter
N3105. The network will increment counter N3105 for each allocated data block for which no RLC/MAC
control message is received for this TBF. The value of N3105max is network dependent.

This parameter indicates whether Network Assisted Cell Change(NACC) is enabled.

For the MS, NACC is part of the GERAN Feature Package 1. The function includes:

1. The MS in PS transmission state can receive the system messages required for accessing the new cell.

2. The MS notifies the network (CCN mode) when deciding to perform a cell reselection.

Therefore, NACC needs to be used together with CCN mode.

For the network, the NACC function includes:

1. After MS performs cell reselection, the network sends the system messages of neighbor cells of the new
cell on the PACCH.

2. After receiving the cell change information from the MS, the network sends to the MS the system
messages of recommended neighbor cells or other neighbor cells.

When NACC is used together with CCN, Packet (P)SI Status functions, the cell reselection time can be
There are three network operation modes:

Network Operation Mode 1: The network sends to the "GPRS-attached" MS the CS paging message on the
same channel of GPRS paging channel (packet or CCCH paging channel), or on the GPRS traffic channel
(when it is assigned with a packet data channel). Mode 1 indicates that MS only need to monitor one paging

Network operation mode 1 is required while configuring PBCCH; Gs interface is required while configuring
network operation mode 1.

Network Operation Mode 2: The network sends to the “GPRS-attached” MS the CS paging message on the
CCCH paging channel, which is also for GPRS paging. Mode 2 indicates that the MS only need to monitor
CCCH paging channel, but when BSC allocates a packet data channel, the CS paging message uses the CCCH
paging channel.

Network Operation Mode 3: The network sends to the "GPRS-attached" MS the CS paging message on the
CCCH paging channel, and sends the GPRS paging message either on the packet paging channel (if there is
any in the cell) or on the CCCH paging channel. Mode 3 indicates that the MS must monitor two paging
channels (if packet paging channel is available in the cell) in order to receive CS or GPRS paging message.

This parameter determines if intra-BSC cell supports CS page coordination. This parameter is broadcast in
GPRS CELL OPTIONS through SI13, PSI1, and PSI13 messages. It is invalid when the NMO value is 1.

Page coordination means that CS service paging can be sent to a subscriber on the PS service channel
PACCH when the MS is in the PS transmission state.

This parameter indicates a field of implicit rejection carried in a paging message. The field means implicitly
rejecting an access to a terminal with low access priority.

The SGSN sends a paging PDU to every NSEI of an RAI. This

parameter indicates a switch for PS paging based on NSE. If the
BSC initiates a paging request based on RAI, the paging messages
are doubled. If the BSC initiates a paging request based on NSEI,
paging messages are decreased, reducing the BTS load. When the
PagingNSE switch is enabled, for the PS paging based on RAI, the
PS paging messages are sent by finding the corresponding site and
cell in accordance with RAI+SGSNID+NSEI.

This parameter determines whether to enable the UPPB resource alarm function. The availability of UPPB
board resources can be measured through the availability of each DSP resource on UPPB board. The
measured indexes include failure ratio for allocating memory, use ratio for MAC instance, use ratio for
BSSGP instance, use ratio of mac-tlli index, use ratio for bssgp-tlli index, use ratio for radio channel instance,
and use ratio for TS instance.
PFC flow control occurs at Gb interface between SGSN and BSS, and only in downlink. BSS provides control
parameters and SGSN executes. It helps avoid a PFC in BSS discarding some LLC data due to timeout caused
by grouping channels being too busy (too many LLC frame buffers) and avoid discarding new downlink LLC
data due to limited memory resource (overflow of LLC frame buffer).

The BSSGP process at the BSS side periodically measures the current leakage ratio of MS. When the statistic
timer overflows, the 'PFC Flow Control' process is initiated unconditionally.

This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

This parameter is broadcast through SI13, PSI1, and PSI13 messages.

In EGPRS system with broadband features, the QoS concept of UMTS has been imported, which enables
transferring the negotiable QoS configuration to BSS through Gb interface.

BSS can maintain QoS subscribing information through function PFC (packet flow context) flow, which
include acquiring QoS, modifying QoS, and deleting QoS signaling flow. Network notifies MS if the network
supports PFC flow through the system message parameter PFC_FEATURE_MODE. If yes, the MS will add PFI
when establishing uplink TBF (PACKET RESOURCE REQUEST). BSS can decide QoS as MS requires according
to PFI.

This parameter indicates the highest-order encoding mode that can be used for POC service by an EGPRS-
attached MS.
This parameter indicates the highest-order encoding mode that can be used for POC service by a GPRS-
attached MS.
This parameter indicates if PoC subscriber applies for dedicated POC channel. PoC indicates Push to talk
over Cellular. Consider the MS with proper function as walkie-talkie. This kind of MS has a talkie key. After
pressing this key, you can talk with other subscribers or in a group.

This parameter indicates the upper limit of Abis resource proportion in the Full Dynamic Abis Resource Pool
that can be assigned to PS services. If the limit is exceeded, the remaining idle Abis resources cannot be
assigned to PS services.

The proportion of Abis resources used for PS services = number of Abis resources Assigned to PS services /
total Abis resources available in the resource pool

This parameter indicates the upper limit of PoC service subscribers in shared downlink channel.

If dedicated PoC channel is configured, it indicates the upper limit of PoC subscribers on the downlink of
each dedicated PoC channel. If it exceeds this number, PoC subscriber access is not allowed on the downlink
of this dedicated PoC channel.

This parameter indicates the upper limit of PoC service subscribers in shared uplink channel.

If dedicated PoC channel is configured, it indicates the upper limit of PoC subscribers on the uplink of each
dedicated PoC channel. If it exceeds this number, PoC subscriber access is not allowed on the uplink of this
dedicated PoC channel.

This parameter represents the maximum number of sending the PS Handover Required message during PS
handover. The message is sent again after expire of T12PsHo timer.
This parameter determine whether PS handover is supported.
This parameter indicates whether to choose PS route by NSVC. It is meaningful only when multiple IPGB
boards exist on site.

If BSC supports choosing route by NSVC, an IPGB board can send NS-ALIVE message through itself and thus
individually detects its NSVC status. At the same time, the user plane selects the NSVC in normal route
status to provide service. If BSC does not support choosing route through NSVC, the IPGB board sends the
NS-ALIVE message through another board and thus does not individually detect the route status of NSVC.

This parameter indicates whether the BSS writes the uplink power control information in the IMMEDIATE
ASSIGNMENT message after receiving a CHANNEL ACCESS REQUEST message from the MS.

It describes whether 2G/3G priority selection control is supported during PS handover or reselection.

The SGSN can add the Service UTRAN CCO information in such messages as PS Handover Request, Create
BSS PFC, or DL UnitData PDU to indicate for the BSC whether 3G is preferred, not preferred, or forbidden
during PS handover and reselection.

This parameter is a BSSGP layer parameter. When GPRS-attached MS leaves a special mode, BSS adopts one
of the following strategies:

Notify MS of carrying out "route area upgrade".

Notify SGSN of recovering the GPRS service.

In case of Routing Area Update, MS and SGSN directly negotiate GMM status. With the “Resume” method
(usually for the MS in the packet transmission status), BSS will initiate the “RESUME” process to SGSN for
the purpose of notifying SGSN to start the normal packet downlink transmission action. If BSC fails to
receive the “RESUME ACK/NACK” message from SGSN in BSSGPT4, then repeats Resume procedure for a
maximum of N times.

BSC stops the Resume procedure and notify OMS N times if there is no answer. N depends on the
parameter ResumeMax.

Default value of resumesetopt is 0, that means: when PS service is suspended, the suspend message isn’t
sent in Gb interface, the voice channel release message informs MS that it’s resumed and doesn’t need to
send RA update process resume.

When resumesetopt is 1, that means: when PS service is suspended, the suspend message is sent in Gb
interface, the voice channel release message informs MS that it isn’t resumed and needs to send RA update
process resume.

If resumesetopt is 0,and resumemax isn’t 3, that means: when PS service is suspended, the suspend
message isn’t sent in Gb interface, the voice channel release message informs MS that it’s resumed and
doesn’t need to send RA update process resume, a resume message is sent in Gb after the voice channel is
released. It’s used for test.

This parameter indicates the number of RIM retries. The maximum number of RIM retries is 3.
This parameter indicates whether the RIM function is enabled.

The RIM function refers to the quick reselection between BSCs or between BSC and RNC. In BSC external
Network Assisted Cell Change (NACC), to accelerate the speed to access a new cell during cell reselection for
the MS, BSC sends the new cell system messages to the MS when it is in source cell before the cell
reselection. This reduces the time for listening to complete system messages after the MS reselects the new

To obtain system messages of a cell out of the BSC, the external NACC needs the RAN Information
Management (RIM) process between SGSN and BSC.

When an BSC supports the RIM function, service triggers BSC to obtain, store and update the system
messages of external cell through the RIM process. Accordingly, when the RIM function is supported, the
BSC also needs to provide the system messages of its cells and notifies the message changes to
corresponding BSCs/RNCs, if requested by other BSCs/RNCs.

Ratio of Abis resources that need dynamic management

This parameter indicates whether the Reduced Transmission Time Interval (RTTI) function is supported.

RTTI is a concept relative to BTTI. Basic Transmission Time Interval (BTTI) means that four consecutive Bursts
are used on a channel to transmit a radio block, and it takes 20 ms to transmit a radio block. For RTTI, two
consecutive Bursts on two channels (PDCH-pair) respectively are used, and it takes only 10 ms to transmit a
radio block.

This parameter indicates whether the extended uplink TBF is supported for a signalling TBF. This switch is
valid when the switch of extended uplink TBF is enabled. The signaling TBF refers to a TBF established for
transmitting GMM signalling.
This parameter indicates whether to rank the LLC frames by SNDCP number for transmission.
This parameter determines which solution (DSCP or BSSGP) is used to identify the specific service.
This parameter determines whether an implicit access rejection field is carried in a paging message. The
terminal supporting the implicit rejection function determines whether to initiate an implicit rejection flow
when initiating an access request.
This parameter indicates whether to support the resource optimization function based on user service

MS first sends a SUSPEND message to BSS over SDCCH when a Class B GPRS MS is about to initiate a voice
service. BSS initiates suspending procedure to SGSN to notify SGSN to stop sending PS paging and downlink
packet data after BSS receives the message.

BSC repeats suspending procedure after sending SUSPEND message to SGSN. If BSC fails to receive SUSPEND
ACK/NACK message from SGSN in BSSGPT3 then BSC repeats the suspending procedure for a maximum of N

BSC stops suspending and notify OMS for N times if there is no answer. N depends on the maximum number
of suspending retries.

This parameter determines whether BSC supports TBF establishment process. TBF flow establishment refers
to while releasing uplink TBF, to determine if new uplink TBF shall be established immediately for CTRL_ACK
field in Packet Control Acknowledgement message.
This parameter indicates whether the BSC supports fast ACK/NACK reporting (FANR) function. If both the
network and MS support this function, the MS can add the DL radio block reception information in the UL
radio block, and the network can add the UL radio block reception information in the DL radio block. In this
way, the MS and network can be informed timely of the reception of UL and DL radio blocks, thus
quickening the re-transmission of UL and DL radio blocks that are not properly received.

This parameter indicates whether to analyze application layer data and desert LLC frames received by the
When an MS reselects a cell in packet-switched service, the LLC frames of the original cell transfer to the
new cell. This parameter indicates the maximum number of transferred LLC frames in a BSSGP instance. If
the transferred LLC frames exceeds the number, the remaining frames will be discarded.

This is a BSSGP layer parameter used to specify the maximum number of times the BSS retries to obtain the
radio access capability of an MS via the Radio Access Capability Update procedure when the BSS does not
have the information of the access capabilities of MSs. The access capabilities are required by the BSS for
assigning a proper packet channel to each MS when the MS is establishing the uplink TBF.

The related procedure is as follows:

1. The BSS sends the RADIO ACCESS CAPABILITIES UPDAE message to the SGSN.

2. If the BSS does not receive the RADIO ACCESS CAPABILITIES UPDAE ACK/NACK message from the SGSN,
the BSS re-starts the procedure.

3. The BSC retries the procedure for the number of times specified by UpdateMax, and, if still not receives
returned messages, stops the RADIO ACCESS CAPABILITIES UPDATE procedure and notifies the OMS.

BSC Reserved Configuration ID

Global Reserved Parameter 1
Global Reserved Parameter 10
Global Reserved Parameter 11
Global Reserved Parameter 12
Global Reserved Parameter 13
Global Reserved Parameter 14
Global Reserved Parameter 15
Global Reserved Parameter 16
Global Reserved Parameter 17
Global Reserved Parameter 18
Global Reserved Parameter 19
Global Reserved Parameter 2
Global Reserved Parameter 20
Global Reserved Parameter 3
Global Reserved Parameter 4
Global Reserved Parameter 5
Global Reserved Parameter 6
Global Reserved Parameter 7
Global Reserved Parameter 8
Global Reserved Parameter 9
This parameter monitors BSSGP blocking/unblocking process.

Global process in BSC central module MP uses the timer value. BSS initiates BVC blocking/unblocking
procedure for a point-to-point BVC in case of OAM intervention or device faults. BSC repeats this procedure
if SGSN does not return “BVC BLOCK/UNBLOCK ACK/NACK” messages.

At this time, the number of sending increases by 1. The interval between the messages is the BVC
blocking/unblocking retry time. T1 is timeout

but does not exceed the max number of sending, try to re-send it.

T1 exceeds the max number of sending. Ignore it.

The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:

Timer start: BSC initiates BVC block/unblock process.

Timer stop: The “BVC BLOCK/UNBLOCK ACK/NACK” message is received from SGSN.

Timeout action: BSC repeats the process for N times (configurable).

This parameter monitors BSSGP reset procedure.

BSS initiates "BVC reset" process when BVC (including PTP BVC and signaling BVC) is required to be reset
(disconnection to connection at Gb interface, and cell is changed from GPRS support to GPRS/EDGE support)
due to certain reason. BSC repeats the procedure if SGSN does not return “BVC RESET ACK/NACK” message.
At this time, the number of sending increases by 1. The interval between the messages is the BVC reset
retry time. T2 is timeout but does not exceed the max number of sending, try to re-send it. T2 is timeout
and exceeds the max number of sending. Change the proper BVC database status to BLOCK.

The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:

Timer start: BSC initiates BVC reset process.

Timer stop: BVC reset acknowledgement/unacknowledgement message is returned by SGSN.

Timeout action: BSC repeats the process for N times (configurable).

This parameter is changed in V6.20.614a.

Class B MS notifies the network to suspend packet service when MS is ready to perform a voice service.

BSS initiates to suspend SGSN procedure after receiving SUSPEND message from MS BSC repeats the
process if SGSN does not respond suspend ACK/NACK message. At this time, the number of sending times
increases by 1.

The interval between the messages is the suspend retry time. T3 is timeout but does not exceed the max
number of sending, try to re-send

it. T3 is timeout but does not exceed the max number of sending, stop the suspend process.

The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:

Timer start: BSC initiates the suspend SGSN process.

Timer stop: BSC receives the suspend ACK/NACK message from SGSN.

Timeout action: BSC repeats the process for N times (configurable).

This parameter monitors BSSGP resuming procedure. Service process in BSC peripheral module MP uses the
timer value. BSS initiates resuming procedure to SGSN when GPRS-attached MS is not in dedicated mode
and BSS uses Notify SGSN to resume GPRS service policy. BSC repeats the process if SGSN does not respond
resume ACK/NACK message. At this time, the number of sending times increases by 1. The interval between
the messages is the resume retry time.

T4 is timeout but does not exceed the max number of sending, try to re-send it. If T4 is timeout and exceeds
the max number of sending,

stop the resume process and inform MS to initiate RA update process.

The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:

Timer start: BSC initiates the resume process.

Timer stop: BSC receives the resume ACK/NACK message from SGSN.

Timeout action: BSC repeats the process for N times (configurable)

This parameter monitors BSSGP RA_CAPABILITY procedure.

Service process in BSC peripheral module MP uses the timer value. BSC repeats Radio Access Capability
Update procedure after BSS initiates RA_CAPABILITY procedure to SGSN and if SGSN does not return the
“RA_CAPABILITY UPDATE ACK/NACK” message. Also, the number of sending times increases by 1. The
interval between the messages is the retry time for radio access capability update. T5 is timeout but does
not exceed the max number of sending, try to re-send it.

If T5 is timeout and exceeds the max number of sending, update process of radio access capability stops.

The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:

Timer start: BSC initiates the radio access capability update process.

Timer stop: BSC receives the radio access capability update ACK/NACK message from SGSN.

Timeout action: BSC repeats the process for N times (configurable)

This parameter indicates the PFC creating retry time .

While BSS initiates "Create PFC" process to SGSN, if SGSN does not respond "Create PFC ACK/NACK"
message, you should repeat "Create PFC" process. The interval between twice is PFC creation retry time.

The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:

Timer start: it starts while BSC initiates Download PFC process.

Timer stop: it stops while receiving SGSN Create PFC message.

Timeout action: retransfer for N times (configurable)

When BSS initiates "Modify PFC" process to SGSN, if SGSN does not respond the "Modify PFC ACK/NACK"
message, repeat "Modify PFC" process. The interval between two Modify PFC procedures is the PFC
creation retry time.

Timer start: BSC initiates Modify BSS PFC process.

Timer stop: The BSC receives the SGSN Modify BSS PFC Ack message.

Timeout action: retransmit N times (modifiable)

This parameter is the timer for performing the complete synchronization of 2G cell attributes and the NACC

Timeout action: All 2G cell attributes and NACC information is synchronized to the 3G system.
BSS Function Timer ID

This parameter is a timer used for supervising the sending of radio information in the location process.

Start: When a location-related message is sent to the MS.

Stop: When an acknowledgement message is received from the MS.

Timeout action: Terminate the location process.

This parameter is a timer used for supervising a location process.

Start: When the BSC sends a location request to the SMLC.

Stop: When a location acknowledgement message is received.

At expiry: Terminate the location process.

This parameter specifies the waiting time for the completion of an intra-BSC handover.

Start: An intra-BSC handover is initiated during service location.

Stop: A handover complete message is received.

Timeout action: Terminate the location process.

This parameter is the timer for the services to obtain 2G cell load information from the database.

Timeout action: The service saves the copy of obtained load information in the storage area, and the
synchronization platform synchronizes the information to the 3G system.

This parameter is the mT11 timer used for traffic control when the cell is overloaded. The mT11 timer
coordinates with mT12 to modify the ACCESS CONTROL parameter for the cell configuration, and notifies
the MS via system messages.

During the lifetime of the timer mT11, the BSC does not process the RACH Load Indication message from the
BTS, and the value of this timer must be less than that of timer mT12.

Timer start: When the RACH Load Indication message from the BTS is received.

Timer stop: None

Timeout action: The BSC resumes processing the RACH Load Indication message.

Associated timer: mT12

This parameter is the mT12 timer used for traffic control when the cell is overloaded. The mT12 timer
coordinates with mT11 to modify the ACCESS CONTROL parameter for the cell configuration, and notifies
the MS via system messages.

The value of this timer must be greater than that of timer mT11. The traffic control procedure is described
as follows:

When the network receives the OVERLOAD message for the first time, the system reduces one traffic
control level and starts mT11 and mT12. During mT11, the OVERLOAD message is neglected. If the network
still receives the OVERLOAD message between mT11 and mT12, it reduces one traffic control level again,
and restarts the two timers. If the network does not receive the OVERLOAD message after mT12, it
increases a traffic control level, and restarts mT12.

The different traffic control levels have different ratios of traffic being rejected.

Timer start: When the RACH Load Indication message from the BTS is received.

Timer stop: When the RACH Load Indication message is received again from the BTS after mT11 times out.

Timeout action: The system reduces a traffic control level.

Associated timer: mT11

Timer for a unilateral conversation check. The timer sets the threshold of the package lost duration. If the
package lost duration exceeds the threshold, a unilateral conversation check is triggered.
This parameter determines the time of the BSC in waiting for a paging response after sending a paging
message. The paging mode includes precise paging and common paging.

If the BSC does not receive any response within this time range, the BSC will initiate paging again according
to the paging configuration.

This parameter is the delay release timer while dynamic PDCH channel is converted into TCH channel. The
conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:

Timer start: All services (including uplink and downlink) on PDCH are released.

Timer stop: PDCH is occupied again by service TBF.

Timeout action: release PDTCH channel and convert it to TCH channel.

This parameter is changed in V6.20.614b.

The longest period for making a reassignment after an assignment

is performed. The service assignment is deemed as successful
if the reassignment succeeds within this period. An assignment
failure message is sent to the core network if reassignment still fails
within this period.
This parameter is rmsT1 timer. It indicates protection waiting time for MS access during assignment or
handover, after channel activation process.

Timer start: The destination channel receives the “CHL ACITIVATION ACK” message and sends the “RADIO
AVAILABLE” message to the source channel.

Timer stop: In MS access, the destination channel receives the “ASSIGNMENT COM” or “HANDOVER COM”

Timeout action: the instance on target channel is released.

This parameter is changed in V6.20.614b.

This parameter is a timer used to wait for the start of directed retry. The timer is started to wait for queuing,
forced handover, and forced release actions when the cell fails to assign an available channel. When the
timer expires, a directed retry process is initiated.

Start: The cell fails to assign an available channel.

Stop: An available channel resource is obtained after queuing, forced handover, and forced release.

At expiry: Initiate a directed retry.

This parameter is T3 timer.

Timer start: RANCS instance sends "ESTABLISH IND" to RANA instance.

Timer stop: RANCS instance receives the "CONNECT CONF" sent by RANA instance, or the "CONNECT FAIL"
when RANA fails to establish the link.

Timeout action: Release this service.

This parameter is timer T5, used to supervise modification process of encryption mode, that is, the timer
that waits for MS response after configuring radio encryption mode.

Timer Start: T5 timer starts when BSC receives CIPHER MODE COMMAND message from MSC.

Timer Stop: T5 timer suspends when BSC receives CIPHER MODE COMPLETE message from MS.

Overtime Action: If this timer is overtime, BSC will send BSSAP CIPHER MODE REJECT message to MSC.

Timer T6 supervises link establishment of SAPI3.

Timer start: timer T6 starts when BSC receives the DTAP (SAPI = 3) message from MSC and there is no SAPI3

Timer stop: timer T6 stops when BSC receives the ESTABLISH CONFIRM message from BTS.

Overtime action: When timer T6 expires, the BSSMAP SAPI"n" REJECT message will be sent to MSC.
This parameter is timer rmsT7, used to calculate the protective time that PO responds external handover
completion message.

Timer start: it starts when RANCS sends the HANDOVER REQUIRED message to MSC.

Timer stop: it stops when RANCS instance receives HANDOVER COMMAND response from MSC.

Timeout action: clear the reason of channel request, record the number of outgoing attempts and request
failures, do penalty for target cell, and wait for handover decision to initiate handover.

This parameter is timer rmsT8, monitoring external handover process.

Timer start: rmsT8 starts after handover command is sent in Serve state while RANCS instance should be
handed over to an external cell.

Timer stop: rmsT8 timer stops if RANCS instance receives HO COMCLEAR CMD (handover success) or UM
HO FAIL (handover failed).

Timeout action: Release the service.

This parameter is changed in V6.20.614b.

This parameter is T9 timer.

Timer start: T9 starts when RF CHANNEL RELEASE is sent to BTS when RANCS instance is released.

Timer stop: T9 stops when RANCS instance receives RF CHANNEL RELEASE ACKNOWLEDGE response from

Timeout action: service instance is released.

The procedure of handover with the AMR speech coding is as follows:

The BSC sends a PRE-HANDOVER NOTIFICATION message to the BTS, plus the RTD (delay time), so that the
BTS can coordinate with TC to achieve such actions as disabling speech rate modification, exiting TFO.

Afterwards, the BSC sends the handover command to the MS. The RTD is the transmission delay between
BTS and TC, and can be reported to BSC by BTS via the ROUND TRIP DELAY REPORT message. Before
receiving RTD, the BSC uses the default value RtdDefault.

Timer start: The BSC sends the PRE-HANDOVER NOTIFICATION to BTS.

Timer stop: The BSC receives the response for pre-handover

notification message (custom message at the Abis interface) from the BTS.

Timeout action: BSC sends the handover command to MS.

This parameter is currently not used.

It describes the time of Required process which controls PS handover. After PS Handover Required is sent,
the timer starts. The timer stops after receiving PS Handover Required Ack or Nack. The PS Handover
Required is sent again after expire of timer.

This parameter indicates the timer used by the source BSS for synchronizing CS handover and PS handover
acknowledgment information. The timer start and stop conditions are described as follows:

Timer start: During DTM handover, a HANDOVER REQUIRED message or PS-HANDOVER-REQUIRED PDU
message is sent.

Timer stop: (1) The BSC receives the HANDOVER REQUIRED REJECT message or BSSMAP HANDOVER
COMMAND message from the MSC, and receives the PS-HANDOVER-REQUIRED-ACK PDU message or PS-

(2) The BSC receives the BSSMAP HANDOVER COMMAND message that contains the (RR) HANDOVER
COMMAND L3 information, and the MSC chooses to continue CS handover.

(3) The BSC receives the BSSMAP HANDOVER COMMAND message that contains the (RLC/MAC) DTM
HANDOVER COMMAND L3 information, and the MSC chooses to send the DTM handover command to the
MS without waiting for the PS handover acknowledgment.

Timeout action: Measures for handling DTM handover failures

This parameter indicates the timer used by the target BSS for synchronizing CS handover and PS handover
request information. The timer start and stop conditions are described as follows:

Timer start: The BSC receives the PS-HANDOVER-REQUEST PDU message that contains CS Indication IE or
the HANDOVER REQUEST message that contains PS Indication IE.

Timer stop: Both HANDOVER REQUEST and PS-HANDOVER-REQUEST PDU messages are received, and PS
Indication and CS Indication IE contain the same information.

Timeout action: Measures for handling DTM handover failures

This timer indicates the time period for the instant assigning process.

Timer start: The timer starts when BSC sends an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message.

Timer stop: The timer stops when BSC receives the ESTABLISH INDICATION message.

Timeout action: The BSC sends an RF CHANNEL RELEASE message to the BTS.

This timer indicates the time period for intra-BSC handover procedure.

Timer start: The timer starts when BSC sends HANDOVER COMMAND message to MS.

Timer stop: The timer suspends when BSC receives HANDOVER COMPLETE message on a new channel or
HANDOVER FAILURE message on an old channel from MS.

Timeout action: If the timer is timeout, the BSC sends a CLEAR REQUEST message to MSC, with the cause
CAUSE_RI_FAIL (radio interface failure) and the new channel is released.

This timer indicates the time period for assignment procedure and internal handover of a cell.

Timer start: The timer starts when BSC sends RIL3_RR ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message to MS.

Timer stop: The timer stops when BSC receives RIL3_RR ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE message or RIL3_RR

Timeout action: For the assignment procedure, the old and new channels are released, related MS
connections are cleared, and a BSSAP ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message is sent to the MSC; for the intra-cell
handover, the BSC sends a CLEAR REQUEST message to the MSC, with the cause CAUSE_RI_FAIL (radio
interface failure).
This timer supervises the channel release process.

Timer start: The timer starts when BSC sends RIL3_RR CHANNEL RELEASE message to MS.

Timer stop: The timer stops when BSC receives RELEASE INDICATION message from BTS (when BTS receives
DISC frame from MS).

Timeout action: If this timer is timeout, BSC will send CHANNEL RELEASE message to MS.

After releasing the UM interface radio link layer, in order to make sure the radio link is disconnected, BSC
sets a period of protection time rmsT3111. Releases the wireless channel and deactivates it after rmsT3111
timer stops.

Timer start: rmsT3111 timer starts when BSC receives RELEASE INDICATION message.

Timeout action: If rmsT3111 timer is timeout, the BSC will send RF CHANNEL RELEASE message to BTS.

This parameter is Timer T3121, indicating the protection time after sending Inter-System to Utran Handover
Command (UM) to


The timer starts when BSC sends the "inter-system to utran handover command" message to MS.

The timer stops when BSC receives "CLEAR COMMAND" message from MSC or "HANDOVER FAILURE"
message from MS.

Timeout action: The BSC sends “CLEAR REQUEST” message to MSC, with the cause CAUSE_RI_MSG_FAIL
(radio interface message failure).

This parameter is timer T3169. During the packet uplink transmission, if N3101 or N3103 counter stops, BSS
starts the T3169 timer. Network utilizes TFI and USF resources on release when T3169 stops.

Timer Start: T3169 timer starts when the counter N3101 = N3101_MAX or the counter N3103 =

Timer stop condition: None.

Timeout action: Release USF and TFI resources.

N3101=N3101_MAX or N3103=N3103_MAX indicates that MS does not respond BSC, collects TFI and USF
resource for BSC reuse.
This parameter is timer T3169. The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows.

Timer start/restart: During the packet downlink transmission, if RLC data block is the final downlink data
block to be transmitted, BSC sends the RLC data block with the Final Block Identifier (FBI) domain as 1. It
contains an effective RRBP domain to initialize the release of downlink TBF. At this time, the network starts
or restarts T3191.

Timer stop: If RLC mode is ACK mode and MS finds that all downlink blocks have been collected, MS sends
the “Packet Downlink Acknowledgement”

message (with FAI domain = 1) through the uplink block specified in RRBP domain. If BSC receives the Packet
Downlink Acknowledgement message

before T3191 is timeout, T3191 stops.

If RLC mode is NACK mode, MS sends the “Packet Control Acknowledgement” message in the uplink block
specified by RRBP field. If BSC receives

the “Packet Control Acknowledgement” message before T3191 expires, T3191 stops.

Timeout action: BSC releases this TBF.

This parameter the protection time of downlink TBF when the radio link fails or when the cell change leads
to MS failure to respond.

Timer starts: T3195 starts if counter N3105=N3105_MAX.

Timer stop: none.

Timeout action: BSC can use this TFI.

This parameter is the timer for the enhanced DTM CS release. The timer start and stop conditions are
described as follows:

Timer start: The Packet CS Release Indication message is sent by the BSC.

Timer stop: The BSC receives a message indicating that the Packet SI Status message has been completely
received. After RR is released, the Packet SI Status message is a required for keeping PS resources. The BSC
sends a Channel Release message indicating that the PS transmission is kept after CS release.

Timeout action: If the Packet SI Status message is not received after the timer times out, the BSC sends a
Channel Release message indicating that the PS transmission is not kept after CS release.
This parameter is timer T9101, supervising the reception of RLSD.

Timer start condition: T9101 starts when BSC sends the “BSSAP CLEAR COMPLETE” message to MSC.

Timer stop condition: T9101 stops when the RLSD message from MSC is received.

Overtime Action: If this timer is overtime, BSC will send RLSD message to release SCCP connection.

This parameter is timer T9103, monitoring channel activation process.

Timer Start: T9103 timer starts when BSC sends CHANNEL ACTIVATION message to BTS.

Timer Stop: T9103 timer suspends when BSC receives CHANNEL ACTIVATION ACK or CHANNEL ACTIVATION
NACK message.

Overtime Action: If this timer is overtime, BSC will send RF CHANNEL RELEASE message to BTS

This parameter is T9104 timer. It supervises CLEAR COMMAND from MSC.

Timer Start: T9104 timer starts when BSC sends a CLEAR REQUEST message to MSC.

Timer Stop: T9104 timer suspends when BSC receives CLEAR COMMAND message from MSC.

Timeout Action: If this timer is overtime, CLEAR REQUEST message will be resent (four times at the most).

This parameter is T9105 timer, monitoring SCCP connection process.

Timer Start: T9105 timer starts when BSC sends BSSAP SCCP_CONNECTION_REQ message to MSC.

Timer Stop: T9105 suspends when BSC receives


Overtime Action: If this timer is overtime, BSC will send CHANNEL RELEASE message to MS.

Timer start: The service requests circuit resource at Ater on handover.

Timer stop: Receive handover execution message at Ater sent from CS old service instance. Receive
resource release request message at Ater from CS new service instance.

Timeout action: send release command to CS service from Ater and release iTC resource message to iTC.
This parameter is the SCCP connection wait timer at the Ater interface. It is used to wait the SCCP CONNECT
CONFIRM message of iTC.

Timer start: send connection request message to iTC.

Timer stop: The SCCP connection number that corresponds to this service is illegal while iTC resource
request from service is handled.

Receive link confirm message of iTC.

Timeout action: send Disconnect Request to SCCP and terminate Ater service.

It is Ater wait resource release timer at Ater, used to wait for the RESOURCE RELEASE ACKNOWLEDGE
message from iTC.

Timer start: send iTC resource message to iTC at Ater.

Timer stop: Receive resource release response message from iTC.

Timeout action: Release the SCCP link.

When the BSC receives the assignment command from the MSC, if the MR is not enough for deciding
whether channels can be assigned in the second sub-cell, the BSC sets this parameter to wait for more MR.

In micro-micro handover control, a delay time value is required (the timer value). Timer Start: relevant timer
starts instantly when a call enters a micro cell. Timer Stop: relevant timer stops when it reaches the set
value. Existing call can use neighboring micro cell in the same layer only when the timer stops. In this way, it
could prevent fast moving mobiles staying in the micro cell layer.

This parameter is T13 timer. It supervises BTS and MS modes modification process. Mode modification
refers to modify channel mode. When there is not SDCCH and FACCH is allocated, new channel is not
allocated after assignment, but modify the modes.

Timer start: When BSC sends the “MODE MODIFY” message to BTS and sends the “CHANNEL MODE
MODIFY” message to MS.

Timer stop: When BSC receives the “MODE MODIFY ACK/NACK” message from BTS and the “CHANNEL
MODE MODIFY” message from MS.

Timeout action: If the timer is overtime, the BSC will send “BSSAP ASSIGNMENT FAILURE” message to MSC.

Connection delay timer. This timer is used to wait for connection finished after sending connection request,
including Abis connection and TC connection.

Timer start: send connection request.

Timer stop: wait for all connection completion message.

Timeout action: clear this service instance.

This parameter is an expiration timer waiting for the response from the opposite end after the serving BSS
sends a RAN INFORMATION message. This timer is started when the serving BSS sends a RAN INFORMATION
message, in which the indicator requiring response from the opposite is set. It is stopped when a response is
received from the opposite end. If no response is received before the expiration of the timer, the serving
BSS sends a RAN INFORMATION message again, or informs the process failure after sending the message for
RIMRetryTimes times.

This parameter is an expiration timer waiting for the response from the opposite end after a RAN
INFORMATION APPLICATION ERROR message is sent by the control end. The timer is started when the
control end sends a RAN INFORMATION APPLICATION ERROR message. It is stopped when a response
message is received from the opposite end. If no response is received before the expiration of the timer, the
control end sends the RAN INFORMATION APPLICATION ERROR message again, or informs the process
failure after sending the message for the specified times.

This parameter is an expiration timer waiting for the response from the opposite end after a RAN
INFORMATION REQUEST message is sent by the control end. The timer is started when the control end
sends a RAN INFORMATION REQUEST message. It is stopped when a response message is received from the
opposite end. If no response is received before the expiration of the timer, the control end sends a RAN
INFORMATION REQUEST message again, or informs the process failure after sending the message for
RIMRetryTimes times.

This parameter indicates the time period for deciding whether a handover in the subcell is ping-pong
handover. If two handovers in a subcell are performed within the time specified by this parameter, a ping-
pong handover between related subcells is recorded in the performance report. The recorded cases include:
the MS performs handover back and forth between two subcells within the same site, or the MS performs
handover back and forth between two subcells between two sites.
This parameter indicates a delay of deactivating an SDCCH.
This parameter indicates a period of releasing a Standalone Dedicated Control Channel (SDCCH).

This timer is used for TRAU frame synchronization. If call release due to TRAU frame synchronization lost is
enabled, a call is released when this timer expires.

It is started after an MS accesses the TCH.

It is stopped when the DSP detects that the TRAU frame (voice frame) is synchronized.

At its expiry, the call is released.

Related timer: None

This parameter is the IP transmission access control timer at the Abis interface.

This timer indicates the wait time for a handover request from the A interface during a 2G/3G relocation

It is started after the BSC sends a radio resource reservation success message to the RNC.

It is stopped when the BSC receives of a handover request from the MSC.

At its expiry, the radio resources are immediately released, and this instance is released.

Related timer: None

It is Ater wait resource timer at Ater, used to wait for the RESOURCE REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message
from iTC.

Timer start: Request resource from iTC at Ater.

Timer stop: iTC at Ater returns available resource message to service.

Timeout action: Release this service.

This parameter describes the response to apply for resource from iTC, to configure this timer wait for iTC
during iBSC handover.

Timer start: CS service instance sends TC resource request message.

Timer stop:

Receive the response of iTC resource request.

Receive the response of iTC resource request failure.

Timeout action: clear the proper new RANCS process id related to this service process. The new CS service
instance related to this service process does not exist.

This parameter indicates a timer for waiting for the BTS response
after the BSC allocates the dynamic frequencies and informs the
BTS to start using them.

When using IP carrier at user plane of interface A, because TC is placed at MGW, CN shall be informed to
replace codec during intra-BSC handover. CN replacement codec is triggered by “HANDOVER PERFORMED”
message. To ensure MSC has received this message and successfully

command MGS to replace codec against obstacles at speech aspect, “HANDOVER PERFORMED ACK”
message is added. This timer is used to wait for “HANDOVER PERFORMED ACK” message from MSC.

Timer start: It starts when BSC sends HANDOVER PERFORMED message to MSC.

Timer stop: It stops when BSC receives HANDOVER PERFORMED ACK message from MSC.

Timeout action: BSC releases call while sending CLEAR REQUEST message to MSC.

This parameter defines the interval of the timer for waiting for internal handover command from MSC after
the service process sends the internal handover request.
It describes the time of waiting for resource release after PS handover command is sent.

The timer starts after sending PS Handover Command message. The timer stops when receiving DELETE BSS
PFC from SGSN or handover finish message from destination cell. The PS Handover Cancel message is sent
to SGSN after expire of timer.
This parameter indicates a timer for waiting for the MSC response
after the BSC initiates a rerouting procedure and attempts to access
the MSC during an MOCN implementation.
This parameter indicates a timer for waiting for the SGSN response
after the BSC initiates a rerouting procedure and attempts to access
the MSC during an MOCN implementation.

This timer indicates the wait time before the BSC receives a Relocation Commit message from the RNC
during a relocation procedure via the Iur-g interface that is configured between 2G and 3G networks.

It is started after the BSC sends a HandoverRequestAck message to the MSC.

It is stopped when the BSC receives a Relocation Commit message via the Iur-g interface from the RNC.

At its expiry, the relocation instance and the corresponding allocated resources are released.

Global Reserved Parameter 1
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Global Reserved Parameter 18
Global Reserved Parameter 19
Global Reserved Parameter 2
Global Reserved Parameter 20
Global Reserved Parameter 3
Global Reserved Parameter 4
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Global Reserved Parameter 6
Global Reserved Parameter 7
Global Reserved Parameter 8
Global Reserved Parameter 9
With this parameter enabled, if the BSC receives a DISCONNECT or RELEASE message and then a handover
occurs, the BSC will not send a handover command to the BS to avoid MS release delay. The BSC does not
determine whether to hand over in the time period set by the parameter ForbidRelHoMargin when the BSC
receives a DISCONNECT or RELEASE message. This parameter is used to decrease the call drop rate during a
release without impairing the handover success rate.
This parameter specifies a time period for handover disabling during a release.
BSC Handover Control ID
This parameter indicates whether queuing is allowed during inter-BSC outgoing handovers, that is, whether
queuing is allowed according to the Queuing Indicator parameter in the Handover Required message.

This parameter determines whether MSC should respond messages for BSC outgoing handover. If the
parameter is set to 1, the HANDOVER REQUIRE message contains Response Request, and the MSC, upon
handover failure, will return the Response Request Reject message to the BSC. If the parameter is set to 0,
the MSC will not return the message to the BSC upon handover failure, and the BSC knows the handover
fails when the timer T7 times out.

This parameter enables or disables the detection on handover command loss due to Abis congestion to
avoid handover call drop.
This parameter decides whether to allows the BSC to perform intra-cell handovers.
If the parameter is set to 1 (Yes), the BSC adds Synchronization Indication IE to the sent Handover Command
message and sets ROT to 1 for both synchronized and asynchronized handovers. In this case, the MS adds
Mobile Observed Time Difference in the sent Handover Complete message, indicating the clock reference
difference between two handover cells.

This parameter decides whether to allow an assignment to request a channel from other cells in the BSC
when the assignment fails to obtain a channel.

This parameter indicates whether to allow the inter-cell (with different network IDs) handover. If it is set to
"NO", The adjacent cell to which handover (or reselection) performed must have the sane network ID
(MCC/MNC) as this cell.
the policy of choosing speech version in 3GPP IPA BSC handover

This parameter specifies the handover method employed by CS services when performing intra-BSC
Handover in the case of 3GPP IPA.

By default, compatible versions are used before and after the internal handover, and the handover is
performed conforming to the protocol.

1: The services use the handover procedure supported by the MSC for handover from AMR-HR to AMR-FR
using SET 1.

2: The internal handover switches to the BSC-preferred speech version.

This parameter is used to control whether the N value, P value, or average level value is applied for
neighbor cell selection in the case of downlink level handover on the SDCCH.
This parameter is used to control whether the N value, P value, or average level value is applied for
neighbor cell selection in the case of downlink level handover on the TCH.
This parameter is used to control whether the N value, P value, or average level value is applied for
neighbor cell selection in the case of downlink quality handover on the SDCCH.
This parameter is used to control whether the N value, P value, or average level value is applied for
neighbor cell selection in the case of downlink quality handover on the TCH.
This parameter is used to control whether the N value, P value, or average PBGT value is applied for
neighbor cell selection in the case of PBGT handover on the SDCCH.
This parameter is used to control whether the N value, P value, or average PBGT value is applied for
neighbor cell selection in the case of PBGT handover on the TCH.
This parameter is used to control whether the N value, P value, or average level value is applied for
neighbor cell selection in the case of uplink level handover on the SDCCH.
This parameter is used to control whether the N value, P value, or average level value is applied for
neighbor cell selection in the case of uplink level handover on the TCH.
This parameter is used to control whether the N value, P value, or average level value is applied for
neighbor cell selection in the case of uplink quality handover on the SDCCH.
This parameter is used to control whether the N value, P value, or average level value is applied for
neighbor cell selection in the case of uplink quality handover on the TCH.

In an outgoing handover, this parameter specifies the contents in the Old BSS to New BSS Information
contained in the HANDOVER REQUIRED message.

The four items Synchronization Indication, Cipher Mode Setting, Multi-Rate configuration, and Frequency
List are controlled by the upper four bits.

BIT3: Whether MultiRate configuration is sent. 0: NOT SENT, 1: SENT

BIT5: Whether the hopping frequency is set with the FreqList format. 0: NO, 1: YES

BIT6: Whether to optimize the setting of AMR MultiFrequency. 0: NO, 1: YES

BIT7: Whether the HANDOVER COMMAND contains the Cipher information parameter. 0: NO, 1: YES

BIT8: Whether to optimize the synchronization information parameter. 0: NO, 1:YES


This parameter decides whether to allow an assignment to request a channel from the cells outside the BSC
when the assignment fails to obtain a channel.

This parameter is a timer used to determine whether a handover is a ping-pong handover. The timer is
started when an MS performs handover from a cell. If the MS performs handover to the source cell, and the
interval between two handovers is shorter than the value of this parameter, this handover is recorded as a
ping-pong handover.

This parameter indicates whether the SDCCH handover is allowed.

This parameter specifies whether the A+B solution for TD handover is enabled.
With the parameter HoCmdLostOpt enabled, when the time configured by this parameter expires, the BSC
starts to check whether the call is resumed. If yes, the handover command is considered to be lost. This
parameter should be set greater than T200×N200; otherwise, the BSC cannot determine accurately whether
the handover command is lost.

This parameter indicates the uplink CIR difference of a Half Rate

(HR) channel. When the HR channels are allocated, sub-timeslot 1
of the even-number slot and sub-timeslot 0 of the odd-number slot
are allocated first.
Channels that meet the lowest CIR are selected through calculation
and then allocated. There are two rules for allocating the channels
that meet the target CIR. Rule 1: the channel with the highest CIR
is allocated first. For sub-timeslot 1 of the even-number slot and
sub-timeslot 0 of the odd-number slot, the UL CIR is increased
by R_BSCIFTA.UlHrCirDiff1, and the DL CIR is increased by
R_BSCIFTA.DlHrCirDiff1. Channels are queued based on the
increased or decreased CIR and then allocated preferentially. Rule 2: The channel with the lowest CIR is
allocated first. For sub-timeslot
1 of the even-number slot and sub-timeslot 0 of the odd-number
slot, the UL CIR is decreased by R_BSCIFTA.UlHrCirDiff1, and
the DL CIR is decreased by R_BSCIFTA.DlHrCirDiff1. Channels
are queued based on the increased or decreased CIR and then
allocated preferentially.
During allocation of the channels that meet the lowest CIR but fail
to meet the target CIR, for sub-timeslot 1 of the even-number slot
and sub-timeslot 0 of the odd-number slot, the UL CIR is increased
by R_BSCIFTA.UlHrCirDiff2, and the DL CIR is increased by
R_BSCIFTA.DlHrCirDiff2, aiming to allocate these channels first.
This parameter indicates the uplink CIR difference of a Half Rate
(HR) channel. When the HR channels are allocated, sub-timeslot 1
of the even-number slot and sub-timeslot 0 of the odd-number slot
are allocated first.
Channels that meet the lowest CIR are selected through calculation
and then allocated. There are two rules for allocating the channels
that meet the target CIR. Rule 1: the channel with the highest CIR
is allocated first. For sub-timeslot 1 of the even-number slot and
sub-timeslot 0 of the odd-number slot, the UL CIR is increased
by R_BSCIFTA.UlHrCirDiff1, and the DL CIR is increased by
R_BSCIFTA.DlHrCirDiff1. Channels are queued based on the
increased or decreased CIR and then allocated preferentially. Rule
2: The channel with the lowest CIR is allocated first. For sub-timeslot
1 of the even-number slot and sub-timeslot 0 of the odd-number
slot, the UL CIR is decreased by R_BSCIFTA.UlHrCirDiff1, and
the DL CIR is decreased by R_BSCIFTA.DlHrCirDiff1. Channels
are queued based on the increased or decreased CIR and then
allocated preferentially.
During allocation of the channels that meet the lowest CIR but fail
to meet the target CIR, for sub-timeslot 1 of the even-number slot
and sub-timeslot 0 of the odd-number slot, the UL CIR is increased
by R_BSCIFTA.UlHrCirDiff2, and the DL CIR is increased by
R_BSCIFTA.DlHrCirDiff2, aiming to allocate these channels first.

This parameter indicates the downlink noise value in IFTA channel

allocations. It is set to ensure that the downlink signal level of an
allocated IFTA channel is a certain value higher than the noise level.
This parameter indicates the CIR margin reserved for IFTA downlink
power optimization.

During an IFTA allocation procedure, the system estimates

the downlink co-channel interference and adjacent frequency
interference. The adjacent frequency interference has minor effects
therefore attenuation is used during calculation. This parameter
indicates the attenuation in calculating the downlink adjacent
frequency interference.

This parameter indicates a switch that controls whether to use

downlink initial power optimization when IFTA channels are
This parameter indicates whether to optimize the IFTA channel
downlink power based on the ordinary power optimization.
This parameter indicates the uplink interference difference between
the same TSC and different TSC when the MS does not support
SAIC during IFTA channel allocations. If the TSCs are the same,
the interference has bigger effect.

This parameter indicates the uplink interference difference between

the same TSC and different TSC when the MS supports SAIC
during IFTA channel allocations. If the TSCs are the same, the
interference has bigger effect.
This parameter specifies the time delay of GPS state change. When
the GPS clock state is changed from the synchronization to loss
state, or from the loss to synchronization state, only if the new state
keeps for a certain time longer than this parameter, the state change
is confirmed, avoiding the negative effects due to state misjudgment
and repeated handovers.

This parameter indicates the confidence probability when the

historical measurement records are updated, that is, a probability
that the actual level in the interference neighbor cell is lower than
the estimated value. If the actual level is lower than the estimated
value, the allocated channels are in good quality.

This parameter indicates the protective period for historical

measurement records, that is, the period to keep historical
interference data even if the interference cell has no measurement

This parameter indicates the historical record threshold for

interference statistics. When the number of samples in the last
period is lower than this threshold, the historical interference record
is not updated.

This parameter indicates the update factor of historical measurement

records, that is, the proportion of new estimated value in calculating
the historical interference.

This parameter indicates the period for updating the historical

measurement records. When the period expires, the level in the
interference cell is re-estimated. The new estimated level value is
used in subsequent measurement in case that no interference cell
is detected.

This parameter indicates whether to initiate a check procedure

to another RRM module (CMP or BSC) after an IFTA channel is
This parameter indicates the threshold for ignoring interference
when IFTA channels are allocated.
When the IFTA function is enabled, the measurement report for
interference data must be regularly updated. The update period
is an integral multiple of the measurement report period. This
parameter indicates the period for updating the interference data.

After attempting to allocate an IFTA channel, the RRM module may

receive a failure response after sending a check request to another
RRM module (CMP or BSC), which means that the IFTA allocation
fails. This parameter specifies the number of times that the BSC
attempts to reallocate IFTA channels.

When the IFTA function is enabled, the measurement report must

be sent to other RRM modules including the CMP inside the BSC
and other BSCs. The sending period is an integral multiple of the
measurement report period. This parameter indicates the period for
sending the measurement report to other RRM modules.
This parameter is a BSC-level switch that controls whether IFTA
is supported. Intelligent Frequency Timeslot Allocation (IFTA) is a
C/I-based dynamic channel allocation technology.

When the IFTA function is enabled, the BSC needs to receive

a measurement report with neighbor cell measurement data to
estimate interferences before allocating TCH channels. However in
some cases, if the BSC does not receive the measurement report
with neighbor cell measurement data after receiving an assignment
command from the MSC, it needs to wait for a certain time to
receive the measurement report. The BSC can be set to wait for
several times. This parameter specifies number of times that the
BSC waits for.

This parameter indicates the permitted downlink CIR reduction of

other subscribers during IFTA channel allocations. This parameter
works when OtherUserCtrl is set to Method 2.
This parameter indicates the permitted uplink CIR reduction of other
subscribers during IFTA channel allocations. This parameter works
when OtherUserCtrl is set to Method 2.

This parameter indicates two methods for handling other subscribers

during IFTA channel allocations. Method 1: all the subscribers' CIR
must be higher than the CIR threshold, but it may easily lead to an
allocation failure. Method 2: some subscriber CIRs are allowed to
be lower than the CIR threshold, to make the allocations easier to
be successful.

If this parameter is set to 1 (Yes), it means the IFTA channel

information is tracked and output through the Abis signaling.
If this parameter is set to 1 (Yes), it means the IFTA channel
information is tracked and output through the IMSI signaling.
This parameter indicates a downlink threshold for sending
interference data. If the downlink CIR variation exceeds the value
of this parameter, the RRM module sends the interference data to
other RRM modules immediately.

This parameter indicates an uplink threshold for sending interference

data. If the uplink CIR variation exceeds the value of this parameter,
the RRM module sends the interference data to other RRM modules

This parameter specifies the duration for the RRM module to wait
for an IFTA check response sent from other RRM modules after
allocating an IFTA channel and initiating a check.
When the IFTA function is enabled, the BSC needs to receive
a measurement report with neighbor cell measurement data to
estimate interference before allocating TCH channels. However, in
some cases, if the BSC does not receive a measurement report
with neighbor cell measurement data after receiving an assignment
command from the MSC, it needs to wait for a certain time to
receive the measurement report. The BSC can be set to wait for
several times. This parameter specifies how long the BSC waits in
each time.

This parameter indicates the uplink CIR difference of a Half Rate

(HR) channel. When the HR channels are allocated, sub-timeslot 1
of the even-number slot and sub-timeslot 0 of the odd-number slot
are allocated first.
Channels that meet the lowest CIR are selected through calculation
and then allocated. There are two rules for allocating the channels
that meet the target CIR. Rule 1: the channel with the highest CIR
is allocated first. For sub-timeslot 1 of the even-number slot and
sub-timeslot 0 of the odd-number slot, the UL CIR is increased
by R_BSCIFTA.UlHrCirDiff1, and the DL CIR is increased by
R_BSCIFTA.DlHrCirDiff1. Channels are queued based on the
increased or decreased CIR and then allocated preferentially. Rule
2: The channel with the lowest CIR is allocated first. For sub-timeslot
1 of the even-number slot and sub-timeslot 0 of the odd-number
slot, the UL CIR is decreased by R_BSCIFTA.UlHrCirDiff1, and
the DL CIR is decreased by R_BSCIFTA.DlHrCirDiff1. Channels
are queued based on the increased or decreased CIR and then
allocated preferentially.
During allocation of the channels that meet the lowest CIR but fail
to meet the target CIR, for sub-timeslot 1 of the even-number slot
and sub-timeslot 0 of the odd-number slot, the UL CIR is increased
by R_BSCIFTA.UlHrCirDiff2, and the DL CIR is increased by
R_BSCIFTA.DlHrCirDiff2, aiming to allocate these channels first.
This parameter indicates the uplink CIR difference of a Half Rate
(HR) channel. When the HR channels are allocated, sub-timeslot 1
of the even-number slot and sub-timeslot 0 of the odd-number slot
are allocated first.
Channels that meet the lowest CIR are selected through calculation
and then allocated. There are two rules for allocating the channels
that meet the target CIR. Rule 1: the channel with the highest CIR
is allocated first. For sub-timeslot 1 of the even-number slot and
sub-timeslot 0 of the odd-number slot, the UL CIR is increased
by R_BSCIFTA.UlHrCirDiff1, and the DL CIR is increased by
R_BSCIFTA.DlHrCirDiff1. Channels are queued based on the
increased or decreased CIR and then allocated preferentially. Rule
2: The channel with the lowest CIR is allocated first. For sub-timeslot
1 of the even-number slot and sub-timeslot 0 of the odd-number
slot, the UL CIR is decreased by R_BSCIFTA.UlHrCirDiff1, and
the DL CIR is decreased by R_BSCIFTA.DlHrCirDiff1. Channels
are queued based on the increased or decreased CIR and then
allocated preferentially.
During allocation of the channels that meet the lowest CIR but fail
to meet the target CIR, for sub-timeslot 1 of the even-number slot
and sub-timeslot 0 of the odd-number slot, the UL CIR is increased
by R_BSCIFTA.UlHrCirDiff2, and the DL CIR is increased by
R_BSCIFTA.DlHrCirDiff2, aiming to allocate these channels first.

This parameter indicates the uplink noise value in IFTA channel

allocations. It is set to ensure that the uplink signal level of an
allocated IFTA channel is a certain value higher than the noise level.
This parameter indicates the CIR margin reserved for IFTA uplink
power optimization.
This parameter specifies the attenuation used for calculating the
uplink adjacent-channel interference before dynamic frequency
allocation is started.
This parameter indicates a switch that controls whether to use uplink
initial power optimization when IFTA channels are allocated.
This parameter indicates whether to optimize the uplink IFTA
channel power based on ordinary power optimization.
This parameter indicates the uplink interference difference between
the same TSC and different TSC during IFTA channel allocations. If
the TSCs are the same, the interference has bigger effect.
This parameter indicates a switch that controls whether to use
the last measurement values if the measurement values of the
interference neighbor cells are not reported.

This parameter indicates the low level in a neighbor cell for

calculating historical interference. If a neighbor cell does not report
the measurement value, this parameter controls whether to fill in a
relatively low level for historical interference evaluation.
This parameter determines whether the exact paging of CS service covers the cells out of the paging range
of core network. The paging of CS service is usually applied for location cells. However, some VPCs and HPCs
may not in these location cells.

This parameter determines the maximum retry times of CS service paging (exact paging excluded).

When the first paging is not responded, the system can initiate multiple paging operations according to the
value of this parameter.

When the first paging is not responded for the CS service, the core network may initiate paging for another
time. This parameter determines whether the exact paging policy is applied for subsequent paging
operations of the CS service in the core network.
BSC Precise Paging Configuration ID

This parameter determines the switch of BSC exact paging. This function indicates that the system performs
paging in the cells for exact paging. If the system does not reach any subscriber, it performs paging within
the range required by the core network. The exact paging cells include the Visit Paging Cell (VPC) and Home
Paging Cell (HPC). The VPC indicates a cell around the cell where the last service exists. It can be a handover
or reselection adjacent cell, or can be configured additionally. The HPC indicates a group of cells calculated
based on the cells where latest services are triggered.

If this parameter is set to "No", only the VPC is used for exact paging. If this parameter is set to "Yes", both
the VPC and HPC are used for exact paging.
This parameter determines whether the exact paging of PS service covers the cells out of the paging range
of core network. The paging of PS service is usually applied for routing cells. However, some VPCs and HPCs
may not in these routing cells.

This parameter determines the maximum retry times of PS service paging (exact paging excluded).

When the first paging is not responded, the system can initiate multiple paging operations according to the
value of this parameter.

When the first paging is not responded for the PS service, the core network may initiate paging for another
time. This parameter determines whether the exact paging policy is applied for subsequent paging
operations of the PS service in the core network.
This parameter is used at the MS side. It belongs to GPRS Cell Options
IE and is broadcast to the MS in the SI13 message on BCCH and
in the PSI13 message on PSI13, indicating whether to use the 8-bit or
11-bit access burst in PRACH, PTCCH/U, and the PACKET CONTROL

TLV is the transmission format at Abis interface. T, L, and V respectively represent attribute, length, and
This parameter sets the duration that the super site triggers the handover towards satellite link after the
terrestrial link is broken. This parameter is supported from version 6.20.61.
Site Equipment Object ID
Site Equipment Object ID
This parameter sets the site ID.

It is consistent with the ID of SDR NE.

This parameter sets the site's IP-over-E1 access type at Abis interface.
This parameter indicates whether the site uses the satellite mode or satellite backup mode at Abis
Power off switch

This parameter sets the duration that the super site triggers the handover towards terrestrial link after the
terrestrial link becomes normal. It is valid in the automatic handover mode.

This parameter is supported from version 6.20.61.

Site local switch support

The super site supports two switchover modes from the satellite link to the terrestrial link: Automatic
switchover and manual switchover.

This parameter is supported from version 6.20.61.

This parameter sets the site type.
This parameter sets the connection mode between the super site and BSC. This parameter is supported
from version 6.20.61.
This parameter sets the clock synchronization mode.
This parameter sets the site connection mode.
Site Lapd Object ID
Site Lapd Object ID
Site Lapd Object ID
This parameter describes the resource pooldirection in the ring network.
This parameter determines the period of reporting based on event E when the event reporting conditions
are met.
Common Measure and Information Exchange ID
This parameter determines the information reporting mode. 1: reported immediately; 3: reported after
being modified

This parameter is a functional switch that determines whether the BSC can obtain the information of Iur-g
capacity and load from the RNC. The original Iur-g functional switch still takes effect. It controls whether the
RNC obtains the capacity and load information from the BSC.

The value 0 indicates that the BSC does not obtain data from the RNC.

The value 1 indicates that the BSC obtains data from the RNC.

This parameter determines the delay time of reporting based on event E. The system reports or stops
reporting measurement reports after this delay time when the corresponding conditions are met.
This parameter specifies the threshold 1 for reporting Load with the Event E method. The load is reported
when the Load value exceeds this threshold.
This parameter specifies the threshold 2 for reporting Load with the Event E method. The load is reported
when the Load value drops below this threshold.
This parameter specifies the threshold 1 for reporting NRT Load with the Event E method. The load is
reported when the NRT Load value exceeds this threshold.
This parameter specifies the threshold 2 for reporting NRT Load with the Event E method. The load is
reported when the NRT Load value drops below this threshold.
This parameter specifies the threshold 1 for reporting RT Load with the Event E method. The load is
reported when the RT Load value exceeds this threshold.
This parameter specifies the threshold 2 for reporting RT Load with the Event E method. The load is
reported when the RT Load value drops below this threshold

This parameter indicates the common measurement type.

2: Load

6: RT Load

7: NRT Load

This parameter indicates the upper overload threshold of non-real-time services. When the load of non-
real-time services is equal to or higher than the threshold but lower than NRTThs_0, it is regarded that the
cell is overloaded with non-real-time services. Non-real-time services refer to PS services.

The load is calculated by dividing the number of occupied PDCHs (including dynamic PDCHs and static
PDCHs) by the number of available PDCHs.
This parameter indicates the lower overload threshold of non-real-time services. When the load of non-real-
time services is equal to or higher than the threshold but lower than NRTThs_1, it is regarded that the cell is
moderately loaded with non-real-time services. Otherwise, the load of non-real-time services is regarded
low. Non-real-time services refer to PS services.

The load is calculated by dividing the number of occupied PDCHs (including dynamic PDCHs and static
PDCHs) by the number of available PDCHs

This parameter indicates the overload threshold of non-real-time services. When the load of non-real-time
services is equal to or higher than the threshold, it is considered that the cell is overloaded with non-real-
time services. Non-real-time services refer to PS services. The load is calculated by dividing the number of
occupied PDCHs (including dynamic PDCHs and static PDCHs) by the number of available PDCHs.

This parameter indicates the report method of measurement reports, including:

1 On Demand

2 Periodic

7 Event E

This parameter indicates the unit of load report period when common measurement is periodical.

1: 10 ms

2: 1 Min

This parameter indicates the load report period when common measurement is periodical.

If RepPeriodUnit is 1, the step is 10ms, the value range is 1-6000.

If RepPeriodUnit is 2, the step is 1Min, the value range is 1-60.

DPI Application Service Type Object ID
DPI Function Object ID
DPI Function Object ID
DPI Application Service Type Object ID
DPI Application Service Priority Object ID
DPI Function Object ID
DPI Application Service Priority Object ID
DPI Application Service Scene Profile Object ID
This parameter indicates the report data ratio threshold. During an inspection period, if the ratio of the data
volume of an inspected application service type to the total data volume exceeds this threshold, the
application service type ID will be set to the ID of the inspected service type. If the ratio does not exceed
this threshold, the application service type ID will be set to 0.
Application Service Type Configuration No
Application Service Type Configuration No
This parameter indicates the maximum number of forced handover attempts when there are no available
channels in the cell during an assignment. After a forced handover is initiated, if one of the following three
events happens and the maximum number is not reached, more forced handovers can be attempted:

(1) The subscriber whose services are forcibly handed over fails to request for channels in its adjacent cells.

(2) The forced handover fails.

(3) The subscriber whose services are forcibly handed over fails to release the channel in the time specified
by the parameter ForceHoWait.

This parameter indicates the maximum number of attempted forced releases when there are no available
channels in the cell during an assignment. After a forced release is started, if the user fails to release the
channel in ForceRelWait and the maximum number is not reached, more forced releases can be attempted.

This parameter decides the waiting time before the next target search if the forced handover target cannot
be found and there are no available channels in the cell during an assignment.

Start: No target is found after a forced handover is initiated during the assignment.

Stop: Forced releases are attempted after the timer expires.

At expiry: Another search for the forced handover target will be done.

This parameter decides the waiting time before the next target search if the forced release target cannot be
found and there are no available channels in the cell during an assignment.

Start: No target is found after a forced release is initiated during the assignment.

Stop: The timer for preemption expires.

At expiry: Another search for the forced release target will be done.

If there are no available channels in the cell during an assignment and both forced handover and forced
release are allowed, forced handovers will be attempted first. If no channel is accessed, no more forced
handovers will be done after the timer expires. Instead, forced releases will be attempted. This parameter
decides when to attempt such forced releases.

Start: A forced handover is initiated during the assignment.

Stop: A channel is accessed.

At expiry: Forced releases will be attempted.

This parameter decides the time period in which preemptions (forced handovers or releases) can be
initiated when there are no available channels in the cell during an assignment. If the duration expires,
services must queue (The queuing period includes the preemption time) and no more forced handovers or
releases will be initiated.

Start: The assignment triggers a preemption, that is, attempted forced handovers or releases begin.

Stop: A channel is accessed.

At expiry: Forced handovers or releases will not be attempted any more.

This parameter specifies the preemption strategy in the assignment process when there are no available

Its value corresponds to 15 levels of priority (1 to 15) which are defined by the parameter "Priority" in the
Assignment Command message or Handover Request message from the CN.
eMLPP User Priority Configuration ID

This parameter indicates the maximum number of attempted forced releases when there are no available
channels in the cell during a handover. After a forced handover is started, if one of the following three
events happens and the maximum number is not reached, more forced handovers can be attempted:

(1) The user whose services are handed over forcedly fails to request for channels in its adjacent cells.

(2) The forced handover fails.

(3) The user whose services are handed over forcedly fails to release the channel in ForceHoWait.

This parameter indicates the maximum number of attempted forced releases when there are no available
channels in the cell during a handover. After a forced release is started, if the user fails to release the
channel in ForceRelWait and the maximum number is not reached, more forced releases can be attempted.

This parameter decides the waiting time before the next target search if the forced handover target cannot
be found and there are no available channels in the cell during a handover.

Start: No target is found after a forced handover is initiated.

Stop: Forced releases are attempted after the timer expires.

At expiry: Another search for the forced handover target will be done.
This parameter decides the waiting time before the next target search if the forced release target cannot be
found and there are no available channels in the cell during a handover.

Start: No target is found after a forced release is initiated during the handover.

Stop: The timer for preemption expires.

At expiry: Another search for the forced release target will be done.

If there are no available channels in the cell during a handover and both forced handover and forced release
are allowed, forced handovers will be attempted first. If no channel is accessed, no more forced handovers
will be done after the timer expires. Instead, forced releases will be attempted. This parameter decides
when to attempt such forced releases.

Start: A forced handover is initiated.

Stop: A channel is accessed.

At expiry: Forced releases will be attempted.

This parameter decides the time period in which preemptions (forced handovers or releases) can be
initiated when there are no available channels in the cell during a handover. If the duration expires, services
must queue (The queuing period includes the preemption time) and no more forced handovers or releases
will be initiated.

Start: The handover triggers a preemption, that is, attempted forced handovers or releases begin.

Stop: A channel is accessed.

At expiry: Forced handovers or releases will not be attempted any more.

This parameter specifies the preemption strategy in handovers when there are no available channels.

Its value corresponds to 15 levels of priority (1 to 15) which are defined by the parameter "Priority" in the
Assignment Command message or Handover Request message from the CN.

This parameter decides the maximum time to wait in queue for resources when there are no available
channels in the cell during an assignment. If no resource is obtained during the time period, the assignment

Start: No channel is available for the assignment and the assignment queues.

Stop: A channel is accessed.

At expiry: The channel allocation will fail and an assignment failure message will be sent to the MSC.
This parameter decides the maximum time to wait in queue for resources when there are no available
channels in the cell during a handover. If no resource is obtained during the time period, the handover fails.

Start: No channel is available for the handover and the handover queues.

Stop: A channel is accessed.

At expiry: The channel allocation and handover attempt will fail.

eMLPP User Priority Configuration ID

This parameter determines the frequency of an adjacent LTE cell.
This parameter specifies the minimum bandwidth of an LTE neighbor channel. It indicates the number of
resource blocks thatcan be measured by the MS
This parameter determines the physical ID of an LTE cell.
This parameter determines the ID of a trace cell.
SGSN load sharing proportion. When users configure each SGSN neighbor office, they should also configure
the SGSN load sharing proportion. BSC uses this parameter for selecting SGSN for unknown NRI and NULL-
SGSN Office Object ID
SGSN Office Object ID
Priority Adjust Coefficient
Net Element Reserved Parameter 1
Net Element Reserved Parameter 10
Net Element Reserved Parameter11
Net Element Reserved Parameter12
Net Element Reserved Parameter13
Net Element Reserved Parameter14
Net Element Reserved Parameter15
Net Element Reserved Parameter16
Net Element Reserved Parameter17
Net Element Reserved Parameter18
Net Element Reserved Parameter19
Net Element Reserved Parameter 2
Net Element Reserved Parameter20
Net Element Reserved Parameter 36
Net Element Reserved Parameter 37
Net Element Reserved Parameter 38
Net Element Reserved Parameter 3
Net Element Reserved Parameter 39
Net Element Reserved Parameter 4
Net Element Reserved Parameter 5
Net Element Reserved Parameter 6
Net Element Reserved Parameter 7
Net Element Reserved Parameter 8
Net Element Reserved Parameter 4
Net Element Reserved Parameter 9
Net Element Reserved Parameter 5
Net Element Reserved Parameter 6
Net Element Reserved Parameter 7
Net Element Reserved Parameter 8
Net Element Reserved Parameter 9

Network Resource Identifier (NRI). Each iBSC can be configured with at most 16 SGSN neighbor offices, and
each SGSN neighboroffice has an NRI. This parameter is consistent with that at the CN side.

To support the transmission bandwidth adjustment function based on the SLA for IP transmission paths, this
parameter sets the percentage of reducing bandwidth when the actual packet loss ratio is higher than the
reference value of the packet loss ratio.
To support the transmission bandwidth adjustment function based on the SLA for IP transmission paths, this
parameter sets the percentage of increasing bandwidth when the actual packet loss ratio is lower than the
reference value of the packet loss ratio.

To support the transmission bandwidth adjustment function based on the SLA for IP transmission paths, this
parameter sets the accelerating factor in the slow start algorithm. The accelerating factor affects
BandIncPer by improving the bandwidth increase rate according to the decrease rate of the packet loss
ratio. In this way, the problem that the bandwidth increase rate is low and the adjustment effect is too small
is solved.
IP SLA Bandwidth Manager Object ID

To support the transmission bandwidth adjustment function based on the SLA for IP transmission paths, a
bandwidth adjustment switch is configured for the IP transmission path of each adjacent interface. When
the switch is turned on and if the packet loss ratio is higher than the reference value of the packet loss ratio,
the RNC dynamically reduces the effective bandwidth of the transmission path to limit the number of
subsequent new services and to limit the traffic of non–real-time services so that the quality of existing
services is ensured. If the packet loss ratio is lower than the reference value of the packet loss ratio, the RNC
dynamically increases the effective bandwidth of the transmission path for more new services and to
properly increase the traffic of non–real-time services so that the bandwidth waste can be avoided.

This parameter indicates the reference value of the packet loss ratio. When the actual packet loss ratio is
higher than the reference value, the effective bandwidth should be reduced.

To support the transmission bandwidth adjustment function based on the SLA for IP transmission paths, this
parameter sets a transmission path’s minimum effective receiving bandwidth.

minimum bandwidth of path for TX

This parameter sets the data weight. Data weight determines the frequency of the local endpoint being
selected during data transmission. For detailed information, refer to the signaling weight description.

It is consistent with that at the CN side.

Local End Point Object ID
Local End Point Object ID
Local End Point Object ID
IP Nse Object ID

This parameter sets the signaling weight. Signaling weight determines the frequency of the local endpoint
being selected during signaling transmission.

For the local endpoint, this parameter determines the frequency of the local endpoint being selected as the
source endpoint during the process of sending signaling from the local endpoint to the opposite end. In
dynamic configuration, the weight is sent to the opposite end (SGSN), and SGSN uses the weight to
determine the frequency of the opposite endpoint being selected as the destination endpoint.

During the process of sending signaling from the local end to the opposite end, the following two factors are
considered in determining the frequency of the opposite endpoint being selected as the destination
endpoint: the opposite endpoint weight configured in static configuration, the opposite endpoint weight
acquired in dynamic configuration.

It is consistent with that at the CN side.

This parameter sets the UDP port.

It is consistent with that at the CN side.

Frame relay Nse Object ID
IP Nse Object ID
IP Nse Object ID
Nse ID
SGSN IP Address
SGSN Ip Address length
Subnet Configuration Type
This parameter sets the data weight. Data weight determines the frequency of the local endpoint being
selected during data transmission. For detailed information, refer to the signaling weight description.

It is consistent with that at the CN side.

Remote End Point Object ID
Remote End Point Object ID
Remote End Point Object ID
Remote End Point Object ID
Remote Ip Address
Remote Ip Address Length
This parameter sets the signaling weight. Signaling weight determines the frequency of the local endpoint
being selected during signaling transmission.

For the local endpoint, this parameter determines the frequency of the local endpoint being selected as the
source endpoint during the process of sending signaling from the local endpoint to the opposite end. In
dynamic configuration, the weight is sent to the opposite end (SGSN), and SGSN uses the weight to
determine the frequency of the opposite endpoint being selected as the destination endpoint.

During the process of sending signaling from the local end to the opposite end, the following two factors are
considered in determining the frequency of the opposite endpoint being selected as the destination
endpoint: the opposite endpoint weight configured in static configuration, the opposite endpoint weight
acquired in dynamic configuration.

It is consistent with that at the CN side.

This parameter sets the UDP port.

It is consistent with that at the CN side.

This parameter indicates the time period that an invalid IP channel detection task is cleared. If no service
packet is transported on an IP connection during the period, the IP connection is considered invalid and the
IP channel detection task of this IP connection is deleted.
This parameter indicates the peer-end IP address of the IP connection.
This parameter indicates the IP version of the IP connection, IPv4 or IPv6.
This parameter indicates the bearing protocol port number of the peer end that is used by the IP channel
detection task to send detecting packets, for example, a UDP port number or ICMP port number.
IP Channel Detection Task Object ID
Period of sending packet
This parameter indicates the IP DSCP value in the detecting packet sent by the IP channel detection task.
This parameter is a switch that determines whether to create an IP channel Service Level Agreement (SLA)
detection task for the IP connection.
This parameter indicates whether the IP channel detection task detects the middle node or non-middle
node. The middle node detection means the detection of a segment on the IP connection. The non-middle
node detection means an end-to-end detection of the IP connection.
This parameter indicates the bearing protocol used by the IP channel detection task to send detecting
packets, for example, UDP or ICMP.

This parameter indicates the timeout type of a port. It decides the speed to determine the timeout of a
member link. For more information, refer to IEEE 802.3ad. Options include:

0-Long timeout

1-Short timeout

Location Area ID
This parameter indicates whether the IMSI (IMSI Attach/Detach Allowed,
ATT) attach/detach. IMSI detach occur when MS reports switch-off or
when the SIM card is taken out from the MS.
The network (normally VLR) marks "Detach" flag in subscriber
information table. Such procedure assists the network to prevent
unnecessary paging broadcast message to MS. Accordingly, the IMSI
Attach process means that the MS reports entering the working status
to the network or the MS checks after the SIM card is re-inserted into
the MS whether the LAI where the MS is located is consistent with
the original one saved. If yes, the IMSI Attach process will be started;
otherwise, the location updating process will be started instead.
The network (normally VLR) marks "Attach" flag in subscriber information
table after the notification about IMSI attach or location area update
has been received.
This parameter is included in "Control channel information" and is used

Each GSM PLMN is divided into many location areas (LAs) in order to determine the MS location, the
location area code identifiesthe different location areas. LAC comes under LAI (LAI = MCC + MNC + LAC).
One location area contains multiple cells.

The value is consistent with the data at CN side.

Location update results from two major causes in GSM system. One is when MS changes from old LAC to
new LAC and the second is when the network notifies MS for periodic location update.

Network controls the location time interval and depends upon T3212 timer. Network broadcasts to all MSs
in the cell by RIL3_RR SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE3 message. T3212 timer is one of the system control

The setting of this parameter will affect the overall service performance and utilization rate of radio
resources of the network. For the area with higher traffic, the period could be bigger (for example 16 or 20
hours, even 25 hours); for the area with ordinary traffic, the value of T3212 could be smaller (for example 3
or 6 hours); for the area with extreme overload traffic, it is recommended to set T3212 as 0.

Logical Abis Link Object ID

Logical Abis Link Object ID
Logical Abis Link Object ID
Logical A Link Object ID
Logical A Link Object ID
Logical A Link Object ID
Logical Gb Link Object ID
Logical Gb Link Object ID
Logical Gb Link Object ID
This parameter indicates the service distribution ratio of shared
operators. It should be configured based on the distribution ratio of
actual services. The default value is rarely used.
This parameter indicates a referred GPLMN DN, that is, the PLMN
in the internal shared area.
This parameter indicates a referred PlmnGroup DN, that is, the
PLMN in the shared area.
This parameter indicates a sharing area ID.
This parameter indicates the attribute of an MOCN shared area. It
indicates whether the MOCN shared area is in this BSC or other
MSC version ID. This parameter is consistent with that at the CN side.
Multi Plmn Object ID
PLMN sequence
NRI length. It indicates how many bits compose the NRI parameter in TMSI or PTMSI. If an iBSC belongs to
multiple MSC POOLs,the MSC POOLs with overlapping area must have the same NRI range and length. This
parameter is consistent with that at theCN side.
If MSC is overloaded, this parameter indicates MS that iBSC will select another MSC for it to access the next
time. This parameteris consistent with that at the CN side.
MSC version ID. This parameter is consistent with that at the CN side.
NRI length of SGSN. If the FLEX GB function is disabled, this parameter is set to 0xFF. This parameter is
consistent withthat at the CN side.
If SGSN is overloaded, this parameter indicates MS that iBSC will select another SGSN for it to access the
next time. Thisparameter is consistent with that at the CN side.
SGSN version ID. This parameter is consistent with that at the CN side.

MSC load sharing proportion. When users configure each MSC neighbor office, they should also configure
the MSC load sharingproportion. BSC uses this parameter for selecting MSC for unknown NRI and NULL-NRI.

This parameter is consistent with that at the CN side.

Whether A-interface user-plane speech and data packets support all-IP transmission.
Network Resource Identifier (NRI). Each iBSC can be configured with at most 16 MSC neighbor offices, and
each MSC neighboroffice has an NRI. This parameter is consistent with that at the CN side.
MSC Office Object ID
MSC ID, only effective at iBSC side. FlexA allows iBSC to connect 16 MSCs.
Network Resource Identifier (NRI). Each iBSC can be configured with at most 16 MSC neighbor offices, and
each MSC neighboroffice has an NRI. This parameter is consistent with that at the CN side.
Whether A-interface user-plane speech and data packets support PCM over IP transmission.
Whether A-interface user-plane speech and data packets support PCM over TDM transmission.
Number of signaling point office pollings. It is used for message load sharing between different signaling
point offices underthe same MSC.
Nri Configuration Object ID
Nri Configuration Object ID
Pcu process Sub Unit Object ID
Pcu process Sub Unit Object ID
Routing Area ID
Routing Area ID
RAC is a composition part of Routing Area Identity (RAI). RAI defines the GPRS serving cell identification.
GPRS system dividesthe location area (LAs) to several routing areas (RAs) using RAI (MCC+MNC+LAC+RAC).
Routing Area (RA) distribution, similarto GSM system, uses the location area to manage a group of cells. MS
initiates ‘Routing area update’ procedure in cell reselectionmode if new RAI differs from old RAI during cell

SGSN knows the routing area information of the MS in the standby status. Then, when the network has
packet data or circuitdata to transmit, it will page the MS in that routing area. RAI cannot span more than
one SGSN.

This parameter is consistent with the data at CN side.

Baseband resource share support

This parameter specifies a channel busy threshold for urgent release of baseband resources. When a cell
fails to request baseband resources, the BSC searches for cells whose radio channel busy ratios are less than
this threshold, and then selects a TRX to release some baseband resources after locating such cells.
This parameter specifies a channel busy threshold for urgent allocation of baseband resources. When the
radio channel busy ratio of a cell is greater than this threshold due to sudden traffic increase, specific TRXs
are selected to allocate more baseband resources.
This parameter specifies a traffic threshold for baseband resource release. The BSC selects specific TRXs to
release baseband resources when detecting in a measurement report that the traffic in a cell is less than this
This parameter specifies a traffic threshold for baseband resource allocation. The BSC selects specific TRXs
to allocate baseband resources when detecting in a measurement report that the traffic in a cell is greater
than this threshold.
Site ID
Site baseband share Configuration ID
This parameter represents the duration of the AB-based clock synchronous measurement statistics. The unit
is minute.
This parameter represents the start time of the AB-based clock synchronization measurement statistics. The
unit is hour.
This parameter represents the start time of the AB-based clock synchronous measurement statistics. The
unit is minute.
This parameter indicates whether to enable the AB-based synchronization measurement on Sunday.
This parameter indicates whether to enable the AB-based synchronization measurement on Monday.
This parameter indicates whether to enable the AB-based synchronization measurement on Tuesday.
This parameter indicates whether to enable the AB-based synchronization measurement on Wednesday.
This parameter indicates whether to enable the AB-based synchronization measurement on Thursday.
This parameter indicates whether to enable the AB-based synchronization measurement on Friday.
This parameter indicates whether to enable the AB-based synchronization measurement on Saturday.
This parameter represents the duration of the MTD-based clock synchronization measurement statistics.
The unit is minute.
This parameter represents the start time of the MTD-based clock synchronization measurement statistics.
The unit is hour.
This parameter represents the start time of the MTD-based clock synchronization measurement statistics.
The unit is minute.
This parameter indicates whether to enable the MTD-based synchronization measurement on Sunday.
This parameter indicates whether to enable the MTD-based synchronization measurement on Monday.
This parameter indicates whether to enable the MTD-based synchronization measurement on Tuesday.
This parameter indicates whether to enable the MTD-based synchronization measurement on Wednesday.
This parameter indicates whether to enable the MTD-based synchronization measurement on Thursday.
This parameter indicates whether to enable the MTD-based synchronization measurement on Friday.
This parameter indicates whether to enable the MTD-based synchronization measurement on Saturday.
If this parameter is enabled, when the remaining time of the current adjustment period is not enough for
lossless adjustment, the system directly performs lossy adjustment; otherwise, lossy adjustment will not be
BSC Um Soft Synchronous Configuration ID
This parameter indicates whether inter-BSC clock software synchronous measurement is supported.
Sets whether to adjust the frame number when the initial adjustment command is executed.
Enables/Disables the cycle adjustment function. After the initial adjustment on a site, the cycle adjustment
needs to be enabled because the clock deviation accumulates.
This parameter sets the receive level difference threshold between a neighbor cell and the serving cell. A
neighbor cell can be used as a reference neighbor cell if N of P differences are less than the threshold.
This parameter represents the start time of clock synchronization adjustment. The unit is hour.
This parameter represents the start time of clock synchronization adjustment. The unit is minute.
This parameter represents the clock synchronization adjustment duration. The unit is minute.
This parameter indicates whether to enable clock synchronization adjustment on Sunday.
This parameter indicates whether to enable clock synchronization adjustment on Monday.
This parameter indicates whether to enable clock synchronization adjustment on Tuesday.
This parameter indicates whether to enable clock synchronization adjustment on Wednesday.
This parameter indicates whether to enable clock synchronization adjustment on Thursday.
This parameter indicates whether to enable clock synchronization adjustment on Friday.
This parameter indicates whether to enable clock synchronization adjustment on Saturday.
This parameter determines whether to use the AB-based clock offset information collection strategy for the
Um software synchronization function.
This parameter determines whether to use the MTB-based clock offset information collection strategy for
the Um software synchronization function.
The software synchronous measurement decision is started only when the serving cell level reaches the
synchronous measurement switchover threshold.
This parameter sets the maximum number of measured carriers allowed for each base station.
Enables/Disables the Um soft synchronous function.
Impact on Network
Service interrupt
Yes/Service interrupt
Yes/Service interrupt
Service interrupt
Service interrupt








The hysteresis for changing

AMROWFS mode includes
two factors, which are
represented by two
amrOwfsHysteresis1 and

The two parameter values

must meet the following

The hysteresis for changing
AMROWFS mode includes
two factors, which are
represented by two
amrOwfsHysteresis1 and

The two parameter values

must meet the following




There are two thresholds for

changing AMROWFS mode,
which are represented by
two parameters:
amrOwfsThresholds1 and

The two parameter values

must meet the following two


(2) amrOwfsThresholds1+
There are two thresholds for
changing AMROWFS mode,
which are represented by
two parameters:
amrOwfsThresholds1 and

The two parameter values

must meet the following two


(2) amrOwfsThresholds1+



The hysteresis for changing

AMROWHS mode includes
two factors, which are
represented by two
amrOwhsHysteresis1 and

The two parameter values

must meet the following

The hysteresis for changing
AMROWHS mode includes
two factors, which are
represented by two
amrOwhsHysteresis1 and

The two parameter values

must meet the following


There are two thresholds for

changing AMROWHS mode,
which are represented by
two parameters:
amrOwhsThresholds1 and

The two parameter values

must meet the following two


(2) amrOwhsThresholds1+
There are two thresholds for
changing AMROWHS mode,
which are represented by
two parameters:
amrOwhsThresholds1 and

The two parameter values

must meet the following two


(2) amrOwhsThresholds1+

The hysteresis for changing

AMRWFS mode includes
four factors, which are
represented by four
amrWfsHysteresis3, and

The four parameter values

must meet the following

The hysteresis for changing
AMRWFS mode includes
four factors, which are
represented by four
amrWfsHysteresis3, and

The four parameter values

must meet the following

There are four thresholds for
changing AMRWFS mode,
which are represented by
four parameters:
amrWfsThresholds3, and

The four parameter values

must meet the following two


(2) amrWfsThresholds1+
There are four thresholds for
changing AMRWFS mode,
which are represented by
four parameters:
amrWfsThresholds3, and

The four parameter values

must meet the following two


(2) amrWfsThresholds1+















































When the user access

control is enabled manually,
the automatic flow
control will be stopped.
When the settings of BSC-
level manual access control
switch parameter
is different, the system will
use the settings of this






This switch is a BSC-level

and site-level switch




The dynamic BCCH shift

function only takes effect
when the functional
switch of the BSC and that of
the cell are both enabled.

The dynamic SDCCH/TCH

conversion function only
takes effect when
the functional switch of the
BSC and that of the cell are
both enabled.










Full-rate channels can be
converted to half-rate
channels only when the
BSC-level and cell-level
DynaHREnable is enabled.














































































This parameter is valid when
the Support Enhanced DTM
parameter of BSC-level is


































































































































The internal redirection

function is enabled only
when the BSC-level and cell-
level switches are set to Yes.















The outer redirection

function is enabled only
when the BSC-level and cell-
level switches are set to Yes.


A cell can support SDCCH

handover only when

both the BSC-level switch

and the cell-level switch are










































The precise paging

(foreground) is used only
when the BSC-level and cell-
level switches are enabled.
















































If this parameter's value is

inconsistent with that at CN
side, new services cannot be
established globally.






All the IP paths of one

adjacent interface should
meet the following





























This switch is a BSC-level

and site-level switch














ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 333

ZTE 2G Parameter Guideline - 2018

BSC Level Parameter

Network Development Team


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 334


Network Parameter plays an Integral Part in Network

Design and Performance.

Right Set of Parameters provides Optimum Network

Utilization while providing Best User Perception.

ZTE 2G BSC Level dump has approximalely 1061



ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 335



ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 336

MO PARAMETER ID HQ Recommended Value Category Impact on Network

GAbisLink AneId 52 Critical N/A
GAbisLink CheckSumInd 0 Prohibited No
GAbisLink DeMuxUdpSwitch 1 Prohibited No
GAbisLink GAbisLinkSeq 14 Critical Null
GAbisLink GBssFunction 1123 Critical N/A
GAbisLink InnerOmcbCliIPv4 Critical Null
GAbisLink InnerOmcbCliIPv6 Critical Null
GAbisLink InOrderInd 1 Critical No
GAbisLink Kpriadjust 100 Critical No
GAbisLink MuxUdpPktMaxLen 1000 Critical No
GAbisLink MuxUdpSwitch 0 Prohibited No
GAbisLink NodeBInIPv4 Critical Null
GAbisLink NodeBInIPv6 Critical Null
GAbisLink NResPara1 0 Prohibited No
GAbisLink NResPara10 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink NResPara11 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink NResPara12 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink NResPara13 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink NResPara14 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink NResPara15 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink NResPara16 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink NResPara17 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink NResPara18 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink NResPara19 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink NResPara2 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink NResPara20 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara1 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara10 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara11 0 Prohibited None


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 337

GALink NResPara12 0 Prohibited None

GALink NResPara13 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara14 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara15 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara16 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara17 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink NResPara3 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara18 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara19 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara2 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara20 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara21 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara22 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink NResPara4 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink NResPara5 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink NResPara6 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink NResPara7 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink NResPara8 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink NResPara9 0 Prohibited None
GAbisLink RTPMUXPLType 0 Critical No
GAbisLink SrvBrsType 1 Critical None
GAbisLink UdpMuxAMROverH 12 Critical No
GAbisLink UdpMuxCS64OverH 28 Critical No
GAbisLink UdpMuxPort 4996 Critical No
GAbisTrPath DestIpAddr Critical Service interrupt
GAbisTrPath DestIpMaskLen 32 Critical Yes/Service interrupt
GAbisTrPath DestIpVersion 4 Critical Yes/Service interrupt
GAbisTrPath GAbisTrPath 0 Critical Service interrupt
GAbisTrPath GAbisTrPathSeq 0 Critical No
GAbisTrPath IpBandAdjSwitch 0 Prohibited No
GAbisTrPath IpDomainNo 0 Critical No
GAbisTrPath NResPara 0 Prohibited No
GAbisTrPath NRtRxResRatio 0 Prohibited No


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 338

GAbisTrPath NRtTxResRatio 0 Prohibited No

GAbisTrPath RtRxResRatio 0 Prohibited No
GAbisTrPath RTSelFactor 14 Critical Null
GAbisTrPath RtTxResRatio 0 Prohibited No
GAbisTrPath RxBitRate 20000 Critical No
GAbisTrPath TxBitRate 20000 Critical No
GAbisTrPathCir GAbisTrPathCir 1 Critical N/A
GAbisTrPathCir RatioTrPathGroup 1 Critical Null
GALink AneId 2001 Critical Null
GALink CheckSumInd 0 Critical Null
GALink DeMuxUdpSwitch 0 Critical Service interrupt
GALink DynamicBwCACSwit 1 Critical None
GALink GALink 2001 Critical N/A
GALink GALinkSeq 1 Critical Null
GALink GBssFunction 1134 Critical N/A
GALink InOrderInd 1 Critical Null
GALink IPASupportType 1 Critical No
GALink Kpriadjust 100 Critical Null
GALink MuxUdpPktMaxLen 1000 Critical Null
GALink MuxUdpSwitch 0 Critical Null
GALink NResPara23 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara24 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara25 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara26 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara27 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara28 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara29 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara3 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara30 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara31 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara32 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara33 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara34 0 Prohibited None


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 339

GALink NResPara35 0 Prohibited None

GALink RtcpInterval 5 Critical No
GALink RtcpSwitch 1 Prohibited No
GALink RtpMuxAMROverH 12 Critical No
GALink RtpMuxCS64OverH 19 Critical No
GALink RTPMUXPLType 0 Critical Null
GBssAmr amrFrHysteresis1 3 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFrHysteresis2 3 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFrHysteresis3 3 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFrHysteresis4 3 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFrHysteresis5 3 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFrHysteresis6 4 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFrHysteresis7 4 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFrIcm 1 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFrNscb 0 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFrStartMode 4 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFrThresholds1 13 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFrThresholds2 14 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFrThresholds3 15 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFrThresholds4 17 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFrThresholds5 18 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFrThresholds6 20 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFrThresholds7 23 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFullAcs1 1 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFullAcs2 0 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFullAcs3 1 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFullAcs4 0 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFullAcs5 1 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFullAcs6 0 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFullAcs7 0 Critical None
GBssAmr amrFullAcs8 1 Critical None
GBssAmr amrHalfAcs1 1 Critical None
GBssAmr amrHalfAcs2 0 Critical None


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 340

GBssAmr amrHalfAcs3 1 Critical None

GBssAmr amrHalfAcs4 0 Critical None
GBssAmr amrHalfAcs5 1 Critical None
GBssAmr amrHrHysteresis1 3 Critical None
GBssAmr amrHrHysteresis2 3 Critical None
GBssAmr amrHrHysteresis3 3 Critical None
GBssAmr amrHrHysteresis4 4 Critical None
GBssAmr amrHrHysteresis5 4 Critical None
GBssAmr amrHrIcm 1 Critical None
GBssAmr amrHrNscb 0 Critical None
GBssAmr amrHrStartMode 3 Critical None
GBssAmr amrHrThresholds1 18 Critical None
GBssAmr amrHrThresholds2 20 Critical None
GBssAmr amrHrThresholds3 23 Critical None
GBssAmr amrHrThresholds4 26 Critical None
GBssAmr amrHrThresholds5 30 Critical None

The hysteresis for changing AMROWFS

mode includes two factors, which are
represented by two parameters:
amrOwfsHysteresis1 and
GBssAmr amrOwfsHysteresis1 3 Critical The two parameter values must meet
the following condition:



ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 341

The hysteresis for changing AMROWFS

mode includes two factors, which are
represented by two parameters:
amrOwfsHysteresis1 and
GBssAmr amrOwfsHysteresis2 3 Critical The two parameter values must meet
the following condition:


GBssAmr amrOwfsHysteresis3 3 Critical No

GBssAmr amrOwfsHysteresis4 3 Critical No

There are two thresholds for changing

AMROWFS mode, which are
represented by two parameters:
amrOwfsThresholds1 and

The two parameter values must meet

the following two conditions:
GBssAmr amrOwfsThresholds1 6 Critical

(2) amrOwfsThresholds1+


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 342

There are two thresholds for changing

AMROWFS mode, which are
represented by two parameters:
amrOwfsThresholds1 and

The two parameter values must meet

the following two conditions:
GBssAmr amrOwfsThresholds2 6 Critical

(2) amrOwfsThresholds1+

GBssAmr amrOwfsThresholds3 6 Critical No

GBssAmr amrOwfsThresholds4 6 Critical No

The hysteresis for changing AMROWHS

mode includes two factors, which are
represented by two parameters:
amrOwhsHysteresis1 and
GBssAmr amrOwhsHysteresis1 3 Critical The two parameter values must meet
the following condition:



ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 343

The hysteresis for changing AMROWHS

mode includes two factors, which are
represented by two parameters:
amrOwhsHysteresis1 and
GBssAmr amrOwhsHysteresis2 3 Critical The two parameter values must meet
the following condition:


There are two thresholds for changing

AMROWHS mode, which are
represented by two parameters:
amrOwhsThresholds1 and

The two parameter values must meet

the following two conditions:
GBssAmr amrOwhsThresholds1 6 Critical

(2) amrOwhsThresholds1+


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 344

There are two thresholds for changing

AMROWHS mode, which are
represented by two parameters:
amrOwhsThresholds1 and

The two parameter values must meet

the following two conditions:
GBssAmr amrOwhsThresholds2 6 Critical

(2) amrOwhsThresholds1+

The hysteresis for changing AMRWFS

mode includes four factors, which are
represented by four parameters:
amrWfsHysteresis1, amrWfsHysteresis2,
amrWfsHysteresis3, and

The four parameter values must meet

the following condition:
GBssAmr amrWfsHysteresis1 3 Critical




ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 345

The hysteresis for changing AMRWFS

mode includes four factors, which are
represented by four parameters:
amrWfsHysteresis1, amrWfsHysteresis2,
amrWfsHysteresis3, and

The four parameter values must meet

GBssAmr amrWfsHysteresis2 3 Critical the following condition:





ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 346

There are four thresholds for changing

AMRWFS mode, which are represented
by four parameters:
amrWfsThresholds3, and

The four parameter values must meet

the following two conditions:

GBssAmr amrWfsThresholds1 6 Critical amrWfsThresholds1≤amrWfsThresholds

(2) amrWfsThresholds1+




ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 347

There are four thresholds for changing

AMRWFS mode, which are represented
by four parameters:
amrWfsThresholds3, and

The four parameter values must meet

the following two conditions:

GBssAmr amrWfsThresholds2 6 Critical amrWfsThresholds1≤amrWfsThresholds

(2) amrWfsThresholds1+



GBssAmr FRSCS1 1 Critical No

GBssAmr FRSCS2 1 Critical No
GBssAmr FRSCS3 1 Critical No
GBssAmr FRSCS4 1 Critical No
GBssAmr FRSCS5 1 Critical No
GBssAmr FRSCS6 1 Critical No
GBssAmr FRSCS7 1 Critical No
GBssAmr FRSCS8 1 Critical No
GBssAmr HRSCS1 1 Critical No
GBssAmr HRSCS2 1 Critical No
GBssAmr HRSCS3 1 Critical No


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 348

GBssAmr HRSCS4 1 Critical No

GBssAmr HRSCS5 1 Critical No
GBssAmr HRSCS6 1 Critical No
GBssAmr MACS 0 Critical No
GBssAmr MismatchResolved 0 Critical No
GBssDynFreq AllowNeighbourfreq 1 Critical No
GBssDynFreq DlQualityThres 50 Critical Yes
GBssDynFreq DownNFreqReduce 18 Critical Yes
GBssDynFreq ForbidTrxDueQuality 0 Critical No
GBssDynFreq InterfThres 40 Critical Yes
GBssDynFreq MinQualitySample 5000 Critical No
GBssDynFreq ObserveDownInterf 1 Critical No
GBssDynFreq ObserveNeighbourFreq 1 Critical No
GBssDynFreq ObserveOtherTrx 1 Critical Yes
GBssDynFreq ObserveTraffic 1 Critical Yes
GBssDynFreq ObserveUpInterf 1 Critical Yes
GBssDynFreq PeriodofTrxTraffic 3 Critical Yes
GBssDynFreq SC2DIFF 34 Critical Yes
GBssDynFreq SupportDynamicFreq 0 Critical No
GBssDynFreq TrafficHeigth 0 Critical #N/A
GBssDynFreq UlQualityThres 50 Critical Yes
GBssDynFreq UpNFreqReduce 18 Critical No
GBssDynFreq UpNFreqReduce2 18 Critical #N/A
GBssDynFreq UseInterfThres 0 Critical Yes
GBssEmlpp DChlP2PDataHPri 4 Critical #N/A
GBssEmlpp DChlP2PDataPPri 5 Critical #N/A
GBssEmlpp DChlP2PSpeechHPri 5 Critical #N/A
GBssEmlpp DChlP2PSpeechPPri 6 Critical #N/A
GBssEmlpp DChlVBSTalkerHPri 2 Critical #N/A
GBssEmlpp DChlVBSTalkerPPri 1 Critical #N/A
GBssEmlpp DChlVGTalkerHPri 3 Critical #N/A
GBssEmlpp DChlVGTalkerPPri 3 Critical #N/A
GBssEmlpp emergServicelPrio 1 Critical No


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 349

GBssEmlpp emlppThs 0 Prohibited No

GBssEmlpp forcedHoIndAss 0 Critical No
GBssEmlpp forcedHoIndHo 0 Critical No
GBssEmlpp forceHoPenalty 60 Critical No
GBssEmlpp forceHoWait 25 Critical No
GBssEmlpp forceRelWait 25 Critical No
GBssEmlpp longCallDuration 50 Critical No
GBssEmlpp lowestPriority 14 Critical No
GBssEmlpp PbgtHoPreemptInd 0 Critical #N/A
GBssEmlpp preemptionIndAss 0 Critical No
GBssEmlpp preemptionIndHo 0 Critical No
GBssEmlpp priThreshold 2 Critical No
GBssEmlpp queueIndAss 2 Critical No
GBssEmlpp queueIndHo 0 Critical No
GBssEmlpp reservedByGEmlppUserPriority Critical #N/A
GBssEmlpp rsvChanFirst 1 Prohibited No
GBssEmlpp supportEmlpp 1 Critical No
GBssEmlpp VBChlNOTalkerPPri 4 Critical #N/A
GBssEmlpp VGChlNOTalkerPPri 4 Critical #N/A
GBssEmlpp VGChlVGTalkerHPri 1 Critical #N/A
GBssEmlpp VGChlVGTalkerPPri 2 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction AbisAllocByCicQty 0 Critical No
GBssFunction AbisExclusiveSupp 0 Critical No
GBssFunction ACACSwitch 0 Prohibited No

When the user access control is enabled

manually, the automatic flow
control will be stopped.
GBssFunction accconfigselect 0 Prohibited When the settings of BSC-level manual
access control switch parameter
is different, the system will use the
settings of this parameter.

GBssFunction accesscontrol 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Critical Yes

GBssFunction AdjCellLoadLife 6 Critical No


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 350

GBssFunction AECCtrl 0 Critical No

GBssFunction ALCCtrl 0 Critical No
GBssFunction AskImeiWhenCipher 0 Critical Yes
GBssFunction AssUseFreqList 0 Critical No
GBssFunction barredclasswindows 1;1;1;1 Critical Yes
GBssFunction barredtimestep 30;30;30;30 Critical Yes
This switch is a BSC-level and site-level
GBssFunction BasebandShare 0 Prohibited
GBssFunction BBSharePri 1 Critical No
GBssFunction BcchDelay 1200 Critical No
GBssFunction BHTEConfigTimer 1800 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction BHTEDelayTimer 600 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction BHTEScanTimer 3000 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction BHTESupp 0 Critical No
GBssFunction BSCLclsSupport 0 Critical No
GBssFunction BscMaxResetNum 3 Critical No
GBssFunction BVCAlarmSwitch 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunction BWLowerLimit 85 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction BWSurpassNum 5 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction BWUpperLimit 95 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction CallDelayCtrl 0 Prohibited No
The dynamic BCCH shift function only
takes effect when the functional
GBssFunction CanBcchExch 0 Prohibited
switch of the BSC and that of the cell are
both enabled.

The dynamic SDCCH/TCH conversion

GBssFunction CanSdcchDyn 1 Prohibited function only takes effect when
the functional switch of the BSC and
that of the cell are both enabled.
GBssFunction CCCHToTchPrd 20 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction CDTOn 1 Critical No
GBssFunction CdtOption0 1 Critical No
GBssFunction CdtOption1 1 Critical No


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 351

GBssFunction CdtOption10 0 Critical No

GBssFunction CdtOption11 1 Critical No
GBssFunction CdtOption12 1 Critical None
GBssFunction CdtOption2 1 Critical No
GBssFunction CdtOption3 1 Critical No
GBssFunction CdtOption4 1 Critical No
GBssFunction CdtOption7 0 Critical No
GBssFunction CdtOption8 1 Critical No
GBssFunction CdtOption9 1 Critical No
GBssFunction CellSeleBarADown 0 Critical No
GBssFunction CheckImsiWhenAccess 1 Critical No
GBssFunction ChlReqNum 200 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction ChlReqRejBmp Critical #N/A
GBssFunction CICAlarmSwitch 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunction ClsMrk3ToMscMinLen 0 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction CNIndepMocnSupp 0 Prohibited #N/A
GBssFunction CoBcchAssByOneMr 1 Critical No
GBssFunction ComMeaDmdSwitch 1 Prohibited No
GBssFunction ComMeaPrdSwitch 1 Prohibited No
GBssFunction ConfusionMsg 0 Critical No
GBssFunction CpuFucCtlCpu 80 Critical No
GBssFunction CpuFucFlc 1 Critical No
GBssFunction CpuPagingCtlCpu 80 Critical No
GBssFunction cpupagingflc 0 Critical No
GBssFunction CpuSysInfoCtlCpu 65 Critical No
GBssFunction CpuSysInfoFlc 0 Critical No
GBssFunction CSAccWeight 100 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction CSDATAHOControl 1 Critical None
GBssFunction CSTrafficWeight 2 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction DbeChannel 0 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction DelayForRLTReEstOn 0 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction dropThsLevDl 12 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction dropThsLevUl 6 Critical #N/A


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 352

GBssFunction dropThsQualDl 59 Critical #N/A

GBssFunction dropThsQualUl 59 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction dropThsTa 20 Critical #N/A
Full-rate channels can be converted to
half-rate channels only when the
GBssFunction DynaHREnable 1 Critical
BSC-level and cell-level DynaHREnable is
GBssFunction dynEmgAddLcsPrd 600 Critical No
GBssFunction DynMccchCheckDelay 30 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction DynSdCheckDelay 30 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction EgsmPriEnable 0 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction EMIReport 0 Critical No
GBssFunction EnhanAndPrepMrRpt 0 Critical No
GBssFunction ExDRSendAssFail 0 Critical No
GBssFunction firstbarredclass 0;0;0;0 Critical Yes
GBssFunction FlexASupport 1 Critical No
GBssFunction FlexGBSupport 1 Critical No
GBssFunction FOOption1 0 Critical No
GBssFunction FOOption2 0 Critical No
GBssFunction FOOption3 0 Critical No
GBssFunction ForbidAssInRel 0 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction FuncExt 0 Critical No
GBssFunction GBssFunction 1122 Critical N/A
GBssFunction GBssFunctionSeq 1122 Critical N/A
GBssFunction GetIMEISV 0 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction GetMSID 0 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction GetUtranClass 0 Critical No
GBssFunction HRDfragSupport 0 Critical No
GBssFunction ImeiFreezingNum 3 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction ImeiFreezingTime 20 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction ImmAssRep 1 Critical No
GBssFunction InfoTraDmdSwitch 1 Prohibited No
GBssFunction InfoTraModSwitch 1 Prohibited No


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 353

GBssFunction InterBscSdHoOut 0 Critical No

GBssFunction InterfChlMeasThs 3 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction InterRATActInd 0 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction InterRATEgSavingTime 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Critical #N/A
GBssFunction InterRATEnergySaving 0 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction InterRATLoadThrs 85 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction IPAAmrStartMode 1 Critical No
GBssFunction IPAbisFilter 0 Critical No
GBssFunction IPGBChgOverByNSVC 1 Critical No
GBssFunction IPTOSAbisCS 46 Critical No
GBssFunction IPTOSAbisPS 22 Critical No
GBssFunction IPTOSACS 46 Critical No
GBssFunction IPTOSIPGB 22 Critical No
GBssFunction IPTOSIPGBBkg 22 Critical No
GBssFunction IPTOSIPGBConv 8 Critical No
GBssFunction IPTOSIPGBInteract 22 Critical No
GBssFunction IPTOSIPGBSig 48 Critical No
GBssFunction IPTOSIPGBStrm 38 Critical No
GBssFunction IsStatelliteGb 0 Critical No
GBssFunction IurgSupport 0 Critical No
GBssFunction Latitude 90.0 Critical None
GBssFunction LcsMaxTaRequestNum 1 Critical No
GBssFunction LcsRadioTimerExpand 0 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction LoadClassScrPath 0 Critical No
GBssFunction LoadForbidHo 0 Critical No
GBssFunction LoadInd 0 Critical No
GBssFunction LoadIndPrd 1500 Critical No
GBssFunction LoadIndThs 100 Critical No
GBssFunction LoadThsForbidHo 100 Critical No
GBssFunction LoadValidTime 18 Critical No
GBssFunction LocalSwitchSup 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunction Longitude 180.0 Critical None
GBssFunction LSMonitorSwitch 0 Prohibited No


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 354

GBssFunction MaxChangeProc 2 Critical #N/A

GBssFunction MaxDelay 1800 Critical No
GBssFunction MeaReportThr 20 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction MinTch 4 Prohibited No
GBssFunction MITMRRecInt 60 Critical No
GBssFunction MITPrepMRRecInt 15 Critical No
GBssFunction MocnSupport 1 Prohibited Yes
GBssFunction MPLMNSupport 1 Critical No
GBssFunction MrCountForRlt 3 Critical No
GBssFunction MrIncludeBtsPwr 0 Critical No
GBssFunction MrRptEnable 0 Critical No
GBssFunction MscFlcMaxLevel 6 Critical No
GBssFunction MSPSupport 0 Critical No
GBssFunction MuteCallDetSupport 0 Critical No
GBssFunction MuteSaicDetNumN 1000 Critical No
GBssFunction MuteSaicDetNumP 800 Critical No
GBssFunction NotifyOutCellLoad 0 Critical No
GBssFunction NRCtrl 0 Critical No
GBssFunction NS_T1 100 Prohibited No
GBssFunction NS_T2 100 Prohibited No
GBssFunction NS_T3 300 Prohibited No
GBssFunction NS_T4 30 Prohibited No
GBssFunction NS_T5 1800 Prohibited No
GBssFunction NSAliveMax 10 Critical No
GBssFunction NSBlkMax 3 Critical No
GBssFunction NSUnblkMax 3 Critical No
GBssFunction PagIncludePriority 0 Critical No
GBssFunction PagingNum 300 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction PagingNumHigh 400 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction PairDropCallNum 3 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction PairNumOneTime 1 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction PCUDynAdjThs 10 Critical No
GBssFunction PCUExclusiveSupp 0 Critical No


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 355

GBssFunction preferSpeechVerFr 3 Critical No

GBssFunction preferSpeechVerHr 3 Critical No
GBssFunction ProhibitAbImeiPair 1 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction PSAccWeight 100 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction PSChgReqTimesOpt 0 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction R99Ind 1 Critical No
GBssFunction RadioPreAccsFlag 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunction rangeHigh 0 Critical No
GBssFunction rangeLow 0 Critical No
GBssFunction rangeNum 1 Critical No
GBssFunction ReAssignEnable 1 Critical No
GBssFunction ReAssignLevThs 5 Critical No
GBssFunction ReAssignMax 3 Critical No
GBssFunction ReBcchEx 1200 Critical No
GBssFunction resLimitMove 80 Critical No
GBssFunction ResourceIndThs 30 Critical No
GBssFunction RQavgUseBer 0 Critical No
GBssFunction SaicAfcDetNumN 1000 Critical No
GBssFunction SaicAfcDetNumP 800 Critical No
GBssFunction ScanBcch 3000 Critical No
GBssFunction ScanSdcch 100 Critical No
GBssFunction SendImmAss 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunction SendOverLoadToMSC 0 Critical No
GBssFunction SendPacchCcch 1 Critical No
GBssFunction SI2QuaterMIctrl 1114130 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction SNS_T1 30 Critical No
GBssFunction SNSAddMax 3 Critical No
GBssFunction SNSChgWeightMax 3 Critical No
GBssFunction SNSConfigMax 3 Critical No
GBssFunction SNSDelMax 3 Critical No
GBssFunction SNSSizeMax 3 Critical No
GBssFunction SONTrans 0 Critical No
GBssFunction T1 80 Prohibited No


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 356

GBssFunction T13 40 Prohibited No

GBssFunction T19 80 Prohibited No
GBssFunction T20 80 Prohibited No
GBssFunction T3 100 Prohibited No
GBssFunction T4 100 Prohibited No
GBssFunction TATERBLKCICGRP 80 Critical No
GBssFunction TATERCICBLK 80 Critical No
GBssFunction TATERRST 100 Critical No
GBssFunction TATERRSTCIC 80 Critical No
GBssFunction TBLKACIC 100 Critical No
GBssFunction TBLKACICGRP 100 Critical No
GBssFunction TchToCCCHPrd 10 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction TCType 0 Critical No
GBssFunction TDelayForRLTReEstOn 200 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction TFOControl 1 Critical No
GBssFunction TimeToTch 0 Critical No
GBssFunction TITCRST 40 Critical No
GBssFunction TransPreAccsFlag 0 Critical No
GBssFunction trauFraSynSupp 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunction TrxRel 60 Critical #N/A
GBssFunction TsBlockAlarmSwitch 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunction USERESERVEDCHAN 0 Prohibited None
GBssFunction UseSC1Load 1 Critical No
GBssFunction V2TruSupportAmr 0 Critical No
GBssFunction VoiceQualityReport 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS buffMaxLLCFrameNum 254 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS BVCBlkMax 3 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS BvcBucketPara 1200 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS BVCFlowCtrl 1 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS BVCFlowCtrlRMin 300 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS BVCRestMax 6 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS BVCUblkMax 3 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS bwRestore 0 Critical No


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 357

GBssFunctionPS CellFcPer 1000 Critical No

GBssFunctionPS CellPSBarGbDown 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS DLDCSupport 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS DlEarlyEstAliveTime 550 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS DownloadBssPfcMax 3 Critical No
This parameter is valid when the
GBssFunctionPS DTMEnhanceCapa 0 Prohibited Support Enhanced DTM parameter of
BSC-level is enabled
GBssFunctionPS DTMHandoverSupp 0 Critical Yes
GBssFunctionPS DTMHoCsHoCtrl 1 Critical Yes
GBssFunctionPS EGPRS2_ASupp 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS EGPRSAllocPri 1 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS EGPRSAllocW 60 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS enablePSHoIndi 1 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS enableRequestPSI 1 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS EnRadioStu 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS EnSlaveSelfRecover 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS EUtranCCN 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS ExUpDynSupport 0 Prohibited None
GBssFunctionPS FlowCtlMode1Para 1 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS FlowCtlMode2Para 700 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS FlowCtrlCBLSupp 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS FlowCtrlMode 3 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS FreqBandCheck 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS GBssFunctionPS 1 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS GetImsiByPs 0 Critical #N/A
GBssFunctionPS HighTSinSB 0 Critical #N/A
GBssFunctionPS InsertLLCOpt 1 Critical #N/A
GBssFunctionPS IPGbThroughput 65535 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS IPSegOpt 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS LLCTranSAPI0 0 Prohibited Yes
GBssFunctionPS LLCTranSAPI1 0 Critical Yes
GBssFunctionPS LLCTranSAPI10 0 Prohibited Yes


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 358

GBssFunctionPS LLCTranSAPI11 1 Critical Yes

GBssFunctionPS LLCTranSAPI12 0 Prohibited Yes
GBssFunctionPS LLCTranSAPI13 0 Prohibited Yes
GBssFunctionPS LLCTranSAPI14 0 Prohibited Yes
GBssFunctionPS LLCTranSAPI15 0 Prohibited Yes
GBssFunctionPS LLCTranSAPI2 0 Critical Yes
GBssFunctionPS LLCTranSAPI3 1 Critical Yes
GBssFunctionPS LLCTranSAPI4 0 Prohibited Yes
GBssFunctionPS LLCTranSAPI5 1 Critical Yes
GBssFunctionPS LLCTranSAPI6 0 Prohibited Yes
GBssFunctionPS LLCTranSAPI7 0 Critical Yes
GBssFunctionPS LLCTranSAPI8 0 Critical Yes
GBssFunctionPS LLCTranSAPI9 1 Critical Yes
GBssFunctionPS ModifyBssPfcMax 3 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS MSBucketPara 200 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS MsFcPer 600 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS MSFlowCtrl 1 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS MSFlowCtrlRMin 300 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS N3101 50 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionPS N3103 30 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS N3105 50 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionPS NACCSupport 1 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS NMO 1 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS PagCoordination 1 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS PagImpltRejCsPs 1 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS PagingNSE 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS PcuResAlarmEnable 1 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS PFCFlowCtrl 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS PFCSupport 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS pocAttSeltE 12 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS pocAttSeltG 3 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS POCSupport 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS PSAbisThs 80 Critical No


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 359

GBssFunctionPS psCapaThsDl 3 Critical No

GBssFunctionPS psCapaThsUl 3 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS psHoReqMaxNum 2 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS psHoSupport 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS PSRouteByNSVC 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS PSUlPwrCtlInEsta 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS PSUTRANCCOSupp 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS resumeMax 3 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS ResumeSetOpt 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS RIMRetryTimes 3 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS RIMSupport 1 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS RRBPAllocCtrl 0 Critical #N/A
GBssFunctionPS RRMThreshold 50 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS RTTISupport 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS SIGNAL_EUTBF 1 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS SNDCPSendInd 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS SpecServiceIdentify 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS SuppPagImpltRej 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS SuppResOpByService 0 Prohibited None
GBssFunctionPS suspendMax 3 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS TBF_EST 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS TBFFanrSupport 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS TCPIPEnhance 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS tranMaxLLCFrameNum 120 Critical No
GBssFunctionPS UpdateMax 3 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv GBssFunctionRsv 1 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv reserved1 1 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv reserved10 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv reserved11 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv reserved12 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv reserved13 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv reserved14 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv reserved15 0 Critical No


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 360

GBssFunctionRsv reserved16 0 Critical No

GBssFunctionRsv reserved17 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv reserved18 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv reserved19 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv reserved2 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv reserved20 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv reserved3 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv reserved4 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv reserved5 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv reserved6 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv reserved7 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv reserved8 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionRsv reserved9 0 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer BSCiCSPeriod 180 Critical #N/A
GBssFunctionTimer BssgpT1 30 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer BssgpT2 300 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer BssgpT3 30 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer BssgpT4 30 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer BssgpT5 30 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer BssgpT6 30 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer BssgpT8 30 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer CrrmSynTimer 30 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer CssStartDelay 90 Critical #N/A
GBssFunctionTimer DFAiCSBreakDelay 1 Critical #N/A
GBssFunctionTimer DFAiCSPrepareTime 100 Critical #N/A
GBssFunctionTimer GBssFunctionTimer 1 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer GLFShareIntev 15 Critical #N/A
GBssFunctionTimer iCSStatusDelay 100 Critical #N/A
GBssFunctionTimer LcsRadio 50 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer LcsSupervision 250 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer LcsWaitIntraHo 60 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer Load2gSynTimer 3000 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer MT11 80 Critical No


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 361

GBssFunctionTimer MT12 150 Critical No

GBssFunctionTimer MuteCallDetTimer 100 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer pagingpeakcycle 60 Critical #N/A
GBssFunctionTimer PagWaitTime 25 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer PSRelDelay 300 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer ReAssignProtect 90 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer rmsT1 110 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer rmsT10 60 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer rmsT3 60 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer rmsT5 100 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer rmsT6 100 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer rmsT7 150 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer rmsT8 200 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer rmsT9 20 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer RtdDefault 5 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer ShareArfcnDelay 90 Critical #N/A
GBssFunctionTimer T12PSHO 300 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer T23 100 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer T24 60 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer T3101 40 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer T3103 100 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer T3107 100 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer T3109 180 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer T3111 11 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer T3121 100 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer T3169 500 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionTimer T3191 500 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionTimer T3195 550 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer T3197 200 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer T9101 20 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionTimer T9103 30 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionTimer T9104 30 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionTimer T9105 30 Prohibited No


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 362

GBssFunctionTimer TAterMoniterHo 120 Critical No

GBssFunctionTimer TAterWaitConn 100 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TAterWaitRel 20 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TCobcchWaitMR 6 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer Tmicro 1 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TModeModify 60 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TModeModifyConn 50 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TRI 50 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TRIAE 50 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TRIR 50 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TscPingPang 100 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TSDDeactDelay 5 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TSDRelPeriod 180 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TuTrauSyn 10 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer twaitabis 30 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TWaitAHoReq 10 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TWaitAterRes 100 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TWaitAterResAck 100 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TwaitBtsDynamicFreq 50 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TwaitDbsSync 50 Critical #N/A
GBssFunctionTimer TwaitHoPFMAck 60 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TWaitInternalHoCmd 20 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TWaitRanMigAck 20 Critical #N/A
GBssFunctionTimer TWaitRelInPSHo 300 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TWaitRerouteCS 120 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TWaitReroutePS 50 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TWaitRncRelocComm 100 Critical No
GBssFunctionTimer TWaitSctpMigAck 20 Critical #N/A
GBssFunctionTimer TWaitUmcAck 20 Critical #N/A
GBssFunctionTimer WaitCellMigEnd 50 Critical #N/A
GBssFunctionTimer WaitiCSAck 100 Critical #N/A
GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved1 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved10 0 Prohibited No


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 363

GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved11 0 Prohibited No

GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved12 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved13 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved14 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved15 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved16 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved17 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved18 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved19 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved2 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved20 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved3 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved4 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved5 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved6 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved7 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved8 0 Prohibited No
GBssFunctionUpRsv reserved9 0 Prohibited No
GBssHandoverControl CellIdCfg 1 Critical #N/A
GBssHandoverControl ForbidRelHo 1 Critical None
GBssHandoverControl ForbidRelHoMargin 40 Prohibited None
GBssHandoverControl GBssHandoverControl 1 Critical No
GBssHandoverControl HandOutQueInd 0 Critical None
GBssHandoverControl HoACK 1 Prohibited None
GBssHandoverControl HoCmdLostOpt 1 Prohibited None
GBssHandoverControl HoIntraEnable 1 Prohibited None
GBssHandoverControl HoIntraEnableDBE 1 Critical #N/A
GBssHandoverControl HoReqAckSupNewToOld 1 Critical #N/A
GBssHandoverControl HoSyncInd 0 Prohibited No
The internal redirection function is
GBssHandoverControl InDREnable 1 Prohibited enabled only when the BSC-level and
cell-level switches are set to Yes.
GBssHandoverControl InterNetHO 1 Critical None


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 364

GBssHandoverControl ipabschotype 2 Critical None

GBssHandoverControl IPAHoCtrlOfIurg 0 Critical #N/A
GBssHandoverControl IPAInterHo 0 Critical None
GBssHandoverControl IPAInterHoEnquiry 1 Critical #N/A
GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlDlLev1 0 Critical None
GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlDlLev2 0 Critical None
GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlDlQ1 0 Critical None
GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlDlQ2 0 Critical None
GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlPbgt1 0 Critical None
GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlPbgt2 0 Critical None
GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlUlLev1 0 Critical None
GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlUlLev2 0 Critical None
GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlUlQ1 0 Critical None
GBssHandoverControl NcellSelCtrlUlQ2 0 Critical None
GBssHandoverControl OldToNewCtrl 64 Prohibited None
GBssHandoverControl OldToNewCtrl1 15 Critical #N/A
The outer redirection function is
GBssHandoverControl OutDREnable 0 Prohibited enabled only when the BSC-level and
cell-level switches are set to Yes.
GBssHandoverControl PingPongDura 10 Critical None
A cell can support SDCCH handover only
GBssHandoverControl SHoEnable 0 Prohibited
both the BSC-level switch and the cell-
level switch are enabled.
GBssHandoverControl SmsFacchForbidHo 0 Critical #N/A
GBssHandoverControl SmsForbidHoIntrvl 4 Critical #N/A
GBssHandoverControl SMSHoOnSDForbid 1 Critical #N/A
GBssHandoverControl TDAplusBEnable 1 Critical None
GBssHandoverControl TDelayAftHoCmdOpt 7 Prohibited None
GBssIfta DlHrCirDiff1 2 Critical Yes
GBssIfta DlHrCirDiff2 0 Critical No
GBssIfta DLNoiseLevel 5 Critical Yes


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 365

GBssIfta DownCirRsv 3 Critical Yes

GBssIfta DownNFreqReduce 18 Critical No
GBssIfta DownPwrOpt 0 Critical Yes
GBssIfta DownPwrOptMethod 1 Critical Yes
GBssIfta DownTscDiffNonSaic 3 Critical Yes
GBssIfta DownTscDiffSaic 9 Critical No
GBssIfta GPSStateDelay 10 Critical Yes
GBssIfta HisConfprobability 85 Critical Yes
GBssIfta HisGuardPeriod 144 Critical Yes
GBssIfta HistoryRecThs 400 Critical No
GBssIfta HisUpdatefactor 50 Critical Yes
GBssIfta HisUpdatePeriod 12 Critical No
GBssIfta IFTACheck 0 Critical Yes
GBssIfta IFTALowLevel 20 Critical Yes
GBssIfta IftaMrProcessN 1 Critical No
GBssIfta IFTARetry 0 Critical No
GBssIfta IftaSendMrN 1 Critical Yes
GBssIfta IFTASupport 0 Critical Yes
GBssIfta IFTAWaitMrRetries 1 Critical Yes
GBssIfta OtherDnReduce 3 Critical Yes
GBssIfta OtherUpReduce 3 Critical No
GBssIfta OtherUserCtrl 1 Critical Yes
GBssIfta RptIftaChlInfo 0 Critical No
GBssIfta RptIftaImsiInfo 0 Critical Yes
GBssIfta SampleAttenuation 4;8;12;16;20;24;28;32;36;40;44;48;52;56;60;64
Critical #N/A
GBssIfta SendInterfDnThres 3 Critical Yes
GBssIfta SendInterfUpThres 3 Critical Yes
GBssIfta TIftaCheck 20 Critical No
GBssIfta TIFTAWaitMr 20 Critical No
GBssIfta UlHrCirDiff1 2 Critical No
GBssIfta UlHrCirDiff2 0 Critical Yes
GBssIfta ULNoiseLevel 5 Critical No
GBssIfta UpCirRsv 3 Critical No


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 366

GBssIfta UpNFreqReduce 18 Critical No

GBssIfta UpPwrOpt 0 Critical No
GBssIfta UpPwrOptMethod 1 Critical Yes
GBssIfta UpTscDiff 19 Critical Yes
GBssIfta UseLastMr 1 Critical Yes
GBssIfta UseNcellLowLevel 1 Critical Yes
GBssIfta useweightedavg 1 Critical #N/A
GBssPrecisePaging csOutAreaPag 0 Critical None
GBssPrecisePaging csPagingRepeatTime 1 Critical None
GBssPrecisePaging csRepagPrecise 0 Critical None
GBssPrecisePaging GBssPrecisePaging 1 Critical No
The precise paging (foreground) is used
GBssPrecisePaging precisePagSupport 0 Prohibited only when the BSC-level and cell-level
switches are enabled.
GBssPrecisePaging precisepagUseHpc 0 Critical None
GBssPrecisePaging psOutAreaPag 0 Critical None
GBssPrecisePaging psPagingRepeatTime 0 Critical None
GBssPrecisePaging psRepagPrecise 0 Critical None
GBssR ACSInd 0 Critical #N/A
GBssR ALSInd 0 Critical #N/A
GBssR BssRes 1 Critical #N/A
GBssR DetectRepeat 4 Critical #N/A
GBssR FAPagingControl 0 Critical #N/A
GBssR FAPagingResend 1 Critical #N/A
GBssR FAPaingCause 0 Critical #N/A
GBssR GroupCallControl 0 Critical #N/A
GBssR InbandNotify 1 Critical #N/A
GBssR InbandPaging 1 Critical #N/A
GBssR PriThsForFANotify 5 Critical #N/A
GBssR PriThsForFAPaging 5 Critical #N/A
GBssR RachULAcc 0 Critical #N/A
GBssR SI10Ctrl 0 Critical #N/A
GBssR T3153 50 Critical #N/A


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 367

GBssR T3155 5 Critical #N/A

GBssR T3157 10 Critical #N/A
GBssR Tast 50 Critical #N/A
GBssR TCHPriorityInd 0 Critical #N/A
GBssR Tdetect_period 600 Critical #N/A
GBssR Tinterval_FAPaging 20 Critical #N/A
GBssR TlkChlPara 0 Critical #N/A
GBssR TNCHFlowCtl 40 Critical #N/A
GBssR TNCHOverLoad1 24 Critical #N/A
GBssR TNCHOverLoad2 48 Critical #N/A
GBssR TPInd 0 Critical #N/A
GBssR TReSendNchCmd 20 Critical #N/A
GBssR TULAlive 10 Critical #N/A
GBssR Twait_detect 10 Critical #N/A
GBssR Twait_rsp 30 Critical #N/A
GBssR VGCSIntraCellHO 0 Critical #N/A
GBtsEquipment AccessType 1 Critical None
GBtsEquipment AttributeModeInd 1 Critical None
GBtsEquipment EarthToSatelliteTime 120 Critical None
GBtsEquipment GBssFunction 1123 Critical N/A
GBtsEquipment GBtsEquipment 14 Critical N/A
GBtsEquipment GBtsEquipmentSeq 14 Critical N/A
GBtsEquipment IsIPOE1Abis 0 Critical None
GBtsEquipment IsSatelliteAbis 0 Critical None
GBtsEquipment PwrOffSwt 0 Critical None
GBtsEquipment reservedByGBtsSiteManager Critical #N/A
GBtsEquipment SatelliteToEarthTime 360 Critical None
GBtsEquipment SiteLclsSupport 0 Critical None
GBtsEquipment SiteSwitchMode 0 Critical None
GBtsEquipment SiteType 18 Critical None
GBtsEquipment SuperSiteMode 0 Critical None
GBtsEquipment SynSource 0 Critical None
GBtsEquipment TopLayer 1 Critical None


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 368

GBtsLapd GBssFunction 1123 Critical N/A

GBtsLapd GBtsEquipment 14 Critical N/A
GBtsLapd GBtsLapd 1 Critical N/A
GBtsLapd LinkDirect 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Critical N/A
GCommMeas EveRepPeriod 100 Critical None
GCommMeas GCommMeas 1 Critical No
GCommMeas InfoReportType 1 Critical None
GCommMeas IurgOf2gReq 0 Critical No
GCommMeas MeasHys 100 Critical None
GCommMeas measThrLoad1 50 Critical None
GCommMeas measThrLoad2 40 Critical None
GCommMeas measThrNrtLoad1 2 Critical None
GCommMeas measThrNrtLoad2 1 Critical None
GCommMeas measThrRtLoad1 50 Critical None
GCommMeas measThrRtLoad2 40 Critical None
GCommMeas MeasType 2 Critical None
GCommMeas nrtHighThs 60 Critical None
GCommMeas nrtLowThs 20 Critical None
GCommMeas nrtOverflowThs 90 Critical None
GCommMeas ReportType 2 Critical No
GCommMeas RepPeriodUnit 1 Critical None
GCommMeas RepPeriodValue 100 Critical No
GDpiAppSrv AppSrvId 1 Critical N/A
GDpiAppSrv GBssFunction 1122 Critical N/A
GDpiAppSrv GDpi 0 Critical N/A
GDpiAppSrv GDpiAppSrv 1 Critical N/A
GDpiAppSrv reservedByGDpiAppSrvPri Critical #N/A
GDpiAppSrvPri AppSrvPri 10 Critical N/A
GDpiAppSrvPri GDpi 0 Critical N/A
GDpiAppSrvPri GDpiAppSrvPri 1 Critical N/A
GDpiAppSrvPri GDpiAppSrvProfile 0 Critical N/A
GDpiAppSrvPri RprtDataRtoThr 500 Critical None
GDpiAppSrvProfile APPCfgIndex 0 Critical Null


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 369

GDpiAppSrvProfile GDpi 0 Critical #N/A

GDpiAppSrvProfile GDpiAppSrvProfile 0 Critical Null
GEmlppUserPriority assForcedHoTry 1 Critical No
GEmlppUserPriority assForcedRelTry 1 Critical No
GEmlppUserPriority assForceHoInterval 5 Critical No
GEmlppUserPriority assForceRelInterval 5 Critical No
GEmlppUserPriority assForceRelTimer 30 Critical No
GEmlppUserPriority assPreempTimer 40 Critical No
GEmlppUserPriority assPreemptstrategy 0 Critical No
GEmlppUserPriority GBssEmlpp 1 Critical No
GEmlppUserPriority GEmlppUserPriority 1 Critical No
GEmlppUserPriority hoForcedHoTry 1 Critical No
GEmlppUserPriority hoForcedRelTry 1 Critical No
GEmlppUserPriority hoForceHoInterval 5 Critical No
GEmlppUserPriority hoForceRelInterval 5 Critical No
GEmlppUserPriority hoForceRelTimer 13 Critical No
GEmlppUserPriority hoPreempTimer 20 Critical No
GEmlppUserPriority hoPreemptstrategy 0 Critical No
GEmlppUserPriority rmsT11 100 Critical No
GEmlppUserPriority rmsTqho 50 Critical No
GEmlppUserPriority userPriority 1 Critical No
GExternalEutranCellFDD ArfcnLTE 1836 Critical No
GExternalEutranCellFDD EUTRANID 2 Critical No
GExternalEutranCellFDD GExternalEutranCellFDD 1 Critical No
GExternalEutranCellFDD measureBandwidth 4 Critical No
GExternalEutranCellFDD PCID 1 Critical No
GExternalEutranCellFDD TAC 47111 Critical No
GFullSignalTrace GFullSignalTrace 0 Critical #N/A
GGbLink AneId 3001 Critical None
GGbLink GBssFunction 1122 Critical N/A
GGbLink GGbLink 3001 Critical N/A
GGbLink GGbLinkSeq 1 Critical None


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 370

GGbLink Kpriadjust 100 Critical None

GGbLink NResPara1 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara10 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara11 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara12 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara13 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara14 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara15 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara16 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara17 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara18 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara19 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara2 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara20 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara36 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara37 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara38 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara3 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara39 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara4 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara5 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara6 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara7 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara8 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara4 0 Prohibited None
GALink NResPara9 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara5 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara6 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara7 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara8 0 Prohibited None
GGbLink NResPara9 0 Prohibited None


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 371

If this parameter's value is inconsistent

GGbLink SGSNCNId 0 Critical with that at CN side, new services
cannot be established globally.
GIpbm BandDecPer 5 Critical None
GIpbm BandIncPer 5 Critical None
GIpbm BandIncQuickPer 5 Critical None
GIpbm GIpbm 1 Critical N/A
GIpbm LostRefValue 200 Critical None

All the IP paths of one adjacent interface

should meet the following
GIpbm MinRxBitRate 720 Critical


GIpbm MinTxBitRate 720 Critical Null

GIpGbLocalEP DataWeight 50 Critical None
GIpGbLocalEP GBssFunction 1122 Critical N/A
GIpGbLocalEP GGbLink 3001 Critical N/A
GIpGbLocalEP GIpGbLocalEP 1 Critical N/A
GIpGbLocalEP GIpGbNse 1122 Critical N/A
GIpGbLocalEP SigWeight 50 Critical None
GIpGbLocalEP UDPPort 45000 Critical None
GIpGbNse GBssFunction 1122 Critical N/A
GIpGbNse GGbLink 3001 Critical N/A
GIpGbNse GIpGbNse 1122 Critical N/A
GIpGbNse GIpGbNseSeq 1122 Critical N/A
GIpGbNse SGSNIPAddress Critical None
GIpGbNse SGSNIPAddrLen 4 Critical None
GIpGbNse SGSNUDPPort 0 Critical None
GIpGbNse SNCfgType 0 Critical None
GIpGbRemoteEP DataWeight 50 Critical None
GIpGbRemoteEP GBssFunction 1122 Critical N/A


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 372

GIpGbRemoteEP GGbLink 3001 Critical N/A

GIpGbRemoteEP GIpGbNse 1122 Critical N/A
GIpGbRemoteEP GIpGbRemoteEP 1 Critical N/A
GIpGbRemoteEP IPAddress Critical N/A
GIpGbRemoteEP IPAddrLen 4 Critical None
GIpGbRemoteEP SigWeight 50 Critical None
GIpGbRemoteEP UDPPort 14019 Critical None
GIpSlaExTask DestIpAgetime 96 Critical None
GIpSlaExTask DstIp Critical None
GIpSlaExTask DstIpVersion 4 Critical None
GIpSlaExTask DstPort 1000 Critical None
GIpSlaExTask GIpSlaExTask 2 Critical N/A
GIpSlaExTask Interval 1000 Critical Null
GIpSlaExTask IpDscp 48 Critical None
GIpSlaExTask IpPktLen 100 Critical #N/A
GIpSlaExTask IpSlaMonitorInd 1 Critical None
GIpSlaExTask MidFlag 0 Critical None
GIpSlaExTask PdDetectType 0 Critical #N/A
GIpSlaExTask PktType 17 Critical None
GIpSlaExTask SLAResPara1 0 Critical #N/A
GIpSlaExTask SLAResPara2 60 Critical #N/A
GIpSlaExTask TimeOut 1000 Critical None
GLocationArea GLocationArea 1 Critical No
GLocationArea imsiAdAllowed 1 Critical None
GLocationArea lac 875 Critical No
GLocationArea t3212 60 Prohibited None
GLogicalAbisLink GBssFunction 1123 Critical N/A
GLogicalAbisLink GLogicalAbisLink 1 Critical N/A
GLogicalAbisLink GMPlmn 1 Critical N/A
GLogicalALink GBssFunction 1134 Critical N/A
GLogicalALink GLogicalALink 1 Critical N/A
GLogicalALink GMPlmn 2 Critical N/A
GLogicalGbLink GBssFunction 1122 Critical N/A


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 373

GLogicalGbLink GLogicalGbLink 0 Critical N/A

GLogicalGbLink GMPlmn 1 Critical N/A
GMocnArea DistributeRatio 255;255;255;255 Prohibited No
GMocnArea refGMPlmn 410,1;410,7 Prohibited No
GMocnArea refPlmnGroup No_Value Prohibited No
GMocnArea GMocnAreaId 1 Prohibited No
GMocnArea MocnAreaAttr 1 Prohibited No
GMPlmn GBssFunction 1122 Critical N/A
GMPlmn GMPlmn 1 Critical N/A
GMPlmn GMPlmnSeq 1 Critical N/A
GMPlmn MSCNRILen 6 Critical N/A
GMPlmn MSCNULLNRI 0 Critical N/A
GMPlmn MSCVer 1 Critical N/A
GMPlmn SGSNNRILen 10 Critical N/A
GMPlmn SGSNVer 1 Critical N/A
GMscLink AllocateRatio 0 Critical N/A
GMscLink FullIPASupportType 1 Critical N/A
GMscLink GBssFunction 1134 Critical N/A
GMscLink GMscLink 1 Critical N/A
GMscLink GMscLinkSeq 1 Critical N/A
GMscLink MSCCNId 13 Critical N/A
GMscLink PcmOIPASupportType 0 Critical N/A
GMscLink PcmOTDMASupportType 0 Critical N/A
GMscLink reservedByGMPlmn Critical #N/A
GMscLink Selectednum 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Critical N/A
GNri GBssFunction 1134 Critical N/A
GNri GNri 17 Critical N/A
GNri GNriSeq 17 Critical N/A
GPcuInfo GBssFunction 1122 Critical N/A
GPcuInfo GPcuInfo 0 Critical N/A
GRoutingArea GBssFunction 1135 Critical No
GRoutingArea GRoutingArea 1 Critical No


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 374

GRoutingArea rac 1 Critical Yes

GSiteBaseBandShare BaseBandShare 0 Prohibited This switch is a BSC-level and site-level
GSiteBaseBandShare bbLowerThs 60 Critical None
GSiteBaseBandShare bbOverThs 80 Critical None
GSiteBaseBandShare bbReleaseTraThs 0 Critical None
GSiteBaseBandShare bbRequestTraThs 70 Critical None
GSiteBaseBandShare GBtsSiteManager 999 Critical No
GSiteBaseBandShare GSiteBaseBandShare 1 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasDur 30 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasSTh 1 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasSTm 0 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasWeek0 1 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasWeek1 1 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasWeek2 1 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasWeek3 1 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasWeek4 1 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasWeek5 1 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseABSynMeasWeek6 1 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasDur 30 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasSTh 2 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasSTm 0 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasWeek0 1 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasWeek1 1 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasWeek2 1 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasWeek3 1 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasWeek4 1 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasWeek5 1 Critical No
GUmsyn BaseMTDSynMeasWeek6 1 Critical No
GUmsyn DetrimentAdjust 0 Critical No
GUmsyn GUmsyn 1 Critical No
GUmsyn InterBSCSynMeasSupp 0 Critical No
GUmsyn IsAdjustFrameNo 0 Critical No


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 375

GUmsyn IsCycleAdjust 0 Critical No

GUmsyn LevelDiffThs 5 Critical No
GUmsyn SynFrameAdjuestSTh 3 Critical No
GUmsyn SynFrameAdjuestSTm 0 Critical No
GUmsyn SynFrameAdjustDur 30 Critical No
GUmsyn SynFrameAdjustWeek0 1 Critical No
GUmsyn SynFrameAdjustWeek1 1 Critical No
GUmsyn SynFrameAdjustWeek2 1 Critical No
GUmsyn SynFrameAdjustWeek3 1 Critical No
GUmsyn SynFrameAdjustWeek4 1 Critical No
GUmsyn SynFrameAdjustWeek5 1 Critical No
GUmsyn SynFrameAdjustWeek6 1 Critical No
GUmsyn SynMeasBaseAB 0 Critical No
GUmsyn SynMeasBaseMTD 0 Critical No
GUmsyn SynMeasHoStartThs 25 Critical No
GUmsyn SynMeasTrxMax 3 Critical No
GUmsyn UmSynSupport 0 Critical No
GAbisLink DynamicBwCACSwit 1 Critical None
GAbisLink FarEndBandAdjSwit 0 Critical #N/A
GAbisLink NodeBBar 000000000000 Critical None
GAbisLink reservedByGBtsEquipment Critical #N/A
GAbisLink reservedByGIpbm Critical #N/A
GAbisLink reservedByGIpSlaExTask Critical #N/A
GAbisLink reservedByGLogicalAbisLink Critical #N/A
GAbisTrPath SigRsvBandWidth 0 Critical #N/A
GALink reservedByGIpbm Critical #N/A
GALink reservedByGLogicalALink Critical #N/A
GALink reservedByGMscLink Critical #N/A
GBssDynFreq AllowNfreqInSite 1 Critical None
GBssDynFreq AllowSamefreqInSite 1 Critical None
GBssDynFreq BorrowFreqPool 0 Critical #N/A
GBssDynFreq DfaArfcnPenalty 20 Critical #N/A
GBssDynFreq DfabyiCS 0 Critical #N/A


ZTE 2G BSC Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 376

GBssDynFreq DFALowLevel 0 Critical #N/A

GBssDynFreq DfaTscDiff 0 Critical #N/A
GBssDynFreq DownNFreqReduce2 18 Critical #N/A
GBssDynFreq HighInterThs 50 Critical #N/A
GBssDynFreq iCSConfigIntfCell 0 Critical #N/A


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