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The TV show Criminal Minds captures viewers' attention for these three reasons.

One reason is
that it has episodes based on real events. For instance, Criminal Minds portrays the case of
Robert Pickton, "The Pig Farm Killer" and show us how a whole neighborhood was frightened
to step out of their houses. Besides that, Criminal Minds also shows us the case of “The tribe”,
which was similar to the case of the Manson family, who committed brutal crimes against
wealthy people to start the infamous race war known as Helter Skelter; this episode was the
most disturbing. Secondly, this TV show helps you to be aware of your surroundings. For
example, it can help you prevent more crimes from happening in the future. As we all know,
criminals do not exist because they are born that way. We need to understand how they think
and why they commit crimes in the first place and then prevent the worst from happening. In
addition, it gives you advice on how to act in many situations that occur on a daily basis since
many of us are not aware of the crimes that occur daily and don’t know what to do. Last but
not least, the TV show Criminal Minds gives you life lessons since it talks about personal issues
that are hard not to relate to. For example, they teach us how to deal with family problems, as
they show us how they solve their problems in different ways. They also teach us that
sometimes we have to let go of people we once loved even if it hurts us, or forgive someone
who hurt us a lot. But everything has its lesson: after the anger comes the acceptance of the
situation, the mourning, and the forgiveness. Overall, Criminal Minds is a tv show that captures
the viewer's attention, as each episode is unique and intriguing at the same time.

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