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Animal Testing


I am deeply against animal testing because it is cruel and wasteful.

TOPIC SENTENCE: Animal testing is cruel for these three reasons.

Supporting Idea 1: Experiments on animals are unkind.

SD1: Dogs are locked in gas chambers to test whether a particular insecticide is safe for
inhalation by human beings.

SD2: (Most often) Anesthesia is not used at the time of testing.

SD3: Animals are forced to undergo painful experiments.

Supporting Idea 2: Animals endure hazardous chemicals.

BP1 SD1: Substance are administered to animals in extremely high doses.

SD2: Animals can withstand having chemicals poured into their eyes, injected into their
bodies, etc. Which are sometimes lethal to them.

SD3: Although there are dangerous chemicals, such as aspirin, which are very harmful to
animals. Scientists continue to test them on them.

Supporting Idea 3: Animals die instantly or suffer long before that.

SD1: Animals live in barren cages and are typically killed when the experiment ends.

SD2: Physical and psychological harm in animals

SD3: Research shows these animals may experience physical harm such as getting burned,
starved, drowned, electrocuted and poisoned. After that, many animals died instantly.

TOPIC SENTENCE: Animal testing is wasteful for three reasons.

Supporting Idea 1: Testing for new cosmetics could be tested on humans.

SD1: Human and animals have different bodies and other organs.

SD2: Animal skins are very different from human skins.

SD3: Human volunteers.

Supporting Idea 2: Animals are not the same as humans.

BP2 SD1: The National Institutes of Health reports that 95 out of every 100 drugs that pass
animal tests fail in humans.

SD2: Animals do not get many of the diseases we do, such as Parkinson’s disease, major
types of heart disease, many types of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, HIV or schizophrenia.
SD3: A clinical trial of Hepatitis B drug fialuridine had to be stopped because it caused
severe liver damage in seven patients, five of whom died. It had been tested on animals first.

Supporting Idea 3: Animal testing is bad science.

SD1: Animal experiments prolong the suffering of humans waiting for effective cures.

SD2: Imprecise results.

SD3: Animal toxicity studies are poor predictors of toxic effects of drugs in humans.


Taking everything into consideration, it is evident that I am deeply against animal testing. This
is because, animal testing is extremely cruel and wasteful as it causes not only physical harm,
but also psychological trauma to the animals. as it causes not only physical harm, but also
psychological trauma to the animals. I hope that more and more companies will join this
change as we can see that many companies did it without any difficulty.

Humans and animals have

different bodies and other organs,
so testing on
animals may not bring the
expected results
Humans and animals have
different bodies and other organs,
so testing on
animals may not bring the
expected results
Animal Testing
Imagine watching scientists insert various needles into you while you are sitting there, wide
awake, in excruciating pain; knowing very well that there is nothing you can possibly do to
remove yourself from this situation. How does it feel? Fine, bad? Well, that is exactly what
animals such as rabbits, rats, monkeys, etc. frequently go through. Therefore, I am deeply
against animal testing because it is cruel and unnecessary.

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