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During the 1800s, scientists used animals to examine the role of microorganisms in causing disease
(Gilland, 2002).Scientists take advantage of the animals’ biological similarity to humans to gain
advanced biology and behavior knowledge. IELTS Animal Testing Essay - Model Answer - IELTS
Buddy. Off late there have been numerous issues when the logical thinking of the human beings has
come under the scanner. It is also probably better to have the pros first and the cons second as it will
lead into the conclusion better and the cons will stick in the reader's memory more. Mechanical
stimulation can replace animal testing, hence it is not relevant. Inflicting pain on ants is considered
unethical in so many religions and animal experimentation involves inflicting a lot of pain on the
animals, this is very difficult to stop but it must be stopped. You would want to tell the other side of
the story and then describe a specific fact that refutes that belief. An interesting issue raised in the
novel, 'Black Beauty', is that of working animals. Where this agreement ends, however, is on the
question of whether it helps ensure the safety of drugs for human consumption. Is there any
distinction based on the degree of pain or the purpose of the experimentation. Animal testing must
be banned and some other alternate method should be used. It is an unacceptable practice to use
animals solely for our benefit. It outlines arguments both in favor of and against the practice. Save
the Animals: Stop Animal Testing - Lone Star College. There are many companies that have dropped
the process of animal testing due to customer demands. If you think the process of that cute cow in
the field to the steak on your plate is all candy and roses, then here is an extract from a very
informative article on the way in which an animal is killed to become meat, (something that humans
have no nutritional requirement for!). The human beings have taken it for granted that animals don’t
have a life and they can be used any which way but this perception is very wrong and must be
changes before it’s too late. Animals have no choice but to endure the pain and slow death. Footer
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Disclaimer Privacy Policy Area Volume Calculator. Many well-known brands still use animal testing,
like Johnson and Johnson, Colgate, etc. For example, 1234 Any St., Suite 321. Write the suite. Do
we say disabled humans have no inherent value and rights. Double standards are certainly evident
here, we treat animals with far less care than we treat the other fellow human beings, this goes to
show that we don’t consider the animals important. Surgery on hearts, lungs, and other transplants
are all possible because of animal research. Even if some experiments yield fruitful results, where is
the guarantee that it will hold for human beings. Here is a great argumentative essay example Feel
free to use it while writing your own essay If you need any help with it contact our friendly support
team and. Help Center Here you'll find an answer to your question. Animal abuse comes in many
forms such as scientific research, abandonment, mistreatment, and so on. Thus, animal testing is
obviously extremely beneficial to the lives of millions of humans. Also, there are serious moral issues
associated with animal testing, and we should not take the benefits from the misfortune of other
Even if it were possible, it would also take much longer to see potential effects, because of the length
of time we live compared to laboratory animals such as rats or rabbits. If you want a unique paper,
order it from our professional writers. Medical animal testing should be banned for there being other
humane testing methods that exist. As for calves and cattle they have a rated human respiratory
syncytial virus and bovine RSV (Gerdts, 11). Experimentations on animals do not just include dogs
and cats, but animals like hamsters, monkeys, birds, and frogs PETA. It has its own negatives and
positives but on the whole if this case is considered; it is found that experimentation on animals is
never good because it is against the ethics and the term ethics has been brought into use by the
human beings and it is the human beings that have started violating these ethics. Rene Descartes, a
French philosopher and scientist, said people have the right to use animals just as if they were
machines. The animals are locked in small cages individually, kept away from the natural world of
where they should have belonged. Hashem placed Man in charge of the natural world, including the
animal kingdom, and, therefore, everything may be used for his benefit. There are companies in the
United States who actually breed animals specifically for the cause of testing and animals can be
purchased from them as well. Non-animal methods often take less time and cost less to conduct.
Mechanical stimulation can replace animal testing, hence it is not relevant. Which is true, in a sense,
because scientist have come up with a lot of vaccines for certain viruses. Though much of it is wasted
since there is data repetition, some experiments yield no results. Many who support the process of
animal testing believe that its supports future discoveries in the medical field. The first medical
encounter that lead to the need of animal testing was in 1937, when an infectious outbreak resulted
in a mass poisoning, which caused many deaths since no chemical test was conducted before putting
the okay to a product (Hajar, 4). During the 1800s, scientists used animals to examine the role of
microorganisms in causing disease (Gilland, 2002).Scientists take advantage of the animals’
biological similarity to humans to gain advanced biology and behavior knowledge. I try to find the
time to Daven, but I don’t always manage to due to the intense nature of the work. A computer, for
instance, can calculate if a product is effective or not. Even though, the Animal Welfare Act states
laboratories must report the number of animals used in experiments; mice, birds, and rats are not
included in this number over all. However I think this doesn’t give them the right to kill and destroy.
Here is a great argumentative essay example Feel free to use it while writing your own essay If you
need any help with it contact our friendly support team and. In fact, animal experimentation results
cannot predict many common life threatening side effects of new products like drugs and cosmetics.
Due to the various disadvantages of animal experimentation, we ought to abandon animal testing and
focus on better solutions. They always seemed to think that a horse was something like a steam
engine, only smaller. Animals are different from humans everyone knows that. However, there are
also plenty of problems of animal experimentation associated with human health are ignored by
supporters. However, during the process, animals are treated poorly and their cages are in awful
conditions. Animals can feel pain and fear, and they would be desperate in difficult situations.
Well answer me this; do non-human animals have the right to exist in their natural environment and
express behaviours that matter to them. Scientists claim that if they stop testing an animals reaction
to the treatment or experiment, then it would corrupt the search to find cures for diseases like, rabies,
polio, measles, mumps, rubella and TB. In addition with this particular 90% of medication that’s
administered to creatures fails when utilized by a person. And lastly the animal testing Thesis ment
The research below focuses on the background of animal testing; the meaning of animal testing, its
history. Use of Transgenic Animals to Improve uman ealth and Animal Production. I have worked on
this essay for five weeks, and weekly gotten invaluable Thus, there are strong, moral arguments
against animal-testing. Is a human being more important than an animal just because it is of a
different species. Their bloodstream is tainted with massive doses of various chemicals in order to see
what the results will be. When a human kills another human they are the disgrace of the country, the
headlines in the news, and all they did was kill one human, one insignificant human life. I will
explore the way peoples beliefs have evolved overtime to impact the changes in animal rights laws.
Vivisection, for example, is a type of method which involves burning, dissecting, and inflicting deep
wounds into an organism. With the help of animal research diseases like smallpox has been wiped
out worldwide. Google Street View controversy takes a bizarre twist. Here is a great argumentative
essay example Feel free to use it while writing your own essay If you need any help with it contact
our friendly support team and. Furthermore the amount of money wasted on these drugs and
medicines are wasted if they’re ineffective for people. Who has given us the authority to make
someone else’s life a living hell. For example, Regulatory bodies implementing the laws concerning
the safety of and may require testing on animals; major funders of research (such as the and the ),
and medical research charities, decide which experiments to fund; and can influence whether and
how research is done as their editors decide what research is published. While animal testing has been
around many legislative and regulatory control has been placed on it for the cruel free environment
many are fighting for. Do we say disabled humans have no inherent value and rights. Save the
Animals: Stop Animal Testing - Lone Star College. Peta, an activist group for animal rights, states,
These and other non-animal methods are not hindered by species differences that make applying
animal test results to humans difficult or impossible, and they usually take less time and money to
complete. ( peta,1 ). While the production of alternatives may be fast they are not efficient. The
paper has given enough evidences that suggest that animal experimentation is unethical and we must
not indulge in anything that is not ethical. Words: 3356 Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Essay
Paper: 90981843 American writers from both the antebellum South and the North commented on the
great differences between the white people in the two regions Ibid; Samuda. In all cases, one should
find a substitute whenever possible (e.g. using simulations instead of animals for medical education),
and one should always take care to ensure that the animals are well-fed and cared for, and to use
anesthesia and provide analgesia whenever possible during the experiments. It's just like the way
parents have domain over their children, they hold no right to use their children their children as
tools, and they have no right to abuse them. Some drugs have had to be withdrawn, despite testing.
Save the Animals: Stop Animal Testing - Lone Star College. Arguments against animal testing
Animal experiments are cruel, unreliable, and even dangerous The harmful use of animals in
experiments is not only cruel. What were horses made for, if not to drag people up-hill. Opponents of
animal experimentation consider it is unethical due to reasons such as it is cruel and inhuman, and it
violates animals’ rights.
They also are worried that many animal tests are ineffective, pointing out that any drugs have had to
be withdrawn from the market despite extensive testing. Animal testing has helped in the past to
discover new and effective drugs, treatments for humans, etc. Breast Cancer Research, 11, p.3.
Festing, S. (2008). Animal Research—a Defense. Though today is very different, animal testing has
remained a main part of the medical research field and has recently been criticized for its inhumane
procedures. The history of animal experimentation can be traced back a very early time.
Organizations have come up to prevent such behavior like People for Ethical Treatment of Animals
or PETA. At the same time, it is important to avoid cruelty as much as possible. I will be answering
the question: is animal testing right or wrong? To be a. The Shevus Ya’akov pointed out to him that,
on the contrary, it would be better if the experiments would kill the animals painlessly, rather than
leaving then alive to suffer the consequences of the experimentation. However, when it comes to
having to produce large amounts of makeup at such a speed leads to less tested products that can
cause plenty of unapproved results. Animals need to stop being the center of laboratory and farm
experiments, or at least given more rights to protect their general welfare and life. It follows that any
act that causes pain to an animal should be permitted as long as it was not intended as cruelty.
CPCSEA Guidelines CPCSEA Guidelines Biology A Level Planning Experiment Of Effect Of Lead
Ions. Emily Lodge CPCSEA Guidelines CPCSEA Guidelines B V V S Hanagal Shri Kumareshwar
College of Pharmacy, Bagalkote Biology A Level Planning Experiment Of Effect Of Lead Ions.
Scientists need to test medical treatments for effectiveness and test new drugs for safety before
beginning human testing. For Centuries animals have been tested on for research all across the globe.
With the production of any product intended for human usage whether. In the United States, an
animal is abused every ten seconds. And lastly the animal testing Thesis ment The research below
focuses on the background of animal testing; the meaning of animal testing, its history. Some of the
most common human activities that violate animal rights are drug testing and experiments on
animals. The introduction works well, but perhaps, it is better not to reveal the final conclusion until
after the points have been made. Among many environmental issues, one of the most increasing
environmental problems is the violation of animal rights. According to Organ Procurement and
Transplantation Network (OPTN) Data Reports only in the USA, 36,528 organs were transplanted in
the year of 2018. Words: 3356 Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper: 90981843 American
writers from both the antebellum South and the North commented on the great differences between
the white people in the two regions Ibid; Samuda. However, critics argue it causes unnecessary
animal suffering and pain, and that modern technology allows effective alternatives without animal
testing. The calf ran in fright and buried its head in Rebbi’s clothes and cried, but Rebbi said to it
sternly “ go, this is what you were created for ”. Until we have a better system, we must use animal
testing. When our lovely puppy is not feeling good, we go straight to the vet clinic and want them to
do everything as possible to make him healthy. In Heaven at that time it was decreed that Rebbi
would suffer because he did not act mercifully. Animal cruelty is the act of humans inflicting harm
and suffering onto an animal.
However, when it comes to having to produce large amounts of makeup at such a speed leads to less
tested products that can cause plenty of unapproved results. Argument Essay: ANIMAL
EXPERIMENTATION There has been a controversy between animal rights supporters and scientists
about whether it is right to use. Beauty brands that are still able to test on animals have been pushed
and supported outside of both the UK and Europe where it is currently banned. A computer, for
instance, can calculate if a product is effective or not. Before implementing it on humans, animal
testing is testing newly developed products and drugs on animals for the test. Also causing animals
psychological harm in the form of distress, torment or terror may also constitute animal cruelty
RSPCA. Otherwise, we are still in need of animal testing to give hope for a lot of people. Provided
herein is a free sample paper dealing with the issues of animal testing for the purposes of scientific
development Feel free to read it. Where some are convinced that these drugs tested Animal testing is
necessary for human survival as well as medical research. This shows the way in which humans think
of animals. Animal abuse comes in many forms such as scientific research, abandonment,
mistreatment, and so on. Animal testing is blocking the place for human trials to be implemented
and can cause more damage then what opposing views fight for. Essay help free online generator the
crucible essays on conflict, research proposal on absenteeism in the workplace definition. As stated
above, the Rema (in the name of the Issur v’Hetter ) permits Tza’ar Ba’alei Chaim for the purposes
of Refua, even for the sake of a person who is not in danger of dying. Breast Cancer Research, 11,
p.3. Festing, S. (2008). Animal Research—a Defense. The doctor claimed that since his experiments
would not kill the animals but would merely cause a perforation of their internal organs, the ruling
ought to be more lenient. They argue that they way one species reacts to a given drug or chemical in
a particular way does not necessarily entail other species will react in the same way. Animal research
has brought a dramatic progress into medicine. The body is propped up on the back and relieved of
hooves and, if female, milk sack and udders. IELTS Animal Testing Essay - Model Answer - IELTS
Buddy. Although plenty of people see the harm done by animal testing as well. Thanks to modern
technology, more and more non-animal research is being used now all over the world. We should be
thankful to all innocent animals that gave us a chance to continue our lives because until the new
ways are developed, only animal testing can provide scientists with better results. Because of the
advancement in technology an hurt animal may be rapidly diagnosed and treated for injuries. Also,
there are serious moral issues associated with animal testing, and we should not take the benefits
from the misfortune of other species. If we cannot accept humans in testing labs getting their
intestines opened, why do we allow the same to happen for animals. The presence of animal testing
has been there in the journey to cure: AIDS, Alzheimer’s, cystic fibrosis, cancer, and plenty more
targeted diseases. For example, 1234 Any St., Suite 321. Write the suite. Therefore, all experiments
on animals for the purposes of Refua would be permitted. The health care and commercial industries
also turn to animal testing for these reasons.
Many argue that instead of banning animal testing, they can use animals and treat them well and see
that they are well-fed and fine. In all cases, one should find a substitute whenever possible (e.g.
using simulations instead of animals for medical education), and one should always take care to
ensure that the animals are well-fed and cared for, and to use anesthesia and provide analgesia
whenever possible during the experiments. Creatures register discomfort much like humans and a
number of these test which are administered upon these creatures are very painful. When our lovely
puppy is not feeling good, we go straight to the vet clinic and want them to do everything as possible
to make him healthy. During the 1800s, scientists used animals to examine the role of microorganisms
in causing disease (Gilland, 2002).Scientists take advantage of the animals’ biological similarity to
humans to gain advanced biology and behavior knowledge. They are then placed in the cooling
locker where the residual warmth of life steams away slowly in preparation for the deep-freeze
storage locker. Emily Lodge CPCSEA Guidelines CPCSEA Guidelines B V V S Hanagal Shri
Kumareshwar College of Pharmacy, Bagalkote Biology A Level Planning Experiment Of Effect Of
Lead Ions. However, when it comes to having to produce large amounts of makeup at such a speed
leads to less tested products that can cause plenty of unapproved results. There are two groups of
people, one which strongly supports this measure, from a medical point of view, and the other, which
doesn’t. More seriously, it is possible for humans to suffer from allergic reactions, some blood
disorders, skin lesions and many central nervous system effects that cannot be demonstrated by
animal models (Singer, 2006). Animals can feel pain and fear, and they would be desperate in
difficult situations. The government must interfere in this issue and make strict laws that will
conserve the quality of life that the animals live. If we cannot accept humans in testing labs getting
their intestines opened, why do we allow the same to happen for animals. Argument Essay:
ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATION There has been a controversy between animal rights supporters
and scientists about whether it is right to use. After the animal has collapsed (but still conscious), the
side of the killing stall is raised, and a chain is secured to the right hind leg. Animal abuse comes in
many forms such as scientific research, abandonment, mistreatment, and so on. It's just like the way
parents have domain over their children, they hold no right to use their children their children as
tools, and they have no right to abuse them. Also less than 2% of human illnesses are ever seen in
animals, so if you want to make medicines against a disease you’ll first have to make the animal ill in
order to test things on it and get them better again. The nest part of the paper will focus upon the
research done on animals and issues related with the same. Digital Sales Sell your publications
commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. Who has given us the authority to make
someone else’s life a living hell. Do we say disabled humans have no inherent value and rights. The
extremely pain and suffering caused by animal testing has become a serious ethics issue. These rules
also apply to outside the lab as well; after. Supporters show their support, while opponents show
their oppositions toward this controversial issue that is still in debates today. Argumentative Essay:
We Must Eliminate Animal Testing:: Argumentative Example Essays 2019-03-08. Even with sheep
they are used primarily for the studies of mucosal immunization (Gerdts, 12). Others maintain that it
is learnt from the prohibition to muzzle an ox while it is threshing which prevents it from eating
while it works. The sides of beef are sprayed down and weighed at the fourth and final station of the
kill station. Fifty years ago, most of the people never heard about organ transportation.
And now, animal research is leading good progress against AIDS and Alzheimer’s disease. Using
animals for different purposes has become more of a trend these days, celebrities often wear animal
fur coats, jackets etc and they succeed in catching the attention of the people. Many well-known
brands still use animal testing, like Johnson and Johnson, Colgate, etc. Sheep, goats, horses and mice
can also eat hemlock in large numbers while this is toxic to humans. Animals are exposed to really
harmful situations that will make the animal experience suffering and distress. And, of course,
getting it right is much more important than making it pretty. After what I have read, yes I am very
against animal testing. He argues that Tza’ar Ba’alei Chaim must be permitted when it benefits
humans else it should be forbidden to have one’s donkey grind wheat because of the discomfort of
the donkey. Truth be told, no one cares about some animals like rats to check on them. Among many
environmental issues, one of the most increasing environmental problems is the violation of animal
rights. We should be thankful to all innocent animals that gave us a chance to continue our lives
because until the new ways are developed, only animal testing can provide scientists with better
results. As previously stated, with the different range of testing subjects it gives more accurate
vaccine results because the animal for the most part is born with the disease instead of having to
create an artificial disease to test. IELTS Animal Testing Essay - Model Answer - IELTS Buddy.
According to Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) Data Reports only in the
USA, 36,528 organs were transplanted in the year of 2018. Creatures possess a central nervous
system must do. The definition of animal cruelty is the infliction by omission or by commission by
humans of suffering or harm upon any non-human. Human beings speak of human rights and expect
the fellow human beings to follow the same but this is a distant reality and it will only come true if
the human beings start respecting the other species. In our case, where the outcome of this
experimentation will (hopefully) benefit the general public, there is no room to acting “piously” at
the expense of others. Animal testing helped to figure out how to treat thousands of illnesses, and my
opinion is there is no question of morality. For Centuries animals have been tested on for research all
across the globe. This essay will give background as well as the history of animal testing; explain
some of the medical advancements achieved from animal testing. Animal testing This essay will
explore the moral and ethical issues raised by human superiority over animals, why we shouldn't have
any superiority, and how this subject is portrayed in a variety of different media. Answer: Vivisection
is the process of burning, cutting, and inflicting deep wounds on animals before using drugs on them.
Question 3. Is animal testing useful. Opinion polls show that most people think some animal use may
be justified, but they usually set limits relating to the use of particular species, the level of suffering
involved and the purpose of the experiments. Argument Essay: ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATION
There has been a controversy between animal rights supporters and scientists about whether it is right
to use. As a result many people are concerned with animals rights. Make a Difference Each year in
the United States, an estimated 70 million animals are maimed, blinded, scalded, force-fed chemicals,
genetically manipulated, and otherwise hurt and killed. I have worked on this essay for five weeks,
and weekly gotten invaluable Thus, there are strong, moral arguments against animal-testing.
However, I think animal experimentation should be banned by refuting supporters’ arguments.
Administering an experimental medication to an animal that does not directly cause pain to the
animal, although it may cause pain or suffering at some future time, is not considered an act of

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