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A project proposal is a document that outlines everything stakeholders need to know to initiate a

project. It’s a necessary first step towards getting a project off the ground.

A well-written project proposal informs and persuades, and combines project management

skills with a few other essential skills: research, data analysis, and some copywriting.

It follows conventional proposal formats that include the following elements:

 Executive summary. Short and to the point, the executive summary is essentially the
project’s elevator pitch. It states the problem clearly, addresses how your proposed
project intends to solve the problem, and discusses what a successful project looks like.
 Background or history. This section outlines both successful and unsuccessful previous
projects, including how the latter could have been handled better, with the goal of
showing how the proposed project will be more successful based on the lessons of the
 Requirements. This section briefly summarizes what’s needed throughout the project
life cycle in terms of resources, tools, project schedule, etc.
 Solution. The solution section explains how you intend to approach the project and bring
it to completion. It covers the project management steps, techniques, and skills needed to
get things done more efficiently, as well as how to manage problems.
 Authorization. This section states explicitly who the project’s decision-makers are and
the stakeholders authorized by the client to make approval/sign-off decisions.
 Appendix. Any information not included in the actual proposal should be in the
appendix, such as materials and resources that team members and stakeholders can use to
learn more about the project.

If you’re not sure where to start, know that some of the best project management
software applications offer project proposal templates you can use for free from their tools

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Things to consider before writing a proposal for a project

Before you sit down and begin writing your project proposal outline, there are some things you
must consider, including:

Your audience

Identify who the decision-makers are and determine the relationships between them.
Each stakeholder will have their own goals and preferences. Multiple versions of the proposal
may have to be written depending on your audience.

 How familiar are they with the project or problem? What do they already know? What do
they not know?
 Should you provide background information on a particular topic?
 What do they want to hear?
 Is there any particular way to make them better understand what you want to convey?

For example, if the proposal is for the head of the technology department, jargon and technical
language are likely expected.

On the other hand, if it’s a small business owner you’re trying to win over, use simple, easy-to-
understand language, with the proposal highlighting the project’s positive impact on the
company’s bottom line.

Potential pitfalls

A paper from the Project Management Institute (PMI) Global Congress by Francis McNamara

cites four basic reasons why project proposals get rejected:

 Poorly defined proposal

 Proposal not aligned with organizational goals
 Project benefits not clearly and credibly defined
 Ineffective project proposal presentation

In essence, certain projects fail not because they’re bad projects per se but because the proposal
lacked clarity and persuasiveness.

Data and research

You need facts, figures, graphs, and charts to substantiate your proposal and justify the project’s

Research past projects, both successful and unsuccessful because you’ll need as much hard data,
evidence, and examples as you can provide to craft a convincing proposal.

How to write a project proposal

Remember that the reason you’re writing a proposal is to obtain executive buy-in. You want key
people to support your project. You need decision-makers on your side to turn a vision into
You want the proposal to speak to them, and then motivate them to take the next step, which is to
greenlight the project.

Step 1: Define the problem

What’s the problem your project is trying to address? Why is it a problem? Why is it worth
solving? Make your audience see the problem the way you see it.

Tips for defining the problem:

 Start strong. Decision-makers usually don’t allot much time to look over a proposal, so
make sure that the pain point is succinctly described and in a manner that resonates with
 Use facts, not opinion. Although you want your audience to understand the severity of a
problem, you don’t want to exaggerate. Instead, use data from your research to back up
your assertions.

Step 2: Present your solution

How will your project solve the problem? Why is your solution the better option over other
similar solutions? Discuss why other solutions won’t work for the situation.

Tips for presenting your solution:

 Anticipate questions and objections. Be prepared to defend your solution from all
angles. Be ready to explain why your more expensive solution is better than a less
expensive one, for example.
 Present the solution’s larger impact. Stakeholders generally get more excited about
projects with wide-ranging effects than those with limited impact.
 Again, facts over opinion. Provide as many research-backed examples as you can.

Step 3: Define your deliverables and success criteria

This section provides a picture of the functions and attributes of the deliverable, plus how to
know if the project is successful.

Tips for defining deliverables:

 Include a delivery date. Define what your project will deliver and what users can expect
from it, such as a cloud-based phone system that’s accessible 24/7 from anywhere if it’s a
customer service project you’re proposing. Also, indicate when you plan to complete
each deliverable.
 Your solution must be SMART. Your success criteria will signal whether the project
has been successful. Remember to keep your solution SMART (specific, measurable,
achievable, realistic, and time-bound.)
Step 4: State your plan or approach

This is the most critical section of the proposal and discusses how to achieve the project’s
objectives. It starts with an explanation of the approach and why it’s relevant and effective. It
also explains how problems will be managed.

Tips for planning:

 Introduce project strategies. Will you be using the traditional waterfall approach?

Why? Will you be using third-party contractors, in-house staff, or consultants? What will
their objectives and responsibilities be? This is your opportunity to discuss the "why"
behind the decisions you're making to get the project completed.
 Explain how problems will be addressed. This explains your project management
plan's risk mitigation strategies.

Step 5: Outline your schedule and budget

This is the section where you break down project costs and detail how you will meet deadlines.

Tips for defining a schedule and budget:

 Provide as much detail as possible. Break your budget down into categories, such as
supplies, tools, salary, etc. Include all overhead and indirect costs. A detailed financial
breakdown will signal to stakeholders that you’ve done your research and don’t intend to
waste their money. Note that certain projects may require financial statements and
funding sources.
 Be concrete. Don’t guess. Provide project start and end times, and if certain sections of
the project can be done simultaneously.

Step 6: Tie it all together

End your proposal with a conclusion that briefly summarizes the problem, solution, and benefits.
Emphasize the significant parts, and make your proposal stand out by restating ideas or facts you
want your audience to remember.

Check your proposal for consistency of ideas and whether the elements support each other.

Tips for tying everything together:

 Your proposal should read like a book. Your proposal should tell a story. Every section
and element must work together to form a cohesive whole.
 Refrain from introducing anything that doesn’t fit. Be careful not to introduce
anything that seems off or doesn’t contribute to the overall objectives of the project.
 Make sure all project proposal elements are present. Check your document and
ensure all the necessary elements have been addressed.
Step 7: Edit/proofread your proposal

Rewrite your proposal as necessary to make it interesting, helpful, clear, and persuasive. Ask for
feedback, and ensure the proposal is organized and visually appealing.

Tips for editing:

 Check the tone and language. Your proposal is intended for a certain audience type, so
make sure the tone and language used are reflective of that. Don’t forget to proofread for
grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes. You want your proposal to look professional.

What are the qualities of a stellar project proposal?

Before diving into the steps of proposal writing, it is helpful to understand what makes a project
proposal truly great. In a nutshell, your proposal should be succinct, easy to follow, and
captivating. Here are the four qualities of a stellar project proposal:

 Clear: A great proposal is structured, well organized, and written with language that is
clear and understandable.
 Captivating: An outstanding project proposal grabs the audience’s attention right away,
making them want to learn more about your solution.
 Concise: Length does not correlate with success when writing proposals. Your audience
members are busy, so be as succinct as possible.
 Convincing: A winning project proposal convinces decision makers that the project will
deliver value and help them achieve their business goals.

What steps should you follow when preparing your project proposal?

No two project proposals should look exactly alike. They should each reflect the unique needs of
the organization they are designed to help. But while the details, timelines, and costs will differ,
most proposals include a core collection of points. The process of organizing these points is
outlined below in seven simple steps.

Step One: Outline the project details

The first step is a simple list of the basic details of your project. This identifying information is
often listed on the front page of the project proposal. Key pieces of information to reference
include the following:

 Your name
 Your title
 The name of your organization
 The name of the organization for which the proposal is prepared
 Project proposal date
 Key project contacts
Step Two: Prepare an executive summary

“Oftentimes, executive summaries are the only place decision makers will go to determine if
action is warranted on a particular action or idea. Remember, the people who are reading the
summary often do not have much time, so your executive summary must grab their attention and
entice them to read through the larger, more in-depth documentation.” – Rasmussen College
Library and Learning Services

Your executive summary is more than just a succinct overview of your project proposal. It is the
first thing your audience may see. And in some cases, it may be the only part of your proposal
your audience sees. Today’s decision-makers are busier than ever, and some may only look at
your executive summary. So make sure you prepare a short, but enticing summary that achieves
the following:

 Outlines the problem or reason your project is needed

 Provides the course of action that will solve the problem (your project)
 Highlights the return on investment the project will produce

Step Three: Provide a short and enticing introduction

Aside from your executive summary, your introduction is the second most important section of
your proposal. (Hopefully!) most of your audience is ready to learn more about your project and
the purpose of your introduction is to keep them interested in your project.

One of the best ways to do this is to lead with an eye-opening statistic that is relevant to the
reader. For example, if you are proposing a new and more efficient CRM, you may start by
stating the total number of work hours lost due to technical problems with the existing CRM.
Then, translate these hours lost into dollars lost to keep the audience interested in your proposed

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Step Four: Offer a timetable with milestones

Your audience will want to know how long it will take to execute your project. It’s critical to
include a proposed timeline that features some key project milestones and when they may occur.
This helps your audience visualize how the project will unfold and when they will begin to see

Step Five: Provide a cost estimate

A detailed cost summary is an essential part of any good project proposal. Trying to secure buy-
in for a project without outlining anticipated costs is a surefire way for your proposal to be cast
aside by executives and stakeholders. Here are some common areas to cover when outlining

 General billing expenses: Note whether the project can be completed for a flat fee or if
fees will be based on the time and materials invested.
 Travel expenses: Provide estimated costs for fuel, car rental, hotel accommodations,
airfare, entertainment, and meals.
 Project supplies: If your project requires dedicated supplies, make sure to list them and
provide approximate costs.

Step Six: Overcome anticipated risks and objections

There are risks associated with virtually any type of professional service project. It’s up to you as
the project manager to anticipate these risks, as well as any potential objections. Then provide
points in your proposal to make sure they do not derail your efforts.

Step Seven: Conclude with a call to action

The greatest project proposal in the world becomes worthless without a clear call to action. Your
proposal should end with a brief but compelling conclusion that moves your audience to invest in
your proposed initiative. Whether you want them to commit to a complimentary trial or remit a
deposit, be sure to ask for their approval so you can get the ball rolling right away.

What is the secret to writing a bulletproof project proposal?

Creating a great project proposal requires time and effort. But once you create a good template
for your proposals, you can re-use it over and over again. You will soon find that you can crank
out proposals in a fraction of the time it took you to prepare your first one. You can choose to
manually paste data into your template or automate the process by pulling data from your CRM
and project management system.

Finding the right project management software that can create project proposals by
automatically inserting costs and project details into a template is the secret to success.
With a great software platform boosting your efficiency, you can devote more time to higher
value activities and maximize your productivity.

To discover how you can save time and money by automating your project proposals, contact the
project management software experts at Easy Projects. Scheduling a complimentary consultation
or requesting a product tour only takes a few minutes, and you will soon be on your way to
becoming your organization’s leading expert in project proposal design. We look forward to
becoming your trusted resource for all of your upcoming projects!
Common tools
Each area of woodworking requires a different variation of tools. Power tools and hand tools are
both used for woodworking. Many modern woodworkers choose to use power tools in their trade
for the added ease and to save time. However, many choose to still use only hand tools for
several reasons such as the experience and the added character to the work, while some choose to
use only hand tools simply for their own enjoyment.

Hand tools

Hand tools are classified as tools that receive power only from the hands that are holding them.
The more common modern hand tools are:

 Clamps are used to hold a workpiece while being worked. Clamps vary in all shapes and
sizes from small c-clamps to very large bar or strap clamps.[18] A vise is a form of clamp,
temporarily or permanently mounted as required. A woodworking vise is a vise
specialized to the needs of a woodworker; numerous types have evolved.

 Chisels are tools with a long blade, a cutting edge, and a handle. Used for cutting and
shaping wood or other materials.[18]

 The claw hammer, which can hammer, pry, and pull nails, is the most common hammer
used in woodworking.[18]

 A hand plane is used to surface aspects of a workpiece.

 The square is used to mark angles on any workpiece. An adjustable square also includes a
ruler. A speed square can mark 90 and 45-degree fixed angles and any angle between 0
and 90 degrees using its long axis.[18]

 A tape measure is a retractable or flexible ruler that has measurement increments as small
as 1/32" or 1 millimetre.

Power tools

Power tools are tools that are powered by an external energy such as a battery, motor, or a power
cable connected to a wall outlet. The more common power tools are:[18]

 The drill is a tool used to drill a hole or to insert a screw into a workpiece.[18]

 A palm sander is a small powered sander that uses either a vibration or orbital motion to
move a piece of sand paper upon the workpiece making very fine modifications in
smoothing your product.[18]
 A compound miter saw, also known as a chop saw is a stationary saw used for making
precise cuts across the grain path of a board. These cuts can be at any chosen angle that
the particular saw is capable of.[18]

 A table saw is intended to make long precise cuts along the grain pattern of the board
known as rip cuts. Most table saws offer the option of a beveled rip cut.[18]

 A thickness planer is used to smooth the surface of a board and make it the exact
thickness across the entire board.[18]

 A jointer is used to produce a flat surface along a board's length and to create a square (or
90°) edge between two adjoining surfaces.[18]
 A band saw[18] is used to make both irregularly shaped cuts and cuts through material
thicker than a table saw can manage. It is much more robust[19] than the jigsaw or more
delicate scroll saw, also regularly used in woodworking.

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