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Dhaka, Bangladesh | 0152110185 | | LinkedIn | GitHub | Portfolio

Skills and Technologies:

Expertise: HTML5 | CSS3 | ES6 | JavaScript | React.js | Bootstrap | React Bootstrap | Tailwind CSS | DaisyUI.
Comfortable: Express.js | Node.js | MongoDB | JSON | REST Api | React Query | React Hook Form.
Familiar: Next.js | JWT Token | Axios.
Tools: Firebase | Vercel | Netlify | GitHub | Figma | VS Code | Chrome Dev Tools.


1. PLATINAM - is laptops resealing website Live Site | Client Site | Server Site

• Firebase Authentication is implemented with email and password-based login and Google login with a pop-up.
Users can register their account's role as a buyer or a seller. The buyer role default for google account login
users. MongoDB database is used for storing all the data.
• Buyer accounts can book and report products from the selected categories and make payments from the orders
dashboard. Seller accounts can manage products such as deleting, advertising unsold products and also added
a new product.
• Another is the admin role, admin manages all buyers, and sellers such as deleting or verify accounts and also
deleting reported products.

Technology: React.js, React Query, React Hook Form, MongoDB, Node.js, Express.js, Firebase, Tailwind CSS, Daisy
UI, Vercel, JWT.

2. KA PHOTOGRAPHY- is weeding photography website Live Site | Client Site | Server Site

• Firebase Authentication is implemented with email and password-based login, Google and GitHub account
Login with a pop-up. MongoDB database is used for storing all the data.
• Users can explore, review the service, and see other reviews for this service. Reviews are updated when the
users add a new review. Users can manage all the reviews such as deleting and updating reviews.
• Users can add new services and added services available in the services section. MongoDB CRUD operations
are used to update all the data in the database.

Technology: React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Firebase, Tailwind CSS, Daisy UI, Vercel, React- photo-view,

3. PLATINAM TUTORIAL- is e-Learning website Live Site | Client Site | Server Site

• Firebase Authentication is implemented with email and password-based login, Google and GitHub account
Login with a pop-up.
• Users can explore all the courses. Users can download the course details as a pdf file and book a course. An
alert pop-up will be shown after every successful or unsuccessful activity.
• The courses book section is a private route, the user must be logged in to book the course.

Technology: React js, Bootstrap, React Bootstrap, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Firebase, Vercel, React-to-pdf.

Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Computer Science and Engineering, [ 2018 - 2022]
World University of Bangladesh | Dhaka, Bangladesh.
CGPA: 3.88

Extra-Curricular Activities:
Former Coordinator of Volunteer & Executive, World University of Bangladesh Students Society (WUBSS) [2020 - 2022]
Former General Secretary, World University of Bangladesh Computer Society (WUBCS) [2020 - 2021]

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