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Tasneem Nur Chittagong, Bangladesh | (+880) 1873373373

MERN Stack Developer Email:

GitHub | LinkedIn | Portfolio

Expertise: HTML | CSS | Bootstrap | Tailwind | JavaScript | ES6 | ReactJS | Firebase | MongoDB
Comfortable: REST APIs | ExpressJS | JWT | Stripe
Familiar: Node.js
Tools: VS Code | Git | Figma | Netlify | Vercel

Web Developer Intern - Baoiam Innovation Pvt Ltd (June 2023 – Present)
• Designing and developing the upcoming project name Gyaanta which basically help the students to meet their
preferable universities easily.
• Developed the frontend of the website using ReactJs and Tailwind.
• Developing the backend of the website using Node.js.
• Using MongoDB as the database.

Summer Dance – A full-stack dynamic summer camp dance academy website Live Link | Client | Server
• The website is managed by the admins. Admins can make any student instructor or admin, he also approve all the
classes to show on the website through their Admin dashboard route.(Email:, Pass: 123456R*)
• If user created an account to this site he’ll consider as a student. In the student dashboard students can see which
classes they selected and they can enroll to these classes by paying.
• If a instructor logs in to the site he’ll see in his instructor dashboard a Add A Class route where he can add any
classes he wants and a My Classes route where he can see all the classes he added.
Technologies: Firebase authentication, react-router-dom, react-icons, stripe, Node.js, ExpressJS, MongoDB
Classic Toy – A full-stack toy marketplace website Live Link | Client | Server
• Classic Toy is mainly a car toy website, where user can see all the car toys that has been added by the seller to the
• There is a shop by category section, which is presented in tab system. The toys data of this section and My Toys
page are coming from mongoDB to the client side.
• The site uses firebase authentication for user data privacy. Without login no user can access My Toys , Add A
Toy and Toy details page because these routes are private routes.
Technologies: Firebase authentication, react-router-dom, react-icons, AOS, Node.js, ExpressJS, MongoDB
Chef Recipe Hunter – A food recipe website Live Link | Client | Server
• Chef Recipe Hunter is a visually appealing website which provides a unique user experience. For secure login, the
site uses firebase authentication, ensuring user data privacy and protection.
• In this site there is a Chefs section where each chef’s informations are given with a view recipe button. This
button leads user to a private route where some recipes of the chef is given.
• If a user is not logged in to the site then he cannot access this chef recipe page, he will redirect to the login page
when user click to this button.
Technologies: React-router-dom, react-icons, Node.js, Express, Firebase Authentication

B.Sc in CSE 2018-2023 CGPA – 3.71/4 International Islamic University Chittagong

Bangla (Native) | English (Fluent) | Hindi (Basic)

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