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Approaches to the
Post-Classical Polis
Fourth Century bc to Second Century ad

Edited by



General Editors
Alan Bowman Alison Cooley

This innovative new series offers unique perspectives on the political, cultural,
social, and economic history of the ancient world. Exploiting the latest techno-
logical advances in imaging, decipherment, and interpretation, the volumes
cover a wide range of documentary sources, including inscriptions, papyri,
and wooden tablets.
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The initial idea for this volume belongs to Angelos Chaniotis who kindly
invited both of us to gather and publish various papers presented in Oxford,
mainly at the weekly Epigraphy Workshop. In time, the project developed into
a focused thematic volume aspiring to make a contribution to the debates
surrounding the post-classical polis.
We would like to thank the editors of the series Oxford Studies in Ancient
Documents, Prof. Alan Bowman and Dr Alison Cooley, for accepting to
include our collection in this distinguished series. Alison Cooley in particular
has helped us with feedback and valuable advice throughout the process of
producing this book. Likewise, we are grateful to the Press’ anonymous reader
for the very helpful comments we received, and we are equally grateful to
Hilary O’Shea, Taryn Das Neves, Desiree Kellerman, Vicki Hart of OUP,
Sylvie Jaffrey (copy editor) and Sarah Newton (proofreader). Substantial
editorial assistance was provided by Ryan Boehm (Tulane), David DeVore
(Berkeley), Tim Doran (Cal State LA), Noah Kaye (Haifa), and in particular
Randall Souza (Berkeley) thanks to financial support given to Nikolaos Papa-
zarkadas by the Committee on Research (University of California, Berkeley).
We would also like to thank the Craven Committee (University of Oxford) for
providing Paraskevi Martzavou with a grant that enabled Thomas Russell
(Oxford) to prepare the index locorum. For the jacket image we are indebted
to Elena Zavvou (Epigraphical Museum).
Finally, we are very happy to thank all the contributors for their enthusiastic
response and their patience, and John Ma in particular for practical assistance
at various stages. We hope that the volume might convey some of the
intellectual excitement and convivial spirit of the Epigraphy Workshop that
has been running successfully for more than a decade.
P. M., N. P.
Oxford, Berkeley
November 2011

List of Illustrations ix
Abbreviations xi
List of Contributors xviii

Introduction: Epigraphy and the Polis 1

Paraskevi Martzavou and Nikolaos Papazarkadas

Part I. Poleis and Ruling Powers

1. !a "H# K$%&æØ"H# çغ'#Łæø%Æ: Observations on the Pistiros
Inscription (SEG XLIII 486) 13
Miltiades B. Hatzopoulos
2. Alexander, Priene, and Naulochon 23
Peter Thonemann
3. Sicilian Identity in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods:
Epigraphic Considerations 37
Jonathan R. W. Prag

Part II. Poleis in Conflict

4. An Arbitration Concerning Lampsakos and Parion 57
Angelos P. Matthaiou
5. Local Courts of Chersonesus Taurica in the Roman Age 69
Georgy Kantor

Part III. The Social Economics of the Poleis

6. Public Subscriptions and Loans as Social Capital in the
Hellenistic City: Reciprocity, Performance, Commemoration 89
Angelos Chaniotis
7. The Ideology of Public Subscriptions 107
Aneurin Ellis-Evans

Part IV. Poleis of Honour

8. Romulus and Remus at Chios Revisited: A Re-examination
of SEG XXX 1073 125
Irene Salvo
viii Contents

9. The Victor’s Return, and the Categories of Games 139

William Slater
10. The History of Hellenistic Honorific Statues 165
John Ma
11. The Epigraphy of Honours at Siphnos: New Evidence 181
Nikolaos Papazarkadas

Part V. Institutions, Ethics, Religion

12. Two Overlooked Attic Inscriptions 201
Georgia E. Malouchou
13. Who Were the Neoi? 217
Nigel M. Kennell
14. Philosophy of Education and the Later Hellenistic Polis 233
Benjamin D. Gray
15. Thessalian Perceptions of the Ruler Cult: archegetai
and ktistai from Demetrias 255
Sofia Kravaritou
16. Fresh Light on the Institutions and Religious Life of
Thespiai: Six New Inscriptions from the Thespiai Survey 277
Albert Schachter, Fabienne Marchand

Bibliography 301
Index Locorum 337
Index 353
List of Illustrations

1.1 Pistiros in Eastern Thrace. 14

2.1 Alexander’s Edict to Priene. Photo: (#) Trustees of the British Museum. 24
2.2 Alexander’s Edict to Priene, detail (line 8). Photo: author. 25
4.1 Arbitration between Lampsakos and Parion (MX 1034).
Photo: Dr Charles Crowther. 59
8.1 Honorary decree from Chios, SEG XXX 1073. Photo: Dr Charles
Crowther. 129
11.1 Fragmentary decree, Archaeological Museum of Kastro (Siphnos),
inv. no. 298. 182
11.2 Fragmentary decree, Archaeological Museum of Kastro (Siphnos),
inv. no. 296. 186
11.3 Honorific inscription, Archaeological Museum of Kastro (Siphnos),
inv. no. 220. 188
11.4 Honorific inscription, Archaeological Museum of Kastro (Siphnos),
inv. no. 467. 191
11.5 Honorific inscription, Archaeological Museum of Kastro (Siphnos),
inv. no. 460. 196
12.1 Pittakes’ transcription of text no. 1 (Ephemeris 1860, no. 4010). 203
12.2 EM 5992. Courtesy of the Epigraphical Museum. 208
12.3 EM 5992: upper side. Courtesy of the Epigraphical Museum. 208
12.4 EM 5992: underside. Courtesy of the Epigraphical Museum. 209
15.1 Map of Magnesia with indication of the sites discussed. 256
15.2 Side A of the Kanalia Inscription (IG IX, 2 1099).Volos Museum E603.
Photo: author. 258
15.3 Side B of the Kanalia Inscription (IG IX, 2 1099).Volos Museum E603.
Photo: author. 259
15.4 The ‘heroon’ (?) on hill 84 above the theatre of Demetrias; view from
the west. Photo: author. 264
15.5 Plan of Ancient Demetrias adapted from Demetrias v. plan 1, with
indication of the location of the ‘heroon’ (?). 265
16.1 Pentekostologoi. Photo: author. 278
x List of Illustrations
16.2 Dedication to Apollo Genetas and Artemis Eileithia, left-hand part.
Photo: authors. 281
16.3 Dedication to Apollo Genetas and Artemis Eileithia, centre.
Photo: authors. 281
16.4 Dedication to Apollo Genetas and Artemis Eileithia, right-hand part.
Photo: authors. 282
16.5 Dedication to the Polis. Photo: authors. 285
16.6 Fragment of a list of victors at the Mouseia (squeeze). 288
16.7 Dedication by the Emperor Domitian. Photo: authors. 293
16.8 Official measure. Photo: authors. 295
16.9 Stamped medallion. Photo: authors. 296

Abbreviations used are the standard ones, as can be found in OCD3, L’Année
philologique, and in the SEG consolidated index for volumes XXXVI–XLV,
pp. 677–88. For the reader’s convenience we also offer this list:
AD Archaiologikon Deltion
AE L’Année épigraphique (Paris, 1888– )
AFLPer(class) Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Perugia. Studi
Agora XVI A. G. Woodhead, The Athenian Agora, XVI. Inscriptions:
The Decrees (Princeton, NJ, 1997)
Agora XVII D. W. Bradeen, The Athenian Agora, XVII. Inscriptions:
Funerary Monuments (Princeton, NJ, 1972)
Agora XIX G. V. Lalonde, M. K. Langdon, and M. B. Walbank, The
Athenian Agora, XIX. Inscriptions: Horoi, Poletai Records,
Leases of Public Lands (Princeton, NJ, 1991)
APF J. Davies, Athenian Propertied Families (Oxford, 1971)
APMA !æå"E#$ %H$ &$Å'"(ø$ %H$ !ŁÅ$H$ ŒÆd %B* !%%ØŒB*
+ı$%Æ++,'"$#$ K$%#ºB
fi %#F -ı'.#ıº(#ı
A/MA 1 B. N. Bardane and G. E. Malouchou, ¯0æ"%1æØÆ %H$
2"æØ#3ØŒH$ «!Ł1$ÆØ#$» (1872–1881) ŒÆd «4غ(+%øæ»
(1861–1863) (Athens, 1992)
A/MA 3 G. E. Malouchou, Part A: K. S. Pittakys, L’Ancienne Athènes,
ou la description des antiquités d’Athènes et de ses environs
(Athènes, 1835). E0æ"%1æØ#. Part B: O. Visyenou, « 5 E2تæÆçÆd
I$6Œ3#%#Ø» 1851–1855. «—æÆŒ%ØŒa %B* K2d %#F 5 Eæ"åŁ"(#ı
K2Ø%æ#2B*» (1853). «5 ¯ 2تæÆçÆd 7 EººÅ$ØŒÆ(» (1860).
¯0æ"%1æØ# (Athens, 1998)
A/MA 5 G. E. Malouchou, 5 ¯ çÅ'"æd* !æåÆØ#º#ªØŒ1. ¯0æ"%1æØÆ
2"æØ,3#ı 2æ8%Å* 1837–1860 (Athens, 2010)
BE Bulletin épigraphique (Paris, 1938– )
BMC Greek Coins in the British Museum, 27 vols. (London,
Choix d’Écrits L. Robert, Choix d’Écrits, ed. D. Rousset (Paris, 2007)
CID Corpus des inscriptions de Delphes (Paris, 1977– )
CIG Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum (Berlin, 1825–77)
CIL Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (Berlin, 1863– )
xii Abbreviations
CIRB V. V. Struve et al., Korpus bosporskikh nadpisej (Corpus
inscriptionum regni Bosporani) (Moscow, 1965)
CIS Corpus inscriptionum semiticarum (Paris, 1881–1962)
C&S Cultura e Scuola
Demetrias v Die deutschen archäologischen Forschungen in Thessalien.
Demetrias, v. Contributors include S. C. Bakhuizen,
F. Gschnitzer, C. Habicht, P. Marzolff (Bonn, 1987)
DGE F. R. Adrados et al., Diccionario griego–español (Madrid,
1980– )
EAM I T. Rizakis and G. Touratsoglou, ! ¯ "تæÆçb# @$ø %ÆŒ&'($)Æ#
(! ¯ º)*&ØÆ, ! ¯ (æ'Æ)Æ, ˝+,ØÆ ¸ıªŒÅ-,)#, ! Oæ&-,)#). .+*(# `!.
˚Æ,/º(ª(# ! ¯ "تæÆçH$ (Athens, 1985)
Emprunt L. Migeotte, L’Emprunt public dans les cités grecques: recueil
des documents et analyse critique (Québec, 1984)
FD Fouilles de Delphes
FGrH F. Jacoby, Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, 4 parts
(Berlin and Leiden, 1923–99)
IAG L. Moretti, Iscrizioni Agonistiche Greche (Rome, 1953)
I.Anazarbos M. Sayar, Die Inschriften von Anazarbos und Umgebung
(Bonn, 2000)
I.Asklepieions C. Habicht, Altertümer von Pergamon, VIII. 3. Die
Inschriften des Asklepieions (Berlin, 1969)
I.Beroia L. Gounaropoulou and M. Hatzopoulos, ! ¯ "تæÆçb# ˚/,ø
%ÆŒ&'($)Æ# (*&,Æ0f ,(F B&æ*)(ı Zæ(ı# ŒÆd ,(F 10Ø(F
"(,Æ*(F). i. ! ¯ "تæÆçb# B&æ()Æ# (Athens, 1998)
I.Catania Kalle Korhonen, Le iscrizioni del Museo civico di Catania:
storia delle collezioni, cultura epigrafica, edizione (Helsinki,
I.Cret. M. Guarducci, Inscriptiones Creticae (Rome, 1935–50)
ICUR A. Silvangi, A. Ferrua, et al., Inscriptiones christianae urbis
Romae, 10 vols. (Rome, 1922– )
I.Délos F. Durrbach, Inscriptions de Délos (Paris, 1926–37)
I.Didyma A. Rehm and R. Harder (eds.), Didyma, II. Die Inschriften
(Berlin, 1958)
I.Eleusis K. Clinton, Eleusis: The Inscriptions on Stone. Documents of
the Sanctuary of the Two Goddesses and Public Documents of
the Deme, 3 vols. (Athens, 2005–8)
I.Ephesos H. Wankel, R. Merkelbach, et al., Die Inschriften von
Ephesos, I–VII (IGSK 11–17) (Bonn, 1979–81)
I.Erythrai H. Engelmann and R. Merkelbach, Die Inschriften von
Erythrai und Klazomenai, I–II (IGSK 1–2) (Bonn, 1972–73)
Abbreviations xiii
IG Inscriptiones Graecae (Berlin, 1873– )
IGBulg G. Mihailov, Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae
(Sofia, 1958–97)
IGDS L. Dubois, Inscriptions grecques dialectales de Sicile:
contribution à l’étude du vocabulaire grec colonial
(i. Rome, 1989; ii. Geneva, 2008)
IGLS L. Jalabert, R. Mouterde, C. Mondésert, and J. P. Rey-
Coquais, Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie, i–vii
(Paris, 1929–70)
IGR Inscriptiones Graecae ad res Romanas pertinentes (Paris,
IGSK Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien
IGUR L. Moretti, Inscriptiones Graecae Urbis Romae, 4 vols.
(Rome, 1968–90)
I.Histriae D. Pippidi, Inscriptiones Daciae et Scythiae Minoris
Antiquae, Series Altera. Inscriptiones Scythiae Minoris
Graecae et Latinae, I. Inscriptiones Histriae et Viciniae
(Bucharest, 1983)
I.Iasos W. Blümel, Die Inschriften von Iasos, I–II (IGSK 28) (Bonn,
I.Ilion P. Frisch, Die Inschriften von Ilion (IGSK 3) (Bonn, 1975)
IJG R. Dareste, B. Haussoullier, and T. Reinach, Recueil des
inscriptions juridiques grecques (Paris, 1891)
I.Kaunos C. Marek, Die Inschriften von Kaunos (Munich, 2006)
I.Knidos W. Blümel, Inschriften von Knidos I (Bonn, 1992)
I.Kyme H. Engelmann, Die Inschriften von Kyme (IGSK 5) (Bonn,
I.Lampsakos P. Frisch, Die Inschriften von Lampsakos (IGSK 6) (Bonn,
ILLRP A. Degrassi, Inscriptiones latinae liberae rei publicae, 2 vols.
(Florence, 1957–63)
I.Lindos C. Blinkenberg, Lindos. Fouilles et recherches, II. Fouilles de
l’acropole. Inscriptions (Berlin, 1941)
ILS Inscriptiones latinae selectee (Berlin, 1892–1916)
I.Magnesia O. Kern, Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Maeander
(IGSK 8) (Berlin, 1900)
I.Magnesia am Sipylos T. Ihnken, Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Sipylos (IGSK 8)
(Bonn, 1978)
I.Metropolis B. Dreyer and H. Engelmann, Die Inschriften von Metropolis,
I. (IGSK 63) (Bonn, 2003)
xiv Abbreviations
I.Milet A. Rehm and P. Herrmann, Inschriften von Milet (Berlin,
New York, 1997)
I.Mylasa W. Blümel, Die Inschriften von Mylasa, I. Inschriften der
Stadt (IGSK 34) (Bonn, 1987)
Inscr. Ital. Inscriptiones Italiae: Academiae Italicae Consociatae
ediderunt, 13 vols. (Rome, 1931– )
I.Oropos V. Petrakos, ˇƒ K!تæÆçb" #$F % &æø!$F (Athens, 1997)
IOSPE I B. Latyschev, Inscriptiones antiquae orea septentrionalis
Ponti Euxini Graecae et Latinae. 2nd edn. (St Petersburg,
1916), I
I.Parion P. Frisch, Die Inschriften von Parion (IGSK 25) (Bonn, 1983)
I.Pergamon M. Fraenkel, Die Inschriften von Pergamon, 2 vols. (Berlin,
I.Perge S. Sahin, Die Inschriften von Perge, I (IGSK 54) (Bonn, 1999)
I.Priene F. Hiller von Gaertringen, Die Inschriften von Priene (Berlin,
I.Prusa T. Corsten, Die Inschriften von Prusa ad Olympum, 2 vols.
(IGSK 39–40) (Bonn, 1991–3)
I.Rhodes Peraia W. Blümel, Die Inschriften des rhodischen Peraia (IGSK 38)
(Bonn, 1991)
IScM Inscriptiones Scythiae Minoris graecae et latinae (Bucharest,
1980– )
IscrCos M. Segre, Iscrizioni di Cos, 2 vols. (Rome, 1993–2007)
ISE L. Moretti, Iscrizioni storiche ellenistiche (Florence, 1967–76)
I.Selge J. Nollé and F. Schnindler, Die Inschriften von Selge (Bonn,
I.Sestos J. Krauss, Die Inschriften von Sestos und der thrakischen
Chersones (IGSK 19) (Bonn, 1980)
I.Side J. Nollé, Side im Altertum. Geschichte und Zeugnisse,
I. Geographie, Geschichte, Testimonia, griechische und
lateinische Inschriften (1–4) (IGSK 43) (Bonn, 1993);
II. Griechische und lateinische Inschriften (5–6)—Papyri—
Inschriften in sidetischer Schrift und Sprache—Ergänzungen
und Berichtigungen—Konkordanzen—Epigraphische Indices
(IGSK 44) (Bonn, 2001)
I.Smyrna G. Petzl, Die Inschriften von Smyrna, I–II. (IGSK 23–4)
(Bonn 1982–90)
I.Stratonikeia M. Ç. Sahin, Die Inschriften von Stratonikeia, 2 vols. (IGSK
21–2) (Bonn 1981–90)
Abbreviations xv
IThesp Paul Roesch{, Les Inscriptions de Thespies, <http://www.> [online corpus 2007],
accessed Jan. 2012.
I.Thessaly A. McDevitt, Inscriptions of Thessaly: An Analytical Handlist
and Bibliography (Hildesheim and New York, 1970)
I.Tralleis F. B. Poljakov, Die Inschriften von Tralleis und Nysa, I (IGSK
36.1) (Bonn, 1989)
La Thessalie La Thessalie. Quinze années de recherches archéologiques,
1975–1990. Bilans et perspectives. Actes du colloque
international. Lyon, 17–22 avril 1990 (Athens, 1994), i–ii
LGPN A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names (Oxford 1987– ), i–v
LIMC Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (Zurich,
LSAM F. Sokolowski, Lois sacrées de l’Asie Mineure (Paris, 1955)
LSCG F. Sokolowski, Lois sacrées des cités grecques (Paris, 1969)
LSCG Suppl. F. Sokolowski, Lois sacrées des cités grecques. Supplément
(Paris, 1969)
LSJ H. G. Liddell and R. Scott, A Greek–English Lexicon, 9th edn.
(Oxford, 1996)
Maiuri, Nuova Silloge A. Maiuri, Nuova silloge epigrafica di Rodi e Cos (Florence, 1925)
MAMA Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua (1928– )
Mauerbauinschriften F. G. Maier, Griechische Mauerbauinschriften (Heidelberg,
1959–61), I and II
Meiggs-Lewis, GHI R. Meiggs and D. M. Lewis, A Selection of Greek Historical
Inscriptions to the End of the Fifth Century bc, rev. edn.
(Oxford, 1988)
MediterrAnt Mediterraneo antico. Economie, società, culture
Milet I 3 G. Kawerau and A. Rehm, Milet: Ergebnisse der
Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen seit dem Jahr 1899, I 3.
Das Delphinion in Milet (Berlin, 1914)
Milet I 7 H. Knackfuss and A. Rehm, Der Südmarkt und die
benachbarten Bauanlagen, mit epigraphischen Beitrag
(Berlin, 1924)
Milet VI 1 P. Hermann, Die Inschriften von Milet (Berlin, 1997)
MRR T. R. S. Broughton, The Magistrates of the Roman Republic,
3 vols. (New York, 1951–86)
NEPKh E. I. Solomonik, Novye epigraficheskie pamyatniki
Khersonesa. 2 vols. (Kiev, 1963–74)
Nomima H. van Effentere and F. Ruzé, Nomima: recueil d’inscriptions
politiques at juridiques de l’archaïsme grec. 2 vols. (Rome,
xvi Abbreviations
OCD3 S. Hornblower and A. Spawforth (eds.), Oxford Classical
Dictionary, 3rd edn. rev. (Oxford, 2003)
OGIS W. Dittenberger, Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae
(Leipzig, 1903–5), I–II
OGS O. Masson, Onomastica Graeca Selecta i–ii, ed. L. Dubois
and C. Dobias (Paris, 1990); iii. indices (Geneva, 2000)
OMRL Oudheidkundige mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van
Oudheden te Leiden
OMS L. Robert, Opera Minora Selecta. Epigraphie et antiquités
grecques (Amsterdam, 1969–90), i–viii
PA J. Kirchner, Prosopographia Attica (Berlin, 1901–3)
PAA J. S. Traill, Persons of Ancient Athens (Toronto, 1994– )
PAAH —æÆŒ!ØŒa !B" K# $Ł&#ÆØ" $æåÆØ'º'ªØŒB" ( E!ÆØæ)*Æ"
Pagasai und Demetrias F. Stählin, E. Meyer, and A. Heidner (eds.), Pagasai und
Demetrias (Berlin and Leipzig, 1934)
PAgon P. Frisch, Zehn agonistische Papyri, Papyrologica
Coloniensia 13 (Opladen, 1986)
Petrakos, ˜B+'" !'F B. C. Petrakos, (1999). ( ˇ ,B+'" !'F -Æ+#'F#!'": ./#'łÅ
( -Æ+#'F#!'" 11 !H# I#Æ2ŒÆçH# ŒÆd !H# Kæ)ı#H# (1813–1998), II. ˇƒ
K3تæÆç4". BAAH 182 (Athens, 1999)
PH W. R. Paton and E. L. Hicks, The Inscriptions of Cos (Oxford,
PIR Prosopographia imperii romani (Berlin and Leipzig, 1933–98)
P Milan. Papiri Milanesi (Milan, 1928–67)
POxy. Oxyrhynchus Papyri (Oxford, 1898– )
PRylands Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the John Rylands Library,
Manchester, 4 vols. (Manchester, 1911–52)
PSI Papiri greci e latini, Pubblicazioni della Società Italiana per la
ricerca dei Papiri greci e latini in Egitto, 15 vols. (Florence,
RC C. B. Welles, Royal Correspondence in the Hellenistic Period
(New Haven, 1934)
RDGE R. K. Sherk, Roman Documents from the Greek East
(Baltimore, 1969)
RE Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der klassischen Altertums-
RFIC Rivista di filologia e istruzione classica
RPC ii A. Burnett, M. Amandry, and I. Carradice (1999), Roman
Provincial Coinage, ii. From Vespasian to Domitian: ad
69–96. London, Paris
Abbreviations xvii
RRC M. H. Crawford, Roman Republican Coinage (Cambridge,
RS M. H. Crawford et al., Roman Statutes, 2 vols. (London,
SB Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten
SC B. Latyschev, Scythica et Causacica e veteribus scriptoribus
Graecis et Latinis, 2 vols. (St Petersburg, 1890–1906)
SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (Leiden, 1923– )
SGDI Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften (Göttingen,
Souscriptions L. Migeotte, Les Souscriptions publiques dans les cités
grecques (Québec, 1992)
StudPal C. Wessely (ed.), Studien zür Palaeographie und
Papyruskunde, v. Corpus Papyrorum Hermopolitanorum
(Leipzig, 1904)
S.V. H. Bengtson and R. Werner, Die Staatsverträge des
Altertums: Die Verträge der griechisch-römischen Welt von
700 bis 338 v. Chr. (Munich, 1975)
Syll.3 W. Dittenberger, Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, 3rd edn.
(Leipzig, 1915–24)
TAM E. Kalinka et al., Tituli Asiae Minoris, 5 vols. (Vienna,
ThesCRA ii Thesaurus Cultus e Rituum Antiquorum, ii. Purification,
Initiation, Heroization, Apotheosis, Banquet, Dance, Music,
Cult Images (Los Angeles, 2004)
Tit. Cal. M. Segre, Tituli Calymnii (Bergamo, 1952)
Wilhelm, A. Wilhelm, Akademieschriften zur griechischen
Akademieschriften Inschriftenkunde (1895–1951) 3 vols. (Leipzig, 1974)
Wilhelm, KlSchr A. Wilhelm, Kleine Schriften i–vi (Leipzig, 1974–2003)
List of Contributors

Angelos Chaniotis is Professor of Ancient History and Classics at the Institute

for Advanced Study in Princeton and an editor of the Supplementum Epigra-
phicum Graecum. He directs the project ‘The Social and Cultural Construction
of Emotions: The Greek Paradigm’ in Oxford.
Miltiades B. Hatzopoulos is a historian, Member of the Institut de France
(Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres), former Director (1992–2010)
of the Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquity (KERA), National Research
Foundation. Author or editor of twenty volumes and more than a hundred
shorter studies on history, epigraphy, religion, linguistics, geography of
Macedonia and adjacent areas. He is also the author of three novels.
Aneurin Ellis-Evans is a doctoral student at New College, Oxford. His disser-
tation is a study of the long-term historical geography of the North Aegean
Benjamin D. Gray is a Fellow by Examination at All Souls College, Oxford.
His research involves studying the inscriptions of Greek poleis as evidence for
ethical and political assumptions, ideas, and debates. He is preparing for
publication a doctoral thesis entitled ‘Exile and the Political Cultures of the
Greek Polis, c.404–146 bc’.
Georgy Kantor is a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow in Ancient History
at New College, Oxford. His primary research interests are in legal and
institutional history of the eastern provinces of Rome. He works on inscrip-
tions from the Black Sea area for the Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum.
Nigel M. Kennell is an instructor at the International Center for Hellenic and
Mediterranean Studies in Athens, Greece, and a member of the American
School of Classical Studies at Athens. He is the author of The Gymnasium
of Virtue (1995) and Spartans: A New History (2010). He has published
numerous articles on Spartan history and Greek civic institutions—especially
citizen training systems—in the Hellenistic and Roman periods.
Sofia Kravaritou holds doctorates in Religious Anthropology of Ancient
Greece and in Ancient Greek Language and Literature (EPHE-Sorbonne and
Lausanne respectively). Since 2004 she has been working as an archaeologist
for the Greek Ministry of Culture. Her main interests are Greek calendars and
ancient Greek religion. Part of her ongoing interdisciplinary work on the
religion of Thessaly recently appeared in the journal Kernos.
List of Contributors xix

John Ma teaches ancient history at the University of Oxford. His interests

include the post-classical polis, Achaimenid history, and the historical geog-
raphy of Greek lands. He is the author of Antiochos III and the Cities of
Western Asia Minor (rev. edn. 2002) and a forthcoming monograph on the
honorific statue habit in the Hellenistic world. He was one of the co-organizers
of the Arshama project, (<>).
Georgia E. Malouchou is a member of the Greek Epigraphic Society (EEE),
and has been working since 1990 as a researcher for the Archaeological Society
at Athens on the project Archive of the Monuments of Athens and Attica
(ARMA), the latest product of which is her own !æå"E#$ %H$ &$Å'"(ø$ %H$
!ŁÅ$H$ ŒÆd %B* !%%ØŒB* 5: + ¯ ,Å'"æd* !æåÆØ#º#ªØŒ-. ¯.æ"%-æØÆ /"æØ01#ı
/æ2%Å*, 1837–1860 (Athens 2010). Her major interests are Attic and Chian
epigraphy, and the topography of Athens and Attica. She is currently a
member of the international team preparing the corpus of Chian inscriptions
IG XII 6.3.
Fabienne Marchand held a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship at
the University of Oxford (St Anne’s College), before joining Warwick as a
Research Fellow in Classics in 2011. She has broad interests in ancient history,
classical archaeology, Greek epigraphy, and onomastics. Her area of special-
ization is Central Greece, particularly Boiotia. She has been involved in the
Thespiai Survey since 2009.
Paraskevi Martzavou is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Epigraphy in
the Project ‘The Social and Cultural Construction of Emotions: The Greek
Paradigm’, in Oxford. She has worked as an archaeologist for the Greek
Archaeological Service. Her interests include Greek institutions, the Isis cult,
the religious history of Roman Greece, and more generally the relationship
between religion, economy, and the sociology of religious change.
Angelos P. Matthaiou is the Secretary General of the Greek Epigraphic Society
(EEE) and editor-in-chief of the journal HOROS. He has published numerous
studies on the epigraphy and history of Athens, the Aegean islands, and
mainland Greece, more recently The Athenian Empire on Stone Revisited
(EEE 2010) and 3a K$ %BØ 4%-ºÅØ ª"ªæÆ''5$Æ: Six Greek Historical Inscriptions
of the Fifth Century B.C. (EEE 2011). He is one of the main editors of the new
Attic epigraphical corpus IG II3 and of the forthcoming corpus of Chian
inscriptions IG XII 6.3.
Nikolaos Papazarkadas is an Associate Professor of Classics at the University
of California at Berkeley. He specializes in Greek epigraphy and has published
extensively on inscriptions from Athens and the Cyclades. He is one of the
editors of the Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. His book Sacred and
Public Land in Ancient Athens came out in 2011 (OUP).
xx List of Contributors

Jonathan R. W. Prag is a Fellow of Merton College and University Lecturer

in Ancient History at the University of Oxford. He teaches Roman history
and undertakes research broadly on the Hellenistic western Mediterranean, in
particular on ancient Sicily, Roman imperialism, Cicero, Hellenistic and
Republican epigraphy, and Punic identity.
Irene Salvo’s research interests lie in social and cultural history of ancient
Greece, with a focus on religion, law, social values, and Greek inscriptions. She
obtained her Ph.D. in Ancient History at the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa)
with a thesis on blood pollution, civic rites of purification, and vengeance
practices. She has worked as research assistant within the Oxford-based
ERC Project ‘The Social and Cultural Construction of Emotions: The Greek
Albert Schachter is Emeritus Hiram Mills Professor of Classics, Department
of History and Classical Studies, McGill University. He now lives in Oxford.
His research interests concern the cults and history of Boiotia. He is the editor
of the online bibliographical bulletin of Boiotian studies, Teiresias.
William J. Slater is an Emeritus professor of Classics in the Department of
Classics at McMaster University. His interests revolve around the social
history of festivals of the ancient world and drama, especially the organization
and financial aspects of both.
Peter Thonemann teaches ancient history at Wadham College, Oxford. He is
the author of The Birth of Classical Europe (2010, with Simon Price) and The
Maeander Valley (2011). He is currently working on documents from central
Anatolia <>.
Part II
Poleis in Conflict

An Arbitration Concerning
Lampsakos and Parion
Angelos P. Matthaiou

The fragmentary inscription presented below was first published in 1937 by

Jeanne Vanseveren (later Mrs Robert), who offered an ample commentary.
The inscription is a Chian decree on an arbitration of the disputes between the
cities of Lampsakos and Parion. Autopsy of the stone for the needs of the
corpus of Chian inscriptions under preparation in the series of Inscriptiones
Graecae was the stimulus for the following presentation.1
Stele of blue-grey local marble (Latomi) broken at the top, the bottom, and the left side;
stored in the Museum of Chios (inv. no. MX 1034). Provenance unknown. Height
(preserved): 0.51 m; width (preserved): 0.36 m; thickness: 0.155 m. Letter height: 0.006
(ˇ)—0.009 m. (˚, !, "); interlinear space: 0.005—0.01 m. Ed.: Vanseveren (1937) 337–44,
no. 10, pl. VI (Ager (1996) no. 90). Cf. Flacelière et J. et L. Robert, BE (1938) 294; Herrmann
(1979) 262–8; I.Lampsakos, T 105; I.Parion, T. 59; Rhodes with Lewis (1997) 229.
[- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ]ƺ#F$Ø% ¸Æ&łÆŒÅ.[%. .]
[ŒÆd —ÆæØÆ%. . - - - - - M]()ø$*% [›] +B&#, -Œ./*æ#[,]
[- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ]ÆØ /a KªŒº0. &Æ/Æ ŒÆd /a, +)Œ[Æ,]
4 [/a, - - - - - - - - - - - - - -]%Æ, ‹$ÆØ q$Æ% 1ŒŒºÅ/#Ø, /., /* +[)]-
[ŒÆ, /a, - - - - - - - - - -2.]$ . Æ, ŒÆd /a º#Ø2a KªŒº0&Æ/Æ j I.+ØŒ0[&Æ]-
[/Æ - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.]%/Æ! ›&#.–)ø, +b qæŁ. ÆØ ŒÆd *Y ./.Ø%Æ ŒÆ/[․]
[- - - - - - - - - - - - - 42Bæ]å . *% I+ØŒ0&Æ/Æ &ÅŁ*%e, 42#º*Ø2#. [&5]-
8 [%#ı - - - - - - - - 2æe, ÆP]/a, KªŒº0&Æ/#, /H% KŒ /#F 2æ6/*æ#[%]

I am indebted to Dr Charles V. Crowther for his substantial help and instructive suggestions, for
saving me from a lot of mistakes and for correcting my English. I also thank warmly Georgia
E. Malouchou who read my paper, made useful suggestions, and alerted me on a few crucial
points. N. Kaye and N. Papazarkadas kindly helped me with the editing of both the Greek and
the English texts.
The preparation of the corpus is an international project undertaken by C. V. Crowther,
P. Derow{, K. Hallof, G. E. Malouchou, A. P. Matthaiou, and R. Parker.
58 Poleis in Conflict

[åæ6%#ı, ŒÆd *N /#E, N+Ø]7/ÆØ, 42.æå*Ø 2æe, -Æı/#f, $ı&86ºÆ.[ØÆ]

[- - - - - ŒÆ/a /e% 26º]*&#%, ŒÆd K2d /#9/#Ø, $ıªŒÆ/ÆŁ*&5[%ø%]
[/H% - - - - - - - - - - -] I2e /H% 26º*ø%· v IªÆŁBØ /9åÅØ· +*+. [6]-
12 [åŁÆØ /HØ +0&øØ· *h(Æ]$ŁÆ. Ø /e& 2æ9/Æ%Ø% /e% $/*çÆ%Åç[6æ#%]
[ŒÆd /#f, ƒ*æ*E, /#f, +Å]&. #/*º. *E, ŒÆd /a, ƒ*æ*)Æ, Ł*#E, 2[A$Ø]
[ŒÆd 2.$ÆØ, ª)%*$ŁÆØ $ı]&. ç*æ6%/[ø],. /. c% $9ººı$Ø% K2’ IªÆŁ . [HØ]
[/HØ +0&øØ /HØ ¸Æ&łÆŒÅ]%H% ŒÆd /HØ +0&øØ /HØ —ÆæØÆ%H%
16 [ŒÆd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -] K2Ø/*º5$ÆØ Łı$)Æ% Ł*#E, 2A$Ø
[ŒÆd 2.$ÆØ,· - - - - - - - -/#f], 2æ*$8*ı/a, ŒÆd /e% K2 . 0Œ##% [-]-
[ŒÆ/5æÆ, /B, 26º*ø, - - - - -]/Æ, &*/a ¸Æ&łÆŒÅ%H% ŒÆd —ÆæØ-
[Æ%H% - - - - - - - - - - - - - -]%· 25&łÆØ +b ŒÆd 2æ*$8*)Æ& 2æ[e,]
20 [/e% +B&#% /e% ¸Æ&łÆŒÅ]%H% ŒÆd /e% +B&#% /e& —ÆæØÆ-
[%H% - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2*æ]d. /B, K2Ø/. */*º. .*$&5%Å, 42e /[#F]
[+0&#ı - - - - - - - - 2æe, ÆP/]a, $ıºº9$*ø,· ¥%Æ +b ŒÆd +ØÆ&. [5]-
[%ÅØ - - - - - - - - *N, /e% –2Æ%]/Æ åæ6%#%, /#f, K(*/Æ$/a,
24 [- - - - - - - - - - K2Ø&*º*E]$. ŁÆØ ŒÆ/Æ$Œ*ıB, $/0[ºÅ,]
[ºØŁ)%Å, Kç’ w, /6+* /e ł]0çØ$&Æ I%[ƪæÆç0$*/ÆØ - - - - - - - -]
[- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -]:
.;. [---------------]


The line length is inferred from lines 15 and 20. Underlined letters are not visible today.
Suppl. Vans(everen); 12 Matth(aiou). || 1 [- - +Ø].ºı$Ø% ¸Æ&łÆŒÅ[%H%] Vans., [- - -
/#E,] ±º#F$Ø% Matth., [- - - 2ÆæÆ- vel KªŒ]ƺ#F$Ø% Crowther (per litt.). || 1–2 ¸Æ&łÆŒÅ. [%H%
ŒÆd | —ÆæØÆ%H%] Vans., ¸Æ&łÆŒÅ.[%#d ŒÆd | —ÆæØÆ%#)] Crowth. (per litt.). || 2 [- - K2*Ø+c vel
ŒÆŁ6/Ø M]()ø$*% Vans. || 3 [Œæ)%*$ŁÆØ /a I+ØŒ0&Æ/Æ] Vans. || 4 [/a, 2æ6/*æ#%?
ª*ª*%Å&5]%Æ, Vans. [/a, &c ª*%#&5]%Æ, Matth. || 5 /., /* +[)|ŒÆ, º#Ø2a, qæŁÆØ] Vans. ||
6 [j Oç*غ0&Æ/Æ] vel [$ı&86ºÆØÆ 2.]%/Æ Vans., [- - qæŁÆØ 2.]%/Æ Matth. || 6 fin.–8 *Y ./.Ø %Æ.
ŒÆ/[a | /e% 26º*&#% 42Bæ]å*% I+ØŒ0&Æ/Æ &ÅŁ*%e, 42#º*Ø[2#&5|%#ı -Æı/ÆE, 2æe, ÆP]/a,
KªŒº0&Æ/#, Vans. in comm. || 10 [K%*$/H/Æ] Vans., [&*/5øæÆ] Matth. || 11 [/H%
2Ææƪ*%#&5%ø%] I2e /H% 26º*ø% Vans. || 12 [*h(Æ$ŁÆØ &b]% /e% 2æ9/Æ%Ø% Vans. || 16
[ŒÆd I%#)(Æ%/Æ, /#f, %Æ#9,] Vans. in comm. || 21 [/c% +Øƺ*(#&5%Å% 2*æ]d. /B,
K2Ø/*/*º*$&5%Å, Vans., [/c% I2ƪª*º#F$Æ% 2*æ]d. /B, K2Ø/. */*º..*$&5%Å, Matth. || 21–2
42e /[#F | +0&#ı /#F <&*/5æ#ı 2æe, ÆP/]., Vans., 42e /[#F | <&*/5æ#ı +0&#ı 2æe, ÆP/].,
Matth. || 22–3 +ØÆ& . [5|%ÅØ /ÆF/Æ Œ9æØÆ *N, /e% –2Æ%]/Æ åæ6%#% Vans., +ØÆ&. [5|%ÅØ /a
+*+#ª&5%Æ *N, /e% –2Æ%]/Æ åæ6%#% Matth. || 24 [ŒÆd /#f, 2#º*&.æå#ı, K2Ø&*º*E]$ŁÆØ
Vans., [&*/a /H% 2#º*&.æåø% K2Ø&*º*E$ŁÆØ] vel [/#f, &*/a /#F +*E%#, K2Ø&*º*E]$ŁÆØ
Malouchou (per litt.).


Vanseveren, in the introduction of her commentary on the text, noted its

similarity with that of the Eretrian arbitration between Paros and Naxos, IG XI
1065 (= IG XII. 5 128).
An Arbitration: Lampsakos and Parion 59

Fig. 4.1. Arbitration between Lampsakos and Parion (MX 1034).

1 [- - -]ƺ#F$Ø%. I had initially incorporated the restoration [- - - /#E,] ±º#F$Ø%

in the main text. The verb is used for people captured either by pirates or by
enemies in war operations;2 for the latter cf. the honorary decree of Arkesine

Pirates: e.g. IG XII. 7 386 ll. 6, 39–40; IG II². 284 l. 10; on these inscriptions, see also Bielman
(1994) nos. 38 and 5. War hostilities: cf. I.Lampsakos 1 l. 12; IG IV. 756 l. 14; I.Ephesos v. 1450 l. 3.
60 Poleis in Conflict
(Amorgos) for the Atthidographer Androtion, IG XII. 7 5 ll. 15–16: ŒÆd /H%
±º6%/ø% *N, /e, 2#º*&)#ı, | #x , 2*æØ5/ıå*% K[º9]$Æ/# (RO 51: ‘And he
ransomed those made prisoners of the enemy when he encountered’). If the
restoration stands, the dative of the participle in the Chian decree indicates
that the two cities had asked Chios to consider, and take measures for, those
captured from both sides during a war.3 One cannot say with certainty
whether the requests of the two cities in ll. 1–6 refer to judicial matters also
related to the captives, or whether such requests would have been included in
the missing part of the inscription before l. 1.
Charles Crowther has kindly suggested to me that it is preferable to restore
here [- - - 2ÆæÆŒ]ƺ#F$Ø% or [- - - KªŒ]ƺ#F$Ø%. Both verbs are attested in
arbitrations, cf. Ager (1996) nos. 42 l. 5: /#E, 4ç= <&H% 2ÆæÆŒºÅŁ*E$Ø; 64 l. 5:
[-Œ]Æ/5æÆ, /A% 2#º)ø% 2Ææ[Æ]ŒÆº#ı&5%Æ, [&*|$Ø]/*[F]$ÆØ; Polyb. 4. 52. 2 [=
Ager (1996) no. 51]: $ı%*å7æÅ$Æ% /#E, 2Ææƌƺ#ı&5%#Ø, (‘. . . they consented
to [his] proposals’); Ager (1996) no. 71 ll. 11–13 (SEG XXXVI 1040): 2*æd &b%
/H% [ŒÆ]/a /e% 26º*&#% | [KªŒºÅ]&./ø% [42b]æ z% K%*Œ.º*$Æ% Iºº.º#Ø,
>Å&%E/[ÆØ | ŒÆd ˚º]ÆÇ#&5%Ø#Ø (‘as for the accusations concerning the war, on
account of which the Temnitans and the Klazomenians brought charges
against each other’); I.Priene 37 l. 100: KªŒÆº#F%/Æ, ‹/Ø å7æÆ, /* 2ºBŁ#[,
%5&#Ø%/# —æØÆ%*E, ..]; SEG XLIII 293, ll. 2–3: [42b]æ z% K%*Œ.º*Ø [/e Œ#Ø%e% /H%
?ÆæŒÆ+#%)ø%] | ¯Pº9ŒøØ ŒÆd ¯P+0&øØ. What impedes the restoration of either
verb in the Chian arbitration is the aorist tense (M()ø$*%) of the sentence that
follows, and the change of the subject of the two verbs (¸Æ&łÆŒÅ%#d ŒÆd
—ÆæØÆ%#), › +B&#, -Œ./*æ#,).4
2 [- - K2*Ø+c (+b) M]()ø$*%. It is possible that a new clause began
here whose main verb is the restored infinitive [qæŁÆØ] in l. 6 (see below
comm. on l. 5).
3 [- - -]ÆØ /a KªŒº0&Æ/Æ. Ed. pr. restored [Œæ)%*$ŁÆØ /a I+ØŒ0&Æ/Æ Œ]Æ),
arguing that in ll. 3–6 two different procedures are distinguished, as is normal
in documents related to foreign judges: the Œæ)$Ø,, which will be performed by
judges, and the $9ººı$Ø,, i.e. the reconciliation. Herrmann politely questioned
Vanseveren’s interpretation, contending that it would be strange for the Œæ)$Ø,
to precede the $9ººı$Ø,; for Herrmann’s questioning cf. I.Priene 53 ll. 9–11;
ibid 54 ll. 8–11.5
4 [- - -]%Æ,. Ed. pr. restored [/a, 2æ6/*æ#%? ª*ª*%Å&5]%Æ,, on the assump-
tion that the word 1ŒŒºÅ/#Ø has the meaning of trials subject to appeal, ‘procès

On war captives, their liberation, related legal procedures, and other relevant issues, see
Bielman (1994) 277–320.
This difficulty has already been noted by Charles Crowther.
I owe the reference to Charles Crowther. However, the reverse order (first judgment and
then the reconciliation) is found in the rationale of the decrees I.Priene 53 l. 22, 54 l. 46; Milet I 3.
154 ll. 17–18.
An Arbitration: Lampsakos and Parion 61
qui étaient en appel’,6 on which see the commentary below. But should the
word have a different meaning, that of a trial that had to be heard before a
foreign court, it would be preferable to restore [/a, - - - &c ª*%#&5]%Æ,,
assuming that this did not happen because of the war; for the restoration cf.
[Dem.] In Euergum (47) 1: . . . #ƒ (%6&#Ø) 426º#Ø2#% IªH%Æ I2#+6%/*, /ÆE,
+)ŒÆØ, </e%> /H% ł*ı+#&Ææ/ıæ)ø%, ¥ %Æ, *Y /Ø, &.æ/ıæÆ, /a ł*ı+B
&Ææ/ıæ#F%/Æ, 2ÆæÆ$å6&*%#, j 2æ#Œº0$*Ø, &c ª*%#&5%Æ, j &Ææ/ıæ)Æ, 2Ææa
/e% %6&#% &Ææ/ıæÅŁ*)$Æ, . . . (‘. . . the laws allow another chance after a trial by
means of proceedings for false testimony, in order that, if anyone by bringing
forward witnesses testifying to what is false or by citing challenges which were
never tendered or depositions made contrary to law . . .’; translation by Murray
1939); also Dem. Epist. 2. 15: /a ªaæ &c ª*%6&*%= #PŒ 1$/Ø 2#ØB$ÆØ ª*ª*%B$ŁÆØ
(‘For it is impossible to make facts out of what never happened’; translation by
DeWitt and DeWitt (1949)).
‹$ÆØ q$Æ% 1ŒŒºÅ/#Ø. The relative clause refers to the noun /a, +[)|ŒÆ,]. It
appears that the meaning of the word 1ŒŒºÅ/#Ø here has been understood by
ed. pr.,7 and by Peter Frisch, in I.Parion T 59, as trials ‘subject to appeal’
(cf. LSJ9 s.v.);8 this appeal should be given a hearing by judges from a foreign
state (1ŒŒºÅ/#, 26ºØ,), Chios in our case. Herrmann,9 and Ager (1996) 252,
both implicitly, seem to take the 1ŒŒºÅ/#Ø +)ŒÆØ as trials that should be given a
hearing (not subject to appeal) by a foreign court.10
5 /a, +)Œ[Æ, | /a, - - - 2.$]Æ,. Ed. pr. restored /a, +)Œ[Æ, | º#Ø2a, qæŁÆØ
2.$]Æ,, but the omission of the definite article (/.,) before the adjective
(º#Ø2.,) is to my knowledge unparalleled. Therefore I would suggest that
the infinitive qæŁÆØ would be restored in the next line (6): I+ØŒ0[&Æ|/Æ - - -
qæŁÆØ 2.]%/Æ. The restoration of the infinitive, which seems very probable but

See n. 7.
Vanseveren (1937) 339: ‘Les procès qui étaient en appel seront tranchés par les juges.’
This is exactly the meaning of the locution in the well-known Chian rhetra: see Meiggs-
Lewis, GHI 8 C, ll. 11–15.
Herrmann (1979) 267, who follows Gauthier’s interpretation, i.e. Gauthier (1972) 329–30,
for the cases that should be judged in the 2æ6+ØŒ#, 26ºØ, and 1ŒŒºÅ/#, 26ºØ,. In note 73,
Herrmann very politely questions Vanseveren’s interpretation of the phrase and, indirectly,
the restored text in ll. 1–6. I note here that there is no mention whatsoever of Herrmann΄s
discussion of the Chian decree in BE (1980) 438, where his article was presented.
A trial subject to appeal in a foreign state is the meaning given by LSJ9, s.v. The phrase
1ŒŒºÅ/#Ø +)ŒÆØ is also attested in the Athenian arrangements for Iulis (Keos), IG II2. 111 ll. 73–5:
/a, +b +)ŒÆ, ŒÆd /|[a, ªæÆça, /a, ŒÆ/= @ŁÅ%Æ)ø% 2#Ø0$#&ÆØ] 2.$Æ, KŒŒº0/#, Œ|[Æ/a /a,
$ı%Ł0ŒÆ,, ›26$ÆØ i% t$Ø% 42bæ -]ŒÆ/e% +æÆå&., (RO 39: ‘All private and public lawsuits against
Athenians I shall make subject to appeal in accordance with the agreement, as many as are for
more than a hundred drachmas’). Gauthier (1972) 332, does not understand here an appeal of
these cases at Athens, but maintains, rightly in my opinion, that the important cases against
Athenians had to be judged directly at Athens.
62 Poleis in Conflict
which, of course, is by no means certain,11 is based on the clause ›&#. [)]ø, +b
qæŁ. ÆØ, on the assumption that the adverb refers to the infinitive preserved on
the stone; cf. I.Erythrai 31 ll. 4–5: ŒÆd /e% $/5çÆ%#% I%0%*ªŒÆ% zØ
K$/*çÆ%7|$Æ/* <&A,, ›&#)ø, +b ŒÆd /e åæı$)#% /e *N, /a (5%ØÆ; I.Priene 104
ll. 14–16: I%ƪæ.łÆØ +b ŒÆd /#f, $/*çÆ%7$Æ%|[/Æ,] 42e /6+[*] /e ł0çØ$&Æ·
›&#)ø, +b ŒÆd K2d /#F 80&Æ/#, /B, I%Æ/*|[ŁÅ]$#&5%Å, *NŒ6%#,. Of course, it
could be the case that the adverb in l. 6 of the Chian decree refers in general to
a similar preceding clause.12 For the meaning of the verb ÆYæ*Ø%, cf. the treaty
between Smyrna and Magnesia ad Sipylum (246 bc) OGIS 229 ll. 41–3:
$ı%/*º*$Ł5%/ø% +b /H% ‹æŒø% /a &b% KªŒº0&Æ/Æ ÆP/#E, /a ª*ª*%Å&5%Æ ŒÆ/a
/e% 26º*&#% XæŁø 2.%/Æ ŒÆd &c K(5$/ø &Å+b -/5æ#Ø, KªŒÆº5$ÆØ 2*æd /H% ŒÆ/a
/e% 26º*&#% ª*ª*%Å&5%ø% &0/* +Øa +)ŒÅ, &0/* ŒÆ/= ¼ºº#% /æ62#% &ÅŁ5%Æ
(Austin (2006), no. 174: ‘And when the oaths have been completed the
grievances which arose between them during the war shall all be lifted and
neither side shall be allowed to accuse the other about what took place
during the war, whether through action at law or in any other way’); IGR
IV 193, ll. 4 ff.: *N +5 /Ø%*, KªªæÆçÆd ª*ª5%Å[%/]ÆØ j Oç*غ0&Æ/Æ ŒÆ/a | /H%
26º*ø% ŒÆd /H% Iªø%#Ł*/H[%] | ŒÆd /H% Iæ(.%/ø% j +ØÆå*ØæØ|$.%/ø% /Ø /H%
Œ#Ø%H% /H% /c[%] | K2)$å*$Ø% 2*2#ØÅ&5%ø%, qæŁ[ÆØ | /]ÆF/Æ ŒÆd ¼ŒıæÆ *r %ÆØ.
I note here that the verb ÆYæ*$ŁÆØ in the passages cited above belongs to the
resolution of the documents. This is not the case in the Chian inscription:
the infinitive seems to be found among the requests of the two cities to the
Chian people.
6 [j Oç*غ0&Æ/Æ]. For the restoration ed. pr. draws attention to the parallel
of the Eretrian arbitration between Paros and Naxos, IG XI. 1065 (= IG XII. 5
128), ll. 8–9: &Å+b Oç*)ºÅ&Æ &Å+b 1ªŒºÅ&Æ | &Å+b I+)ŒÅ&Æ *r %ÆØ &[ÅŁb% N+Ø7/ÅØ
&Å+*%d ŒÆ/a /H% 26º*ø%] (‘[It is not permissible thenceforth to sue for]
recovery of a debt, [to bring] an accusation, [or to submit] a grievance, neither
against [a private citizen nor against one of the cities]).
6 fin.–8 Vanseveren initially envisaged the possibility of restoring these
lines so that the meaning would be that both parties wished there should not

See n. 12.
For similar cases, where the adverb ›&#)ø, could well refer to the general sense of the
preceding clause and not especially to the infinitive, cf. IG XII. 5 722 ll. 47–51: K2*Ø+c TØ&#Œæ./Å,
. . . I2#$/ƺ*d, +ØŒÆ$/0, . . . /0% /* +ØÆ+ØŒÆ$)Æ% K2#Ø0$Æ/# Y$Å% ŒÆd +ØŒÆ)Æ[% ŒÆd |/]c%
2Ææ*2Ø+Å&)Æ% 2æ52#ı$Æ% /BØ <&*/5æÆØ 26º*Ø . . . | ›&#)ø, +b ŒÆd =! çØŒæ./Å, . . . › ªæÆ&&Æ/*f,
ÆP/#[F] | 2Ææ5$å*/# /c% ŒÆŁ= -Æı/e% åæ*)Æ% (‘Since Timokrates . . . having been sent as a judge . . .
delivered a just and equitable settlement and completed a fitting stay in our city . . . Similarly,
Iphikrates too . . . his secretary, rendered service’). See also the decree of the people of the island
of Syros in honour of the Siphnian Onesandros, IG XII. 5 653 ll. 25–33: ›&#)ø[,] +b ŒÆd
IçÆæ2ƪ5%/ø% #NŒ*/ØŒH% $ø&./ø% etc. In this passage the adverb refers in general to the similar
good deeds of the honorand described in ll. 2–25. It is on the basis of cases such as these that
I consider the restoration to be very probable but not certain. I thank Georgia Malouchou for
alerting me to this point.
An Arbitration: Lampsakos and Parion 63
remain any dispute resulting from the wrongdoings of one against the other
(see app. cr.). But taking into consideration ll. 8–12 of the Eretrian arbitration
IG XI. 1065 (= IG XII. 5 128), she thought that the restoration could be ›&#. )ø,
+b qæŁ. ÆØ ŒÆd *Y /. .Ø %Æ ŒÆ/= [N|+Ø7/#ı 42Bæ]å*% I+ØŒ0&Æ/Æ &ÅŁ*%e,
42#º*Ø[2#&5|%#ı ÆP/HØ 2æe, ÆP]/a, KªŒº0&Æ/#, (‘And similarly, if a [private
individual ha]s any outstanding grievance, that it be removed with the result
that he has no outstanding case [against either city]’). Nevertheless, the clause
that follows refers to individuals. It is therefore likely that the preceding clause
refers to the two cities only.
10 $ı&86ºÆ.[ØÆ - - - ŒÆ/a /e% 26º]*&#%. The restoration [K%*$/H/Æ] was
proposed by the ed. pr. This particular participle is normally attributed to
words such as K%ØÆı/6, (Milet I 3, 147A, l. 3), 1/#, (TAM II 905), &0% (IG XII. 5
1009 l. 9), or to magistrates such as 2æı/.%*Ø, (at Chios: Condoleon (1949),
9–13 n. 2 [SEG XII 390], l. 30), &6%Ææå#, (PH 27 ll. 13, 15), $/æÆ/Ū#9, (I.
Priene 18 l. 13).13 It is also found attributed to the words $Ø/#+*)Æ (IG IX. 2
1104 l. 12), and KªŒº0&Æ/Æ (IG XII Suppl. 139 B, l. 124: I%ƪŒÆE#% +5 K$/Ø ŒÆd
$ı&ç5æ#% /a% 2Æ<E>$Æ% /H% +ØŒ.$/Æ% 2æ#$*%*%Ū&5%ø% $2#ı+.[%] /* ŒÆd
çغ#/Ø&)Æ% *N, </e> /a K%*$/.Œ#%/Æ 2Ææ= -ŒÆ/5æø% KªŒº0&Æ/Æ ŒÆ[d]
$ı%ƺº.ª&Æ/Æ +Ø*(.åŁÅ% ZæŁø, ŒÆd +)ŒÆØø,).
I would suggest restoring [&*/5øæÆ] or [I&çØ$8Å/#9&*%Æ]; the adjective
&*/5øæÆ, when attributed to contracts, transactions, and suits, has the mean-
ing in suspense, pending (LSJ9, s.v.), cf. IG XII. 6 95 ll. 3–6 (Samos, 3rd cent.
bc): . . . ‹2ø, #ƒ 2Ææƪ*%6&*%#Ø +ØŒÆ$/Æd I2e /a &*/5øæÆ $ı&86ºÆØÆ 1Œ /*
Mغ0/#ı ŒÆd M9%+#ı ŒÆd B AºØŒÆæ%Æ$$#F /Ø&ÅŁH$Ø%· | K2*Ø+c +ØÆç*æ#&5%ø%
/H& 2#ºØ/H% /a 2æe, Iºº0º#ı, | 42bæ /H% &*/*7æø% $ı&8#ºÆ)ø% . . . (7–9):
?غ#ŒºB, 8Æ$غ*f, CØ+#%)ø% | 1ªæÆł*% ‹2ø, › +B&#, › Mı%+)ø% I2#$/*)ºÅØ
+ØŒÆ$|/0æØ#% /e +ØƺF$#% /a &*/5øæÆ $ı&86ºÆØÆ (Austin (2006) no. 155: ‘ . . .
that the judges who came from Miletus, Myndus and Halicarnassus to settle
the contracts in suspense should be honoured; since, when the citizens were in
disagreement with each other over the contracts in suspense, Philocles king of
the Sidonians . . . wrote a letter requesting the people of Myndus to send a
panel of judges to settle the contracts in suspense’); for the restoration
[I&çØ$8Å/#9&*%Æ] cf. the Naxian decree IG XII. 4 1, 135 ll. 2–4: .ÅN/0$Æ/#
+ØŒÆ$/a, ŒÆd +Øƺº.[Æ|Œ/a, /#]f. , +ØÆŒæØ%#F%/Æ, 2*æd /H% I&ç[Ø$|8Å/#ı&5%]ø%
$ı&8#ºÆ)ø% (‘[The]y asked for judges and med[iators] for the purpose of
judging contracts under dispute’).
$ıªŒÆ/ÆŁ*&5[%ø%]; cf. OGIS 437 ll. 40–2: . . . K25&[łÆ&*%] . . . 2æ6, [/* /e%
4&5]|/*æ#% +B&#% ŒÆd /e% CÆæ+ØÆ%H%, [/e% 2ÆæÆŒÆ]|º5$#%/Æ +#F%ÆØ /a, å*EæÆ,
<&E% *N[, $9ººı$Ø%] | $ı%ŒÆ/ÆŁ*&5%ø% +b /H% +0&ø% -[ŒÆ/5æø%] | /#E,

Sometimes the alternative form K%*$/Ō7, is used in the same sense, cf. IG V. 1 932 l. 16, IG
XII. 6 25 l. 26, I.Erythrai 503 l. 11, Sokolowski, LSAM 32 l. 11. Cf. also cases where K%*$/Ō7, is
attributed to the terms 26º*&#, (IG IX. 2 66a l. 5), ŒÆØæ6,, +ØÆç#æ. (I.Cret. I xvi 3 l. 6).
64 Poleis in Conflict
2Ææƌƺ#ı&5%#Ø, (‘[We sent him . . . ] to demand that your people and the
Sardians give our hands i[n agreement], and with e[ach of us] having con-
sented to that which is demanded of us . . . ’).14
11 [/H% 2Ææƪ*%#&5%ø%] I2e /H% 26º*ø% (Vanseveren). As restored the
participle refers perforce to the delegates and the epekoos of each city; for the
restoration cf. IDélos 1513 ll. 46–7: $ı%*ı+#ŒØ6%/ø% | ŒÆd /H% 2Ææƪ*%#&5%ø%
2æ*$8*ı/A%. However, the restoration [/H% I2*$/ƺ&5%ø%] I2e /H% 26º*ø%
could also stand; see e.g. Milet I 3, 148, l. 67: /H% 2æ*$8*ØH% /H% I2*$/ƺ&5%ø%
K2d /a, $ıºº9$*Ø, (‘. . . the embassies sent for the reconciliation processes’); FD
III.4, 355, l. 27: &*/a /H% I[2*$/ƺ&]5%ø% 4ç= -ŒÆ/5æÆ, /B, 26º*ø, (‘ . . . along
with the delegates of each city’); cf. FD III.4, 22 l. 4; OGIS 229 l. 105; IG II2. 687
l. 27; Pol. 1. 79. 14.
12 /e& 2æ9/Æ%Ø% /e% $/*çÆ%Åç[6æ#%]. Vanseveren (1937) 344–7, offered
detailed notes on this magistrate. More specifically, she pointed out that
whereas in Chian inscriptions of the fourth and third centuries bc the epony-
mous magistracy belonged to the prytanis, in those of the late Hellenistic and
Roman Imperial periods it was the stephanephoros who acted as the epony-
mous archon. The inscription under consideration, as Vanseveren noted,
bridges the gap between the two periods by means of the combined title
prytanis stephanephoros.
13 [/#f, ƒ*æ*E, /#f, +Å]&. #/*º. *E,. Normally, the adjective is attributed to
the words Łı$)Æ (LSAM 73 l. 26), -#æ/0 (Thuc. 2. 15. 2), Iª7% (IG XII. 8 2 l.
13).15 Sometimes it refers to human beings: one such example comes from
Chios itself, already mentioned by Vanseveren (1937) 342, where the adjective
is partially preserved, but I think that the restoration is certain (Robert (1933)
518–29 [=OMS i. 486–97]: [I%)*$ŁÆØ +b I2e /H%] 1æªø% ŒÆd /#f, #NŒ5/Æ[, |
/#f, +b ƒ*æ*E, /#f, +Å&#]/*º*E, ŒÆd /a, ƒ*æ*)Æ, I|[%#)(Æ%/Æ, /#f, %Æ#f,] /H%
Ł*H% 2ÆæØ$/.%ÆØ. Another case is from Ephesos (third cent. ad; LSCG Suppl.
121 ll. 10–11): 2*æØŪ#ı&5%#ı ŒÆd +Ø+.$Œ#%/#, ÆP/e% /#F +Å&#/*º#F,
14 [ª)%*$ŁÆØ $ı]&. ç*æ6%/[ø],. /. c% $9ººı$Ø%. For the restoration of the infin-
itive cf. IG XI. 1065 ll. 19–20: ¥ %[Æ | +b - - - /c% $9º]ºı$Ø% ª*ª*%Å&5%Å%.
16 [ŒÆd - - -] K2Ø/*º5$ÆØ Łı$)Æ%. Vanseveren in her commentary tentatively
proposed [ŒÆd I%#)(Æ%/Æ, /#f, %Æ#9,] citing the parallel of the Chian inscrip-
tion mentioned above, Robert (1933) 518–29 ll. 8–10: [/#f, +b ƒ*æ*E, /#f,
+Å&#]/*º*E, ŒÆd /a, ƒ*æ*)Æ, I|[%#)(Æ%/Æ, /#f, %Æ#f,] /H% Ł*H% 2ÆæØ$/.%ÆØ

The restoration [$9ººı$Ø%] is certain because a similar clause appears in ll. 18–20.
I have also found it twice attributed to gods: IG XII. 7 4 ll. 2–3: K2*Ø+c < ƒ5æ*ØÆ /B,
˜0&Å/æ#[,] | /B, ˜[Å]&#/*[º]#F, *N$ƪª5ºº*Ø; IG XII. 9 20 ll. 3–4: [/]e% KŒ ª5%#ı, ƒ*æ5Æ |
˜Ø#%9$#ı ˜Å&#/*º#F[,].
For other occurrences of the term and a full treatment of it, see Pirenne-Delforge (2005).
An Arbitration: Lampsakos and Parion 65
17–18 [ŒÆd 2.$ÆØ,· - - - /#f], 2æ*$8*ı/a, Œ.Æd /e% K2. 0Œ##% [-|ŒÆ/5æÆ, /B,
26º*ø, - - -]/Æ, &*/a ¸Æ&łÆŒÅ%H% ŒÆd —ÆæØ|[Æ%H% - - -]%. I think that here the
Chian people ask the delegates and the epekooi of the two cities to be present at
the sacrifices: cf. I.Iasos (Bargylia) 612 ll. 35–7: Kç= #x , › +B&#, /e ł0çØ$&Æ
[K2Ø]Œıæ7$Æ, [/e 2æ#.ª#% K20Ø%*$*% ÆP/|e]% 2Æ%+Å&*d ŒÆd Łı$)Æ, K2Ø/*º5$Æ,
/#E, Ł*#E, K25/Æ[(*% /HØ $/*çÆ%Åç6æøØ | Œ]ƺ5$ÆØ /#f, 2æ*$8*ı/a, *N, /e ƒ*æe%
K2d /a, Łı$)Æ, (‘For the sake of which, the people having [ra]tified the decree
[put to them (?) praised hi]m publicly, and having sacrificed to the gods, order
[ed the stephanephoros to i]nvite the ambassadors to the sanctuary for sacri-
fices’); I.Magnesia 59A ll. 8–9: ŒÆº5$ÆØ /#f, 2æ*$8*ı/a, | [*N, /e —.%Ł]*[#]%
[¥ %]Æ. $ı%Ł9ø$Ø% ŒÆd $ı%H$Ø% . . . Therefore I propose the following tentative
restoration: [ŒÆd 2.$ÆØ,· ŒÆº5$ÆØ +b /#f], 2æ*$8*ı/a, ŒÆd /e% K2. 0Œ##%
[-|ŒÆ/5æÆ, /B, 26º*ø, - - -]. On the epekooi see the notes by Vanseveren
(1937) 342, and Herrmann (1979) 264–5. I note here that in IG XI. 1065 (= IG
XII. 5 128) the epekooi are the actual delegates sent by the two cities (Paros and
Naxos) to Eretria.17 It seems that the same is true in the arbitration of Knidos
between Temnos and Klazomenai (SEG XXIX 1130).18 On the contrary, in the
present text the epekoos is a different person from the ambassadors
(2æ*$8*ı/Æ)) of the two cities.
18–19 [- - -]/Æ, &*/a ¸Æ&łÆŒÅ%H% ŒÆd —ÆæØ|[Æ%H% - - -]%. Presumably the
Chian people also asked the Lampsakenes and the Parians who might have
come with the ambassadors for the trials to be present at the sacrifices;19 cf. IG
XII Suppl. 200 l. 7: ŒÆº[5$ÆØ +b ŒÆd *N, Æh|æØ#%] K2d /a ƒ*æa *N, /e 2æı/[Æ%*E#%
/#f, 2æ*$8*ı|/a], ŒÆd /e% ªæÆ&&Æ/B ŒÆd [/#f, XŒ#%/Æ, &*/= ÆP/]H% ¼%+æÆ,
2.%/Æ,· ›&#[)ø, +b ŒÆº*E% /#f,] | 2æ*$8*ı/a, ŒÆd /e% ªæÆ&&[Æ/B K2d /pººÆ
ƒ*æa] | 2.%/Æ, 1ø, i% 2Ææ*2Ø+Å&[H$Ø%] (‘Invi[te the ambassador]s and their
secretary and all the men [who have come with th]em [to tomorrow’s]
sacrifices in the pryt[aneion], and simila[rly, invite the] ambassadors and the
secre[tary to] all [other sacrifices] as long as they remain here’). I would
propose the following tentative restoration: [/H% &*/= ÆP/H% <Œ6%/ø]%, or, on
considerations of space, [/H% 2Ææƪ*%#&5%ø]%.
12–19 On these lines, which refer to the vows and sacrifices that had to be
made by the Chian magistrates for the success of the syllysis, see the detailed
commentary of Vanseveren (1937) 342–3.
21 [/c% +Øƺ*(#&5%Å% 2*æ]d. /B, K2Ø/*/*º*$&5%Å, (Vanseveren). The re-
stored participle refers to the word 2æ*$8*)Æ% in l. 19; for the restoration cf.
IG IX. 1² 194A ll. 13–16: ŒÆd 2*æd /#9/ø% /e Œ#Ø[%e% /]H% AN/øºH% ŒÆd ›

This was already noted by Haussoullier (1917) 18 n. 3.
In the treaty between the two cities (text B of the inscription), it is stated that an epekoos
(delegate) will be sent to the ekkletos polis on the occasion of a future arbitration.
One cannot exclude the possibility that these people might have been present at Chios at
the time on unrelated business. Yet, I consider this scenario to be less likely.
66 Poleis in Conflict
$/æÆ/Ūe, XÆæ)(*%#, I2*$/.ºŒ|[Æ$Ø 2æe, /]e% +[B&#]% 2æ*$8*)Æ% /c%
+Øƺ*(#&5%Å%, ‹2ø, | [i% I2#+5åÅ/ÆØ › +B&#, | /]e[% I]ª[H]%[Æ]; Sokolowski,
LSCG 71 ll. 1–3: K2*Ø+c $ı&8Æ)%*Ø /c& | 26ºØ% /c% @ŒæÆØçØ5ø% I2#$/*EºÆØ
2æ*$8*ı/a, /æ*E, ¼%+æÆ, /#f, +ØÆ|º*(#&5%#ı, &*/a /#F ƒ*æ5ø, ŒÆd /#F
2æ#ç0/#ı 2æe, /a, | 26º*Ø,. Nevertheless the participle of the verb
I2ƪª5ºº*Ø% could also be restored here: [/c% I2ƪª*º#F$Æ% 2*æ]d. /B,
K2Ø/*/*º*$&5%Å,, cf. IG II². 31 ll. 17–20:20 .-º.5. [$Ł]Æ. Ø [+b] ¼%. +[æ]Æ. , /æ Ð*, K(
@Ł[Å]%Æ[)ø%] | ±2.%. /[ø]% #¥/. .Ø %*,. I2ƪª*º Ð#$Ø 2. æ[e, B E8]|æ9Ç. [*º]&Ø. % /. [a]
.K łÅçØ$&5%Æ /HØ +[0]&[øØ, I2]|ƪª*[º] Ð#$Ø +. b ŒÆd 2*æd /H% %*H%; also IG II².
653 ll. 43–7: å*Øæ#/#%B$ÆØ 2æ5|[$8*Ø, /æ*]E, ¼%+æÆ, K( @ŁÅ%Æ)ø% ±2.%/ø%,
#¥ /Ø[%|*, ƃæ*Ł5]%/*,. . . ŒÆd I2Æ%ª*º#F$Ø /c% *h%#ØÆ% m% | [1å*Ø 2æe], ÆP/e% ›
[2*æ]d. /B, K2Ø/. */*º..*$&5%Å,. The participle seems to refer to the word
$ıºº9$*ø, (in l. 22). However, it is strange that in l. 16 the verb K2Ø/*º*E%
governs the word Łı$)Æ%, a construction that is, of course, well attested (see
LSJ9, s.v. II), whereas here it is constructed with $ıºº9$*ø,.
21–2 42e /[#F | +0&#ı /#F <&*/5æ#ı]. Thus Vanseveren (1937) 343 (cf. IG
XII. 7 31 ll. 6–7), who, however, expressed doubts about her own restora-
tion. If something similar was indeed inscribed on the stone, I would
suggest, for reasons of spacing, a slight modification: 42e /[#F | <&*/5æ#ı
+0&#ı] (cf. IG XII. 5 836 l. 12; I.Magnesia 85 ll. 10–11, 17; I.Magnesia 101
ll. 12, 20).
22–3 ¥%Æ +b ŒÆd +ØÆ&. [5|%ÅØ /ÆF/Æ Œ9æØÆ *N, /e% –2Æ%]/Æ åæ6%#%· cf. FD III.2,
70a l. 11: [‹2ø,] /ÆF/Æ Œ9æØÆ +ØÆ&5%fi Å ŒÆ[Ł7, - -]; Sokolowski, LSAM 13 ll. 26–
8: ‹2ø, +b /ÆF/Æ *N, /e% –2Æ%/Æ åæ6%#% +ØÆ&5%ÅØ | 858ÆØÆ ’`$ŒºÅ2Ø.+ÅØ ŒÆd
/#E, I2#ª6%#Ø, /#E, |’`$ŒºÅ2Ø.+#ı, K2Ø/*º*E% ›æŒø&6$Ø#% /c% 26ºØ% (‘In order
that this may remain fixed forever, both for Asklepiades and for his descen-
dants, it is decreed that the city make an oath-swearing sacrifice’). In both
cases the clause does not refer to the decision to inscribe the decree on a stele,
as in the Chian decree. For a similar case cf. Rigsby (1996) 295–6, no. 134 ll.
12–13: ‹2ø, +b +ØÆ&5%ÅØ /6+* /e [ł0çØ$&Æ] | K% /e[&] 2.%/Æ åæ6%#%, I%ƪæ.łÆØ
etc. (‘So that this decree will remain valid for ever . . .’); I.Magnesia 91a ll. 12–
14: ‹2ø, +b ŒÆd K% /e% I[)+Ø#% åæ6|%#% çÆ%*æa qØ /]a +*+#ª&5%Æ, I%ƪæ.łÆØ /6+*
/e +6ª&[Æ K% $/.ºÆ, +9|# ŒÆd $/A$ÆØ /a]% &b% K% ˜*ºç#E, K% /HØ ƒ*æHØ etc. (‘So
that the decisions made will be manifest for all time, inscribe this decision on
two stelae and set up one of them at Delphi, in the shrine . . .’). Therefore
I would suggest the following restoration: ¥%Æ +b ŒÆd +ØÆ&. [5|%ÅØ /a +*+#ª&5%Æ
*N, /e% –2Æ%]/Æ åæ6%#%.
On the basis of the analysis above, I offer here a tentative translation of the

The text here given is based on autopsy of the stone. Underlined letters are no longer
An Arbitration: Lampsakos and Parion 67


[- - -] captured? (request?) Lampsaken[- - - and Parian- - -] each people deemed it

worthy [ - - -] the accusations and the trials [- - -] whichever were given a hearing, and
the t[rials - - - them a]ll and the remaining accusations or wrongdo[ings or debts]
similarly, all of them should be lifted, and if there were any [- - -] wrongdoing, without
any earlier accusation against them being left out, and if there are any private contracts
with them [- - - during the w]ar, in addition to these, with the consent of [the - - -]
from the cities; with good fortune; let it be r[esolved by the people] that the stepha-
nephoros prytanis and the public priests and priestesses shall pray to all the gods and
goddesses so that the reconciliation will be carried out advantageously for the benefit
of the people of Lampsakos and the people of Parion [and - - -] perform a sacrifice to
all the gods and goddesses; - - - the] ambassadors and the epekoos (delegate?) [of each
city - - -] with the Lampsakenians and the Paria[ns - - -]; and send also an embassy to
[the people of Lamps]akos and the people of Pario[n which will announce (or
discuss)?] about the reconciliation performed by the [people - - - between them]; so
that [the decisions taken] will be [preserved in] perpetuity, the exetastai [- - - - - will
take] care of the construction of a ste[le made of stone, on which the] decree will be
in[scribed - - - - - - - -]

The Chian decree refers to the arbitration of the disputes between the neigh-
bouring cities of Lampsakos and Parion, disputes that resulted from war
between them (ll. 1(?) and 10). Lines 1–11 preserve part of the requests of
the two cities, and ll. 12–24 contain the main body of the decree of the people
of Chios. This last part refers to the vows that had to be undertaken by certain
Chian magistrates for the success of the syllysis, and to the sacrifices related to
it. The same lines also refer to embassies that had to be sent to the two cities to
announce the syllysis, and to the erection of a stele for the inscribing of the
decree. What we know of the content of the arbitration proper derives only
from the requests of the two cities (ll. 1–11). It seems that the delegates asked
the Chians to arrange for the 1ŒŒºÅ/#Ø +)ŒÆØ to be judged by an ad hoc court of
Chian judges, while certain other cases were to be null and void.21 Apart from
the very uncertain reference to war captives (if my restoration of ll. 1–2 stands),
for whom measures had to be taken according to the requests of the two
parties, no mention is made in the preserved text of border disputes. In general
no other public disputes between the two cities are specified.22

Herrmann (1979) 265 n. 73, has questioned the opinion expressed by Vanseveren that both
the Œæ)$Ø, and the $9ººı$Ø, would be administered by the Chian judges. However he himself
drew attention to the Eretrian arbitration of the disputes between Paros and Naxos, IG XI. 1065
[= Ager (1996) no. 83], where (l. 27) the resolution of the judges is described as $9ººı$Ø,. See also
Milet I 3. 154 ll. 16–19, where the Milesian judges judged certain cases and also arbitrated some
others; cf. also I.Magnesia 90 ll. 12–14.
Cf. the resolution of the Knidian court in the arbitration between Temnos and Klazo-
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68 Poleis in Conflict
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At I.Lampsakos, p. 132, T. 105, and I.Parion, pp. 68–9, T. 59; the same date is favoured by
Ager (1996) 251.
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