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 Software Development:

1) C Programming
2) Problems on C
3) C++ Programming
4) Problems on CPP
5) DSA on C and C++
6) Python Language
7) DSA & Books on Python
8) Competitive Programming
9) JAVA Language (with DSA)
10) Competitive Programming (Advanced)

 Web Development:
1) Front End
2) Back End
3) DevOps

 Communicational Skills:
1) English Language
2) Hindi Language

 GATE Subjects
@ All subjects Preparation

 Technologies: (Certifications)
1) AWS and AZURE cloud based
2) Cybersecurity
3) Machine Learning
4) Artificial Intelligence
5) Robotics
6) Data Science
7) Android App Development
8) Drone
9) Self Driving Car
10) AR/VR
11) IOT
12) Rasberry PI
13) Arduino



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